The “Week at Westminster” R4 on saturday was a con/lib free zone. A cosy little chat with Frank Field and John Mann. The last item was a sickeningly fawning interview with Alistair Darling. No hint that he was complicit in the creating the mess we are now in. How can the BBC argue the programme was not biased ?
Sanjiv Buttoo explains how a Muslim man went from being a drug addict in the UK to a militant fighting for the Taliban.“They just gave me an AK47 assault rifle and I was taught how to strip the weapon, clean it and fire it as well as how to carry out guerrilla activities – I could not believe this was happening.”….Irfan, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, recalls his experience of going to Pakistan and inadvertently being recruited by the Taliban. His story arose because some Muslim parents in the UK send their children to Pakistan for them to beat an addiction to drugs….“I didn’t know who the Taliban really were but there I was being taught how to get to the enemy and digging tunnels.“I ended up sitting on the front line. I did say to myself: ‘What the hell am I doing here?’“When I came back from Afghanistan they [a Muslim group] tried to recruit me again to go and take part in terrorist activities in Pakistan but I said no,” he revealed.
Yes; Britain as a foreign country in that report from ‘BBC Asian Network’, the radio station which the BBC annouced for closure recently. But…it seems to me, ‘Asian Network’ still propgates an apartheid message: there are British Asian people, and there are British people.
This BBC report is sympathetic to the Muslim drug addict who went to fight against Britain as a Taliban Islamic jihadist.
No non-‘British Asian’ viewpoint is allowed in that BBC report.
The BBC British Asian narrative is to suggest that the Koran should not be read by Muslims unless there is a ‘teacher’ to re-interepret it.
The BBC report nowhere suggests that this Muslim drug addict should be either put on trial in Britain, or be deported.
Did anyone else watch “When Romeo Met Juilet” on BBC2 over the weekend ? I only caught one of the three part series but it was hilarious and one of those shows when you realise the Beeb has become a parody of itself. In short a documentary about some luvvies putting on a production of Romeo and Juilet with a teenage cast. Except the children playing the Capulets come from a nice out of town Catholic school (so are all white) and the Montagues come from an inner city comp so are all black and vibrant. Before you know it they have decided that rap is the best way of saying their lines and we have nicely spoken white boys “rapping”. The 15 year old white girl playing Juilet is a proto luvvie who wants to be an actor and the black boy playing Romeo has an ethnic name and is an A star student.
In short we had a documentary that ticked so many PC boxes I did wonder if I was watching one of those fake fly on the wall comedies. There was a visible shortage of Muslim children but I guess their parents wouldn’t be so keen on a play about teenage love so the Beeb weren’t going there. Oh and the luvvies decided it should all be set in 1981 and be between Rude Boys and Skinheads. Honestly you couldn’t make this up.
I used to quite like the odd documentary featuring Michael Portillo. I see that his “Bradshaw Railway Guide” series is back on BBC 2 in the early evenings (with the rider that each episode is not the “published” one, for some reason), It doesn’t seem more than a few weeks since it was last aired.
I do find the whole thing sickly sweet and twee, with a jab at global warming and a nod to diversity around every bend (pardon the pun). I thought he was a staunch conservative, but he seems very liberal and “on message” these days. Right up the BBC’s, er, street.
I’ve been watching it too. Portillo and the Buxton expert said that the peat was eroded because of coal factories in the area, the Industrial Revolution of more than a century ago. But in the next moment he summed up the segment by saying it was Global Warming instead. This is a big problem with Warmists: by conflating pollution with Warming, they muddy the facts and create false premises to fit their belief system. I would accept that kind of pollution being called Antrhopogenic Climate Change, at a stretch. But it’s not Warming, and it’s a lie to say it is.
I don’t think Portillo would be allowed to do a BBC series at all if he didn’t espouse all the correct thoughts.
Israel is a small country of around 6 Million people The combined population of the next door neighbors is around 109 million yet for some reason the bBC is besotted with reporting negatively from… Israel.
On their current bBC Middle-Eastern page there are 44 stories.
17 of them concern Israel 16 of them with a critical view of Israel.
In fact out of the top 15 stories , 7 are about Israel, 6 critical the other about a policeman shot dead blurs the story by reporting the following; An Israeli policeman dies of injuries sustained in a West Bank attack blamed on Palestinian gunmen.
Blamed bBC??? Al-Aqsa Brigade claimed the attack yesterday around 1000hrs (local time) over 24 hours ago.
There is a certain amount of ‘tree falls in the forest syndrome’ here. Israel is a first world country within easy drive of the third world, should visiting it be necessary. It is tolerant of sexual variety and alcohol. There are several quality English language publications to be plagiarised when necessary. Censorship is limited to military matters. Threats of physical violence against journalists, virtually unknown. Parliament is broadcast. Investigative reports are published, frequently with an English translation. Clearly a much more BBC-friendly (if not friends of the BBC) than its neighbours.
Is it a surprise that reporters prefer to be stationed there and consequently take the path of least resistance and right most of their reports about it?
Poor old Evan Davis needs to be getting to bed a little earlier.
On Toadys ” alma mater” section for their Oxbridge fags( always 8.15 until the sport) he wasn`t quite sure whether or not he had once gone to Oxford. Now Evan knows that it is bad form to say it on the Beeb…somethings best left unsaid so as not to ruffle the feathers of the oiks downstairs you see !
He mused aloud on whether HE could vote for the new Professor of Poetry at” his old Uni”. Indeed you can Evan!
