Idiots like Geldof assume all Africans are as thick as him. In my personal experience they are not.
Look forward to Geldof and the BBC reporting President Wade of Senegal’s view that aid for Africa , if channelled through governments or NGOs is bad for Africa.
another in-bred trendy appointed to run Radio 4. She’s worked for the BBC since 1976 and has impeccable credentials: brought up in S Africa then Oxford then the BBC: she knows less about the real world than my cat. I’m sure Radio 4’s employees will be ecstatic since Ms Williams’ probable first – and only – instruction will be “no change just keep on pumping out the the propaganda”.
She is from the BBC World Service apparently. But just look at who else might have got the job: Peter Barron, who used to edit the egregious Newsnight. How would you like him? Or Peston? Heaven help us!
It’s interesting that it says she will get about £180,000, compared with the present incumbent’s £210,000. Why is it still so high? I thought the idea about these public servants’ salaries was that none of them should get more than the prime minister, i.e. about £140,000?
I didn’t watch QT last night (Simply because its now just a party political broadcast for ‘We are all Hezb-allah party) Anyway I turned the telly over to Channel 2 and watched newsnight. It seems that the bBC is pushing with the idea that any Afghan army soldier (ANA) who is injured while serving his country should not only be sent to the UK in which to be treated , but also given the right to live here. Of course this would also mean bringing his whole family over as well.
So the Afghans are not fighting for their own country they are fighting for us? Why doesn’t all the Aghans who don’t support the Taliban come to live here and then we can pull all the troops out of the country.
That has to be one of the daftest arguments ever made. There is a civil war in the Sudan as well – lets take in all those people who do not support the countries government. Another civil war problem sorted.
Those sophisticates at the BBC just can’t get along with the barbarism of those US rednecks
World Have Your Say Do the private transgressions of people like Mel Gibson and Roman Polanski affect the way that you view their work?
So buggering a 13 year old is just a private matter in the BBC’s eyes
Good news, everyone! Matt Frei is going to have a daily blog beginning in September, to keep you even more informed about US issues! Gaudeamus!
The attitude on display here says it all:
So as we re-launch our BBC News website I will throw myself into the gushing maelstrom of a daily blog, updated at meal-times. Its mission will be not dissimilar to the mission of BBC World News America.
We will try to create a connection, an understanding, a rapport between the world’s most powerful country and everyone else.
As a friendly broadcaster with global tentacles, the BBC is perhaps in a unique position to connect those global dots. For better or for worse my job will be to facilitate this
They really have no clue, do they? The language is, as always, very revealing. The Beeboids feel that they are gatekeepers and story-tellers. There is no valid journalistic reason to create a “rapport” between the British public and the US. This just gives them license to create their own Narrative, to give you only the impression they want you to have. Frei Boy and his BBC colleagues truly believe that they’ve been doing it right all along, and merely need to step up their game. Does anyone get a sense that they realize they need to keep you better informed, provide a wider variety of voices, or stop acting like another publicity arm of the White House? No, of course not.
I’m sure it’s partially because of all the budget and expense noise going on at the BBC. Somebody upstairs handed a list of targets to Frei’s boss, who decided that Frei needs to appear busier in order to justify his enormous salary. To the average Beeboid, maintaining a daily blog is just the thing to make it seem as if Frei is giving more value for money. Quality of content is unimportant, but you can bet we’ll get a daily dose of Frei Boy’s uniquely sneering opinion on US issues.
The need for a rebuttal is going to be more important than ever come September.
It has nothing to do with the British public. Oh, no! The whole world is its fiefdom. It has all those global tentacles, you see. The BBC is nothing but global-lobal and world dominance is its goal. You may have thought because it is called the British Broadcasting Corporation and is funded by us, that it would consider us its audience. Far from it. The BBC has nothing but disdain for those little people who pay for it and for this little country.
I seem to have missed any report from Frei about the desperate polling numbers Obama is getting, or about the view even on the Dem side that they could well lose the House and the Senate in November.
Or about the fact that all the US economic indicators are real bad.
David, In its US coverage would you say the BBC has been assiduously noting and highlighting the growing number of prominent figures (even among left-leaning commentators and people who voted for Obama) already talking openly about the failure of the Obama presidency ?
Thousands of Afghan and Pakistani illegal migrants in Europe could be affected by new EU moves to tighten co-operation with major transit countries used by would-be immigrants………. The UK, with one of the biggest Pakistani communities outside Pakistan, has opted into the agreement – despite the fact that it already has a bilateral immigration deal with Islamabad.
But UK Labour MEP Claude Moraes rejects the Pakistan readmission agreement as it stands, like other MEPs in the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group and the Greens. He questioned the wisdom of having EU-wide agreements on such matters, pointing to the special ties binding the UK with Pakistan, a former colony.
Robert Peston on the News Channel right now trying to explain The Obamessiah’s draconian banking regulations and how it will affect the financial sector. A load of garbage, really, heavily biased in favor of shutting down most of the high-risk transactions large banks engage in, complete with a bit of dishonesty about debt financing. None of this is surprising, as it’s exactly in line with the opinoins on these matters which Peston has been expressing in his blog for the last two years. Nothing new here, he condemned this stuff long ago.
However, the editorializing was nearly as unbearable as the way Peston….streeeeeetches out…his…wooooooords.
He referred to the major banks as “ruthlessly profitable”. And there you have it. As is so often the case, BBC editors go beyond informing and get into opinion mongering.
Peston spots more crap than Prescott does. Note how Peston has been ‘cut out’ of the Downing Street information line now the Tories are in power, as has Easton and Toenails.
I also note thatPeston fails to mention what an utter failure Barry’s stimulus plan has been.
Peston still has all his City contacts, I’m sure, but you can tell that the Government no longer runs policy announcements by him before they announce them to see how the BBC will cover it.
BBC News spending some time on the oil spill today, because BP’s latest effort at a cap might actually be working. We’ll see. Of course, a key element of this story – of equal importance to the technical details of the well and drilling, etc. – is the environmental damage caused by all this. And the newly revamped BBC News Online is on top of it.
It’s pretty devastating, yes. But with all the hand-wringing and photos of oily animals, is there a single, solitary mention of the clean-up effort itself or any of the myriad problems with it? No, nor has the BBC ever reported that there has been even one little problem. As always, the BBC censors news from the US so that you get a specific impression of the situation. I guess this is the “rapport” Matt Frei was talking about.
I’ve posted many comments here in the recent months with plenty of information about how badly the Government has handled this. Even the HuffingtonPost (soruce of most of Justin Webb’s opinions on US issues) has admitted that The Obamessiah has made mistakes. He has failed miserably in His handling of the cleanup effort. Yet, the BBC hasn’t made one single mention anywhere across the spectrum of broadcasting that there has been a problem. They’ve censored the news coming from the US.
I’m going to be generous for one second and give them an excuse:
Media outlets such as The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, and NPR have written damning reports of the government’s unreasonable attempts to limit access to the spill. The New Orleans Times-Picayune was prohibited from flying a plane over the spill so a photographer could get pictures. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., was denied permission to take a boat out to the spill with reporters and examine the catastrophe affecting his state. The Associated Press sent a letter of protest with the White House over the arbitrary restrictions. A CBS camera crew was threatened with arrest for trying to report from a beach affected by the spill.
So the Government has been blocking the Beeboids from doing their jobs and reporting on the clean-up effort, right? If that’s the case – and clearly several other international media organizations have reported the problem – why hasn’t the BBC reported that?
I think we know why: censorship, all to protect the President from criticism. This is the “rapport” Matt Frei is talking about. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues, especially when they start ramping up their “reporting” over the next few weeks.
Also not mentioned on the BBC has been Barry’s u turn regarding NASA and Muzzie outreach. Now the White House is saying this is not correct, DESPITE only the other day backing the NASA administrators comments.
