BBC doing all it can to present the floundering of Obama as Presidential. Yesterday Obama sought to compare the Gulf Oil Spill with 9/11 (BBC seems to think that was a natural point of comparison) and today he now seeks to use this eco-disaster to advance his green agenda. What is it the Dems say – you should never miss the opportunity a good crisis provides? Rather than ask challenging questions about how the Obama team have handled this issue, and indeed what the Obama team has been doing since coming to power on this issue, the BBC instead continues to make doe-eyes at President Narcissus who is finding out that just because he SAYS something it doesn’t automatically then happen! I also notice the BBC ignores Obama’s plunging approval ratings. As I recall, the BBC was very quick to let us know how unpopular Bush was bit now the poor ratings attach to their hero things have to alter. One rule for a Democrat President, another for a Republican President. I contrast the tolerance of Obama’s fumblings with the constant rage directed against Bush by way of evidence.
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Both incidents just accidents waiting to happen or is Obama suggesting the oil spill is a terrorist act ? This man is a very nasty piece of work.
Barry is a total joke, the way this prat is lashing out at BP, yet ignoring the US companies involved.
A great piece by Glenn Beck on Fox News last night about Barry and this.
No mention in the US media of the BP garages being attacked or having windows put through because of Barry’s silly rants. Who run BP garages? Why Mr and Mrs ordinary American of course. Not that Barry cares.
Whats black oily and pollutes and poisons everything it touches while harming those without the power to move out the way?
Oil of course, what else?
Sorry I thought it was a Ms.D.Abbott
You might very well think that however I couldnt possibly comment 😀
The Beeboids have been pointing out recently that He needs to look out for His popularity ratings, but only in the context of why He has been using the rather unpresidential angry rhetoric. Certainly no other domestic issues seem to have harmed His approval ratings, judging from BBC reporting.
Democracy managed to survive a moral low-life in the White House in the form of Bill Clinton, but I have serious worries it can survive someone quite as low as Barack Obama.
Hold on to your seats.
Then again…
Except the BBC.