As spotted by a B-BBC readers..
BBC headline “Israeli air strike kills Palestinian man” Sounds like the Israelis have once again targeted andkilled an innocent man, who was just minding his own business. Most likely a humanitarian? Nasty Israelis. Only read a bit further- they targetted militants who hadjust fired a rocket into Israel. Why does the headline not read “Israeli airstrikekills Palestinian terrorist” ? We all know why, don’t we?
Agreed about the headline, but look: the BBC dropped their ghoulish Body Count Narrative and actually differentiated between the civilian casualty on the Israeli side and “militants” on the other. At last, a bit of sanity at the BBC.
The exit of Tim Franks seems to have opened all kinds of doors.
I meant to say they dropped the dishonesty from the ghoulish Body-Count Narrative. It’s still there, obviously, but at last they’ve addressed my complaint about the dishonest presentation of it.
Until next time. It took years before the reflexive and clearly wrong boilerplate that Gaza is the most densely populated place on earth was finally (mostly) retired.
DP, the BBC even accepted that the guys were launching a rocket attack. One we all know is intended to cause indiscriminate Israeli deaths. On that basis ‘Israeli airstrike kills Palestinian man’ is wanton anti-Semitism. The headline is so wanton one supposes the softening of what they usually put in the body is for ‘plausible deniability’ purposes. Wont wash. They published a headline calculated to make the Israelis look like indiscriminate killers when they knew they had targetted a terrorist. Blood libel. Period. The person gets sacked or the BBC is seen to be the anti-Semitic organisation that it is.
I did say I agreed about the headline.
That article is laughable.
“A Palestinian man was killed and two others wounded in an Israeli air strike in Gaza, medics there said.”
A whole mighty airstrike just to kill a poor little man.
“The Israeli air force said it fired on militants in the northern Gaza Strip after they fired a rocket into Israel.”
Making this the leading paragraph would have looked too pro Israel.
“A BBC correspondent says the suspected militants are thought to be from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
The group is said to operate independently of Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls Gaza. “
Don’t blame Hamas, they can’t help it.
“Rocket fire out of Gaza has been greatly reduced over the past year after Hamas reigned in attacks, but there continues to be sporadic fire from other militant groups, says the BBC’s Jon Donnison in Gaza.”
Hamas has reigned in attacks, after all. It can it can’t it can it can’t..
“It is almost always ineffective with rockets mostly landing in open fields, our correspondent says.”
Ineffective? It doesn’t kill nearly enough Israelis, only makes them jump.
“One Thai farmer in Israel has been killed in the past year.”
He was only a Thai though. Peanuts.
“Dozens of Palestinian militants have been killed in attacks from Israel over the same period.”
Not fair! Don’t forget how unfair it is.
Anyway it’s such a crap article.
Telling us who said what takes up about half the article. They’re the only bits that don’t appear to have an underlying agenda. But they probably do, too.
“The Israeli Air Force said… “. But we don’t believe them !
The BBC at it agian. This time over the shithole that they call ‘Democracy Village’ or to you and me a load of unwashed unemployed vermin dossing down in a key tourist area of London.
So how does the BBC cover this story about them all getting the boot?
1. We get a camp male beeboid goes and does a nice couple of soft interviews with two ‘wimmin’ who both look like they need a good shower.
2. Then an ever camper male beeboid interviews two camp males who are also very pro the camp (even though the campest male say’s he’s not)
Not once do we get another view that it’s a festering dump full of wankers who should be working.
The Daily Politics yesterday even had some art critic on claiming the camp is an “art form ” !
The BBC at it again. This time over the shithole that they call ‘Democracy Village’ or to you and me a load of unwashed unemployed vermin dossing down in a key tourist area of London.
So how does the BBC cover this story about them all getting the boot?
1. We get a camp male beeboid who goes and does a nice couple of soft interviews with two ‘wimmin’ who both look like they need a good shower.
2. Then an ever camper male beeboid interviews two camp males who are also very pro the camp (even though the campest male say’s he’s not)
Not once do we get another view that it’s a festering dump full of wankers who should be working.
