A “Business” correspondent (Simon ?) on BBC News Channel appears to be less than professional in calling the government public spending cuts agenda an “onslaught” on public sector employment. I suppose he is just a frustrated lefty luvvie like the rest of the BBC so called journalists.
The BBC now sees itself as the cheer leader for the state sector. It sees this as it’s prime function .For me nothing less than abolition of the tax is really acceptable. That money returns to the economy and the BBC, hardly a vital service , can fund itself any way it sees fit. The logic is sound .
All the whining from the illshaven Thompson about how underpaid the execs are is merely self serving drivel. Put it to the market test and let the nation have it’s tax money returned to it.
Come on, hyperbole is one thing – who are the ‘most’ you are talking about – I guess you have never visited your GP (who is a private contractor to the NHS by the way), or travelled in an aircraft (those lazy f’ing public sector air traffic controllers) What about the public sector parasites fighting the Taliban, or the entirely useless education system. What about the sinister trading standards officers or those vile swine who ensure that the anti-hystamine that you take isn’t septic tank cleaning solution.
Sack the lot I say. To paraphrase the Life of Brian…
What have the public sector ever done for us? Eliminated cholera for a start.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree BBC bleating is terrible and there is room for a 25% cut in a truely bloated public sector but most workers are not ‘a total waste of space’
Caught the first few minutes of a programme on R4 this morning combining two BBC favourites, luvvies and Cuba.
Errol Flynn was “swashbuckling” , but also had ” a serious side “. “Always supported the underdog ” . Visited Cuba in 1959 at the start of the revolution. “Corrupt Battista regime “. ” Rebels in the mountains “. “Met Fidel Castro”.
Blah, blah, blah, BBC, BBC, BBC……..
I didn’t manage to hear the rest but I am sure that , in the interest of balance, the BBC would have reported on subsequent events. Poverty, loss of freedom, State murders, torture etc. You know the sort of things the BBC always report about Cuba.
Actually, they did cover that. Even mentioned Flynn’s affair with an underage girl when he was 48 and on his third marriage. All said with admiration. Who cares what lives were ruined, if you are a “ladies man ” ? What a laugh !
Yeah, Errol Flynn, widely reputed to be a Nazi spy. But then of course this doesn’t discount him supporting the underdog, no doubt he envisaged the State of Israel and did what any reasonable ‘progressive’ would do.
She could never come back from her recent humilitaing grilling by brillo.
Dianne Abbott is only interested in looking after herself and her own, she has nothing more to add.
Taxi for Abbott.
So the BBC continues to tout Alastair Campbell around the many programmes and studios in its empire. Apparently he was on Top Gear last night where, according to the Dauly Mail, he was booed as he walked through the audience. He was selling his book again, of course. We’ve been through all this before, with him selling a book a couple of years ago. Still, on they go. The BBC does what it pleases.
Now, BBC, close down all the BBC radio broadcasting in Asian languages which takes place over the airwaves of BBC local radio stations throughout Britain every evening.
The vile Laura Kuntsbeg (or whatever her name is) sneering at the Governments ‘claims’ that the 1.5 billion of cuts today were unfunded by the previous government.
Um excuse me Ms Kuntsberg but don’t you remember THIS?
“…Civil servants came under increasing pressure from ministers in the dying months of the Labour government to carry out expensive orders that they disagreed with and responded by submitting an unprecedented number of formal protests in the run-up to the general election…”
The BBC is reporting that Turkey is threatening to break off diplomatic relations with Israel if the Jews don’t apologize for attacking the “aid flotilla”.
After a timeline of Israeli-Turkish cooperation, the BBC allows that:
But relations have cooled in recent years. The Turkish government headed by the AK Party – which has Islamist roots – strongly criticised the raid launched by Israel in Gaza in December 2008.
So that explains the problem, right?
In January 2009, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stormed out of the World Economic Forum in Davos, after a clash with Israeli President Shimon Peres.
In January this year, Israel was forced to apologise over the way its deputy foreign minister treated the Turkish ambassador.
Oh, of course. Israel is equally to blame. Naturally there’s one key piece of information about this issue that the BBC forgot to tell you:
The Turkish Government was quietly behind the “aid flotilla” in the first place, supporting the organization which sent armed thugs to attack Israeli forces and bring material support to Hamas. Even the Turkish press admits this. If the Jews did this, it would be considered an act of war. So who should apologize for starting what, BBC?
Turkey under the grip of the islamists was always going to sever ties with Israel, the AK party from its inception has critised Turkish-Israel ties and was determined to end them.
The Turkish military hampered the AK partys efforts but true to form they plotted and succeeded in crushing the strength of the military as guardians of the secular state and now the islamisation is nearly complete.
The BBC seems unable or unwilling to examine the real political situation in Turkey for some reason, the islamists have been provoking a split in the alliance with Israel for some time, this appology demand is clearly an attempt to force a final break with Israel. The AK party knows full well that Israel cannot appologise and will not do so, indeed Isarel has nothing to appologise for because the aid flottila was in fact a hostile act by a hostile government bent on sabotaging an unwanted alliance. It was a pretext a cynical attempt to inflame a popular hatred of Israel.
All of the hundreds of hours of BBC propaganda about how ‘european’ Turkey had become is just another gigantic waste of time and money.
Turkey from the second it elected islamists to lead it was lost to the western world, the fact that so many denied the sad reality and chose the safety of wishful thinking is typical of the weakness and stupidity that infects our leaders today. Why did the BBC miss the reality of the budding Turkey/Syria/Iran axis as it began?
I am sad for those decent Turkish people who must now witness the killing of their modern secular state and see it replaced by an islamist autocracy.
What a tragedy and I truly hope I am wrong I really do! I fear that once the islamists manage to take hold of a population through lies and deceit they will cling like barnacles to power.
The secularists lack the infrastructure and cohesion of the islamists, they were busy for years building fake charaties and infiltrating the communities infecting the poor with their appealing poison.
Attaturks legacy and gift to the people of Turkey of a secular ideal and social modernism versus dark age ignorance, which will triumph?
The big problem for the secularists was that after so many years of secular government they were unable to stamp out the local level corruption in business adn especially planning regulation. Backhanders are rife, and the further from Istanbul, the worse it seems to get, especially in the tourist areas of the south.
Now that the Islamists are in power, I don’t expect them to relinquish it without a fight. The axis of Turkey, Syria & Iran is the new building blocks of the international caliphate.
The BBC have already had a go at the new Oz PM. Clearly she’s no Kevin Rudd in thier eyes. Note the beeboid dig at the USA over religion and the dig at her comments about boat people.
BBC has decided that it should avoid putting out a TV programme on the Islamic jihad massacre in London on 7 July, 2005; instead, the BBC has scheduled a TV programme on Wednesday on ‘the Private Life of Cows’.
They also have in loving memory which seems to be about various roadside tributes of unrelated accidents. Very odd timing to put this out on the fifth anniversary unless it is an attempt at a spoiler? Nevermind the religion of peace, the real issue is death on the roads…
I’m not sure what to make of this, but I have my ideas, and I wanted to bring this up here before the story gets bigger (if it even does). I don’t think it’s actually as bad as it looks, but it’s pathetic nonetheless.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
It’s mostly the same tiresome “America doesn’t need to be exceptional or a leader any more, we all work together, competition is good for us” pablum we’ve been hearing from the self-loathing Leftoids in the US for a while now. The Obamessiah was supposed to be the first post-American President and all that. Pretty lame stuff, although not really grovelling to the Mohammedans or anything.
However, Bolden also said that the President told him that his “foremost” mission was:
to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.
I know, I know. The thing is, even though Bolden’s words sound like yet another BBC documentary on how the Religion of Peace saved the world, I’m not sure this is as bad as it looks. In fact, I’m feeling pretty cynical about it, but not the way some might think.
In my opinion, this looks like a cheap ploy to get oil-rich Muslim governments to pass some cash over to fund a few things. It does seem like the kind of arrogant, yet naive world outlook so evident in the President and His inner circle. “All we have to do is kiss their asses a little, make them feel special. They’ll think they’re all modern and world leaders if they think they’re our partners. And then we’ll be friends and everything.”
Totally moronic, yes. But that’s what this looks like to me. And what does the Secretary of State think about yet another infringement into her territory? This really is a very poorly run Administration. And to think all those Beeboids and defenders of the indefensible were crying about how inexperienced Sarah Palin was.
Bolden had a solid career in the military and as an astronaut. He’s no clown. But he could easily be an Obamessiah worshipper, and is pleased to go along with whatever mission He chooses. I couldn’t say, or course. Unfortunately, he seems to have a little corruption problem:
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden wants to quash a $10 million biofuels project whose proponents include his deputy, Lori Garver. According to the story, Bolden consulted on the project’s merits with Marathon Oil, where he served on the board of directors and which has competing technology under development. Bolden’s actions in light of his relationship to Marathon — he still holds up to $1 million in company stock — have triggered an investigation by the NASA inspector general.
