Hurray! The execrable “Big Question” presented by ..ahem…much loved national treasure Dame Nicky Campbell finished today for 2010. It won’t be back until January 2011 – a small mercy for which we should give thanks. This is an appalling programme so biased leftwards that I am surprised it does not fall over. Of course it follows the usual BBC schtick and puts on a token “right-winger” on the panel but stacks the rest of the studio with foaming at the mouth lefties who then spout inanities to Dame Nicky’s general approval. Not having this on our screens for six months will be a relief.
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Perhaps Queen Nikki is going to do ‘Man Hour’ on Radio 4. Not that he’d know much about being a real man.
BBC ANNOUNCER: … tomorrow on the Archers, David finds some old love letters from his late dad, Phil which reveal him to have been a secret homosexual having a ten year affair with Joe Grundy….
And now, it’s Girly Men’s Hour with Dame Nikki Campbell. Today’s guests include Peter Tatchell, Stephen Fry, Sir Ian McKellan, Elton John, Kevin Spacey, Russell Grant, Selena Scott and Libby Purves.
The stamina of the B-BBC reviewers is staggering! I simply cannot bear to watch/listen to any of the BBC’s ‘question’ programmes on radio or tv. My blood pressure simply won’t take it – accordingly it makes relatively little difference to me (the alternative programming is bound to be at least as unwatchable) whether they run these wretched beeboid masturbatory fantasies or not. However, I am relieved on your behalf that you can have a break from your public service!
Sorry if I’m being naive, was it this programme that, on Father’s Day, did a piece on “Are fathers important?” or some garbage like that? How ridiculous. I remember I was with my dad at the time I saw it, and I was spitting feathers. I then reminded my dad that, despite the fact that according to the programme he was a bad influence and a useless parent, he was still a great father. And besides, if being a bad influence means making me independant and unafraid to speak my mind of be comfortable in my own skin, then my father is an awful influence and should be stripped from me this instance.
No, if I remember correctly, that’s the question they posed on Mother’s Day!!
the biggest question of all is of course how this freak show is allowed to continue…..
but of course it’s on Pravda 1,so that explains a lot!!