Checking the BBC website today, it’s clear that there’s a relentless, systematic torrent of climate change propaganda, without a breath of a dissenting voice. Yet all of the measures described are gobbling vast amounts of our cash, most of which is being poured down the drain. Richard Black fawningly reports Tim Yeo’s suicidal call from his parliamentary select committee to “de-carbonise” the UK economy, and introduce obscene new taxes on cars, energy and the air that we breathe (via carbon credits). Then there’s a report about David Willetts launching a new multi-million pounds “earth observation hub“, the main purpose of which seems to be to reinforce lies and prejudice about climate change. And last, but certainly not least, is the EU’s sickening 12% increase in its science research budget with the prime intention of hobbling EU economies still further by introducing yet more green taxes and climate change idiocy. That’s another 5.4bn euros wasted.
Meanwhile, China powers ahead. The importance of this is totally lost on the morons who call themselves BBC journalists.
A poll on the BBC licence
Thanks for that Will.
If he’s the one who appears on Moneybox, he’s likely to get the cold shoulder from the bBC in future. Fancy giving people the opportunity to vote on the licence fee!
A few more votes and we can tip it over the 50% against.
It’s just a poll the BBC will ignore unless it suits, and once the corporation twitter coordinators get ra-ra’ing internally and via the Graun it will swing magically back, but for now it looks rather like another Science Museum AGW deal, where you shouldn’t ask the public things they give the ‘wrong’ answers to.
Scrapping the fee is currently at 49% (8083 votes)
Actually I must eat my words.
Currently 3 to 1 not exactly chuffed with the BBC, based on the phrasing of the questions. Pretty clear, especially for a person who is ’employed’ by Aunty. Terse words in the green room next visit.
Not a poll I imagine that will be featured any time soon.
Only a 23k sample, so nothing like as representative of those 1k versions they trumpet that reckon the whole world is convinced on the godlike status of Aunty.
The longest suicide note in history. Meanwhile the Chinese, Indians and Russians are laughing their way to the bank !
Thanks for that. I see a majority voting to abolish the licence fee, with me adding one more vote !
“de carbonize” huuh?
I would love to de carbonize them alright.
The political classes are either retarded to the point of drooling vegetables OR they are actively and knowingly engaging in economic sabotage and treason.
The only sure outcomes of their insane schemes will to hand over economic and industrial mastery to the East, a communist powerhouse more powerful and richer than the western democracies. It doesnt take a genius to work out that that kind of scenario aint gonna end well if you happen to be a lover of democracy.
Mass unemployment/civic unrest/mass unemployment/power grid failure/rationing/shortages/deaths aplenty/hunger and economic collapse. There is no greeen miracle cure, there are no green jobs or green industrial boom, there never was and there never will be.
Treason OR insanity?
Is the ultimate aim of the political class to sell our lead role to China and what is their payoff going to be, commissar satraps?
Spot on as usual ! Love your phrase ” drooling vegetables ” !
And its interesting to note the beeboids appear able to overlook the increasingly dubious business links and lobying of Yeo, to the renewables industry. Could that be, surely not, because they are to….the renewables industry !
The left are still devastated that Regan and Thatcher ended the Cold War and ‘won it’. Many still long for the ultimate fairness of Socialism and prefer any ideology to that of Capitalism.
Meanwhile, in other, er, ‘news’….
bbcbusiness Experts are considering whether a possible tropical storm could disrupt work at the site of the BP oil spill.
Now I’m no ‘expert’, but for a big wadge of research wonga, I’ll take a wild stab and go beyond considering to say that, yes, a tropical storm ‘could’ disrupt most things, especially complex work in the middle of the ocean.
Those who subscribe to this AGW fiasco know that they’re on the back foot, hence the concerted effort to push ahead. Unfortunately as their death throes become more apparent, so the level of irrational wriggling increases in proportion.
They must KNOW by now, that most of us have seen through it all, and are being constantly fed with believable facts and science from the realists, and that the irrational blathering about imaginary catastrophes lurking around every corner are largely ignored by all and sundry. Thank God for the Internet.
Eventually, the bubble has to burst, and with it will go the pension funds, the carbon credits, and the other associated backhanders expected by the alarmists.
Look, even the very models that we don’t trust are obligingly coming up with a cooling scenario, and realistic, sensible forecasters like Joe Bastardi (who I have a lot of time for) are just sitting back and watching their predictions become ultimately justified.
At what point are the mainstream press going to suddenly take on board that the Holocene is about to reverse? When will they admit that cyclical, solar-driven climate inevitably swings between warm and cold, and that we are at the end of the recent warming? When are they going to realise that meaningless warming of a fraction of a degree here and there should be welcomed with open arms when compared with the likely consequences of the cooling to come. When are they going to prepare us? More importantly, when are the brakes of the warming doctrine going to come fully on, and the realisation dawn on them that cutting carbon emissions makes bugger all difference to the climate, but will destroy industry, economies and the normal way of life we have all come to enjoy and expect? There’s no need for all this rubbish, we need power stations, we need an economy. We need “green” policies and jobs like we need a hole in the head.
I sit here and fume at the crass stupidity of it all. How on earth did we ever allow ourselves to be dropped in this position? We must be at least as mad as the warmists.
Post of the day I think!
We who see the car crash coming, the futile meanderings of the drooling vegetable politicians, its all so clear what the ending is going to be and it aint gonna be pretty.
The political classes are leading us to a disaster and there is no getting out of the vehicle as it smashes into the wall, we are just going to have to try and survive it all as best we can.
Best advice is have a cool dark room well stocked with lots of tinned foods and trade goods.
And meanwhile they are closing 7 old age peoples homes in County Durham, but it is worth sacrificing the elderly after all it was they who put us in this postion in the first place by working down mines or burning the evil fossil fuels. Serves the buggers right. Well done BBC.