The studio beeboid reads out the news that Eric Pickles wants to clamp down on councils advertising all these Non-jobs. Examples
are mentioned by name (I didn’t catch their exact wording): Communications Waste Officer, Cheerleader Development Officer, Audience Development Officer etc He thinks they are a waste (of course they are), and that all council jobs should be detailed on their websites. Fair enough.
But then they switch to another beeboid on an outside broadcast. He’s on the Isle of Wight and he’s found a council run day centre
for the mentally disabled which is due to be closed. Interviews a carer who takes her daughter there: “these cuts target the vulnerable and are wrong”. It’s spun as Government cuts are beginning to show.
What?! The report made no attempt to identify the waste in council. Instead, what would have been a good dig at the general waste and political correctness bollocks of lefty led councils is very cleverly turned by the BBC into a “nasty, Tory led, slashing of vital, help the needy, council services”.
A real news organisation would have stuck to the main theme of the story and done some investigation into these jobs, who actually invents them, how much do they cost, how little harm would be done if they were cut, what idiots actually thought of them etc.
But not with the BBC. Genuine Tory concerns can be quickly swept aside and an anti-Tory theme promoted instead.
Radio 5’s phone in this morning is on the BBC’s favourite subject, buggery.
Should homosexuals get asylum in the UK (well of course they should, that gives male beeboids more gay ‘totty’ to play with)
Queen Nikki and his hate filled guest Ben Summerskille were full of themselves. The pink shirts and perfume and flirting will be on max in the 5 live studio today.
Campbell laughingly read out a list of nations where the death penalty exists for poovery. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, but even more laughingly Campbell couldn’t find the obvious link between those Countries.
Anyone get the impression some ‘top’ managers are running around trying to look busy, and in getting their fixes in simply making a bad job a lot worse?
Yesterday they had Yasmin Alibhai Brown on the Daily Politics telling us that we shouldn’t have a monarchy when we could have a president instead and be citizens rather than subjects.
In her excitable muddled way, she fulminated against having to defer to people purely because they were born into that family and at the same time objected to having to curtsey to Camilla – who, I just happen to recall, wasn’t born into it. I also happen to recall how Alibhai happened to land in this country in the first place. Was it because she was living in a country with a monarchy where she was a subject or was it a country with a president and therefore oh, so superior to ours with our inferior subjects and our curtsies? A little bit of appreciation or even deference to this country wouldn’t go amiss, Alibhai Brown, all things considered.
And next on Radio Bore here’s the singer, Suggs, with another letter in our Capital Alphabet.
‘B is for Boris – to some he’s a great orator and heavyweight thinker – to others* he’s a bumbling bendy-bus banishing buffoon. Like him or loathe him** it’s difficult to ignore London’s mayor. But his aristoctatic english persona doesn’t quite tell the whole story – born in New York***, Boris Johnson was until recently an American citizen and family members still call him by his first name, Alexander
* like, for example, us at the BBC
** and we at the BBC loathe him because he’s one of those ‘same old Tories’.
*** gasp and we all know what a crime it is to be gasp again *** American
Anyway, Suggs, you Nutty Twat you, job done, mate. You’ll certainly get the call again when we need some dead air filled with even more dead air and pointless and knee-jerk anti-Tory bias.
Anyone else see beeboid news this morning? Talking about the fact that there are so many students out there for every job going.
Camp business beeboid (Simon something) stated that if you’ve got a degree in science or engineering you’re probably OK but a lot of students do subjects like media and art and can’t get a job. The look of horror on beeboid presenter faces that someone with a degree in art might not be any use to an employer seemed shocking to them.
Pages and pages of items are listed under July 7th London Bombings anniversary. I wonder what the BBC has in store for us tomorrow. The BBC is very interested in ‘Muslims fear backlash’, or ‘don’t tar all Muslims with the same brush’ themes, so we shouldn’t expect to see anything like this article by Douglas Murray.
Radio 4 had a prog. yesterday talking to a few people who had been caught up in the bombings. Some of it very interesting.
But sure enough – at the end of the programme there was the MCB yammering on about the risks of backlash against Muslims. And raking over the Brazilian who was shot. This did not fit in any way the real theme or format of the programme – just the usual BBC pro-Muslim BS.
7 July, 2005: not remembering the Islamic jihad massacre in London.
The BBC has no special TV programmes on it .
The BBC can include itself in the criticism of its own BBC report:
“A victim of the 7 July London bombings has said she is disappointed that the government was not doing more to mark the fifth anniversary of the attack.”
The BBC may not care to devote time to the anniversary of 7/7 but Radio 4 is busy giving us a highly politicised version of what London is, presented by a black man of relatively recent West Indian immigrant origin – natch – with assistance from among others, Red Ken, Paul Boateng and various lefty academics. This is dedicated to a familiar theme popular among politicised blacks and militants: that London isn’t an English city or even a UK one, but “a world city” – owned by the world, is it? He starts off boldly by telling us that there is no such thing as a typical Londoner. That’s us told, isn’t it? It makes me wonder about both the depth of his enquiry and his grasp of the subject. This self-serving political claim is however boldly quoted in the introductory notes on the programme in attached link:
Where London ends England begins. That is the way I like it and I have no intention of ever going there again.
My grandchildren will miss nothing by never seeing it. In truth the English never really liked the place. It was always over fond of itself and lived off the backs of the rest of us. A place of courts, governments and unhealthy looking scoundrels. Not what England is about and never was or will be.
Quite agree. I worked in London until 1985 and have never been back. It is a dump with the most unfriendly people I have ever met anywhere in the world. And the worst and most dishonest
taxi-drivers !
Mind you Edinburgh is heading in the same direction !
There are as you point out exceptions. We still have Shropshire, Herefordshire. Devon,Wiltshire and most of Hampshire and Sussex left to us.Not for long if the situation continues as it is.
Kwame Kwei-Armah isn’t a recent immigrant but a native Brit born with the name Ian Roberts. At some point in his 20’s he underwent the usual lefty guilt trip thing about his ancestors and changed his name. Interestingly all lefties think every African has lots of K’s in their name hence the name. He also seems to have been busy developing an “African” accent.
1327: Kwame Kwei-Armah isn’t a recent immigrant but a native Brit born with the name Ian Roberts. ============================== I didn’t say he was a recent immigrant.
I said he was of relatively recent West Indian immigrant origin.
That is to say that his parents were immigrants from Grenada, I believe.
His main interest seems to be about blacks and being black and immigrants.
What on earth are we housing foreign immigrants for anyway? If a foreigner cannot support themsleves why are they not deported? With so many of our own people unable to access social housing the insane policy of housing destitute or supposedly destitute foreigners is nothing short of betrayal.
The simple instruction to deport all destitute immigrants and foreign citizens who try to access social services would both ease the strain on social provision and deter the very immigrants so keen to benefit from state generosity.
I cannot for the life of me fathom why the link between overly generous welfare provision and the wave of utterly determined third world immigration has not been understood, if I were a third world immigrant knowing that I could walk into a life of free housing/medical/education/welfare money then I would be hanging under the next truck into Dover.
Cut off the inducements and the flow will stop, its simple and it would work like a bloody charm and perhaps thats why it will never be tried.
Emily Maitlis closed last night’s Newsnight with the newspaper front pages, beginning: “Right a quick look then at The Times. The picture then..er..is the police officers on patrol at Gatehead where the fugitive killer police were warned about” (yes, it doesn’t make sense!). She then moved onto the FT, Telegraph, Independent and Guardian, pointing out their main stories.
What she didn’t do was to read out the main story in The Times, which was there in unmissably large letters next to the photo she mentioned: “UN report on climate change was ‘one-sided’. I wonder why she didn’t read that out. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00t0rxz/Newsnight_05_07_2010/
(The clip begins at 45,48)
Just saw a segment about the Queen’s visit to New York and the UN. She’s about to hit the UN now, in fact. The BBC kept referring to her as the “head of state”, quite respectfully. In fact, at one point, after showing a brief clip of the Queen’s first address at the UN 50 some-odd years ago, the Beeboid Nichols said that she was “the most experienced head of state in the world.” It was said in all seriousness, and I was so stunned by it I wasn’t sure I’d heard right.
Overall, it’s the most respect for the Queen I’ve ever seen on the BBC. That includes speeches.
Here in the city, the press is treating it not unlike a celebrity superstar visit, but with an “aw, isn’t she cute with the crown and everything” tinge to all of it. Even the Daily News had a little inset about etiquette on meeting the Queen. But it’s meant with fondness, really, no historical resentment or anything.
Oh, joy. Barbara Plett is on the scene at the UN for when the Queen actually gives her speech, so she’s going to be cynical as hell, of course. She even sneered in the two sentences she got to say that the Queen was just arriving. Hey, Babs, maybe the Queen hates Jooos, too. Would that help?
