Long after Saddam’s corpse has rotted away, the BBC is still fighting the Iraq war. As you know, the BBC consistently opposed the idea that the UK should join in the fight to remove the Baghdad Butcher, and when we did do what was right, the BBC led the charge against it – with the dismal beat of defeat being a daily feature of the war coverage. Even now – with Afghanistan now being the major theatre of war (and also opposed) – the BBC can’t let go of Iraq. You see it needs to prove the war was illegal, and thus wrong. It ran this item today which is essentially the BBC continuing to press the case that removing Saddam was wrong because an academic says so. Plus ca change! The BBC is still stuck in some sort of John Lennon-esque “Give Peace a Chance” timewarp.
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The BBC assault on both wars continued on “From Our Own Correspondent ” today.
Countries reported, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenya, Malawi and Jeremy Bowen in one of his most hate-filled anti-semitic diatribes yet, boiling down to “Netanyahu bad, Obama God “.
Anyone would think the BBC have a political agenda.
Anyway, the Iraq report from some “correspondent” I had never heard of was very negative. Power cuts in Iraq because the allies bombed the power stations.
Then we had Caroline “talk to the Taliban” Wyatt from Afghanistan.
Her qualification for being “defence correspondent ” is that she was previously ” Paris correspondent “. I don’t know if that was Paris , France or Paris Hilton, but at the BBC, who cares ?
Wyatt going out of her way to try and prove nothing has improved in Afghanistan. The only time she did lighten up was when she spoke to an Afghan woman ” married at 12 to a man of 43 and had the first of 5 children at age 15 “. Wyatt seemed to think that was admirable and a good laugh.
God save us from the BBC.
Why did Jeremy Bowen think it necessary to use the euphemism ‘heck’ when Bill Clinton said ‘fuck’?
Interestingly the Aaron David Miller, the source for the quote (no one seems to footnote it) has apparently reversed his views 180° on the inevitability or even the desirability of the peace process.
Can’t have four-letter words on the BBC, can we ?
Just before the above on R4 was ” The Simon Hughes Show ” aka ” The week at Westminster. Presented by left-wing journalist and wife of Andrew Marr, Jackie Ashley.
Long interview with Universal Simon. The BBC have obviously decided he is the Lib. Dem. politician most likely to disrupt the coalition.
Simon , as usual , totally unselfconscious, taking himself very seriously, without realising that he is a plonker.
Then an interview with Tory Adam Holloway, who to his credit is a former Army Officer, and Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP I have some respect for. The BBC have found a Tory who is very critical of the whole policy in Afghanistan. He was very angry, but quite innarticulate and badly spoken. Expect a lot more of him on the BBC in the future. A useful idiot for the BBC “anti-war” policy.
Very true, David V. It’s almost as if the better the situation in Iraq gets, the more the Beeboids are determined to delegitimize it. Oh, but they don’t mean that they would have preferred to leave Sadaam in power, so that he could eventually hand over power to his homicidal maniac sons, with the inevitable result of the country splitting and further dragging the entire region into madness. No, sir. Of course not.
The BBC hate it when their power plays fail to stop their country from doing something good. Hurts their egos dreadfully.
I wouldn’t say its ‘Give peace a chance’ they’re following, its ‘give tyranny a chance’.
Just like Maggie Thatcher’s 3 election victories, the liberation of Iraq despite all their shilling for Saddam to psyche Bush and Blair out from doing the right thing is something that will give them recurring nightmares till the day they die. No matter how many propaganda pieces they run to expiate their sense of dread and foreboding at just what their failure to defeat truth and decency means, it will be with them till the final day of reckoning, when all their worst nighmares will come true.
Oh, how I hope you are right !!!!