Lets start with the bbc at its worst, willfully attempting to mislead the unknowing public , by deliberately slanting a story with its own in-house agenda.
Its those urban experts from Farming Today again, and this time their faux concern is people still being allowed to shoot the native Grey Partridge, despite it being on the red list.
Sadly, changes in farming practices (eg, winter corn = no stubles), have led to a major decline in the number of Greys in most areas.
However, working with the Game Conservatory Trust, a number of the best of the great shooting estates , have managed their land ( at a significant potential cost to their farming operations), in such a manner as to actually increase the number of their Greys and in most years have a stable population, with a surplus to shoot.
This is a major success story by a number of driven and incredibly commited landowners, and is recognised as such by serious rural comentators, but hey , it doesn’t fit the beeboid narrative, those pesky rednecks destroying our wildlife.
That is true with all the townie elite. We have a friend who works on a large estate in Norfolk. They hold shooting parties. But and it is a big but; they have spent millions on the grounds to ensure wildlife thrives. Of course, to the people of the BBC it doesnt count. Not withstanding that; the landowner is actually a working-class kid who made very very good.
Typical townie ignorance. In my home county of Perthshire, Red-legged Partridges are being bred for shooting and roaming wild. Lovely to see this beautiful bird.
Christ that article sickens me. Is there no end to the disgusting, deplorable, talentless shite that are feeding at the trough filled with our money?
No fecker whatsoever in the BBC deserves such a package, I don’t care what they do or how long they have done it for. Seriously, what has that bastard done to deserve that, and at our expense?
£5000 in flights to the world cup? You fat, lazy, piss taking twat. What did he even need to be there for? Utter wanker.
Can we regard the BBC of being guilty of claiming that all climate deniers are funded by Big Oil? Let’s, well
“One of the world’s largest oil companies has broken its pledge to stop funding groups that promote scepticism about man-made climate change. ExxonMobil, parent company of Esso, gave almost £1m last year to organisations that campaign against controls on greenhouse gas emissions. Several made outspoken attacks on climate scientists at the University of East Anglia and argued their leaked e-mails showed that the dangers of global warming had been grossly exaggerated, the Times reports.”
I’m already “skeptical” in my spare time and on my own dime. So it’d be easy work.
Actually this is rather funny. The manmade global warm-mongers have their piggy snouts in a trough that is worth billions upon billions of tax funded fithy lucre stolen from ordinary poorish people.
And EM gives a paltry ONE MILLION of their own money (not tax payers) to the sane people?
Good lord… James Hansen won’t even get out of bed for that pathetic sum.
I trust, and/or like, very few politicians, of any hue.
But as it’s a job needing doing, and a tricky one, I give most some credit for trying, so long as they are honest and competent. Plus a bit of initial slack. Which is why such as Balls, Milibands, etc are past redemption.
Mr. Gove seems to be struggling a tad, but it’s early days yet before the full measure of the man can be assessed.
However, this does rather put him up in my estimation:
politicshomeukGove: “I believe in value for money… it may not be a concept that the BBC would like to see applied to public expenditure”
I can, at least for now, influence change with my local MP and national government.
I have no such power with a £3.6B, hugely socially influential media monolith, that sees unique public funding as the plaything of a small group of overpaid, excessively pensioned bubble dwellers inside the M25.
Which seems ‘disproportionate’, to hijack a favoured phrase.
At least eight people have been killed in an attack by machete-wielding assailants near the city of Jos in Nigeria. The unidentified attackers descended on a village on the outskirts of Jos, burning about 10 houses, early on Saturday, officials said. Some reports said the dead included the family of a Christian priest.
And here is how the rest of the world were informed about the above:
Nigerian pastor’s family killed in sectarian clashesThe wife of a pastor, his two children and a grandson were among eight people killed in fresh sectarian violence in religiously-divided central Nigeria, the clergyman said on Sunday.Fulani Muslims launched the overnight attack on Mazzah, near Jos, early Saturday, killing eight people with machetes and burning seven houses and a church in the latest religious clashes.
Part 2 The bBC then goes into obfuscate mode by claiming that nobody knows why people would want to kill others in Nigeria. I quote: “The authorities were trying to find out “the root causes of the violence”, but it had not spread to other villages….Although the clashes take place between Muslims and Christians, observers say the underlying causes are economic and political. “
Get that, the bBC which has no problem airing what it believes is the reason why behind most stories (Usually the reporters own opinion) cannot fathom out why these people were murdered in cold blood.
And here is a little story I picked up last week but the world famous bBC didn’t. which helps explain why Muslims in Nigeria decided to attack a Christian village and hack 8 people to death.
Meanwhile the big news story from Africa is that the African Union is opposing the International Criminal Court’s warrant to arrest President a-Bashir of Sudan on charges of genocide because “it would harm the peace process “.
Monday 19 July
7:30pm – 8:30pm
1/3 – The Language of Science
Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and he uncovers a diverse, outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science.”
That culture is sure hard to spot for all but the BBC
I actually like Jim Al-Khalili he has been a good presenter on other science programs as he doesn’t speak down to the viewer. I really wish the Beeb would commission more such shows like that. However the Beebs tiny yet PC minds have decided he is doing these Islamic shows instead. Yet if you look at his Wiki page he had a British Christian mother and an Iraqi Muslim father and says as a result he hasn’t a religious bone in his body.
Oh dear — typical misinformation from al-Beeb, to proves something about Muslims.
Let’s get one thing straight, even if true… ISLAM (i.e. a sodding religion) did not INVENT anything.
The most that one can say is that a person who practised the Muslim faith INVENTED something, or discovered a universal mathematical truth.
However the idea the some Mohammedan 1300 years ago was the source of our mathematical priciples is such a CROCK.
I will give one link that explains where “algebra” originated. And it ain’t Arabia. And it wasn’t generally the wholly ANTI-SCIENCE death cult that Islam gew from.
Give Indians proper credit for Algebra By Vir Gupta
During his speech on June 4 in Cairo, Egypt, President Barack Obama gave credit to Muslims for invention of many things, including algebra.
I would like to bring out the facts about the history of Algebra.The credit for the first use of algebra probably goes to the Babylonians, who solved some quadratic problems verbally, but recognized only positive roots.
During the time of Plato, Greeks used geometry to solve algebraic problems. Later, Diophantus (about 350 A.D.) wrote some rules for multiplication and division and solved some simple problems in “Arithmetica”. His algebra was syncopated and rhetorical. Indians have a long history of using mathematics.
Fire altars were constructed using Pythagora’s theorem long before Pythagoras. A decimal system for weights and measures was used in the Indus Valley (2500 B.C.).
Numbers in multiples of 2, 7, 10, 100 and even one million are found in several books, including “Narad Vishnu Purana” (1000 B.C.), “Anuyog Dwara Sutra ” (100 B.C.), “Lalitvistara” (100 A.D.) and several Mahayana Buddhist books. “Anuyog Dwara Sutra” also gives multiplication of square roots of square roots. Basic use of logarithm appears in “Satkhandagama” (150 A.D.).The Bakhshali manuscript (200 A.D.) found near Peshawar in Pakistan includes fractions, square roots, quadratic equations, simultaneous equations, arithmetic and geometric progressions etc.
I notice Today were giving that awful Tim Yeo a plug, and some airtime to promote his new book, which is basically all about stopping the rest of us doing anything which may contribute to carbon emissions, and building private motorways for those who can afford to use them (and don’t give a toss about carbon really, or the cost of fuel because they can afford it, whatever the cost). Has the nice Mr. Yeo not heard the news that carbon emissions are bugger all to do with anything, and that cooling is just around the corner? Bet he’s got a nice car, big house, loads of money, etc., etc. And he’s Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, and a tory. Those poor tories – if they don’t soon wake up and smell the coffee, they won’t know what’s hit ’em, what with people freezing to death, and the lights going out.
But that is what it is all about of course. For us ‘little people’ the elite begrudgingly accept we can fly abroad on holiday once a year. We are allowed a car but only when all other options are impractical. Of course the BBC are plugging the green rubbish because their pensions depend on it.
Tim Yeo is a shining example of venal self interest and stunning anti human/anti democratic political excrement.
He has no idea of the struggle of ordinary people to live a decent life and he cares even less.
He might well giggle and sneer at the ordinary poor who struggle to pay the states enforced tax system, a tax system now so crippling and restrictive that more and more are forced to turn to regime handouts to survive. The rich will never struggle to pay the life tax demand of a greedy bloated regime staffed by rich parasites loading ever more ‘Prince John’ style burdens on the scum.
Tories? I dont bloody well think so! There are more tories in the SWP than there are in the new regime upper echelons and those tokens that could be described as tory should hang their heads in shame as they cling to the trappings of power rather than denounce the new commissars for what they are or more importantly are not.
