I cheered today when the government announced that it was closing the useless and highly wasteful quango, John Prescott’s Orwellian-sounding Sustainable Development Commission. I hissed when I read that burqa-loving Caroline Spellman, the Cleggeron environment secretary, said that the government remained as green as ever in its aims, and clearly believes that the Commission’s work will continue through Defra.
To the BBC, of course, it’s an unmitigated disaster. Their environment fanatic Mark Kinver reports on the closure, turning mainly to his chums at the Friends of the Earth for comment. Like him, they are in mourning, and take any chance they can to kick the Tories. But as James Delingpole notes in his Telegraph blog, the real story is the terrifying news that the Carbon Trust – a quango that gobbles an astonishing £86m a year – has not been axed.
Good to see the eco-fanatics in the ConDem government have their prorities right:
Future schools building program – scrapped.
Carbon Trust – £86million to promote the greatest scientific fraud and tax scam in history.