Inspired by CifWatch, here are some What Ifs.
You know that Panorama episode where they set up a Muslim honey-trap scenario to highlight Islamophobia? Well, what if they made a Panorama with a decoy Jew to expose antisemitism like the Amsterdam police had to.
You know Alan ‘I’m telling your story’ Johnston, theBBC kidnapee that became a cause célèbre? Well, it’s 4 years on friday since Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Hamas and the Army of Islam. What if the BBC marked this horrible anniversary by making a little fuss about his human rights?
You know the BBC’s fixation that peace will be brought closer by talking to Hamas? What if they suddenly realised that this was specious and delusive?
Not possible. You see, Gilad is an Israeli Jew, and it is a strict BBC meme that Israeli Jews – es-ecially citizens soldiers – have no rights.
The BBC and ex BBC types like Chris Guness believe Israelis dont deserve human rights because they are not human.
Human rights are only to assigned to BBC allies and friends and their enemies apparently dont deserve to be classed as human.
Gilead Shalit does not even appear on their humanitarian radar, its too full of terrorists and assorted criminals and it is those BBC favourites that get all the attention and BBC heart on sleeve bleeding heart emotion. I can well imagine beeboids sneering and laughing at Shilits fate, as with other enemies of the BBC state he is simply invisible.
BTW IMHO Alan(fake hostage)Johnson was a guest of hamas while they involved themselves in a fake rescue to appear like good guys and gave the BBC all the excuse they needed to give into hamas demands of equal treatment with any legitimate government.
I wouldn’t put anything past Hamas. Officially he was kidnapped by “The Army of Islam ” and released after “pressure” from Hamas.
And what if the BBC published the Balen report?:
“Campaigner loses fight to see BBC Middle East report”
The BBC has covered up the Balen report for about 6 years now, using British licencepayers’ funds to conceal it.
It’s not as though the Balen report contains political dynamite; after all, Mr. Malcolm Balen is a BBC journalist. But the BBC, given the undemocratic organisation it is, apparently needs to have the power to use public funds to censor any internal questioning of the Corporation’s long-term, continuing political campaign against Israel.
From a FOI request partially answered by the BBC
Application to the BBC
The BBC has a long tradition of making information available and accessible. It seeks to be open and accountable and already provides the public with a great deal of information about its activities. BBC Information operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week handling telephone and written comments and queries, and the BBC’s website provides an extensive online information resource.
It is important to bear this in mind when considering the Freedom of Information Act and how it applies to the BBC. The Act does not apply to the BBC in the way it does to most public authorities
in one significant respect. It recognises the different position of the BBC (as well as Channel 4 and S4C) by saying that it covers information “held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature”. This means the Act does not apply to information held for the purposes of creating the BBC’s output (TV, radio, online etc), or information that supports and is closely associated with these creative activities.
A great deal of information within this category is currently available from the BBC and will continue to be so. If this is the type of information you are looking for, you can check whether it is available on the BBC’s website or contact BBC Information.
The Act does apply to all of the other information we hold about the management and running of the BBC.
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it you ingrates!
In what way is the Balen report held for the purposes of journalism ?
And what on earth is information held for the “purposes of art ” ?
Given that the BBC’s core business is Journalism, Literature and Art (all in the eye of the beholder) what could have been a reasonable exemption to protect sources, trade secrets, etc. has been expanded to a blanket ban on most anything the BBC does. All the while the BBC is crowing about how open and transparent they are.
It is especially important to protect non-existant “sources”.
It’s unfortunate that, because the BBC is willing to do features on Thereseinstadt and composers murdered by the Nazis, they know that they don’t have to report on Jews getting attacked today because of anger against Israel. I’m not kidding. The BBC editors know about this, but decided that, like the situtation in Malmö, it’s not worth reporting, as the Jews deserve it for supporting nasty old Israel.
BBC editorial policy summed up: Jews are getting enough sympathy when we do these Holocaust features. The US is in their pocket. What more do they want? There’s no pleasing some people.
Come on, lurking Beeboids (if there are any left), tell me what really goes on so I know how wrong I am.
The hollow ring of BBC Holocaust commemoration these days is deafening. Just who do they think they’re kidding?
This just popped into my inbox.
‘Will the media rememberGilad Shalit?”
Look we all know the BBC admire Hitler and his mass murder machine.