Wonder if the drugs at the time didn`t create
this forgetfulness…did he and Edward Balls share something dodgy?…turns out that he`s forgotten that he was a Tory at Oxford and dressed as a Nazi…”doing a Harry” as it`s called surely.
Back to your lives citizens…our betters are getting Alzheimers that little bit earlier maybe?
Don’t be too hard on Evan, he has the makings of a decent journalist. He completely skewered the present Home Secretary by noting that she – and the “Conservatives” – had voted for the working with children vetting scheme which is now “under review”. Pity he wasn’t as incisive as this when the scheme was nodded through parliament with the BBC cheeribng from the sidelines.
And again – news in the future tense: the Saville Inquiry report is to be published this afternoon so why can’t Today cover it tomorrow when all will be revealed? Not setting the agenda surely!! Max Hastings was given an airing at 7:14 All the others (taking the predictably – and thus not remotely newsworthy – anti-British line) were allowed on at a civilised hour and, moreover, excerpts from Docherty’s interview were broadcast at length – unchallenged – in the supposedly “facts not opinion” news at 8:00 am
Is it my imagination, or has nearly every mention of the inquiry in the last couple of days featured exclusively someone speaking from the point of view that the British soldiers fired first and were solely responsible for the deaths? Even just now on the News Channel was yet another talking head with a particular accent expressing his hope for “the truth” the be revealed, which means the same truth that everyone else the BBC has had on is hoping for: British troops started it, did a massacre, British PM must apologize, IRA totally innocent etc.
Now, I actually don’t know who started what back then, nor do I have a particular dog in this fight. But as an actually unbiased listener, I’ve been struck by the overwhelming one-sidedness of the BBC’s coverage.
Even Laura Kuenssberg was trying to make the case that nasty Conservatives are worried because the massacre happened under a Conservative government, they don’t want Conservatives put on trial and all that.
Apparently Owen Patterson and a few others have already had access to the report for 24 hours or so. This means that somebody has for sure leaked it to the IRA-sympathetic BBC. So I assume this colors the BBC’s coverage today.
Theresa May is all that is wrong with the hopey changey Tories at their worst. If you can`t skewer her,then you`re not a journalist at all!
Evan is an economist by trade,but funnily enough he doesn`t seem able to skewer the Darlings or the Mandelsons at all…don`t think his heart would be in it. That is my point I guess!
That the Tories were ineffective and opportunist in opposition is true, but to blame them for voting for this rubbish does not let Liebour off the hook. It was THEIR laws and THEIR majority that pushed this stuff through-and to be fair to the Tories they could not have done much about it then. My fear is that they are not inclined to pull the roots out of the creeping knotweed of Labour thinking…and we may live to have to deal with their inept Stalinisation of the nation again if we don`t get a David Davis instead of a Mayfly!
The family members already know the result of the inquiry, and some of them have been giving thumbs up to the crowd. So the result is well known at the BBC after all.
The thing is, is it proper for the BBC to celebrating this result in such a fashion? I understand they can report that the people of Derry and family members and all the Irish who apparently joined the IRA because of this (according to the Beeboids just now) have at last got the justice they wanted. But the Beeboids themselves are celebrating, speaking in elated tones. Is this proper behavior for unbiased journalism?
And I’m really tired of the Beeboids saying they don’t know the result yet, when they so obviously already do.
This is going to undermine the entire joint government, the beginning of the end of Northern Ireland as part of the UK. The BBC is already reporting that Bloody Sunday basically led to London rule in NI, so any London connection in NI now (Unionists) will be forever tainted.
Nice to see the BBC NOT reportin another group of rag head twats (called something like Muslims for anal sex) were protesting and shouting abuse in east London at another homecoming parade.
“A camera and microphone was shoved in my face from the Muslim against Crusader side of the barrier. “What do you think of all this?”“I think it’s appalling, and by the way who are you with” I asked? “I’m with the BBC” he said “Making a documentary”.“Well, it’s disgusting, that the Royal Anglians coming home are faced with this”
“What would you say if I told you that my brother (or Step brother) like me, is a convert and is demonstrating with the others”.
These ‘BBC Documentary Makers’ seem to crop up a lot, and on odd sides (hold that thought) of fences.
I note that the de riguer ‘look’ for the mid-twenty Aunty set seems to be either beard or shaved head. Can’t be long before the whole corporation sports the full combo. Especially the men. Sian in full burqua will resolve the turkey neck and consequent ageism hoo-haa when she gets sidelined by the sistas in market rate talent central.
Wasn’t there a recent ‘crew’ out and about trying to be balanced about AGW with Mr. Watts views? Or not.
Oh what a dilemma for the BBC. How to report the story that Islamists are killing people for watching the World Cup. The problem is solved by calling them militants and not using scare quotes.
The BBC caught using the the term “Derry” to describe Londonderry? all par for the course in the pro IRA BBC.
Next will be the term ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘heroes of the struggle’? The BBC always ready and willing to support terrorists.
Actually I’ve heard Sky and ITV calling it Derry (although not free Derry!) as well.
Seems to me most of the media were in Princess Di mode today. Shame they forgot about the hundreds of people slaughtered by the IRA scum.
I could have sorted the problem out years ago, although Dublin would just be a radioactive dump now (rather than just being a plain old dump like it is now)
Oh dear, the veil has been ever so slightly lifted from Mark Mardell’s eyes, and he has seen that there might be just the tiniest flaw in his beloved Obamessiah’s behavior regarding the oil spill. So in today’s blog post, Mardell hopes against hope that He will say the right thing in tonight’s speech to keep the faithful from straying. Of course, since it’s Mark Mardell, he still gets it wrong.