We can guess what the Queen will say at the UN – it will all be “right on” BBC talk about how brilliant the UN is and how they are doing a wonderful job combatting “climate change”. The Queen has as much interest in upholding our liberties as Gordon Brown and his media wing at the BBC.
5Live news tonight with Mark Mardell ‘explaining’ what issues were holding up peace between Israel & Palestinians. Obviously the line was that only Israel has to make concessions.
“The BBC has offered staff a below-inflation flat rate increase of £475 for staff paid up to £37,726 a year. More than a third of BBC journalists will receive nothing. The unions have argued that the BBC can afford to pay more to its staff across the board given the 2 per cent rise in its licence fee income. ” http://www.nuj.org.uk/innerPagenuj.html?docid=1664
So the BBC lot think that it is us who should give them a pay rise – for what? What has the BBC ever given to the licence payer? Propaganda masquerading as news. Propaganda masquerading as drama. Endless cookery programmes, soaps and Al Bowen. Naughtie, Humphreys,Harrabin, and all the other so called “talent”. How have they represented Britain? The BBC is a left wing fantasy the country cannot afford.
Remember Barry’s promise to close Gitmo? Hmm, seems the BBC have forgotten as well. In fact when was the last time the drugged up twats did a story from Gitmo?
I love how now that The Obamessiah’s poll ratings are in the toilet, His domestic agenda stalled, more people disapproving of His performance than approving, the oil spill cleanup failure hanging around His neck, the BBC is doing specials on To Kill a Mockinbird and some series telling the real story behind The South.
In other words, the BBC is working overtime to reminding everyone about how racist the US is/was. Now all criticism of The Obamessiah comes into perspective, right? We’re still too racist, and most, if not all, criticism of Him is down to racism.
Why is To Kill A Mockingbird being celebrated by the BBC? What possible interest does this have to the British public, except to dredge up racism?
Will they remind us which US political party supported segregation and which did not? And of course which party had a ‘former’ member of the KKK in its ranks until recently…
Always thought Barry would be a one term President, another Jimmy Carter, it’s looking like he will be if the Republicans switch on to the dissatisfaction from the folks.
it’s late, I’ve a cup of tea in front of me (and a piece of local baked cake inside me) I’m having a butchers at the news and cannot seem to find anything on Sakine Mohammedie Ashtiani the Iranian woman sentenced to death for having a boyfriend. The EU and many HR orgs have petitioned for her life yet i cannot seem to find any bBC coverage on her story. Instead I find an article on haircuts?
The Iranian method of hanging is not simply an execution as practised in the west.
The western method aimed for instant death by means of breaking the neck and severing the spinal cord, this kind of death is instant.
The islamist method is actually a grotesque torture to inflict the most pain and suffering for the victim for as long as possible, they place a rope around the victims neck and then slowly lift the victim up by crane so the victim is slowly strangled to death, this is extremely painful and degrading and can take many minutes for the victim to die in agony.
For crazed psychopathic bullies this is very enjoyable as another persons suffering is witnessed and many Iranians go and watch for amusement.
Executing a criminal is one thing but the slow and deliberate inflicting of pain and suffering via a barbaric torture and in public is quite another. The iranian method is perhaps the most grusome and cruel killing method yet devised and specially designed for the purpose of inflicting the most pain for the longest time in the most degrading way possible.
The Iranians do not deserve to be called human beings, they are savages and not fit to join the human community.
The BBC whines about A foreign terrorist who claims he was tortured and the BBC supports every claim as if it were the truth and gives airtime to undermine the UK, yet the BBC is silent on the above. The BBC wrings its hands about water boarding but has nothing to say about the most cruel state murder instrument yet devised by sick minds.
I most certainly do not, my heart goes out to those brave Persians who protested and suffered for it. I was aiming at the islamist state and its supporters.
The slack jawed dead eyed psychopathic bastards who run Persia like a Turkish prison compound. Ordinary good people are trapped in a cesspit and have no voice and no power yet many risked their lives to at least try to change the regime.
Until the ordinary decent Persian people can break free of their evil psychopathic masters then there is no hope for any of them, I have known many Persians in my life and found many to be good kind and generous people but the islamic revolutionary iranian state is purest concentrated evil.
Their only faint hope is a western attack to sweep away the vile savages and give the decent Persians a chance.
I quite agree. On my 2 visits to Iran, some years ago but after the “revolution”, I had nothing but kindness from the Persian people.
I suspect the current links between the lunatic Erdogan and the , even more, lunatic, Iranian “government” have as much to do with the age-old idea of “Turan ” as with an anti-semitic belief.
Also the Turks and Persians are united in their contempt for Arabs !
I did steel myself to have another look. Not entirely sure the clip is genuine. Towards the end the stake appears to come out of his back left shoulder, which is strange. However, even if the clip is fake, it doesn’t excuse the depravity of some people in that part of the world.
Also I haven’t had time to check out the background of the website.
In my experience of antagonists in general , I am suspicious of any party which fakes evidence. Not sure if it is the case here.
Yes, difficult to tell. I can’t face revisiting that sight. However, as you point out there is plenty of evidence of the cruelty of Islam which is irrefutable. Maybe the BBC will do a documentary about it !
Looks like, ‘for balance’, The Economist has decided to swing behind The Graun (maybe feeling a bit vulnerable at possibly being denied exclusive, extensive public service ad revenue to help fund its mission) in leaping to the defence of Aunty, perhaps seeing the questions posed more and more in higher readership publications such as The Telegraph as really nothing the public should be exposed to.
Not sure it’s doing too great a job of carrying it off without a) showing clear bias itself and b) total ineptitude in reporting and analysis…
Beyond a silly ‘right wing conspiracy’ meme’ throughout, that rather puts off those who enjoy independent thought who don’t appreciate being pigeon-holed by tribal knee jerks simply for having another view, the author has some gems:
The BBC is sometimes over-staffed on some big stories.
Many of its programmes are not brilliant
there are some matey, dumbed-down horrors like World Have Your Say
Some of the multi-million pound a year salaries paid to star presenters sound very high.
Yes, it is a clique-ish institution, and snobbish towards outsiders.
routinely marvelled at their incestuous, clannish manner.
I really liked this one:
you will find the BBC, trying to get the story right.
Er, that’s kind of the problem, dude. It’s trying to get i right… to fit their narrative. The BBC edit suite has become a filter to turn everything into propaganda. And as to being hand in hand with the military? Unless they mean the Argentinian or Syrian ones?
And it is propaganda I am forced to pay for, despite the facile argument used here..
But frankly, £145.50 a year is not very much money for most British families. And it is not compulsory
If it was The Economist’s intent to mount a defence, I rather suspect a more spectacular backfire could have been possible.
Yes, the BBC groupies will lap it up within the bubble. But now as an avid cross-publication reader I have to seriously question where The Economist’s objective head is, and if on this where else?
This is only slightly more negative than Jeremy Hunt’s encomium to the BBC. It’s too well-entrenched into the British psyche. Of course, this special relationship with the public also makes its broadcasting bias all the more of a bad influence on them.
On remembering Islamic jihad massacre in London , 7 July 2005, BBC has its usual pro-Islam propaganda:
“In Leeds, an event will be held at the Makkah mosque in Hyde Park to remember the victims but also highlight the positive contribution Muslims have made to the UK.”
I tried to place a comment on that BBC page, but on submitting it, it gave me a 404 page not found error. Too many comments not fitting their “Muslims are the victims” theme perhaps.
“In Leeds, an event will be held at the Makkah mosque in Hyde Park to remember the victims but also highlight the positive contribution Muslims have made to the UK.”
That seems to have been stealth edited out. Instead the report now reads:
The Muslim Council of Britain will lead a delegation from the community to pay their respects at the Hyde Park memorial.
Perhaps the BBC have finally realised that Muslims haven’t in fact contributed much to the UK, other than 24/7 corner shops, curry houses and terror attacks?
An event is to be held to remember all the victims of Palestinian terrorism ,but also highlight the positive contribution Palestinians have made to the World.
Maybe it would be helpful if people in Britain could be reminded first about what our actual Judeo-Christian heritage has done for us.
You know… in philosophy, in law, in freedom, in science, in maths, in engineering, in medicine, in politics, in art, in literature, in language.
I know this is all piffling stuff compared to the giant contributions of the Mohammedans, but…
You note that I point to the contributions that have flowed from the Judeo-Christian foundation — as it matters not whether the particular inventor, artist, et al was a practicing Jew or Christian in the religious sense.
Yet, it seems some people are obsessed with proving that the individual achievement of one particular Muslim is somehow a validation for this organized Death Cult we call Islam.
(Please note that my distain for Islam is based upon my own personal opinion and it not necessarily the views of David Vance, or Biased BBC, and are expressed in the assumption that we still live in a free society in which people are allowed to make egregious remarks against any “topic”, without even proving them.)
