If it’s 8.10am and it’s the BBC’s TODAY programme, you can be sure a Conservative will be under sustained attack. Yesterday, Sarah Montague let rip at Michael Gove, today we had John Humphyrs doing everything possible to get William Hague to agree that British deaths in Agfhanistan were a complete waste of time. Humphrys was on full-on “We’re doomed and we shouldn’t be there in the first place” mode and Hague had to think very quickly to deal with it. I thought he did OK but it was interesting to hear Humphyrs to spout out his own theory about the “drugged out of their own heads” Afghans. I though the BBC rather approved of narcotics?
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As predicted the BBC/Humphreys “it’s all going wrong” approach to Iraq has now been transferred to Afghanistan. How can the BBC approach this isse ALWAYS from the same “Guardian” viewpoint (it’s all a disaster, lives of British soldiers wasted etc) when it is supposed to report a balanced view?
Dispiritingly, Hague seemed to roll over and take it. He needs to learn a little from Michael Gove.
Expect more BBC (aka the Labour party) attacks to come.
Only their own supplies. But I have to say I have no time for Hague, he is selling us out to the EU, fast. That should have been the line of attack but as we all know the BBC loves the EU and it’s, our, money.
I used to be a fan of Hague but not since he condemned the Israeli “raid” on the aid flotilla before the facts were known.
Agree with you , Derek, on the EU. Cameron and Hague too soft and can’t annoy the Lib Dems too much.
Britain is doomed there and it should not be there and the deaths are a waste, Iwonder would you be so enthuastic of Afghanistan if your own son was there? Easy words from an armchair general
I wonder would you be so enthuastic of Afghanistan if your own son was there?
This is the usual mindless dross and drivel spouted by know-nothings. Seriously, it’s pathetic.
1. I would assume my son made his OWN choice to join up as we do NOT have National Service. Him being an adult. So I would support him doing his duty enthusiastically.
2. Essentially, most men join the armed forces because they want kill the enemy and knock things down. They are not really interested in being a branch of the social services, which is the role leftists want to reduce the armed forces.
3. I supported the Afghan war when it was a get in, kill the bad guys, get out, and promise to irradiate the place, if they ever popped up again.
Now that’s it’s turned into the futile nation building exercise it was promised not to be, PLUS our lads and lasses have both hands and both feet hogtied in actually KILLING THE FUCKERS. I tend to think we should leave them to their own devices.
I suggest you read Martin’s post below to get the principled and correct response to a conflict that has dragged on longer than WW 1&2 combined.
Well it is a waste, I’m not going over old ground but Afghanistan is a lost cause, our soldiers are dying daily for nothing.
The attempt to avoid killing civillians and having an army alongside you that might shoot you in the back at any moment is a joke.
The British army went into Afghanistan totally unprepared for war, this can be forgiven so long as the Government spends money to put it right. The one eyed mong never did.
The way to ‘deny’ Afghanistan to Alky Ada is simple, it involves the splitting of the atom.
The Tories are simply trying to sort out yet another wet turd laid by McMong and Bliar, just like Cameron is trying to sort out the stinking turd called al-Megrahi also laid by Liebour and the scots.
Dropping the big Splat Bomb on Afghanistan? There are far more aggressive ways to fight this war without getting anywhere near that option.
I totally agree though, extremely disheartening the constant loss of lives when our forces remain hogtied and with every chance these lives may be lost in vain.
Where is the Churchill to awaken the British people?
And how many BBC reports have there been about rampant drug abuse among ANA soldiers? Oh, that’s right: only the recent one by John Simpson. Funny how Humphrys acts as if this is common knowledge anyway. It is, of course, but there’s barely any evidence of it at the BBC. But obviously there’s a new Narrative afoot. The BBC does the intial set-up report, then every subsequent news-oriented programmed takes the same angle.
But I wonder if the BBC would start supporting the war in Afghanistan if they were told that Pashtun males are mostly homosexual and the Taliban repressed their lifestyle?
Because the BBC are so doped up themsleves they wouldn’t notice doped up Afghan soldiers.
All great posts above !
But, Martin, please , I beg you, don’t tar all we Scots with the same brush. Many, if not, most of us , were disgusted by the decision to release Megrahi.
You are quite right Grant – even the BBC had to accept that
We should never blame everyone in a country for their governments mistakes – If that were the case we English would have to be blamed for 13 years of the most nasty government this country has ever had . I for one blame the elitists (like the BBC lot) who “run” the country not the poor English who have never voted for the destruction of their own country.
Quite agree. The English have made some of the greatest contributions to civilisation in history and it is appalling to see their traditions being eroded by self-loathing scumbags like the BBC and their ilk.
