Has anyone being following the terrifying messages being delivered with chilling fanaticism in this year’s annual BBC propaganda-fest, the Reith lectures? Lord Rees of Ludlow regards humankind as a disease or a “fever”. Man-made global warming is an indisputable fact that must be tackled before and above everything else. He talks menacingly about over-population and unsustainability (so did Hitler). He postulates a new cadre of scientists (who think similarly to himself, of course) to control political decisions. He demands that CO2 consumption be rationed throughout the world at much lower levels than that in the west (thereby condemning millions to fuel poverty). He wants Britain to focus away from traditional manufacturing (i.e. that which provides what people actually want) towards green energy (ie on what they don’t want, that doesn’t work, isn’t necessary, and is viable only with massive subsidy).
In short, this is the groupthink and the creed of the BBC; it’s through these talks you can see the true mindset and agenda.
Frightening, isn’t it? I wonder of Lord Reith would turn in his grave…
The BBC are now a collective mouthpiece to everything they believe in, and spread the poisoned word at every opportunity. Rees should be ashamed of himself, but he won’t be because he is as blinkered as the rest of them, with one purpose in mind – brainwash the plebs to satisfy the master, as he has allowed himself to be brainwashed. All hail climate change, Al Gore, and Mann, et al, for they are kings in his world. God help us (and them).
On the one hand you have the idiot senile Rees bleating about overpopulation and the BBC trying to get us all to kill sick relatives in their so-called “assisted suicide ” propaganda.
As soon as people think it is other people causing their planet to be destroyed then you have a recipe for all kinds of horrors. The people who peddle this dark age superstiton are the most evil people imaginable.
Even if their “prophecy” becomes true we can and should wait for a technological solution – which has always worked in the past. These so-called scientists do not seem to trust science to find an answer – they are the alchemists of the medieval world and I hope if there is any extermination to be done then they are first in the queue, hypocrits.
This is exactly what all witch hunting cults lead to- the killing and destroying of ordinary lives. This man Rees is one of those who hate and fear humanity believing in an idealised world of his own devising. This evil is what drives the new barbarians . The creation of a world that they order and control. Islam is a threat to the West but the greatest threat is from the Rees type creatures. They believe that they are the answer to all the problems of existence and that humanity needs to be remade in their image to fit the world they believe should be.
Christianity and a love of freedom are their greatest enemies.
Can’t find a general thread but two things.
1. The vile Peter Allen on Radio 5 was fuming that the Tories are going to have a public inquiry into the what are in my view hundreds of murders at that crappy NHS dump of a hospital in Staffordshire.
He was ranting away about “a waste of money”, “will be learn anything new”, “this is political” etc etc.
Funny I don’t ever remember this beeboid mong saying the same about the bloody Sunday inquiries, especially the current one that’s racked up some 700 million. I guess seeing the Army smeared with lies is right up the mong’s back passage.
Then has anyone else see the doctored Reuters images of the Israeli soldiers being attacked? Reuters Photoshopped out the knives the protesters had on them. I’m betting the rent boy raping twats at the BBC haven’t run this story yet? (Fox News have)
Lord Rees of Ludlow
Shouldn’t that be Lord Rees of Luddite?
Don’t concern yourself too much. Almost no-one outside the BBC/Guardian/AGW loon daisy-chain listens to the Reith Lectures, let alone takes them seriously. The reputation of the Lectures has declined irredeemably over the last few years. Certainly, the millennial Lecture in 2000 struck a new low in cultural comment and it’s been downhill all the way from there.
You only have to look at the lecturers
(listed at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Reith_Lectures )
to see why. With a couple of exceptions, the lecturers in the last 20 years have been drones selected by the BBC from the same bien pensant “intelligentsia” whose mindset is unsurprisingly identical to those whom the BBC recruit and nurture: an inward-looking, intolerant , self-referential and self-satisfied crew of patronising mediocrity.
Small minded
Just a few descriptive words that describe the BBC and its fellow travellers?
FWIW and I think you will agree unsurprising:
Prince Charles second in line to the throne(god help us all)has just told us we should all follow the example of islamic religious law and morals, he seems to labour under the illusion that islam is somehow greener and cares for the earth where the greedy west is destroying said earth.
Yeah thats great Charles lets all follow islam like you say, its not as though you are 2nd in line to be the defender of our national religion is it?
Yeah lets all follow the example that has been set for us by the religion of peace, itll be great and lovely because islam has not created strife and death and pain wherever its gained a whiphand has it?
Even better Charles is the wonderful treatment of women by islam and its kindness toward Jews and infidels, never has a religion offered unbelievers such love.
Prince Charles complete prick and a BBC friend, they should suit each other fine.
Indeed Charles is another hypocrite.
In the world of “global warming” there is no “lead by example”, just “do what I say”.
Prince Charles, the great environmentalist whose Kings Trust would dearly like to concrete over most of our countryside for profit through housing development, whilst having the damned nerve to lecture the rest of us about saving the planet.
One also has to wonder at his own treatment of women, and the unfortunate demise of his former wife…
He is a complete nonentity, and I wonder if when the late, great Spike Milligan publically called him a “snivelling little bastard” (in apparent jest), deep down he meant every word.
What a country. What an inheritance. And the sad thing is, it ain’t gonna get better any time soon.
Or was it “grovelling little bastard”? Either way, if the cap fits…
Here he is Prince “Shmuck”
Charles is a prat . There is a great photo in the Daily Mail online of students in the audience looking totally bored. Two of them are actually asleep !
I really can spell ‘publicly’, honest…
I doubt the Chinese or Indians really give a toss what Lord Rees thinks. Nor should we.