BBC reports that swimming lessons in some Staffordshire schools should stop during Ramadan to ensure Muslim pupils “do not swallow water”, a council has suggested…..
Stoke-on-Trent City Council has issued an 11-page Ramadan guide for schools to help pupils who may be fasting when the school year starts in September. It said swimming was acceptable to Muslims but posed a high risk of swallowing water that may break a fast.
There is a real moral dilemma for the BBC here. On the one hand it has long been an advocate of sex education in schools but the challenge is that this Labour dominated Council (Leasder Mohammed Pervez) has other ideas…
It also suggests re-scheduling sex education classes during the holy lunar month, as Muslim followers who have reached puberty are required to avoid sexual thoughts during this period.
I wonder if everyone in Staffordshire agrees with the banning of swimming lessons? Reading the BBC, we will never know. Still, since the Muslim Council of Britain is behind this it must be OK?
Lets close ALL shops during Christmas as a mark of respect for Christians.
Why don’t Labour councils just ban education for Muslim girls, period.
Like they do in those countries the Muslim jihadists secretly, or not so secretly admire for their “strict” Sharia law.
That’s what they want to do anyway in the UK eventually anyway.
Would that disturb the white crypto-Marxists who are attached by the hip to the Islamists?
Not al all. Once a totalitarian always a totalitarian.
Bertrand Russell (okay he was right occasionally)…
Long ago noted the dismal similarity of the Allah obsessed Muslim, and the godless Marxist.
This helps explain their mutual attraction today, as they both seek the destruction of the capitalist western civilization…
Excellent and very perceptive post !
cheers Grant!
We are starting to see the imposition of sharia law and religious domination of civil structures and norms.
The minority are dictating to the majority, little steps at first and always something petty. These little steps of seeming unimportance are in fact of great importance because they are the slippery slpoe and the thin edge of the wedge, once the road to giving in and appeasing the hostile colonists begins it gets harder and harder to stop giving and that is the plan.
Its always the same isnt it? We give and they take, not so much as to force a confrontation but just enough to enable a later bite and a further demand.
Its only swimming lessons, who can object against that? Well if the authorities do object then the rent a rabble rage mobs are just a phonecall way and as they are all on benefits they have lots of time to show their rage in full plus all the previous appeasement has given the hostile colonists all the avenues of complaints they need and all funded by a legal aid none of us can access.
The hostile colonists and their bite and hold policies, their concerted policy of stamping their ownership of the land they stand on by erecting mosques and to the hostile colonists a mosque is a statement of ownership of the land around it.
Parts of the UK are now owned by foreign hostile colonists financed by native peoples, these hostile foreign colonies will expand and take more action to govern themselves. It is a one way street only. The hostile colonists hate us look on us as filthy dogs yet they do not object to infidel money which flows into their new colonies in ever greater amounts.
I am heart broken to state with confidence that for the first time since the Norman conquest we have lost land, land that belongs to us has been ceded to foreigners and that land is now lost and as the hostile colonist population explodes so does their desire for more land.
One day in the future the blag flag of islam will fly from what was once English town halls and sharia judges will dispence the misogonistic justice from the nearby courts, Native English will be regarded as foreigners.
Think it cant happen? Think it wont happen?
I fear you are right, it will happen and well within our lifetimes.
Sadly, you are right, Cassie. The politicians are too weak and stupid to see what is coming and most of the people not much better. The only hope is for a grass roots revolution , but this is not the generation which fought WW2. Most of this lot are gutless. I am proud of Britain’s history, but ashamed of what this country has become. Great Britain RIP.
I agree Cassie, I particularly like the description ‘Hostile colonists’.
Another trick these colonists are pulling, has been ‘Right to Buy’ council houses.
Whole swathes have been bought up by extended family members, giving them multi million property portfolios for a fraction of their true value.
As these colonists are prioritised on the housing lists, this process happens quickly.
A white working class family would have to wait 10+ years, just to get started. A Bangladeshi immigrant in East London, 10 days.
The more this sort of thing goes on the more a wedge is driven between the majority population and the Islamic minority. It is not that people say anything openly, that would never do. It is just that in the privacy of their thoughts what is essentially trivial becomes a symbol of the differences between peoples.
If any devout Muslim wishes to avoid swimming etc then let him or her do so. But the majority population should continue with their lives as normal.
This always seems to pose a problem for the liberal left. So the default position is to cave in to minority demands in the belief that this is “good” and peer approved behaviour.
It would be interesting for a pyschiatric study to be carried out on typical British liberals
i suspect it will reveal a very confused grasp of reality and an incoherence of thought leading to a collective personality disorder. Nothing powerful drugs and a spell in an institution wouldn’t put right.
One thinks powerful drugs are already part of their problem!
Is anyone forcing muslims to swim during Ramadan ? And, if there is a ban, why should it be extended to non-muslims.