This may have come up here before but many of us, including myself, often use the word ” Beeboid ” possibly without knowing its meaning. I was unable to find it in my dictionary. Does anyone have any suggestions ?
I would suspect that someone coined it with humanoid in mind, so Beeboid refers to a human-like creature that isn’t really human. Well, it isn’t flattering and it isn’t meant to be.
It reflects a feeling that the BBC is a world and a law unto itself and the people who work in it are a particular, peculiar (humanoid) species on a different planet and a different wavelength from the rest of us – not really like us. So Beeb + oid seems quite apt for humanoid, BBC variety of.
If you consider also the meaning and definition of another word – factoid – it makes the oid coinage seem even more apt for denizens of the BBC. I don’t know whether factoid did feature in the thinking of the original coiner of Beeboid but it does make the coinage even stronger when you take into account the type of bias that we often comment on at the BBC.
FACTOID: definitions:
A piece of unverified or inaccurate information that is presented in the press as factual, often as part of a publicity effort, and that is then accepted as true because of frequent repetition.
a piece of unreliable information believed to be true because of the way it is presented or repeated in print
something resembling a fact; unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print.
“Oid” as a suffix means “resembles” or “looks like”. Hence “android” is something that looks like a man. I guess Beeboid doesn’t really make sense in that way, but it sounds good (I like Jack’s definition) so I use it like I use Leftoid. I have no idea where or when it came into use.
It does have a derogatory air to it, I suppose, but that would just be the Beeboids inferring it. 😉
Boids is an artificial life program which simulates the flocking behaviour of birds. As with most artificial life simulations, Boids is an example of emergent behavior; that is, the complexity of Boids arises from the interaction of individual agents (the boids, in this case) adhering to a set of simple rules.
That explains the herd instinct. I haven’t yet worked out why it is always left wing.
The Muir Russell climate change email review, sponsored by Dulux, has been released and we all know how the BBC will spin it. Still, there is at least a paragraph in the initial article from sceptics. A few months ago we wouldn’t even have got that.
No He isn’t. He’s just incredibly naive, as are all His handlers and advisors. Maybe His uprbringing around a few non-Arab ones makes Him think He understands them better than the rest of us, but what He knew as a kid is a thousand years away from the Muslim Arab mindset. It’s pretty clear that He doesn’t get that.
His world view and policy ideas are no more advanced than those of the average angry student in a Question Time audience. And it shows. These people think that the West is responsible for all problems, and that if we grovel just a little more and denounce our exceptionalism (superiority to them, in this case), they will at last be willing to talk to us and we can be friends. The Obamessiah’s Cairo speech is a classic example of that, never mind the way He bowed down to every single Muslim tribal leader He came across.
The thing is that the President and His fellow travellers (including at the BBC) understand that there’s an inferiority complex there, but they can’t think outside of the same wet “self-esteem” box in which they force our education systems to operate (both US and UK, sadly). All the same juvenile mindset, with the same inevitably bad results.
So the Russell Report is another whitewash. The investigation apparently found that there was no problem with the scientific honsety at the CRU. I call BS. Nobody who gives orders to delete data and correspondence about methodology is a completely honest scientist.
At least they finally said that the “hockey stick” was “misleading.
But the BBC is mostly going to present this as a vindication. Especially Harriban.
No one takes what that camp knob Harrabin says seriously. The number of people who think climate change is a scam is still growing despite twat like Harrabin spouting his rubbish.
Emily Maitlis just now stating as fact that the CRU emails were “hacked into”. You don’t know that, Emily. You have no actual proof of any kind of source for those emails. Yet the BBC continues to push this lie.
One day soon Harrabin/Black/Shukman are going to have to face upto their lies and gross deception and the BBC will drop them in the shit before you can say sh*t heads!
The day will come when reality can no longer be denied and all the lies will come tumbling out for all to see and when that day comes I will savour it.
The thick imbeciles cannot even see that the BBC bigwigs will feed them to the crocodiles without a second thought, when nature does her business and we all see clearly the giant fraud then the people at the top will betray the droids to save their own skins. We will see these fools regret bitterly what they are doing now.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
A “Business” correspondent (Simon ?) on BBC News Channel appears to be less than professional in calling the government public spending cuts agenda an “onslaught” on public sector employment. I suppose he is just a frustrated lefty luvvie like the rest of the BBC so called journalists.
I hope it’s Simon SAYES.
Another article in today’s Daily Telegraph by Neil Midgley “Is the BBC losing its grip ? ” If only !!
The BBC now sees itself as the cheer leader for the state sector. It sees this as it’s prime function .For me nothing less than abolition of the tax is really acceptable. That money returns to the economy and the BBC, hardly a vital service , can fund itself any way it sees fit. The logic is sound .
All the whining from the illshaven Thompson about how underpaid the execs are is merely self serving drivel. Put it to the market test and let the nation have it’s tax money returned to it.
Dave S,
Well said. I wouldn’t pay Thompson to clean my toilet.
I’m just totally pissed off hearing all the bleating from the drugged up BBC about the public sector.
7 million of them and most a total waste of space, the public sector is just a parasite on society, pissing away money as if there is no tomorrow.
Sack the lot and start again.
Except me. 😉
Come on, hyperbole is one thing – who are the ‘most’ you are talking about – I guess you have never visited your GP (who is a private contractor to the NHS by the way), or travelled in an aircraft (those lazy f’ing public sector air traffic controllers) What about the public sector parasites fighting the Taliban, or the entirely useless education system. What about the sinister trading standards officers or those vile swine who ensure that the anti-hystamine that you take isn’t septic tank cleaning solution.
Sack the lot I say. To paraphrase the Life of Brian…
What have the public sector ever done for us? Eliminated cholera for a start.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree BBC bleating is terrible and there is room for a 25% cut in a truely bloated public sector but most workers are not ‘a total waste of space’
Caught the first few minutes of a programme on R4 this morning combining two BBC favourites, luvvies and Cuba.
Errol Flynn was “swashbuckling” , but also had ” a serious side “. “Always supported the underdog ” . Visited Cuba in 1959 at the start of the revolution. “Corrupt Battista regime “. ” Rebels in the mountains “. “Met Fidel Castro”.
Blah, blah, blah, BBC, BBC, BBC……..
I didn’t manage to hear the rest but I am sure that , in the interest of balance, the BBC would have reported on subsequent events. Poverty, loss of freedom, State murders, torture etc. You know the sort of things the BBC always report about Cuba.
If Errol Flynn was in Cuba in 1959, it was only because he had f****d every tasty woman in Hollywood and was looking for fresh meat.
ERROL: Yes comrade, with your luscious talents Fidel tells me you can best serve the la revolucion your back. Then on your front, then on all fours.
Actually, they did cover that. Even mentioned Flynn’s affair with an underage girl when he was 48 and on his third marriage. All said with admiration. Who cares what lives were ruined, if you are a “ladies man ” ? What a laugh !
Did they also mention:
“When he died left instruction that he should not be buried at the celebrity graveyard of Forest Lawn: “I don’t want to be buried amongst all those Jews”, he said. “Better to bury me at sea with sharks I can trust.”
No, I don’t remember that in the broadcast. Anyway, Errol Flynn, RIP. What a S…
BBC , Errol Flyn and Cuba
Another side the BBC don’t mention
Yeah, Errol Flynn, widely reputed to be a Nazi spy. But then of course this doesn’t discount him supporting the underdog, no doubt he envisaged the State of Israel and did what any reasonable ‘progressive’ would do.
Portillo’s loss..
“Portillo sad as Abbott leaves This Week sofa”
The sofa will be happy having that weight lifted from it.
She could never come back from her recent humilitaing grilling by brillo.
Dianne Abbott is only interested in looking after herself and her own, she has nothing more to add.
Taxi for Abbott.
More like she can’t face any more tough questioning from Andrew Neill, the only BBC presenter who treats all politicians the same.
So the BBC continues to tout Alastair Campbell around the many programmes and studios in its empire. Apparently he was on Top Gear last night where, according to the Dauly Mail, he was booed as he walked through the audience. He was selling his book again, of course. We’ve been through all this before, with him selling a book a couple of years ago. Still, on they go. The BBC does what it pleases.
Oops! Typo. Daily Mail.
Richard Bacon is broadcasting from Hampstead Heath today!!!!
Richard Bacon spouting total bollocks about global warming. It’s warm so it’s climate change and anyone who disagrees is a neigh-sayer states Bacon.
Exactly Remember the cold winter, that was just weather and nothing to do with climate change
Best news of the day?
BBC’s apartheid radio station to close:
“BBC Asian Network to close”
Now, BBC, close down all the BBC radio broadcasting in Asian languages which takes place over the airwaves of BBC local radio stations throughout Britain every evening.
