Is anyone else sick of the BBC allowing the idea of “compassionate release” to stand? People die of old age or whatever in prison all the damn time. The Beeboids are sure trying to find somebody to blame besides Blair and Straw, but they are not asking if the whole concept of relase on “compassionate groonds” might be wrong.
Scotsmen shrug their shoulders, “can’t apply hindsight to medical examinations”, blame Blair and Miliband. The BBC doesn’t want to blame them, so lets everybody get away with the “compassionate groonds” dodge. Why doesn’t the BBC dare question that concept, which is the root cause of this whole fiasco?
I was in the car at lunchtime and heard the egregious “Media Show” on Radio 4. The presenter Steve Hewlett was interviewing a particular “media expert” and if you listen one minute or so from the end Steve Hewlett shamelessly spoonfeeds a final question to his expert about whether the Government’s decision to defer a decision on which sports events must by law be shown as “free to air” until 2013 might be a payback to Murdoch for the Sun’s support for the Conservative Party. “Well, yes”, says the expert. It may be slipped in at the end to a little-listened-to programme, but it’s quite an unequivocal accusation of corruption against the Conservatives, in a matter in which the BBC has an obvious self-interest.
The arrogant scum at the BBC seem to think they have the right to air top sports for free. What arrogant ****s.
The BBC are the first to point out that they should be allowed ot pay what the market wants, so why should a Cricketer no maximise his pay from his skill?
Also, Sky show lots of Cricket for example including women’s Cricket (all live) in fact think how much women’s sport Sky show, yet when was the last time you saw any women’s sport on the BBC?
The sheer arrogance of the BBC in this matter is beyond belief. If the BBC want to bid for live sport then let them raise their own funds.
Martin, I think that’s an excellent and recurring point. They wouldn’t dream of telling their cherished presenters that they should have their pay severely limited in the public interest because the public have the right to be blessed with them on their screens, but that is the stance they adopt with cricket. The justification of the market is a useful button to press when it suits them.
What is more, Sky actually show what they have the rights to. I sometimes ask people if they remember Graham Gooch passing the 300 mark at Lord’s in a Test Match. If they say yes they are lying, because the BBC were showing some racehorses walking around a paddock at the time.
The camp male beeboid on News 24 just interviewed some Liebour jock about the ‘graduate tax’
Of course the camp male didn’t ask the one obvious question, which was why should a scotsman unelected in England have any say on how the English fund higher education, especially as we in the south already subsidise free education in Scotland.
Instead camp male and jock just attacked Government together.
Stupid Beeboid challenging Mr. Cameron’s economic austerity policies by saying that The Obamessiah says we should spend, spend, spend. Actually, the Beeboid said it was “President Obama – and others..”, with the “others” clearly ad-libbed as he stumbled over it. Which other countries agree with Cameron, and which ones agree with The Obamessiah, BBC? What a crock.
But if The Obamessiah says it, it must be correct!
Exactly, everyone is tightening their belts around the world, except Barry who is still spending, oh and I bet the BBC haven’t bothered to point out that US unemployment has risen above Barry’s target have they?
Not to mention that the BBC are now attacking Cameron’s comments about the UK being a ‘junior partner’, did I miss something? Haven’t the BBC and the left been going on about the UK being a poodle to the USA for years?
Oh and has anyone else noticed that in all the crap from the BBC about BP and Megrahi there is ONE NAME that has NEVER passed their lips? That of course being Gordon Brown.
Can anyone remember Radio 4 or 5 News 24 or Newsnight bringing up Brown’s involvement in the release of Megrahi?
“Two letters dated five months apart show that [Jack] Straw initially intended to exclude Megrahi from a prisoner transfer agreement with Colonel Muammar Gadaffi, under which British and Libyan prisoners could serve out their sentences in their home country.
In a letter dated July 26, 2007, Straw said he favoured an option to leave out Megrahi by stipulating that any prisoners convicted before a specified date would not be considered for transfer.
Downing Street had also said Megrahi would not be included under the agreement.
Straw then switched his position as Libya used its deal with BP as a bargaining chip to insist the Lockerbie bomber was included.
