“I was able to get quite close to the Muslims against Crusaders. The one with the loudhailer was going on about how dare the Royal Anglians “Come to this Muslim area”. A man near me yelled at him “This is a Christian area”. I yelled, “There was a Christian Abbey here in the year 600, (before Mohammed)” at which point a police officer asked me to move along. He did call me Madam and said please.
A camera and microphone was shoved in my face from the Muslim against Crusader side of the barrier. “What do you think of all this?” “I think it’s appalling, and by the way who are you with” I asked?
I’m with the BBC he said “Making a documentary”. “Well, it’s disgusting, that the Royal Anglians coming home are faced with this” “What would you say if I told you that my brother (or Step brother) like me, is a convert and is demonstrating with the others. “Then I feel very sorry for him and will pray that he turns back to Christ. I have nothing more to say” Except I made him have his picture taken, as he had filmed me. There he is below, BBC documentary maker and fellow traveller.

Of course a Christian converting to Islam is fine but a Muslim converting to Islam is to be punished; accoriding to the Koram “Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57:’Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.’ Seems fair? Religion of Peace?
Muslim convert? With a fashionable head and Qu”ra’a’n-inspired AC-DC t-shirt?
He is probably wearing Marks & Spencers underpants as well.
I think it was his bother or step-brother that he was claiming was the convert.
But he says “What would you say if I told you that my brother (or Step brother) like me, is a convert”
Maybe I’m wrong.
No you’re right, I misread the article – sorry.
He’s a knob anyway.
He looks an awful lot like independent blogger and warzone journalist Michael J. Totten. But I’d be very surprised, quite frankly, if he was hired by the BBC to do anything, and he’s not even remotely a jihad supporter or anti-Israel or anti-West nutter, although he does have far more respect for many local Arab cultures than a lot of people. His brother isn’t Muslim, but that could have been a ruse to get an answer.
David, you could ask Totten via his blog if it’s him, but I doubt it somehow.
The subject looks look exactly what I imagine BBC staff or freelancers look like. 😉
Sorry about the “looks look”.
I’m doing a lot of double-takes today.
I’ve emailed him and directed him to this post. Waiting for a reply.
Michal J. Totten replied to my inquiry.
Nope, it’s not me, but I can sort of see the resemblance.
Thanks for that, deegee. I suspected it wasn’t, but you never know.
That lettering on his T-Shirt looks awfully NAZI like in its typography.
He also needs a good slapping. Cretin.
The logo on the shirt is AC-DC a famous rock band. I went to school with its guitarist. The group is in no way intentionally political.
You went to school with Angus? Do you still have the uniform as well?
You must be kidding! I’ve never even been back for a visit.
I was only joking, because Angus Young’s trademark is wearing his school uniform on stage.
Anyone care to bet against me that had someone had a sign stating…
He or she would undoubtedly have been arrested?
These people really do live in the past. Its about 800 years too late to campaign against the crusaders.
Maybe they are protesting to have this removed.
Actually I’m suprised its still there and hasn’t been replaced by a staute that represents our “modern” parliament.
This seems to be the original piece, but it makes no mention of this chaps name.
Newsnight at it again. Here’s a reminder to the BBC twats who read this blog (we know you do inbetween your visits to your drug dealers and rent boys) Liebour are no longer in power. get it?
Yet again Newsnight wheel out some Liebour mong (this time McNulty) to act as a ‘spokesman’ for something on terrorism.
I’ve just contacted Esmerelda Weatherwax via E-Mail, the original author of this story at the New English Review, to ask her if she may be able to shed some more light on our Islamic BBC filmmakers, true identity.
Here’s hoping…
I hope his real name is Al Camerman
“Kameran” is a muslim name !
“Kameran” is a muslim name !
Wow. That’s a total fluke on my part.
Either that or you are a closet muslim 😉
Well it certainly has been a brilliantly successful 24 hours for The Obamessiah, judging from the BBC’s coverage today. All across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting, from the website to Today to Newsnight to News 24, there’s only the barest hint that His speech didn’t go down spectacularly well. But He did get everything he wanted “and more” when He received BP execs at the White House.