Yes, yet another sorry bit of crap leadership from The Obamessiah. This Administration has been run even worse than Clinton’s, and that’s saying something. He’s an amateur, surrounded by thugs and hacks, everything a total mess. Where’s the Secretary of State, whose job it actually is to reach to the Muslim world? Total silence, becuase she’s also a joke. BBC News is also a joke because this is yet another controversy which they’ve censored.
I feel sorry for Charles Bolden, who has been put in a really bad position. If he wasn’t given the mission to suck up to Mohammedans, why was he on Al Jazeera in the first place? Why is the head of NASA doing that at all, if it’s not part of some White House plan? Bolden isn’t a moron, and wouldn’t make stuff up or go off on some crazy mission on his own.
Probably because NASA now has sod all to do, hitchhiking lifts off Russia to get up to the ISS and that’s about it.
I feel sorry for the staff at NASA, I grew up in the 1960’s watching the Moon landings, the USA was rightfully proud of its space programme, it was brave and daring, but now NASA seems to be just a political tool.
I’ve heard lots of people are leaving, fed up with no goals for the future, any idea that Barry O is the black JFK is a total joke.
Obama has expanded on the NASA administrators islamo-outreach speech…
“I therefore ask the Congress to provide the funds to meet the following national goal, before this decade is out, of landing a Koran on the moon and returning it safely to the earth.
And not because it is easy. But because it’s the will of Allah.
I still think this was just a clumsy, amateurish attempt to solicit Arab oil money to fund NASA projects. Whatever’s going on, it’s a clear signal of incompetence at the White House.
The BBC has sent a correspondent to the US specifically to promote immigration, and to muddy the waters of the debate about illegal immigration. It’s the same thing they do in the UK. Any who complains about illegal immigration or immigrant benefit scroungers is met with “immigration is good for country – you can’t be against immigration, full stop”. Which is a red herring, but that’s a standard distraction tactic to stifle debate.
Now the BBC is doing it in the US. I’m sure this Beeboid will find loads of lovely immigrants (my grandfather was a lovely immigrant, as were all my great-grandparents), but how will he handle the illegal ones? I bet he spends time building up the Narrative about how great immigrants are before dropping that little stink-bomb. At which point the Narrative will naturally be one of disappointment that the nasty US immigration laws are damaging the success of otherwise lovely immigrants. Laws? Who cares about laws when emotion is involved.
So the BBC appoints yet another German-origin guy to report on the USA. Strasser apparently has never even spent substantial time in the UK.
Can someone explain why Brits have to pay for his jolly across the US ?
And yes – it is obvious he will present a rosy view of immigration – that is why he was chosen, that is what his jolly is all about. To disguise or soften the deep apprehensions of most Americans about rampant illegal immigration – and about Obama’s failure to close the border, and failure now to crack down on employment of illegals.
But the BBC does manage to find time and space to report that Sarah Palin’s daughter is engaged to her baby-daddy. Great job, BBC News. Worth every penny of the license fee. You are a joke.
I see there is another prosecution for another politician allegedly fiddling expenses. His party affiliation is trumpeted in the headline but, in case you’re uncertain, it’s also mentioned in the strapline. Can you tell what it is yet?
Now I’ve no objection to party affiliations being made clear but I don’t recall this being done so prominently for other parties in similar stories. Perhaps I’m wrong – I don’t have time to Google it and the BBC website no longer has “related stories” links. But that’s my inpression.
And don’t tell me the picture they’ve used is accidental!
This deserves a thread of its own. The BBC are a disgrace, it was well reported on this blog when all the Liebour MP’s were nailed that the word LABOUR was missing from the headlines then
And , of course, the BBC really hate Lord Taylor as he is black and a Tory, an Uncle Tom.
I don’t know if anyone has done an analysis, but the overwhelming number of prosecutions are against Labour politicians and I had the impression Labour were far the worst offenders in the expenses scandal.
I am disappointed in Paul Lewis who I think is by far the best presenter on the BBC. But, I guess he had no choice. “Money Box” is one of the few Radio programmes I listen to.
But, this is puzzling. Surely the BBC would want a feature on the reductions in BBC pensions to show that they are sharing the pain with the rest of us ? Or am I missing something ?
A study is being used to support the theory many educated, middle-aged left-wingers are in fact conservatives who can’t admit it. Is this true?
Answer: You must be joking. Of course it’s the aging right-wingers who are still c#^ts. Complete with the obligatory appearance of Billy Bragg, who says he’d like to emulate Tony Benn.
Obviously the Beeboids felt the need to rush out a rebuttal to the Telegraph piece. Classic.
I don’t know if the BBC has covered this story. It’s so UNBELIEVABLE, you might not believe it.
It’s OK to Kill Your Muslim 14-Year-Old Daughter in Canada
Putting a Calgary mom who strangled her promiscuous 14-year-old daughter in jail would smack of vengeance, a judge said Thursday, in handing her probation instead.
Justice Sal LoVecchio placed Aset Magomadova on probation for three years ruling the time behind bars sought by the prosecution wasn’t needed.
“The Crown says due to the nature of the act, namely a ligature strangulation and the necessity to address deterrence and denunciation a period of incarceration is necessary to preserve respect for the law,” LoVecchio noted.
“I do not agree,” the Court of Queen’s Bench judge said.
“Deterrence and denunciation may also be addressed without a period of incarceration,” LoVecchio said, in agreeing with defence lawyer Alain Hepner prison wasn’t warranted.
LoVecchio noted Magomadova has complied with strict bail conditions and has shown a willingness to participate in programs which will assist her. “At this point, putting her in jail would speak more to vengeance than anything else,” he said. . . . Unbelievable.
Having now seen Laura Kuenssberg’s interview with Diane Abbott a second time, a thought occurs to me. The segment ended with Abbott declaring that, because the US elected a black man, perhaps now Labour could have a black leader and possibly black PM.
Everyone here surely remembers just how many times the BBC kept wondering aloud if the US was too racist to elect a black man. Matt Frei was pretty sure we were, and after the election they hyped up the racial angle even on CBBC (although I have to point out that only on CBBC did they actually ask if the best man for the job won the election!). Then, of course, the BBC was forced to ask if the UK might one day see a black PM.
However, now that Abbot has once again made her race an election platform, why isn’t the BBC asking if Labour is too racist to elect a black leader? They should be asking that every time they mention the leadership race, just like they did for over a year during the US election campaign.
We were told time and time again by various Beeboids that if the US didn’t elect a black man it was because we were too racist, full stop. So why aren’t they doing it now? Come on, BBC, let’s have some honesty and balanced reporting on racial issues for once. Where’s all that racialist hand-wringing now, BBC? Don’t want to be seen as possibly affecting the outcome by raising a damaging issue?
Ever wondered why support for Jews and Israel is such an integral part of American foreign policy. At least, until Obama rode into town on his camel?
Most people in the UK have no clue about the US. Or Israel. And waching the BBC could only broaden their ignorance.
The BBC and the left would have you believe it’s because the 2% of the US population who are Jews hold such an enormous sway over the organs of power.
Actually this is totally arse about face. Yes Jews do punch above their political weight in all sorts of issues. But they can do so for Israel because…
Support for Israel near record high, Gallup Poll shows July 14, 2010
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Support for Israel among Americans is at a near record high, a new poll showed.
According to the Gallup Poll, 63 percent of Americans say their sympathies in the Middle East conflict are with Israel, while 15 percent side with the Palestinians. The rest favor both sides, neither side or have no opinion.
Support for Israel was higher only in 1991, shortly after Israel was hit with Scud missiles during the Gulf War, when it was at 64 percent.
The poll, conducted in early February, was part of Gallup’s annual World Affairs survey in which Americans were asked a series of questions about their opinions of 20 countries or entities, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel’s ranking, at 67 percent favorable, was among the highest of the countries surveyed. The Palestinian Authority, at 20 percent, was among the lowest.
Unlike the UK, and Europe where good old-fashioned Jew hate is rampant across the political spectrum left and right, the US government disses Israel at its electoral peril.
