Yes, we know the refrain well enough by now. Those wicked Americans tortured all the poor innocent lambs held in captivity at Guantanamo and justice must be done. The BBC ran another story on this earlier today investigating British “collusion” on “torture” Here’s a story the BBC seems unaware of, wonder why?
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No XBoxes in Algeria?
This ‘Jihadwatch’ comment is even more applicable to INBBC ‘report’ than to that of AFP. Note the INBBC distorting headline.
Sunni Muslims ambush, murder 16 Shi’ite Muslims in Pakistan
“Look at the AFP headline: ‘Gunmen kill 16 Shiite Muslims in Pakistan: officials.’ Note how the mainstream media readily identifies the victims as Muslims, but not the perpetrators, even though they were just as Muslim as their victims, and were killing them at least in part because they regarded them as Rafidite dogs, heretics from the true Islam.
“In the story also, the victims are again identified as ‘Shi’ite Muslims’ and the violence described as ‘sectarian,’ but the aggressors are identified only obliquely. Since the violence is ‘sectarian’ and ‘the incident took place…in the Sunni dominated Charkhel area,’ we can surmise that the murderers were ‘Sunni Muslims,’ but they’re never identified as such.”
BBC headline and report on all this:
“Militants kill 16 in Pakistan convoy ambush”
Why wont the BBC cover the story on Mr Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed?? … For the same reasons I guess why it hasn’t examined to closely the reasons Obama didn’t close it down.
Anyone with half a political brain could see Obama and his ilk were just posturing about Guantanamo. But hey, what does undermining you country’s war effort mean if spreading enemy propaganda through a stooge media gets you elected.
It should get you shot.
How much does anybody want to bet that the bBC are going to lose their heads over this story.
Gurkha ordered back to UK after beheading dead Taliban fighter
A Gurkha soldier has been flown back to the UK after hacking the head off a dead Taliban commander with his ceremonial knife to prove the dead man’s identity.
The private, from 1st Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, was involved in a fierce firefight with insurgents in the Babaji area of central Helmand Province when the incident took place earlier this month.His unit had been told that they were seeking a ‘high value target,’ a Taliban commander, and that they must prove they had killed the right man.The Gurkhas had intended to remove the Taliban leader’s body from the battlefield for identification purposes.
But they came under heavy fire as their tried to do so. Military sources said that in the heat of battle, the Gurkha took out his curved kukri knife and beheaded the dead insurgent.He is understood to have removed the man’s head from the area, leaving the rest of his body on the battlefield. This is considered a gross insult to the Muslims of Afghanistan, who bury the entire body of their dead even if parts have to be retrieved.
You know what I say. Give the man a medal, promote him and sod Abu Bowens little helpers.
is considered a gross insult
Well sure. The last thing we want British troops doing is insulting the degenerate bastards trying to kill them.
s considered a gross insult
What do these stories have in common?
There is no need to scroll to the end. Except one they all involve Muslims beheading a non Muslim. In fact the only beheading story on the front page of a google search (beheaded stated The RCMP have not identified the suspect or the victim so that classes as a maybe.
BBC News – Iraq gunmen ‘behead Shia family’ in Baghdad22 Feb 2010 … Gunmen in Iraq shoot dead a family of eight and behead some of the bodies, officials say, amid a wave of pre-election violence.
BBC News – Teacher beheaded in Philippines9 Nov 2009 … The severed head of a teacher abducted by militants is found in a sack in a petrol station in the southern Philippines.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Three Indonesian girls beheaded29 Oct 2005 … Three Indonesian girls are beheaded and another badly injured as they walked to a Christian school.<!–n–><!–m–>BBC NEWS | Middle East | Militants behead US hostage18 Jun 2004 … Al-Qaeda militants carry out their threat to behead a US engineer they were holding hostage in Saudi Arabia.
BBC NEWS | UK | Man admits plot to behead soldier29 Jan 2008 … A man described as a “fanatic” pleads guilty to plotting to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier.
BBC NEWS | Africa | Kidnapped Sudan editor beheaded6 Sep 2006 … The beheaded body of an editor whose paper questioned the parentage of the prophet Muhammad is found in Sudan.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | S Korean hostage beheaded in Iraq22 Jun 2004 … A South Korean hostage threatened with execution in Iraq is beheaded and his body is found by US troops.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Canada man ‘planned to behead PM’7 Jun 2006 … One of 17 terror suspects held in Canada last week is reportedly accused of planning to behead the PM.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taleban uses boy to behead ‘spy’21 Apr 2007 … The Taleban uses a boy aged about 12 to carry out the beheading of a man they say was spying for the US.