Mardell feels that the President’s challenge tonight is to prove that He understands that “Leadership is action, not a position”. Mardell and the faithful are hoping for the President to lay out some clear plan of action, rather than expressing anger and casting blame.
The problem is that none of this addresses the actual failures of the President and His Administration, failures which Mardell has never really acknowledged. As I’ve said many times, the failure and inaction has to do with a complete lack of early response to the clean-up, and not stopping the leak. Yes, some of the anger is that the President didn’t appear to get on BP’s case soon enough, but that’s only part of the story. The real problem is that there was no action whatsoever about organizing clean-up and other activities to minimize the environmental damage.
The whole idea about Him acting too cool and impassionate is a smokescreen. It removes blame and makes out that it’s really down to perception, just superficial appearances, and not the reality of His actions. But it’s the one Mardell uses time and time again.
The one tiny chink in the armor he seems to have noticed is that The Obamessiah didn’t do enough to acknowledge some cheering Marines. Again, that’s just stagecraft, playing to the crowd, and not an actual criticism of His brilliance and competence. The reality of His failures are swept further and further under the rug.
After once again using this tactic, Mardell shows once again that he’s still standing by that story:
The president’s real problem is whether he has gripped this crisis hard enough from the start.
Yes, Mark, but what do you mean by that? Why haven’t you ever mentioned the early failures on the cleanup, the refusal to accept help from other countries, or the incompetence of letting BP do what they like for more than a week, or the impotence of letting bureaucrats wash their hands of the whole thing due to a 90-year Jones Act?
But the perception that he is too cool, too detached, is a big part of it. He must hope tonight is indeed an inflection, not a confirmation of an existing trend.
No, Mark, it’s a big smokescreen, one that the BBC has been only too happy to continue to use. Such a weak-kneed, half-hearted criticism of the President hardly counts as unbiased reporting. If anything, Mardell is once again basing his reporting on the criteria set out by the White House, and not by reality.
David, you won’t be surprised in the least about Mark Mardell’s post-speech blog-piece. All the smokescreens you mention are still in place – one of them at the end of this typical piece of gush: It was a measured, sober speech of quiet power, the speech of a president projecting absolute command, if not empathy.
…and Mardell thinks the speech went well (as if Obama isn’t good at…making speeches): It was intended to rally a people who were rather feeling he’d not gripped this crisis. He gripped this opportunity, at least, and White House officials will hope they are right that this is an inflection point, a crux where negative becomes positive.
‘White House officials will hope’ or ‘Mark Mardell will hope’?
The BBC website’s main take on the story, incidentally, contains this tiny summary of the Republican Party’s response: The Republicans were quick to criticise the address, with party chairman Michael Steele accusing Mr Obama of exploiting the crisis for his own political gain.
The phrase “quick to criticise” (close cousin to phrases like “rush to judgement”), implies that their criticisms are just knee-jerk political point-scoring, not worth considering in any detail.
That blog piece by Mardell shows very clearly that he has a sycophantic view of Obama. Everyone in the US media – right to left – trashed the President’s performance, but Mardell tells us it was a good performance.
Notice the sneering from the BBC (and Peston in particular) about Sky and Murdoch.
Of course what Peston failed to point out is that Sky’s 9.8 million subscribers are volunteers and not forced to fund Sky, unlike say….. why the BBC of course. The beeboids moan that Murdoch is taking over the media, yet wasn’t it the BBC who were accused of killing off local newspapers?
Clearly there can’t be anything important on the news. Newsnight have got the 5 Stooges from Liebour on AGAIN. Why does the BBC think we care?
I thought Cameron did a good job today considering he was dealing with yet another stinking freshly laid Liebour turd from Tony Bliar. Not as if Gordon Brown didn’t leave several lying around Downing Street as well. That seems to have stopped the BBC in their tracks.
Do you think the BBC would have devoted 5 minutes of its main 10:00 news on BBC1 to publicising a new film by Leni Riefenstahl glorifying General Pinochet (the new Adolf according to Leni)? No I don’t think it would. But, apparently, Oliver Stone’s new film on Chavez (the new Castro according to Oliver) is considered newsworthy enough to deserve gross over-publicity and an “exclusive” interview by Stephen Sackur with Chavez – the man who has done the impossible by impoverishing a country flowing with oil wealth. Chavez – anti-American, socialist, nutter – ticks every BBC box!
Apologies if someone has already commented on this but I was in Russia for two weeks and possibly the BBC using Chavez tells nation of being grilled by HARDtalk as part of advertising the programme was only broadcast on the World Service.
While I appreciate interviewing controversial even reviled people is part of the BBC remit does the BBC have to use their approval to promote itself? I wonder who’s praise would not be used. John Wayne Gacy, perhaps?
With the BBC as an ally any group however evil/unpopular/nasty/corrupt and flea bitten can be touched up with the magic BBC airbrush and hey presto a cruel terrorist gang of criminal killers becomes noble freedom fighters. Every toyota pickup filled with terrorists becomes an innocent wedding party and every crime becomes justifiable.
The BBC airbrush is only used for the friends of the BBC of course, every enemy of the BBC gets the evil butcher makeover, every act becomes an atrocity and every action indefensible and immoral.
If you have the BBC as a friend then you can turn the most evil bunch of killers into peaceful innocent peace loving doves of peace, did I mention peaceful and innocent the friends of the BBC are?
Castro/Chavez/hamas/IRA/Chechens/LTTE all have had the BBC airbrush treatment all go from scum to hero at the flick of the BBC airbrush, all are wildy popular heroes in the mould of Lennin and Mao.