There it’s only the left which is in the anti-Semitism sewer.
Here… the BBC leads the illiteratti charge against big bully Israel (in a country smaller than Yorkshire with a population less than London); and sides with those tiny 400 million Arabs, and 1.2 billion Muslims
They SHOULD be asking is it right to elect someone who is a total hypocrite for not sending her kid to a crappy state school, you know the ones created by Socialists for the proles.
Abbott is a joke, just like Galloway, only halfwitted mongs like Kuntsberg take fatty seriously.
Laura K doesn’t really take Abbott seriously (I don’t think anyone at the BBC really does, to be honest), but she doesn’t dare challenge her on those racialist statements because she wants to keep her job. Andrew Neil said something to Abbot once, and lost one of his shows because of it, even though it wasn’t the show where he actually challenged her. The BBC bosses blamed it on ratings, naturally.
Maybe Neil gave Ed Balls an easy ride on This Week because he was afraid of being banned from the BBC altogether.
What’s on Andrew Neil said something to Abbot once, and lost one of his shows because of it, even though it wasn’t the show where he actually challenged her. ============= What show has he lost? When did this happen? Is it a reference to when he challenged her in recent weeks about her remarks about West Indian mothers going to the wall for their children? I’m not aware of him having lost any of his shows. Not that I am saying he hasn’t.
It must be difficult for INBBC to get its political propaganda nuanced the right way if it were to report on corruption involving UK Labour and Scottish governments, Libya, BP and the release of bomber al-Megrahi.
I saw something about this on the News Channel a little while ago. I heard no mention of Gordon Brown’s involvement or his statement that he didn’t want Megrahi to die in a Scottish prison, or about how he made a deal with Qadaffi, then did a Pontius Pilate on the issue, or about his claim that the deal was that the Libyans wouldn’t make it into a national day of celebration. He calimed to be “repulsed” by it afterward, but the BBC didn’t even mention that today. Strange.
I see there is a report in one of the papers that the TV tax is going to be cut, don’t know by how much (was on the end of ITV News).
Could this possibly be the start of what we want or another false dawn? We can only hope that the knife is to finally be taken to the bloated scum at the BBC.
Robert Peston was on the News Channel just now (repeated from earlier) explaining about the record…. fiiiiiine on Goldman Saaaachs. The number may sound impressive, says Peston, but it’s merely 1.2% of its reeeeevnues for the last year. Boo!
Guess what Peston forgot to teeeeeeell you about Goldman…..Saaaachs:
GS was the #2 donor to The Obamessiah’s Presidential campaign, to the tune of $994,475. Matt Frei didn’t hesitate to talk about it during the celebrations of His Ascension, so why is the BBC so coy now? Not only that, but The Obamessiah Administration has nearly as many Goldman Sachs alumni as the BBC has Labour Party supporters (this infor is from FireDogLake, a faaaar-Left blog run by people who rabidly supported His Presidential campaign).
It is certainly a start and good to see the National Audit Office being sent in. My only fear is that the NAO is stuffed full of Labour placemen and there will be a whitewash. Auditors totally independent of government would be better.
The Telegraph article quotes the now ubiquitous public sector pay standard
“Earlier this month the corporation’s annual report showed an increase in the BBC’s overall staff numbers and pay bill. The latest figures show that at least 85 senior managers earn more than David Cameron’s £142,500 salary.”
Dame Nicky, presumably primed by fat cat BBC executives, insisted a couple of days ago that the cost of the PM was £1million pa (counting grace & favour gaffs & pension entitlement etc??)
I noticed on the fat git’s paper review (Nolan on Radio 5) he didn’t mention the Telegraph (the only paper he didn’t review) it looks to me as if the BBC is working out their attack strategy on the Tories.
I think the Tories have worked out the Lib Dems won’t oppose them castrating the BBC as since the election the BBC have been beating up on them more than the Tories. No more cuddly interviews for Clegg and Cable.
Alistair Campbell’s invitations to appear on the BBC show no signs of drying up. He’s on Radio 4’s Saturday Live with ‘Fi’ Glover this morning, and if you miss him there you can hear him again on Archive on 4 tonight in ‘Dramatising New Labour’.
Where will the BBC’s favourite corrupter of our political system turn up next? Gardeners’ Question Time? Just a Minute?
Keep at it Grant – and Guest Who.
The man may claim to have become disillusioned with all politicians – including Labour ones – since his Labour Party days (and his attempts to become a Labour parliamentary candidate), but his reporting, when it isn’t being just plain superficial or sloppy, shows that his heart still lies with his old party. There is so much evidence for this that he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on should he try to take you to court!
I can’t think of anything more revolting than seeing Crick in court. Also , I would have to defend myself, while the BBC would use our money to pay expensive lawyers. Mind you, I quite fancy my chances !
Actually, I just enjoy nailing him a) for almost never managing to do what his top right claimed ‘mantra’ says and b) being a pretty much one-trick pony, p*ss poor excuse for a ‘journalist’.
Thing is, in a corporation of the bias-blind, yet one more is just another ‘king drone.
ps: Worth firing it off as a complaint. I don’t approve of vague catch-alls. ‘Potentially’ is meaningless, especially when they don’t ever specify which specific part they ‘might’ mean. I have had a few restored by this method which, interestingly, seems to mean they don’t need to log the complaint or answer it. They don’t like it much, mind, as I got a threat of banning for not using ‘proper’ channels, which if they do is fine by me.
At that point I cancel my licence and have my day in court.
To much friggin’ with the rigging and one has to say ‘enough’.
Personally I find them filthy, unhygenic and usually spattered in misdirected urine and excrement. The best bit in the overflowing basket of sh*t smeared toilet paper and a sinister hose pipe.
What next public slaughter of sheep in the street? I’m sure that would be popular
God, I see that John Barrowman has got YET ANOTHER BBC show starting tonight. Can someone please explain what is it about this man that attracts the BBC to him? he can’t sing, he can’t dance and he can’t act, has he got anything going that would appeal to the BBC?…… oh hang on yes, one, he’s a homosexual.
John Simpson needs to be put out to pasture immediately. I’m sitting here in disbelief watching his special report on Peshawar and surrounding area of Pakistan.
Earlier, he explained that there’s trouble in the tribal region because the Pakistani government has no jurisdiction over it. So they set up checkpoints, which Simpson said were remarkably “successful” in stopping suicide bombers. Ever heard a Beeboid say that about Israeli checkpoints intended for the same purpose? Never. When the Israelis do it, they’re humiliating the Palestinians and occupying their territory. When the Pakistani government does it, they’re not humiliating people from the tribal areas or occupying their territory.
Worse, I just saw Simpson say that some imam is not and extremist “by any stretch of the imagination”, but when asked if the Taliban are winning in Afghanistan, the first word out of his mouth is “Inshallah” – God willing. This isn’t an extremist? Goodbye, Simpson, you’re a liar and a fool.
Copy that – like so many at the BBC Simpson is a liar and a fool, and a facile misrepresenter of the truth subsidised by a mandatory license fee. Conceited fvck who adds no value but thinks the world of himself
Only 90 seconds into this week’s BBC World Dateline London, and already ignorant fvck Gavin Esler has included a snide reference to `still more cuts’ from the new UK Govt, and asks his guests whether BP is the `unacceptable face of capitalism’.
(1) No mention of course of the sick, irresponsible piling up of debt under the previous UK Govt, particularly during the last 2 years in the knowledge and spirit that the massive debt would be the problem for the next Govt to tackle;
(2) No mention of course that if the US Govt had not implicitly guaranteed the drilling in the Gulf of Mexico with its permits, no insurance company would have gone within a million miles of backstopping the risk of drilling 3 miles below sea level.
The US Govt body in charge of granting permits to drill has long been in bed with the companies it supposedly watches over, but of course for Esler and the other know-nothings at the BBC and around his coffee table, it’s all just about the `unacceptable face of capitalism.’