The BBC is seriously determined to improve the quality of its TV programmes:
“Set The Video: The Private Life of Cows, BBC Two, Wednesday, 7 July, 8pm”
Is this a programme about the secret lives of the fat dykes who work at the BBC or something?
Will Diane Abbott be in it ?
Yet more BBC bollocks.
The vile Laura Kuntsbeg (or whatever her name is) sneering at the Governments ‘claims’ that the 1.5 billion of cuts today were unfunded by the previous government.
Um excuse me Ms Kuntsberg but don’t you remember THIS?
“…Civil servants came under increasing pressure from ministers in the dying months of the Labour government to carry out expensive orders that they disagreed with and responded by submitting an unprecedented number of formal protests in the run-up to the general election…”
Needless to say the talentless leftie Kuntsberg failed to mention these letters in her report. What a shock, NOT!
Then the sneering Huw Edwards stated that “The Government can find the money to have a referendum on voting change”
Yes Huw it’s called democracy, something you twats at the BBC wouldn’t understand.
“Kuntsberg” ? don’t you mean ” Kuntsbag” ?
“Yes Huw it’s called democracy, something you twats at the BBC wouldn’t understand.”
Actually its called crawling to the Lib Dems, but we’ll let that one pass.
Not spending money which isn’t there – i.e. unfunded projects Labour bunged in at the last minute – does not count as a spending cut!!!
Absolutely – you can’t save £65,000 by not buying a luxuary car with money you don’t have.
The BBC never lets the truth get in the way of a good smear.
The BBC is reporting that Turkey is threatening to break off diplomatic relations with Israel if the Jews don’t apologize for attacking the “aid flotilla”.
After a timeline of Israeli-Turkish cooperation, the BBC allows that:
But relations have cooled in recent years. The Turkish government headed by the AK Party – which has Islamist roots – strongly criticised the raid launched by Israel in Gaza in December 2008.
So that explains the problem, right?
In January 2009, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stormed out of the World Economic Forum in Davos, after a clash with Israeli President Shimon Peres.
In January this year, Israel was forced to apologise over the way its deputy foreign minister treated the Turkish ambassador.
Oh, of course. Israel is equally to blame. Naturally there’s one key piece of information about this issue that the BBC forgot to tell you:
The Turkish Government was quietly behind the “aid flotilla” in the first place, supporting the organization which sent armed thugs to attack Israeli forces and bring material support to Hamas. Even the Turkish press admits this. If the Jews did this, it would be considered an act of war. So who should apologize for starting what, BBC?
Turkey under the grip of the islamists was always going to sever ties with Israel, the AK party from its inception has critised Turkish-Israel ties and was determined to end them.
The Turkish military hampered the AK partys efforts but true to form they plotted and succeeded in crushing the strength of the military as guardians of the secular state and now the islamisation is nearly complete.
The BBC seems unable or unwilling to examine the real political situation in Turkey for some reason, the islamists have been provoking a split in the alliance with Israel for some time, this appology demand is clearly an attempt to force a final break with Israel. The AK party knows full well that Israel cannot appologise and will not do so, indeed Isarel has nothing to appologise for because the aid flottila was in fact a hostile act by a hostile government bent on sabotaging an unwanted alliance. It was a pretext a cynical attempt to inflame a popular hatred of Israel.
All of the hundreds of hours of BBC propaganda about how ‘european’ Turkey had become is just another gigantic waste of time and money.
Turkey from the second it elected islamists to lead it was lost to the western world, the fact that so many denied the sad reality and chose the safety of wishful thinking is typical of the weakness and stupidity that infects our leaders today. Why did the BBC miss the reality of the budding Turkey/Syria/Iran axis as it began?
I am sad for those decent Turkish people who must now witness the killing of their modern secular state and see it replaced by an islamist autocracy.
David P,
I have folllowed Erdogan’s career for over 20 years . He is the modern version of Enver, but even more crazy. He is a real believer in “Turan”.
I hope you are wrong. Please don’t underestimate the power of the “secularists”.
Long live Ataturk !!!
What a tragedy and I truly hope I am wrong I really do! I fear that once the islamists manage to take hold of a population through lies and deceit they will cling like barnacles to power.
The secularists lack the infrastructure and cohesion of the islamists, they were busy for years building fake charaties and infiltrating the communities infecting the poor with their appealing poison.
Attaturks legacy and gift to the people of Turkey of a secular ideal and social modernism versus dark age ignorance, which will triumph?
The big problem for the secularists was that after so many years of secular government they were unable to stamp out the local level corruption in business adn especially planning regulation. Backhanders are rife, and the further from Istanbul, the worse it seems to get, especially in the tourist areas of the south.
Now that the Islamists are in power, I don’t expect them to relinquish it without a fight. The axis of Turkey, Syria & Iran is the new building blocks of the international caliphate.
So it looks like fatty Abbott has had her day on This Week. Portaloo looks like he’s of as well. We can only hope.
Blimey sh’e no Hattie Hatemenperson is she? The BBC will be hating her for getting rid of the camp Rudd.
The BBC have already had a go at the new Oz PM. Clearly she’s no Kevin Rudd in thier eyes. Note the beeboid dig at the USA over religion and the dig at her comments about boat people.
Clare Short gets hammered at the Chilcot Inquiry, even the Guardian highlights it, but look how the beeboids bury it away in the article.
Clare Short like George Galloway is a favoured nutter by the BBC.
BBC: Britain’s national broadcaster and -Remembering 7 July, 2005.
Is it my hard-to read-TV guide, is it me, or is it the BBC?:
-I can’t find any BBC TV programmes scheduled to be shown this
Wednesday, 7 July about the Islamic jihad massacre in London, five years ago.
This is part of the presentday reality about that, in London now:
“Five years on from the London Jihad bombings”
BBC has decided that it should avoid putting out a TV programme on the Islamic jihad massacre in London on 7 July, 2005; instead, the BBC has scheduled a TV programme on Wednesday on ‘the Private Life of Cows’.
They also have in loving memory which seems to be about various roadside tributes of unrelated accidents. Very odd timing to put this out on the fifth anniversary unless it is an attempt at a spoiler? Nevermind the religion of peace, the real issue is death on the roads…
CNN top story;
Activist: Iranian mother of two to be stoned to death
No story according to the BBC
Jesus, Newsnight with slapper Maitlis going on about ‘Tory cuts’ yet again.
Of course Liebour didn’t have any cuts planned did they BBC?
I’m not sure what to make of this, but I have my ideas, and I wanted to bring this up here before the story gets bigger (if it even does). I don’t think it’s actually as bad as it looks, but it’s pathetic nonetheless.
NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Bolden was recently on Al Jazeera doing just that.
It’s mostly the same tiresome “America doesn’t need to be exceptional or a leader any more, we all work together, competition is good for us” pablum we’ve been hearing from the self-loathing Leftoids in the US for a while now. The Obamessiah was supposed to be the first post-American President and all that. Pretty lame stuff, although not really grovelling to the Mohammedans or anything.
However, Bolden also said that the President told him that his “foremost” mission was:
to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.
I know, I know. The thing is, even though Bolden’s words sound like yet another BBC documentary on how the Religion of Peace saved the world, I’m not sure this is as bad as it looks. In fact, I’m feeling pretty cynical about it, but not the way some might think.
In my opinion, this looks like a cheap ploy to get oil-rich Muslim governments to pass some cash over to fund a few things. It does seem like the kind of arrogant, yet naive world outlook so evident in the President and His inner circle. “All we have to do is kiss their asses a little, make them feel special. They’ll think they’re all modern and world leaders if they think they’re our partners. And then we’ll be friends and everything.”
Totally moronic, yes. But that’s what this looks like to me. And what does the Secretary of State think about yet another infringement into her territory? This really is a very poorly run Administration. And to think all those Beeboids and defenders of the indefensible were crying about how inexperienced Sarah Palin was.
Bolden had a solid career in the military and as an astronaut. He’s no clown. But he could easily be an Obamessiah worshipper, and is pleased to go along with whatever mission He chooses. I couldn’t say, or course. Unfortunately, he seems to have a little corruption problem:
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden wants to quash a $10 million biofuels project whose proponents include his deputy, Lori Garver. According to the story, Bolden consulted on the project’s merits with Marathon Oil, where he served on the board of directors and which has competing technology under development. Bolden’s actions in light of his relationship to Marathon — he still holds up to $1 million in company stock — have triggered an investigation by the NASA inspector general.
Does Obama really want to put rocket technowlegy in the hands of the Muslims?
Yes !
That’s giving Him too much credit. He’s not that much of a visionary or even deep strategist.
Typical BBC bias on BBC Breakfast programme….
The studio beeboid reads out the news that Eric Pickles wants to clamp down on councils advertising all these Non-jobs. Examples
are mentioned by name (I didn’t catch their exact wording): Communications Waste Officer, Cheerleader Development Officer, Audience Development Officer etc He thinks they are a waste (of course they are), and that all council jobs should be detailed on their websites. Fair enough.