Has anyone noticed, this is only a minor thing, but #proudofthebbc is a trending topic on twitter? What on Earth caused this to be a trending topic and so many foolish people to be pledging allegience to this most disgusting of corporations?
FWIW, the #sickofthebbc hashtag, inspired in response, for free, to balance the no doubt multi-£, fee-payer uniquely funded brainstorm it rightly mocks, seems to be generating tweets that are a) more accurate, and b) much funnier.
Rallying hissyfitdom of a few 10’s of thousands Beeboids on break/sabbatical/leave/sicky/at work but doing squat, plus the assembled luvvyness of the Graun and its readers, and you have… a campaign!
With luck they might take to writing to folk to tell ’em how to think. That worked well in a US election, as I recall.
Jack, I have noticed that with the Express, if a story is ‘contencious’ they disable the have your say bit.
I assumed it was to avoid the accusation of incitement when the readers expressed their views, (which would probably coincide with mine).
Remember when a rabble rouser decided he and his ilk were going to hold a protest through Wotton Basset? The bBC had no problem airing how these peaceful people had the right to do what they liked in the nasty evil (but democratic) United Kingdom.
With how the bBC is so quick to air news stories and give them front page status I was a little surprised to see how this story had been filed under…boring. move along nothing here to be seen.
Oh and the story a protest in Birmingham by the odious EDL which saw 21 people arrested over the weekend
So how many times have you seen the bBC scream out that a child has been hurt by; Police/NATO forces or god forbid… Israel
So with the knowledge that the bBC has no problem shouting out..injured child why has it hidden this story of an attack on a school by those who prefer the bullet and the bomb to the ballot box….
Meanwhile on the Africa NewsWebsite, the bBC leads with a story about how a pastor has been arrested on his way to bomb…a pro Islamic rally.
Move along no bias here….
Mandelmong getting a nice soft ride off Radio 5’s leftie loser Colin Patterson. Luckily Bacon isn’t doing it as the Vaseline would be all over the studio floor by now.
Did anyone notice this morning on the Today programme the shrill Montague trying to score one over on the nice Mr Gove. I am pretty sure her microphone got turned up and his turned down as he tried to explain things in a way that she didn’t like. I know Mr Gove speaks in a very calm and measured way and Montague didn’t but the change in comparative volumes seemed to happen very suddenly.
In addition that mad Balls was on again – shouldn’t there be equal time given to all party candidates? And that only equal to what is given to the Coalition. The bias just gets stronger.
I can tell from the press conference being shown on the News Channel right now that the US Coast Guard is well aware of the growing outcry against the Government’s failures regarding the clean-up effort.
But the main point of today’s press conference was not, in fact, the new cap, but actually was to scare everyone about the weather. Nobody could possibly be prepared to deal with all that oil plus a hurricane, so the weather is now going to take the sole blame for any problems with cleaning up the oil. The Coast Guard guy emphasized a few different problematic weather angles. It was clear that the message he wanted everyone to come away with today was that weather was now cause of all problems with the clean-up effort.
The Coast Guard spokesman then went through a whole laundry list of local agencies and tactics they’re working on with them. He needs to reassure people that they actually have a clue and have not screwed the whole thing up by bureaucracy and power struggles and incompetence. Once that confidence is established (and it will be, because the MSM and BBC have censored all news to the contrary), it’s a simple matter to shift all blame to bad weather.
First question from a US reporter is about just that. As the spokesman goes through another laundry list of equipment they’re using on the clean-up, the BBC cuts back to the studio, to move onto something else. A narrow escape.
BBC giving air time to a group of schools who are sending students and teachers to Westminster to protest against the Government’s killing of Labour’s buildings scheme. This has already been explained at length, yet nobody is pointing out to these school administrators (who are the instigators, and using students) that Labour didn’t actually provide the money for whatever building projects were cancelled, and many of them languished unstarted for years under Labour. If Ed Balls had been a good Minister, some of these schools would have already had their construction projects done, or at least well under way. None of it happened because of Labour’s failure, not because an unfunded project was cancelled.
Yet, here’s the BBC again taking the same Labour line of attack on this issue, the same one they’ve been taking ever since Gove made that annoucement/apology. It’s as if they don’t care what anybody says, that’s their story and they’re sticking to it. And encouraging innocent students – the real victims in all this – to protest in the process.
Not sure why the bbc gave so much coverage to this protest. bbc radio report said 500 were protesting so the real number was probably 200. Not much of a protest either way. Certainly the number protesting did not warrant the coverage given.
Very small thing but it reveals a great deal. They are using that word again – They used it very freely to de-value the conservatives position when they were in opposition, and I have never heard it used it when reporting Labour’s position. Now the tables have turned the BBC is still facing the same way. Radio 5 live at 4 pm news announced David Cameron’s “Big Society” plan. They said that the tories “CLAIMED…” yet reported David Milband as saying that it would not work. You will notice that David Miliband did not “CLAIM” that it would not work. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr….
Of course “Big Society” is a stupid phrase, but the BBC are attacking it for all it is worth. Eddie Mair was in full mode yesterday claiming that increased voluntary service would lead to higher
unemployment !
On Saturday I heard Farming Today. Four BBC ‘producers’ were sent to experience fruit picking, and to educate us about migrant workers. We hear that hardworking Bulgarian seasonal workers are much better than British people who are too lazy and pampered to work. English wages go a long way in Bulgaria; would that be related somehow?
The BBC team found their own clumsiness amusing. Charlotte Smith sounded like a man. I got a shock when he referred to herself as ‘she’. Apart from that, what caught my attention was – at the end of the week, after analysing all their fruit-picking performances, they asked the farmer jokingly if he would give them a job “if they got the push from the BBC?”
Peter Sissons has a letter in the Telegraph. He’s agreeing with the things Selina Scott said about the BBC’s ageism and so on. The management style [….] seems to be conducted by whispers in corridors. Peter Sissons says:
“It goes from top to bottom, regardless of age or gender.
“Hundreds of demoralised people at TV centre will testify to this”.
What is Mark Byford being paid such an enormous amount for if he can’t make a better fist of managing the BBC than that?
Why were those kids NOT at school? Then again when you listen to these halfwits “.. we wantz to be edukated man, coz we iz smart kidz..”, I could cry, I really could.
Then we have a camp male beeboid reporting from the USA (has Frei topped himself? I can only hope) stating that BP’s efforts to stop the oil leak has not gone down well in the USA, I notice the camp male beeboid didn’t mention that Barry’s efforts are also considered shit by the American people and his popularity is lower than a tarts knickers at a footballers party.
We should all be very grateful to the unions. The BBC is going on strike unless thier demands over pensions are met by Wednesday. I hope someone decides to dig their heels in!!
Well well well, what a shock. The camp male beeboids are now trying to pin the release of Megrahi on cameron, well of course it’s Cameron’s fault, not the fault of the gutless fat one eyed mong or the fat two eyed jock mong in Scotland.
Only in the world of the BBC could they even attempt to hang Cameron for this which of course was another Nu Liebour shambles and as we all remember the BBC fully backed his release.
It’s a total joke Jack, it was the BBC who were cheerleading for the release of Megrahi at the time bigging up McTwat and toad of Toad hall in the joke Scottish Parliament and Cameron was the one who opposed his release.
How on earth is Cameron supposed know what went on between McMong, Jack Straw, Toad of Toad Hall and BP? Not to mention Mandelson was probably involved somewhere and we know Bliar was.
But again, the BBC totally backed the release of Megrahi at the time, not Cameron.
That right , the BBC love all terrorists and backed the release of Megrahi.
The whole episode was totally shameful and I certainly don’t know any Scots who supported it.
We had to suffer the humiliation of the world listening to the speech by Kenny Macaskill , a man whose IQ is in single figures, giving the impression that Scots Law is rubbish.
I find it odd that the BBC website invariably refers to the Prime Ministor as “Cameron”. When Brown was in (alleged) power it was always “The Prime Ministor Gorden Brown” or some other differential title. The BBC have no manners .
Roger, yup I noticed this too. It is also noticable that they rarely use the word government instead they refer to the government as the coalition. I guess they are still in denial.
Yes, and I find it equally significant that the BBC website and its news reporters insist so frequently on use of the term Tory in place of the correct designation Conservative in their reporting.
It’s not just a question of space in headlines. Often you will find entire stories with a reference only to a `Tory’ MP etc, with the official Conservative designation nowhere to be found in the story.
So meticulous in its preference for eg `gunmen’ rather than the `judgemental’ term `terrorist’, in this instance the BBC’s deliberate adoption of an incorrect designation and a colloquialism open to pejorative interpretation reveals its pathetic desire to undermine and denigrate.