On Today, Mark Mardell was suitably impressed, thougt it was totally appropriate for the President to use war terminology. Mardell has been openly hoping for what he views as a show of strength, so it’s no surprise. Of course, while he’s sure to point out BP as the enemy, and that more than 70% of people in the US think that BP hasn’t done enough. What Mardell doesn’t want you to know is that 45% say that the President is doing a poor job on the spill, and 57% of people now disapprove of his Presidency overall.
The other thing that Mardell and all the other Beeboids covering the US have hidden from you is that the people of Louisiana think The Obamessiah has done worse job on the oil spill than Bush did with Katrina! By 50 – 35. They’re probably just racists.
Also on Today, Evan Davis had on a former Obamessiah advisor and current member of a thinktank which the he neglected to mention was a far-Left one. Neera Tanden actually mentioned that the Administration “were a little slow to respond”, and maybe didn’t quite handle it right at first. At last! Were we going to get an honest discussion now? No, it was all about He should use this as an opportunity to force us all into some green energy nonsense. And of course Davis says none of it is the President’s fault, and His former crony concurs. So much for that moment of truth, now swept under the rug.
Another moment of truth immediately smothered was in Katie Connolly’s analysis, which actually mentions one criticism of His speech: that it was more rhetoric and lacking in substance. The only disappointment offered comes from the far Left, that He didn’t use the opportunity to force us all into some green energy nonsense. I’m sure it’s entirely coincidental that this is the exact same criticism they found time to mention on Today.
Naturally this is put in perspective by shifting the narrative to wondering if maybe expections of His brillliant speechfiying are too high. If His speech doesn’t satisfy, it’s our own fault, really, not His.
Contrast the BBC’s coverage of the speech with that of the US media. Even those who have as much, if not more, emotionally invested in His Presidency are unhappy and saw that the emperor has no clothes. Not the Beeboids, though. They are dedicated to the last. In fact, Mardell is starting to remind me of “Baghdad Bob”.
Yes, in spite of Mardell’s sycophancy, Obama’s speech has been trashed right across the US media – when people like Keith Olbermann and Cwissie Matthews on MSNBC say he failed miserably, it is clear that the man lacks any semblance of real executive ability.
58 days into the crisis before he even meets the BP boss – and then for just 20 minutes. Says it all, really.
And this Obama of appalling judgment – people keep saying he is worse even than Carter – is siding at every turn with the Palestinians, praising Islam, kowtowing to Arab leaders, listening to the known set of antisemites in his team, failing to stand up to the UN. He has made the Middle East far more dangerous than it ever was – and his transparent weaknesses have emboldened Iran to increase the dangers.
On the “Daily Politics” yesterday, Andrew Neil repeatedly asked Francis Maude and Yvette Cooper whether Obama’s comparison of the oil spill with 9/11 was fair. They just couldn’t bring themselves to criticise Obama. With useless , spinless politicians like these, what hope is there for the UK ?
Quite right Obama is the most stupid, dangerous President in US history.
Obama’s Poodles.
Obama also thinks that we should give the Falklands to the Argies!!
I wouldn’t call it weakness as such, he’s adopting the stances one would expect of a crypto-communist to weaken America and the free world.
Always bear in mind that the Crusades were a very belated response to 300 years of continuous attacks by the armies of Islam against the Christian countries of the ME.
Yes; Beeboids and Guardianistas derive their propaganda history on the Crusades from Islamic apologists such as ex-nun Karen Armstrong, as here:
“Islamic Apologetics”
LOL. Crusaders, this one always makes me laugh.
No doubt the same type of people 500 years from now will be protesting against Britains involvement in WW2, saying how we bombed Germany. Which we did, but why? how history changes…
Yes, there will be a cool book detailing all the Allied bombings of homes in Germany. Probably talking about executions of ‘innocent’ SS soilders… arrh. i can see it now.
If anything, if the Catholic Church had been stronger and acted quicker they could have wiped out Islam all together. Instead, if you read history, the crusades were only formed about 30 or 40 years AFTER they ransacked St.Peters!! Yes, the very St.Peters in Rome, **ITALY**.
BBC still coy about reporting this Islamic threat to British society:
“Extremists behind demo at soldiers’ parade use names of terrorists”