The exploration deal for oil and gas, potentially worth up to £15 billion, was announced in May 2007. Six months later the agreement was still waiting to be ratified.
On December 19, 2007, Straw wrote to MacAskill announcing that the UK government was abandoning its attempt to exclude Megrahi from the prisoner transfer agreement, citing the national interest.
In a letter leaked by a Whitehall source, he wrote: ‘I had previously accepted the importance of the al-Megrahi issue to Scotland and said I would try to get an exclusion for him on the face of the agreement. I have not been able to secure an explicit exclusion.
‘The wider negotiations with the Libyans are reaching a critical stage and, in view of the overwhelming interests for the United Kingdom, I have agreed that in this instance the [prisoner transfer agreement] should be in the standard form and not mention any individual.’
He is the man who said “….. we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”
Of course Richard Black didn’t quote that. He, in his totally unbiased way, was concerned with rubbishing AGW sceptics.
The BBC trying to create yet another load of crap. Just because Liebour scum are stating that the Government is ‘muddled’ about Afghanistan and now the BBC is doing what it likes to do, lie and distort.
We’re going to be out by 2015 what is hard to understand about that BBC? Stop listening to corrupt liars like Milipeade and co or Bob the knob Ainsworth a man who personally has the blood of many soldiers on his hands. Piss off back to British Leyland knob boy.
Immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser’s latest entry in his immigration propaganda series takes him to a town in Kansas which had a bunch of Somali refugees unceremoniously dumped on it without any support from the government. There’s a reason for that, which I’ll get to in a minute.
Yes, it’s true that there was some initial prejudice from the locals. Name me one culture or country in the world where there wouldn’t be in this kind of situation. No understanding from the BBC, though. It’s all a portrait of uncommon bigotry.
Strasser finds an academic – another immigrant, naturally – Laszlo Kulcsan, who says that when the Somalis set up their own restaurant, the locas were afraid of a few black people hanging around outside, because the locals were “not used to this kind of diversity”. Racists.
Strasser then talks to a couple of nurses from the local hospital, who said the refugees were a problem because they swamped the local health services and had a negative impact on the indigenous population’s health care. But this was quickly turned into another charge of racism when they scoffed at the locals for being afraid they’d catch a disease from sitting in the waiting room with the Somalis.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that a bunch of the Somalis had tuberculosis (pretty common in Third World refugees, really), and most people have no idea about how contageous it is or isn’t. But the nurses were encouraged to portray this is sheer ignorance on the part of the locals.
What the BBC also didn’t want to discuss was that the Somalis were not exactly bursting to meet their new neighbors and assimilate. Most of them wouldn’t meet with anyone but their own kind even to sign up for government services. Of course, black people can’t ever be racist or even incorrectly ethnocentric, so the BBC left that out.
But only a few months after they came, Tyson cut back, and most of them left to work at other plants nearby. This all started only three years ago, and the Somali restaurant is now closed. The only impact on the town, really, is just a memory and a chance to highlight the racism of the locals. None of this is the fault of the Somalis, really, but it’s a very unfair portrait of the people of Emporia. Who knows how well they would have adjusted in five years’ time? Judging from the local paper, it wans’t as bad as the BBC made it out to be.
Aside from all this is the fact that Strasser once again censors the gigantic elephant in the room, and the real reason he’s doing this series in the first place: illegal immigration. You see, the reason there was no support from the government is…wait for it…Tyson imported a bunch of illegal Somalis. Is anyone here surprised? And Tyson did that only because they had recently been busted for hiring illegal Mexicans. But the BBC doesn’t want you to know that, because the Narrative is “Immigration Is Great”, full stop, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and whatever you do, for God’s sake don’t mention the ILLEGAL part.
One of the main complaints about unstoppable illegal immigraiton is that it overloads the local health services and harms taxpayers. Here is a classic example of that, and the BBC censored that information from the report. Deliberately. I dare anyone to tell me that Stasser had no idea that the Somalis were brought in illegally. If he was ignorant of this, then he’s pretty damn incompetent.
I can’t wait for the next installment of the BBC’s propaganda series on “immigration”. Remember, this is primarily intended to influence your own opinions about immigration into the UK. At your expense.