Inability to get the f%^king name right of the political party with the longest record in Govt in the UK is just one of countless reasons to shut the dysfunctional organisation down.
Good point prpw. It’s often in small subtle details and variances in the use of language, as much as in larger themes and content, that bias is revealed.
Here’s a question, why isn’t the BBC asking where Alex Salmond is on the whole BP Megrahi issue? The Scottish Government is a tin pot gutless waste of money, hiding behind the skirt of the British Government.
Why Cameron is being asked to attend some meeting with US Senators is beyond me, especially as Cameron openly opposed the release of Megrahi but Liebour didn’t.
I can answer that: It’s because our genius elected leaders are ignorant of the facts of the case. Our hapless Secretary of State appears to be unaware of how it all went down, and I’m certain that the towering intellect of The Obamessiah is unencumbered with the knowledge. Plus my own moronic, pork-loving Senator Chuck Schumer has been demagoguing about BP and Libya.
Probably the dopey politicians just want to hear an apology, as I seriously doubt any of them give a damn about the loss of human life and are more concerned about their own popularity being affected by it.
“You and yours” phone-in. “Is the Big Society a good idea or a cover for spending cuts ?” The BBC pursuing this one relentlessly. I don’t seem to remember the BBC featuring the hundreds of mindless Labour “initiatives” which were quietly dropped.
Hang on, isn’t “You and Yours” meant to be a consumer programme.
Then, utterly bizarrely, “Saving Species. What effect will the Big Society have on farmland birds ? “. No, I am not making this up !
My prediction for next week. ” What effect will the Big Society have on Global Warming and crime rates “.
The BBC is getting more out of control every day. It really is becoming a parody of itself.
“Let us also be clear – just as Afghans are taking greater responsibility for governance and development, so must they take greater responsibility for security as well.”
“The Daily Politics” today with Andrew “Brillo” Neil and the lovely, pouting, Jo Coburn.
First up, police spending cuts. The universal Alan Johnson defends Labour’s doubling of police spending as the price for the fall in crime. Yeah, right. Nick Herbert was quite impressive saying savings can be made without affecting services to the public.
Then, international aid. Brillo ripped into Alan Duncan who was defending the spending. Duncan didn’t really have an answer to Brillo’s point that most of it is wasted and syphoned off through corruption. He claimed his department would be monitoring aid to Afghanistan closely. Alan, I have news for you. The corrupt politicians in the recipient countries are cleverer than you and your department !
Let’s be honest our politicians are for the most part little better than the scum in Afghanistan. Gordon Brown should be in prison for many things, his expenses being one of them.
How about this for a complete anti-Conservative non-story:
The government has not ruled out introducing a compulsory payment scheme for social care, sources say. During the election campaign the Conservatives campaigned against the so-called “death tax” to pay for social care. However, government sources have made clear that the Commission on Funding for Care and Support, set up on Tuesday, will be able to consider all options including voluntary and compulsory schemes. The Conservatives had backed a voluntary insurance scheme and pulled out of cross-party talks on the future of social care ahead of the election because the compulsory option was not ruled out. A government spokesman said: “As the coalition agreement makes clear the commission will look at both voluntary and partnership models of funding. “We do not wish to constrain the commission from considering other options such as compulsory schemes.”
Beeboid immigrant to the US Franz Strasser has done another installment in his journey to create a Narrative about the immigrant experience in the US. This time, it’s San Francisco, home of the biggest “Chinatown” neighborhood and the most Chinese in the US.
It’s rather disjointed, really, jumping to a segment about a severely disabled non-Chinese person to an educated Eastern European couple, without any sense of a coherent whole. I think Strasser was trying to make a point about educated immigrants, but it came across very poorly.
The problem with Strasser’s presence in the US is that he is here specifically to present to all of you a positive Narrative of immigration in the US. The BBC decided to do this precisely because of the recent noise about illegal immigration in Arizona, and other states actually already having similar laws in place. As has been documented on this blog previously, the BBC’s answer to concerns about illegal immigration even in the UK is to sweep the “illegal” part under the rug and pretend the story is about immigration, full stop. In this case, the BBC decided to send somebody to the US to leave a huge carbon footprint in order to do that all over again.
As I predicted, Strasser made no mention whatsoever of illegal immigration. He doesn’t want you to know that San Francisco declared itself a “Sanctuary City” in 1985, meaning that the politicians granted protection from immigration enforcement within city limits, and have refused ever since to cooperation with federal authorities. Did the BBC cover that as a negative, like they did when AZ decided to enforce the law their own way? Of course not.
One would have thought that would be an interesting point to raise about the immigrant experience and San Francisco’s Chinatown, but that’s not the Narrative Strasser was sent here to promote. Other information about Chinese immigration Strasser and the BBC don’t want you to know is that even as far back as 1993, about 100,000 illegal Chinese were coming into the US every year, most of them through San Francisco’s Chinatown. Instead, Strasser tried to tell you that the Chinese immigrants are mostly well-educated and determined to adapt and join US society. Strasser does not want you to know about all those iilegal elders coming to live with family or the tens of thousands of illegal restaurant workers. Which is why a state like Rhode Island has had a similar law to AZ‘s on its books for while now. BBC forgot to mention that, too.
Interestingly, it was the banning in 1882 of nearly all Chinese immigration whicih led to the whole illegal immigration scene. That would have been really interesting to learn, but the BBC isn’t interested in actually informing you. That won’t help the “rapport” with the US they want you to have.
If anyone is actually interested, here’s a fascinating timeline of legal Chinese immigration to the US, providing some historical perspective. Too bad the BBC wasn’t interested in any of this, and is focused exclusively on that “immigration is great” Narrative.
Don’t trust the BBC on this one. It’s all a smokescreen to hide facts so they can create the desired impression.
Presumably, INBBC would now support any Christans who kill Muslims anywhere in the world to avenge that crime, just as INBBC appears to support Islamic jihad mass murders anywhere in the world if such jihadists oppose the actions of non-Muslims, like in Iraq?
Good grief. Sarah Palin apparently had a slip of the tongue recently and said “refudiate” instead of “repudiate”. So the BBC World Service is doing a segment on it now, bringing in the author of the OED book on modern slang to have a giggle. It’s supposed to be an excuse to talk about how a made-up word might make its way into common usage. Do they actually get around to mentioning any made-up words that have done this, like “chortle”, coined by Lewis Carroll in Jabberwocky? No, this wasn’t an intellectual excercise at all: it was just a chance to ridicule Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is the BBC’s second-most hated female politican of all time, and they just can’t help themselves. What a waste of time, and a fee for the OED guy, plus his cab fare if he wasn’t phoning it in.
FFS, now they’re reading viewer comments about made-up words from the BBC Facebook page.
Ah, so in addition to rejigging to ease the whole ad revenue thing in, the so far universally pasted, multi-£ website design was also to create yet another ‘we’re only sharing thoughts we like’, degree-of-separation source of inane ‘public’ vox-pops for the luvvies to preselect.
Actually I quite like refudiate, as a refute/repudiate combo, with the greater overt aggression of the former preceding the more passive disagreement of the latter. Could catch on. Certainly much from Aunty’s bowels could use it.
OMG, this whole thing is because Sarah Palin misspelled the word on f#$%ing Twitter! The Beeboids in the US read the Leftoid (but occasionally rather fair) Politico blog, where some moronic blogger was hyping it up. This is how low the BBC has sunk in their Palin Derangement Syndrome. This is also how the BBC decides what to report to you about US issues.
A typo in a tweet makes them do a whole segment on the World Service, including bringing in an OED expert to chuckle about it, as well as making a big deal out of it on the f#$%ing BBC Facebook page.
BBC, you are truly pathetic. Defenders of the indefensible will ignore this, as usual.
So Israel has develped a new anti-rocket defense system, and the first thing the World Service Beeboid does is to ask the Israeli mouthpiece if rockets from Gaza or Lebanon are even a threat worth bothering with. Of course the answer is yes, so the Beeboid then asks if the missile program was too expensive and a waste of money. What country does he think he’s talking about?
Probably because the beeboid believes their own propaganda and thinks the only ‘rockets’ that come over are ones launched from milk bottles.
I just wonder how many of these arsehole beeboids would like to see their kids terrified because some mong was launching rockets at them on a daily basis.
This all must be viewed through the prism of the BBC’s ghoulish Body-Count Narrative. According to that logic, not enough Israelis have died to be worth making a fuss about.
The BBC banging on about lockerbie yet again and how Cameron has got some difficult questions to answer. BBC view is that he is now responsible even though it didn’t happen on his watch.
