In it’s zeal to create the impression that the world and his wife wants the naval blockade of Gaza lifted, the BBC gushes that “The blockade on the Gaza Strip “must be broken”, the head of the Arab League Amr Moussa has said.” Odd then how they are less than effusive about sharing the news that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has told Obama that the naval blockade must be retained, lest it bolster Hamas. I guess not all news is equal…
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Abbas has to do a delicate juggling act, pretending to be concerned about Hamas and co. since they are fellow Palestinians while also trying to hold onto his shaky leadership of the PA. If that were not enough, he has to subdue his natural impulse to proudly celebrate the “martyrs” who slaughter Israeli children and keep the celebrations low key in case they might be picked up by the Western left who might then gain a dim idea of who Abbas is and what his aims are, but not that low key that the Arab street will accuse him of totally selling out to the US and Israel.
Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him.
The BBC has never honestly disussed these dilemmas, and never will.
What is the reprehensible Franks still doing “reporting” on the conflict. I suppose he’s working in a notice period, so he’ll be inflicting his “journalism” on us for a while still.
The BBC narrative is that Palestinian brotherly solidarity should be pimped at every opportunity, they simply do not want Joe Public to know the actual truth of a bitter fued and venomous mutual loathing not only between hamas and fatah but between the various tribes and gangs.
Only a race hate campaign against the hated Jews brings a veneer of comradeship as thin as a sheet of tissue paper so the BBC pimps this solidarity to the public lest they realise that all that aid swallowed by the tens of billions has simply been wasted on a infighting bunch of rats in a sack. All the vast aid does apart from enriching the gangsters is prolong the hatred in the region and perhaps that is the plan.
Abbas is completely scared that in the event of achieving a two state solution the Islamists will do to him what they did in Gaza and Israel will do nothing to stop it. He just can’t openly say it.
The same applies to the “Arab World” in general. Arab solidarity, don’t make me laugh !
William Hague and Nick Clegg are pushing for unfettered access to and from Gaza. William Hague must have changed his mind since saying, immediately after the flotilla drama, that lifting the blockade at this time would look like a victory for Hamas.
If that’s what Mahmoud Abbas thinks too, I take it that this doesn’t bother the government; or the BBC. Not to mention what it would mean for Israel.
The only person to shed tears over the Gazza strip was Paul Gascoigne.
I’m tired of hearing this nonsense about how the blockade – or anything else Israel does – somehow strengthens Hamas’ position in Gaza. Who the hell else is waiting in the wings to take over? It’s total BS.
There’s no other faction waiting to fill the vaccuum left behind if Hamas magically loses popularity or whatever. Who does the BBC or Hague or any lurking defenders of the indefensible think is capable of challenging Hamas in Gaza these days? It’s ridiculous. Hamas had control before the blockade went up, and if concrete and building materials and all the other stuff coming through the tunnels was let in legally, Hamas would be even stronger.
This idea that Hamas somehow has a stronger grip on Gaza because of the blockade is an absolute joke.
Indeed David – the people of Gaza love Hamas and the Isrealis are to blame for strengthening their support.
It could have nothing to do with the people of Gaza being terrified of Hamas could it.
Here is the second part
There are two reasons why hamas is gaining power:
1) unlimited no strings free aid and money to pay off its gangster leaders.
2) Useful idiot collaborators forcing the above policy of no strings unlimited aid so hamas can continue the racist jihad without worring about actually caring for its own population.
The aid is the problem, the UNRWA is the problem, the refugee camps are the problem, stop the flow of terrorist support and you cripple hamas for good and peace can reign but not before the aid is used to make it happen.
Talk about selective, and balance!
Check out the related links on this page:
Israel sets up inquiry into deadly Gaza flotilla raid
Related internet links
Israeli government
WitnessGAZA flotilla updates
Free Gaza movement
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
The BBC is responsible for deciding to post one link to the Israeli government and TWO links to the terror enablers!
No room for this one?
‘Talk about selective, and balance!’
Just watched on Breakfast News the ‘report’ on the enquiry to be set up.
What was left in (footage used); what was left out, and the tone used all point to every selective and editorial technique that is and will be deployed to make sure this narrative is enhanced to suit.
I dont think Egypt is too keen on Hamas either.
Hamas declares itself to be a part of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is banned in Egypt, and members have been arrested for their participation in it. The connection to violence is disputed but the Egyptian government clearly believes it and over the years has done much, including torture to limit the group’s activities.
The BBC is strangely quiet about Egypt generally. How dare Egypt not follow the BBC’s narrative.
It wasn’t until a few months ago that the BBC even mentioned Egypt’s involvement at all, or the fact that they had a border with Gaza. Until recently, it was always the “Israeli blockade”, full stop, with no mention of Egypt’s border at all, except for that one time when the Palestinians stormed it and broke through. I complained about it here for years until they changed it.
I have no idea what forced this change in editorial policy, but I’m glad they did it. It’s still not enough, especially considering the tunnels come from the Egyptian side, but it’s better than it used to be. It would be interesting to know what caused the BBC to be more honest about it, though.