But then they switch to another beeboid on an outside broadcast. He’s on the Isle of Wight and he’s found a council run day centre
for the mentally disabled which is due to be closed. Interviews a carer who takes her daughter there: “these cuts target the vulnerable and are wrong”. It’s spun as Government cuts are beginning to show.
What?! The report made no attempt to identify the waste in council. Instead, what would have been a good dig at the general waste and political correctness bollocks of lefty led councils is very cleverly turned by the BBC into a “nasty, Tory led, slashing of vital, help the needy, council services”.
A real news organisation would have stuck to the main theme of the story and done some investigation into these jobs, who actually invents them, how much do they cost, how little harm would be done if they were cut, what idiots actually thought of them etc.
But not with the BBC. Genuine Tory concerns can be quickly swept aside and an anti-Tory theme promoted instead.
Tick box. Utterly pathetic.
It is pretty certain that Labour-run councils will make cuts to the most vulnerable and blame it on the Tories.
And if the Tories couldn’t work that out in advance and be ready to counter it then they really are as stupid as I think they are.
Quite agree. Why are they so stupid ?
Stupid yes, but very craven too.
Radio 5’s phone in this morning is on the BBC’s favourite subject, buggery.
Should homosexuals get asylum in the UK (well of course they should, that gives male beeboids more gay ‘totty’ to play with)
Queen Nikki and his hate filled guest Ben Summerskille were full of themselves. The pink shirts and perfume and flirting will be on max in the 5 live studio today.
Campbell laughingly read out a list of nations where the death penalty exists for poovery. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, but even more laughingly Campbell couldn’t find the obvious link between those Countries.
The queen of breakfast radio isn’t very smart.
Re the Iranian mother of two to be stoned to death, I had a look on Google with these key words:
Iranian mother two stoned death BBC.
Nothing, as mike_s pointed out above.
But in looking, I stumbled across this activist site, which seems worth checking out for real news on Iran:
The BBC has a “correspondent,” Jon Leyne, based in Tehran and this is a huge story.
So I’m sending an e-mail off to Steve Hermmann, “Editor” of the BBC website to ask him what on earth the BBC thinks it is doing.
Steve’s a bit busy at the mo’:
Anyone get the impression some ‘top’ managers are running around trying to look busy, and in getting their fixes in simply making a bad job a lot worse?
Yesterday they had Yasmin Alibhai Brown on the Daily Politics telling us that we shouldn’t have a monarchy when we could have a president instead and be citizens rather than subjects.
In her excitable muddled way, she fulminated against having to defer to people purely because they were born into that family and at the same time objected to having to curtsey to Camilla – who, I just happen to recall, wasn’t born into it. I also happen to recall how Alibhai happened to land in this country in the first place. Was it because she was living in a country with a monarchy where she was a subject or was it a country with a president and therefore oh, so superior to ours with our inferior subjects and our curtsies? A little bit of appreciation or even deference to this country wouldn’t go amiss, Alibhai Brown, all things considered.
And next on Radio Bore here’s the singer, Suggs, with another letter in our Capital Alphabet.
‘B is for Boris – to some he’s a great orator and heavyweight thinker – to others* he’s a bumbling bendy-bus banishing buffoon. Like him or loathe him** it’s difficult to ignore London’s mayor. But his aristoctatic english persona doesn’t quite tell the whole story – born in New York***, Boris Johnson was until recently an American citizen and family members still call him by his first name, Alexander
* like, for example, us at the BBC
** and we at the BBC loathe him because he’s one of those ‘same old Tories’.
*** gasp and we all know what a crime it is to be gasp again *** American
Anyway, Suggs, you Nutty Twat you, job done, mate. You’ll certainly get the call again when we need some dead air filled with even more dead air and pointless and knee-jerk anti-Tory bias.
Anyone else see beeboid news this morning? Talking about the fact that there are so many students out there for every job going.
Camp business beeboid (Simon something) stated that if you’ve got a degree in science or engineering you’re probably OK but a lot of students do subjects like media and art and can’t get a job. The look of horror on beeboid presenter faces that someone with a degree in art might not be any use to an employer seemed shocking to them.
It is all the fault of the private sector not creating enough jobs for arty-farty students.
Pages and pages of items are listed under July 7th London Bombings anniversary. I wonder what the BBC has in store for us tomorrow. The BBC is very interested in ‘Muslims fear backlash’, or ‘don’t tar all Muslims with the same brush’ themes, so we shouldn’t expect to see anything like this article by Douglas Murray.
Radio 4 had a prog. yesterday talking to a few people who had been caught up in the bombings. Some of it very interesting.
But sure enough – at the end of the programme there was the MCB yammering on about the risks of backlash against Muslims. And raking over the Brazilian who was shot. This did not fit in any way the real theme or format of the programme – just the usual BBC pro-Muslim BS.
It has been posted here before but has there been any backlash against muslims in the UK ? If not, why not ?
Douglas Murray was on with Ian Collins on Talksport last night.
7 July, 2005: not remembering the Islamic jihad massacre in London.
The BBC has no special TV programmes on it .
The BBC can include itself in the criticism of its own BBC report:
“A victim of the 7 July London bombings has said she is disappointed that the government was not doing more to mark the fifth anniversary of the attack.”
But the BBC never warn of a backlash against Jews after their demonising of Israel.
The BBC may not care to devote time to the anniversary of 7/7 but Radio 4 is busy giving us a highly politicised version of what London is, presented by a black man of relatively recent West Indian immigrant origin – natch – with assistance from among others, Red Ken, Paul Boateng and various lefty academics. This is dedicated to a familiar theme popular among politicised blacks and militants: that London isn’t an English city or even a UK one, but “a world city” – owned by the world, is it? He starts off boldly by telling us that there is no such thing as a typical Londoner. That’s us told, isn’t it? It makes me wonder about both the depth of his enquiry and his grasp of the subject. This self-serving political claim is however boldly quoted in the introductory notes on the programme in attached link:
Where London ends England begins. That is the way I like it and I have no intention of ever going there again.
My grandchildren will miss nothing by never seeing it. In truth the English never really liked the place. It was always over fond of itself and lived off the backs of the rest of us. A place of courts, governments and unhealthy looking scoundrels. Not what England is about and never was or will be.
Dave S
Quite agree. I worked in London until 1985 and have never been back. It is a dump with the most unfriendly people I have ever met anywhere in the world. And the worst and most dishonest
taxi-drivers !
Mind you Edinburgh is heading in the same direction !
“Where London ends England begins.” – you mean the England of Bradford, Birmingham, Dewsbury – that England?
There are as you point out exceptions. We still have Shropshire, Herefordshire. Devon,Wiltshire and most of Hampshire and Sussex left to us.Not for long if the situation continues as it is.
Kwame Kwei-Armah isn’t a recent immigrant but a native Brit born with the name Ian Roberts. At some point in his 20’s he underwent the usual lefty guilt trip thing about his ancestors and changed his name. Interestingly all lefties think every African has lots of K’s in their name hence the name. He also seems to have been busy developing an “African” accent.
1327: Kwame Kwei-Armah isn’t a recent immigrant but a native Brit born with the name Ian Roberts.
I didn’t say he was a recent immigrant.
I said he was of relatively recent West Indian immigrant origin.
That is to say that his parents were immigrants from Grenada, I believe.
His main interest seems to be about blacks and being black and immigrants.
Yet further evidence we are seeing colonisation not immigration. Repel the invader.
Meanwhile I just came across this interesting whistleblower’s tale from “the world city” of London that the BBC would be sure not to tell us about:
What on earth are we housing foreign immigrants for anyway? If a foreigner cannot support themsleves why are they not deported? With so many of our own people unable to access social housing the insane policy of housing destitute or supposedly destitute foreigners is nothing short of betrayal.
The simple instruction to deport all destitute immigrants and foreign citizens who try to access social services would both ease the strain on social provision and deter the very immigrants so keen to benefit from state generosity.
I cannot for the life of me fathom why the link between overly generous welfare provision and the wave of utterly determined third world immigration has not been understood, if I were a third world immigrant knowing that I could walk into a life of free housing/medical/education/welfare money then I would be hanging under the next truck into Dover.
Cut off the inducements and the flow will stop, its simple and it would work like a bloody charm and perhaps thats why it will never be tried.
Emily Maitlis closed last night’s Newsnight with the newspaper front pages, beginning: “Right a quick look then at The Times. The picture then..er..is the police officers on patrol at Gatehead where the fugitive killer police were warned about” (yes, it doesn’t make sense!). She then moved onto the FT, Telegraph, Independent and Guardian, pointing out their main stories.
What she didn’t do was to read out the main story in The Times, which was there in unmissably large letters next to the photo she mentioned: “UN report on climate change was ‘one-sided’. I wonder why she didn’t read that out.