Hmm, compare how the BBC defend the one eyed mong for having to inherit Iraq and Afghanistan from Bliar (even though McMong was at the heart of both wars anyway) and how the BBC defends Barry Obama from what Bush did (it’s all Bush’s fault is the BBC line)
If someone, anyone, has upset Barry O’Bama, then the BBC manual says they must be refered to as a mass murdering terrorist. This even applies if they are Allah’s little helpers – Duh – Stupid!
I see immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser has already done another installment in his pro-immigration propaganda series for the BBC. This time, he’s in Santa Cruz, CA, talking to a few young people who came from Europe to work at the amusement park on the boardwalk.
Note the girl from Macedonia (1:20 in) is listed as a “student”. Unlike the rest of the alleged summer workers Strasser has, she is in a security guard’s uniform, which is not something they’d give to a temporary summer migrant. She’s clearly staying for a longer term, but that’s not the impression the BBC wants you to have.
Of course they all love the US. Immigration is great, that’s the Narrative of this entire propaganda series. Once again, there is ZERO mention of illegal immigration, which is the actual reason Strasser was sent on this propaganda mission.
And what do you know? Santa Cruz is another “Sanctuary City”, which means that they are refusing to cooperate with federal authorities about enforcing the law about illegal entry to the country. Could that be a reason why Strasser went there? Funny he didn’t mention that at all. But then, that wouldn’t help the “rapport” with the US the BBC is trying to create for you all, at your expense.
If a rotten tree falls, under the weight of its own corruption, in the forest, and no one cares a flying monkeys… [with apols to some philosopher. Maybe Mrs. Palin?]
scroll down on this page and you’ll find a bloody absurd number of people listed as “US Correspondents” at the BBC. You could also add in people like Plett at the UN and the various guys they send over there wo wander around at our expense – Ecology Man, and now the Immigration Youth.
All this must cost a fortune.
In return – we get incomplete and very biased US news from the BBC, usually arselicking Obama and riddled with Bush and Palin Derangement Syndrome stuff plus total inaccuracy about Tea Party stuff.
I reckon you could organise the entire BBC coverage from an office with a staff of one, in London. All it appears to take is free access to the talking points at Washington Post, New York Times, CNN/CBS/ABC/and especially NSMBC, Obama and Democrat PR, HuffPo, Politico and that’s about it. No need for Fox or any right-wing blogs, that wouldn’t fit the BBC groupthink.
Can I bid for the job, and trouser the savings or a big percentage ?
I see this hasn’t been updated in ages. But the number of Beeboids in the US is still pretty much the same. All helping to interpret the US for you.
And Matt Frei says they’re going to step up their game even more! I suppose the first wave of attack is sending that German kid to traipse around the country doing a propaganda series about the wonders of immigration in order to cover up the real issue of illegal immigration.
The need for a rebuttal against the BBC is greater than ever.
If Nick Robinson and Andrew Neill’s blogs are much to go on, there will not be much updating for two months as 90% of the BBC goes on summer hols. I know they think they are teachers of how to think, so I guess they deserve the free time.
As far as I can gather almost all BBC energy is being devoted to a commercial assault on the US with, I guess, the UK feepayer building the infrastructure. One wonders if we will reap any benefits.
John Humphrys is out of his mind or just lying to maintain a Narrative if he thinks that the US has just as much in common in terms of values and outlook with the UK as it does with lots of other countries. What nonsense. And then he mewls about the “poodle” thing and “junior partner”, questioning why the UK even needs such a close relationship with the US.
Funny how the BBC always acts all upset about the UK government being supposedly subservient to the US, yet they are fully supportive of the UK government being subservient – to the point of surrending sovereignty – to the EU. Don’t think I ever heard a Beeboid whining about the UK being “Merkel’s Dachshund” or something similar.
I guess it depends on which values one thinks are important.
Given that the BBC’s biz/financial ‘experts’ seem to be floundering without the daily press release from the Gov to retype, I thought this Alex cartoon today was apposite:
BBC political priorities on ‘Today’: give more time, (peak-time 7 mins) to leftist Oliver Stone propagandising for Chavez, than to PM David Cameron in America (4 mins).
You beat me to it. I was going to put something about the defunct JournoList on David Riddick’s “Baron’s of Bias” post.
The US Leftoid media has been exposed at last as a bunch of colluding, dishonest, and vicious propagandists. I don’t have much hope that a Beeboid was in the loop enough to be on that list, but I can always dream that Matt Frei or Katty Kay were on it.
JournoList is/was exactly what this site exists to fight at the BBC. In all seriousness, it’s the real thing, a real conspiracy to pervert the news in order to promote a political agenda. If anyone is interested in reading about this, notice just how much the BBC’s reporting on US issues – especially regarding anything affecting The Obamessiah – exactly mirrors what JournoList was pushing.
No wonder the BBC has remained silent on this for weeks now.
Does anyone outside of the media industry care about Conrad Black? Or did he reach gossip-column status in the UK and so now is worthy of more coverage on the News Channel than Nick Clegg telling Jack Staw during PMQs that the invasion of Iraq was illegal (total silence so far), or Hillary Clinton saying that the Pakistani government knows where Bin Laden is?
There’s a Beeboid waiting outside the prison right now keeping a vigil until Black comes out.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
Lets start with the bbc at its worst, willfully attempting to mislead the unknowing public , by deliberately slanting a story with its own in-house agenda.
Its those urban experts from Farming Today again, and this time their faux concern is people still being allowed to shoot the native Grey Partridge, despite it being on the red list.
Sadly, changes in farming practices (eg, winter corn = no stubles), have led to a major decline in the number of Greys in most areas.
However, working with the Game Conservatory Trust, a number of the best of the great shooting estates , have managed their land ( at a significant potential cost to their farming operations), in such a manner as to actually increase the number of their Greys and in most years have a stable population, with a surplus to shoot.
This is a major success story by a number of driven and incredibly commited landowners, and is recognised as such by serious rural comentators, but hey , it doesn’t fit the beeboid narrative, those pesky rednecks destroying our wildlife.
Ah but its the dirty word the BBC do not like ” LANDOWNERS”.
Some of our Norfolk estates have done more to preserve wildlife and rural jobs than any government run programme will ever doi
That is true with all the townie elite. We have a friend who works on a large estate in Norfolk. They hold shooting parties. But and it is a big but; they have spent millions on the grounds to ensure wildlife thrives. Of course, to the people of the BBC it doesnt count. Not withstanding that; the landowner is actually a working-class kid who made very very good.
Typical townie ignorance. In my home county of Perthshire, Red-legged Partridges are being bred for shooting and roaming wild. Lovely to see this beautiful bird.
I am biased about the BBC pension. A pension of bankers standard for DDG Byford, but paid for by us. Bloody angry as well to add to the bias.
“BBC Deputy DG Mark Byford ‘in line for £400,000 pension'”
Christ that article sickens me. Is there no end to the disgusting, deplorable, talentless shite that are feeding at the trough filled with our money?
No fecker whatsoever in the BBC deserves such a package, I don’t care what they do or how long they have done it for. Seriously, what has that bastard done to deserve that, and at our expense?
£5000 in flights to the world cup? You fat, lazy, piss taking twat. What did he even need to be there for? Utter wanker.
Can we regard the BBC of being guilty of claiming that all climate deniers are funded by Big Oil? Let’s, well
“One of the world’s largest oil companies has broken its pledge to stop funding groups that promote scepticism about man-made climate change. ExxonMobil, parent company of Esso, gave almost £1m last year to organisations that campaign against controls on greenhouse gas emissions. Several made outspoken attacks on climate scientists at the University of East Anglia and argued their leaked e-mails showed that the dangers of global warming had been grossly exaggerated, the Times reports.”
I wish ExxonMobil would fund me!!!
I’m already “skeptical” in my spare time and on my own dime. So it’d be easy work.
Actually this is rather funny. The manmade global warm-mongers have their piggy snouts in a trough that is worth billions upon billions of tax funded fithy lucre stolen from ordinary poorish people.
And EM gives a paltry ONE MILLION of their own money (not tax payers) to the sane people?
Good lord… James Hansen won’t even get out of bed for that pathetic sum.
I trust, and/or like, very few politicians, of any hue.
But as it’s a job needing doing, and a tricky one, I give most some credit for trying, so long as they are honest and competent. Plus a bit of initial slack. Which is why such as Balls, Milibands, etc are past redemption.
Mr. Gove seems to be struggling a tad, but it’s early days yet before the full measure of the man can be assessed.
However, this does rather put him up in my estimation:
politicshomeuk Gove: “I believe in value for money… it may not be a concept that the BBC would like to see applied to public expenditure”
I can, at least for now, influence change with my local MP and national government.
I have no such power with a £3.6B, hugely socially influential media monolith, that sees unique public funding as the plaything of a small group of overpaid, excessively pensioned bubble dwellers inside the M25.
