Today is the zenith for Irish republican propaganda and the BBC is keen to play a part. The Saville Report is published today and the BBC reporters in “Derry” (No hint of bias there, folks) are there to join in the British Army bashing contest. They interviewed IRA Commander Martin McGuinness (the butcher in charge of terrorism in Londonderry at that time ) and never asked ANY challenging questions about his role. Instead we are served up what republican agitators want – namely the blackening of the reputation of the British Army. I also see the BBC whitewashes the significance of the earlier Widgery report which found the Parachute Regiment innocent of the charges levelled at it. The BBC – never happier when it is playing a role in making us feel ashamed of our military.
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Just heard on Today a protestant from (London)Derry (delete as required) saying that we need to avoid revisionism about Bloody Sunday…….followed by St James of Republican smug Naughtie doing EXACTLY that. Oh well.
Here are some facts for the revisionists, courtesy of Wikipedia:
“In 1972, the Provisional IRA killed approximately 100 soldiers, wounded 500 more and carried out approximately 1,300 bombings, mostly against commercial targets which they considered “the artificial economy”. The bombing campaign killed many civilians, notably on Bloody Friday on July 21, when 22 bombs were set off in the centre of Belfast killing seven civilians and two soldiers.”
Don’t expect the BBC will be focussing on any of these facts in the near future.
By the way, and speaking as someone who has ancestors with strong Republican sympathies, I do think that the paras acted in a shocking and brutal manner on that day, but murder? Not certain. It is ironic that whilst the BBC inevitably self-flagellates yet again about such events involving the British Army, certain others who directed premeditated and brutal murder now sit in Government in the province, accountable to no one, including the BBC who always avoid such “sensitive” issues when interviewing them.
Pounce – good post. The BBC’s refusal to tackle McGuinness on HIS role is disgusting. McGuinness is a pivotal figure in what happened on that day and also what happened three days earlier when unknown IRA gunmen shot dead two RUC officers in Londonderry. This is all now whotewashed from history as the quest for “justice” continues. Good old BBC- always giving us the facts.
Never mind the nearly 20 soldiers murdered by the IRA scum at Warren point.
The BBC really are scum, get Aids and die beeboids.
Not sure about AIDS, it is treatable. But , there is no cure for the BBC.
The BBC fanatical revisionism goes even beyond the republican lust for emotional hooks on which they can hang their victimhood, even the republican movement realises that the part they played was a central plank of the tragedy.
You see the BBC has a fixation with picking at wounds and stirring up old differences, rabble rousing the victim status addicts.
We hear on the BBC toady show the very worst aspects of the BBC groupthink narrative, we hear from republican ‘victims’ there are many and they bear one tale of wanton violence from the security forces and unprovoked violence from troops who it appears simply opened up a sustained fire on innocent civilians.
It seems the BBC dont want to remember the deaths of soldiers in the days before the BANNED march, they are not interested in the fact that the IRA used a well tried tactic of using the crowd as cover, ordering stone throwing and petrol bombing and behind them the IRA snipers moved into position to kill troops.
The violence was caused by the republicans and stirred up by the ‘civil rights’ leaders and the IRA used this as cover to attack and kill.
All the mindless murders of catholic policemen and soldiers, the co opperation between the civil rights rabble rousers and the PIRA command all the planned violence is missing from the BBC report.
Only at the end of the toady report was ONE loyalist politician allowed to rebutt the narrative and he did a fantastic job but his voice was a lone voice of reason.
There is one simple truth about ‘bloody sunday’ that the BBC will never report even though it is stunningly obvious, there would have been no deaths if the ban on marches had been observed and had those so called leaders acted like adults and recognized that restraint and common sense would have defused tensions that day.
NO MARCH=NO DEATHS! The single root cause of the deaths lays on the shoulders of those who provoked and agitated and conspired to cause chaos and violence.
If the so called leaders of the so called civil rights groups had just tried to do the right and moral thing there would be no bloody sunday and no deaths and no 200 million pound inquiry. The selfish bastards who organized the unrest deserve to be named and shamed, the poor bloody soldiers trying to keep order should be honoured.