Another US Leftoid journalist confesses to being on the now-discredtied and defunct JournoList. When this story first started coming out, I figured it wouldn’t go anywhere, as the people behind it held too much power and control over the media, so it would eventually be swept under the rug and forgotten. They’d all get away with it. Now I’m not so sure. What I am sure of is that, unless the Washington Post fires half its staff and a whole bunch of Justin Webb and Matt Frei’s friends in the US Leftoid media get fired, the BBC won’t tell you about it.
BBC 10PM news, the headline is yet again the Nu Liebour line about ‘mixed messages’ on Afghanistan.
Only the tossers at the BBC could spin this crap for Liebour. How hard can it be? We’re going to be gone by 2015 with possibly some troops left. We’re leaving because Cameron can see it’s a total waste of time AND the Americans will be gone.
Barry knows he can’t go into the next election without something on Afghanistan.
The BBC of course totally fails to point out the fact that it was Bliar and McMong that got us into this mess and also that they failed to support the soldiers correctly when they were sent there in the first place.
Yet more crap from the BBC. Hag faced female beeboid stated on Newsnight that “There are crack iin the coalition over the graduate tax”
But hang on, St Vince said that a graduate tax may be a way forward to fund higher university education.
So according to hag face the ‘split’ is that a Tory has apparently said that the tax couldn’t continue forver (well no shit Sherlock you wouldn’t expect to pay it for life and I don’t think Cable ever said that you would have to) and that there would have to be some way of making sure the money went to Universities and not the Government, well that makes sense as well.
So i’m a bit lost, where exactly is the ‘split’ hag face was telling us?
Also the BBC are attacking Cameron for his ‘slip’ over being the junior partner in WW2 in 1940. Well yes it was a slip although technically not at war with Germany the USA was supplying the UK with an awful lot of aid and equipment or have the BBC taken some much Cocaine they can’t remember where all those convoy’s that were beibng attacked in 1940 were coming from?
It’s the US media equivalent of Jane Garvey’s champagne bottles anecdote. Several big media organs (no pun intended, surely) are represented: Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, The New Yorker, Harper’s, American Prospect, and even Bloomberg, plus profs from Yale, Univ. of Chicago, and South Texas College of Law.
NB: Guardianista Michael Tomasky was on JournoList. Can a Beeboid be far behind?
HAVING met President Obama, I’m confident that he’s a man of conscience who shares my commitment to bringing hope and care to the world’s poor. But I am saddened by his decision to spend less than he promised to treat AIDS patients in Africa.
George W. Bush made an impressive commitment to the international fight against AIDS when he formed the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program. Since 2004, Pepfar has spent $19 billion to help distribute anti-viral treatments to about 2.5 million Africans infected with H.I.V.
WTF? Bush did better than The Obamessiah on….gasp….AIDS??!!! This guy must be a racist. Otherwise, the BBC would surely be challenging this. Here’s the link:
Yes, and I must have missed the BBC’s coverage of criticism by former Obama speechwriter Mort Zuckenberg and several other prominent self-professed Democrats and Obama voters that Obama’s is already close to a failed presidency, if not effectively already so. Why would the BBC neglect to report that I wonder ?
Wow, the BBC are in full Government hate mode this morning. Now a story about how the evil Tories are cutting the budget for speed cameras and how THIS will cause an increase in road deaths.
Funny thing is the only people they bothered to ask were the plods and BRAKE an anti car group, so typical BBC balance there.
There’s no evidence that the 10,000+ speed cameras have saved any lives and certainly better lighting,signage and other engineering methods are more effective.
[Extract from Stephen Glover’s arfticle in today’s ‘Daily Mail’] –
“On BBC2’s Newsnight, the American-based historian Simon Schama was wheeled out to declare that ‘David Cameron has not put a foot wrong’.
“I am afraid he did. In an interview with the major U.S. network ABC watched by millions of Americans, the British Prime Minister stated: ‘We were the junior partner in 1940 when we were fighting against Hitler. We are the junior partner now.’