I have spent many Ramadans in muslim countries and have never come under any pressure to refrain from food or drink during daylight hours. Whenever, I have asked if it is ok to eat or drink, the response has been ” yes, of course, you are not a muslim “.
Also have seen muslims swimming in daylight, during Ramadan. So what is the problem ? Dhimmitude gone crazy !
Muslim bigots rubbing our noses in it, that’s what this is about. When Muslims say “jump” left-liberals ask “How high?”.
Well, not all muslims are bigots, but the BBC choose to support the extremists.
Of course, the big discussion is to what extent is Islam monolithic. In my view, it isn’t . The contrary view is that , ultimately it is .
Try telling it to the Alevis and Sufis !!!
Slightly OT and not BBC -related , but there was an interesting article in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph by a journalist, Colin Freeman, reporting from istanbul. Among other things, he referred to the latest opinion polls in Turkey, indicating that the majority of Turks don’t want to join the EU.
He went to the Fatih district ( quite fundamentalist muslim ) and asked a woman what she thought. Her reply was that , if Turkey joined the EU, it would conflict with traditional muslim values. ” We would have to promote homosexuality ” !
Love to see the BBC run with this story !
“BBC defends EastEnders’ Lucas plot after anti-Christian complaints rise ”
This reminds me of a BBC reality TV series recently in which they had two young men cook and serve food for special occasions. One of these events was for a banquet at Sandhurst – it was probably for the cadets’ passing out or whatever it’s called -and on the menu they had a choice of roast duck or halal beef for the main course.
Well, at this banquet, the BBC cameras managed to pick out one or two Asian looking folk but it seems safe to say that overwhelmingly the people there were not mohammedan. So why was the beef for everyone who wanted beef, halal?
Well, there is a weirdness about the thinking of these institutional lovers of Islamists. It is not enough for them that the Muslims are provided with the type of beef that suits their religion, but everyone else must eat it too, even though Islam is nothing to do with them. So how come these same institutios proclaim the multcult and d word doctrine, yet everyone is given the same onecult beef? It’s pure nonsense and the sheep put up with it.
The sheep aren’t getting their throats cut, yet !
Chlorinated water isn’t a food. Not even in the Middle East, where everything sucks balls.
The bBC, Ramadan for Dhimis and half the story. (Part 1)
So, the bBC reports that swimming should be curtailed over the Ramadan period (for everybody) as Muslims may swallow some water. Here is more from that Stoke council guideline (As written by the MCB) which the bBC hasn’t bothered their arse in reporting:
Teachers can take this opportunity to be more inclusive and teach pupils about Ramadan in religious education and to invite guests from the Muslim community to take collective worship or assemblies.
Muslims approach Ramadan with enthusiasm and it is customary for Muslims to congratulate one another on its arrival. The school can value and build on this spirit by having themes based on Ramadan at collective worship or assemblies, and by
organising communal ‘Ifta’ (breaking the fast) when pupils, parents, community members and teachers –both Muslims and non-Muslims – can all join in the ending of the fast and eating together.
The scheduling of parent evenings before or after the month of Ramadan would be appreciated by parents and is likely to ensure better attendance.
Part 2
No oral medication can be taken by a person who is fasting. Anyone needing regular medication during fasting hours is normally exempt from fasting in any case. Medication can be taken once the fast has ended. Medical injections can be taken by a person who is fasting, although not those injections that influence body nutrition.
When Ramadan falls during the winter months, after-school detention or activities for a pupil who is fasting could mean that the pupil is not able to reach home in time to break their fast. Whilst accepting full responsibility for breaching school rules, schools should be aware that pupils are able carry out their religious duty of breaking the fast on time.
Part 3
Whilst fasting, Muslims are not permitted to engage in any sexual relations and are expected to take measures to avoid sexual thoughts and discourse. Schools are therefore advised to avoid scheduling the teaching of sex and relationship education, including aspects that are part of the science curriculum, during Ramadan.
Part 4
School gives the option for those Muslim pupils who are entitled to free school meals to take packed lunches home, should they wish to do so.
Schools can recognise and celebrate the Eid festivals by highlighting the importance of the message of Eid through collective worship and assemblies. Schools may wantto share sweets amongst all children to mark this event. In addition, schools maymake the normal school meals a special Eid meal for all the children and invite some parents and special guests. Holding balls and discos to celebrate Islamic festivals
would be considered inappropriate by Muslim parents
Part 5
Schools should allow at least one day off for each of the Eid celebrations as obligatory religious observance. Eid holidays should be marked as authorised absences.
When organising either celebrations or social events, it is important for schools to consider the appropriateness of certain events, such as school balls/discos, fashion
shows that might inadvertently exclude pupils and parents from the Islamic faith background. Alcohol is prohibited within Islam, and its presence at a function may
make it uncomfortable for some pupils and their parents to attend.
Part 6
Dress for physical education
The most suitable sportswear for boys and girls that respects the requirements of Islamic modesty is a tracksuit. In addition, for girls, the headscarf can be tied in a
safe and secure manner, or a special sports hijabs can be used.
