James Naughtie is baffled. Some bad men have attacked a children’s’ UN summer camp in Gaza. He asks Jon Donnison if he knows anything. “Could it be something to do with Hamas?” he speculates. “Only, it’s the second time this has happened.”
“Why do you suppose Hamas don’t like the UN summer camps?” He wonders.
“They’re jealous, because their own summer camps are rubbish. Also, they don’t like girls cavorting on the beach.”
“oh; well that’s understandable then.” “We’ll be talking to someone from the UN in a minute.”
Can’t wait to see how they explain this one away. Maybe it was Israel’s fault. The illegal blockade, probably
No, you prat. It’s because Hamas is an Islamist outfit who think nothing of tying people up and throwing them off tall buildings, and they aren’t too keen on anything much, especially women’s lib, and fun. You know, a bit like those bad Taliwhassisnames that our brave boys are fighting in Affie.
Update: Surprise surprise. They got our friend, Israel hating John Ging to speak for the UN. “It’s the fault of the conditions Gazans have to live in.” (Israel’s fault.)
I’ll add links ASAP.
Of course the fact that hamas are determined to instill a deep hatred of Jews into their children has nothing to do it eh?
The fact is that hamas are breeding a whole generation of hate filled fanatics, they are uttely determined to create the next generation of hate filled racist killers and the UN camp is the very last thing they want their children exposed to, happiness and understanding and kindness and harmony are not the ideals that hamas want their next generation of pitiless killers exposed to because it might lead those recruits to the jihad to have doubts about the validity of the mindless race hate that hamas pimps.
The BBC knows full well that in Gaza NOTHING happens without the direct consent of hamas, they make demands of the hand wringing appeasers in the UNWRA and they expect those demands to be met, should the UNRWA not jump to it then messages are sent and this was a message just like the shooting of a UN driver a while back.
If hamas wants its ‘cut’ of the begging bowl charity coming in increased and the UNWRA says no then messasges are sent via its bullyboy thugs and hey presto the cowardly useful idiot colloborators give in.
The BBC sees non of this, they are blind to the reality and deaf to the pleas of hamas victims, a whole population held hostage and used as a bargainging chip.
The Toady show, presented by mongs.
BTW Ging and Gunness are well and truly in the pockets of hamas, they suffer from an industrial strength infection of the Stockholm syndrome and when combined with their racist jew hatred it makes a poisonous cocktail.
They are typical appeasers and appologists who will lie and cheat to protect their allies and that is what hamas have become to them. No crime and bad behaviour is beyond the pail because the alleged justification is supposed to be valid.
The Jews deserve it, the camp was destroyed because the Jews are evil, the human bomb murderers are simply upset about the evil Jews and their evil crimes, random violence and race hate crimes become understandable, the Jews deserve their fate, no Jew is innocent and the whole race from the babe in arms to the old gimmer barely able to walk all are deserving of death for the crimes of their race.
This is the deliberate blood libel of an entire race that G&G engage in with their racist friends.
See how the Jew haters and bigots hide their hatred behind a mountain of justifications and moral relatavism?
Can you or anyone here provide me with an identification guide to Ging and Gunness ( sounds like a BBC comedy duo ) ?
I always struggle to tell one from the other. Or are they one and the same ? Has anyone ever seen them in the same place at the same time ?
Any ideas welcome.
Aaah yes! I was hoping for the opportunity to share my views on those two rats.
Both have the manner and look of one Julius Streicher one time editor of Der Sturmer, a close up shot of their expressions is strikingly similar.
Ging has the look of a young Rudolf Hess, you remember him the one that thought he could balance a chair on two legs with willpower alone.
Gunness is a photo montage of all fanatic born again hate merchants, every bigoted racist in the world in one mug and shimmering just beneath the surface of both quite visible lays a fanatics certainty as clear as day, no doubts and no uncertainties cloud and mellow the facial expressions, you see it tinged with the triumphalism of knowing that he has the power and influence to attack his hated enemies, he has the platform and he is in charge. It is the joy of the hater when he is on top and being listened to, I urge you to exmaine the faces of these people very carefully when they appear. A facial expression expert would be able to read their faces clearly, no wonder then that no expert will ever appear on the BBC to read those ugly mugs.
I take deep exception to your defamation of rats. I am rather fond of rats . At least they are honest.
But, loved your comparison of the vile Ging with Rudolf Hess . But, when Hess arrived in Scotland, we gave him a nice welcome. If Ging ever turns up here and I catch him……. Mind you not much money for him to make here !
Funny you should say that Grant, my favourite animals are rats.
I used the term as humans would regard it and by doing so I defamed the rat race.
Please accept my appologies, never again will I insult our animal friends, henceforth the scum will be called cockroaches?
I am a founder member of the “Cockroach Liberation Front “. I have always tried to find out what harm they do to humans ? Apart from 9/11 that is.
“cockroach liberation front” Isnt that the BBC middle east department? 😉
Oooh just remebered who Gunness reminds of quite well, a cult leader by the name of Marshall Applewhite who led a cult by the name of heavens gate.
He made quite a splash a while back with his beliefs and his facial expressions are strikingly similar to that of Gunness, I would love to see them both together on the screen side by side to view the how similar they are.
You can Google Marshall Applewhite. I notice someone has compared him to Ron Paul (who looks remarkably like John Ging). It’s the starey eyes, burning with passion. I noticed the same penetrating hate-filled eyes on that tattoed creep that Sarah Montague interviewed recently on HardTalk. The Peace activist.