Which seems ‘disproportionate’, to hijack a favoured phrase.
Some… are not happy.
Can’t think why.
The bBC the news from Africa and look some people got killed.
Nigerian machete-wielding attackers kill 8 people
At least eight people have been killed in an attack by machete-wielding assailants near the city of Jos in Nigeria. The unidentified attackers descended on a village on the outskirts of Jos, burning about 10 houses, early on Saturday, officials said. Some reports said the dead included the family of a Christian priest.
And here is how the rest of the world were informed about the above:
Nigerian pastor’s family killed in sectarian clashesThe wife of a pastor, his two children and a grandson were among eight people killed in fresh sectarian violence in religiously-divided central Nigeria, the clergyman said on Sunday.Fulani Muslims launched the overnight attack on Mazzah, near Jos, early Saturday, killing eight people with machetes and burning seven houses and a church in the latest religious clashes.
Al Jazeera
Christians killed in Nigeria attack
At least eight people have been hacked to death in a predominantly Christian village in central Nigeria, an army spokesman has said.
Part 2
The bBC then goes into obfuscate mode by claiming that nobody knows why people would want to kill others in Nigeria. I quote:
“The authorities were trying to find out “the root causes of the violence”, but it had not spread to other villages….Although the clashes take place between Muslims and Christians, observers say the underlying causes are economic and political. “
Get that, the bBC which has no problem airing what it believes is the reason why behind most stories (Usually the reporters own opinion) cannot fathom out why these people were murdered in cold blood.
And here is a little story I picked up last week but the world famous bBC didn’t. which helps explain why Muslims in Nigeria decided to attack a Christian village and hack 8 people to death.
I forgot to mention and why only 8 people were killed.
Meanwhile the big news story from Africa is that the African Union is opposing the International Criminal Court’s warrant to arrest President a-Bashir of Sudan on charges of genocide because “it would harm the peace process “.
Don’t know if the BBC has covered this one.
from the Radio Times
Science and Islam<!– END titleInfo –>
Monday 19 July
7:30pm – 8:30pm
1/3 – The Language of Science
Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science. For Baghdad-born Al-Khalili this is also a personal journey and he uncovers a diverse, outward-looking culture, fascinated by learning and obsessed with science.”
That culture is sure hard to spot for all but the BBC
I actually like Jim Al-Khalili he has been a good presenter on other science programs as he doesn’t speak down to the viewer. I really wish the Beeb would commission more such shows like that. However the Beebs tiny yet PC minds have decided he is doing these Islamic shows instead. Yet if you look at his Wiki page he had a British Christian mother and an Iraqi Muslim father and says as a result he hasn’t a religious bone in his body.
For Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC):-
“Fjordman: To President Obama: Regarding Islam and Science”
Oh dear — typical misinformation from al-Beeb, to proves something about Muslims.
Let’s get one thing straight, even if true… ISLAM (i.e. a sodding religion) did not INVENT anything.
The most that one can say is that a person who practised the Muslim faith INVENTED something, or discovered a universal mathematical truth.
However the idea the some Mohammedan 1300 years ago was the source of our mathematical priciples is such a CROCK.
I will give one link that explains where “algebra” originated. And it ain’t Arabia. And it wasn’t generally the wholly ANTI-SCIENCE death cult that Islam gew from.
Give Indians proper credit for Algebra
By Vir Gupta
During his speech on June 4 in Cairo, Egypt, President Barack Obama gave credit to Muslims for invention of many things, including algebra.
I would like to bring out the facts about the history of Algebra.The credit for the first use of algebra probably goes to the Babylonians, who solved some quadratic problems verbally, but recognized only positive roots.
During the time of Plato, Greeks used geometry to solve algebraic problems. Later, Diophantus (about 350 A.D.) wrote some rules for multiplication and division and solved some simple problems in “Arithmetica”. His algebra was syncopated and rhetorical. Indians have a long history of using mathematics.
Fire altars were constructed using Pythagora’s theorem long before Pythagoras. A decimal system for weights and measures was used in the Indus Valley (2500 B.C.).
Numbers in multiples of 2, 7, 10, 100 and even one million are found in several books, including “Narad Vishnu Purana” (1000 B.C.), “Anuyog Dwara Sutra ” (100 B.C.), “Lalitvistara” (100 A.D.) and several Mahayana Buddhist books. “Anuyog Dwara Sutra” also gives multiplication of square roots of square roots. Basic use of logarithm appears in “Satkhandagama” (150 A.D.).The Bakhshali manuscript (200 A.D.) found near Peshawar in Pakistan includes fractions, square roots, quadratic equations, simultaneous equations, arithmetic and geometric progressions etc.
Aryabhatta (499 A.D.), a great Indian astronomer, wrote 118 verses in “Aryabhattiya” which cover several areas including arithmetic, algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry. It includes continued fractions, square roots,.. CONT
How about their reporting about the child-beating murdering thug ‘Moaty’? He showed the police didn’t he? Their anti-police reporting was atrocious.
I notice Today were giving that awful Tim Yeo a plug, and some airtime to promote his new book, which is basically all about stopping the rest of us doing anything which may contribute to carbon emissions, and building private motorways for those who can afford to use them (and don’t give a toss about carbon really, or the cost of fuel because they can afford it, whatever the cost). Has the nice Mr. Yeo not heard the news that carbon emissions are bugger all to do with anything, and that cooling is just around the corner? Bet he’s got a nice car, big house, loads of money, etc., etc. And he’s Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, and a tory. Those poor tories – if they don’t soon wake up and smell the coffee, they won’t know what’s hit ’em, what with people freezing to death, and the lights going out.
But that is what it is all about of course. For us ‘little people’ the elite begrudgingly accept we can fly abroad on holiday once a year. We are allowed a car but only when all other options are impractical. Of course the BBC are plugging the green rubbish because their pensions depend on it.
I think you mean Dim Yeo —
a corruptocrat who has a DIRECT financial interest in all this green crap.
Twerp that he is. Hate his guts.
Did he condemn the President for flying His dog to Maine in a private jet? If not, screw Yeo. His opinion means nothing to me.
Yeo has always been a prat.
Tim Yeo is a shining example of venal self interest and stunning anti human/anti democratic political excrement.
He has no idea of the struggle of ordinary people to live a decent life and he cares even less.
He might well giggle and sneer at the ordinary poor who struggle to pay the states enforced tax system, a tax system now so crippling and restrictive that more and more are forced to turn to regime handouts to survive. The rich will never struggle to pay the life tax demand of a greedy bloated regime staffed by rich parasites loading ever more ‘Prince John’ style burdens on the scum.
Tories? I dont bloody well think so! There are more tories in the SWP than there are in the new regime upper echelons and those tokens that could be described as tory should hang their heads in shame as they cling to the trappings of power rather than denounce the new commissars for what they are or more importantly are not.
Cass — he’s a crony capitalist. A paid up member of the leftarati “ruling” class parasited into the conservative party.
He’d sell out his dying grandmother for pecuniary self-aggrandizement.
Has anyone noticed, this is only a minor thing, but #proudofthebbc is a trending topic on twitter? What on Earth caused this to be a trending topic and so many foolish people to be pledging allegience to this most disgusting of corporations?
It’s not what you say, it’s who you say it against…
DavidACGregory Covering regional news properly since ITV is no longer that keen #proudofthebbc
Not sure how that falls under the ‘professional courtesy’ banner.
These are my personal views and not those of the BBC
Probably best, then, not to cite one’s total immersion within it on every line and link.
FWIW, the #sickofthebbc hashtag, inspired in response, for free, to balance the no doubt multi-£, fee-payer uniquely funded brainstorm it rightly mocks, seems to be generating tweets that are a) more accurate, and b) much funnier.
Here you go:
Rallying hissyfitdom of a few 10’s of thousands Beeboids on break/sabbatical/leave/sicky/at work but doing squat, plus the assembled luvvyness of the Graun and its readers, and you have… a campaign!
With luck they might take to writing to folk to tell ’em how to think. That worked well in a US election, as I recall.
Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) campaigning for Muslim Iraqis to stay in Britain:
“Iraqi deported from UK talks about his struggle”
Presumably INBBC wants millions more to come to UK to be safe and paid for.
Does this politically suit BBC’s ‘open-door’ mass immigration, pro-EU stance?:-
” 1 million Moldovans head for Britain due to loophole in EU law”
George I did note that the Express has up:
One thing… if the EXPRESS won’t allow comments, then the anti-unlimited, out-of-control importation of millions from of another alien culture….
the deluge must be mind-boggling…
Jack, I have noticed that with the Express, if a story is ‘contencious’ they disable the have your say bit.