(The clip begins at 45,48)
Because she’s a dopey cow.
Just saw a segment about the Queen’s visit to New York and the UN. She’s about to hit the UN now, in fact. The BBC kept referring to her as the “head of state”, quite respectfully. In fact, at one point, after showing a brief clip of the Queen’s first address at the UN 50 some-odd years ago, the Beeboid Nichols said that she was “the most experienced head of state in the world.” It was said in all seriousness, and I was so stunned by it I wasn’t sure I’d heard right.
Overall, it’s the most respect for the Queen I’ve ever seen on the BBC. That includes speeches.
Here in the city, the press is treating it not unlike a celebrity superstar visit, but with an “aw, isn’t she cute with the crown and everything” tinge to all of it. Even the Daily News had a little inset about etiquette on meeting the Queen. But it’s meant with fondness, really, no historical resentment or anything.
Oh, joy. Barbara Plett is on the scene at the UN for when the Queen actually gives her speech, so she’s going to be cynical as hell, of course. She even sneered in the two sentences she got to say that the Queen was just arriving. Hey, Babs, maybe the Queen hates Jooos, too. Would that help?
We can guess what the Queen will say at the UN – it will all be “right on” BBC talk about how brilliant the UN is and how they are doing a wonderful job combatting “climate change”. The Queen has as much interest in upholding our liberties as Gordon Brown and his media wing at the BBC.
Guido is blogging that Eric Pickles intends to carry out the plan to stop the job adverts in the Guardian and put them online.
Watch the BBC try to smear Pickles now.
If the Guardian closes down, though, where do you think their ‘journalists’ will go to for a job? Straight to the BBC…
So killing the Guardian may only entrench the BBC bias with new like-minded recruits.
I’m sure the BBC would employ as many as possible (like St Polly) but seeing that leftie rag go bust would be worth it.
Yes; the BBC (unlike the vast majority of the British people) will not like this:
“Axe falls on Soviet-style planning laws that forced councils to build unwanted traveller sites”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1292496/Axe-falls-planning-laws-forced-councils-build-unwanted-traveller-sites.html#ixzz0swTrIuGf
Eric Pickles is getting stuck in.
5Live news tonight with Mark Mardell ‘explaining’ what issues were holding up peace between Israel & Palestinians. Obviously the line was that only Israel has to make concessions.
Beeboid trade unions to close BBC, temporarily?:
“Angry BBC staff vote for strike ballot over ‘pensions robbery'”
Will BBC licencepayers get refund ?
It’s a start. But a permanent closure is what we want.
“The BBC has offered staff a below-inflation flat rate increase of £475 for staff paid up to £37,726 a year. More than a third of BBC journalists will receive nothing. The unions have argued that the BBC can afford to pay more to its staff across the board given the 2 per cent rise in its licence fee income. ”
So the BBC lot think that it is us who should give them a pay rise – for what? What has the BBC ever given to the licence payer? Propaganda masquerading as news. Propaganda masquerading as drama. Endless cookery programmes, soaps and Al Bowen. Naughtie, Humphreys,Harrabin, and all the other so called “talent”. How have they represented Britain? The BBC is a left wing fantasy the country cannot afford.
Remember Barry’s promise to close Gitmo? Hmm, seems the BBC have forgotten as well. In fact when was the last time the drugged up twats did a story from Gitmo?
Gitmo was a stick to beat George W. Bush with, now it is an inconvenient reminder of Obama’s inaction.
I love how now that The Obamessiah’s poll ratings are in the toilet, His domestic agenda stalled, more people disapproving of His performance than approving, the oil spill cleanup failure hanging around His neck, the BBC is doing specials on To Kill a Mockinbird and some series telling the real story behind The South.
In other words, the BBC is working overtime to reminding everyone about how racist the US is/was. Now all criticism of The Obamessiah comes into perspective, right? We’re still too racist, and most, if not all, criticism of Him is down to racism.
Why is To Kill A Mockingbird being celebrated by the BBC? What possible interest does this have to the British public, except to dredge up racism?
Will they remind us which US political party supported segregation and which did not? And of course which party had a ‘former’ member of the KKK in its ranks until recently…
Always thought Barry would be a one term President, another Jimmy Carter, it’s looking like he will be if the Republicans switch on to the dissatisfaction from the folks.
It is nothing to do with racism, he is just useless.
it’s late, I’ve a cup of tea in front of me (and a piece of local baked cake inside me) I’m having a butchers at the news and cannot seem to find anything on Sakine Mohammedie Ashtiani the Iranian woman sentenced to death for having a boyfriend. The EU and many HR orgs have petitioned for her life yet i cannot seem to find any bBC coverage on her story. Instead I find an article on haircuts?
BBC priorities eh?
The Iranian method of hanging is not simply an execution as practised in the west.
The western method aimed for instant death by means of breaking the neck and severing the spinal cord, this kind of death is instant.
The islamist method is actually a grotesque torture to inflict the most pain and suffering for the victim for as long as possible, they place a rope around the victims neck and then slowly lift the victim up by crane so the victim is slowly strangled to death, this is extremely painful and degrading and can take many minutes for the victim to die in agony.
For crazed psychopathic bullies this is very enjoyable as another persons suffering is witnessed and many Iranians go and watch for amusement.
Executing a criminal is one thing but the slow and deliberate inflicting of pain and suffering via a barbaric torture and in public is quite another. The iranian method is perhaps the most grusome and cruel killing method yet devised and specially designed for the purpose of inflicting the most pain for the longest time in the most degrading way possible.
The Iranians do not deserve to be called human beings, they are savages and not fit to join the human community.
The BBC whines about A foreign terrorist who claims he was tortured and the BBC supports every claim as if it were the truth and gives airtime to undermine the UK, yet the BBC is silent on the above. The BBC wrings its hands about water boarding but has nothing to say about the most cruel state murder instrument yet devised by sick minds.
Oh, Cassie, surely you can’t judge all Iranians by this ?
I most certainly do not, my heart goes out to those brave Persians who protested and suffered for it. I was aiming at the islamist state and its supporters.
The slack jawed dead eyed psychopathic bastards who run Persia like a Turkish prison compound. Ordinary good people are trapped in a cesspit and have no voice and no power yet many risked their lives to at least try to change the regime.
Until the ordinary decent Persian people can break free of their evil psychopathic masters then there is no hope for any of them, I have known many Persians in my life and found many to be good kind and generous people but the islamic revolutionary iranian state is purest concentrated evil.
Their only faint hope is a western attack to sweep away the vile savages and give the decent Persians a chance.
I quite agree. On my 2 visits to Iran, some years ago but after the “revolution”, I had nothing but kindness from the Persian people.
I suspect the current links between the lunatic Erdogan and the , even more, lunatic, Iranian “government” have as much to do with the age-old idea of “Turan ” as with an anti-semitic belief.
Also the Turks and Persians are united in their contempt for Arabs !
Here’s an example of the unspeakable sickness and sadism of Sharia justice.
WARNING: It is VERY strong stuff:
I just watched 10 seconds of that link. Then had to close it. Unspeakable.
Did you at least see the gloating, laughing crowd enjoying every moment of it?
There really are no words to describe the depravity of those people.
One note of caution.
I did steel myself to have another look. Not entirely sure the clip is genuine. Towards the end the stake appears to come out of his back left shoulder, which is strange. However, even if the clip is fake, it doesn’t excuse the depravity of some people in that part of the world.
Also I haven’t had time to check out the background of the website.
In my experience of antagonists in general , I am suspicious of any party which fakes evidence. Not sure if it is the case here.
I don’t have time to research this particular clip. But it looks like a fake to me .
There is no provenance. The victim’s “horror” looks faked as do the onlookers’ behaviour. The filming looks staged etc. etc.
Of course I don’t rule that out. Ogrish.com does have some pretty nasty stuff.
I got that link from the left hand side bar here:
That’s also a site that I find a little extreme too.
Meanwhile, back in the real world – not a fake:
Iran ‘adulterer’ facing stoning
Yes, difficult to tell. I can’t face revisiting that sight. However, as you point out there is plenty of evidence of the cruelty of Islam which is irrefutable. Maybe the BBC will do a documentary about it !
“site” or maybe I did mean “sight ” !
Looks like, ‘for balance’, The Economist has decided to swing behind The Graun (maybe feeling a bit vulnerable at possibly being denied exclusive, extensive public service ad revenue to help fund its mission) in leaping to the defence of Aunty, perhaps seeing the questions posed more and more in higher readership publications such as The Telegraph as really nothing the public should be exposed to.
Not sure it’s doing too great a job of carrying it off without a) showing clear bias itself and b) total ineptitude in reporting and analysis…
Beyond a silly ‘right wing conspiracy’ meme’ throughout, that rather puts off those who enjoy independent thought who don’t appreciate being pigeon-holed by tribal knee jerks simply for having another view, the author has some gems:
The BBC is sometimes over-staffed on some big stories.