The love in with Chavez on the BBC was truly awful. Gentle probing at best. I couldn’t tell if it was just the worst example of anti-Americanism/liberal left bias or just dreadful journalism. Both…?
The BBC coverage of The Obamessiah’s pathetic “wartime” speech about the oil spill could not be more sycophantic if it had been scripted by the White House.
Even the most infatuated, die-hard fans such as Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews (he of the tingling leg) – both of whom had to be removed from election coverage because they had compromised themselves on air – were not happy.
It was a measured, sober speech of quiet power, the speech of a president projecting absolute command, if not empathy. But the last quotation says much: a strong, very American invocation of the country’s might and optimism, its ability to muster its strength and overcome.
Ye shall not have believed in vain, etc.
“What do people think of the speech.” asks the Beeboid in the studio. The answer is not journalism or analysis – it’s pure, unadulterated White House talking points. The Laura something in Alabama tells us that it all depends on whether you like the President and His policies or not.
Nothing to do with the quality of the speech, it’s content, the President’s demeanor, or anything connected to reality. Pure partisan BS. Just like the way the BBC initially reported on the Tea Parties, the Narrative is that if you don’t like a particular policy or, in this case, a speech, it’s because you didn’t like Him anyway.
Good for John Sopel for telling Darling that Gordon Brown’s regulatory system was largely responsible for the economic problems in Britain. Of course, Darling’s first and last line of defense is “It all started in America”, but Sopel isn’t letting him get away with it. Much, anyway.
And then Sopel actually brought up the whacked out mortgage system in the UK which caused the bubble of bad debt: allowing people to borrow at insane rates. Darling bobbed and weaved, making so little
This is a bit late and a bit silly but I found it amusing. Two nights ago on the news at 10 there was a piece on the violence in Kyrgyzstanand a man in the street was interviewed briefly and said that he thought the Russians should come in and sort the mess out or some such call for Russian intervention. The voiceover however said something else, it solemnly intoned that some were openly calling for a return to Soviet rule.
Maybe they edited out the bit where the man said he wanted Kyrgyzstan to revert to Soviet Russian rule, maybe what the man meant was implied in his call for Russian intervention and the BBC cleverly realised that what he meant was not what he said. Or, maybe just maybe it was a little bit of wishful thinking, couldn’t be though could it.
This is a problem for the BBC. Both sides are mainly muslim. Both countries former USSR. Which side do the Beeboids take ?
But, good report on “From our own correspondent” from a Russian Beeboid who knows the score.
She said there was evidence of Kirghiz military killing Uzbeks. If this is a Genocide, I hope the BBC will expose it, just as with Sudan !
Just saw a bit of BBC scaremongering about nasty Tory cuts to the NHS and how disastrous that would be for Wales and the Welsh. Is it okay to cut the number of nurses? Dear me, no, says a nurses union rep. How about doctors? Certainly not, says a doctor advocate. Will the nasty Tories cut down on drugs and care? Oooh, they better not. People will die! Once again no facts or figures on offer. Instead it’s entirely supposition and speculation.
However, what struck me most about the whole thing was the introductory statement that the NHS is the largest employer in Wales. This is not a healthy arrangement. Yet, when was the last time anyone heard the BBC criticize that fact?
The NHS is the largest employer in the whole of Europe. It is 40 years since Aubrey Jones and the Prices and Incomes Board was pointing out the acute inflationary consequences of the NHS employment bonanza.
A system wherein a taxpayer-funded public sector is the largest employer is ultimately mathematically unsustainable. Where’s someone like Robert Peston to do a segment on Newsnight about that? Oh, never mind. Instead he’s on trying to make the case against the Chancellor’s new scheme to break up the (created by Peston’s biography subject, Gordon Brown) FSA, and his delivery is more unintelligably than ever.
BBC TV news at 1 today on the olympics.
“How can we top China’s opening ceremony ? ”
( Massive budget surplus in China and no Government debt. )
“The last time the Olympics were held in London, the country was in economic crisis ”
( Thank goodness we are not in economic crisis ).
The BBC really beggars belief. One of the first things the new Govt. should do is cancel the Olympics.
Search Biased BBC
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Yes, the Beeboids will be rubbing their hands with glee !
The “Week at Westminster” R4 on saturday was a con/lib free zone. A cosy little chat with Frank Field and John Mann. The last item was a sickeningly fawning interview with Alistair Darling. No hint that he was complicit in the creating the mess we are now in. How can the BBC argue the programme was not biased ?
The bBC, and a ‘I can be only be a victim’ article by Irfan the British taliban recruit.
UK drug addict tells of Taliban recruitment
Sanjiv Buttoo explains how a Muslim man went from being a drug addict in the UK to a militant fighting for the Taliban.“They just gave me an AK47 assault rifle and I was taught how to strip the weapon, clean it and fire it as well as how to carry out guerrilla activities – I could not believe this was happening.”….Irfan, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, recalls his experience of going to Pakistan and inadvertently being recruited by the Taliban. His story arose because some Muslim parents in the UK send their children to Pakistan for them to beat an addiction to drugs….“I didn’t know who the Taliban really were but there I was being taught how to get to the enemy and digging tunnels.“I ended up sitting on the front line. I did say to myself: ‘What the hell am I doing here?’“When I came back from Afghanistan they [a Muslim group] tried to recruit me again to go and take part in terrorist activities in Pakistan but I said no,” he revealed.
Yes; Britain as a foreign country in that report from ‘BBC Asian Network’, the radio station which the BBC annouced for closure recently. But…it seems to me, ‘Asian Network’ still propgates an apartheid message: there are British Asian people, and there are British people.