Did Nick Griffin really “politicize” his invitation to some drinks party at Buckingham Palace by sending an email to the BNP mailing list, as the BBC just told me, or was it actually the BBC who made a big deal out of it, causing the Palace to withdraw his invitation?
The BBC is very sympathetic to the policy holders who are going to lose out on the Equitable Life deal. I don’t recall such succor given to a savers’ advocacy group when Icesave depositors lost everything and the Icelanders voted to give them the finger. Maybe it’s because it’s not so damaging to a Labour Government?
non-licence payerFeb 23, 11:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 In the 70s I was one of the 4% who went to university. At the rate that this lot are…
AsISeeItFeb 23, 11:43 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘at some time there will be personal consequences’ The defence of course will be “I was just acting under orders”
DocmaroonedFeb 23, 11:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 How does this nonsense equate to better healthcare. Diversity has no bearing on medical care. In most cases like eg…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 11:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Pure madness of those who rule over us….not for us…over us. Remarkable how nearly the whole media establishment fails…
Fedup2Feb 23, 11:30 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The favourite dog owners ‘ line ‘ don’t worry – he won’t hurt you ‘- oh really ? … and…
StewGreenFeb 23, 11:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Conversation about £1.6bn cost of school taxis for disabled kids and allegations some of this is Pakistani corruption when some…
Eddy BoothFeb 23, 11:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘You don’t forget a place like that’ Starmer says after frontline Ukraine trip 10:46 Wow he’s really brave doing…
RichFeb 23, 11:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The aptly named Taig. ‘Polemecist’ apparently. Translates as ‘Professional Gobshite’. Ireland is full of them especially, unfortunately, ‘the North of…
tomoFeb 23, 11:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025
Is anyone else sick of the BBC allowing the idea of “compassionate release” to stand? People die of old age or whatever in prison all the damn time. The Beeboids are sure trying to find somebody to blame besides Blair and Straw, but they are not asking if the whole concept of relase on “compassionate groonds” might be wrong.
Scotsmen shrug their shoulders, “can’t apply hindsight to medical examinations”, blame Blair and Miliband. The BBC doesn’t want to blame them, so lets everybody get away with the “compassionate groonds” dodge. Why doesn’t the BBC dare question that concept, which is the root cause of this whole fiasco?
I was in the car at lunchtime and heard the egregious “Media Show” on Radio 4. The presenter Steve Hewlett was interviewing a particular “media expert” and if you listen one minute or so from the end Steve Hewlett shamelessly spoonfeeds a final question to his expert about whether the Government’s decision to defer a decision on which sports events must by law be shown as “free to air” until 2013 might be a payback to Murdoch for the Sun’s support for the Conservative Party. “Well, yes”, says the expert. It may be slipped in at the end to a little-listened-to programme, but it’s quite an unequivocal accusation of corruption against the Conservatives, in a matter in which the BBC has an obvious self-interest.
The arrogant scum at the BBC seem to think they have the right to air top sports for free. What arrogant ****s.
The BBC are the first to point out that they should be allowed ot pay what the market wants, so why should a Cricketer no maximise his pay from his skill?
Also, Sky show lots of Cricket for example including women’s Cricket (all live) in fact think how much women’s sport Sky show, yet when was the last time you saw any women’s sport on the BBC?
The sheer arrogance of the BBC in this matter is beyond belief. If the BBC want to bid for live sport then let them raise their own funds.
Martin, I think that’s an excellent and recurring point. They wouldn’t dream of telling their cherished presenters that they should have their pay severely limited in the public interest because the public have the right to be blessed with them on their screens, but that is the stance they adopt with cricket. The justification of the market is a useful button to press when it suits them.
What is more, Sky actually show what they have the rights to. I sometimes ask people if they remember Graham Gooch passing the 300 mark at Lord’s in a Test Match. If they say yes they are lying, because the BBC were showing some racehorses walking around a paddock at the time.
In soooooooo mnay ways, unique:
Guess it will only get to be more when he has to visit Salford.
Who handles his travel? Prescott?
How is it that no one every asks the question – most people have to pay for their own travel to and from work – why are the BBC different.?
