I’ve been watching Baroness Ashton being chaperoned around Gaza by John Ging. He has been showing her the wonderful schools run by UNWRA, which teach children wonderful things not about hatred, and Baroness Ashton has been a good baroness and hasn’t talked to Hamas.
Something about what I said the other day makes me suspect someone’s being economical with the actuality. Could these UNWRA schools be not quite what they seem?
“there are posters of martyrs on the walls of the schools and in the homes of UNRWA staff. Worse still, UNRWA workers are essentially members of Hamas:”
Furthermore, the BBC hasn’t breathed a word about the new shopping mall that has been opened. I thought the Baroness could at least have been asked to perform the opening ceremony, but apparently not.
I guess that might have spoiled the effect of what the Baroness said, fighting back the the sobs. “Although Israel has eased the blockade, it still isn’t enough.”
Let Political and media commentator Tom Gross take up the tale.
“UPDATE, Sunday July 18, 2010:
“Some journalists who subscribe to this list have asked me for a quote. You are welcome to use the following.“On a day when (because EU Foreign Policy Chief Baroness Ashton is in Gaza) the BBC and other media have featured extensive reports all day long on what they term the dire economic situation in Gaza, why are they not mentioning the new shopping mall that opened there yesterday?
“When leading news outlets mention the so-called humanitarian flotillas from Turkey, why do they omit the fact that life expectancy and literacy rates are higher, and infant mortality rates are lower in Gaza than corresponding rates in Turkey? Have they considered that perhaps the humanitarian flotillas ought to be going in the other direction, towards Turkey?”
Tom Gross really hits the mother-load with this video;
D’you think Baroness Ashton stayed the night at Roots?
and not a burqa anywhere to be seen
Note distinguished guest Abu Mazen at around 1:28.
More on ‘humanitarian crisis’ Gaza over @ the blog.
Nice post.
Agreed. Good post Sue.
It seems I should credit Elder of Ziyon as well. He says he got this scoop first. Oh well, as long as someone gets them so we can pass them on.
This is where I get quite acidic!
The traitor Ashton, unelected and with no experience of foreign affairs and a greasy pole climbing political appointee of the most corrupt UK government in at least two hundred years.
I cannot bear to watch its smirking ugly face, I simply have to switch off the TV, along with that ugly reptile Barroso and the midget non entity Van Rumpoy strutting around as though they were equal to elected governments forcing themselves into national conferences.
You will note how these evil shits insinuate themselves into every photoshoot and their images spread around the world as though they actually had any influence over events, stark stunning ignorance combined with a poisonous political common purpose.
The pretend government of a pretend empire pretending to be big wig players yet nobody voted for them and no electorate can dispose of them.
If there is true evil in the world then the eurotrash commissars with their bloated egos and withered minds could be described as being as close to real evil as its possible to get.
The trip to a terrorist paradise where gangsters grow fat on the aid sent by these scum without the permission of those who foot the bill, a crooked gang of psychopaths syphoning stolen cash to hand to another gang of the same stripe.
If anyone deserves the true outcome of her insane demand to open up the Gaza borders for suicide killers to pour across it is her, sadly the only victims of the suicide killers will be yet more innocents.
I would gladly do ten years(laughing every day of it) to wipe the smug grin off her ugly face 😀
Bang on!
Ten years and laughing every single day of it, all I want is the chance to perform a public service.
A masterpiece !!!
But, please do another post to tell us how you really feel !
No interest from the EU in the Syrian, Turkish and Iranian killing and destruction of the Kurds. I suppose the Kurds are just not the liberals favourite cause. Or is it because there are no Jews involved.
Dave S,
The BBC were big supporters of the PKK for many years, then went fairly quiet after the current Turkish government was elected.
However, “From our own correspondent ” on Saturday had a piece from a PKK camp in N. Iraq where the Beeboid was utterly fawning towards the terrorists. Then he said ” It is hard to imagine that these people are responsible for terrorist attacks in Turkey “. Well, at least he used the “T” word !
Yeah its a real humanitarian disaster innit, starving people locked into a ghetto, starving and dying like flies for the want of food and medicine.
The reality of life in Gaza not shown by the BBC and hidden by scumbags like Ging and Gunness, but hey the poor people of Gaza are suffering untold misery and pain we are told, no pictures are allowed of the real Gaza living it up courtey of the infidel taxslaves. The sacred narrative from the BBC cannot be polluted with the truth can it?
Fat gangsters get rich spivs thrive, UN lick spittles lie and deceive and money flows into the pockets of the rich and the crooked yet at the bottom of the layer cake lies the victims, who gives a shit about the victims? Its not like they have anything to offer but their blood.
Who gives a shit about the real victims? not the BBC thats for sure.
Just another day in the fake world of a fake victim class pimped by a fake media.
The reality of Gaza is somewhere between the extremes of Roots and the propaganda of the Flotilla. Gaza was a shithole when I visited there in the nineties and still is. Even then there were extremes of wealth made more extreme by PLO corruption and exaggerated by an economy based not on industrial and agricultural production and trade but on unearned outside funding, corruption, loyalty jobs and smuggling. Clearly you can get most of what you want in Gaza if you can pay for it.
It is true that no one is starving or lacks basic medicine. OTOH No one, not the Egyptians, not the Israelis, not the PA and definitely not Hamas invested in the basic quality-of-life infrastructure. The water was undrinkable then and is now. The rich drink imported bottled water or invest in purification the poor get sick.
Add to that a ruling regime working step-by-step to turn the place into Taliban ruled Afghanistan and the constant threat/incitement of war and it’s clear you wouldn’t want to live there.
The exaggeration is the implication by repetition and excessive attention that Gaza is the worst place in the world. It is not.
“OTOH No one, not the Egyptians, not the Israelis, not the PA and definitely not Hamas invested in the basic quality-of-life infrastructure.”
But why should they have? For heaven’s sake, there must come a point when the Palis have got to get their arses out of the masjids and do something for themselves – especially given the fact that they are among the world’s largest recipients of ‘development’ aid..
Witness what they did to the Gush Katif greenhouses, left when the settlers were removed.
Left intact in the hope that they would be made productive by the residents of Khan Younis – what happened?
They were smashed to pieces.
The reality of Gaza is undoubtedly not all peaches and cream, but
I can’t see what justifies the aid. Surely it just props up the corruption. Hamas are the beneficiaries. They say Hamas smuggles much of the prohibited items through the tunnels in any case, and now everyone can see that a considerable amount of wealth exists in Gaza.
If “democratically elected Hamas” has the wherewithal for luxury as well as weapons, what are they waiting for – where’s the trickle-down? Surely the aid providers are entitled to know?
Even the flotilla organisers must be wondering. 😉
Then there’s the Gaza shopkeepers complaining that Israeli concessions on the ‘aid’ list are actually hurting their business! Definitely ‘couldn’t make it up’ territory…
The baroness and the BBC have, so far, ignored the ban by Hamas on hubble-bubble smoking by women in Gaza. Actually – although the reasons given are different – Hamas and the BMA are beginning to sound eerily similar.
Who voted for Baroness Ashton? The same number who voted for Shami Chakribati and a lot fewer than voted for Nick Griffin or indeed any of the fringe candidates at our elections.
The BBC gives air time as it likes to those whose views it supports.