This “JournoList” thing in the US is really big. Andrew Breitbart and the Daily Caller heavily involved.
“According to records obtained by The Daily Caller, at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.
In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
Michael Tomasky, a writer for the Guardian, also tried to rally his fellow members of Journolist: “Listen folks–in my opinion, we all have to do what we can to kill ABC and this idiocy in whatever venues we have. This isn’t about defending Obama. This is about how the [mainstream media] kills any chance of discourse that actually serves the people.”
“Richard Kim got this right above: ‘a horrible glimpse of general election press strategy.’ He’s dead on,” Tomasky continued. “We need to throw chairs now, try as hard as we can to get the call next time. Otherwise the questions in October will be exactly like this. This is just a disease.”
(In an interview Monday, Tomasky defended his position, calling the ABC debate an example of shoddy journalism.)
Thomas Schaller, a columnist for the Baltimore Sun as well as a political science professor, upped the ante from there. In a post with the subject header, “why don’t we use the power of this list to do something about the debate?” Schaller proposed coordinating a “smart statement expressing disgust” at the questions Gibson and Stephanopoulos had posed to Obama.
“It would create quite a stir, I bet, and be a warning against future behavior of the sort,” Schaller wrote.
Notice how much most of these comments match the BBC’s coverage, and wonder if a Beeboid was on this list. Also note that Suzanne Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, was part of this. Her presence alone makes this more than just about colleagues talking shop and sharing ideas.
Even though this one seems like not all of them agreed on what to do, it’s obvious that this was a discussion involving many people in the media and other organizations about how to cover a specific issue. No matter what, this is way beyond friends and colleagues talking shop.
Caught a bit of 5 Live stupidity (not like it’s hard not to these days). Some dopey cow was stating that cremations are bad for the environment and contribute to climate change, not to mention all the Mercury in our teeth.
Only the BBC could turn this crap into a climate change lie.
Well Ramadan is just around the corner and in order to help promote this most holy of holy festivals for around 3% of the British population the bBC plugs a new line of Halal makeup. Not only content with a video and a written plug the bBC even link in to the line of Kaffir free products website.
Allah akba.
It must be like London Fashion Week, then:no sooner do you think that it’s over for another year, than along comes another one. I’ve never actually worked out how many they have in a year.
A Palestinian man has been shot dead by Israeli troops after entering a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.The man was killed on Thursday morning in Barkan, west of the city of Nablus.
And here is tiny snippet left out of that bBC report which I have taken from the Fatah news agency website;
A Palestinian man was killed and a second injured by Israeli gunfire in the occupied West Bank on Thursday morning, Palestinian security officials said. They told Ma’an that an Israeli force opened fire on the two at 4:30 a.m. at the entrance of the illegal Barqan settlement in the Salfit district, killing one man while the second was injured…
I don’t know what to make of this, exactly, except to laugh at the unsurprising ineptness. It seems that Mark Mardell has been using Twitter since Sept. 2009, when the BBC ordered all its reporters to maintain a presence on Facebook and Twitter. Mardell apparently has trouble using it and has misspelled the President’s name a number of times.
I was rather surprised to find multiple spelling errors and typos in Mardell’s tweets. A tweet from Sept. 2 asks “Bipartisanship laive and well : ? Consaervative’s against Obama’s war. have your say”. On Sept. 6, he writes “should i speak ameican ?”. More startling are his multiple misspellings of Obama’s name. A tweet from Sept. 14 uses “Omama;” one from Feb. 16 has “Obbama.”
These are clearly typos. But Mardell is the BBC’s North America editor. He’s based in Washington DC and primarily covers American government and politics. Why is he misspelling the U.S. president’s name in his public writing anywhere?
None of these errors can be found in the blog posts that the tweets reference. Mardell takes care in his blog writing – why not in his tweets? (Assuming that an assistant isn’t tweeting for him, which I don’t think is the case.)
Alternatively, he could just be a lazy, incompetent Beeboid. Is this the best the BBC can do to keep you informed about the US? Another success story for the BBC’s Twitter training course, all at your expense.
I’d say Mardell’s a lazy, incompetent Beeboid. Sadly, just one of many.
In parallel to the BBC’s persistent bias and lack of objectivity, an open thread devoted to the BBC’s habitual spelling mistakes and errors of grammar and punctuation would never be short of material.
A day rarely passes without the BBC World news captions, its website items or newscasters showing pig ignorance or illiteracy undeserving of the designation British Broadcasting Corporation. The current organisation is so removed from Lord Reith’s tenets, it is sadly unworthy of the name.