Ultimately the problem is this: we went into Afghanistan without a clear military objective: ie, without any notion of what ‘victory’ would look like. Without that, there was never any chance that we could declare victory and leave. And that’s still the case.
Why not simply declare that ‘victory’ would be anything that barred Al-quaida friendly forces from enjoying the infrastructure of whatever government means over there?
To ensure that, you withdraw official forces, and quietly develop a budget to finance sufficient ‘insurgents’ to keep any pro-Taleban government on the hop. Ie, you let the Taleban occupy Kabul, and then set about doing to them what they’ve been doing to us all these years. It’s not a case for our armies, it’s a case for mercenaries.
This is the usual mindless dross and drivel spouted by know-nothings. Seriously, it’s pathetic.
Lets see how you fare then know all. Firstly since when does supporting your adult children involve them going intgo theatres of war where the taliban are laying more IED’s than can be defused by tired british army personnel? Didn’t Mrs Schmidt who did a panorama programme support her husband diffusing bombs in Afghanistan, only to see him returned to her in a box? Did her support of her husband mean blind following, when even he was telling her that the British army are understaffed and over tired? Since when did support for a family member in the armed forces mean you agree with every decision their political masters take?
Essentially, most men join the armed forces because they want kill the enemy and knock things down.
Really? So most men who join Britains armed forces are under neath killers who want to channel their killing instincts into a legal forum. O well that explains Bloody Sunday and other attrocities doesn’t it?
They are not really interested in being a branch of the social services, which is the role leftists want to reduce the armed forces.
The armed forces will do what ever their political masters tell them, whethers its putting man power in to power station during a strike, or putting out fires when firemen are on strike, and the rest. Still you know all about thing don’t you?
I supported the Afghan war when it was a get in, kill the bad guys, get out, and promise to irradiate the place, if they ever popped up again.
Is that what the Afghan war was about? getting in there and killing bad guys? Who are of course still growing their stuff refusing to talk to the west because they feel they have the upper hand and Britains death toll rising. When was the last time you went to Wooten Basset? Britain is near defeat in Afghanistan, over worked under paid with lousy kit and demoralised. More bodies today, still as long as you support it.
PLUS our lads and lasses have both hands and both feet hogtied in actually KILLING THE FUCKERS. I tend to think we should leave them to their own devices.
Yeah swords and torture can come in handy, except when Cameron is at the dispatch box apologising and telling the world Britains name won’t be besmirched….. and the Brits letting out Lockerbie bombers for oil.
I guess a bit of gung ho might satiate your appetite for violence but it won’t do much good any where else. I suggest you forget telling other people what to read and calling them know nothings until you inform yourself a little better. Like I said neither David Vances absence of putting on a uniform himself this last thirty years nor your ignorance makes arm chair general talk any more than cheap words a bit like farting out of your mouth.
o and just as an aside are you or your children in the British army? When was your last tour?
Can’t you READ dispshit?
We went into AFGHANISTAN because a fellow NATO member was attacked by terrorists holed up in that shithole.
The NATO treaty was INVOKED by the US government. Try reading up on it because I can’t be bothered explaining it to you.
It’s your inane arsholery I object to.
According to YOUR dumb logic only those who have their son in the armed forces can support the mission. Or, apparently have an opinion.
I guess arseholery ? They say when an opponent calls names he has lost the argument.
According to YOUR dumb logic only those who have their son in the armed forces can support the mission.
Is there something wrong with your comprehension skills? Or where you simply born thick?
Iwonder would you be so enthuastic of Afghanistan if your own son was there
Does not add up to only those who have an opinion can support the BA in Afghanistan, it is merely an inquiry, check out ‘I wonder’…. and what it means, to use your word ‘dipstick’.
The NATO treaty was INVOKED by the US government. Try reading up on it because I can’t be bothered explaining it to you.
Ah but didn’t you say:-
I supported the Afghan war when it was a get in, kill the bad guys, get out, and promise to irradiate the place, if they ever popped up again.
So you realise now its a little more complicated than going in and killing bad guys…..? Did you google?
Your signature suits you much better than Jack shit know nothing.
Dear o Dear you are very defensive of Mr Vance to hold his opinion, but he is rather an arm chair general, not only on Afghanistan but Israel and N Ireland, and his lack of putting on a uniform of any description has been noted by most who have read him over the last ten years.
Bye A Hole 😀
Gosh, If you are an anxious parent, with a boy or girl out in Afghanistan, I can understand your outburst.
Putting emotions aside for a moment, it’s a historical fact that you cannot ‘conquer’ Afghanistan.
The British tried in the reign of Queen Victoria, and more recently so did the Russians. Neither suceeded.
The chances of the USA/NATO achieving ‘Victory’ look zero.