I assumed it was to avoid the accusation of incitement when the readers expressed their views, (which would probably coincide with mine).
The bBC and not the Nine O/clock news.
Remember when a rabble rouser decided he and his ilk were going to hold a protest through Wotton Basset? The bBC had no problem airing how these peaceful people had the right to do what they liked in the nasty evil (but democratic) United Kingdom.
With how the bBC is so quick to air news stories and give them front page status I was a little surprised to see how this story had been filed under…boring. move along nothing here to be seen.
Oh and the story a protest in Birmingham by the odious EDL which saw 21 people arrested over the weekend
So how many times have you seen the bBC scream out that a child has been hurt by; Police/NATO forces or god forbid… Israel
So with the knowledge that the bBC has no problem shouting out..injured child why has it hidden this story of an attack on a school by those who prefer the bullet and the bomb to the ballot box….
Meanwhile on the Africa NewsWebsite, the bBC leads with a story about how a pastor has been arrested on his way to bomb…a pro Islamic rally.
Move along no bias here….
Mandelmong getting a nice soft ride off Radio 5’s leftie loser Colin Patterson. Luckily Bacon isn’t doing it as the Vaseline would be all over the studio floor by now.
Did anyone notice this morning on the Today programme the shrill Montague trying to score one over on the nice Mr Gove. I am pretty sure her microphone got turned up and his turned down as he tried to explain things in a way that she didn’t like. I know Mr Gove speaks in a very calm and measured way and Montague didn’t but the change in comparative volumes seemed to happen very suddenly.
In addition that mad Balls was on again – shouldn’t there be equal time given to all party candidates? And that only equal to what is given to the Coalition. The bias just gets stronger.
I can tell from the press conference being shown on the News Channel right now that the US Coast Guard is well aware of the growing outcry against the Government’s failures regarding the clean-up effort.
But the main point of today’s press conference was not, in fact, the new cap, but actually was to scare everyone about the weather. Nobody could possibly be prepared to deal with all that oil plus a hurricane, so the weather is now going to take the sole blame for any problems with cleaning up the oil. The Coast Guard guy emphasized a few different problematic weather angles. It was clear that the message he wanted everyone to come away with today was that weather was now cause of all problems with the clean-up effort.
The Coast Guard spokesman then went through a whole laundry list of local agencies and tactics they’re working on with them. He needs to reassure people that they actually have a clue and have not screwed the whole thing up by bureaucracy and power struggles and incompetence. Once that confidence is established (and it will be, because the MSM and BBC have censored all news to the contrary), it’s a simple matter to shift all blame to bad weather.
First question from a US reporter is about just that. As the spokesman goes through another laundry list of equipment they’re using on the clean-up, the BBC cuts back to the studio, to move onto something else. A narrow escape.
BBC giving air time to a group of schools who are sending students and teachers to Westminster to protest against the Government’s killing of Labour’s buildings scheme. This has already been explained at length, yet nobody is pointing out to these school administrators (who are the instigators, and using students) that Labour didn’t actually provide the money for whatever building projects were cancelled, and many of them languished unstarted for years under Labour. If Ed Balls had been a good Minister, some of these schools would have already had their construction projects done, or at least well under way. None of it happened because of Labour’s failure, not because an unfunded project was cancelled.
Yet, here’s the BBC again taking the same Labour line of attack on this issue, the same one they’ve been taking ever since Gove made that annoucement/apology. It’s as if they don’t care what anybody says, that’s their story and they’re sticking to it. And encouraging innocent students – the real victims in all this – to protest in the process.
A bit off that they are protesting on a school day. Any excuse to play truant, eh? And that’s just the teachers…
“The week at Westminster” on Saturday had a Tory MP ( can’t remember his name ) on who will be protesting.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC suddenly produce obscure Tory and Lib Dem backbenchers who disagree with government policy ?
Not sure why the bbc gave so much coverage to this protest. bbc radio report said 500 were protesting so the real number was probably 200. Not much of a protest either way. Certainly the number protesting did not warrant the coverage given.
Very small thing but it reveals a great deal. They are using that word again – They used it very freely to de-value the conservatives position when they were in opposition, and I have never heard it used it when reporting Labour’s position. Now the tables have turned the BBC is still facing the same way. Radio 5 live at 4 pm news announced David Cameron’s “Big Society” plan. They said that the tories “CLAIMED…” yet reported David Milband as saying that it would not work. You will notice that David Miliband did not “CLAIM” that it would not work. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr….
And David Cameron “DEFENDS” the plan.
Of course “Big Society” is a stupid phrase, but the BBC are attacking it for all it is worth. Eddie Mair was in full mode yesterday claiming that increased voluntary service would lead to higher
unemployment !
Beeboids’ ‘big society’?:
“Five unions could co-ordinate BBC strike, NUJ warns”
Let’s hope the BBC go on strike, forever !!!
On Saturday I heard Farming Today. Four BBC ‘producers’ were sent to experience fruit picking, and to educate us about migrant workers. We hear that hardworking Bulgarian seasonal workers are much better than British people who are too lazy and pampered to work. English wages go a long way in Bulgaria; would that be related somehow?
The BBC team found their own clumsiness amusing. Charlotte Smith sounded like a man. I got a shock when he referred to herself as ‘she’. Apart from that, what caught my attention was – at the end of the week, after analysing all their fruit-picking performances, they asked the farmer jokingly if he would give them a job “if they got the push from the BBC?”
Oh! how they laughed.
And what did the farmer reply ? Or is that unrepeatable ?
Peter Sissons has a letter in the Telegraph. He’s agreeing with the things Selina Scott said about the BBC’s ageism and so on. The management style [….] seems to be conducted by whispers in corridors. Peter Sissons says:
“It goes from top to bottom, regardless of age or gender.
“Hundreds of demoralised people at TV centre will testify to this”.
What is Mark Byford being paid such an enormous amount for if he can’t make a better fist of managing the BBC than that?
I’d guess that both the management style and the news editorial policies are conducted by whispers in corridors.
I thought the whispers would be in the toilets actually.
I just realized this also explains the sudden appearance of an older female newsreader on the News Channel earlier today.
Where do I start with the 6PM News?
Why were those kids NOT at school? Then again when you listen to these halfwits “.. we wantz to be edukated man, coz we iz smart kidz..”, I could cry, I really could.
Then we have a camp male beeboid reporting from the USA (has Frei topped himself? I can only hope) stating that BP’s efforts to stop the oil leak has not gone down well in the USA, I notice the camp male beeboid didn’t mention that Barry’s efforts are also considered shit by the American people and his popularity is lower than a tarts knickers at a footballers party.
Silence from Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC):-
-Islam trumps disabled people –
“Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1295749/Muslim-bus-drivers-refuse-let-guide-dogs-board.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0u9O6zNTj
We should all be very grateful to the unions. The BBC is going on strike unless thier demands over pensions are met by Wednesday. I hope someone decides to dig their heels in!!
Well well well, what a shock. The camp male beeboids are now trying to pin the release of Megrahi on cameron, well of course it’s Cameron’s fault, not the fault of the gutless fat one eyed mong or the fat two eyed jock mong in Scotland.
Only in the world of the BBC could they even attempt to hang Cameron for this which of course was another Nu Liebour shambles and as we all remember the BBC fully backed his release.
It was a Scots Mafia hit job run out of MacMob Central aka Edinburgh.
It’s a total joke Jack, it was the BBC who were cheerleading for the release of Megrahi at the time bigging up McTwat and toad of Toad hall in the joke Scottish Parliament and Cameron was the one who opposed his release.
How on earth is Cameron supposed know what went on between McMong, Jack Straw, Toad of Toad Hall and BP? Not to mention Mandelson was probably involved somewhere and we know Bliar was.
But again, the BBC totally backed the release of Megrahi at the time, not Cameron.
That right , the BBC love all terrorists and backed the release of Megrahi.
The whole episode was totally shameful and I certainly don’t know any Scots who supported it.
We had to suffer the humiliation of the world listening to the speech by Kenny Macaskill , a man whose IQ is in single figures, giving the impression that Scots Law is rubbish.
Meanwhile, Magrahi looks pretty sprighly to me !
“That’s right ” !
Gripper ‘was my role model’ – PM
(that’s a character from “Grange Hill” – a BBC programme)
Pity it’s not the Gipper, but better to ingratiate himself to the BBC
Classic rose-tinted BBC take on a Marxist revolution:
‘In Pictures: Sandinista revolution remembered’
I find it odd that the BBC website invariably refers to the Prime Ministor as “Cameron”. When Brown was in (alleged) power it was always “The Prime Ministor Gorden Brown” or some other differential title. The BBC have no manners .