People in private-sector professions who made such frequent errors so central to their core competencies would be fired. THE BBC, AN ORGANISATION DESPERATELY SEEKING A REALITY CHECK
Former paramilitary admits 1992 Derby soldier murder A former Irish republican paramilitary has admitted murdering a British Army recruitment officer in Derby 18 years ago.Sgt Michael Newman, 33, was shot in the head in April 1992, as he walked to his car from the careers office.
Paramilitary bBC? You can call the TA Paramilitaries, you can call the National GuardParamilitaries. Why you could even call the Army Cadets Paramilitaries. But the IRA/INLA are terrorists pure and simple. which is how the leftwing guardian headlines this story.
An Irish republican terrorist was jailed for life today after he admitted murdering a British soldier outside an army recruitment office 18 years ago. Sergeant Michael Newman, 34, was gunned down by the Irish National Liberation Army, an IRA splinter group, in Derby on 14 April 1992.
They always called loyalist terrorists paramilitaries, so I suppose that might have something to do with it – maybe they got complaints of bias! However, I suspect that it is more because if they called the Irish republicans terrorists (which they always used to do with no qualms) they would have to call certain other sorts of terrorists, terrorists and that would never do in Beeboidland.
I see the Buggery Broadcasting Corporation is really laying into Cameron about his 1940 slip. Shame the BBC never highlighted Barry’s ‘mis-speaks’, or the mong for that matter.
They really are splitting hairs on this just to try to rubbish Cameron, of course the BBC NEVER get their facts wrong do they?
Yes it is being pushed for all its worth by the BBC, but it does show what an idiot Cameron really is.
I agree with Richard North on this:
“Now, it may look to be a small point – but it isn’t. We have a man masquerading as a British prime minister who doesn’t know any history. More to the point, anyone who could come out with that sort of crap has no feel for history. Different people use slightly different words. Some would say he isn’t “centred”, others say “rooted” and others use the word “bottomed”, meaning “founded”. But they all mean the same thing. Anglo Saxons would use four letters.”
It just proves to me that when he said his idol was a thick school bully in Grange Hill – he was sincere.
BBC News Channel making a meal out of Cameron’s slip of the tongue about “1940”, when everyone knows he meant to say “1940s”. That doesn’t stop the BBC from making a big deal out of it, bringing in a historian to discuss it, and repeating it over and over. Beeboid newsreader even asked the historian if Cameron said it out of ignorance. Weak. Still, it’s nice to see the BBC so concerend about veterans’ feelings for a change.
Did they make such a big deal about any of Gordon Brown’s slips? I forget. Obama beach, anyone?
This is how the BBC works, it makes the story a top story on its whole network (Radio 4, Radio 5, News 24, Newsnight & the web) so it get picked up by other networks and then the BBC state “this has offended some groups” when of course no one has been offended until the BBC ring around and find someone for a suitable sound bite.
Remember how the BBC came to the defence of the one eyed mong after his ‘bigot’ comment?
How often did Prescott mangle the English language?
‘CAMERON GAFFE !!!!!!!!’ sure makes a change from ‘COALITION SPLIT’.
They’re so thick these ‘journalists’ that they don’t realise what they’re doing is so transparent.
Boy am I looking forward to next year’s review of the license fee. How about for starters, Dave, asking the BBC to look at the impact of the 40% cut other branches of the public sector are having to look at.
Might lead at the very least to some of the dross at the top of the BBC, when they’ve gone somewhere for one of their meetings leaving the taxi ‘on the meter’ outside
a) because they can
b) to show everyone just how important they are and
c) because it saves such important people as they the hassle of having to stand on a pavement, stick their hand up in the air, and shout ‘taxi’. I mean that’s for the little people, right?
The BBC is not being even handed on this – that is true. But it does not distract from the point that all our so called leaders these days are so keyed up for a few sounbites that they have forgotton how to think.
Today programme – either yesterday or today (I am suffering from endoftermitis) reported David Cameron was goin to…….; not The Prime Minister, David Cameron……
Now I know that for both the great TB and GB their name was never mentioned without the position they held because each time I heard it I felt like throwing something at the radio as I didn’t need reminding about either of the disasters that held that great state.
Another Guardianista on the JournoList. Here’s part of a Daniel Davies rant against Fox News.