‘Joows’ are evil, the BBC say so.
Not that this has anything to do with the BBC, but I thought it was of interest.
An open letter from actor Jon Voight to President Obama:
June 22, 2010
President Obama:
You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the only Democratic state in the Middle East, against all their enemies. You have done just the opposite. You have propagandized Israel, until they look like they are everyone’s enemy — and it has resonated throughout the world. You are putting Israel in harm’s way, and you have promoted anti-Semitism throughout the world.
You have brought this to a people who have given the world the Ten Commandments and most laws we live by today. The Jewish people have given the world our greatest scientists and philosophers, and the cures for many diseases, and now you play a very dangerous game so you can look like a true martyr to what you see and say are the underdogs. But the underdogs you defend are murderers and criminals who want Israel eradicated.
(There’s more.)
That’s his acting career finished then !
I would say it is highly relevant to the BBC. Given all the airtime they gave to luvvies for criticising Bush, lets see how much Voigt gets. I’m not holding my breath for it to surface, aside from in an arch manner to rubbish Voigt.
The footage showed young men, often of immigrant origin, shouting and making Nazi salutes at a rabbi when he visited different areas of the Dutch capital.
This is from the Daily Telegraph. See how PC even the Telegraph is?
I have a vague feeling that “immigrant origin” is code for MUSLIMS.
Though I suppose it could be Scientologists.
Apparently the Dutch are very worried by Tom Cruise wannabees.
An apposite little something from the 2010 Pogroms of Eurabia, currently taking place in an EU country near you..
As usual, the BBC’s silence on anti-Jewish violence in Europe is deafening. Nice editorial policy.
Ignore the ad for Trifecta, (the first bit of this video) and watch the PJTV special with Richard Landes “A Tale of Two languages.”
If the link doesn’t work, go through Elder of Ziyon
It’s a must see for anyone who is interested in the “Peace Process.”
…and the spam is deleted. Cheers Grant, and to those who used the “Flag” option to let me know this was here.
All Seeing Eye
Of course, when I revisited after your deletion, it left my comment high and dry as if I was commenting on Philip’s most above ! Mine deleted now. Situation normal.
I wondered what I’d said to upset you!
It had to come, SPAM!
Why does there not seem to be any consistency in “Flag like reply delete ” ? They don’t appear in the same order above and “Flag doesn’t appear at all, in some cases .
Flag doesn’t appear under your own comment. Delete only appears under your own comment. You wouldn’t want to flag your own comment, would you? And you’re not allowed to go deleting other peoples!
Thanks, Sue, that makes sense.
A Terrorist’s Guide to Improving Israel’s Media Coverage
When you’re in a competition and you’re losing, one of the first thing to do is to study what your opponent is doing and copy him. In this case Israel is competing for good media coverage with the terrorists. And the terrorists are winning. And if the media likes them so much, maybe it’s time to start doing what they do.
Explains a lot.
I like Sultan Knish.
But of course there’s the ultimate strategy that would inevitably improve Israel’s media coverage.
Allowing Hamas, the PLO and the Muslim World to realise their ambition. That would do the trick straight away.
The BBC wouldn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I’m sure someone has already posted a link to this, but here it is again just in case:
Whatever happened to the BBC’s appetite for satire? Oh I forgot, Thatcher isn’t PM any longer.
At last! The BBC has broken radio silence on anti-Jew violence in Europe:
Jewish dance group stoned in Hanover, Germany
Thank you, BBC. Now how about a special feature on Panorama or something about how anti-Jew sentiment is being directly tied to anti-Israel sentiment?
Yes David, but the BBC are still guilty of bias by omission. The article contains the following:
“A German Jewish leader said she feared growing anti-Israeli sentiment.”
That’s “anti-Israeli sentiment”, not antisemitic sentiment.
You only have to follow one of the links in the FROM OTHER NEWS SITES box to get the full story. German Jews warned of attacks – 3 hrs ago
Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, told the newspaper Die Welt that the incident “points to a new societal challenge that has clearly emerged in recent weeks”.
She said she had the impression that anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli sentiment was “widespread” not just among the far-right but also in Germany’s Muslim community.
Teen suspects identified
“It particularly saddens me that those anti-Semitic views can already be seen with such vehemence among children and youths,” she said.
The BBC and half the story!