Look familiar? –
I came across it earlier because Jeremy Vine was simply gushing with pride in support, of the unwashed Comrades.
“It is almost always ineffective with rockets mostly landing in open fields, our correspondent says.”
The BBC are truly vile.
“It is almost always ineffective with rockets mostly landing in open fields, our correspondent says.”
That’s the phrase that has replaced “crude. home made rockets that rarely cause casualties”.
Meanwhile, somewhere the BBC evidently doesn’t have a corespondent:
Qassam hits building in southern community
I simply cannot believe these BBC scum can get away with their partisan perversions of the facts time and time again.
The only reason that the rockets are ‘ineffective’ is because of the blockade, its keeping semtex and rocket fuel out of the hands of the hamas rocket makers.
The only reason why the rockets fail to hit anything is because of the blockade which denies hamas engineers the technology they need to guide their rockets onto Israeli towns.
The reason why the rocket teams are so vulnerable is that the blockade is denying hamas the steel and cement to make deep bunkers from which to fire the rockets and have a chance at living for 5 seconds afterwards(there are only so many brainwashed young fools prepared to die for the cause).
The BBC fails to spot the stunningly obvious reasons for the failure of hamas to hit Israel with a barrage of rockets armed with semtex heads and ball bearings.
The only reason why suicide murderers are not murdering Jews is the blockade and the lack of suicide vests which is…wait for it…wait for it….because of the blockade!
The minute the IDF blockade is lifted hamas will import missiles and explosives by the tonne, it will be freely supplied by Sryia and hezbollah and Iran, FFS the stuff is almost certainly waiting for delivery once the useful idiots can force Israel into dropping the blockade.
The minute the blockade is lifted the killing of Jews will begin as soon as hamas stocks up on weaponry and with a fury and intensity that will stun the hand wringing appeasers, the hamas gangsters dont care if their whole population starves as long as they can import weapons to kill Jews.
I see the bBC is still continuing its anti-semitic message by promoting the message that Hamas and its ilk can only be innocent. Take for example this so called big picture showing the march over the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit by Hamas 4 years ago. According to the bBC ” he was captured by Palestinian militants in cross-border clashes.”
Which paints a totally different picture from how Hamas dug a tunnel from their country into another country and attacked Israel soldiers. killing a number and kidnapping one. Hamas is the aggressor yet the bBC version makes out he was legally captured by a bunch of democratically elected policemen who were fighting the jews.
“One Thai farmer in Israel has been killed in the past year.
Dozens of Palestinian militants have been killed in attacks from Israel over the same period.”
I think the pillocks are suggesting that Israel is acting disproportionately. Strange that they dont see how perverse the comparison is between the death of an innocent farmer, and the death of rocket-carrying terrorists.
No doubt that the farmer wasnt innocently working in his fields. He was a legitamate target because he was preparing to fire a long-range intercontinental ballistic chicken at Hammas HQ.
You’re right, this is the BBC’s ghoulish Body-Count Narrative. It’s editorial policy to include this in every report about a rocket sent at Israel from Gaza, or any other exchange of violence between the two, regardless of who’s shooting at whom.
Implicit in this Narrative is the idea that more Israelis (or people working for them) must die before they can respond. The BBC is never clear as to how many Israeli deaths would be fair.
But Thailand didn’t retaliate, so why should Israel ?
David P
6 million?
That sounds about right. And they deserved it anyway, no?
It sounds perfectly proportional to me. The terrorists fire one rocket : Israel fires one rocket. 😉
Perhaps the BBC has redefined proportionality to mean that only if the terrorists hit something is Israel permitted to inflict equal or less damage?
Somehow one gets the feeling that no one at the BBC has ever been in a fist fight. The basic equation is, You win the fight by hitting your opponent harder and more often than he does you.
The IDF uses Krav Maga.
Basic principles
Generally, there are no rules in Krav Maga, as it is a defense fighting technique which is not regulated, but utilized to keep the user safe and incapacitate the opponent by any means necessary.
Works for me.
Would BBC prefer to give this article the ‘Balen’ treatment?:
“Why aid the enemy?”