That’s two British bloggers within the Guardian fold on a listserv dedicated to reporting on US issues. Strange. Although, I think Davies is there more because he’s part of the Leftoid, Tea Party-hating, Crooked Timber blog (one of his co-bloggers there is also on the JournoList), and not for his Guardian connection.
Speed dial malfunction on R5’s “wake up to money” (Thurs 05:30) with eager beaver “business” correspondents Jeremy & Sally.
The BBC usually have the knack of finding UK academics who propagate the Labour line, but they appear to have got the wrong US academic to talk about the US Economic situation. The chap had the temerity to criticise the economic consequences of the thrust of Obama’s policy priorities.
He was addressing the inadequate demand for home based production in the US economy & mentioned that the healthcare changes did not help the problem. “Business” specialist Sally was thus forced to start talking over him to educate him & the audience about the wonderfulness of Obama & the benefits to the poor folk. He tried to say that he was talking economics not politics or social policy but Sally was having none of it & she continued talking until her point was made at full length.
It changed the tenor of the interview, he suffered constant interruptions thereafter.
In an interview earlier in the programme Sally, with support from Jez, sought to fix in the audience’s mind the fact that any problem with inflation in the UK economy is down to those evil Tories increasing VAT. The fact that inflation is already well over target & that the VAT increase doesn’t come in until next January is by the by.
I was listening to Radio 5 this morning and Phil Williams was talking to some Liebour twat about the old working mens club that Bliar used and we were informed that it’s closing.
Williams (another leftie mong) ‘informed us’ that this place MUST be saved as it’s of I quote ‘historic value’! I kid you not. Historic why? because some lying leftie twat called Bliar a man who brought suicide bombers to the streets of London and allowed a retarded fat one eyed creep to destroy our economy used it?
Williams referred to Bliar as ‘Tony’ throughout the piece, it really was arse licking and creeping from the BBC at its best.
Could you imagine anyone at the BBC being SO respectful for Mrs T?
Blair used it on the odd occasions he needed to get the vote from the people he hated. Closing down the place that stood for everything Labour hated is a more fitting tribute to the smarmy anti-British champagne socialist.
Blair used it on the odd occasions he needed to get the vote from the people he hated. Closing down the place that stood for everything Labour detested is a more fitting tribute to the smarmy anti-British champagne socialist
A few months ago I made a FOI request about the legal advice given when the BBC interviewed members of India’s Maoist rebels. The answer refused to detail the advice given or even whether it was requested according to the guidelines but fobbed me off with a everything was done according to the rules answer.
One bit of info did sneak through. If the terrorrist/criminal organization is not proscribed by the Terrorism Act the BBC don’t feel they have any responsibilities to report to the authorities, local or British as the guidelines specify.
I heard the report and it was sick-making. Gatehouse deferred to the PKK scum as if they were royalty. At one stage he said ” it is hard to believe that they are carrying out terrorist attacks in
Turkey “.
Well at least he used the T word. But he swallowed the PKK lie that they don’t target civilians without questioning it. Now he must know that they target civilians so why not dispute it ? We all know how fearless BBC journalists are.
I live in Spain, and last weekend attended a wedding in Andalusia – it’s the first I’ve heard of such a “revival”.
My wife and I were seated at a table along with cousins of the groom. I was encouraged by the fact that one of our table companions was a member of the national police who had just completed a course on “Islamic terrorism”. He was under no illusions as to the truth about Islam and was very understanding, and supportive of Israel and her right to self-defence.
Listened to bBC’s ‘the world tonight’ with Ritula shah a few evenings ago and heard a report on Afghanistan. Ritula speaks with a very clear English accent, so clear in fact that every time she spoke the word ‘Afghanistan’, her accent distinctly changed.
Why does she feel the need to pronounce ‘Afghanistan’ differently to any other word?
Beeboids do this all the time, to show how down with the ethnic’s they are.
The old bag they fired (Moira Stuart) used to pronounce Mumbai in an Indian accent for some reason.
That other dozy cow Michelle Hussain also likes to pronounce several Muslim cities or nations in an ethnic accent.
Richard Littlejohn did a good piece on this years ago asking if in the future the dopey newsreaders would start saying ‘Newcastle’ with a Gazza accent.
They all do Fenland – I have spotted this a few times (especially the women beeboids). Listen for the word “Islam” – it will never be pronounced “Iz-lem” always “Iss-laam”
There’s an English female newsreader on BBC1 – I forget her name. She wears glasses – who pronounces Afghanistan in a Pakistani accent. It’s really glaring. She’s not Pakistani, for crying out loud! Why would she even think of doing that?