Sorry, Bio, but this is still a huge step in the right direction for the BBC. They’ve been silent on this problem for far too long. I complained yesterday that they hadn’t reported this one, and now they have, so I’m just going to be thankful for the improvement and not split hairs this time.
I’ve been complaining about this for a very long time, and it’s only right that I acknowledge it when the BBC improves their editorial policy. Still a long way to go, of course, but one step at a time….
But David, they put it down to “anti-Israel sentiment”. They’re still hiding the fact that it’s antisemitic sentiment.
One of the defences of the antisemite is that they’re only engaging in “legitimate criticism of Israeli policy”. This is yet another case of the BBC turning a blind eye to antisemitism and justifying it by calling it “anti-Israel”.
The headline of the article linked to is
German Jews warned of attacks
That’s JEWS, not Israelis!
They’re also guilty of mis-reporting what people actually say, just as they substitute “militant” when reporting somebody who actually used the banned word “terrorist”.
I don’t believe it’s any kind of step in the right direction, it’s just another step in the BBC’s dance around the problem of Muslim Jew-hatred.
My contention is that the relentless demonization of Israel has led to anti-Jewish sentiment. So I think this is a good start, because it’s obviously Mohammedans doing it in this case and not white people who can be dismissed as old-fashioned Nazis or whatever.
It’s not old-fashioned anti-Semitism; it’s a new kind which is directly connected to anti-Israel sentiment. At least the BBC is reporting the incident now, which they have refused to do in the past. Note that it’s not even a visiting Israeli group, in which case it could be dismissed out of hand. The BBC is at last pointing out incidents where Jews feel the brunt of anti-Israel sentiment, which is the first step towards understanding.
I will continue to encourage the BBC in this direction.
I’ll agree with you when the BBC reports these incidents fully, as the piece does.
Bio: baby steps, baby steps. It’s like de-programming cult members.
The report refers to “some of the attackers being muslim immigrants”. Does that mean all the others were non-muslims ? Or muslims born and bred in Germany ? Or what ?
David, I hate to disagree with you because I do agree with just about everything you’ve ever written here. In fact the exceptions are so few I don’t even remember what they are/were. 😉
I will admit that they did say this:
Youths reportedly shouted “Juden Raus” (Jews Out) as they attacked the dancers of the Chaverim (“Friends” in Hebrew) dance troupe last weekend.
Police said several Muslim immigrant youths were among the attackers and two youths were being questioned.
I suppose they could easily have missed that out. Perhaps they will in a future stealth edit. *DONT_KNOW*
Worth watching
Thanks. Was this reported on the BBC ? I doubt it .
A Terrorist’s Guide to Improving Israel’s Media Coverage
When you’re in a competition and you’re losing, one of the first thing to do is to study what your opponent is doing and copy him. In this case Israel is competing for good media coverage with the terrorists. And the terrorists are winning. And if the media likes them so much, maybe it’s time to start doing what they do.
More bias by omission:
Israel marks fourth anniversary Gilad Shalit capture
Militants from Hamas, the Palestinian organisation which controls Gaza, have also refused the International Red Cross access to Gilad Shalit – a stance that has been widely criticised in Israel and beyond.
Once again we need to follow one of the links FROM OTHER NEWS SITES to get the full story:
Hamas treatment of Israeli slammed
The US-based group Human Rights Watch says Hamas militants are violating the rules of war by prohibiting a captive Israeli soldier from having contact with his family and the Red Cross.
Human Rights Watch says the treatment of the 23-year-old soldier is “cruel and inhuman” and matches a UN definition of torture because he is denied any outside contact.
Funny how when HRW criticise Israel or accuse her of torture and war crimes the BBC make a meal of it, but in this case they choose to downplay HRW’s statement.
What if the BBC stopped allying itself with the politics of all those unelected, but publicly subsided NGOs?:
An article in ‘American Thinker’ indicates the mindset so common at the BBC:
‘The [Left’s] purificationist dream is a world without borders, governed by a global network of NGO’s. Almost all current activist organizations containing the words “green”, “justice”, “peace”, or “solidarity” would find a position in the ruling structure. These NGO’s would gravitate toward forming a totalitarian regime since, as Steinberg points out, they are “unaccountable to an electorate and escape political checks and balances…”
‘Even more disturbing is the increasing coalition between progressivism and radical Islam.’
The publicly subsidised BBC and the publicly subsidised NGOs which it supports.