I didn’t think it possible, but John Humphrey’s auto-rant against Ed Balls this morning actually made me momentarily sympathetic to the poppy-eyed one. Humphreys essentially lumped the blame for the build-up of not just public, but also private debt onto the temporarily gobsmacked Balls.
Obviously, the advent of fellow-feeling with Balls, no matter how short-lived, was profoundly disturbing to my equilibrium.
I’m sorry, but that interview with Balls was an absolute joke. Humphrys had only two actual challenges prepared, both of which were effortlessly swatted way by Balls. Humphrys’ heart clearly wasn’t in it. If anything, he revealed that he’s a Blairite and wasn’t happy about Brown and his crew of thugs always trying to undermine Blair.
Balls took every opportunity – and there were several, because he answered all questions the same way – to crow about how successfull the Labour Govt. was, and how proud he was that they did the most to redistribute wealth and promote social justice and all that. Humphrys let him do it every time, and barely even tried to pretend that it was wrong and Balls should really answer the question. At one point Humphrys even agreed with him about how great 13 years of Labour had been, and the only mistake was the debt.
I’m almost inclined to believe this was a fake. By this I mean that the BBC is obligated to have these Labour leaders on, and is obligated to maintain a pretense of impartiality, and so the Today producers prepared with the two weakest challenges to Balls they could think of. But it was never intended to be anything but a platform for Balls to present his case for Labour leadership.
Balls easily dismissed charges of a coup or “insurgency” against Blair, as all Humphrys could do is quote heresay from a couple of books. The charge about Labour leaving the country in a massive finanical crisis is actually a pantomime scene. The BBC Narrative (except for Andrew Neil) is that “It all started in America / It’s a worldwide global crisis”. So whenever the villain tries to say it’s Labour’s fault for putting the country in this mess, the audience has been primed for two years to yell, “Oh, no it isn’t!” just like a good panto crowd.
Humphrys and the Today producers are pathetic. Your license fee hard at work.
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. (Thomas Jefferson)
250 years later we have a news media dedicated to this very compulsion of others…
That’s why all the “news” you read/hear from the BBC (and its fellow Guardianista media lickspittles) is filtered through a warped consciousness which has evaluated it on the basis that they must make leftists look good and conservatives look bad.
The term ‘conservative” is not necessarily a reference to political party but to political thought.
It’s clear that the “Tory” party is no longer particulaly conservative in the way it operates. It pays lip service to capiitalism but it’s really an amalgm of big government, big corporate. big state actors with a vneer of “personal responsibility” thrown in.
Sure, it’s less so than the Labour party, but it’s really welfare-state slightly lighter.
The ‘tory’ party today are simply not a tory party anymore, they ape newlabour in almost every respect even down to dog whistle politics propagated by allied MSM outlets.
Throwing the dog an occasional bone about plans to combat benefit fraud/immigration/H&S/quango nonjob culture/EU hegemony.
The only thing tory about the tory party is the name and with the coalition effect you can well imagine a rebranding sometime before the next GE.
The latest dog whistle tom foolery is about handing power back to the people! Oh no they bloody well wont, the only people who get more power is the EU.
Never before has a government willingly given executive powers away once they have been acrued and the coalition is no different.
As time goes by we will see a very different reality to the press release/lobby pack spew starting to take shape and it will bear no resemblance to a right wing government. Soon it will become very clear that the type of government we will get is as far from right wing as its possible to get.
George, don’t you realise that Britain, i.e. England, is going to be more diverse and less segregated? Isn’t that great? Haven’t you been to the pub lately? Everyone’s celebrating the good times ahead. You really should get out more and keep your finger on the pulse. Just like the BBC.
Three British soldiers have been killed by an Afghan soldier in Helmand Province in Afghanistan.
BBC defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt said the incident was believed to have been deliberate.Afghan President Hamid Karzai has apologised to the UK after the incident which took place in the Nahr-e Saraj district on Tuesday.An investigation is under way and no further details have been released – next of kin are being informed.
There is a helpline number in the UK for concerned relatives – 08457 800900.
This is how you strike fear into the heart of the Kaffa,
Paint a picture of uncertainty, add a phone number and cry allah ackba at the death of British soldiers.
I love the phrase “believed to be deliberate “. Maybe it was an accident. The BBC will wait until the full facts are known, then give we stupid plebs their verdict from on high.
So has anyone seen the prince of poofs on TV flogging his vile book? Funny that the BBC invite Alistair Campbell on to every show going (often more than once) to peddle his lies, yet for some reason because Queen Mandy has stabbed the one eyed mong in the back and totally trashed Liebour, the BBC don’t feel the need to mention it.
Funny that. Oh and did I also mention Mandy stated Darling wanted to put VAT up as well?
The lord of darkness is no fool, his hatchet job on NuLab in the book is pretty thorough.
I eagerly await the chapters regarding the his love of making policy on lavish yachts while being waited on by prepubescent Arab boys.
`In a thinly veiled attack on Islam, French MPs prepare to vote on a ban on the burka’ says the fvckwitted lightweight presenter reading the headlines on BBC World news just now.
Personally I’d prefer a purely objective description of the legislation under consideration rather than the `interpretation’ of the news shoved down our throats by the sap-heads at the BBC.
Later in the same news broadcast real enthusiasm enters the presenter’s voice with the words `the firebrand revolutionary leader’ used to describe Fidel Castro, an idol within Broadcasting House.
Stick to factual reporting and you could run a higher quality news service on a fraction of the budget.
Force these insidious people trying to `guide’ the public’s thinking to confront the real world of market forces by shifting to a private channel, where they’d have to get their funding from advertisers and/or customers making the conscious decision to pay for the BBC’s loaded attempts to tell you what things really mean.
Because at the moment it sure ain’t balanced, and it sure isn’t working.
The Islamic (Non-British) Broadcasting Corporation, (INBBC) and its reporting of France’s lower house of parliament voting to ban the burqa/niqab by 335 votes to 1:
Give about half space to Muslims who oppose this vote!
Well with 335 votes to 1 – it cannot be that controversial. Can you imagine the brave lot in our parliament actually making a decision like this without consulting the leader of Stoke on Trent council.
As I’m sure also occurred all over the BBC, I cracked open the champagne and had a quiet drink of celebration at the office today at the news that Castro is well enough to take part in a 90 minute programme on Cuba TV (?) lacerating the US for something or other.
The BBC appears to consider that information about this piece of political excrement is sufficiently newsworthy to take up, what, 10% of the BBC’s flagship Radio 4 world news bulletin together with a 5-minute analysis slot on Today. This, together with Labour’s second party political broadcast of the week on Today (despite Humphrys’ faux-irritation – as described by Disdain – he let Balls list Labour’s “achievements” uninterrupted.) show where the BBC’s political heart is – as if we didn’t know already.
The way I read that article Islam is much more friendly towards gays than say….The church of England.
Thank you bBC for reinventing left as right and black as white.
The BBC is no doubt getting excited over the latest Gaza aid ship from Libya. Journalists polishing their condemnatory prose, heart rending interviews and so on.
But all might not be as it seems. The leading light is one of Gaddafi’s sons excluded from the succession – Saif al Islam. No doubt he sees this as a means of appealing to the Libyan street over the head of his brother and father and putting himself back into the succession picture.. I would hope that the BBC will give us the background story on this ship but on past form I doubt it. It is just too good an opportunity to miss to continue the deligitimisation of the Israeli state.
If I can find this out with ease why can’t the BBC? Answers in one word.
By the way it was this same son who helped engineer the return of the Lockerbie bomber.
Camp male on BBC News 24 interviews British woman who is pro the burkha, male beeboid is very sympathetic (those evil French twats). Then he interviews some French Muslim woman who is anti the Burkha and pro the ban, guess what? camp male attacks her all the way through the interview.
I thought the BBC were supposed to be balanced and reporters play devils advocate?
I have always been ambivalent about the frogs. So much to admire, so much to get annoyed about. But, I am with them on this one and, unlike British politicians, their’s stick up for French interests, instead of selling out .
Maybe it would have been better if we had lost at Waterloo !
After some classic daily examples cited above, yet more nterpreting events, BBC style, on the Jeremy Vine Show, which I was blessed to experience today. On the topic of the health shake up.
Mr. Vine snipes and interrupts Andrew Lansley constantly, in less of a probing interview but more of a confrontational harangue. Don’t rate the guy much, but he stayed calm, answered questions and stood his ground.
Then he left. Big mistake.
This opened up the opportunity to bring out of the closet a ‘health correspondent’ to claim all that had preceded was lies. No right of reply, just the personal opinion of a Beeboid ‘expert’, who was probably the Royal analyst last week and will be on climate next.
Hence having had the ‘live’ discussion, they made sure that all was put to rights in the listener’s’ minds only after the bloke had left.
I’m not kidding. I have heard it talked about. Things like that come up from time to time. For instance, once there was a mild row about something a newsreader was wearing, so the question arose as to whether there should be rules for what women wear on the BBC. It was said that they should be able to wear what they want and if women wanted to wear Islamic garb including the face veil to read the news, why not?
The BBC report calling the law “contraversial” when the vast majority of the French public demand it and the near universal vote in the senate is typical BBC.