The camp male beeboid on News 24 just interviewed some Liebour jock about the ‘graduate tax’
Of course the camp male didn’t ask the one obvious question, which was why should a scotsman unelected in England have any say on how the English fund higher education, especially as we in the south already subsidise free education in Scotland.
Instead camp male and jock just attacked Government together.
Stupid Beeboid challenging Mr. Cameron’s economic austerity policies by saying that The Obamessiah says we should spend, spend, spend. Actually, the Beeboid said it was “President Obama – and others..”, with the “others” clearly ad-libbed as he stumbled over it. Which other countries agree with Cameron, and which ones agree with The Obamessiah, BBC? What a crock.
But if The Obamessiah says it, it must be correct!
Exactly, everyone is tightening their belts around the world, except Barry who is still spending, oh and I bet the BBC haven’t bothered to point out that US unemployment has risen above Barry’s target have they?
Not to mention that the BBC are now attacking Cameron’s comments about the UK being a ‘junior partner’, did I miss something? Haven’t the BBC and the left been going on about the UK being a poodle to the USA for years?
Oh and has anyone else noticed that in all the crap from the BBC about BP and Megrahi there is ONE NAME that has NEVER passed their lips? That of course being Gordon Brown.
Can anyone remember Radio 4 or 5 News 24 or Newsnight bringing up Brown’s involvement in the release of Megrahi?
What about Mandelson and Straw?
John Bolton on sky News just nailed Brown and Bliar for Megrahi’s release, don’t think he’ll get any airtime on the BBC if that’s his view.
St Gordon’s hands are clean according to the BBC.
Maybe Barry, the BBC and Salmond should remind themselves of the facts.
“Two letters dated five months apart show that [Jack] Straw initially intended to exclude Megrahi from a prisoner transfer agreement with Colonel Muammar Gadaffi, under which British and Libyan prisoners could serve out their sentences in their home country.
In a letter dated July 26, 2007, Straw said he favoured an option to leave out Megrahi by stipulating that any prisoners convicted before a specified date would not be considered for transfer.
Downing Street had also said Megrahi would not be included under the agreement.
Straw then switched his position as Libya used its deal with BP as a bargaining chip to insist the Lockerbie bomber was included.
The exploration deal for oil and gas, potentially worth up to £15 billion, was announced in May 2007. Six months later the agreement was still waiting to be ratified.
On December 19, 2007, Straw wrote to MacAskill announcing that the UK government was abandoning its attempt to exclude Megrahi from the prisoner transfer agreement, citing the national interest.
In a letter leaked by a Whitehall source, he wrote: ‘I had previously accepted the importance of the al-Megrahi issue to Scotland and said I would try to get an exclusion for him on the face of the agreement. I have not been able to secure an explicit exclusion.
‘The wider negotiations with the Libyans are reaching a critical stage and, in view of the overwhelming interests for the United Kingdom, I have agreed that in this instance the [prisoner transfer agreement] should be in the standard form and not mention any individual.’
Within six weeks of the government climbdown, Libya had ratified the BP deal. The prisoner transfer agreement was finalised in May this year, leading to Libya formally applying for Megrahi to be transferred to its custody.”
Well it couldn’t be clearer than that !
Will the BBC be reporting this ?
Richard Black’s latest post on Earth Watch – “Scientist leaves behind a climate of abuse”
This is about Stephen Schneider who has died.
He is the man who said “….. we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”
Of course Richard Black didn’t quote that. He, in his totally unbiased way, was concerned with rubbishing AGW sceptics.
James Delingpole did quote it.
Why do I have to pay for Black’s crap?
The BBC trying to create yet another load of crap. Just because Liebour scum are stating that the Government is ‘muddled’ about Afghanistan and now the BBC is doing what it likes to do, lie and distort.
We’re going to be out by 2015 what is hard to understand about that BBC? Stop listening to corrupt liars like Milipeade and co or Bob the knob Ainsworth a man who personally has the blood of many soldiers on his hands. Piss off back to British Leyland knob boy.
Immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser’s latest entry in his immigration propaganda series takes him to a town in Kansas which had a bunch of Somali refugees unceremoniously dumped on it without any support from the government. There’s a reason for that, which I’ll get to in a minute.