Why is the license fee, essentially a mandatory tax, being spent on screening know-nothings sitting around a coffee table spouting shyte about subjects they’re not fit to talk about ???
“Details are sketchy at the moment, and as is always so in the heat of breaking events not all that is being reported may turn out to be accurate. But it does seem likely that there is rioting in Dudley, provoked by Muslim gangs. Pamela Geller is following events closely over at Atlas Shrugs, and is updating with exclusive reports, so check back there often.”
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) ‘report’ on same events:
Why does the BBC censor the news in this extraordinary manner?
If the BBC was reporting riots from, say, Belfast, they wouldn’t omit who was doing the rioting: they would say that it was nationalist or loyalist youths and whether it was in a Catholic or Protestant area of the city.
If they reported rioting from Los Angeles, they would tell us from which area of the city and whether it was black or other identifiable groups rioting.
If there was trouble in Arizona (about immigration policy) by immigrants or pro-immigrant or anti-immigrant groups, they would tell us that and identify any identifiable groups, such as Mexican immigrants.
Wouldn’t they?
So why if there is rioting in Grenoble by African or Algerian groups over a shot Algerian, why would the BBC find it necessary or desirable to omit that information?
If the BBC knows this information, why is it not suitable for us to know it?
If the BBC is not going to tell us the news, we have to go elsewhere to find out what is going in.
Why then should we obliged to pay to make the BBC the most lavishly funded and extravagant of broadcasters?
Speaking of lavish funding and extravagance, as a rhetorical question, just what is the point of Andrew Marr and his risible excuse for a show?
For a start, as his studio guests can’t be relied upon to make up the necessary anti-government or other media snipes, we get treated to… Marcus Brigstock in full, irony-free rant mode.
Then there are Mr. Marr’s one-trick pony abilities as an ‘interviewer’, at which he is awful.
Somewhere in his brain he has figured that you get noticed for getting folk to say something out of turn, but his constant attempts at saying what he wants them to say and hoping they’ll repeat it just comes across as pathetic.
Liam Fox put him in his… very sad, lonely, place. While Peter M. simply managed to treat him with contempt. No mean feat considering the good Lord’s standing everywhere else.
If the BBC does feel the need to provide airspace to such folk and their commercial ambitions, might they at least try and get someone competent?
“Going against the will of 2/3 of British people. Are 2/3 of Britons un-British, then?
“Green also says that such a ban would run contrary to the conventions of ‘tolerant and mutually respectful society.’Clearly, he knows nothing of Islamic law and its knack for doing just that. And for that matter, how does concealing one’s face in public foster a mutually respectful society? It is a mark of separation and distrust, and of non-engagement with ‘the other,’ to borrow a well-worn multiculturalist term.
“But, of course, one must remember that multicultural ‘tolerance’ is a one-way street on which Western values must yield the right-of-way to galloping Sharia.”
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) version:
Broadcasting House began today with the Coalition’s announcement that it is going to give more aid to Afghanistan. What angle did the programme take? The angle that this would mean taking money away from the poor elsewhere. So Paddy O’Connell talked to a former foreign secretary of India – one of the countries most likely to have its aid budget cut – hoping, probably, to get some negative comments about the move. Unfortunately (and amusingly for anyone who knows Paddy O’Connell’s pro-Labour track record) Mr Sibal was full of understanding for any such move and, worse, began to say approving things about the strong steps taken by the new government to tackle our national debt. This brought Paddy rudely crashing in to stop Mr Sibal in his tracks and get the BBC agenda back on track: “Two questions for you. Firstly, although you may not be surprised at changes in the budgets here, you can’t…we should be in no doubt that there’s dramatic need in India. 1.3 billion people still live below the poverty line?” (A funny figure that, because the total population of India is only 1.2 billion!)Predictable bias from Broadcasting House.
The Obamessiah – who is all about green energy and cap-and-trade and all that, right – is on vacation in Maine this weekend, and flew the family dog in on its own private jet, accompanied by the President’s personal aid. A truly classy President, leading by example.
Here’s something I missed earlier: the BBC encouraging Obamessiah worship among innocent African and Pakistani children, and trying to impress UK children with it. Nice, bit of propaganda for your kids, eh?
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Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:05 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Excellent news The TTK regime is putting a record number of over 80s in hospital with flu- dont mention the…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
Don’t know if many have read this but great article by Andrew Gilligan on why Live Aid was a failure, not that the BBC think so.
Idiots like Geldof assume all Africans are as thick as him. In my personal experience they are not.
Look forward to Geldof and the BBC reporting President Wade of Senegal’s view that aid for Africa , if channelled through governments or NGOs is bad for Africa.
At risk of duplicating any tip made elsewhere, earlier…
Guessing another not selected by one of Aunty’s polls where 132% of all right-thinking folk reckon the BBC is world class and worth every penny.
Thanks for that link – have blogged it over on A Tangled Web.
Oh look – again from the Telegraph
another in-bred trendy appointed to run Radio 4. She’s worked for the BBC since 1976 and has impeccable credentials: brought up in S Africa then Oxford then the BBC: she knows less about the real world than my cat. I’m sure Radio 4’s employees will be ecstatic since Ms Williams’ probable first – and only – instruction will be “no change just keep on pumping out the the propaganda”.
She is from the BBC World Service apparently. But just look at who else might have got the job: Peter Barron, who used to edit the egregious Newsnight. How would you like him? Or Peston? Heaven help us!
It’s interesting that it says she will get about £180,000, compared with the present incumbent’s £210,000. Why is it still so high? I thought the idea about these public servants’ salaries was that none of them should get more than the prime minister, i.e. about £140,000?
Dilbert – – has a notion on talent retention, which seems to so trouble Aunty’s market raters
I didn’t watch QT last night (Simply because its now just a party political broadcast for ‘We are all Hezb-allah party) Anyway I turned the telly over to Channel 2 and watched newsnight. It seems that the bBC is pushing with the idea that any Afghan army soldier (ANA) who is injured while serving his country should not only be sent to the UK in which to be treated , but also given the right to live here. Of course this would also mean bringing his whole family over as well.
pounce — but the Gurkhas can go fuck themslves.
(sorry about the language but I feel strongly about this subject.)
Quite agree . The treatment of the Gurkhas by the previous government was a disgrace.
Of course the Beeboids hate them . Decent, polite, conservative, brave, loyal , honest etc. Everything Beeboids hate.
Long live Jo Lumley.
Ayo Gurkha !!!
So the Afghans are not fighting for their own country they are fighting for us? Why doesn’t all the Aghans who don’t support the Taliban come to live here and then we can pull all the troops out of the country.
That has to be one of the daftest arguments ever made. There is a civil war in the Sudan as well – lets take in all those people who do not support the countries government. Another civil war problem sorted.
Those sophisticates at the BBC just can’t get along with the barbarism of those US rednecks
World Have Your Say
Do the private transgressions of people like Mel Gibson and Roman Polanski affect the way that you view their work?
So buggering a 13 year old is just a private matter in the BBC’s eyes
Buggering a 13 year old should be made legal to the BBC.
Good news, everyone! Matt Frei is going to have a daily blog beginning in September, to keep you even more informed about US issues! Gaudeamus!
The attitude on display here says it all:
So as we re-launch our BBC News website I will throw myself into the gushing maelstrom of a daily blog, updated at meal-times.
Its mission will be not dissimilar to the mission of BBC World News America.
We will try to create a connection, an understanding, a rapport between the world’s most powerful country and everyone else.
As a friendly broadcaster with global tentacles, the BBC is perhaps in a unique position to connect those global dots.
For better or for worse my job will be to facilitate this
They really have no clue, do they? The language is, as always, very revealing. The Beeboids feel that they are gatekeepers and story-tellers. There is no valid journalistic reason to create a “rapport” between the British public and the US. This just gives them license to create their own Narrative, to give you only the impression they want you to have. Frei Boy and his BBC colleagues truly believe that they’ve been doing it right all along, and merely need to step up their game. Does anyone get a sense that they realize they need to keep you better informed, provide a wider variety of voices, or stop acting like another publicity arm of the White House? No, of course not.