A near total majority vote in a French senate is unheard of in modern times, it was a landslide for common sense and secualr French western values and yet the BBC are trying to paint it as contraversial.
The BBC is representing the enslavement of women, it is attempting to excuse the very worst aspects of radical islam and its perverted desire to trample women into the ground and treat them like farm animals. So much for womens rights eh?
You would think that the self appointed champions of ‘progressive socialism’ would be at the very least pleased with this attempt to free the sisterhood from the drab degrading prison of the niqab, but oh no the BBC sticks up for the bully against the victim yet again.
The BBC has a very sick corporate mind if it is trying to present the islamist persecution of women as a human rights thing.
Some dead eyed slack jawed psychopathic islamist using the EU ‘courts’ enable hom to batter his women into submission covering them with a cloak of utter degradation? What next, legal honour killings, legal stoning to death of islams percieved enemies?
Cassandra you like you read this news snippet from Syria (An Islamic country) Where parents protesting about women teachers wearing the full veil resulted in 1200 female teachers getting the sack. Want to bet the bBC don’t even mention it?
Well said, it’s the BBC trying to make out it’s controversial but clearly covering your face in public is not only anti social it can also allow criminals to get away with just about anything.
Simple truth is, in the middle east where the sun is very bright, the reflections from the sand can dazzle and you can get extreme sand storms, being able to cover your face if outside makes sense, but not in the middle of Paris or London on a foggy morning.
The simple fact is the burkha is now seen as THE SYMBOL of Islam, in the same way the IRA had a balaclava.
The 10 O’Clock News concentrated only on women who wanted to wear the veil. Nowhere did I see commentary on why such a large majority of the French might want to ban the burqa. Wouldn’t that be relevant to the subject? Just a warning that there were “wealthy people willing to pay everyone’s fines”.
What makes me sick is the pretence that all muslim women have the freedom of choice what to wear. The ones wearing the burka are not wearing it out of choice. It is on pain of death.
I guess this explains why the BBC has abandoned nearly all reporting on how well The Obamessiah’s stimulus plans have been working. I mean, even newspaper and media moguls who supported Him and had their newspapers endorse Him for President realize that the emperor has no clothes:
Has anyone here heard a single peep out of a Beeboid about how low the mighty One has fallen? Of course not. When they do mention any problems, they blame it on someone else. It’s about time for another segment about racist Tea Partiers or something, I suppose.
Or maybe the Beeboids think nothing worth reporting happens in the US when He goes on vacation. Again. For the third time since the oil spill started. Instead of the Gulf States where He might show a little leadership, He’s off to hang out with a few rich white folks in Maine, as a kind of warm-up before a full vacation with other rich white folks in Martha’s Vineyard in August.
1 failing to mobilise a proper team of industry experts to check that BP was doing everything possible to plug the leak (including – failing even to respond to offers of help from overseas eg Norway)
2 illegally closing down all offshore drilling – hitting huge numbers of Gulf jobs
3 failing to support in every way possible the Governors of the Gulf Coast states in preventing the oil from reaching shore – eg lack of skimmers, lack of booms
4 undermining the effectiveness of the prevention effort by failing to suspend the Jones Act, so foreign vessels cannot be used.
In choosing his vacation destination, Obama could have gone to the Gulf, to spread the message that most beaches are still clean. That would have been extremely helpful to the local tourist trade which is desperate about current prospects. It is as if The One doesn’t give a damn, would rather the employment crisis worsened. Sure, BP can be the punchbag financially – but this will rebound on Obama, is already portraying him as incompetent as an executive and uncaring as President. For good reason, he is coming out of this as bad as Bush did over Katrina, when most of the faults at that time were with the local and state governments.
None of what you mentioned has been reported by the BBC. Not even a hint of any of it. The Soviet Union bosses would have been very proud of the way the Beeboids are censoring the news coming from the US.
Think of it this way. With Barry on holiday it does mean there is at least a couple days when the moron wont get in the way of people who are actually trying to work to clean up the mess caused by the oil!
I see the Times has yet more quotes from the prince of mince, Bliar calling the one eyed mong ‘mad’
Funny, that when the books like the Lance Price and the other guy I can’t remember came out, remember how the BBC defended the one eyed twat stating that it was all lies, Richard Bacon getting very angry with Lance Price for bringing out a book that could damage Liebour during the election and suggesting he’d made the book up.
But now it’s the prince of mince Lord Fondelbum the BBC seem to have totally ignored this story. Could it be because it’s in the Times and not the Guardian, or is it simply BBC loyalty to Brown a man who was basically a hard core Socialist who believed that the state should run everything, which of course is the belief of the BBC.
Has anyone seen anything on the BBC about the prince of mince’s book?
So the BBC review the papers, the story about the mong being mad (as if we didn’t know) gets about 10 seconds and it laughed off by camp male beeboid presenter.
Sky News get stuck in.
In the story about the burkha ban Sky News also pointed out that many people now see the burkha as a symbol of Islamic terrorism.
That was the camp male Beeboid presenter reviewing the papers along with camp male ex-Lib Dem MP Mark ‘I like rent boys ‘cos I’m bald” Oaten.
I noticed that when they got to the Telegraph they skipped right past the big story at the very top about the BBC facing some kind of revolution and went down to the smallest item on the bottom of the page.
Of course, the accompanying blurb reveals that the Beeboids’ answer is a resounding “Yes!”
I don’t know what event prompted this (another fauning documentary?), but Der Spiegel had a paeon to the Stalinist “Rock Star” on the exact same day. Well, I do remember that the BBC dishonestly spun some sales figures a couple years ago in an attempt to show that sales of The Communist Manifesto were skyrocketing due to the banking crisis.
Nor does Žižek simply condemn Al Qaeda’s violence as “horrifying.” Fundamentalist Islam may seem reactionary, but “in a curious inversion,” he characteristically observes, “religion is one of the possible places from which one can deploy critical doubts about today’s society. It has become one of the sites of resistance.” And the whole premise of Violence, as of Žižek’s recent work in general, is that resistance to the liberal-democratic order is so urgent that it justifies any degree of violence. “Everything is to be endorsed here,” he writes in Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, “up to and including religious ‘fanaticism.'”
This sounds an awful lot like some accusations here about why the Beeboids have had such an intellectual failure over the various forms of Islamo-fascism. In fact:
The curious thing about the Žižek phenomenon is that the louder he applauds violence and terror–especially the terror of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, whose “lost causes” Žižek takes up in another new book, In Defense of Lost Causes–the more indulgently he is received by the academic left, which has elevated him into a celebrity and the center of a cult. A glance at the blurbs on his books provides a vivid illustration of the power of repressive tolerance. In Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, Žižek claims, “Better the worst Stalinist terror than the most liberal capitalist democracy”;
Sounds like this guy has captured the hearts and minds of the BBC.
The vast majority of normal western people view the niqab/burqa with the same disgust as anti slavery campaigners viewed the sight of lines of negro slaves chained by the necks on their way to toil in the plantations.
The islamofascist ideology of crushing and abusing women is exactly the same in moral terms as african slavery, it is all about slavery and it has nothing to do with the human right to be a slave.
Does anyone believe that the cruel oppression of women by islamism is valid?
I pass a modern slave wearing the black chains of slavery and I am filled with furious anger, a boiling anger and the more I see it the angrier I get. The urge to rip off the mask of slavery becomes irresistable in me.
But who bears the blame for this? the slave owner or the slave for allowing themselves to be degraded in this way? What would I do in their position, just the thought makes my skin crawl.
The BBC has been a commited supporter of the African slavery finger pointing and agitation for years, African slavery dead for centuries is still a major story for the BBC, no expense is spared to portray our ancestors as cruel and heartless slave owning bullies HOWEVER the BBC becomes a very different beast when the modern equivolent of slavery, the slavery of women is the heartbreaking story of the day. The BBC now finds itself protecting this modern slave trade and presents it as a human right to be a slave and the human rights of the slave owner to own slaves.
The BBC could be the confederate souths mouthpiece pre US civil war!
Bigots and racists pretending to be the opposite, nasty spiteful people pretending to be enlightened, that my friends is the essence of the BBC.
The BBC either don’t know or don’t care that some muslim women are free to choose how to dress but those wearing the burka are not.
I have never, ever, seen a woman in Gambia ( at least 90 % muslim ) wearing the burka . Anyone who did would be laughed at by her fellow muslims there.
One of the things which I hate about the BBC coverage of Islam is that they present it as homogenous and monolithic. It is not. Practices, beliefs, behaviour, is much more varied than in , say, christianity.
Your need to put in a good word for Islam, apparently now vis-a-vis Christianity, sometimes seem to come perilously close to the half truths that are the stock in trade of regular Muslim apologists.
I don’t have any need to put in a good word for Islam. I think it is an appalling religion, by far the worst. I simply post from personal experience of the religion.
My last point was that there are more differences and disputes within Islam than within Christianity, but the BBC don’t reflect that and pretend that Islam is one big happy family.
I could have worded it better, though.
n an interview earlier today with the South African Broadcasting Corporation to air in a few hours, President Obama disparaged al Qaeda and affiliated groups’ willingness to kill Africans in a manner that White House aides say was an argument that the terrorist groups are racist.
