Israel’s image is being buried by an avalanche of negative reporting, which spans the whole gamut from the severe to the subliminal.
The wholesale acceptance of the so-called Palestinian narrative, and near total rejection of the Israeli one, questioning Israel’s right to exist, the interminable, repetitive reiteration of the number of Palestinian casualties compared with what they apparently regard as pitifully few Israeli ones that’s tacked on to almost every article. All told this makes the rehabilitation of Israel in the eyes of the world seem hopeless.
Palestinian grievances cast a sort of white noise, which surrounds the subject and blots out everything else. Any smidgeon of favourable news that does manage to penetrate this auditory barrier is met with cynicism and suspicion and dismissed as propaganda.
The BBC, under an obligation to be impartial, has taken many years to skew the balance-point. Perceived impartiality, which is in the eye of the beholder, has come to rest way off centre. To stay within the BBC charter, the goal posts have been moved a mile.
Sarah Montague, who often lets her personal left-wing anti-Israel leanings hang out, was an odd choice to interview Ken O’Keefe on HARDtalk. She probably landed the job after a rare interview she did while suddenly overcome by common sense. Overwhelming evidence had finally emerged about the truth behind the flotilla, and she grilled the female peace activist Sarah Colborne till she was toast.
Did the HARDtalk producer choose to pit her against O’Keefe hoping for a bit of controversy and sensation, the one BBC interviewer who would get sparks flying?
So she grilled him, but lightly; and the sparks flew, but not on the programme.
Hundreds of websites were ignited by HARDtalk, furious over what they saw as their hero’s interrogation by that BBC Zionist whore.
The ratio of supporters to critics of our deranged peace activist – is about …..hundreds to three. Hundreds love him, and about three people think he’s nuts.
Tattooed peace activist O’Keefe is a self-styled one-man provocateur, inciter, manipulator, self promoter, instigator of human shield activism, and US traitor. Bizarrely, he seems to have had something to do with CBeeBIES at one time. Not sure what, exactly. Just the man to entertain the kiddies.
People who are incensed if Israel even gets a mention on the air in any capacity other than as the spawn of Satan, people who regard balance as a matter of allocating wall-to-wall air-time to Palestinian victimhood and hardship, while depriving Israel of the oxygen of publicity altogether – these are the people who complain that the BBC is pro-Israel. They are the ones who tip the balance right off the scale, allowing the BBC to tell itself they’ve got it about right.
‘we get complaints from both sides, so we must be doing something right. ‘ they declare, in their complacent ignorance.
O’Keefe is clearly mentally unbalanced, and if anyone should be deprived of the oxygen of publicity, it’s him. Or as the late Linda Smith once said of someone equally repulsive, “ He shouldn’t even be given the oxygen of oxygen.”
I got this from Oy Va Goy, a blog I visit regularly.
What a wonderful post Sue, many many thanks to you!
To all I urge you to watch the video and witness the humanity of those at the point of western civilisations sword, they make me so proud to be a Judeo Christian and grateful that they have the courage to stand alone at present holding back the tide of darkness and evil.
If those brave men and women should fall then we all have little chance of surviving. God bless the forces of Israel and may God keep them safe.
Cassandra, thank you very much for your generous appreciation. Makes the bloggin’ seem worthwhile!
Here’s Kenneth O’Keefe interviewed on Latma TV:
The of the inerview with Mr Tattoo neck brought out a pearl, “we had three IDF commandos at our mercy and do you know what we did? we released them”
Hmmm… right after smashing them to a pulp and stabbing one multiple times and stealing their guns and dragging them below for an uncertain fate in front of video cameras set up and ready when the IDF reinforcements came piling in and the hostage takers were forced to hand over the three or get killed.
Did I miss anything that OKeefe strangely missed out for some strange reason? I really do believe that these useful idiots are deranged, the ends justify the means.
O’Keefe is a useful idiot, or an anti-Semitic player working towards the second Holocaust?
Perhaps the IHH heroes did the calculation that if they hadn’t released them they would have achieved their aim of shahida that night.
I remember quite clearly that one of the “activists” admitted that they released the 3 IDF hostages in exchange for medical treatment for the wounded “shahids” – certainly not out of the goodness of their hearts.
It seems that at least those wounded would-be martyrs had second thoughts when they looked death in the eyes, and as is all too often the case it was Israeli medics who saved their miserable hides.
O’Keefe says that he had hold of one of the pistols that were taken from the IDF commandos and that he “separated the bullets from the gun”.
He must mean he fired them, because I distinctly remember one of the early reports from the IDF saying how the pistols they’d recovered had empty magazines.
Remember also that at least two of the wounded commandos suffered gunshot wounds…
He said the fact they didn’t kill the commandos showed how humane and peaceful they are. More like they had a pre-planned intent to take hostages to enable them to break the arms blockade. Faced with the choice of release them or be killed though, they thought better of it.
Part 1 and 2 of the interview are not available.
Here’s some more info about Ken O’Keefe. He has a long history of this kind of “activism”. First, a couple quotes from an opinion piece he had in the Guardian (what a shock) a few years ago about wanting to be one of those “human shields” in Iraq. His opening line tells you all you need to know about his mental state, really:
I left for Iraq knowing that the pending invasion was the pre-planned next step in the new world order agenda built on a myriad of lies.