If the BBC can’t pin it on the Israelis, they’ll pin it on the Buddhists.
Grant, are you celebrating Hogmanay early?
I celebrate Hogmanay every day with a glass of Irn Bru !
Good lad.
Those darn monks.
Actually, I think next in line, at least now, would be BP.
Can’t recall where exactly, but I read a piece recently that was outraged by a 300% increase in spousal abuse in Louisiana, laid squarely at the door of our hapless oil giant.
Can’t argue their ineptitude has added some strains to the region, but have to wonder if, after a few months hardship, there are not more concerning issues to contemplate that a population seems to feel pummeling the missus is the best reaction to money woes.
In the BBC worldview, Hamas are always the victim so the sanitisation of this assault on a UN kids camp is always going to be the fault of the Jews. Simple as that. To admit otherwise might mean questioning the validity of the “Palestinian” cause and that, alas, is quite unthinkable.
“might mean questioning the validity of the Palestinian cause”
Perfect utterly perfect DV, its worth savouring that simple but oh so revealing phrase like a window into the dark corner of the BBC mindset.
Thankyou thankyou.
Great ! You are on fire !!!
Of course they only feature John Ging’s interview on the web. You’ll have to wait till they upload this morning’s full programme in full to hear the bit with Jon Donnison.
The one with Ging goes something like this:
Naughtie: “Who are they?”
Ging: “They’re a bit like the others who did the same thing previously.”
Naughtie: “Who are they?”
Ging: “People who don’t like kids having the recreational opportunities we provide. Of course they’re all psychologically disturbed by you know who.”
(In case you’re confused about who is psychologically disturbing them, he’s talking about Israel. Nothing to do with being brainwashed by …… you know who)
Naughtie was stunned to learn that 250,000 Palestinian children attend these UN recreational camps. It was clear from the sound of his voice as he intoned the figure. He had no idea. It goes against the Narrative, of course, so he never imagined that there was slightly less tragedy and deprivation than he had always believed.
Hamas and Hizbollah know that it does not matter what they do, how evil they act, how much they are ruthless dictators, how much they despoil young minds, how much they revere terrorism – the BBC will still look benignly on them, will swallow their lies, will print their forged photos, will suppress anything to the contrary.
Because everything is Israel’s fault.
You could sit Naughtie et al in front of a screen and show film of Hamas and Hizbollah leaders and preachers ranting terrorist evil and anti-semitism all day – but in Naughtie et al’s view this filthy and murderous derangement is all the fault of the Jooos.
I suppose we should be grateful that they reported this at all. Crumbs from the table.
After all, even though John Ging stood almost on his head to not say the word Hamas, let alone blame them, the obfuscation was even more obvious than usual.
The thing is, that whatever bad stuff Hamas does, people will always get away with saying they are forced into it by Israel.
Until Israel is un-demonised, re-legitimised and rehabilitated by the BBC this situation will abide.
I can’t see how change can come about, what with Obama, Cameron, Clegg and Hague in office and the BBC, guided by leftie ignoramuses, churning out seriously shoddy, populist and agenda-driven material.
Cue somebody telling me B-BBC isn’t doing enough.
As regards photos, even the Telegraph is guilty of distortion.
In a recent article on 17th June, it used an old photo taken from a Guardian (!) piece in January 2009. The photo was taken during the height of the fighting during “Operation Cast Lead”. The photo used by the Telegraph shows the inevitable destruction in an active war zone – completely at odds with the conditions that prevail there today.There can be no other purpose behind this other than to mislead the reader.
I wrote to the Telegraph today complaining about this blatant bias and await its response.
The Telegraph changed the photo. Well done!
Yesterday the bBC headed its Middle-eastern web page with how the Turks made an IDF plane fly around its borders on route to Piland. But from how the bBC wrote it up you’d think they almost shot it down.
Today they lead with the story about how a telecoms man has been arrested on Lebanon on charges of spying for Israel.
Meanwhile in Gaza Arab bank has closed all its branches due to Hamas raiding other banks and robbing them blind. Arab bank is the sole bank in Gaza that operates under international banking rules and thus is the only conduit for the Worlds Aid money. Strangely enough Hamas opened up its own banking arm last year however it doesn’t conform to international banking rules
Also in Gaza the power station which according to Palestinian news agency Maan supplies 25% of the areas power is shut due to a lack of fuel. However the reason it is shut isn’t because of the jew but rather because Hamas owes the PA $2 Billion for fuel supplied.
But I suppose as the above two have nothing to do with Israel the bBC doesn’t feel a need to report them instead finding petty stories in which to continue its anti-semetic bent.
Only marginally tangental.
FBI allegations against ‘Russian spies’ in US
You have to read right to the second last paragraph:
A decoded message to Tracey Lee Ann Foley, accused of using a fake British passport provided by the SVR, reads …
Can we expect the Russian Ambassador to be called and abused soon?
Here’s a ‘must read’ article for B-BBCers interested in the reporting of Israel.
And right on cue, here’s a new message from Honest Reporting. Even the Telegraph is at it.
Yes Sue, I mentioned this above, also. I trust you will be expressing your disgust at the Telegraph’s descent into Guardianesque photo fabrication, as I did!
I wonder how the mega expensive BBC honesty courses are working out?
Perhaps they should ask for a refund as its made them even more dishonest.
Both Melanie Phillips and Robin Shepherd have written good posts on this topic.
(They tackle the subject in a serious manner, unlike my rather flippant effort.)
They both have a little go at John Ging all the same. Enjoy.