I’m sure it’s partially because of all the budget and expense noise going on at the BBC. Somebody upstairs handed a list of targets to Frei’s boss, who decided that Frei needs to appear busier in order to justify his enormous salary. To the average Beeboid, maintaining a daily blog is just the thing to make it seem as if Frei is giving more value for money. Quality of content is unimportant, but you can bet we’ll get a daily dose of Frei Boy’s uniquely sneering opinion on US issues.
The need for a rebuttal is going to be more important than ever come September.
It has nothing to do with the British public. Oh, no! The whole world is its fiefdom. It has all those global tentacles, you see. The BBC is nothing but global-lobal and world dominance is its goal. You may have thought because it is called the British Broadcasting Corporation and is funded by us, that it would consider us its audience. Far from it. The BBC has nothing but disdain for those little people who pay for it and for this little country.
Frei uses the word “gushing”.
That exactly describes his prat broadcast manner.
I seem to have missed any report from Frei about the desperate polling numbers Obama is getting, or about the view even on the Dem side that they could well lose the House and the Senate in November.
Or about the fact that all the US economic indicators are real bad.
David, In its US coverage would you say the BBC has been assiduously noting and highlighting the growing number of prominent figures (even among left-leaning commentators and people who voted for Obama) already talking openly about the failure of the Obama presidency ?
….or that there is now open talk about Hillary Clinton running for the 2012 Dem nomination – to save the party ?
I never thought that it would come to the stage when I would rather Hillary was President than Obama !
prpw, assiduously hiding and skipping over them, more like.
The bBC reinvents history in which to promote its left of center of view that the Uk should have an open border policy
EU-Pakistan deal sharpens debate on migrants
Thousands of Afghan and Pakistani illegal migrants in Europe could be affected by new EU moves to tighten co-operation with major transit countries used by would-be immigrants……….
The UK, with one of the biggest Pakistani communities outside Pakistan, has opted into the agreement – despite the fact that it already has a bilateral immigration deal with Islamabad.
But UK Labour MEP Claude Moraes rejects the Pakistan readmission agreement as it stands, like other MEPs in the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group and the Greens.
He questioned the wisdom of having EU-wide agreements on such matters, pointing to the special ties binding the UK with Pakistan, a former colony.
So Pakistan was a former colony was it bBC?
pounce — oh yes, GB invaded Pakistan in 1948. ha ha.
Brilliant – and these people are supposed to be inteligent. I wonder what would have happened to George Bush if he had come out with that?
Unbelievable that the BBC doesn’t even know the basic history of India and Pakistan.
Robert Peston on the News Channel right now trying to explain The Obamessiah’s draconian banking regulations and how it will affect the financial sector. A load of garbage, really, heavily biased in favor of shutting down most of the high-risk transactions large banks engage in, complete with a bit of dishonesty about debt financing. None of this is surprising, as it’s exactly in line with the opinoins on these matters which Peston has been expressing in his blog for the last two years. Nothing new here, he condemned this stuff long ago.
However, the editorializing was nearly as unbearable as the way Peston….streeeeeetches out…his…wooooooords.
He referred to the major banks as “ruthlessly profitable”. And there you have it. As is so often the case, BBC editors go beyond informing and get into opinion mongering.
Peston spots more crap than Prescott does. Note how Peston has been ‘cut out’ of the Downing Street information line now the Tories are in power, as has Easton and Toenails.
I also note thatPeston fails to mention what an utter failure Barry’s stimulus plan has been.
Peston still has all his City contacts, I’m sure, but you can tell that the Government no longer runs policy announcements by him before they announce them to see how the BBC will cover it.
When is Peston going to investigate the “fat cats” at the BBC?
BBC News spending some time on the oil spill today, because BP’s latest effort at a cap might actually be working. We’ll see. Of course, a key element of this story – of equal importance to the technical details of the well and drilling, etc. – is the environmental damage caused by all this. And the newly revamped BBC News Online is on top of it.
How much damage has the oil spill done?
It’s pretty devastating, yes. But with all the hand-wringing and photos of oily animals, is there a single, solitary mention of the clean-up effort itself or any of the myriad problems with it? No, nor has the BBC ever reported that there has been even one little problem. As always, the BBC censors news from the US so that you get a specific impression of the situation. I guess this is the “rapport” Matt Frei was talking about.
I’ve posted many comments here in the recent months with plenty of information about how badly the Government has handled this. Even the HuffingtonPost (soruce of most of Justin Webb’s opinions on US issues) has admitted that The Obamessiah has made mistakes. He has failed miserably in His handling of the cleanup effort. Yet, the BBC hasn’t made one single mention anywhere across the spectrum of broadcasting that there has been a problem. They’ve censored the news coming from the US.
I’m going to be generous for one second and give them an excuse:
Democrats block amendment to ensure press access to oil spill
Media outlets such as The New York Times, Columbia Journalism Review, and NPR have written damning reports of the government’s unreasonable attempts to limit access to the spill. The New Orleans Times-Picayune was prohibited from flying a plane over the spill so a photographer could get pictures. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., was denied permission to take a boat out to the spill with reporters and examine the catastrophe affecting his state. The Associated Press sent a letter of protest with the White House over the arbitrary restrictions. A CBS camera crew was threatened with arrest for trying to report from a beach affected by the spill.
So the Government has been blocking the Beeboids from doing their jobs and reporting on the clean-up effort, right? If that’s the case – and clearly several other international media organizations have reported the problem – why hasn’t the BBC reported that?
I think we know why: censorship, all to protect the President from criticism. This is the “rapport” Matt Frei is talking about. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues, especially when they start ramping up their “reporting” over the next few weeks.
No mention of Barry’s popularity going down the pan quicker than a beeboid’s used condom down the pan of a toilet on Hampstead Heath either.
Your posts always make me smile. Some of your phrases are almost surreal.
Keep it up , old boy, so to speak !
Also not mentioned on the BBC has been Barry’s u turn regarding NASA and Muzzie outreach. Now the White House is saying this is not correct, DESPITE only the other day backing the NASA administrators comments.
The Telegraph is full of all sorts of things today. I just wanted to mention this article by Peggy Noonan.
When Peggy Noonan says Bambi’s a flop – you know he’s a flop
Yes, yet another sorry bit of crap leadership from The Obamessiah. This Administration has been run even worse than Clinton’s, and that’s saying something. He’s an amateur, surrounded by thugs and hacks, everything a total mess. Where’s the Secretary of State, whose job it actually is to reach to the Muslim world? Total silence, becuase she’s also a joke. BBC News is also a joke because this is yet another controversy which they’ve censored.
I feel sorry for Charles Bolden, who has been put in a really bad position. If he wasn’t given the mission to suck up to Mohammedans, why was he on Al Jazeera in the first place? Why is the head of NASA doing that at all, if it’s not part of some White House plan? Bolden isn’t a moron, and wouldn’t make stuff up or go off on some crazy mission on his own.
Probably because NASA now has sod all to do, hitchhiking lifts off Russia to get up to the ISS and that’s about it.
I feel sorry for the staff at NASA, I grew up in the 1960’s watching the Moon landings, the USA was rightfully proud of its space programme, it was brave and daring, but now NASA seems to be just a political tool.
I’ve heard lots of people are leaving, fed up with no goals for the future, any idea that Barry O is the black JFK is a total joke.
Obama has expanded on the NASA administrators islamo-outreach speech…
“I therefore ask the Congress to provide the funds to meet the following national goal, before this decade is out, of landing a Koran on the moon and returning it safely to the earth.
And not because it is easy. But because it’s the will of Allah.
Not that I am a Muslim, or anything. Thank you”
I agree with half of that.