Speaking about the Uganda bombings, the president said, “What you’ve seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organizations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself. They see it as a potential place where you can carry out ideological battles that kill innocents without regard to long-term consequences for their short-term tactical gains.”
What? All of a sudden Al Qaeda is killing without regard for human life? This is the brilliant Obamessiah who is so much smarter and more worldly and more edumacated and more intellectual and so much more astute and mature about racial issues and did I say smarter? than George Bush. I’m shaking my head in disbelief and sadness, almost afraid to look at how the BBC is going to spin this exhibition of unabashed pandering and racial exploitation. As Jim Royle might say, “Post-racial President my arse!”
Maybe since Mark Mardell is on vacation they’ll ignore it and hope it goes away before he gets back.
I see the BBC dutifully presented the White House press release on it. If this was Bush, they’d be laughing at the naivité and attempt to use race to score political points. The Al Qaeda that killed those people in Uganda are somehow worse than the bastards who killed 30 Irishmen and Dominicans from my street? This is idiotic.
And it’s clear that the Beeboids totally agree with Him. They make sure to include a further statement from one of the White House nunzios. Also, note the caption under the “serious look” photo reminding everyone that He has Kenyan ancestry. So obviously He’s sympathetic to Africans being killed and we should all understand that. This was simple pandering, and if it was done by George Bush, the BBC would find space for the opposition to complain, and it would be mentioned in a bit on the next HIGNFY and Mock the Week and any other show that had on one of the usual Leftoid comedian suspects.
How typical, the queen of breakfast radio was just talking about the headline in the Times (Bliar on mong) “It’s not as if we can just say oh this is a book by Andrew Rawnsley, this is Lord Mandelson”
So there we are, the BBC admitting they didn’t believe Rawnslewy (or Price’s book) book about the mong betting a retard, so no wonder they don’t want to say much about Mandelson’s book.
You can bet if it were a book about Maggie T or GWB and they were called that, the BBC would be all over it.
Having now seen it, can’t help but notice that, especially after the irony-free session with the obesity-concerned (in others if not self) advocate last week, the Breakfast sofa might need a wee bit of structural enhancement to cope with majority of public guests that are invited on to comment.
Maybe most not so freely on call are walking from family home to work, and hence less free to be taxied to the nearest BBC studio to whinge?
Gavin HEWITT of the Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) hangs on to his spurious ‘multiculturalism’ (whatever that is) to defend the wearing of the burqa in France, despite the lower house of parliament voting 335 to 1 to ban the burqa.
He spends most of his article putting arguments from Muslim quarters to oppose the ban, and he avoids developing arguments argainst the wearing of the burqa:
“The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
I would so live it if for once the courts stopped all benefits and deported to their mother countries those Allah loving parasites who refuse to recognize British law. Tell you what there would a lot less people refusing to accept British law after they wake up and find they are unable to protest in their locations because in pure Islamic countries they shoot you. I mean just ask the bBCs Frank Gardner.
Thoughts on the BBC website redesign? To me it looks cheaper and certainly has less room for n ews on each page. Looks more like Sky news than a sober news reporting service, maybe that’s for the good though as maybe people will take it less seriously now. I wonder what the redesign cost?
Mind you no redesign is of any use if the bias is still there.
Much better, becuase it looks more like Fox News now. 😉
Personally, I’m looking forward to the newly upgraded North American Edition. Apparently the BBC is going to step up the propaganda in my hemisphere and has imported a rash of sub-editors to Washington, DC (don’t know if they’re the replacement for the Russian spies recently departed from these shores).
Gotta love the enthusiasm and self-confidence of these Beeboids.
Some of you have asked if this means we are becoming a US news site in all but name. We’re not. Our agenda will remain distinctively global, underpinned by the BBC’s extensive international newsgathering operation, and our core values of accuracy, fairness and objectivity are unchanged.
Like when they promised the BBC wasn’t going to become overloaded with US election coverage? And with all the concern for accuracy, fairness, and objectivity they displayed then? Or recently? If I tried to type LOL enough times to equal how much I’m laughing right now, I’d drive the keyboard through my desk.
How could Obama cheerleaders, worshippers, myth makers and sycophants – Beeboid news reporters, I mean – even begin to lay claim to values of accuracy fairness and objectivity? Are they denying Obama worship? We’ve read them; we’ve seen and heard Justin Webb embarrass himself and us; we’ve seen the Beeboid wearing the silly celebratory hat. Do Beeboids think we are totally stupid so they can tell us any old moonshine?
In their defence of the burqa the liberals overlook one vital thing. Their defence is rooted in the flawed liberal belief in toleration as the supreme virtue and the mark of civilisation. To judge is to err. The reality is somewhat different. The use of the burqa reinforces and strengthens the belief of the majority of native Europeans in the essential irreconciliable differences between the Islamic world view and their own.
It also focuses our minds on the impossibilty of a sharia based system operating alongside a traditional Western system.
The French ban is more of a doomed attempt to smooth away these differences.They have a thing about egalite.
Harsh though it might be the women who wear this garment should not be our concern. They might be freely wearing it or not. Should we really care?
Islam ,based on the sharia, hence a political and legal system underpinned by an unchallengable revealed truth is incompatible with Western values. Western Europe from Poitiers onwards always knew this to be true and never tried to reconcile what cannot be. The change has to come from the Islamic community and perhaps the more all of us see the burqa then more of us, from both sides, will realise the truth of this.
The BBC has reacted angrily to the French parliament’s lower house vote to ban the large black sheet, and detachable hoodie with two eye slits, worn by some Muslims of the female persuasion.
In a statement, the BBC’s Head of News said: “In this day and age of female emancipation, we cannot stand idly by while women are denied the right to be subjugated by an age old medieval custom that goes back a few years.
As such I have instructed BBC Human Resources to find a suitable candidate to present the evening news in full Burqua. While we hope this will be a Muslim and female, the position is open to all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, lifeforms and sizes.
Although with hot studio lights, suitable candidates should understand this will be dangerous work for the morbidly obese, such as Dawn French.
In the event we cannot locate a suitable local candidate, or in Iran, I can assure the license payers that our Politically Correct news staff are ready and able to fill the breach. Kirsty Wark and Orla Guerin have had preliminary Burqua fittings at the renowned Burqua Connection UK .
In the meantime, to fill the ‘burqua gap’ John Humphrys has offered to come out of retirement and step up to the Burqua for the next few weeks on the ix o’clock news slot.”
What the liberals,bBC and allah’s little helpers don’t tell you, is that when Islamic women do the Haj (You know where they walk round and round in circles around a moon rock set in a black box) they are forbidden from covering their faces..
I see the Islamic terrorist channel…bBC has revamped its revisionist quasi-news web site. My verdict.. very confusing lay out which allows the terrorist loving bBC to promote the stories they wish to refer to as News;
Here is a picture of Moat at 6
Hey unemployment fell under Labour
Here is a Islam is a wonderful faith article
The UK should pull out of Afghanstan
I only wonder when the bBC starts to air the news via a hijab wearing woman and the call to prayer.
Whilst driving home at lunch time today (Wednesday) had the Jeremy Vine show on (please don’t ask me why – a mistake, OK) and the phone in was about the present troubles in NIreland. JV referred to the peace process as begun by John Major . Now I know it was but for the last 13 years whilst things appeared to be going well (through the BBC eyes) we all understood it was the sainted Tony who achieved the peace.
On arriving home onto World at One to hear the unemployment figures. Well they have gone done – not what the BBC wanted to hear. But the jobs are all ‘part time, not so secure, going to disappear with the cuts’, etc etc. Negative through and through. I don’t remember such negative stories a couple of months ago – then it was all marvellous and lots of publicity to every job created and that such and such supermarket was opening with the creation of X jobs just a small calculation made it obvious that they were part time jobs for students.
I might ask if the entire crew are moving up there, or will we the licence fee payer (and the planet) be bearing the brunt of those who lurk only within the Congestion Charge zone shuttling to and fro like Kirsty does with Newsnight?
So after a hard day’s work in the private sector I get into my car and turn on Radio 5 to hear some ‘good news’ unemployment is down.
But wait! no it’s NOT good news according to Radio 5, it’s BAD NEWS, why? Because more people are working part time and of course more of those fantastic people who do the REAL WORK (you know 5 a day condom co-ordinators etc) are going to lose their jobs real soon.
Also, Radio 5 read out that bit of bad news, then no Government sound bite, but we do get some Liebour mong telling us just what the BBC wants to hear.
Funny thing is when Liebour were in power can anyone ever remember the BBC stating that a drop in unemployment is actually BAD NEWS?
Whilst I’m on a rant (shit day on public transport in London) why is the BBC NOT pointing out a few things?
When Ken Clarke was Home Secretary just how many foreigners were clogging up our prisons? Not many I bet, yet now something like 15-20% of prisoners are effing foreign scum (often Muzzie’s) that we can’t boot back to their own shit holes in case their knackers get put through a mangle.
Take off 20% and our prison population isn’t that much different from what it was a few years back.
Yawn!!! Newsnight banging on about public sector cuts yet again. Wake up beeboids, most of us don’t give a toss. Then the BBC have Hazel sodding Blears on, like anyone should listen to that old dog.
