Three new items have just come through from Honest Reporting. I’m proud to boast that I have commented on these three topics myself in the last few days.
1.) The one about the Al-Dura hoax which passed yet another stage in the legal battle between Phillipe Karsenty and France 2. This case establishes that once again the world rushed to condemn Israel prematurely. The big lie that spread around the world before the truth had time to put its boots on.
“The biggest con of all, the Al Dura hoax – Phillipe Karsenty has won another stage of his legal battle with France 2.
Yesterday, 17:04:56″
2.) It’s the one about Israel Bashers Bash the BBC. Not exactly the same incident, but similar.
“Slightly OT, but here’s one from Media Lens. These posters think the BBC is biased in favour of Israel. I know they might not have seen the videos at the time of posting, but this attitude goes to show what damage the BBC has been doing for the last 6 decades.
The subject. Sarah Montague’s interview with ‘peace activist’ Sarah Colborne, Yesterday, 20:46:39″
3.) Last but not least, the one about Jeremy Bowen.
I’m only bringing these up to say you heard it first here on B-BBC.
Here’s some more about the people who think that the BBC is little more than an extension of Israel’s PR offensive.
Watch the video of Deborah Fink behaving badly. Truly nuts.
Then keep going and read the bit about the so-called review of Melanie Phillips’s book ‘The World Turned Upside Down ‘ by the Guardian’s John Crace. No-one could make head or tail of his strained attempt at parody, other than he didn’t like the book, and might not have actually read it.