And then there’s this:
When I departed for Iraq, I also knew that, should we fail to prevent war, our presence would be a critical act of humanity, proving that many of us had gone well beyond protesting, and showing that we were willing to stand side by side with our Arab brothers and sisters in defiance of the greedy and sadistic new world order elites, no matter what the odds.
So this guy has a long history of this kind of “activism”. The Gaza gag was just one more brave act for O’Keefe. He doesn’t particulary care about Palestinians per se; they’re just one more group of victims for him to save from evil rich white people. But the BBC forgot to tell you about his activist past, didn’t they? During neither of his appearances – so far – on the BBC did I hear a single word about his past, which would put his current behavior in different context.
As for O’Keefe’s brave defiance of the Industrial/Military Complex™, there’s something he left out of his Guardian piece that we should all remember: Sadaam kicked out dopey “human shields” like him when they wouldn’t guard military installations like he wanted them to:
“They removed us from the sites we had chosen because we were critical of the integrity and the autonomy of the Iraqi authorities,” said O’Keefe, 33. “I was escorted by Iraqi intelligence officers to the border, because I say what I believe and the Iraqi government wants submissive easy robots.”
Here’s more background on O’Keefe that the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
He has a history of anti-American activism. He made previous attempts to get into Gaza, including an attempt to meet with Hamas and Islamic Jihad to bring “peace activists” to give them international support. I’ll repeat that: O’Keefe wanted to give international support to Islamic Jihad and Hamas. The BBC forgot to tell you about the fact that he’s not an innocent peace activist.
I think the guy’s background could be taken as a given. Didn’t have time to listen to more then 5 minutes of the interview, but if his documented support of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and failure to challenge him over accusations of anti-Semitism wasn’t raised then clearly the Talk was well short of Hard.
“Hard” Talk is usually only Hard if the interviewee is not left-wing.
We wouldn’t want those poor starving malnourished Gazans to be deprived of their humanitarian flotilla aid, would we though, but? As someone used to say.
“Not Arab enough? There are no starving Muslims in Gaza – but there are in Darfur. Where’s their flotilla?”
As usual the BBC tells blatant lies. The camp drug taking twats are claiming that the prison population rise is ALL down to that evil Tory bastard Michael Howard
So come on them beeboids stop screwing the rent boy and tell me why the population rise has been greatest over the last 10 years? What was Michael Howard doing then?
So Michael Howard is responsible for all those Mohammedans being locked up? Oh, right. He’s a Jooo, so it was all planned from the beginning…..
Wasn’t it “Chuckles” O’Keefe who who inadvertently slowed the Iraq-wards progress of the all-singing/ all-dancing/ all-cringemaking busload of human shieldies ‘cos he’d destroyed his passport and replaced it with a home-made “World Citizen” job, which to his surprise wasn’t accepted at any border along the way ?
One of the absolute highlights of the last decade for me.
Yes, apparently. Speaking of which, here’s a video of O’Keefe burning his US passport and grimacing in front of a US embassy somewhere for the pleasure of the Al-Jazeera cameras. Look at him standing up to The Man! U go girl!
If Wikipedia is correct (and I bet it is, judging from the sympathetic photo and knowing the Leftoid mindset among its editors), “Chuckles” has since acquired Irish, Hawaiian (whatever the f#$k that is), and Palestinian citizenship. So basically he holds citizenship of two imaginary countries, and I assume the Irish bit is a slap at NI and he believes himself to be a citizen of the entire island of Ireland before the Imperialists came or some such.
If he’s Chuckles the Clown, then his face paint tells me he’s a very sad clown.
Actually Hawaiian citizenship is at least interesting. There is a movement of indigenous Hawaiians (I was about to say native Hawaiians but I wasn’t referring to Barak Obama) who claim the absorbtion of Hawaii into the United States was illegal, coming from a coup against the legal Hawaiian monarchy at the time. They are tilting at windmills.
I don’t know how K O’K acquired it – possibly in the same manner that Ward Churchill (‘little Eichmans)
acquired America Indian ancestry – but as noted no country in the world accepts it. Might be fun if Venuezuala or Iran decided to recognise it.
That is a fantastic post!
Too true mailman!
Possibly one of the finest posts I have yet read on this site(appogies to all other brilliant posters of course).
As always I am with the amazing Israelis and continue to loathe and despise the institutionally anti-semitic BBC. In some ways the BBC is even more evil than Hamas. At least Hamas is honest about its objectives.
Some years ago on this site I had an argument with an Israeli whose son – I think it was – worked as a photographer for the BBC. One of the photos was of a religious Jew with an unflattering caption, if I remember correctly. I wanted to know whether the caption was the photographer’s work or had been added in the “edtiting” stage. It was, and still is, beyond me that an Israeli Jew could work for the BBC.
The BBC has for years helped prepare the ground and set the stage for despicable Israel-bashing such as this:
It’s 65 years since the Holocaust, a blink of an eye in historical terms. Thousands of survivors are still alive, as are the murderers, in many cases living in comfortable retirement and sheltered from prosecution by the countries they fled to after the slaughter of millions.
And here we have their children and grandchildren coming up with a broad-based resolution in the German parliament, which adopts a morally superior tone towards Israel in calling for an international investigation into the flotilla incident.
I guess the Germans are the latest Europeans to be intimidated by the Religion of Peace – this time in the form of their large Turkish immigrant population.
If this resolution is passed, it will be an indication that the spines of today’s Germans have turned to jelly and that they have no shame.