This BBC report is sympathetic to the Muslim drug addict who went to fight against Britain as a Taliban Islamic jihadist.
No non-‘British Asian’ viewpoint is allowed in that BBC report.
The BBC British Asian narrative is to suggest that the Koran should not be read by Muslims unless there is a ‘teacher’ to re-interepret it.
The BBC report nowhere suggests that this Muslim drug addict should be either put on trial in Britain, or be deported.
Did anyone else watch “When Romeo Met Juilet” on BBC2 over the weekend ? I only caught one of the three part series but it was hilarious and one of those shows when you realise the Beeb has become a parody of itself. In short a documentary about some luvvies putting on a production of Romeo and Juilet with a teenage cast. Except the children playing the Capulets come from a nice out of town Catholic school (so are all white) and the Montagues come from an inner city comp so are all black and vibrant. Before you know it they have decided that rap is the best way of saying their lines and we have nicely spoken white boys “rapping”. The 15 year old white girl playing Juilet is a proto luvvie who wants to be an actor and the black boy playing Romeo has an ethnic name and is an A star student.
In short we had a documentary that ticked so many PC boxes I did wonder if I was watching one of those fake fly on the wall comedies. There was a visible shortage of Muslim children but I guess their parents wouldn’t be so keen on a play about teenage love so the Beeb weren’t going there. Oh and the luvvies decided it should all be set in 1981 and be between Rude Boys and Skinheads. Honestly you couldn’t make this up.
You can get a taste of it here ..
I think I’ll pass on the video evidence. Not feeling strong enough to take it this morning.
Ready everyone? All together, now, fingers down the throat… UUrrrghhhhh !!!
Thanks – that says it all!
I used to quite like the odd documentary featuring Michael Portillo. I see that his “Bradshaw Railway Guide” series is back on BBC 2 in the early evenings (with the rider that each episode is not the “published” one, for some reason), It doesn’t seem more than a few weeks since it was last aired.
I do find the whole thing sickly sweet and twee, with a jab at global warming and a nod to diversity around every bend (pardon the pun). I thought he was a staunch conservative, but he seems very liberal and “on message” these days. Right up the BBC’s, er, street.
Natsman wrote:
with a jab at global warming and a nod to diversity around every bend
I’ve noticed that as well. Esp when he tried to link the peat bogs above Buxton with GW. Maybe that explains why I had my fleece on yesterday..
I’ve been watching it too. Portillo and the Buxton expert said that the peat was eroded because of coal factories in the area, the Industrial Revolution of more than a century ago. But in the next moment he summed up the segment by saying it was Global Warming instead. This is a big problem with Warmists: by conflating pollution with Warming, they muddy the facts and create false premises to fit their belief system. I would accept that kind of pollution being called Antrhopogenic Climate Change, at a stretch. But it’s not Warming, and it’s a lie to say it is.
I don’t think Portillo would be allowed to do a BBC series at all if he didn’t espouse all the correct thoughts.
Israel is a small country of around 6 Million people The combined population of the next door neighbors is around 109 million yet for some reason the bBC is besotted with reporting negatively from… Israel.
On their current bBC Middle-Eastern page there are 44 stories.
17 of them concern Israel 16 of them with a critical view of Israel.
In fact out of the top 15 stories , 7 are about Israel, 6 critical the other about a policeman shot dead blurs the story by reporting the following;
An Israeli policeman dies of injuries sustained in a West Bank attack blamed on Palestinian gunmen.
Blamed bBC??? Al-Aqsa Brigade claimed the attack yesterday around 1000hrs (local time) over 24 hours ago.
Here are some stories the bBC hasn’t bothered airing:
Gaza fighters claim attack on Israeli patrol
400 Egyptians turned away from Gaza border
Official says Hamas won’t alter Shalit demands
There is a certain amount of ‘tree falls in the forest syndrome’ here. Israel is a first world country within easy drive of the third world, should visiting it be necessary. It is tolerant of sexual variety and alcohol. There are several quality English language publications to be plagiarised when necessary. Censorship is limited to military matters. Threats of physical violence against journalists, virtually unknown. Parliament is broadcast. Investigative reports are published, frequently with an English translation. Clearly a much more BBC-friendly (if not friends of the BBC) than its neighbours.
Is it a surprise that reporters prefer to be stationed there and consequently take the path of least resistance and right most of their reports about it?
Poor old Evan Davis needs to be getting to bed a little earlier.
On Toadys ” alma mater” section for their Oxbridge fags( always 8.15 until the sport) he wasn`t quite sure whether or not he had once gone to Oxford. Now Evan knows that it is bad form to say it on the Beeb…somethings best left unsaid so as not to ruffle the feathers of the oiks downstairs you see !
He mused aloud on whether HE could vote for the new Professor of Poetry at” his old Uni”. Indeed you can Evan!
Wonder if the drugs at the time didn`t create
this forgetfulness…did he and Edward Balls share something dodgy?…turns out that he`s forgotten that he was a Tory at Oxford and dressed as a Nazi…”doing a Harry” as it`s called surely.
Back to your lives citizens…our betters are getting Alzheimers that little bit earlier maybe?
“The Daily Politics ” just now , should have been renamed “The Simon Hughes Show “. A Tory-free zone.
Don’t be too hard on Evan, he has the makings of a decent journalist. He completely skewered the present Home Secretary by noting that she – and the “Conservatives” – had voted for the working with children vetting scheme which is now “under review”. Pity he wasn’t as incisive as this when the scheme was nodded through parliament with the BBC cheeribng from the sidelines.