Yes, it’s true that there was some initial prejudice from the locals. Name me one culture or country in the world where there wouldn’t be in this kind of situation. No understanding from the BBC, though. It’s all a portrait of uncommon bigotry.
Strasser finds an academic – another immigrant, naturally – Laszlo Kulcsan, who says that when the Somalis set up their own restaurant, the locas were afraid of a few black people hanging around outside, because the locals were “not used to this kind of diversity”. Racists.
Strasser then talks to a couple of nurses from the local hospital, who said the refugees were a problem because they swamped the local health services and had a negative impact on the indigenous population’s health care. But this was quickly turned into another charge of racism when they scoffed at the locals for being afraid they’d catch a disease from sitting in the waiting room with the Somalis.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that a bunch of the Somalis had tuberculosis (pretty common in Third World refugees, really), and most people have no idea about how contageous it is or isn’t. But the nurses were encouraged to portray this is sheer ignorance on the part of the locals.
What the BBC also didn’t want to discuss was that the Somalis were not exactly bursting to meet their new neighbors and assimilate. Most of them wouldn’t meet with anyone but their own kind even to sign up for government services. Of course, black people can’t ever be racist or even incorrectly ethnocentric, so the BBC left that out.
But only a few months after they came, Tyson cut back, and most of them left to work at other plants nearby. This all started only three years ago, and the Somali restaurant is now closed. The only impact on the town, really, is just a memory and a chance to highlight the racism of the locals. None of this is the fault of the Somalis, really, but it’s a very unfair portrait of the people of Emporia. Who knows how well they would have adjusted in five years’ time? Judging from the local paper, it wans’t as bad as the BBC made it out to be.
Aside from all this is the fact that Strasser once again censors the gigantic elephant in the room, and the real reason he’s doing this series in the first place: illegal immigration. You see, the reason there was no support from the government is…wait for it…Tyson imported a bunch of illegal Somalis. Is anyone here surprised? And Tyson did that only because they had recently been busted for hiring illegal Mexicans. But the BBC doesn’t want you to know that, because the Narrative is “Immigration Is Great”, full stop, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, and whatever you do, for God’s sake don’t mention the ILLEGAL part.
One of the main complaints about unstoppable illegal immigraiton is that it overloads the local health services and harms taxpayers. Here is a classic example of that, and the BBC censored that information from the report. Deliberately. I dare anyone to tell me that Stasser had no idea that the Somalis were brought in illegally. If he was ignorant of this, then he’s pretty damn incompetent.
I can’t wait for the next installment of the BBC’s propaganda series on “immigration”. Remember, this is primarily intended to influence your own opinions about immigration into the UK. At your expense.
Another US Leftoid journalist confesses to being on the now-discredtied and defunct JournoList. When this story first started coming out, I figured it wouldn’t go anywhere, as the people behind it held too much power and control over the media, so it would eventually be swept under the rug and forgotten. They’d all get away with it. Now I’m not so sure. What I am sure of is that, unless the Washington Post fires half its staff and a whole bunch of Justin Webb and Matt Frei’s friends in the US Leftoid media get fired, the BBC won’t tell you about it.
BBC 10PM news, the headline is yet again the Nu Liebour line about ‘mixed messages’ on Afghanistan.
Only the tossers at the BBC could spin this crap for Liebour. How hard can it be? We’re going to be gone by 2015 with possibly some troops left. We’re leaving because Cameron can see it’s a total waste of time AND the Americans will be gone.
Barry knows he can’t go into the next election without something on Afghanistan.
The BBC of course totally fails to point out the fact that it was Bliar and McMong that got us into this mess and also that they failed to support the soldiers correctly when they were sent there in the first place.
I can’t stop laughing that the White House is basically crapping themselves over Glenn Beck on Fox News. What a joke.
That’s probably why the JournoList hacks wanted the government to shut Fox News down.
Yet more crap from the BBC. Hag faced female beeboid stated on Newsnight that “There are crack iin the coalition over the graduate tax”
But hang on, St Vince said that a graduate tax may be a way forward to fund higher university education.