In secondary schools, changing facilities are always gender specific but almost always communal. Communal changing compromises the Islamic modesty requirements and having to change down to their undergarments in the presence of their peers and teachers can be a source of embarrassment or even be undignifying for many pupils. Pupils who may have problems with weight or physique can be subjected to unnecessary embarrassment in situations where there is no choice but to change communally. Secondary schools can provide a choice for their pupils to change in greater privacy,for example, by including individual changing cubicles within changing facilities.
Part 7
Some sports involve physical contact with other team players, for example basketball and football. Most Muslim parents would find it objectionable for boys and girls to
play such sports in mixed-gender groups. Schools can respond positively to this concern by making sure that contact sports are always in single gender groups.
Some schools may have policies for children to shower at school after sports activities. These arrangements sometimes take the form of naked communal showering, which involves profound indignity. The practice of allowing Muslim
children to shower in bathing costumes or shorts does not solve the problem if other pupils are naked in the same communal shower area. Islam forbids nakedness in front of others or being among others who are naked. Muslim children should not be expected to participate in communal showering.Sensitivity and understanding by school and staff in these matters will be muchappreciated by both Muslim pupils and their parents. One practical solution in a school environment would be the installation of individual shower cubicles.
Part 8
The practice of boys and girls swimming in mixed-group sessions or being exposed to complete nakedness of others, when changing, is unacceptable for reasons of modesty and decency to Muslim parents, as well as to many non-Muslim parents. Given the choice between mixed or single-sex swimming, Muslim parents would always opt for a wholly single-sex environment for swimming.
Schools should make every effort to provide a single-sex environment for swimming and allow Muslim children to wear swimwear that complies with the requirements of modesty and decency according to the teachings of Islam.
Please accept my apologies if you feel I have taken far too many liberties here. if you are from the bBC and feel I am out of order for exposing a religious political diktat disguised as cultural sensitivity then please be so kind as to leave your address and I ensure you I will pop round to discuss the matter.
Blimey, Pounce, I was just about to comment on Part 1, scrolled down and see you have gone for a record post !
Just one point about Part 1. Many muslims do not look forward to Ramadan, they positively dread it.
On a lighter note, one time when I was in Gambia during Ramadan one of my muslim friends called round each day at dusk to break his fast with a glass of beer !
If certain groups find so much of the way we do things in this country objectionable then they’re free to leave. Why do we bend over backwards for them all the time and at what point will British patience snap, with unpleasant consqequences for all?
I too fear there is deep trouble brewing. You can push the Brits around quite a bit – but there is a tipping point.
Are they allowed to kill people durring Ramadan?
As long as they don’t eat them.
Don’t tell the BBC, but violence always increases during Ramadan. While the US and “coalition” forces always try to respect Mohammedan beliefs, going so far as to ban booze and pornography from US bases in certain Mohammedan areas, the actual followers of Mohammed always celebrate Ramadan by stepping up the violence. And it’s not just in war zones, either. Even your average Muslim living in a safe Muslim community is prone to extra violence during Ramadan.
Only my observation, but general violence tends to increase during Ramadan. The combination of lack of food and drink, especially in hot climates leads to irritability and bad tempers.
There are also many disputes over whether people are observing the fast or sneaking food and drink. I have actually seen fist fights break out over this in Turkey. And heard stories of killings taking place !
But, don’t suppose these negative aspects of Ramadan will appear on the BBC.
This is another illustration of why are school system must be secular – entirely secular. No more bloody silly ‘faith’ schools, not C of E, not Catholic, not Jewish, not Muslim, nothing. Not one.
They are undemocratic, devisive, wasteful, biggoted and unnessacery.
We passed the ‘thin end of the wedge’ some time ago – we are now seeing the wedge get wider and wider and the only way of stopping this is to insist on secularisation in our education system.
We have to stop this!
Quite agree, all religion should be banned from schools.
This article on the conflict between ‘moderate’ and ‘extreme’ Islam is extremely interesting and relevant to this thread. (The author defines the labels so criticise her not me).
The Muslim Civil War: ‘The Most Important Ideological Struggle in the World Today’
Author-editor Zeyno Baran explains how the moderate and secular are battling the fervent to determine the future of Islam.
The author basically claims the West in their desire to reach out to the Muslims empowers the most anti ‘everything the West stands for’ of them. I have been long been talking about the religious/ethnic/national dispute i.e. I am a Muslim/Arab/Jordanian but Zeyno Baran makes me think that might not be the most important dispute deciding the future of our relations with the Muslim minority.
I have only read a few of Zeyno’s more popular articles, but , with his Turkish background, he is well placed to comment.
Do the BBC ever approach, secular, moderate , muslims like him for their views ? Or do they just keep on with the lie that Islam is one big happy family ?
Sexual thoughts during sex education lessons?
Is one in danger of having criminal thoughts during police school visits?