The BBC has hardly covered the UK torture situation at all. With Jack Straw et al likely to be put under the spotlight in the inquiry, it’ll be interesting to see what kind of spin the BBC puts on it. Biased-BBC has a clear Zionist bias and, as such, exhibits the expected ethnic hatreds. Whether a torture victim is Muslim or not though, British state complicity in the use of torture is a hugely important issue in a country where the state has the monopoly of legal fire-power. The issue here is whether the BBC will help the white-washing process or not.
The BBC has hardly covered the UK torture(SIC) situation at all
Prove it.
They have the lying terrorist Mohammed Begg on speed dial.
I will admit they never cover real torturing regimes, like China, Iran, Syria, Cuba, et al.
Whilst I disagree with a lot of what Craig Murray has to say, he is very knowledgeable in this area and, having been directly involved with this aspect of the New Labour regime, is worth keeping an eye on.
The BBC was relentless in its coverage of Binyam Mohamed’s claims about torture. And here’s a cross-section of the current BBC reporting on the current issue. Looks like MarkP has made a false cliam.
Access my link to Craig Murray’s site, read his stuff about UK torture, and then repeat your last ignorant comment.
MarkP, I see nothing in Craig Murray’s site which demonstrates that the BBC has been mostly silent on the UK’s complicity in torture. Conversely, I showed you a page with quite a number of links to BBC reports on it. You’ll need to do better than that before you have the right to call someone ignorant.
So what do these so-called Human Right groups propose if keeping these Koranic Literalists in the luxury beachside resort of Gitmo, or sending them back to their Islamic shithole are both inhumane? Or are they like other lefty institutions who don’t know anything other than complaining about stuff?
I propose giving them an imitation leather-bound Koran, an AK-47 with two full clips, and a ride back to A’Stan so that they can fulfil their sacred religious duty of Jihad/trying to kill and maim as many people – Ummah and kuffar alike – and receive their promised 72 prepubescent girls, wine and gold. Now that’s cultural awareness. Plus, it’s the cheapest option.
Mark P opines:
“Biased-BBC has a clear Zionist bias and, as such, exhibits the expected ethnic hatreds.”
Mark, why don’t you take your head out of the ground and have a look around. Not everything is down to the Jew.
Your paranoid response is typical of what I’d expected and merely serves to support, albeit ironically, the sentence you quoted. At least you haven’t wheeled out “anti-Semite” yet. I don’t believe I mentioned or inferred anything about “the Jew”. Will the BBC play its part in the white-washing process or not?
“Biased-BBC has a clear Zionist bias and, as such, exhibits the expected ethnic hatreds”.
How is it paranoid to assume you’re using the word Zionist pejoratively? You are, aren’t you?
So you’ve recognised that B-BBC has a pro-Zionist ‘bias’. That’s why we’re concerned about the BBC’s anti-Zionist bias.
You think Zionists approve of torturing Muslims, because Jews hate Muslims, so they’d want to sweep such a thing under the carpet. That’s what your comment infers isn’t it?
Don’t wrap your comments in snidey language. No-one needs to “wheel out” what you’ve brought up yourself.
Zionist in the pejorative? Please explain that deduction in more detail just to prove to me that you are not, as I suspect, a hysterical paranoid nut job.
The BBBC being pro-Zionist is why you’re concerned about the BBC’s alleged anti-Zionist bias? Que?!
“Jews hate Muslims”? Do they really? Did I really say that? Whoops, I don’t believe I did!
I’ll tell you what, Sue, you have your own argument dear. I’ll even put straw up my sleeves if it suits your purposes better. Whatever you do though, don’t actually read what I write. Making it up is much more fun.
If you didn’t intend the word Zionist disparagingly, explain “expected ethnic hatreds”
At least you haven’t wheeled out “hysterical paranoid nut job” yet. Oh.
Why the ethnic hatred between Zionist Jews and Palestinians of course. In case you haven’t seen any news for the past 40 years, Ross Kemp did a nice expose piece for Sky that you might have seen. I know, as if you’d need to see it. We both know you watched it intently though. Just to make sure. And here you are on a site which complains about bias!