Roger, yup I noticed this too. It is also noticable that they rarely use the word government instead they refer to the government as the coalition. I guess they are still in denial.
Yes, and I find it equally significant that the BBC website and its news reporters insist so frequently on use of the term Tory in place of the correct designation Conservative in their reporting.
It’s not just a question of space in headlines. Often you will find entire stories with a reference only to a `Tory’ MP etc, with the official Conservative designation nowhere to be found in the story.
So meticulous in its preference for eg `gunmen’ rather than the `judgemental’ term `terrorist’, in this instance the BBC’s deliberate adoption of an incorrect designation and a colloquialism open to pejorative interpretation reveals its pathetic desire to undermine and denigrate.
Inability to get the f%^king name right of the political party with the longest record in Govt in the UK is just one of countless reasons to shut the dysfunctional organisation down.
Well said on all counts. I use the word “Tory” because I am too lazy to type “Conservative”. The BBC use “Tory” as a term of abuse.
Good point prpw. It’s often in small subtle details and variances in the use of language, as much as in larger themes and content, that bias is revealed.
Here’s a question, why isn’t the BBC asking where Alex Salmond is on the whole BP Megrahi issue? The Scottish Government is a tin pot gutless waste of money, hiding behind the skirt of the British Government.
Why Cameron is being asked to attend some meeting with US Senators is beyond me, especially as Cameron openly opposed the release of Megrahi but Liebour didn’t.
Agree with you on both points !
I can answer that: It’s because our genius elected leaders are ignorant of the facts of the case. Our hapless Secretary of State appears to be unaware of how it all went down, and I’m certain that the towering intellect of The Obamessiah is unencumbered with the knowledge. Plus my own moronic, pork-loving Senator Chuck Schumer has been demagoguing about BP and Libya.
Probably the dopey politicians just want to hear an apology, as I seriously doubt any of them give a damn about the loss of human life and are more concerned about their own popularity being affected by it.
R4 This morning.
“You and yours” phone-in. “Is the Big Society a good idea or a cover for spending cuts ?” The BBC pursuing this one relentlessly. I don’t seem to remember the BBC featuring the hundreds of mindless Labour “initiatives” which were quietly dropped.
Hang on, isn’t “You and Yours” meant to be a consumer programme.
Then, utterly bizarrely, “Saving Species. What effect will the Big Society have on farmland birds ? “. No, I am not making this up !
My prediction for next week. ” What effect will the Big Society have on Global Warming and crime rates “.
The BBC is getting more out of control every day. It really is becoming a parody of itself.
“Is the Big Society a good idea…
No idea. But it has to be an improvement on the socialist’s SHIT SOCIETY.
Seriously, wrapping the word BIG around anything is not usually a good conservative principle.
Unless being asked about the size of your penis 🙂
Despite the fact the BBC radio’s ‘Asian Network’ is to be closed down, this is how the apartheid BBC is still spending licencepayers’ money:
“BBC Introducing brings fresh Asian talent to London Mela”
The BBC’s coverage of the international conference in Kabul, which among other things discussed security, omits a very pertinent detail.
‘Rockets stop Ban from landing in Kabul’
That may explain the quote from Ban provided by the BBC:
In quotes: Afghanistan conference
Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary general
“Let us also be clear – just as Afghans are taking greater responsibility for governance and development, so must they take greater responsibility for security as well.”
You have to laugh… 😀
Maybe the ludicrous Ban could lead UN peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan !
“The Daily Politics” today with Andrew “Brillo” Neil and the lovely, pouting, Jo Coburn.
First up, police spending cuts. The universal Alan Johnson defends Labour’s doubling of police spending as the price for the fall in crime. Yeah, right. Nick Herbert was quite impressive saying savings can be made without affecting services to the public.
Then, international aid. Brillo ripped into Alan Duncan who was defending the spending. Duncan didn’t really have an answer to Brillo’s point that most of it is wasted and syphoned off through corruption. He claimed his department would be monitoring aid to Afghanistan closely. Alan, I have news for you. The corrupt politicians in the recipient countries are cleverer than you and your department !
Let’s be honest our politicians are for the most part little better than the scum in Afghanistan. Gordon Brown should be in prison for many things, his expenses being one of them.
I agree that Gordon the Moron should be in prison for many reasons, but, in the interest of compassion, he should have access to psychiatric care.
How about this for a complete anti-Conservative non-story:
The government has not ruled out introducing a compulsory payment scheme for social care, sources say.
During the election campaign the Conservatives campaigned against the so-called “death tax” to pay for social care.
However, government sources have made clear that the Commission on Funding for Care and Support, set up on Tuesday, will be able to consider all options including voluntary and compulsory schemes.
The Conservatives had backed a voluntary insurance scheme and pulled out of cross-party talks on the future of social care ahead of the election because the compulsory option was not ruled out.
A government spokesman said: “As the coalition agreement makes clear the commission will look at both voluntary and partnership models of funding.
“We do not wish to constrain the commission from considering other options such as compulsory schemes.”
Beeboid immigrant to the US Franz Strasser has done another installment in his journey to create a Narrative about the immigrant experience in the US. This time, it’s San Francisco, home of the biggest “Chinatown” neighborhood and the most Chinese in the US.
It’s rather disjointed, really, jumping to a segment about a severely disabled non-Chinese person to an educated Eastern European couple, without any sense of a coherent whole. I think Strasser was trying to make a point about educated immigrants, but it came across very poorly.
The problem with Strasser’s presence in the US is that he is here specifically to present to all of you a positive Narrative of immigration in the US. The BBC decided to do this precisely because of the recent noise about illegal immigration in Arizona, and other states actually already having similar laws in place. As has been documented on this blog previously, the BBC’s answer to concerns about illegal immigration even in the UK is to sweep the “illegal” part under the rug and pretend the story is about immigration, full stop. In this case, the BBC decided to send somebody to the US to leave a huge carbon footprint in order to do that all over again.
As I predicted, Strasser made no mention whatsoever of illegal immigration. He doesn’t want you to know that San Francisco declared itself a “Sanctuary City” in 1985, meaning that the politicians granted protection from immigration enforcement within city limits, and have refused ever since to cooperation with federal authorities. Did the BBC cover that as a negative, like they did when AZ decided to enforce the law their own way? Of course not.
One would have thought that would be an interesting point to raise about the immigrant experience and San Francisco’s Chinatown, but that’s not the Narrative Strasser was sent here to promote. Other information about Chinese immigration Strasser and the BBC don’t want you to know is that even as far back as 1993, about 100,000 illegal Chinese were coming into the US every year, most of them through San Francisco’s Chinatown. Instead, Strasser tried to tell you that the Chinese immigrants are mostly well-educated and determined to adapt and join US society. Strasser does not want you to know about all those iilegal elders coming to live with family or the tens of thousands of illegal restaurant workers. Which is why a state like Rhode Island has had a similar law to AZ‘s on its books for while now. BBC forgot to mention that, too.
Interestingly, it was the banning in 1882 of nearly all Chinese immigration whicih led to the whole illegal immigration scene. That would have been really interesting to learn, but the BBC isn’t interested in actually informing you. That won’t help the “rapport” with the US they want you to have.
If anyone is actually interested, here’s a fascinating timeline of legal Chinese immigration to the US, providing some historical perspective. Too bad the BBC wasn’t interested in any of this, and is focused exclusively on that “immigration is great” Narrative.
Don’t trust the BBC on this one. It’s all a smokescreen to hide facts so they can create the desired impression.
MUSLIM identity of murderers of Christians in Pakistan censored.
More censorship by Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC):
Politically distorting INBBC headline:
“Pakistan city tense after ‘blaspheming’ Christians shot”
More accurately would be:
‘Muslims murder chained Christians in Pakistan’
Presumably, INBBC would now support any Christans who kill Muslims anywhere in the world to avenge that crime, just as INBBC appears to support Islamic jihad mass murders anywhere in the world if such jihadists oppose the actions of non-Muslims, like in Iraq?
Good grief. Sarah Palin apparently had a slip of the tongue recently and said “refudiate” instead of “repudiate”. So the BBC World Service is doing a segment on it now, bringing in the author of the OED book on modern slang to have a giggle. It’s supposed to be an excuse to talk about how a made-up word might make its way into common usage. Do they actually get around to mentioning any made-up words that have done this, like “chortle”, coined by Lewis Carroll in Jabberwocky? No, this wasn’t an intellectual excercise at all: it was just a chance to ridicule Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin is the BBC’s second-most hated female politican of all time, and they just can’t help themselves. What a waste of time, and a fee for the OED guy, plus his cab fare if he wasn’t phoning it in.
FFS, now they’re reading viewer comments about made-up words from the BBC Facebook page.
Yes the BBC were sneering about her today as well.
