A truly chilling insight into the BBC mindset is provided by former BBC and Reuters correspondent Mark Brayne, who has now become – rather terrifyingly, given his views – a psychotherapist. In his case, the emphasis is definitely on the first part of the word. This nutjob, who takes the Dr David Gregory/BBC mindset I explored yesterday to its witchfinder-general logical conclusions, fervently believes that those who are sceptical about climate change need psychotherapy, and has written a so-called paper to support his mental fascism. Read it and weep; the insane truly do have the keys to the asylum – broadcast journalism is colonised by dangerous people. This is why the BBC pursues its greenie agenda with such fervour. One quote from this pile of garbage is sufficient to show Mr Brayne’s approach:
…as therapists and as fellow human beings, we must seek to help our two opening clients – Gaia and her children – to work together to understand the threats that face them, and together empower both ourselves and those who govern us to make the choices and changes that might yet avert the worst.
The whole paper is in similar vein. What is even more chilling is that this BBC man of science and mental well-being has been addressing a conference of newsgatherers in Germany about his views. The agenda shows how much world-wide media, as well as the BBC, are lying to us about climate change and are re-doubling their propaganda efforts, despite rising scepticism. Mr Brayne also advises journalists how to deal with stress after they have been exposed to traumatic situations. God help them; I think I’d prefer a spell in a war zone any time.
Update: I’ve now been in full through the agenda of the climate change news conference at which Mark Brayne is speaking. Also there as speakers are other BBC staff: among them, Grace Davies, who is new media editor at the BBC World Service Trust, and Anna Godfrey, who is in charge of research for the Trust. That’s the BBC arm, of course, as I have mentioned before, that specialises in terrifying the developing world with climate change alarmism. As usual, the BBC is at the forefront of international efforts to spread propaganda.
One word. MONG!
Now reading, elsewhere, the full story behind the latest BBC ‘98% of people we agree with, support and cover to the exclusion all else…’ ‘poll, I am wondering what exactly I am required by my government to pay for with this aspect of their broadcast delivery, when it seems mots aspect of balance and value seem to hit the edit suite floor to feed an agenda-driven narrative addiction.
Sure as heck ain’t ‘news’.
Mr. Brayne is but one latest hire to strain my tolerance of this clear abuse of Charter and fee.
But I will be holding the coalition to account if this progresses, as I did not vote for a Ministry of Truth to be spawned in a mere name-change exercise.
That I see the projection now to be ‘Lies, damn lies, statistics…….. BBC polls…………………. and BBC reporting of them’ might give those in the politico-media bubble some pause for concern, if any others might share my view.
Trust is hard to regain if abused and then lost.
Let me state the obvious: if this was just further proof of how super-creative Beeboids, gosh darn it, just like to indulge in crazee blue sky thinking during their off hours, how come it’s always the same patch of blue sky? Where are the Beeboids who get caught suggesting SUV ownership be made compulsory or that Israel should have torpedoed the fauxtilla? Don’t they need a little more diversity?
“As this client’s therapist, our dilemma is how to help him to realise that the doctors are right and that he really must change.”
Chilling doesn’t begin to describe it.
Test as I have been having problems signing in !
“This nutjob… fervently believes that those who are sceptical about climate change need psychotherapy”
Brayne would have felt right at home in any totalitarian regime from the 20th Century. Let’s take Stalin’s “insane asylums” for political prisoners, where “political belief” determined diagnoses and conclusions.
It’s Kafka come to life of course. The very act of dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy is in itself proof of mental instability.
TITLE: Another Soviet Dissident Committed to an Insane Asylum
DATE: 1970-8-21
COUNTRY:Soviet Union
This material was prepared for the use of the
editors and policy staff of Radio Free Europe:
Two Western news agencies have reported yet another
instance of a Soviet citizen committed to an insane asylum for exercizing the rights of freedom of speech and press as guaranteed in Article 125 of the Soviet Constitution.
According to the sources, 19-year-old Olga Ioffe was committed to a psychiatric institute yesterday after being charged with anti-Soviet agitation. [1] Her commitment was the result of a psychiatric examination that concluded she was suffering
from chronic schizophrenia.
By now, the practice of committing persons to an insane asylum because their expressed views differ from official policy or because they criticize aspects of the Soviet system is, unfortunately, becoming standard procedure.
Of course, anyone who writes this psychobabble sounds a quarter pounder short of a Happy Meal…
“…as therapists and as fellow human beings, we must seek to help our two opening clients – Gaia and her children – to work together to understand the threats that face them,”
Gaia and her children????
Brayne sees the planet as a giant mother and equates its grown-up population as “children” instead of fully functioning adults. WOW.