So why isn’t the BBC giving any coverage to Mandy’s book then BBC? Would one of you beeboids like to put down your 8 year old Romanian rent boy for a minute and explain WHY that scumbag Alistair Campbell gets to promote his books all over the BBC but Mandy’s book that slags the mong off is ignored.
Hazel was on ” The Daily Politics ” yesterday for no obvious reason I could see.
And Nick Robinson was brandishing Mandelson’s book.
Andrew Neil pressed Hazel about the Blair / Brown hatred which she more or less admitted was true. But, I don’t suppose it could have happened on any other BBC programme.
So a group of Tea Party types in Iowa put up a misguided (but not entirely incorrect) billboard putting The Obamessiah on par with Hitler and Lenin. Lots of Tea Party activists quickly condemned it, and it has been taken down already. But it was up for 24 hours and the BBC made sure to cover it. Lots of other, far more important stories have been censored and hidden from you, but this one was a top priority for BBC News Online.
On the same page, as part of the same report – it’s connected because it shows how insane the teabaggers are, right, BBC? – the BBC is happy to tell you that the NAACP has “condemned” the Tea Party movement for being racist.
Who does the BBC quote for a rebuttal? The BBC’s favorite cartoon villain and their second-most hated female politician in history, Sarah Palin, who holds no public office, is a member of no Tea Party group, leads no organization except for her fund-raising group, does not have anything to do with Tea Party organizers unless it’s to arrange a speaking fee.
For those who would like some reality untainted by the BBC, here’s the man who emceed the two Tea Party protests I attended in New York City. (I missed this one, but attended the two before that.) Does he look like a racist white man who wants to bring the country back to the days of Jim Crow? Anybody think all these Beeboids running around in the US will get David Webb on air or bring on any black person to speak on behalf of the Tea Party movement?
I guess the update of the website just means that BBC reporting on US issues will from now on be done in the manner of a Christmas Pantomime. All to defend the leader of a foreign country, and all at your expense.
Well, in tough economic times, tough decisions need taking.
Have to applaud the mindset so prevalent throughout the private sector that, no matter what, the only options are a rise in fees/taxes on OR cutting services to the public.
Well, other than a new website that makes it easier or me to be told how to vote by BBC producers.
Oops. Ta. 😮 At least the subs here are on the ball to correct errant typos, as opposed to Aunty’s, who seem to exist to ‘spin’ narrative deficient facts through 180 degrees.
I had the misfortune to catch Jeremy Hardy on Radio 4 yesterday (Wednesday) with a “comedy” program about faith. Of course these days its PC to talk about faith and you must never call it religion for some reason. There were a couple of very mild jokes about Christianity which the student audience found hilarious and one joke about Islam during the the audience were noticeably nervous perhaps wondering if it was PC to laugh. Instead good old Jeremy went on what seemed like a 10 minute rant about climate change “deniers” nasty people it seems who don’t have faith in the excellent British climate change scientists.
To be honest the bias didn’t bother me that much it was just the sheer amateurishness and feeling of being 30 years out of date of the entire show that annoyed me. It must have been like that if you were the audience watching some old music hall performers still plodding on in the 1950’s.
Gordon the Moron never answered a question and continually asked David Cameron questions when he was in oppostion without either this speaker or the previous one rebuking him. Blatant bias.
The BBC must think we’re morons. For days I and others have hammered the BBC mongs for not covering Mandy’s book. So guess what!! Yep Radio 5 finally mentioned it this morning.
Only problem was it was done at 8:58 and 30 seconds giving Matthew Paris just less than 90 seconds to point out what we all knew (that McMong was a barking man halfwit who made Moaty look sane).
Hey BBC twats, yes we know you mongos from Radio 5 read this blog, nice try, but when are you going to REALLY cover Mandy’s book? I hear there’s a nice bit in it about homosexual love making, so that might get your interest in the toilets.
If Climate change is so important why is it a bunch of retards at a shit hole of a University (East Anglia not exactly known as a bastion of brightness) and not one of the top Universities?
So let’s get this right. According to Al Jabeeba this morning crime is at its lowest for years. Now if you believe this, hasn’t that got something to do with the prison population being at its highest as well?
The BBC were in full Liebour mode this morning trying to make out that this is all down to Gordon Brown, which of course it’s not.
As usual the BBC sniff the poo from Brown’s arse but don’t tell the truth.
Why is car crime down? Because modern cars are almost impossible to steal, nothing to do with Gordon Brown.
House burglary down. Well most people now have far better security on their homes and electrical appliances like DVd players are now so cheap they have no secondhand value
Violent street crime. Clearly not down, just that people don’t report most of the low level stuff and the plods often hide the real levels when people do.
I could go on, but the BBC as usual don’t give us the facts, just the last Government’s propaganda.
Expect my mate Sheena Easton to be in full Gordon Brown bum sniffing mode on the 6PM news.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Nice to see the commitment to quality by the market rate talents is reaping plaudits:
I caught some of this on TV – I have never seen such rubbish. Is this what the BBC uses to “inform , entertain and educate”?
I didn’t think it possible, but John Humphrey’s auto-rant against Ed Balls this morning actually made me momentarily sympathetic to the poppy-eyed one. Humphreys essentially lumped the blame for the build-up of not just public, but also private debt onto the temporarily gobsmacked Balls.
Obviously, the advent of fellow-feeling with Balls, no matter how short-lived, was profoundly disturbing to my equilibrium.
I’m sorry, but that interview with Balls was an absolute joke. Humphrys had only two actual challenges prepared, both of which were effortlessly swatted way by Balls. Humphrys’ heart clearly wasn’t in it. If anything, he revealed that he’s a Blairite and wasn’t happy about Brown and his crew of thugs always trying to undermine Blair.
Balls took every opportunity – and there were several, because he answered all questions the same way – to crow about how successfull the Labour Govt. was, and how proud he was that they did the most to redistribute wealth and promote social justice and all that. Humphrys let him do it every time, and barely even tried to pretend that it was wrong and Balls should really answer the question. At one point Humphrys even agreed with him about how great 13 years of Labour had been, and the only mistake was the debt.
I’m almost inclined to believe this was a fake. By this I mean that the BBC is obligated to have these Labour leaders on, and is obligated to maintain a pretense of impartiality, and so the Today producers prepared with the two weakest challenges to Balls they could think of. But it was never intended to be anything but a platform for Balls to present his case for Labour leadership.
Balls easily dismissed charges of a coup or “insurgency” against Blair, as all Humphrys could do is quote heresay from a couple of books. The charge about Labour leaving the country in a massive finanical crisis is actually a pantomime scene. The BBC Narrative (except for Andrew Neil) is that “It all started in America / It’s a worldwide global crisis”. So whenever the villain tries to say it’s Labour’s fault for putting the country in this mess, the audience has been primed for two years to yell, “Oh, no it isn’t!” just like a good panto crowd.
Humphrys and the Today producers are pathetic. Your license fee hard at work.
“BBC slated as hundreds of staff head to St Andrews for The Open”
Is St Andrews a cocaine hot spot? Can you get a nice rent boy there at a good price?
This is Scotland. But they can get a nice glass of Irn Bru !
Can you get deep fried Cocaine in Glasgow?
ha ha. hilarious M.
Probably, but I wouldn’t know. I avoid Glasgow like the plague.
Remember this folks…
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. (Thomas Jefferson)
250 years later we have a news media dedicated to this very compulsion of others…
That’s why all the “news” you read/hear from the BBC (and its fellow Guardianista media lickspittles) is filtered through a warped consciousness which has evaluated it on the basis that they must make leftists look good and conservatives look bad.
The term ‘conservative” is not necessarily a reference to political party but to political thought.
It’s clear that the “Tory” party is no longer particulaly conservative in the way it operates. It pays lip service to capiitalism but it’s really an amalgm of big government, big corporate. big state actors with a vneer of “personal responsibility” thrown in.
Sure, it’s less so than the Labour party, but it’s really welfare-state slightly lighter.
Great post and loved the quote!
The ‘tory’ party today are simply not a tory party anymore, they ape newlabour in almost every respect even down to dog whistle politics propagated by allied MSM outlets.
Throwing the dog an occasional bone about plans to combat benefit fraud/immigration/H&S/quango nonjob culture/EU hegemony.
The only thing tory about the tory party is the name and with the coalition effect you can well imagine a rebranding sometime before the next GE.
The latest dog whistle tom foolery is about handing power back to the people! Oh no they bloody well wont, the only people who get more power is the EU.
Never before has a government willingly given executive powers away once they have been acrued and the coalition is no different.
As time goes by we will see a very different reality to the press release/lobby pack spew starting to take shape and it will bear no resemblance to a right wing government. Soon it will become very clear that the type of government we will get is as far from right wing as its possible to get.
Everything Jefferson stood for the Guardian/BBC axis loathe. In today’s media world he would have been silenced.
“Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.”
I like this bloke anyone like him around today?
” The price of freedom is eternal vigilance ”
Anyone like him around to day ? Of course. Step forward Barack Obama !!!!
Continuing mass immigration into Britain calmly approved by UK establishment, inc. BBC:
BBC report:
“UK’s ethnic minority numbers ‘to rise to 20% by 2051′”
So, Britain’s indigenous white population is to be superseded by non-whites due to years of uncontrolled mass immigration.
It could, and has been called a policy of national suicide.