I still think this was just a clumsy, amateurish attempt to solicit Arab oil money to fund NASA projects. Whatever’s going on, it’s a clear signal of incompetence at the White House.
The BBC has sent a correspondent to the US specifically to promote immigration, and to muddy the waters of the debate about illegal immigration. It’s the same thing they do in the UK. Any who complains about illegal immigration or immigrant benefit scroungers is met with “immigration is good for country – you can’t be against immigration, full stop”. Which is a red herring, but that’s a standard distraction tactic to stifle debate.
Now the BBC is doing it in the US. I’m sure this Beeboid will find loads of lovely immigrants (my grandfather was a lovely immigrant, as were all my great-grandparents), but how will he handle the illegal ones? I bet he spends time building up the Narrative about how great immigrants are before dropping that little stink-bomb. At which point the Narrative will naturally be one of disappointment that the nasty US immigration laws are damaging the success of otherwise lovely immigrants. Laws? Who cares about laws when emotion is involved.
So the BBC appoints yet another German-origin guy to report on the USA. Strasser apparently has never even spent substantial time in the UK.
Can someone explain why Brits have to pay for his jolly across the US ?
And yes – it is obvious he will present a rosy view of immigration – that is why he was chosen, that is what his jolly is all about. To disguise or soften the deep apprehensions of most Americans about rampant illegal immigration – and about Obama’s failure to close the border, and failure now to crack down on employment of illegals.
But the BBC does manage to find time and space to report that Sarah Palin’s daughter is engaged to her baby-daddy. Great job, BBC News. Worth every penny of the license fee. You are a joke.
But they never reproted that he admitted that his tales about Palin being abad mother were total bollocks did they?
But of course that was a totally accidental omission
Also Robin Williams is going back to Take That. Now that is news I didn’t know the Archdruid could sing.
I see there is another prosecution for another politician allegedly fiddling expenses. His party affiliation is trumpeted in the headline but, in case you’re uncertain, it’s also mentioned in the strapline. Can you tell what it is yet?
Now I’ve no objection to party affiliations being made clear but I don’t recall this being done so prominently for other parties in similar stories. Perhaps I’m wrong – I don’t have time to Google it and the BBC website no longer has “related stories” links. But that’s my inpression.
And don’t tell me the picture they’ve used is accidental!
I can guess. Lib Dem? O:-)
This deserves a thread of its own. The BBC are a disgrace, it was well reported on this blog when all the Liebour MP’s were nailed that the word LABOUR was missing from the headlines then
The BBC really are scum.
And , of course, the BBC really hate Lord Taylor as he is black and a Tory, an Uncle Tom.
I don’t know if anyone has done an analysis, but the overwhelming number of prosecutions are against Labour politicians and I had the impression Labour were far the worst offenders in the expenses scandal.
I am disappointed in Paul Lewis who I think is by far the best presenter on the BBC. But, I guess he had no choice. “Money Box” is one of the few Radio programmes I listen to.
But, this is puzzling. Surely the BBC would want a feature on the reductions in BBC pensions to show that they are sharing the pain with the rest of us ? Or am I missing something ?
One of the few remaining Radio 4 programmes that I can listen to without wanting to throw the radio at the wall.
Another BBC classic:
Are ageing lefties in denial?
A study is being used to support the theory many educated, middle-aged left-wingers are in fact conservatives who can’t admit it. Is this true?
Answer: You must be joking. Of course it’s the aging right-wingers who are still c#^ts. Complete with the obligatory appearance of Billy Bragg, who says he’d like to emulate Tony Benn.
Obviously the Beeboids felt the need to rush out a rebuttal to the Telegraph piece. Classic.
who says he’d like to emulate Tony Benn.
Billy you’re already nuttier than a house full of nuts. So emulation complete.
“If a man is not a socialist in his youth, he has no heart. If he is
not a conservative by the time he is 30 he has no head” — Georges
Are the Beeboids in denial that they lost the election ?
I don’t know if the BBC has covered this story. It’s so UNBELIEVABLE, you might not believe it.
It’s OK to Kill Your Muslim 14-Year-Old Daughter in Canada
Putting a Calgary mom who strangled her promiscuous 14-year-old daughter in jail would smack of vengeance, a judge said Thursday, in handing her probation instead.
Justice Sal LoVecchio placed Aset Magomadova on probation for three years ruling the time behind bars sought by the prosecution wasn’t needed.
“The Crown says due to the nature of the act, namely a ligature strangulation and the necessity to address deterrence and denunciation a period of incarceration is necessary to preserve respect for the law,” LoVecchio noted.
“I do not agree,” the Court of Queen’s Bench judge said.
“Deterrence and denunciation may also be addressed without a period of incarceration,” LoVecchio said, in agreeing with defence lawyer Alain Hepner prison wasn’t warranted.
LoVecchio noted Magomadova has complied with strict bail conditions and has shown a willingness to participate in programs which will assist her.
“At this point, putting her in jail would speak more to vengeance than anything else,” he said.
. . . Unbelievable.
No, it’s not the sort thing which the Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) reports, is it?
Canada: Muslim woman will not go to jail for strangling her teenage daughter with a head scarf
‘Keep the Burqa’, says Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC).
‘Ban the Burqa’, say British people:
“Islam Burka Ban: 67% of Britons agree”
Sky News
Having now seen Laura Kuenssberg’s interview with Diane Abbott a second time, a thought occurs to me. The segment ended with Abbott declaring that, because the US elected a black man, perhaps now Labour could have a black leader and possibly black PM.
Everyone here surely remembers just how many times the BBC kept wondering aloud if the US was too racist to elect a black man. Matt Frei was pretty sure we were, and after the election they hyped up the racial angle even on CBBC (although I have to point out that only on CBBC did they actually ask if the best man for the job won the election!). Then, of course, the BBC was forced to ask if the UK might one day see a black PM.
However, now that Abbot has once again made her race an election platform, why isn’t the BBC asking if Labour is too racist to elect a black leader? They should be asking that every time they mention the leadership race, just like they did for over a year during the US election campaign.
We were told time and time again by various Beeboids that if the US didn’t elect a black man it was because we were too racist, full stop. So why aren’t they doing it now? Come on, BBC, let’s have some honesty and balanced reporting on racial issues for once. Where’s all that racialist hand-wringing now, BBC? Don’t want to be seen as possibly affecting the outcome by raising a damaging issue?
Ever wondered why support for Jews and Israel is such an integral part of American foreign policy. At least, until Obama rode into town on his camel?
Most people in the UK have no clue about the US. Or Israel. And waching the BBC could only broaden their ignorance.
The BBC and the left would have you believe it’s because the 2% of the US population who are Jews hold such an enormous sway over the organs of power.
Actually this is totally arse about face. Yes Jews do punch above their political weight in all sorts of issues. But they can do so for Israel because…
Support for Israel near record high, Gallup Poll shows
July 14, 2010
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Support for Israel among Americans is at a near record high, a new poll showed.
According to the Gallup Poll, 63 percent of Americans say their sympathies in the Middle East conflict are with Israel, while 15 percent side with the Palestinians. The rest favor both sides, neither side or have no opinion.
Support for Israel was higher only in 1991, shortly after Israel was hit with Scud missiles during the Gulf War, when it was at 64 percent.
The poll, conducted in early February, was part of Gallup’s annual World Affairs survey in which Americans were asked a series of questions about their opinions of 20 countries or entities, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel’s ranking, at 67 percent favorable, was among the highest of the countries surveyed. The Palestinian Authority, at 20 percent, was among the lowest.
Unlike the UK, and Europe where good old-fashioned Jew hate is rampant across the political spectrum left and right, the US government disses Israel at its electoral peril.
There it’s only the left which is in the anti-Semitism sewer.
Here… the BBC leads the illiteratti charge against big bully Israel (in a country smaller than Yorkshire with a population less than London); and sides with those tiny 400 million Arabs, and 1.2 billion Muslims
That is why I love the BBC, they always side with the underdogs.
