Don’t ya just love ’em – the greenies? BBC global warmist alarmist Mark Kinver details here the truly terrifying row between “environmentalists” and the European Commission over biofuels. On the one side, the EU is doing what it does best – creating new layers of lunatic bureaucracy to “certify” that forests cut down for biofuel are not doing ecological harm. They proudly declare that their new laws are the “most stringent” (i.e. most repressive) in the world. Over in the other corner, those “environmentalists” (to the BBC, the most saintly group of people on earth) are yelping that – despite years of pressure to force biofuel production – they now think that cutting down trees by the million to do so is not a good idea. Mr Kinver, of course, reports it all without any attempt at balance. Centre stage in his mincing words are Sebastien Risso of Greenpeace, and – how utterly shameful that this should be the case – the Conservative MEP spokesman, who apparently applauds and supports the EU measures.
Not one squeak, of course, from Mr Kinver about the twin elephants in the room: It was the greenies who caused this idiotic quest for biofuels when we don’t need them, and are now reaping the whirlwind; and that the EU’s role in ploughing on relentless to wreak ecological havoc is beyond parody, but entirely true to form. We are ruled by eurocrats (supported by the Cleggerons)who make Stalin look amateur.
The EU so called green/eco policies have been and continue to be utterly disasterous,hugely damaging and expensive. The EU is a Byzantine beaurocracy run by anti democratic fools who base their actions on emotional and emotive political values rather than common sense.
There is no underestimating the destructive nature of the EU, it is actively destroying Europe as a first world nation, every action and every motivation seems tailored to assist this outcome.
The BBC toady show and Harrabin have been reporting a move to increase the destructive 20% reduction of carbon emmissions to an incredible 30% and its spun as a great idea! The EU we are told can become “a leader by example” and this example will encourage other nations to do the same, does this not illustrate the EU collective madness and wishful thinking? On what basis do these fools think that by destroying the economies of Europe the world will follow happily because the euro fools set a moral example.
The obvious conclusion is that the EU is in the grip of a collective madness where those in charge actually believe the world can be made to work according to their emotional will, it wont and it cant and it never will.
The EU could demand that the entire economy is shut down and it would not affect the natural climate cycle by one tenth of a degree, they are determined to close down our energy matrix just at the point in the natural cycle when cooling may well descend like a killer blanket, what price a moral leadership then?
The EU like the BBC do not exist in the real world, they exist in a fake world of subsidies and wishful thinking, for all our sakes they need to be exposed to the cold winds of reality and soon!
EU “leading by example”. Where the EU lead, the US, China and India will surely follow ! You couldn’t make it up. The EU fanatics are mentally deranged and we all have to suffer.
Just an add on thought FWIW,
The EU and the BBC have much in common, both are insulated from reality and both are guided by an emotional political belief system that guides their actions. Both exist on the backs of others work and would not exist if it were not for that parasitical nature. Both must know that they rely on leaching money from others and seek to justify it by inflating their own importance to themselves and those who pay and both seem to waste the extorted money that others earn with a willful glee, almost as if on a subconcious level they realise the parasitical nature of their existence and form a hatred of the money they both leech from others.
Money earned is chersihed whereas money not earned is squandered, if the EU and the BBC had to actually earn their money they would be a great deal more careful in the spending of it.
A first world society has become so weakened by by a growing parasite culture that it is destroying the whole society and quicker than many think.
Thank you for saving my time ! Splendid post. Right on the button !
You have to laugh at the way that the Saudis wait until the last knockings, and then spike all their guns by declaring “No, not happy with that”, which rather buggers everything for another 6 months. In the meantime, we all have to exhale 30% less.
Ooooh NOoooo!
Chris Huhne is reported as saying that the move from a unilateral reduction of 20% emmissions to a 30% unilatral reduction in CO2 emmissions will “ONLY COST AN ESTIMATED EIGHTY ONE BILLION POUNDS” Oh so thats a real bargain isnt it? What planet do these morons live on where an act of economic sabotage costing a gigantic amount of money by any standards can be seen as good value when the outcome is simply a claim to a moral leadership of the world?
I simply cannot begin to undestand how anyone could possibly justify spending that kind of money simply to claim a moral leadership that will not be emulated by any sane nation in a million years.
We are broke and in debt upto and including our eyeballs, we will be paying off the debt for generations and the government thinks that wasting all that money for nothing more than a warm moral feeling is good value, a two thousand pound guided bomb deftly targeted at Westminster when all the foolish idiots are all present would be value for money.
The EU even have an office in little Gambia, big 4-wheel drives and eat in the most expensive restaurants. What the hell are they doing there ?
Er yeees, I think we all know why that little office was set up and why so many of the upper echelons like to visit so often on fact finding missions.
I suppose calling their satiation of their perverted lusts on ultra poor people in privacy and protected by a regime that relies on aid a ‘fact finding mission’ might just cover the reality.
And the weather is quite nice. Any EU missions in Siberia ?
Just finished reading “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand, written late 50s early 60s. It portrays exactly the world as envisioned by her, the rulers use “feelings” to guide them not reason. Reminded me of our rulers both the real government in Brussels and our provincial government in Westminster. All touchy, feely but no reason or even basic common sense. It should contain a warning, as should “1984”, ” This is a WARNING, NOT an instruction manual”.
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Warm Regards,
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