Yes in the same connection, as I recall that prat Michael Buerk started the trend of BBC newsreaders emphasising the `h’ in the middle of Tehran.
But I notice they don’t adopt the `correct’ local pronunciation for European countries – they don’t pronounce Paris as the French do, or refer to eg Munich as Munchen.
Could one of our Beeboid friends explain the inconsistency ?
Have you seen the suspiciously gushing preview of tonight’s “Undercover Boss” in the Radio Times, where chief executive of Tower Hamlets council goes “back to the floor”. OK, it is a Channel 4 programme but the previewer describes it as “brilliantly topical” and “disconcertingly positive”.
It finishes “By the time Collins visits the market trading officers and finds they’ve used their spare time to dream up a modernisation scheme, you’re no longer surprised. It’s one of those rare reality shows where everyone comes out smelling of roses and it leaves you feeling good about the vital work councils do – much of it, no doubt, for the chop.”
BBC1 6pm news had a lengthy “news item” straight from the PR department at CERN about how our big particle collider, while now nearly as good as the one operated by the damn Yankees, will soon be betterer.
I suppose as it’s a fellow part of the big happy tax spending empire it is OK to carry uncritical reports.
Hopefully someone is compiling a list of names of the Journolist 400 and will publish it in due course. Every leftoid who could be on the list should be questioned if they were part of this evil cabal. If they admit it, they should be questioned about their perceptions of any “possible” political bias and if they think any “journolistic standards” may perhaps have been violated.
Until the full list is published, all journalists, newsreaders, political bloggers, and columnists are suspect, as far as I’m concerned. Anyone who doesn’t like it can tell Ezra Klein to publish the names so we know who’s who.
Turned on Radio 5 at 6:30 to hear the BBC going on and on about this poxy working mens club. The beeboids seemed aghast that it could be closing down when it heralded “Tony Blair in his pomp” I think was the beeboid quote (said with great pride)
Like so many other WMC and pubs this one has been forced out of business due to a fall off in trade since the smoking ban introduced by labour. I bet they don’t mention that bit in their reports.
This same reporter’s previous article College cuts ‘to hit class sizes’ follows a similar pattern, being based on criticism of government policy by a teaching union (the UCU), whose leader Sally Hunt’s views are quoted at much greater length that the government’s.
Before that there was University ‘denied to thousands’, where Hannah Richardson again based an article on criticisms by Sally Hunt of the UCU.
Then there’s this tear-jerker about devastated children, a councillor close to sobbing, bemused teachers (etc), let down by Michael Gove: Pupils ‘devastated’ by school rebuild let down
Before that there was Nobel winners’ protest halts science funding change, which turns out to be just another story based on a campaign by Sally Hunt and the UCU.
Then there was Schools buildings scheme scrapped, where Michael Gove is given plenty of space, but is followed by an endless stream of critics, including a ‘selection of your comments’ – ALL critical.
This explains the video report I saw earlier today about how refurbishing some school has led to better student behavior. Having things looking all new and clean made them feel more positive, etc. Can’t remember where it was. But I do remember that the Beeboid on camera forgot to mention that new schools started under Gove’s scheme might also be new and clean and lead to better student behavior. All I could tell from this report was that schools are falling apart and the nasty Tories cancelled the plans to fix them (funding? who cares?) and there is no such thing as a plan to build new schools.
In short, a party political piece designed to support one side of an issue: the Labour side.
So the BBC immediately gave prominent coverage to the Government’s apology to the USDA woman who was fired for appearing to admit to racial discriminating against a white farmer. I note that when it was a story about a USDA official admitting to racially discriminating against a white farmer with the NAACP audience nodding their heads, the BBC was silent.
Now that it turns out the right-wingers were wrong, the BBC reports it. They would have kept shtum if this didn’t work out the way it has.
There’s more clear editorial bias in the article itself. Notice that the BBC is shy about naming the “conservative website” where this all started. No linky on the sidebar, either, unlike nearly every other report on the BBC website. Pretty pathetic censorship, BBC. For those interested in getting past the BBC wall of silence, it’s only the fastest growing non-Leftoid website in the country: Breitbart’s “Big Government”.
In the “analysis” inset, Kevin Connolly scolds the Government (not the President, of course. Never, ever blame Him for anything.) for not checking Shirley Sherrod’s side of the story first. He then states:
If they had, they would have found in Shirley Sherrod a woman who had risen above personal tragedy to work for black and white farmers alike.