“We can’t talk about Immigration” (Mark Steyn, 2009)
“The Ethnic Cleansing of the English”
(Paul Weston, March 2010)
George, don’t you realise that Britain, i.e. England, is going to be more diverse and less segregated? Isn’t that great? Haven’t you been to the pub lately? Everyone’s celebrating the good times ahead. You really should get out more and keep your finger on the pulse. Just like the BBC.
The bBC its master biding and striking fear into the heart of the kaffa
Three British soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Three British soldiers have been killed by an Afghan soldier in Helmand Province in Afghanistan.
BBC defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt said the incident was believed to have been deliberate.Afghan President Hamid Karzai has apologised to the UK after the incident which took place in the Nahr-e Saraj district on Tuesday.An investigation is under way and no further details have been released – next of kin are being informed.
There is a helpline number in the UK for concerned relatives – 08457 800900.
This is how you strike fear into the heart of the Kaffa,
Paint a picture of uncertainty, add a phone number and cry allah ackba at the death of British soldiers.
Maybe its time I did likewise to the bBC,
The arrogance of the BBC is boundless.
As if “relatives” of the dead will be using the BBC website to access information about military deaths via a phone number.
I love the phrase “believed to be deliberate “. Maybe it was an accident. The BBC will wait until the full facts are known, then give we stupid plebs their verdict from on high.
Caroline Wyatt ” defence correspondent” previously “Paris correspondent.
My God, Beeboids are useless.
Alternative to BBC report, ‘Jihadwatch’ has:
Another Afghan soldier goes jihad, murders three British troops
So has anyone seen the prince of poofs on TV flogging his vile book? Funny that the BBC invite Alistair Campbell on to every show going (often more than once) to peddle his lies, yet for some reason because Queen Mandy has stabbed the one eyed mong in the back and totally trashed Liebour, the BBC don’t feel the need to mention it.
Funny that. Oh and did I also mention Mandy stated Darling wanted to put VAT up as well?
The lord of darkness is no fool, his hatchet job on NuLab in the book is pretty thorough.
I eagerly await the chapters regarding the his love of making policy on lavish yachts while being waited on by prepubescent Arab boys.
Yestreday, on the “Daily Politics” was absolutely squirming when the VAT point was made.
Expect it to surface at PMQs today.
“Yesterday ” !
`In a thinly veiled attack on Islam, French MPs prepare to vote on a ban on the burka’ says the fvckwitted lightweight presenter reading the headlines on BBC World news just now.
Personally I’d prefer a purely objective description of the legislation under consideration rather than the `interpretation’ of the news shoved down our throats by the sap-heads at the BBC.
Later in the same news broadcast real enthusiasm enters the presenter’s voice with the words `the firebrand revolutionary leader’ used to describe Fidel Castro, an idol within Broadcasting House.
Stick to factual reporting and you could run a higher quality news service on a fraction of the budget.
Force these insidious people trying to `guide’ the public’s thinking to confront the real world of market forces by shifting to a private channel, where they’d have to get their funding from advertisers and/or customers making the conscious decision to pay for the BBC’s loaded attempts to tell you what things really mean.
Because at the moment it sure ain’t balanced, and it sure isn’t working.
prpw — if it’s a ban on the burka, surely this is not a “thinly veiled attack” but a
Will it be permissible for attacks to be thinly veiled if they ban the burqa?
You beat me to it, Jack!
In a thinly veiled attack on Islam…
The BBC has proof this is some kind of “attack”… any kind of attack?
That has to have been written by a Muslim!
The Islamic (Non-British) Broadcasting Corporation, (INBBC) and its reporting of France’s lower house of parliament voting to ban the burqa/niqab by 335 votes to 1:
Give about half space to Muslims who oppose this vote!
According to the BBC website the ban on the burqa is “controversial”. Presumabaly allowing the burqa is not “controversial”.
I love the way the BBC and some muslims and fellow travellers present it as a “women’s rights ” issue.
The husbands, fathers and brothers will fight for the right of women to wear the burqa by their own free choice.
Pass the sick bag.
Well with 335 votes to 1 – it cannot be that controversial. Can you imagine the brave lot in our parliament actually making a decision like this without consulting the leader of Stoke on Trent council.
As I’m sure also occurred all over the BBC, I cracked open the champagne and had a quiet drink of celebration at the office today at the news that Castro is well enough to take part in a 90 minute programme on Cuba TV (?) lacerating the US for something or other.
The BBC appears to consider that information about this piece of political excrement is sufficiently newsworthy to take up, what, 10% of the BBC’s flagship Radio 4 world news bulletin together with a 5-minute analysis slot on Today. This, together with Labour’s second party political broadcast of the week on Today (despite Humphrys’ faux-irritation – as described by Disdain – he let Balls list Labour’s “achievements” uninterrupted.) show where the BBC’s political heart is – as if we didn’t know already.
How the bBC promote Islam as a religion of peace.
Imams help gay Muslims embrace new social identities
The way I read that article Islam is much more friendly towards gays than say….The church of England.
Thank you bBC for reinventing left as right and black as white.
I note that at the foot of the article is the note:
“Some names have been changed to protect the identity of individuals interviewed for this piece.”
so Muslims might not be as tolerant as the BBC would want us to believe.
The BBC is no doubt getting excited over the latest Gaza aid ship from Libya. Journalists polishing their condemnatory prose, heart rending interviews and so on.
But all might not be as it seems. The leading light is one of Gaddafi’s sons excluded from the succession – Saif al Islam. No doubt he sees this as a means of appealing to the Libyan street over the head of his brother and father and putting himself back into the succession picture.. I would hope that the BBC will give us the background story on this ship but on past form I doubt it. It is just too good an opportunity to miss to continue the deligitimisation of the Israeli state.
If I can find this out with ease why can’t the BBC? Answers in one word.
By the way it was this same son who helped engineer the return of the Lockerbie bomber.
Camp male on BBC News 24 interviews British woman who is pro the burkha, male beeboid is very sympathetic (those evil French twats). Then he interviews some French Muslim woman who is anti the Burkha and pro the ban, guess what? camp male attacks her all the way through the interview.
I thought the BBC were supposed to be balanced and reporters play devils advocate?
Vive La France !!!
Having recently watched MESRINE (1&2) and A GOOD YEAR… I’m getting a soft spot for la froggies.
I have always been ambivalent about the frogs. So much to admire, so much to get annoyed about. But, I am with them on this one and, unlike British politicians, their’s stick up for French interests, instead of selling out .
Maybe it would have been better if we had lost at Waterloo !
After some classic daily examples cited above, yet more nterpreting events, BBC style, on the Jeremy Vine Show, which I was blessed to experience today. On the topic of the health shake up.
Mr. Vine snipes and interrupts Andrew Lansley constantly, in less of a probing interview but more of a confrontational harangue. Don’t rate the guy much, but he stayed calm, answered questions and stood his ground.
Then he left. Big mistake.
This opened up the opportunity to bring out of the closet a ‘health correspondent’ to claim all that had preceded was lies. No right of reply, just the personal opinion of a Beeboid ‘expert’, who was probably the Royal analyst last week and will be on climate next.
Hence having had the ‘live’ discussion, they made sure that all was put to rights in the listener’s’ minds only after the bloke had left.
That… is downright scummy, IMHO. If typical.
Which camp female beeboids would you PAY to see adopt the Burka?
DIANE ABBOT for starters. (she appears on al-beeb regularly, right?)
Blimey where to start, can we include a few males as well?
Richard Bacon
Ni,kki Campbell
Jo Coburn
Laura Kuntsberg
Susan Watts
The really fat bird off News 24 (Mulwhinney or something)
I could go on!
Ha ha. The thought of Bacon and Campbell in burkas is funny.
Actually on a serious note…. if the BBC thinks it’s terrible to ban the burka in public…
How come they don’t have some female READING THE SIX O’CLOCK NEWS in full burka?
Multi-culturally speaking?
They will Jack – give them time.
Hush, Jack! You’ll only give them ideas. 🙂
I jest. In fact, it’s something they have already discussed.
That’s what they go on these awaydays for, isn’t it? To come up with ever more daft and outlandish things to inflict on the licence payers.
I jest. In fact, it’s something they have already discussed.
Are you kidding??
If not, then it really is impossible to write something more absurd than the reality!
I’m not kidding. I have heard it talked about. Things like that come up from time to time. For instance, once there was a mild row about something a newsreader was wearing, so the question arose as to whether there should be rules for what women wear on the BBC. It was said that they should be able to wear what they want and if women wanted to wear Islamic garb including the face veil to read the news, why not?
Nikki Campbell – I can’t get over that – is this an adult?
A law should be passed to compel Diane Abbott to wear the Burka.
Not sure there’s enough fabric.
How funny. It looks as if you are resonding to my comment hours before I made it. Time travel !
Agree with your list except for gorgeous , pouting Jo Coburn. You would deprive me of my only reason for watching “The Daily Politics”.
Technical point, but can females be “camp” ?
Will we be seeing this on the BBC? Watch the video. David yes I stole it from A Tangled Web!
BBC to honour Moat by building moat round Broadcasting House ? (NB very bad taste –
ha ha. I’m laughing. outside too.