So according to hag face the ‘split’ is that a Tory has apparently said that the tax couldn’t continue forver (well no shit Sherlock you wouldn’t expect to pay it for life and I don’t think Cable ever said that you would have to) and that there would have to be some way of making sure the money went to Universities and not the Government, well that makes sense as well.
So i’m a bit lost, where exactly is the ‘split’ hag face was telling us?
Also the BBC are attacking Cameron for his ‘slip’ over being the junior partner in WW2 in 1940. Well yes it was a slip although technically not at war with Germany the USA was supplying the UK with an awful lot of aid and equipment or have the BBC taken some much Cocaine they can’t remember where all those convoy’s that were beibng attacked in 1940 were coming from?
Here’s a glimpse of what the JournoList got up to the night we elected their beloved Obamessiah:
Obama wins! And JournoListers rejoice
It’s the US media equivalent of Jane Garvey’s champagne bottles anecdote. Several big media organs (no pun intended, surely) are represented: Washington Post, Newsweek, Time, The New Yorker, Harper’s, American Prospect, and even Bloomberg, plus profs from Yale, Univ. of Chicago, and South Texas College of Law.
NB: Guardianista Michael Tomasky was on JournoList. Can a Beeboid be far behind?
And people wonder why the MSM is losing readers and viewers hand over fist.
Don’t tell the BBC:
HAVING met President Obama, I’m confident that he’s a man of conscience who shares my commitment to bringing hope and care to the world’s poor. But I am saddened by his decision to spend less than he promised to treat AIDS patients in Africa.
George W. Bush made an impressive commitment to the international fight against AIDS when he formed the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program. Since 2004, Pepfar has spent $19 billion to help distribute anti-viral treatments to about 2.5 million Africans infected with H.I.V.
WTF? Bush did better than The Obamessiah on….gasp….AIDS??!!! This guy must be a racist. Otherwise, the BBC would surely be challenging this. Here’s the link:
Obama’s Overdue Aids Bill
Damn. It’s Desmond Tutu. Somewhere, another Beeboid’s head just exploded.
Yes, and I must have missed the BBC’s coverage of criticism by former Obama speechwriter Mort Zuckenberg and several other prominent self-professed Democrats and Obama voters that Obama’s is already close to a failed presidency, if not effectively already so. Why would the BBC neglect to report that I wonder ?
Turned on BBC breakfast and what do I hear? “Government splits, opposition, Vince Cable, Government troubles”
The BBC never give up do they?
I hear the Labour party are very united these days
Wow, the BBC are in full Government hate mode this morning. Now a story about how the evil Tories are cutting the budget for speed cameras and how THIS will cause an increase in road deaths.
Funny thing is the only people they bothered to ask were the plods and BRAKE an anti car group, so typical BBC balance there.
There’s no evidence that the 10,000+ speed cameras have saved any lives and certainly better lighting,signage and other engineering methods are more effective.
ps: Aunty, it’s a critique, not an operational training video
BBC luvvy Schama, ‘Newsnight’, Cameron and 1940:
[Extract from Stephen Glover’s arfticle in today’s ‘Daily Mail’] –
“On BBC2’s Newsnight, the American-based historian Simon Schama was wheeled out to declare that ‘David Cameron has not put a foot wrong’.
“I am afraid he did. In an interview with the major U.S. network ABC watched by millions of Americans, the British Prime Minister stated: ‘We were the junior partner in 1940 when we were fighting against Hitler. We are the junior partner now.’
[More…CORRELLI BARNETT: We bore the brunt right up to D-Day ANDREW ALEXANDER: Letting go of Uncle Sam’s coat-tails . . . ]
“There is an established convention that when senior British politicians travel abroad, they do not talk their country down. ”
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Did Nick Griffin really “politicize” his invitation to some drinks party at Buckingham Palace by sending an email to the BNP mailing list, as the BBC just told me, or was it actually the BBC who made a big deal out of it, causing the Palace to withdraw his invitation?
The BBC is very sympathetic to the policy holders who are going to lose out on the Equitable Life deal. I don’t recall such succor given to a savers’ advocacy group when Icesave depositors lost everything and the Icelanders voted to give them the finger. Maybe it’s because it’s not so damaging to a Labour Government?