They SHOULD be asking is it right to elect someone who is a total hypocrite for not sending her kid to a crappy state school, you know the ones created by Socialists for the proles.
Abbott is a joke, just like Galloway, only halfwitted mongs like Kuntsberg take fatty seriously.
If Abbott and Galloway ever bred, they’d have a brat just like Gordon Brown.
Laura K doesn’t really take Abbott seriously (I don’t think anyone at the BBC really does, to be honest), but she doesn’t dare challenge her on those racialist statements because she wants to keep her job. Andrew Neil said something to Abbot once, and lost one of his shows because of it, even though it wasn’t the show where he actually challenged her. The BBC bosses blamed it on ratings, naturally.
Maybe Neil gave Ed Balls an easy ride on This Week because he was afraid of being banned from the BBC altogether.
I am sure the BBC hate Andrew Neil, but keep him on so they can scream “balance”.
Also he is a pretty big beast and not easily intimidated. If they sacked him, I bet he would have some tales to tell and would tell them.
What’s on Andrew Neil said something to Abbot once, and lost one of his shows because of it, even though it wasn’t the show where he actually challenged her.
What show has he lost? When did this happen? Is it a reference to when he challenged her in recent weeks about her remarks about West Indian mothers going to the wall for their children? I’m not aware of him having lost any of his shows. Not that I am saying he hasn’t.
Apparently Straight Talk will be canceled. Can’t tell where this info really comes from, I admit.
Interesting. That’s a shame it’s being cancelled. There are few enough in-depth interviews of politicians on TV.
Not a report for Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC):
Sky News
“Dutch politician forms anti-Islam coalition”
It must be difficult for INBBC to get its political propaganda nuanced the right way if it were to report on corruption involving UK Labour and Scottish governments, Libya, BP and the release of bomber al-Megrahi.
‘Times of India’:
“Now BP under lens in Lockerbie case”
I saw something about this on the News Channel a little while ago. I heard no mention of Gordon Brown’s involvement or his statement that he didn’t want Megrahi to die in a Scottish prison, or about how he made a deal with Qadaffi, then did a Pontius Pilate on the issue, or about his claim that the deal was that the Libyans wouldn’t make it into a national day of celebration. He calimed to be “repulsed” by it afterward, but the BBC didn’t even mention that today. Strange.
I see there is a report in one of the papers that the TV tax is going to be cut, don’t know by how much (was on the end of ITV News).
Could this possibly be the start of what we want or another false dawn? We can only hope that the knife is to finally be taken to the bloated scum at the BBC.
Robert Peston was on the News Channel just now (repeated from earlier) explaining about the record…. fiiiiiine on Goldman Saaaachs. The number may sound impressive, says Peston, but it’s merely 1.2% of its reeeeevnues for the last year. Boo!
Guess what Peston forgot to teeeeeeell you about Goldman…..Saaaachs:
GS was the #2 donor to The Obamessiah’s Presidential campaign, to the tune of $994,475. Matt Frei didn’t hesitate to talk about it during the celebrations of His Ascension, so why is the BBC so coy now? Not only that, but The Obamessiah Administration has nearly as many Goldman Sachs alumni as the BBC has Labour Party supporters (this infor is from FireDogLake, a faaaar-Left blog run by people who rabidly supported His Presidential campaign).
Here’s the link
Sounds promising. You can see now why the BBC were in the frontline in causing trouble for Hunt over the ridiculous Hillsborough episode.
Note to Jeremy…I am not interested in a reduction…only abolition.
Yes we all want abolition of the tax, but this is a good start.
It is certainly a start and good to see the National Audit Office being sent in. My only fear is that the NAO is stuffed full of Labour placemen and there will be a whitewash. Auditors totally independent of government would be better.
Biased-BBCers in the West MIdlands might wish to keep an eye on this young lady:
From the company she keeps, I reckon she could be “one for the future”.
The Telegraph article quotes the now ubiquitous public sector pay standard
“Earlier this month the corporation’s annual report showed an increase in the BBC’s overall staff numbers and pay bill. The latest figures show that at least 85 senior managers earn more than David Cameron’s £142,500 salary.”
Dame Nicky, presumably primed by fat cat BBC executives, insisted a couple of days ago that the cost of the PM was £1million pa (counting grace & favour gaffs & pension entitlement etc??)
You could have getting on for six prime ministers for the price of one scruffy, half-shaved director general of the BBC. What a farce!
I noticed on the fat git’s paper review (Nolan on Radio 5) he didn’t mention the Telegraph (the only paper he didn’t review) it looks to me as if the BBC is working out their attack strategy on the Tories.
I think the Tories have worked out the Lib Dems won’t oppose them castrating the BBC as since the election the BBC have been beating up on them more than the Tories. No more cuddly interviews for Clegg and Cable.
Alistair Campbell’s invitations to appear on the BBC show no signs of drying up. He’s on Radio 4’s Saturday Live with ‘Fi’ Glover this morning, and if you miss him there you can hear him again on Archive on 4 tonight in ‘Dramatising New Labour’.
Where will the BBC’s favourite corrupter of our political system turn up next? Gardeners’ Question Time? Just a Minute?
Eastenders ?
One of my few pleasures in life is posting on Michael Prick’s website. There are a small handful of like-minded people who enjoy winding him up.
For the second time I just received an email from the BBC saying that one of my posts had been removed as ” potential defamatory”.
Interesting that the post was over a month old. I wonder how many BBC lawyers and how many meetings they held to reach a decision.
The post was deliberately planted and read :
“Michael Crick is a well-known Labour Party supporter. Should he be using the BBC website to push his political views ? ”
Are they saying it is defamatory to accuse someone of supporting Labour ?
Any defamation lawyers out there ?
Anyone following Prick’s blog, I don’t post under the name of Grant !
Keep at it Grant – and Guest Who.
The man may claim to have become disillusioned with all politicians – including Labour ones – since his Labour Party days (and his attempts to become a Labour parliamentary candidate), but his reporting, when it isn’t being just plain superficial or sloppy, shows that his heart still lies with his old party. There is so much evidence for this that he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on should he try to take you to court!
I can’t think of anything more revolting than seeing Crick in court. Also , I would have to defend myself, while the BBC would use our money to pay expensive lawyers. Mind you, I quite fancy my chances !
David Vance,
Nice to see you posting on “Notasheep’s Blog”. I think other B-BBC posters would enjoy it. It is at :
Sorry, not too good with links.
Notasheep, That’s my bit of free publicity !
Ditto (in many ways:).
Actually, I just enjoy nailing him a) for almost never managing to do what his top right claimed ‘mantra’ says and b) being a pretty much one-trick pony, p*ss poor excuse for a ‘journalist’.
Thing is, in a corporation of the bias-blind, yet one more is just another ‘king drone.
ps: Worth firing it off as a complaint. I don’t approve of vague catch-alls. ‘Potentially’ is meaningless, especially when they don’t ever specify which specific part they ‘might’ mean. I have had a few restored by this method which, interestingly, seems to mean they don’t need to log the complaint or answer it. They don’t like it much, mind, as I got a threat of banning for not using ‘proper’ channels, which if they do is fine by me.
At that point I cancel my licence and have my day in court.
To much friggin’ with the rigging and one has to say ‘enough’.
Yes, they have threatened me with “banning”, even though my posts there are quite mild ! The BBC are such sensitive little souls.
Not bias, but FFS!
Special squatting toilets have been installed in a Greater Manchester shopping centre after its bosses went on a cultural awareness course
Personally I find them filthy, unhygenic and usually spattered in misdirected urine and excrement. The best bit in the overflowing basket of sh*t smeared toilet paper and a sinister hose pipe.
What next public slaughter of sheep in the street? I’m sure that would be popular
If they introduced the public slaughter of murderers, rapists, and kiddie fiddlers I might tolerate the hole on the floor crappers.
A 7th century religion is now giving us 7th century bogs.
Allah Ackbar!!!