Didn’t the BBC find it funny a Tory claimed for cleaning his moat? Well the plods cleaned out a stinking grubby Moat as well.
The BBC report calling the law “contraversial” when the vast majority of the French public demand it and the near universal vote in the senate is typical BBC.
A near total majority vote in a French senate is unheard of in modern times, it was a landslide for common sense and secualr French western values and yet the BBC are trying to paint it as contraversial.
The BBC is representing the enslavement of women, it is attempting to excuse the very worst aspects of radical islam and its perverted desire to trample women into the ground and treat them like farm animals. So much for womens rights eh?
You would think that the self appointed champions of ‘progressive socialism’ would be at the very least pleased with this attempt to free the sisterhood from the drab degrading prison of the niqab, but oh no the BBC sticks up for the bully against the victim yet again.
The BBC has a very sick corporate mind if it is trying to present the islamist persecution of women as a human rights thing.
Some dead eyed slack jawed psychopathic islamist using the EU ‘courts’ enable hom to batter his women into submission covering them with a cloak of utter degradation? What next, legal honour killings, legal stoning to death of islams percieved enemies?
Cassandra you like you read this news snippet from Syria (An Islamic country) Where parents protesting about women teachers wearing the full veil resulted in 1200 female teachers getting the sack. Want to bet the bBC don’t even mention it?
Well said, it’s the BBC trying to make out it’s controversial but clearly covering your face in public is not only anti social it can also allow criminals to get away with just about anything.
Simple truth is, in the middle east where the sun is very bright, the reflections from the sand can dazzle and you can get extreme sand storms, being able to cover your face if outside makes sense, but not in the middle of Paris or London on a foggy morning.
The simple fact is the burkha is now seen as THE SYMBOL of Islam, in the same way the IRA had a balaclava.
There is no health reason, even in the Middle East for the burka. If there was men would wear them.
The 10 O’Clock News concentrated only on women who wanted to wear the veil. Nowhere did I see commentary on why such a large majority of the French might want to ban the burqa. Wouldn’t that be relevant to the subject? Just a warning that there were “wealthy people willing to pay everyone’s fines”.
What makes me sick is the pretence that all muslim women have the freedom of choice what to wear. The ones wearing the burka are not wearing it out of choice. It is on pain of death.
More news about the US President the BBC won’t be telling you:
Confidence in Obama reaches new low, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
Good thing Mark Mardell is on vacation, or he’d have to write a couple more blog posts defending the President and shifting blame.
Recovery Summer: Small Businesses Pessimistic, 90% Not Adding Jobs
I guess this explains why the BBC has abandoned nearly all reporting on how well The Obamessiah’s stimulus plans have been working. I mean, even newspaper and media moguls who supported Him and had their newspapers endorse Him for President realize that the emperor has no clothes:
Mort Zuckerman: Obama Is Barely Treading Water
Has anyone here heard a single peep out of a Beeboid about how low the mighty One has fallen? Of course not. When they do mention any problems, they blame it on someone else. It’s about time for another segment about racist Tea Partiers or something, I suppose.
Or maybe the Beeboids think nothing worth reporting happens in the US when He goes on vacation. Again. For the third time since the oil spill started. Instead of the Gulf States where He might show a little leadership, He’s off to hang out with a few rich white folks in Maine, as a kind of warm-up before a full vacation with other rich white folks in Martha’s Vineyard in August.
Obama has been a real help to the Gulf :
1 failing to mobilise a proper team of industry experts to check that BP was doing everything possible to plug the leak (including – failing even to respond to offers of help from overseas eg Norway)
2 illegally closing down all offshore drilling – hitting huge numbers of Gulf jobs
3 failing to support in every way possible the Governors of the Gulf Coast states in preventing the oil from reaching shore – eg lack of skimmers, lack of booms
4 undermining the effectiveness of the prevention effort by failing to suspend the Jones Act, so foreign vessels cannot be used.
In choosing his vacation destination, Obama could have gone to the Gulf, to spread the message that most beaches are still clean. That would have been extremely helpful to the local tourist trade which is desperate about current prospects. It is as if The One doesn’t give a damn, would rather the employment crisis worsened. Sure, BP can be the punchbag financially – but this will rebound on Obama, is already portraying him as incompetent as an executive and uncaring as President. For good reason, he is coming out of this as bad as Bush did over Katrina, when most of the faults at that time were with the local and state governments.
None of what you mentioned has been reported by the BBC. Not even a hint of any of it. The Soviet Union bosses would have been very proud of the way the Beeboids are censoring the news coming from the US.
Think of it this way. With Barry on holiday it does mean there is at least a couple days when the moron wont get in the way of people who are actually trying to work to clean up the mess caused by the oil!
I see the Times has yet more quotes from the prince of mince, Bliar calling the one eyed mong ‘mad’
Funny, that when the books like the Lance Price and the other guy I can’t remember came out, remember how the BBC defended the one eyed twat stating that it was all lies, Richard Bacon getting very angry with Lance Price for bringing out a book that could damage Liebour during the election and suggesting he’d made the book up.
But now it’s the prince of mince Lord Fondelbum the BBC seem to have totally ignored this story. Could it be because it’s in the Times and not the Guardian, or is it simply BBC loyalty to Brown a man who was basically a hard core Socialist who believed that the state should run everything, which of course is the belief of the BBC.
Has anyone seen anything on the BBC about the prince of mince’s book?
So the BBC review the papers, the story about the mong being mad (as if we didn’t know) gets about 10 seconds and it laughed off by camp male beeboid presenter.
Sky News get stuck in.
In the story about the burkha ban Sky News also pointed out that many people now see the burkha as a symbol of Islamic terrorism.
Well done Sky.
That was the camp male Beeboid presenter reviewing the papers along with camp male ex-Lib Dem MP Mark ‘I like rent boys ‘cos I’m bald” Oaten.
I noticed that when they got to the Telegraph they skipped right past the big story at the very top about the BBC facing some kind of revolution and went down to the smallest item on the bottom of the page.
Yes it’s clear the BBC like ot avoid the real stories.!!!
David – you are getting as eloquent as our friend Martin. 😀
Only in the hallways of university dormrooms and Broadcasting House can one find support for the following:
Slavoj Zizek: The Elvis of Philosophy?
Of course, the accompanying blurb reveals that the Beeboids’ answer is a resounding “Yes!”
I don’t know what event prompted this (another fauning documentary?), but Der Spiegel had a paeon to the Stalinist “Rock Star” on the exact same day. Well, I do remember that the BBC dishonestly spun some sales figures a couple years ago in an attempt to show that sales of The Communist Manifesto were skyrocketing due to the banking crisis.
As an alternative to Pravda, here’s some reality about Zizek.
Nor does Žižek simply condemn Al Qaeda’s violence as “horrifying.” Fundamentalist Islam may seem reactionary, but “in a curious inversion,” he characteristically observes, “religion is one of the possible places from which one can deploy critical doubts about today’s society. It has become one of the sites of resistance.” And the whole premise of Violence, as of Žižek’s recent work in general, is that resistance to the liberal-democratic order is so urgent that it justifies any degree of violence. “Everything is to be endorsed here,” he writes in Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, “up to and including religious ‘fanaticism.'”
This sounds an awful lot like some accusations here about why the Beeboids have had such an intellectual failure over the various forms of Islamo-fascism. In fact:
The curious thing about the Žižek phenomenon is that the louder he applauds violence and terror–especially the terror of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, whose “lost causes” Žižek takes up in another new book, In Defense of Lost Causes–the more indulgently he is received by the academic left, which has elevated him into a celebrity and the center of a cult. A glance at the blurbs on his books provides a vivid illustration of the power of repressive tolerance. In Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, Žižek claims, “Better the worst Stalinist terror than the most liberal capitalist democracy”;
Sounds like this guy has captured the hearts and minds of the BBC.
The vast majority of normal western people view the niqab/burqa with the same disgust as anti slavery campaigners viewed the sight of lines of negro slaves chained by the necks on their way to toil in the plantations.
The islamofascist ideology of crushing and abusing women is exactly the same in moral terms as african slavery, it is all about slavery and it has nothing to do with the human right to be a slave.
Does anyone believe that the cruel oppression of women by islamism is valid?
I pass a modern slave wearing the black chains of slavery and I am filled with furious anger, a boiling anger and the more I see it the angrier I get. The urge to rip off the mask of slavery becomes irresistable in me.
But who bears the blame for this? the slave owner or the slave for allowing themselves to be degraded in this way? What would I do in their position, just the thought makes my skin crawl.
The BBC has been a commited supporter of the African slavery finger pointing and agitation for years, African slavery dead for centuries is still a major story for the BBC, no expense is spared to portray our ancestors as cruel and heartless slave owning bullies HOWEVER the BBC becomes a very different beast when the modern equivolent of slavery, the slavery of women is the heartbreaking story of the day. The BBC now finds itself protecting this modern slave trade and presents it as a human right to be a slave and the human rights of the slave owner to own slaves.
The BBC could be the confederate souths mouthpiece pre US civil war!
Bigots and racists pretending to be the opposite, nasty spiteful people pretending to be enlightened, that my friends is the essence of the BBC.
Another classic from Cassie !
The BBC either don’t know or don’t care that some muslim women are free to choose how to dress but those wearing the burka are not.