The thrust of my initial comment was as to whether the BBC are going to help white-wash the torture allegations. If true then they have worrying implications for British citizens bound by a state which has all the guns. Your concern is what exactly? To expose “anti-Semites” on BBBC? Good luck with your mission. Just remember that they’re all out to get you and they’re everywhere!!!
Mark P — at least you haven’t actually claimed you’re only “anti-zionist” yet. And that some of your best friends are “Jews”.
By the way, I’m a proud and loud Zionist.
Wanna make something of it, shmuck?
Since when did pointing out an observation about Zionists become the equivalent of being anti-Zionist per se? This forum certainly knows how to attract the paranoid loons. Jack, I couldn’t give a shit what you are buddy. Do I “want to make something of it”? Well there’s the first attempt at intimidation, albeit school-boy posturing, folks. Didn’t take you long, eh, Jack? Do you think these things go unnoticed or haven’t you thought about that either? Got anything to say, at all, about my question relating to the BBC’s coverage of the torture situation? No? What the hell are you doing here? Okay, you just want to call people names. Fair enough little boy. Run along now. x
Wow. Did I hit paydirt or what?
Mark P.. no you constantly snide and sneer between the lines in that rather typical supercilious way.
You’re the one who brought up ZIONISM in a disparaging aside. Why was that? I think it’s reasonable for me to assume you think there’s something wrong with, err, oh, let me guess… Zionism, eh?
Well, I don’t. Further more, I am happy to state that I am a Zionist. And clearly YOU do care because you mentioned Zionism first in relation to B-BBC. I merely responded.
Like so many beeboids, and the illiterate left…I suspect you’re so unused to being challenged for accepting anti “Zionism” as the default left-on “political” attitude, you just can’t handle it when opponents pick it up.
Well we have the number for the code “I’m only anti-Zionist.”
And cut the “intimidation” whining.
How exactly can an anonymous poster be “intimidated” by another anonymous poster. What are you? Ten years old with a Facebook account?
Jack, my reference to Zionism was in relation to typical attitudes, even displayed brazenly in this thread, regarding Muslims. The context is a discussion of the BBC’s coverage of UK torture which has implications to all UK citizens. I needed, in light of previous comments, to move the discussion to a sensible plain and that meant pointing out the obvious as a neutraliser.
Your response, as well as that of some others, has been to become hysterical at my pointing out something about which you would rather censor me. That is why my actual point has remained utterly undiscussed. That is why your irrelevant comments are so full of paranoid vitriol. None of this goes unnoticed my friend. Take a good, hard, look at yourself and grow up.
Please define “Zionist”.
Not something from Wikipedia – your own definition.
Do you see a difference between Jew and Zionist and if so please explain?
And who else would one turn to, but Ross Kemp, to educate one about Zionist Jews’ hatred for Palestinians?
You, obviously, but a hysterical paranoid nut job like me would be inclined to look a little deeper.
“I’ll tell you what, Sue, you have your own argument dear. I’ll even put straw up my sleeves if it suits your purposes better.”
How kind. Do put the straw up your sleeves.
FFS, haven’t you people got anything relevant to say? This is the forum equivalent of a primary school playground. Listen, I’ve got it in for the BBC as much as the next guy but, with pea-brains like you on here, this site makes the BBC look like a paradigm of impartiality. Good luck to all of you.
Huh? Can you see a point without missing it?
WE (as in those who post on B-BBC) are not IMPARTIAL. WE don’t claim to be impartial. And besides, who says I have to be impartial. You?
Thanks, but screw you.
I seriously think you are rather dim. No offence.
By STATUTE the BBC has to be IMPARTIAL. It’s not.
That’s actually the POINT of Biased BBC. To point out the biases of the BBC. Get it now?
Mark P,
You are the only one that is remotely hysterical. Calling other people ‘dear’ and saying ‘run along little boy’ shows desperation.
Jack’s right. Your wisecracks and snidey comments about Zionism tell us more than enough already.
As for your original point about the BBC’s possible whitewash of ‘our’ complicity in the alleged torture of Binyam Mohammed and his colleagues, it’s hardly likely that the BBC’s bias would lean in that direction, is it, when they put nearly as much effort into publicising alleged human rights violations as they do into bending over backwards to hide any Islamic connections with terrorism.
That reminds me, I haven’t seen Shami for a while.
Mark P, you’re starting to worry me. Pea-brain? Whatever next.