God, I see that John Barrowman has got YET ANOTHER BBC show starting tonight. Can someone please explain what is it about this man that attracts the BBC to him? he can’t sing, he can’t dance and he can’t act, has he got anything going that would appeal to the BBC?…… oh hang on yes, one, he’s a homosexual.
B-BBC Quiztime !
For the first correct answer, I offer, as a prize, a 20-year old, sherry cask matured, non-chill freezed bottle of “Old Kirkcaldy” Irn Bru.
On “From our own correspondent ” today, female Beeboid made the following statement :
“The President is battling against his plunging popularity ratings “.
Which President was she referring to ?
1. Obama
2. Medvedev
3. Chavez
4. Castro
5. Sarkozy
I bet none of you get it right !
John Simpson needs to be put out to pasture immediately. I’m sitting here in disbelief watching his special report on Peshawar and surrounding area of Pakistan.
Earlier, he explained that there’s trouble in the tribal region because the Pakistani government has no jurisdiction over it. So they set up checkpoints, which Simpson said were remarkably “successful” in stopping suicide bombers. Ever heard a Beeboid say that about Israeli checkpoints intended for the same purpose? Never. When the Israelis do it, they’re humiliating the Palestinians and occupying their territory. When the Pakistani government does it, they’re not humiliating people from the tribal areas or occupying their territory.
Worse, I just saw Simpson say that some imam is not and extremist “by any stretch of the imagination”, but when asked if the Taliban are winning in Afghanistan, the first word out of his mouth is “Inshallah” – God willing. This isn’t an extremist? Goodbye, Simpson, you’re a liar and a fool.
Copy that – like so many at the BBC Simpson is a liar and a fool, and a facile misrepresenter of the truth subsidised by a mandatory license fee. Conceited fvck who adds no value but thinks the world of himself
A development for Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) to bypass:
“A Conservative MP has declared that he will not having meetings with constituents who refuse to remove their Islamic face veil. ”
“The BBC’s stay of execution”
Only 90 seconds into this week’s BBC World Dateline London, and already ignorant fvck Gavin Esler has included a snide reference to `still more cuts’ from the new UK Govt, and asks his guests whether BP is the `unacceptable face of capitalism’.
(1) No mention of course of the sick, irresponsible piling up of debt under the previous UK Govt, particularly during the last 2 years in the knowledge and spirit that the massive debt would be the problem for the next Govt to tackle;
(2) No mention of course that if the US Govt had not implicitly guaranteed the drilling in the Gulf of Mexico with its permits, no insurance company would have gone within a million miles of backstopping the risk of drilling 3 miles below sea level.
The US Govt body in charge of granting permits to drill has long been in bed with the companies it supposedly watches over, but of course for Esler and the other know-nothings at the BBC and around his coffee table, it’s all just about the `unacceptable face of capitalism.’
Why is the license fee, essentially a mandatory tax, being spent on screening know-nothings sitting around a coffee table spouting shyte about subjects they’re not fit to talk about ???
Well said.
Not much I can add to that !!!
‘Jihadwatch’ reports on violence in DUDLEY today:
UK: Riots in Dudley, Muslim gangs reportedly attacking people
[Opening extract] –
“Details are sketchy at the moment, and as is always so in the heat of breaking events not all that is being reported may turn out to be accurate. But it does seem likely that there is rioting in Dudley, provoked by Muslim gangs. Pamela Geller is following events closely over at Atlas Shrugs, and is updating with exclusive reports, so check back there often.”
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) ‘report’ on same events:
“Six hurt as car hits pedestrians in Dudley”
‘Atlas Shrugs’ reports on Muslim riots in GRENOBLE:
“Muslims riot, mayhem in France”
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) censors out the ‘M’-word in its ‘report’:
Nice find. If the BBC is forced to report this at some point, it will be an excuse to keep the police unarmed. I mean, look what happens, right?
Why does the BBC censor the news in this extraordinary manner?
If the BBC was reporting riots from, say, Belfast, they wouldn’t omit who was doing the rioting: they would say that it was nationalist or loyalist youths and whether it was in a Catholic or Protestant area of the city.
If they reported rioting from Los Angeles, they would tell us from which area of the city and whether it was black or other identifiable groups rioting.
If there was trouble in Arizona (about immigration policy) by immigrants or pro-immigrant or anti-immigrant groups, they would tell us that and identify any identifiable groups, such as Mexican immigrants.
Wouldn’t they?
So why if there is rioting in Grenoble by African or Algerian groups over a shot Algerian, why would the BBC find it necessary or desirable to omit that information?
If the BBC knows this information, why is it not suitable for us to know it?
If the BBC is not going to tell us the news, we have to go elsewhere to find out what is going in.
Why then should we obliged to pay to make the BBC the most lavishly funded and extravagant of broadcasters?
Speaking of lavish funding and extravagance, as a rhetorical question, just what is the point of Andrew Marr and his risible excuse for a show?
For a start, as his studio guests can’t be relied upon to make up the necessary anti-government or other media snipes, we get treated to… Marcus Brigstock in full, irony-free rant mode.
Then there are Mr. Marr’s one-trick pony abilities as an ‘interviewer’, at which he is awful.
Somewhere in his brain he has figured that you get noticed for getting folk to say something out of turn, but his constant attempts at saying what he wants them to say and hoping they’ll repeat it just comes across as pathetic.
Liam Fox put him in his… very sad, lonely, place. While Peter M. simply managed to treat him with contempt. No mean feat considering the good Lord’s standing everywhere else.
If the BBC does feel the need to provide airspace to such folk and their commercial ambitions, might they at least try and get someone competent?
‘Multiculturalism’ is a one-way street, as in ‘un-British’ to ban the burqa:
U.K.: Immigration minister nixes burqa ban as “un-British”
“Going against the will of 2/3 of British people. Are 2/3 of Britons un-British, then?
“Green also says that such a ban would run contrary to the conventions of ‘tolerant and mutually respectful society.’Clearly, he knows nothing of Islamic law and its knack for doing just that. And for that matter, how does concealing one’s face in public foster a mutually respectful society? It is a mark of separation and distrust, and of non-engagement with ‘the other,’ to borrow a well-worn multiculturalist term.
“But, of course, one must remember that multicultural ‘tolerance’ is a one-way street on which Western values must yield the right-of-way to galloping Sharia.”
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) version:
Those lovely people at MPACUK enjoy “The Now Show”.
Broadcasting House began today with the Coalition’s announcement that it is going to give more aid to Afghanistan. What angle did the programme take? The angle that this would mean taking money away from the poor elsewhere. So Paddy O’Connell talked to a former foreign secretary of India – one of the countries most likely to have its aid budget cut – hoping, probably, to get some negative comments about the move. Unfortunately (and amusingly for anyone who knows Paddy O’Connell’s pro-Labour track record) Mr Sibal was full of understanding for any such move and, worse, began to say approving things about the strong steps taken by the new government to tackle our national debt. This brought Paddy rudely crashing in to stop Mr Sibal in his tracks and get the BBC agenda back on track: “Two questions for you. Firstly, although you may not be surprised at changes in the budgets here, you can’t…we should be in no doubt that there’s dramatic need in India. 1.3 billion people still live below the poverty line?” (A funny figure that, because the total population of India is only 1.2 billion!)Predictable bias from Broadcasting House.
More US news the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
The Obamessiah – who is all about green energy and cap-and-trade and all that, right – is on vacation in Maine this weekend, and flew the family dog in on its own private jet, accompanied by the President’s personal aid. A truly classy President, leading by example.
Here’s something I missed earlier: the BBC encouraging Obamessiah worship among innocent African and Pakistani children, and trying to impress UK children with it. Nice, bit of propaganda for your kids, eh?
Update: here’s a photo of the dog and personal assistant upon arrival.
I seem to recall Bonio once had his hat conveyed in similar manner.
Wasn’t a cap though. But maybe they could still trade?
“I see you one rampant piece of hypocrisy, and raise you…”