I have never, ever, seen a woman in Gambia ( at least 90 % muslim ) wearing the burka . Anyone who did would be laughed at by her fellow muslims there.
One of the things which I hate about the BBC coverage of Islam is that they present it as homogenous and monolithic. It is not. Practices, beliefs, behaviour, is much more varied than in , say, christianity.
Your need to put in a good word for Islam, apparently now vis-a-vis Christianity, sometimes seem to come perilously close to the half truths that are the stock in trade of regular Muslim apologists.
I don’t have any need to put in a good word for Islam. I think it is an appalling religion, by far the worst. I simply post from personal experience of the religion.
My last point was that there are more differences and disputes within Islam than within Christianity, but the BBC don’t reflect that and pretend that Islam is one big happy family.
I could have worded it better, though.
I can’t wait to see what the BBC will make of this:
President Obama, White House: Al Qaeda is Racist
n an interview earlier today with the South African Broadcasting Corporation to air in a few hours, President Obama disparaged al Qaeda and affiliated groups’ willingness to kill Africans in a manner that White House aides say was an argument that the terrorist groups are racist.
Speaking about the Uganda bombings, the president said, “What you’ve seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organizations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself. They see it as a potential place where you can carry out ideological battles that kill innocents without regard to long-term consequences for their short-term tactical gains.”
What? All of a sudden Al Qaeda is killing without regard for human life? This is the brilliant Obamessiah who is so much smarter and more worldly and more edumacated and more intellectual and so much more astute and mature about racial issues and did I say smarter? than George Bush. I’m shaking my head in disbelief and sadness, almost afraid to look at how the BBC is going to spin this exhibition of unabashed pandering and racial exploitation. As Jim Royle might say, “Post-racial President my arse!”
Maybe since Mark Mardell is on vacation they’ll ignore it and hope it goes away before he gets back.
I see the BBC dutifully presented the White House press release on it. If this was Bush, they’d be laughing at the naivité and attempt to use race to score political points. The Al Qaeda that killed those people in Uganda are somehow worse than the bastards who killed 30 Irishmen and Dominicans from my street? This is idiotic.
And it’s clear that the Beeboids totally agree with Him. They make sure to include a further statement from one of the White House nunzios. Also, note the caption under the “serious look” photo reminding everyone that He has Kenyan ancestry. So obviously He’s sympathetic to Africans being killed and we should all understand that. This was simple pandering, and if it was done by George Bush, the BBC would find space for the opposition to complain, and it would be mentioned in a bit on the next HIGNFY and Mock the Week and any other show that had on one of the usual Leftoid comedian suspects.
How typical, the queen of breakfast radio was just talking about the headline in the Times (Bliar on mong) “It’s not as if we can just say oh this is a book by Andrew Rawnsley, this is Lord Mandelson”
So there we are, the BBC admitting they didn’t believe Rawnslewy (or Price’s book) book about the mong betting a retard, so no wonder they don’t want to say much about Mandelson’s book.
You can bet if it were a book about Maggie T or GWB and they were called that, the BBC would be all over it.
How many people have to say that Brown is mentally deranged before the BBC accept it ?
What a surprise.
Fired up the PC and who should pop up on the PiP screen than the fragrant Sian.
And… first words I hear are that she ‘wants to know my thoughts’.
What upon, I do wonder? Lo, the lack of free childcare.
Amazingly, they next have on the BBC interviewee of choice to support the story, namely a young child and… her ‘single mother’.
Having now seen it, can’t help but notice that, especially after the irony-free session with the obesity-concerned (in others if not self) advocate last week, the Breakfast sofa might need a wee bit of structural enhancement to cope with majority of public guests that are invited on to comment.
Maybe most not so freely on call are walking from family home to work, and hence less free to be taxied to the nearest BBC studio to whinge?
Did they blame the Labour government for the lack of free childcare ?
Gavin HEWITT of the Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) hangs on to his spurious ‘multiculturalism’ (whatever that is) to defend the wearing of the burqa in France, despite the lower house of parliament voting 335 to 1 to ban the burqa.
He spends most of his article putting arguments from Muslim quarters to oppose the ban, and he avoids developing arguments argainst the wearing of the burqa:
Alternatively, Daniel Pipes:
“Ban the Burqa – and the Niqab too”
[Pipes’ conclusion]:-
“The time has come everywhere to ban from public places these hideous, unhealthy, socially divisive, terrorist-enabling, and criminal-friendly garments.”
When luvvies fall out?…
New lay-out for BBC news website – but same old censorship, of e.g., this report?
“A Muslim woman accused of stabbing a Labour MP during a constituency surgery has refused to recognise a court or enter a plea.”
I would so live it if for once the courts stopped all benefits and deported to their mother countries those Allah loving parasites who refuse to recognize British law. Tell you what there would a lot less people refusing to accept British law after they wake up and find they are unable to protest in their locations because in pure Islamic countries they shoot you. I mean just ask the bBCs Frank Gardner.
Thoughts on the BBC website redesign? To me it looks cheaper and certainly has less room for n ews on each page. Looks more like Sky news than a sober news reporting service, maybe that’s for the good though as maybe people will take it less seriously now. I wonder what the redesign cost?
Mind you no redesign is of any use if the bias is still there.
Much better, becuase it looks more like Fox News now. 😉
Personally, I’m looking forward to the newly upgraded North American Edition. Apparently the BBC is going to step up the propaganda in my hemisphere and has imported a rash of sub-editors to Washington, DC (don’t know if they’re the replacement for the Russian spies recently departed from these shores).
Gotta love the enthusiasm and self-confidence of these Beeboids.
Some of you have asked if this means we are becoming a US news site in all but name. We’re not. Our agenda will remain distinctively global, underpinned by the BBC’s extensive international newsgathering operation, and our core values of accuracy, fairness and objectivity are unchanged.
Like when they promised the BBC wasn’t going to become overloaded with US election coverage? And with all the concern for accuracy, fairness, and objectivity they displayed then? Or recently? If I tried to type LOL enough times to equal how much I’m laughing right now, I’d drive the keyboard through my desk.
How could Obama cheerleaders, worshippers, myth makers and sycophants – Beeboid news reporters, I mean – even begin to lay claim to values of accuracy fairness and objectivity? Are they denying Obama worship? We’ve read them; we’ve seen and heard Justin Webb embarrass himself and us; we’ve seen the Beeboid wearing the silly celebratory hat. Do Beeboids think we are totally stupid so they can tell us any old moonshine?
In their defence of the burqa the liberals overlook one vital thing. Their defence is rooted in the flawed liberal belief in toleration as the supreme virtue and the mark of civilisation. To judge is to err. The reality is somewhat different. The use of the burqa reinforces and strengthens the belief of the majority of native Europeans in the essential irreconciliable differences between the Islamic world view and their own.
It also focuses our minds on the impossibilty of a sharia based system operating alongside a traditional Western system.
The French ban is more of a doomed attempt to smooth away these differences.They have a thing about egalite.
Harsh though it might be the women who wear this garment should not be our concern. They might be freely wearing it or not. Should we really care?
Islam ,based on the sharia, hence a political and legal system underpinned by an unchallengable revealed truth is incompatible with Western values. Western Europe from Poitiers onwards always knew this to be true and never tried to reconcile what cannot be. The change has to come from the Islamic community and perhaps the more all of us see the burqa then more of us, from both sides, will realise the truth of this.
BBC announces UK’s first Burqua News Babe
The BBC has reacted angrily to the French parliament’s lower house vote to ban the large black sheet, and detachable hoodie with two eye slits, worn by some Muslims of the female persuasion.
In a statement, the BBC’s Head of News said: “In this day and age of female emancipation, we cannot stand idly by while women are denied the right to be subjugated by an age old medieval custom that goes back a few years.
As such I have instructed BBC Human Resources to find a suitable candidate to present the evening news in full Burqua. While we hope this will be a Muslim and female, the position is open to all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, lifeforms and sizes.
Although with hot studio lights, suitable candidates should understand this will be dangerous work for the morbidly obese, such as Dawn French.
In the event we cannot locate a suitable local candidate, or in Iran, I can assure the license payers that our Politically Correct news staff are ready and able to fill the breach. Kirsty Wark and Orla Guerin have had preliminary Burqua fittings at the renowned Burqua Connection UK .
In the meantime, to fill the ‘burqua gap’ John Humphrys has offered to come out of retirement and step up to the Burqua for the next few weeks on the ix o’clock news slot.”
What the liberals,bBC and allah’s little helpers don’t tell you, is that when Islamic women do the Haj (You know where they walk round and round in circles around a moon rock set in a black box) they are forbidden from covering their faces..
Actually John Simpson has worn a burkha, he wore it when HE personally liberated Kabul if you remember.
If only he was still wearing it.
I see the Islamic terrorist channel…bBC has revamped its revisionist quasi-news web site. My verdict.. very confusing lay out which allows the terrorist loving bBC to promote the stories they wish to refer to as News;
Here is a picture of Moat at 6
Hey unemployment fell under Labour
Here is a Islam is a wonderful faith article
The UK should pull out of Afghanstan
I only wonder when the bBC starts to air the news via a hijab wearing woman and the call to prayer.