Many of its programmes are not brilliant
there are some matey, dumbed-down horrors like World Have Your Say
Some of the multi-million pound a year salaries paid to star presenters sound very high.
Yes, it is a clique-ish institution, and snobbish towards outsiders.
routinely marvelled at their incestuous, clannish manner.
I really liked this one:
you will find the BBC, trying to get the story right.
Er, that’s kind of the problem, dude. It’s trying to get i right… to fit their narrative. The BBC edit suite has become a filter to turn everything into propaganda. And as to being hand in hand with the military? Unless they mean the Argentinian or Syrian ones?
And it is propaganda I am forced to pay for, despite the facile argument used here..
But frankly, £145.50 a year is not very much money for most British families. And it is not compulsory
If it was The Economist’s intent to mount a defence, I rather suspect a more spectacular backfire could have been possible.
Yes, the BBC groupies will lap it up within the bubble. But now as an avid cross-publication reader I have to seriously question where The Economist’s objective head is, and if on this where else?
The licence fee is compulsory if you want to own a TV.
The Economist these days is PC on a whole range of issues – very close to BBC thinking.
Where’s Mandy Rice Davis when you need her…?
DavidACGregory Positive article on the BBC in The Economisthttp://tinyurl.com/2a4g63j
Looking at the headline I’d opine ‘supportive’ might be better in description than ‘positive’.
Still, anticipate this being a major news item at this rate. Probably best to let the Graun pick up on it and then ‘quote’ it not to be too obvious.
This is only slightly more negative than Jeremy Hunt’s encomium to the BBC. It’s too well-entrenched into the British psyche. Of course, this special relationship with the public also makes its broadcasting bias all the more of a bad influence on them.
On remembering Islamic jihad massacre in London , 7 July 2005, BBC has its usual pro-Islam propaganda:
“In Leeds, an event will be held at the Makkah mosque in Hyde Park to remember the victims but also highlight the positive contribution Muslims have made to the UK.”
-from BBC report:
“Hyde Park ceremony to remember 7 July victims”
U.K.: Most jihadists are “British-born, under the age of 30, educated and likely to be employed”
And, reprise of Douglas Murray piece:
“We have not learnt the lesson of the July 7 suicide bombing”
I tried to place a comment on that BBC page, but on submitting it, it gave me a 404 page not found error. Too many comments not fitting their “Muslims are the victims” theme perhaps.
“In Leeds, an event will be held at the Makkah mosque in Hyde Park to remember the victims but also highlight the positive contribution Muslims have made to the UK.”
That seems to have been stealth edited out. Instead the report now reads:
The Muslim Council of Britain will lead a delegation from the community to pay their respects at the Hyde Park memorial.
Perhaps the BBC have finally realised that Muslims haven’t in fact contributed much to the UK, other than 24/7 corner shops, curry houses and terror attacks?
An event is to be held to remember all the victims of Palestinian terrorism ,but also highlight the positive contribution Palestinians have made to the World.
Maybe it would be helpful if people in Britain could be reminded first about what our actual Judeo-Christian heritage has done for us.
You know… in philosophy, in law, in freedom, in science, in maths, in engineering, in medicine, in politics, in art, in literature, in language.
I know this is all piffling stuff compared to the giant contributions of the Mohammedans, but…
You note that I point to the contributions that have flowed from the Judeo-Christian foundation — as it matters not whether the particular inventor, artist, et al was a practicing Jew or Christian in the religious sense.
Yet, it seems some people are obsessed with proving that the individual achievement of one particular Muslim is somehow a validation for this organized Death Cult we call Islam.
(Please note that my distain for Islam is based upon my own personal opinion and it not necessarily the views of David Vance, or Biased BBC, and are expressed in the assumption that we still live in a free society in which people are allowed to make egregious remarks against any “topic”, without even proving them.)
This may have come up here before but many of us, including myself, often use the word ” Beeboid ” possibly without knowing its meaning. I was unable to find it in my dictionary. Does anyone have any suggestions ?
grant — no doubt lost in the mists of time.
I suspect it’s a meld of “beeb” for the BBC, and android, for an unthinking drone.
Hence Beeboid. An unthinking drone programmed to defend the BBC at all costs.
I would suspect that someone coined it with humanoid in mind, so Beeboid refers to a human-like creature that isn’t really human. Well, it isn’t flattering and it isn’t meant to be.
It reflects a feeling that the BBC is a world and a law unto itself and the people who work in it are a particular, peculiar (humanoid) species on a different planet and a different wavelength from the rest of us – not really like us. So Beeb + oid seems quite apt for humanoid, BBC variety of.
If you consider also the meaning and definition of another word – factoid – it makes the oid coinage seem even more apt for denizens of the BBC. I don’t know whether factoid did feature in the thinking of the original coiner of Beeboid but it does make the coinage even stronger when you take into account the type of bias that we often comment on at the BBC.
FACTOID: definitions:
A piece of unverified or inaccurate information that is presented in the press as factual, often as part of a publicity effort, and that is then accepted as true because of frequent repetition.
a piece of unreliable information believed to be true because of the way it is presented or repeated in print
something resembling a fact; unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print.
(FACTOID was coined by Norman Mailer.)
“Oid” as a suffix means “resembles” or “looks like”. Hence “android” is something that looks like a man. I guess Beeboid doesn’t really make sense in that way, but it sounds good (I like Jack’s definition) so I use it like I use Leftoid. I have no idea where or when it came into use.
It does have a derogatory air to it, I suppose, but that would just be the Beeboids inferring it. 😉
No, no, it originates from “boids”.
Boids is an artificial life program which simulates the flocking behaviour of birds.
As with most artificial life simulations, Boids is an example of emergent behavior; that is, the complexity of Boids arises from the interaction of individual agents (the boids, in this case) adhering to a set of simple rules.
That explains the herd instinct. I haven’t yet worked out why it is always left wing.
Excellent definitions. All worthy of the dictionary !
David Jones,
I thought a “boid” was a bird in New York !
ha ha…
see that “boid” in Central park…
I like it.
Climate scientists at a top UK research unit have emerged from an inquiry with their reputations for honesty intact
The Muir Russell climate change email review, sponsored by Dulux, has been released and we all know how the BBC will spin it. Still, there is at least a paragraph in the initial article from sceptics. A few months ago we wouldn’t even have got that.
Fox News have been picking up that NASA dickhead spouting on about Barry wanting to use NASA to engage with Muslims.
The more Barry goes bonkers, the more I’m sure not only is her a commie, he’s a muzzie as well.
No He isn’t. He’s just incredibly naive, as are all His handlers and advisors. Maybe His uprbringing around a few non-Arab ones makes Him think He understands them better than the rest of us, but what He knew as a kid is a thousand years away from the Muslim Arab mindset. It’s pretty clear that He doesn’t get that.
His world view and policy ideas are no more advanced than those of the average angry student in a Question Time audience. And it shows. These people think that the West is responsible for all problems, and that if we grovel just a little more and denounce our exceptionalism (superiority to them, in this case), they will at last be willing to talk to us and we can be friends. The Obamessiah’s Cairo speech is a classic example of that, never mind the way He bowed down to every single Muslim tribal leader He came across.
The thing is that the President and His fellow travellers (including at the BBC) understand that there’s an inferiority complex there, but they can’t think outside of the same wet “self-esteem” box in which they force our education systems to operate (both US and UK, sadly). All the same juvenile mindset, with the same inevitably bad results.
From Aussie Dave at Israelicool regarding the BBC and its revised history of Hebron, and the rest:
History Lessons Can Be So Entertaining
So the Russell Report is another whitewash. The investigation apparently found that there was no problem with the scientific honsety at the CRU. I call BS. Nobody who gives orders to delete data and correspondence about methodology is a completely honest scientist.
At least they finally said that the “hockey stick” was “misleading.
But the BBC is mostly going to present this as a vindication. Especially Harriban.
No one takes what that camp knob Harrabin says seriously. The number of people who think climate change is a scam is still growing despite twat like Harrabin spouting his rubbish.
Emily Maitlis just now stating as fact that the CRU emails were “hacked into”. You don’t know that, Emily. You have no actual proof of any kind of source for those emails. Yet the BBC continues to push this lie.
Standard BBC. That wanker Harrabin said the same thing when he was on Radio 5 a while back and he had to retract that claim.
One day soon Harrabin/Black/Shukman are going to have to face upto their lies and gross deception and the BBC will drop them in the shit before you can say sh*t heads!
The day will come when reality can no longer be denied and all the lies will come tumbling out for all to see and when that day comes I will savour it.
The thick imbeciles cannot even see that the BBC bigwigs will feed them to the crocodiles without a second thought, when nature does her business and we all see clearly the giant fraud then the people at the top will betray the droids to save their own skins. We will see these fools regret bitterly what they are doing now.