IMHO, the best solution is to pull out ASAP and put our boys and girls to better use defending OUR Country, and deal with the fifth column here.
It may seem a waste of 300+ British lives if we do this; But pride is no good reason to sacrifice any more of our superb troops on a load of ungrateful, double crossing low life scum.
Totally agree. I have a nephew there.
Why not pull out the troops and send the BBC in instead ?
The Russians actually did a very successful job in subduing Afghanistan till the Americans started supplying the Mujahdeen with stingers.
Having just read Gosh’s essay, I wonder, should there be a rule against under-age posters on this site?
Afghanistan is a waste of time and lives, ours and theirs.
It makes me sick to think of British troops dying in that backwards shithole, hoodwinked into thinking they can change this deeply embedded feudal society.
I honestly wish someone could convince me this war is even by the slimmest of margins, justified.
No more AQ training camps, no more headquarters where they can safely gather en masse and plan to murder more people from my street, most of the bigwigs are dead or in custody, and there’s very little chance of the country returning to Taliban and caveman rule. It won’t be a paradise of course, but won’t be what it was.
I’m very sorry if you don’t think one single British soldier’s life is worth that, but the families of the 30 people from my street who died on 9/11 would beg to differ.
Imagine if during WW2 we’d tried to occupy part of say France and rebuild it without bothering to invade Germany and smash the Nazi’s.
Imagine if in WW2 we’d allowed millions of Nazi’s to live in England and protest at our bombing of Germany and plant bombs on the Underground.
Imagine if the BBC had continually called our soldiers ‘war criminals’ whilst giving support to Hitler.
Imagine if our soldiers on say D-day had had scum like Clive Stafford Smith to think about as they landed on the beaches in Normandy.
We know that soldiers pinned down and seeing their mates shot to bits or even driven over by our own tanks (on some beaches there were so many dead and dying that’s what tank crews did) decided not to take any Germans prisoner.
Human shit like Stafford Smith, Imran Kahn, Gareth Pierce and the BBC would be demanding an inquiry.
We need to get our soldiers out of Afghanistan right now, Bradford is a bigger threat (and has always been) to our safety than Kabul.
I suspect it will take a massive Muslim atrocity (like a dirty nuke) being set off in say London before our gutless politicians finally wake up.
Except the potential mass murderers in Bradford go to Afghanistan (these days it’s Pakistan, I guess) in order to get the training to try to blow you up.
Saudi Arabia
And probably a few more places as well.
There is a sobering and brilliant (as always) article from Daniel Greenfield (aka Sultan Knish) today on what it now means to be British and Un-British.
It touches on the Afghan war, the burqa etc. and is well worth a read. I would like to hear peoples thoughts.
I am a great fan of Sultan Knish and the article is spot on. I still don’t think the government can reverse the tide by merely banning the burqa though. The normalisation of Islam in the UK needs to be tackled in its entirety.
I’m sure some people will say banning the burqa would be a start. The BBC must stop campaigning to get us all acclimatised to Islam. Without a fundamental change of direction a burqa ban alone would be hypocritical and inflammatory.
Thanks for that link. Superb article.
You’re welcome! Thanks Grant.
Ostensibly the interview by Humphrys concerned – or was, anyway, introduced as a look at – the “special relationship” with the US. Even before the interview moved to Afghanistan, Humphrys’ sneering about the US and the relationship marked a new low in “impartial” interviewing technique. That said, Hague’s defence of our Afghanistan “policy” was lacklustre and lacked credibility. I’m not surprised since the policy was developed under the previous government although in (so-called) opposition it was hardly opposed by the Conservatives. As for pouring more billions into the black hole of Afghan corruption, why not? Hague appears just as happy to pour billions into the black hole of EU corruption. Throwing large swathes of our money away has become the traditional strategy of the political class when it seeks to give the impression that its thinking about the national interest.
What is it with the BBC and the “Special Relationship”? Everytime there is a British Minister going to the US the BBC asks the same boring question “Is there a special relationship”. The relationship was historically between the people of the two countries – the Pilgrim Fathers etc. It has nothing to do with politics – if it had the US would not now be an independant republic.
we’re going to be in afghanistan for at least the next 3 and a half years so theres still enough time for a squaddie to have an ND and pump a load of rounds into a beeboid
or maybe give a dodgy grid ref for a fire mission and a load of HE is dropped on a Beeboid crew
but hopefully, a beeboid will be taken hostage by the taliban while on an exclusive interview with them, and get their head cut off
what a long list of beeboids to coose from . my list as follows….dimblebum,jo coburn,preston,toenails,any liebore bods and bercow ..i know liebore or bercow dont belong to the beeb but when you lay down with dogs dont moan when you catch fleas…