American BBC luvvy, S. Schama, continues his political propaganda:
“Simon Schama backs Oona King for mayor with donation”
(Also donating is P. Kellner, who is close to BBC and to E.U.)
Whilst driving home at lunch time today (Wednesday) had the Jeremy Vine show on (please don’t ask me why – a mistake, OK) and the phone in was about the present troubles in NIreland. JV referred to the peace process as begun by John Major . Now I know it was but for the last 13 years whilst things appeared to be going well (through the BBC eyes) we all understood it was the sainted Tony who achieved the peace.
On arriving home onto World at One to hear the unemployment figures. Well they have gone done – not what the BBC wanted to hear. But the jobs are all ‘part time, not so secure, going to disappear with the cuts’, etc etc. Negative through and through. I don’t remember such negative stories a couple of months ago – then it was all marvellous and lots of publicity to every job created and that such and such supermarket was opening with the creation of X jobs just a small calculation made it obvious that they were part time jobs for students.
Too tempting. “Send them your views”.
BBCBreakfast It’s been confirmed, we’re moving to Salford:http://bit.ly/ddr4Uo
I might ask if the entire crew are moving up there, or will we the licence fee payer (and the planet) be bearing the brunt of those who lurk only within the Congestion Charge zone shuttling to and fro like Kirsty does with Newsnight?
More bad news, the Cocaine supply in Salford might be down a bit as well.
So after a hard day’s work in the private sector I get into my car and turn on Radio 5 to hear some ‘good news’ unemployment is down.
But wait! no it’s NOT good news according to Radio 5, it’s BAD NEWS, why? Because more people are working part time and of course more of those fantastic people who do the REAL WORK (you know 5 a day condom co-ordinators etc) are going to lose their jobs real soon.
Also, Radio 5 read out that bit of bad news, then no Government sound bite, but we do get some Liebour mong telling us just what the BBC wants to hear.
Funny thing is when Liebour were in power can anyone ever remember the BBC stating that a drop in unemployment is actually BAD NEWS?
Whilst I’m on a rant (shit day on public transport in London) why is the BBC NOT pointing out a few things?
When Ken Clarke was Home Secretary just how many foreigners were clogging up our prisons? Not many I bet, yet now something like 15-20% of prisoners are effing foreign scum (often Muzzie’s) that we can’t boot back to their own shit holes in case their knackers get put through a mangle.
Take off 20% and our prison population isn’t that much different from what it was a few years back.
I notice that the only people getting airtime about prisons on the BBC are the wet liberals as usual.
Of course prison works, if scum are locked up they can’t murder (like Moaty) rape or abuse kids.
But then again murder and rape is a bit of a turn on at the BBC.
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) provides prominent, uncriticised propaganda, including video, for jihadist:
“Video of Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad surfaces”
Will INBBC now provide prominent, uncriticised propaganda, including video, for anti-jihadists, such as ‘Jihadwatch’ and Geert Wilders? Of course not.
Was the above piece of jihad propaganda posted by a jihadist sympathiser at the INBBC?
‘Jihadwatch’ had this, three weeks ago, and it applies to the INBBC:
Spencer: A Muslim Soldier Confesses
BBC report:
“Raoul Moat: Prime minister criticises public sympathy” (-but BBC doesn’t).
A non-BBC view:
“Grotesque shrines, internet tributes and the warped values that make Raoul Moat a hero and a victim”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1294540/BEL-MOONEY-Grotesque-shrines-internet-tributes-warped-values-make-Raoul-Moat-hero-victim.html#ixzz0tgz2dGbu
Yawn!!! Newsnight banging on about public sector cuts yet again. Wake up beeboids, most of us don’t give a toss. Then the BBC have Hazel sodding Blears on, like anyone should listen to that old dog.
So why isn’t the BBC giving any coverage to Mandy’s book then BBC? Would one of you beeboids like to put down your 8 year old Romanian rent boy for a minute and explain WHY that scumbag Alistair Campbell gets to promote his books all over the BBC but Mandy’s book that slags the mong off is ignored.
Hazel was on ” The Daily Politics ” yesterday for no obvious reason I could see.
And Nick Robinson was brandishing Mandelson’s book.
Andrew Neil pressed Hazel about the Blair / Brown hatred which she more or less admitted was true. But, I don’t suppose it could have happened on any other BBC programme.
So a group of Tea Party types in Iowa put up a misguided (but not entirely incorrect) billboard putting The Obamessiah on par with Hitler and Lenin. Lots of Tea Party activists quickly condemned it, and it has been taken down already. But it was up for 24 hours and the BBC made sure to cover it. Lots of other, far more important stories have been censored and hidden from you, but this one was a top priority for BBC News Online.
On the same page, as part of the same report – it’s connected because it shows how insane the teabaggers are, right, BBC? – the BBC is happy to tell you that the NAACP has “condemned” the Tea Party movement for being racist.
Who does the BBC quote for a rebuttal? The BBC’s favorite cartoon villain and their second-most hated female politician in history, Sarah Palin, who holds no public office, is a member of no Tea Party group, leads no organization except for her fund-raising group, does not have anything to do with Tea Party organizers unless it’s to arrange a speaking fee.
For those who would like some reality untainted by the BBC, here’s the man who emceed the two Tea Party protests I attended in New York City. (I missed this one, but attended the two before that.) Does he look like a racist white man who wants to bring the country back to the days of Jim Crow? Anybody think all these Beeboids running around in the US will get David Webb on air or bring on any black person to speak on behalf of the Tea Party movement?
I guess the update of the website just means that BBC reporting on US issues will from now on be done in the manner of a Christmas Pantomime. All to defend the leader of a foreign country, and all at your expense.
Yes I don’t ever remember the BBC correcting even ONE of the lies they posted about Sarah Palin.
Licence fee up, spending on new programmes down.
Thanks, BBC
Well, in tough economic times, tough decisions need taking.
Have to applaud the mindset so prevalent throughout the private sector that, no matter what, the only options are a rise in fees/taxes on OR cutting services to the public.
Well, other than a new website that makes it easier or me to be told how to vote by BBC producers.
“Public” sector , I assume !
Oops. Ta. 😮 At least the subs here are on the ball to correct errant typos, as opposed to Aunty’s, who seem to exist to ‘spin’ narrative deficient facts through 180 degrees.
I had the misfortune to catch Jeremy Hardy on Radio 4 yesterday (Wednesday) with a “comedy” program about faith. Of course these days its PC to talk about faith and you must never call it religion for some reason. There were a couple of very mild jokes about Christianity which the student audience found hilarious and one joke about Islam during the the audience were noticeably nervous perhaps wondering if it was PC to laugh. Instead good old Jeremy went on what seemed like a 10 minute rant about climate change “deniers” nasty people it seems who don’t have faith in the excellent British climate change scientists.
To be honest the bias didn’t bother me that much it was just the sheer amateurishness and feeling of being 30 years out of date of the entire show that annoyed me. It must have been like that if you were the audience watching some old music hall performers still plodding on in the 1950’s.
Like all Beeboids, Hardy, age 14 1/2, is trapped in a time warp.
anyone notice the way bercow told harriet to ask questions not answer them at PMQ’S.Didn’t say that when liebore were in power
Yes, well spotted.
Gordon the Moron never answered a question and continually asked David Cameron questions when he was in oppostion without either this speaker or the previous one rebuking him. Blatant bias.
The BBC must think we’re morons. For days I and others have hammered the BBC mongs for not covering Mandy’s book. So guess what!! Yep Radio 5 finally mentioned it this morning.
Only problem was it was done at 8:58 and 30 seconds giving Matthew Paris just less than 90 seconds to point out what we all knew (that McMong was a barking man halfwit who made Moaty look sane).
Hey BBC twats, yes we know you mongos from Radio 5 read this blog, nice try, but when are you going to REALLY cover Mandy’s book? I hear there’s a nice bit in it about homosexual love making, so that might get your interest in the toilets.
If Climate change is so important why is it a bunch of retards at a shit hole of a University (East Anglia not exactly known as a bastion of brightness) and not one of the top Universities?
So let’s get this right. According to Al Jabeeba this morning crime is at its lowest for years. Now if you believe this, hasn’t that got something to do with the prison population being at its highest as well?
The BBC were in full Liebour mode this morning trying to make out that this is all down to Gordon Brown, which of course it’s not.
As usual the BBC sniff the poo from Brown’s arse but don’t tell the truth.
Why is car crime down? Because modern cars are almost impossible to steal, nothing to do with Gordon Brown.
House burglary down. Well most people now have far better security on their homes and electrical appliances like DVd players are now so cheap they have no secondhand value
Violent street crime. Clearly not down, just that people don’t report most of the low level stuff and the plods often hide the real levels when people do.
I could go on, but the BBC as usual don’t give us the facts, just the last Government’s propaganda.
Expect my mate Sheena Easton to be in full Gordon Brown bum sniffing mode on the 6PM news.
“As usual the BBC sniff the poo from Brown’s arse”
You have a gift for a wonderful turn of phrase, Martin.
The luvvies might lose some funding, oh no, no no no no no I say. Can this be true? How can the arts survive without lots of Government money.
Ugly Jane Hill almost in tears “the price of a theatre ticket might rise” oh no no no no no. This cannot be allowed.
Stop giving body armour to soldiers, but we MUST fund luvvies.