The BBC love him – just can’t get enough of him, in fact. I refer to the loathsome Jeremy Hardy. I was listening to “I’m Sorry I haven’t a clue” on the BBC earlier today (Still missing Humph) but it was spoilt by Hardy’s malign presence. Were that not bad enough, it was announced that fun-loving Jeremy has a new series starting later this week on Radio 4. Hardy is distinguished, if that is the right word, for his hard left political views. He suggested the Royal Family were parasites; he suggested that anyone voting for the BNP should be “shot in the head”; he supported alleged Irish terrorists – very much a thoroughly modern man. Laugh? I nearly paid my license fee.
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Hardy is just part of the communist clique who get regular employment with the bbc. he is loathsome, and I can’t bear to listen to him. I am waiting with bated breath for our new government to deal with the bbc. They could show some commitment by applying the same pricing mechanism that was applied to utility companies at privatisation; namely a licence fee based on reducing the fee year on year (RPI-X, I think it was called). If this was done over the life of this parliament, we could be paying nothing in 5 years’ time.
Don’t bate your breath too long. It might do you some damage.
They breed optimists in Cheshire.
I would unbait your breathe if I were you.
I’m no fan of Hardy but the nor am I a fan of the Royals.
Take Prince Charles, a man who gives unconditional support to the whole Green energy boondangle despite being an open hypocrite regarding his own carbon usage. His advocacy has already caused material harm to millions and he wants it to get worse.
Socialism and monarchism have one thing in common – both believe that an elite is born to rule over the common herd.
Sorry, but someone had to say it…
…a Hardy perennial!! *DONT_KNOW*
Ermm, no they didn’t Craig! :'(
So you could say that the comrade is something of a moderate in BBC terms then?
Its interesting that Hardy appears only on the Beeb. I do wonder if this lack of work is why his SWP mates in the Beeb put him on every show they can.
Sadly Hardy can show flashes of humour on none PC subjects. When the iron curtain fell he adopted a little girl from an Romanian orphanage. Shortly afterwards he did some quite funny routines on his dealings with British social workers and the PC idiocy they spout. However either he was never mentally able to extend this chain of thought into subjects that went against his ideology or the SWP sent him to a re-education camp. Either way any trace of that thinking has now been expunged from his routines.
Shortly after 9/11 her referred to Islam as a “crappy little religion”. The SWP hymn sheets hadn’t been handed out then ..
Any chance he might have Aids and die slowly in great pain so I can have a good laugh?
Don’t forget Jere,y Hardy’s reprehensible views on Israel –
I never liked hardy since he split with Stan Laurel.
Jeremy Hardy is entitled to his views.
It’s loathsome that we are forced to pay Mr Hardy to broadcast his views in return for government permission to use our TV sets.
If the BBC were a subscription service paid for by willing customers I wouldn’t mind if it broadcast the wit and wisdom of Jeremy Hardy, Nick Griffin, Josef Stalin or Adolf Hitler 24/7.
I remember when Palestinian terrorists were holed up in a Church in Bethlehem to evade capture by pursuing Israeli soldiers, wantonly descecrating the place, Hardy was among of ‘peace activists’ who gained access to the Church to join them in ‘solidarity’. I remember Hardy being interviewed and lying through his backteeth that the Palestinians had no weapons, they were just poor innocent Arabs being beat up on by those awful Israelis simply for being Arab.
He really is a prize piece of Nazi Left vermin.
Interestingly Hardy claims he wishes he was Jewish:“.
Interesting link. And on the Guardian, too. Hardy must have been trying to be controversial.
“I hoped to find out that I am partly Jewish, something that Grandma herself once confessed to fantasising about on the basis of being called Rebecca. I am widely believed to be Jewish, by Jews, by neo-Nazis and by dispassionate observers. I should be Jewish. I’m in showbusiness, I can’t do DIY and I prefer cheesecake to Victoria sponge. Proper cheesecake, not blancmange on crushed digestive biscuits. My friend Arnold Brown, this country’s greatest Jewish comedian, has always insisted that I am Jewish, which I take as a compliment.”
Hmmph. I agree about the cheesecake.
Oh, and I trust Italy agreed with you? 🙂
One of the vilest of the vile.
It is paradoxical how Hardy, Toksvig and co are very sensitive about the feelings of some people (e.g. gays & immigrants) but not about those who object to words like c*nt even in comedy shows. That word is still offensive to many, whereas other words like sh*t have lost some impact, according to surveys on taboo words. Also, despite being in favour of “diversity”, this never seems to extend to the constantly reviled “Daily Mail readers” who outnumber Guardian readers by about ten times.