And again – news in the future tense: the Saville Inquiry report is to be published this afternoon so why can’t Today cover it tomorrow when all will be revealed? Not setting the agenda surely!! Max Hastings was given an airing at 7:14 All the others (taking the predictably – and thus not remotely newsworthy – anti-British line) were allowed on at a civilised hour and, moreover, excerpts from Docherty’s interview were broadcast at length – unchallenged – in the supposedly “facts not opinion” news at 8:00 am
Is anyone outside Ireland or BBC news actually particularly interested?
Is it my imagination, or has nearly every mention of the inquiry in the last couple of days featured exclusively someone speaking from the point of view that the British soldiers fired first and were solely responsible for the deaths? Even just now on the News Channel was yet another talking head with a particular accent expressing his hope for “the truth” the be revealed, which means the same truth that everyone else the BBC has had on is hoping for: British troops started it, did a massacre, British PM must apologize, IRA totally innocent etc.
Now, I actually don’t know who started what back then, nor do I have a particular dog in this fight. But as an actually unbiased listener, I’ve been struck by the overwhelming one-sidedness of the BBC’s coverage.
Even Laura Kuenssberg was trying to make the case that nasty Conservatives are worried because the massacre happened under a Conservative government, they don’t want Conservatives put on trial and all that.
Apparently Owen Patterson and a few others have already had access to the report for 24 hours or so. This means that somebody has for sure leaked it to the IRA-sympathetic BBC. So I assume this colors the BBC’s coverage today.
Theresa May is all that is wrong with the hopey changey Tories at their worst. If you can`t skewer her,then you`re not a journalist at all!
Evan is an economist by trade,but funnily enough he doesn`t seem able to skewer the Darlings or the Mandelsons at all…don`t think his heart would be in it. That is my point I guess!
That the Tories were ineffective and opportunist in opposition is true, but to blame them for voting for this rubbish does not let Liebour off the hook. It was THEIR laws and THEIR majority that pushed this stuff through-and to be fair to the Tories they could not have done much about it then. My fear is that they are not inclined to pull the roots out of the creeping knotweed of Labour thinking…and we may live to have to deal with their inept Stalinisation of the nation again if we don`t get a David Davis instead of a Mayfly!
The family members already know the result of the inquiry, and some of them have been giving thumbs up to the crowd. So the result is well known at the BBC after all.
The thing is, is it proper for the BBC to celebrating this result in such a fashion? I understand they can report that the people of Derry and family members and all the Irish who apparently joined the IRA because of this (according to the Beeboids just now) have at last got the justice they wanted. But the Beeboids themselves are celebrating, speaking in elated tones. Is this proper behavior for unbiased journalism?
And I’m really tired of the Beeboids saying they don’t know the result yet, when they so obviously already do.
Uh-oh. Time for some self-flagellating by the Beeb methinks.
This is going to undermine the entire joint government, the beginning of the end of Northern Ireland as part of the UK. The BBC is already reporting that Bloody Sunday basically led to London rule in NI, so any London connection in NI now (Unionists) will be forever tainted.
For BBC to report?:
“Extremists’ insult to troops”
(‘The Sun’)
Nice to see the BBC NOT reportin another group of rag head twats (called something like Muslims for anal sex) were protesting and shouting abuse in east London at another homecoming parade.
“A camera and microphone was shoved in my face from the Muslim against Crusader side of the barrier. “What do you think of all this?” “I think it’s appalling, and by the way who are you with” I asked? “I’m with the BBC” he said “Making a documentary”. “Well, it’s disgusting, that the Royal Anglians coming home are faced with this”
“What would you say if I told you that my brother (or Step brother) like me, is a convert and is demonstrating with the others”.
‘BBC documentary maker and fellow traveller’
These ‘BBC Documentary Makers’ seem to crop up a lot, and on odd sides (hold that thought) of fences.
I note that the de riguer ‘look’ for the mid-twenty Aunty set seems to be either beard or shaved head. Can’t be long before the whole corporation sports the full combo. Especially the men. Sian in full burqua will resolve the turkey neck and consequent ageism hoo-haa when she gets sidelined by the sistas in market rate talent central.
Wasn’t there a recent ‘crew’ out and about trying to be balanced about AGW with Mr. Watts views? Or not.
Tell a lie often enough…
Oh what a dilemma for the BBC. How to report the story that Islamists are killing people for watching the World Cup. The problem is solved by calling them militants and not using scare quotes.
The BBC caught using the the term “Derry” to describe Londonderry? all par for the course in the pro IRA BBC.
Next will be the term ‘freedom fighters’ and ‘heroes of the struggle’? The BBC always ready and willing to support terrorists.
Actually I’ve heard Sky and ITV calling it Derry (although not free Derry!) as well.
Seems to me most of the media were in Princess Di mode today. Shame they forgot about the hundreds of people slaughtered by the IRA scum.
I could have sorted the problem out years ago, although Dublin would just be a radioactive dump now (rather than just being a plain old dump like it is now)
I didn’t hear it but apparently Cameron called it Derry in the Commons yesterday.
Oh dear, the veil has been ever so slightly lifted from Mark Mardell’s eyes, and he has seen that there might be just the tiniest flaw in his beloved Obamessiah’s behavior regarding the oil spill. So in today’s blog post, Mardell hopes against hope that He will say the right thing in tonight’s speech to keep the faithful from straying. Of course, since it’s Mark Mardell, he still gets it wrong.