I’m not sure how this is going to play with the public. People under 50 may imagine troops firing on a peaceful parade in somewhere like Trafalgar Square. It wasn’t quite like that, as footage of the vicious rioting shows. Unlike the flotilla ‘protesters’, those fired upon by the paras may have been peaceful, but the circumstances in which it happened were not. I don’t expect the BBC to even attempt to put it in any sort of context.
Maybe the paras should not have been sent to NI – their gung ho approach is better suited to the battlefield. However, any attempt to prosecute the paras involved would not sit well with the early release of paramilitary prisoners under the Good Friday Agreement.
Don’t even get me started on McGuinness.
Good point, the pictures poeple see are heavily edited and carefully selected to show the results but not the causes, there is a huge amount of footage that shows the context but that will never be shown.
Check out the blatantly skewed headline reproting on recent IRA gun running.
Guns accused ‘entrapment victim’
If there isn’t already a special service medal for all the military who served in Northern Ireland, this government should create one.
I noted at one point that fool Naughtie tried the old lie that the IRA was very weak at the time and played second fiddle to the civil rights organizers and only afterwards was their a huge increase in IRA enrolment.
The IRA by 1972 was a hugely poweful killing machine taking advantage of a under funded under equipped and under trained force of tired and frightened soldiers. The lie that the IRA spread about its wekness was taken up by the ever supportive BBC and pimped as the truth.
The BBC always seem to confuse disseminated propaganda from ‘their side’ as the truth and the facts, all the subsequent justifactions and rambling blame shifting by the republican side worked like a bloody charm on the BBC who took it all in and pimped it all as fact. I can forgive the IRA but I cannot forgive the BBC.
Beeboid vermin in Northern Ireland in full BS revisionist mode
And there is wall to wall TV and Radio coverage – they are clearly invested in this – it is anti- British propaganda after all.
The core of the Beeboid / terroroist propaganda is to pretend that Bloody Sunday was the event that started the Trouble ins Northern Ireland. Little mention will be made of the many people murdered by the IRA in the weeks and months prior. As they were “Brits” and Ulster Protestants they do not matter to the Beeboids.
Let`s not get too angry people.
I reckon we are due a show trial not of the soldiers, but of the trendy lefties like Hattersley, Williams maybe?…and Tony Benn too under the guise of “collective Cabinet responsibility”. It was them who sent the troops in was it not? All Whitelaw was doing was managing the crisis eh…see,WE can rewrite history too BBC!
Might this not be a useful audition for the Iraq and Afghanistan ones to come?
Bliars little parcel under the rug now stinks to high heaven in Belfast today…but we surely need a little flotilla to brave Israeli waters to bring HIM home for trial! Rub his nose in the others that he has left us with,before sending him off to The Hague.
I say blame Ted Heath. Dig the traitorous sods bones up and ship them to the Hague for trial. It would unite all sides of the political spectrum and it would be nice to cheer Lady Thatcher up as well 🙂
I accidently switched on the BBC TV news yesretday and thought I’d entered a bloody time tunnel.
So-called Bloody Sunday — they’re still rabbiting on about that.
Headline news tomorrow — more up to the minute info on the Gibralta shootings by the SAS
As the town’s original name was Daoire, strictly speaking ‘Derry’ is correct rather than biased.
The correct name is Londonderry. Others can call it what they will – but the fdormal name of the constituency, of the city council etc is the long form.
I have just read this article by General sir Micheal Rose who was in Londonderry at the time (although not at the initial scene of the shootings). His account can be read as a counterbalance to the BBC’s coverage.
Yes and I suspect we wont be seeing his account on the BBC will we?
If a picture could paint a thousand words, the BBC knows well the power of well chosen and well edited clips of flim to portray a required narrative and the BBC are showing a series of clips and pictures that scream GUILY GUILTY GUILTY.
In the minds of the BBC the hated British Army is guilty of murder and the spiteful BBC is out to prove it, no stone will be left unturned in the quest to pick at old wounds and drag old hatreds out again, if there is a conflict and the BBC supports one side then you can bet that they will never forget and never forgive.
The BBC just loves its ‘savage oppressive state crushes peaceful protesters’ meme and its straight from their student grant days of miners solidarity badges Che t shirts and hammer&sickle stickers.
