The BBC is opposed to war. In the mind of the State Broadcaster it is never right to defend a Nation by taking action against a foreign power. So, when we helped in the liberation of Iraq, it got very cross and still whinges about how “illegal” that war was. Of course even as it churned out a daily mantra of pessimism whilst our brave soldiers were doing their duty in Iraq, it pretended that the “good war” should be in Afghanistan. No sooner is focus switched to Afghanistan than the beat of defeat heard again. The BBC wants us OUT of Afghanistan and now runs almost daily stories informing us that we cannot win and that we should not be there. Here is a particularly vivid example from Kevin Connolly beating the drum as hard as he can. We’re doomed, I tell you, doomed. Retreat….
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I actually agree, we will lose in Afghanistan just as the British army was beaten in Iraq.
If we had fought WW2 like we fight wars today (worried what the BBC thinks, the leftists losers and the German people) we’d have lost that as well.
We didn’t beat Germany by offering to go in and rebuild schools to try to get the Germans to throw out the Nazi’s, we simply beat them to their knees, as we also did with the Japs. That’s HOW you win a war.
As I keep pointing out our soldiers are dying NOT exterminating Alky Ada but building schools for muzzie girls, why?
We’re NEVER going to turn Afghanistan into some sort of liberal democracy and I really don’t care if we try or not. What I want is a large Alky Ada body count.
Think about this, how many of OUR soldiers died kicking the Taliban out years ago? Answer very few, because we used the locals (we paid them) we used special forces and we used aerial bombing with B-52’s and we didn’t give a shit if they put down their AK-47’s half way through the fight, the Afghans doing the fighting for us don’t take any notice of such niceties of the Geneva Convention.
We will lose this war and we deserve to, yet again soft western liberal values have castrated our army.
Fully agree the Beeb have this partially right.
After we have ‘liberated’ Afghanistan we can get back to knitting fog.
They will revert to the same feudal warlord model once the western bribes have run out.
So the BBC noticed a poll showing slipping confidence in the Afghanistan mission, eh? Guess what part of that poll Kevin Connolly and the Today producers censored from it?
Support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low and President Obama’s approval rating for handling it has declined sharply since spring – results that portend trouble for the administration as the violence there grows.
The BBC always censors any information that might make you think The Obamessiah isn’t doing a great job, or that belief in Him might be dwindling. The Washington Post article I’ve linked to refers to it as “Obama’s surge”. Ever heard the BBC put it that way?
At least Connolly didn’t insult the marines with a sexual innuendo.