Mardell feels that the President’s challenge tonight is to prove that He understands that “Leadership is action, not a position”. Mardell and the faithful are hoping for the President to lay out some clear plan of action, rather than expressing anger and casting blame.
The problem is that none of this addresses the actual failures of the President and His Administration, failures which Mardell has never really acknowledged. As I’ve said many times, the failure and inaction has to do with a complete lack of early response to the clean-up, and not stopping the leak. Yes, some of the anger is that the President didn’t appear to get on BP’s case soon enough, but that’s only part of the story. The real problem is that there was no action whatsoever about organizing clean-up and other activities to minimize the environmental damage.
The whole idea about Him acting too cool and impassionate is a smokescreen. It removes blame and makes out that it’s really down to perception, just superficial appearances, and not the reality of His actions. But it’s the one Mardell uses time and time again.
The one tiny chink in the armor he seems to have noticed is that The Obamessiah didn’t do enough to acknowledge some cheering Marines. Again, that’s just stagecraft, playing to the crowd, and not an actual criticism of His brilliance and competence. The reality of His failures are swept further and further under the rug.
After once again using this tactic, Mardell shows once again that he’s still standing by that story:
The president’s real problem is whether he has gripped this crisis hard enough from the start.
Yes, Mark, but what do you mean by that? Why haven’t you ever mentioned the early failures on the cleanup, the refusal to accept help from other countries, or the incompetence of letting BP do what they like for more than a week, or the impotence of letting bureaucrats wash their hands of the whole thing due to a 90-year Jones Act?
But the perception that he is too cool, too detached, is a big part of it. He must hope tonight is indeed an inflection, not a confirmation of an existing trend.
No, Mark, it’s a big smokescreen, one that the BBC has been only too happy to continue to use. Such a weak-kneed, half-hearted criticism of the President hardly counts as unbiased reporting. If anything, Mardell is once again basing his reporting on the criteria set out by the White House, and not by reality.
David, you won’t be surprised in the least about Mark Mardell’s post-speech blog-piece.
All the smokescreens you mention are still in place – one of them at the end of this typical piece of gush:
It was a measured, sober speech of quiet power, the speech of a president projecting absolute command, if not empathy.
…and Mardell thinks the speech went well (as if Obama isn’t good at…making speeches):
It was intended to rally a people who were rather feeling he’d not gripped this crisis. He gripped this opportunity, at least, and White House officials will hope they are right that this is an inflection point, a crux where negative becomes positive.
‘White House officials will hope’ or ‘Mark Mardell will hope’?
The BBC website’s main take on the story, incidentally, contains this tiny summary of the Republican Party’s response:
The Republicans were quick to criticise the address, with party chairman Michael Steele accusing Mr Obama of exploiting the crisis for his own political gain.
The phrase “quick to criticise” (close cousin to phrases like “rush to judgement”), implies that their criticisms are just knee-jerk political point-scoring, not worth considering in any detail.
That blog piece by Mardell shows very clearly that he has a sycophantic view of Obama. Everyone in the US media – right to left – trashed the President’s performance, but Mardell tells us it was a good performance.
Either Mardell is a fool, or he is a liar.
Notice the sneering from the BBC (and Peston in particular) about Sky and Murdoch.
Of course what Peston failed to point out is that Sky’s 9.8 million subscribers are volunteers and not forced to fund Sky, unlike say….. why the BBC of course. The beeboids moan that Murdoch is taking over the media, yet wasn’t it the BBC who were accused of killing off local newspapers?
Clearly there can’t be anything important on the news. Newsnight have got the 5 Stooges from Liebour on AGAIN. Why does the BBC think we care?
I thought Cameron did a good job today considering he was dealing with yet another stinking freshly laid Liebour turd from Tony Bliar. Not as if Gordon Brown didn’t leave several lying around Downing Street as well. That seems to have stopped the BBC in their tracks.
Do you think the BBC would have devoted 5 minutes of its main 10:00 news on BBC1 to publicising a new film by Leni Riefenstahl glorifying General Pinochet (the new Adolf according to Leni)? No I don’t think it would. But, apparently, Oliver Stone’s new film on Chavez (the new Castro according to Oliver) is considered newsworthy enough to deserve gross over-publicity and an “exclusive” interview by Stephen Sackur with Chavez – the man who has done the impossible by impoverishing a country flowing with oil wealth. Chavez – anti-American, socialist, nutter – ticks every BBC box!
He gave an exclusive interview to the BBC. I wonder why? Because the BBC would lick his arse.
Oliver Stone, another nutter.
Apologies if someone has already commented on this but I was in Russia for two weeks and possibly the BBC using Chavez tells nation of being grilled by HARDtalk as part of advertising the programme was only broadcast on the World Service.
While I appreciate interviewing controversial even reviled people is part of the BBC remit does the BBC have to use their approval to promote itself? I wonder who’s praise would not be used. John Wayne Gacy, perhaps?
With the BBC as an ally any group however evil/unpopular/nasty/corrupt and flea bitten can be touched up with the magic BBC airbrush and hey presto a cruel terrorist gang of criminal killers becomes noble freedom fighters. Every toyota pickup filled with terrorists becomes an innocent wedding party and every crime becomes justifiable.
The BBC airbrush is only used for the friends of the BBC of course, every enemy of the BBC gets the evil butcher makeover, every act becomes an atrocity and every action indefensible and immoral.
If you have the BBC as a friend then you can turn the most evil bunch of killers into peaceful innocent peace loving doves of peace, did I mention peaceful and innocent the friends of the BBC are?
