It seems that Guardian contributor and regular BBC talking head,
Not so much when the speaker is Geert Wilders, but the kind of free speech that is specific to Muslims.
Bungle, if I may call him by his pet name, has a blog of his own in which he ascribes Theresa May’s ban on Dr. Zakir Naik to “a right-wing campaign to smear the popular Islamic speaker”.
From one extreme, i.e., various sources that support Dr. Naik and protest that when he says “all muslims should be terrorists”, he means it in the nicest possible way, to the other extreme, i.e., various ‘pro western’ sources that take the opposite view, namely that he’s a hatemonger and jolly well deserves to be banned, I’d say the BBC was fairly impartial, occupying the middle ground; and I don’t mean that in a nice way. For a British Broadcasting Corporation, surely impartiality over such a thing is tantamount to bias against “British” values.
In a similar way, the BBC seems to think Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber, is a nice sort of ‘guy next door’ fellow, too. Married with kids, “personable, a nice guy, but unremarkable”. And he’s got a master’s in Business administration! He would wave and say hello to the next door neighbour. Cool.
Bungle also has something to say about Faisal. He thinks the guilty plea “should in a more sensible world urgently prompt a rethink in the US administration about its callous strategy in Afghanistan”. Obama might be already on the case.
Bungle doesn’t like Douglas Murray very much, he thinks Murray is trying to silence Islamic speakers. All these Islamophobes and dog lovers . What is the UK coming to? Never mind, Bungle, I feel the BBC is with you.
Am I wrong in thinking that creepy Bungle was photographed burning Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie when it was published ?
The MCB is a vile organisation – but the BBC has always swallowed its lies.
Bungle certainly wasn’t too keen on Rushdie.
The BBC has always been pro Muslim hate groups. Remember Islam is a beautiful religion, tosspot Colin Edwards says so.
I found this by Googling. It seems poor Colin was only trying to prove that his comedy programme that was dumped wasn’t Islamophobic.
“…….Fourthly, the target of our comedy is not Islam but the climate of fear, usually generated by western governments, in this day and age. Fear of freedom of speech. Fear of not being able to believe what you believe. Fear of terrorism etc.
Myself and everyone involved in the making of these shows have nothing but respect for Islam. It is a beautiful religion (that I indeed studied at
University) and one that we’re fully aware of is based firmly in love and peace. However, we do satirise knee-jerk reaction hysteria, especially when it comes from a position of dogmatic belief, whether religious or political.”
Context, Martin, Context.
Ah! silly me. I look forward to the BBC taking the piss out of Islam in a forthcoming comedy show!
I thought his pet name was Bunghole, but perhaps it’s only his special friends who get to call him that.
His ‘special’ BBC friend probably.
I rather doubt if the BBC will be showing this indoctrination of Palestinian children :
And creepy Bungle would defend it as perfectly reasonable.
The BBC never informs its audience of the evil happening within the Palestinian community.
John A,
Musically, though, your vid knocks this into a cocked hat!
I wonder if Bungle would care for it?
Can you imagine anyone getting their kids to do this? And when they make such a pig’s ear of it, uploading it to YouTube? Cruelty, Lauren Booth style. The little one is full of aggression already and the bigger one is terrified.
I wonder how Mommy and Daddy (Mommy and Mommy?) explained the last line Wars are made by ignorant fools with the We will never let Palestine down line? Ditto the Palestinians are my people line to such obviously not Arabic children?
The ‘MCB’ notice the name, they cannot even bring themselves to use the correct term term GREAT BRITAIN.
They should be called the ‘islamist hostile colonist council’ IMHO.
They are not British, there is nothing British about their values and aims, they hate and despise us and they view us as less than human, they prey on the cowardice and weakness of those we elect to look after our interests and they use the useful idiot cowards to further their hostile aims of domination and colonisation.
These hostile colonists are not elected because deomcracy is as alien to them as their culture is to us, they despise us with an intensity that makes them a truly dangerous enemy, given time and the opportunity they will cause pain and heartache on a huge scale.
Sums it up perfectly.
Has anybody noticed the title of this story on the BBC News page “Welfare cuts increase death rates”? A lefty report with lefty intentions, taken at face value. The BBC act as though it’s a statement of absolute fact – which, of course, it is in their messed up world.
I noticed mention of this on the Toady programme this morning. My first thought was that it was amazingly fortuitous for this report to have been undertaken over two whole years leading up to the very week that the budget has been announced.
Cynical, Moi?
Bungle Broadcasting Corporation , but certainly not “British”
Mr Bungalwala’s attitude to free speech is typical of many ‘liberals’. That BBC favourite, Shami Chakrabati, is head of Liberty. Liberty didn’t say a word when David Irving was jailed in Austria for telling us of his views about the Holocaust, something which isn’t a crime in most countries, including the UK.
The BBC, Mr Bungalawala and Miss Chakrabati feel they need to censor what the little people can hear so we don’t misbehave. That’s the measure of their contempt for us. They can listen to the views of Wilders or Irving without resorting to racial discrimination or violence but they know we can’t, hence the need for their authoritarian brand of freedom.
Please don’t bracket Wilder with Irving. The latter has been proven to be a deliberate liar in a court of law, the former no more dishonest than any politician ought to be.
I would say Geert is more honest than most politicians.
I will bracket Wilders with Irving in this case because they are both people who ‘liberals’ don’t think we should be allowed to hear, which is what this topic is about. I’m not suggesting they are similar in any other way – I don’t know that much about either of them. However, should I ever decide to find out more I don’t want some sinister, bossy do-gooder preventing me hearing what they say.
Slightly O/T: We are asked for comments on Tim Frank’s swansong. Here’s mine ( not holding my breath that they will publish it).
Tim Franks says there are two reports to be done in the May entry of his Jerusalem Diary – Israel independence and the Naqba. A highly misleading dichotomy, considering that both the resulting war of independence and the so-called Naqba were caused by the Arabs who rejected the UN partition plan. Missing altogether from Franks’ narrative are the Jewish refugees, who were forced out from Arab countries in greater numbers than the likes of Nahla Assali. I’ll wager Dr Shashouka, described euphemistically as a Libyan emigre, is actually a refugee. But has Tim Franks, or any other BBC journalist, ever done a piece on Jewish refugees? Not on your life. It would spoil the neat moral equivalence.
And he’s got a master’s in Business administration!
Just like George W. Bush.