The BBC in general, and Richard Black in particular, have been warning us for years, in typical alarmist fashion, that Greenland’s ice is melting and we are all going to drown. This is what Mr Black wrote in 2009:
The Greenland ice sheet is losing its mass faster than in previous years and making an increasing contribution to sea level rise, a study has confirmed…The team used weather data, satellite readings and models of ice sheet behaviour to analyse the annual loss of 273 thousand million tonnes of ice…Melting of the entire sheet would raise sea levels globally by about 7m (20ft).
There are dozens more references to this Doomsday picture over the years; the tone throughout is that we are in serious danger; the sort of scenario that gives our kids nightmares. I searched in vain for any mention on the BBC wenbsite that such fears might be doubtful, that other scientists thought differently. Steve Goddard, though, on Watt’s Up With That? is more rigorous in his approach. He’s actually checked the Greenland ice records (unlike, it seems, Richard Black et al – never let the facts get in the way of good climate change scare), and found that not only were the stories based on cherry-picked data, but also that even those scientists who were predicting Armageddon some time back have now retracted:
Ice loss in Greenland has had some climatologists speculating that global warming might have brought on a scary new regime of wildly heightened ice loss and an ever-faster rise in sea level. But glaciologists reported at the American Geophysical Union meeting that Greenland ice’s Armageddon has come to an end.
Chances of Black and co reporting this? And of noting that Greenland, despite their scare stories, remains as cold and icy as ever? Zero.
Sorry but I can’t stop laughing this morning. Radio 5 has jumped the shark.
Firstly the Queen of brekkie radio has been going on about some luvvie who is suggesting that the public should intervene to stop ‘anti social behaviour’ (I think the rest of us call that crime).
Well of course, I’m sure a rich white middle class luvvie gets lots of anti social behaviour in his rich well policed area of Hampstead. Some woman came on (with some common sense) and pointed out how people on a council estate would find this funny. They some dopey cow suggested we train people to intervene, after all it worked with first aid!!!!
Then Queen Nikki said the phone in would be about “Why do people think Moaty is a hero”.
Well Nikki perhaps if you managed to stop looking at yourself in a mirror for a few seconds, here’s a thought. We have a society where thousands of Moaty like scum inhabit council estates and see being a violent piece of scum as ‘normal’
Oh and finally, Radio 5 have totally ignored the poisoned ponce Mandelson’s revelations about the one eyed mong being a loser and a nutter, oh and that Alistair Darling wanted to put up VAT!!!!
Ah! just heard a Radio 5 sound bite about Moaty “He was a product of post Thatcher Britain”.
Well of course it just had to be Maggie’s fault, nothing to do with 13 years of Liebour failure right?
The Radio 5 phone in is a real HOOT. I use the term mong occasionally, but really the caller ‘Simon’ really does classify as a MONG. The product of 13 years of Liebour and 40 years of liberalism.
Of course the BBC just love his view, the wet liberals sucking up to a man who is an idiot.
“Moaty is typical of all men” spouts Simon and now we’re getting the camp liberal on giving us all this “Moaty was simply venting the frustration of white males”
I’m waiting for the Moaty is a gay icon to come up next.
I NEVER listen to radio 5, and I cringe listening to Radio 4.
Any road up, getting back to Greenland, ice, warmer or cooler, or whatever.
The BIG question is how will (or indeed, if) the BBC ever get around to reporting the facts that the ice melt has flattened early, and that this last El Nino peak was far lower than 1998, and temperatures are now falling, yet CO2 continues to rise. I’d be VERY interested to know how they square this with the “too much CO2 and it’s all our fault” scenario. It seems that globally, CO2 reduces during the months July – October anyway, and the earth is greener – plants photosynthesising, so more CO2 equals a greener world. Why on earth should we try to reduce CO2? CO2 follows temperature, even I can see that. Madness.
All the models now tend to agree (if you believe in models, that is), that a cooling’s a’comin’, yet it’s hardly mentioned in the mainstream media. Surely we need to be advised (without the scaremongering) of this likely scenario, rather than be told we must contribute less carbon – shouldn’t we?
Bu we all know why they’re playing THAT one close to their socialist chests, don’t we?
Actually, I seem to recall a report on the BBC conceding that global warming would be masked for a number of years by other factors, hence the failure to warm since 1998. I remember thinking at the time that it was a very handy get-out-of-jail-free card, which will allow them to carry on the gravy train for some time in the absense of the predicted calamities.
Black would be an idiot to report in a balanced way about climate change. He knows what his employers want and he gives it to them. This is entirely normal behaviour from an employee.
The only thing wrong with this arrangement is that everyone is forced to pay for the BBC and its opinions. We should privatise it so Black is paid by people who want his employer’s views.
Darn small minority views…
The comments are fun, too.
It’s a religion. As Warmism is also inherently intertwined with neo-Marxism, it has twice the emotional power it would otherwise. I don’t expect the BBC to start honestly reporting inconvenient truths which destroy the foundations of their religion any more than I would expect the Pope to start talking about how the early Church leaders suppressed the Gospel of Thomas and fixed the canonized texts to show him admitting he was wrong not to believe in the Resurrection.