Ah, so in addition to rejigging to ease the whole ad revenue thing in, the so far universally pasted, multi-£ website design was also to create yet another ‘we’re only sharing thoughts we like’, degree-of-separation source of inane ‘public’ vox-pops for the luvvies to preselect.
Actually I quite like refudiate, as a refute/repudiate combo, with the greater overt aggression of the former preceding the more passive disagreement of the latter. Could catch on. Certainly much from Aunty’s bowels could use it.
It’s a great word!
OMG, this whole thing is because Sarah Palin misspelled the word on f#$%ing Twitter! The Beeboids in the US read the Leftoid (but occasionally rather fair) Politico blog, where some moronic blogger was hyping it up. This is how low the BBC has sunk in their Palin Derangement Syndrome. This is also how the BBC decides what to report to you about US issues.
A typo in a tweet makes them do a whole segment on the World Service, including bringing in an OED expert to chuckle about it, as well as making a big deal out of it on the f#$%ing BBC Facebook page.
BBC, you are truly pathetic. Defenders of the indefensible will ignore this, as usual.
So Israel has develped a new anti-rocket defense system, and the first thing the World Service Beeboid does is to ask the Israeli mouthpiece if rockets from Gaza or Lebanon are even a threat worth bothering with. Of course the answer is yes, so the Beeboid then asks if the missile program was too expensive and a waste of money. What country does he think he’s talking about?
Probably because the beeboid believes their own propaganda and thinks the only ‘rockets’ that come over are ones launched from milk bottles.
I just wonder how many of these arsehole beeboids would like to see their kids terrified because some mong was launching rockets at them on a daily basis.
The BBC narrative is that rockets are home-made or crude. Not many of them either judging by the number of attacks not reported.
A quick Google search for “crude rockets” Gaza site:BBC.co.uk found 28 references.
“home-made rockets” OR “home made rockets” OR “homemade rockets”Gaza site:BBC.co.uk 67 results
Why invest in anti-rocket defence when they do so little damage? “little damage” rockets” Gaza site:BBC.co.uk 14 results
This all must be viewed through the prism of the BBC’s ghoulish Body-Count Narrative. According to that logic, not enough Israelis have died to be worth making a fuss about.
Yes, crude stuff. So crude and harmless I doubt anyone would blink I made a few in my garden shed.
Listening positively? Or reacting defensively?
The BBC banging on about lockerbie yet again and how Cameron has got some difficult questions to answer. BBC view is that he is now responsible even though it didn’t happen on his watch.
Hmm, compare how the BBC defend the one eyed mong for having to inherit Iraq and Afghanistan from Bliar (even though McMong was at the heart of both wars anyway) and how the BBC defends Barry Obama from what Bush did (it’s all Bush’s fault is the BBC line)
This is basically the BBC’s world view. Yep, it’s all Bush’s fault.
If someone, anyone, has upset Barry O’Bama, then the BBC manual says they must be refered to as a mass murdering terrorist. This even applies if they are Allah’s little helpers – Duh – Stupid!
I see immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser has already done another installment in his pro-immigration propaganda series for the BBC. This time, he’s in Santa Cruz, CA, talking to a few young people who came from Europe to work at the amusement park on the boardwalk.
Note the girl from Macedonia (1:20 in) is listed as a “student”. Unlike the rest of the alleged summer workers Strasser has, she is in a security guard’s uniform, which is not something they’d give to a temporary summer migrant. She’s clearly staying for a longer term, but that’s not the impression the BBC wants you to have.
Of course they all love the US. Immigration is great, that’s the Narrative of this entire propaganda series. Once again, there is ZERO mention of illegal immigration, which is the actual reason Strasser was sent on this propaganda mission.
And what do you know? Santa Cruz is another “Sanctuary City”, which means that they are refusing to cooperate with federal authorities about enforcing the law about illegal entry to the country. Could that be a reason why Strasser went there? Funny he didn’t mention that at all. But then, that wouldn’t help the “rapport” with the US the BBC is trying to create for you all, at your expense.
If a rotten tree falls, under the weight of its own corruption, in the forest, and no one cares a flying monkeys… [with apols to some philosopher. Maybe Mrs. Palin?]
scroll down on this page and you’ll find a bloody absurd number of people listed as “US Correspondents” at the BBC. You could also add in people like Plett at the UN and the various guys they send over there wo wander around at our expense – Ecology Man, and now the Immigration Youth.
All this must cost a fortune.
In return – we get incomplete and very biased US news from the BBC, usually arselicking Obama and riddled with Bush and Palin Derangement Syndrome stuff plus total inaccuracy about Tea Party stuff.
I reckon you could organise the entire BBC coverage from an office with a staff of one, in London. All it appears to take is free access to the talking points at Washington Post, New York Times, CNN/CBS/ABC/and especially NSMBC, Obama and Democrat PR, HuffPo, Politico and that’s about it. No need for Fox or any right-wing blogs, that wouldn’t fit the BBC groupthink.
Can I bid for the job, and trouser the savings or a big percentage ?
sorry – here’s the BBC page of dozens of mugshots of BBC staff :
I see this hasn’t been updated in ages. But the number of Beeboids in the US is still pretty much the same. All helping to interpret the US for you.
And Matt Frei says they’re going to step up their game even more! I suppose the first wave of attack is sending that German kid to traipse around the country doing a propaganda series about the wonders of immigration in order to cover up the real issue of illegal immigration.
The need for a rebuttal against the BBC is greater than ever.
If Nick Robinson and Andrew Neill’s blogs are much to go on, there will not be much updating for two months as 90% of the BBC goes on summer hols. I know they think they are teachers of how to think, so I guess they deserve the free time.
As far as I can gather almost all BBC energy is being devoted to a commercial assault on the US with, I guess, the UK feepayer building the infrastructure. One wonders if we will reap any benefits.
Sky News manage with….one
John Humphrys is out of his mind or just lying to maintain a Narrative if he thinks that the US has just as much in common in terms of values and outlook with the UK as it does with lots of other countries. What nonsense. And then he mewls about the “poodle” thing and “junior partner”, questioning why the UK even needs such a close relationship with the US.
Funny how the BBC always acts all upset about the UK government being supposedly subservient to the US, yet they are fully supportive of the UK government being subservient – to the point of surrending sovereignty – to the EU. Don’t think I ever heard a Beeboid whining about the UK being “Merkel’s Dachshund” or something similar.
I guess it depends on which values one thinks are important.
The BBC were more than happy to have a close relationship when the one eyed mong was chasing Barry out the kitchen of the Whitehouse.
I guess it depends on which values one thinks are important.
Is anybody else annoyed by American ‘demands’for an inquiry over the release of the Lockerbie bomber?
Surely one of the values is respect for the decisions made democratically elected government even if you don’t agree with them?
BBC R4/World Service 21/7/10 0502:
“The British Prime Minister, Gor… David Cameron, met the…”
Wishful thinking? Stuck in the past?
Easy mistake to make.
When referring to approved pols, it was always Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
When trying to diss anyone your homies don’t like in ‘clever’ schoolyard ways, it was usually ‘Cameron’.
Now the honourific is unavoidable, slips will occur.
Given that the BBC’s biz/financial ‘experts’ seem to be floundering without the daily press release from the Gov to retype, I thought this Alex cartoon today was apposite:
BBC political priorities on ‘Today’: give more time, (peak-time 7 mins) to leftist Oliver Stone propagandising for Chavez, than to PM David Cameron in America (4 mins).
Oliver Stone Defends Hugo Chavez, Trashes America as ‘Empire’
Depending on your POV, the last line is a doozy…
You beat me to it. I was going to put something about the defunct JournoList on David Riddick’s “Baron’s of Bias” post.
The US Leftoid media has been exposed at last as a bunch of colluding, dishonest, and vicious propagandists. I don’t have much hope that a Beeboid was in the loop enough to be on that list, but I can always dream that Matt Frei or Katty Kay were on it.
JournoList is/was exactly what this site exists to fight at the BBC. In all seriousness, it’s the real thing, a real conspiracy to pervert the news in order to promote a political agenda. If anyone is interested in reading about this, notice just how much the BBC’s reporting on US issues – especially regarding anything affecting The Obamessiah – exactly mirrors what JournoList was pushing.
No wonder the BBC has remained silent on this for weeks now.
Does anyone outside of the media industry care about Conrad Black? Or did he reach gossip-column status in the UK and so now is worthy of more coverage on the News Channel than Nick Clegg telling Jack Staw during PMQs that the invasion of Iraq was illegal (total silence so far), or Hillary Clinton saying that the Pakistani government knows where Bin Laden is?
There’s a Beeboid waiting outside the prison right now keeping a vigil until Black comes out.
They won’t have to wait long!