Its all really childish but that is the BBC for you, childish f*ckwits whose emotional intelligence stalled around pubity, this childish nature combined with childish spite and manipulation makes a poisonous cocktail that we have to watch.
Certainly no mention whatsoever of any unpleasantness from the IRA or their supporters so far on the News Channel today. There was a brief moment where we heard David Cameron mention in his statement that Martin McGuiness was carrying some kind of machine gun on the day, but that’s it.
I haven’t heard a single mention of IRA bombs earlier in the day. As far as I could tell from BBC reporting, this was an innocent crowd of protesters, nothing to do with the IRA, and justic has been a long time coming. The BBC has been reporting all morning as if they already knew the outcome anyway.
I wonder how much this will harm the joint rule and peace process in NI?
More proof that the BBC knew the results in advance while pretending not to: as the relatives of the Irish victims make their statements, one by one, the BBC has been putting up pictures of the deceased relative of each speaker. This could only have been done if the BBC had these pictures prepped and ready to go beforehand.
This combined with the elated voices of the Beeboids commenting during the lead-up to this announcement, and their statements that the result “would be” a great thing for Derry and for Northern Ireland and all that. They were talking as if it was a done deal, because there was no consideration for an alternative conclusion. All BBC coverage has taken the result for granted. Which means they knew in advance, and the couple of Beeboids who kept saying that they didn’t know are lying.
I haven’t seen the results yet, (I don’t really have to) and nor did the BBC. To their credit here, the results were a foregone conclusion.
When a government sets up an enquiry, very rareky do they not know what the result will be. They choose a committee chair with a leaning towars one direction or another, they set the terms of reference to capture evidence which will be politically helpful.
The object of the exercise here was to placate the nationalists, not to get at the absolute truth, and also to create an enquiry so large and expensive that the peace process in NI would be well cemented in place before it reported. It’s a kick into the long grass, with a result that will please those most likely to get upset publicly.
The soldiers cannot comment easily, even if they know that the evidence they have given has not been afforded suficient weight because their lives would be in danger if they were exposed. Both Tony Blair and the the Inquiry knew this.
This alone would have made the outcome inevitable.
I suppose you’re right.
I wonder if the BBC will be highlighting the number of drone bombs that Barry O has ordered dropped in Pakistan? I thought not.
Cameron appologises to the IRA? Not in my name!
The true nature of Cameron and his government shines through now, all those who vote for Cameron need to search their feelings.
Beeboid Moral Dilema: Would you support the right of Catholic fundementalists to blow up Christmas shoppers if they could do it without risking damage to any abortion clinics?
Expect that on ‘The Moral maze’ any time now.
some of the interviews today on the BBC turned my stomach – it seems to suggest that british army violence is worse than IRA violence.
now i know this is not going to make me popular with some on this site – but i support a united Ireland – (though not for a second the IRA’s method) having said that –
the IRA cant have it both ways. they cant kill and maime and call it a war and talk about ‘collateral damage’ when civillians get killed – but say if the british army does the same – then its wrong.
many IRA killers are walking the streets now because of the good friday agreement. fair enough. lets put the past behind us and move on. but that counts both ways. it is the depth of unfairness and hypocrispy to say we are going to forget the atrocities the IRA committed whilst punishing the british army.
thats just plain wrong
12 years and millions of pounds just to come to the conclusion that the Labour government told them to come to. Its a farce – there is no way this was going to turn out any different. The establishment is petrified of all terroists. They would clear Bin Laden of any involvement in 9/11 if he was sitting in the old bailey. Appeasment is the order of the day and always will be until it is too late.
“..Stephen Pollard, a solicitor representing the soldiers, said Lord Saville’s certainty in identifying individual soldiers “flies in the face of most of the evidence he heard”.
“I’m certain he cherry-picked the evidence,” he said. “There is just as much evidence for the opposite conclusion.””
Cameron does not speak for me – reconciliation is a two way process. What else are the establishment going to dig up to make us all guilt ridden? Revisionists make me sick. These soldiers will now probably be sought out – yet the people who maimed and killed thousands are given pardons and jobs in government.
Any Beeboid asking what Martin McGuinness was doing with that Tommy Gun, when he previously testified that he didn’t have one on the day? Thought not.