Clearly the highly disturbed Brayne has unresolved “mummy and womb” issues. Maybe he was taken from the breast too early (7 years old, in his case) and he wants to be mollycoddled like a manchild. Now that’s really NUTS.
Pychotherapist, commit thyself.
ADDENDUM: I just noted that the disturbed manchild Brayne wrote this garbage for a totalitarian commie Chinese publication. Figures.
Yes well, it’s not unheard of that some psychotherapists go into psychotherapy knowingly or unknowingly because of their own deep seated issues. I’ve personally known one that was crazy as some of her clients but couldn’t see it. It would to interesting to analyse Brayne to see just how he ticks.
A Brayne scan?
Post of the week Jack B! IMHO of course 😀
Is this nutjob out of the David Icke school? What is it with bBC people – stuffed with their own importance or what?
One of the things that gets my goat is how presenters nowadays treat us like children. Camera angles looking up to the wise teacher who’ll tell us how to think. And if we don’t agree, then it’s the gulag.
DJ — well if they “mummyize” the planet and think people are “her”“children” then it’s no leap.
David Ike has some bizarre ideas but he means well and doesn’t pick my pocket of £140 on an annual basis to fund his very entertaining brand of lunacy.
This whacko cultist betrays himself with his words, to the authoritarian leftists/greens the population are seen as children to be moulded and guided and disciplined and educated and if all that fails punished.
Yeah these guys have issues alright its called the ‘napoleon meets Stalin has a cup of tea with Hitler and Pol Pot and decide on a manifesto’ syndrome.
The BBC loves Chavez and Castro as they loved and adored the USSR their actual heaven on earth paradise where many of the older beeboids happily attended world peace/trades union/human rights shindigs all expenses paid. Hey whats not to love? a dominant socialist government with a single media, its everything a beeboid wants to be!
I noticed in that longwinded unoriginal ramble around all the usual suspects (IPPC, Gore & co) that he started two of his paragraphs with “The truth is that…”.
But how am I supposed to know whether he knows the truth or not or that what he is saying is reliable? He isn’t an expert, is he, whatever it may mean? He is a journalist, and coming from the BBC, is not reliable on this subject, as on many others. He is a warmist party man, isn’t he? I did wonder too whether he has given up all that travelling that the BBC is so addicted to, while howling constantly about the dire fate of the planet.
Brayne is a fully paid-up member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. The BACP is an eminently respectable organisation. It is one of the organisations with which psychotherapists are registered – much like the General Medical Council. Unfortunately, again much like the GMC, the BACP (despite one assumes its best efforts) has on its books a few hopeless nutters. Having read this paper
Click to access The_Psychology_of_Climate_Change.pdf
Brayne must be considered a perennial candidate for the annual “Nutter of the Year” award. However, rather than discouraging him and calling him in to its offices for a quiet word, the BACP in its wisdom actually invited Brayne to address its 2007 annual conference. Moreover, if you google Brayne/BACP you will find that over the years there has been a load of BACP events where Brayne has been given the opportunity to vent ideas with which Lysenko as well as the Soviet psychiatric establishment would have been familiar.
As a matter of interest the BACP’s monthly journal Therapy Today was last year the centre of a row concerning a crudely anti-Israeli article on the effects of war on Palestinians. Although some months later Therapy Today published a “balancing” article concerning the trauma experienced by Israelis, the mind-set by which Brayne’s demonising of climate change sceptics is considered, not only acceptable but is actively encouraged, is not restricted to the BBC.
It’s a religion. And apparently a lucrative lobbying industry, which the BBC and all their media brethren would be savagely attacking if it was lobbying the media on behalf of business interests and not Warmism.
Robin, are you attending the conference? Brave man.
What the hell has any of this to do with the BBC ?
Anyone would think they are following a political agenda…… Er…..
Clearly the giant Brayne would assess these Chinese people as mentaly ill and need to undergo extensive psychotherapy for questioning the agreed party line of the Chinese state. (Mr Brayne LIKES posting articles in organs owned by totalitarian regimes)
Parents of Sichuan earthquake victims arrested in China
As many as 40 parents whose children died during the Sichuan earthquake have been arrested after calling for an investigation into the deaths to be made public.
More than 180 parents, who believe that their children died because school buildings in the province were built shoddily, signed a petition calling on the Chinese government to publish the findings of a post-earthquake investigation. . . .
Around 60 parents attempted to deliver the latest petition to the local government on Monday but were instantly arrested by police.
“The police came right away and took us away,” said one parent, who managed to flee, to the South China Morning Post. He added that around 40 parents had been taken to the police station.