Castro/Chavez/hamas/IRA/Chechens/LTTE all have had the BBC airbrush treatment all go from scum to hero at the flick of the BBC airbrush, all are wildy popular heroes in the mould of Lennin and Mao.
Good things whales’ breathing is well-“offset”. Or presumably they’d have to be wiped out. So we could save the planet:
Oddly, though, no mention of the pro/con impacts of their flatulence?
The love in with Chavez on the BBC was truly awful. Gentle probing at best. I couldn’t tell if it was just the worst example of anti-Americanism/liberal left bias or just dreadful journalism. Both…?
The BBC coverage of The Obamessiah’s pathetic “wartime” speech about the oil spill could not be more sycophantic if it had been scripted by the White House.
Even the most infatuated, die-hard fans such as Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews (he of the tingling leg) – both of whom had to be removed from election coverage because they had compromised themselves on air – were not happy.
Contrast that bit of honesty with Mark Mardell’s take on it:
It was a measured, sober speech of quiet power, the speech of a president projecting absolute command, if not empathy. But the last quotation says much: a strong, very American invocation of the country’s might and optimism, its ability to muster its strength and overcome.
Ye shall not have believed in vain, etc.
“What do people think of the speech.” asks the Beeboid in the studio. The answer is not journalism or analysis – it’s pure, unadulterated White House talking points. The Laura something in Alabama tells us that it all depends on whether you like the President and His policies or not.
Nothing to do with the quality of the speech, it’s content, the President’s demeanor, or anything connected to reality. Pure partisan BS. Just like the way the BBC initially reported on the Tea Parties, the Narrative is that if you don’t like a particular policy or, in this case, a speech, it’s because you didn’t like Him anyway.
This is journalism?
As I said elswehere – either Mardell is a sycophantic fool, or he is a liar.
Either way – he clearly is not up to the job.
Alastair Cooke must be spinning in his grave.
Addendum: Check out this bit of unintentional honestly in a BBC headline:
BP bosses head for Obama crisis talks
Yes, it’s definitely an Obama crisis at this point.
Here’s a BBC News Online brief which uses language and light-hearted irreverance they wouldn’t dare use if it was about Mohammed:
Giant Jeses statue hit by lightning in Ohio
The glass fibre and plastic foam sculpture caught fire and burned to the ground in what insurance companies have described as an act of God.
How very droll.
The title of the link to this from the news front page is “Holy Smoke! Giant Jesus Statue Burns”.
I had to do a double-take when I saw that title. Can you imagine the BBC writing a flippant title like that about anything relating to Islam?
Good for John Sopel for telling Darling that Gordon Brown’s regulatory system was largely responsible for the economic problems in Britain. Of course, Darling’s first and last line of defense is “It all started in America”, but Sopel isn’t letting him get away with it. Much, anyway.
And then Sopel actually brought up the whacked out mortgage system in the UK which caused the bubble of bad debt: allowing people to borrow at insane rates. Darling bobbed and weaved, making so little
A rare moment on the BBC, but welcome.
Sopel had better watch out for his job. Darling is the BBC’s darling.
This is a bit late and a bit silly but I found it amusing. Two nights ago on the news at 10 there was a piece on the violence in Kyrgyzstan and a man in the street was interviewed briefly and said that he thought the Russians should come in and sort the mess out or some such call for Russian intervention. The voiceover however said something else, it solemnly intoned that some were openly calling for a return to Soviet rule.
Maybe they edited out the bit where the man said he wanted Kyrgyzstan to revert to Soviet Russian rule, maybe what the man meant was implied in his call for Russian intervention and the BBC cleverly realised that what he meant was not what he said. Or, maybe just maybe it was a little bit of wishful thinking, couldn’t be though could it.
This is a problem for the BBC. Both sides are mainly muslim. Both countries former USSR. Which side do the Beeboids take ?
But, good report on “From our own correspondent” from a Russian Beeboid who knows the score.
She said there was evidence of Kirghiz military killing Uzbeks. If this is a Genocide, I hope the BBC will expose it, just as with Sudan !
Just saw a bit of BBC scaremongering about nasty Tory cuts to the NHS and how disastrous that would be for Wales and the Welsh. Is it okay to cut the number of nurses? Dear me, no, says a nurses union rep. How about doctors? Certainly not, says a doctor advocate. Will the nasty Tories cut down on drugs and care? Oooh, they better not. People will die! Once again no facts or figures on offer. Instead it’s entirely supposition and speculation.
However, what struck me most about the whole thing was the introductory statement that the NHS is the largest employer in Wales. This is not a healthy arrangement. Yet, when was the last time anyone heard the BBC criticize that fact?
The NHS is the largest employer in the whole of Europe. It is 40 years since Aubrey Jones and the Prices and Incomes Board was pointing out the acute inflationary consequences of the NHS employment bonanza.
A system wherein a taxpayer-funded public sector is the largest employer is ultimately mathematically unsustainable. Where’s someone like Robert Peston to do a segment on Newsnight about that? Oh, never mind. Instead he’s on trying to make the case against the Chancellor’s new scheme to break up the (created by Peston’s biography subject, Gordon Brown) FSA, and his delivery is more unintelligably than ever.
Great to hear Webb refer to Obama lovingly as ‘The President’ throughout pm this evening
“Is the BBC more biased than ‘The Guardian’?”
BBC TV news at 1 today on the olympics.
“How can we top China’s opening ceremony ? ”
( Massive budget surplus in China and no Government debt. )
“The last time the Olympics were held in London, the country was in economic crisis ”
( Thank goodness we are not in economic crisis ).
The BBC really beggars belief. One of the first things the new Govt. should do is cancel the Olympics.