Connolly has no idea if this is true or not. He simply made up a life story for her to fit his world view. He also – surprise! – blames the evils of the 24-hour news cycle and not knee-jerk incompetence in an Adminstration that has been running scared for months now. Perhaps the NAACP’s slander of people like me has everyone very nervous about racism? Connolly isn’t interested. Must shift blame away from Him. Must shift blame away from Him.
Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know: Sherrod says that the Deputy Assistant to the President forced her to resign. Can’t shift blame, BBC.
The most important thing the BBC left out of this report is the context: this would never have happened if the NAACP hadn’t recently condemned the Tea Party movement for being racist. The BBC happily reported that, but now suddenly forgets about it? More likely, they don’t want you to make that association, so they censor it from this report. Without the proper context, this just looks like a right-winger attempt to smear an heroic civil rights organization.
Note to BBC: The NAACP isn’t merely “seen as Democratic-leaning”. Not only did their last chairman say that the Republican Party would happily put a swastika on the American Flag, but has long been known for its dedication to the Democratic Party. BBC once again twisting reality to suit the Narrative.
Even Sherrod herself now realizes that the NAACP’s foolish attack on the Tea Party people created the environment which led to her problem. Breitbart wouldn’t have even made a story about her speech if they hadn’t issued that condemnation. But the BBC doesn’t want you to know about that. I have no idea if Michelle Obama’s meeting with them the night before has any relevance, but it does suggest that the President knew all about it at the time. Great post-racial leadership.
In any case, the BBC is completely misrepresenting the story. They’ve been reporting two connected incidents – the NAACP condemnation of the Tea Party movement (which was a dishonest report on its own), and this story about Sherrod being fired over a misunderstood speech – without providing any context to tell you that the two are connected. All you know is that the Tea Party is full of racist right-wingers who hate black people, hate the President because He’s black, and their fellow evil conservatives manufacture smears on innocent black people. No context, and very little honest reporting at all.
Totally spot on David, the BBC have been caught out once again. Barry’s sticky little fingers are all over tihs mess, the FULL video was in the hands of the NAACP so theycannot try to divert the blame onto Fox News and others for that mess.
This story which even the gutless US press pack have had to cover shows up the lies and distortions of the BBC.
According to the bBC any country which was ruled by Great Britain(Ireland/India/Palestine/Egypt etc..) was a victim of a racist imperial power which oppressed the local people for Queen and country.
So why am I not surprised at how the bBC rewrites history about how when Islam ruled Spain everybody lived in peace.
‘Moorish revival’ in southern Spain For hundreds of years, North African Muslims ruled southern Spain. Now some of their descendants are contributing to a “Moorish revival” that is regenerating parts of Andalucia, says the BBC’s Sylvia Smith…. Abdul Hedi Benattia, who is a Tunisian historian as well as owning a restaurant and tea shop, claims that Islam as practised in Granada is very close to the original tolerant religion that spread across North Africa and through most of the Iberian peninsula from the 7th Century until the 14th Century……We didn’t set out specifically to recreate peaceful co-existence, but at times you can’t help but reflect that this is exactly what has happened”
Yes bBC so peaceful that the nasty Spanish people just decided to grab a few weapons and kick out their peaceful overlords.
Funny how the bBC never bothers informing the TV licence fe paying British public about the 48 Christian Martyrs of Córdoba who all lost their heads for disrespecting Islam.
Any country which was ruled by Great Britain was a victim……except Israel. The only country which one is allowed to condemn for killing British soldiers while attempting to throw off the yoke of Imperial rule.
That isa great point and one that I had not thought of before, I shall try and use that in conversations with BBC supporters of the #proudofthebbc ilk.
Moorish imperialism just wasn’t the same thing as British imperialism. It was “good ” imperialism and the natives should have been more grateful instead of spending centuries rebelling. Just another BBC libby attempt at re writing history. They really are morons.
Next they will be telling us Istanbul was always a Turkish city and Byzantium never really existed. As for the name Constantinople that was made up by the evil Crusaders to justify their crusades. The sad thing is if you told the average beeboid this he or she would probably believe you.
interesting that the proposed mosque at ground zero is to be named the Cordoba mosque, is it not? and the BBC helping to rewrite Islamic imperialist history as usual
Y A W N ! Newnight banging on about Tory cuts making us less safe yet again. I’ve lost count of just how many stories the BBC have run about Tory cuts.
Did I miss something, didn’t Liebour also plan huge cuts?
Here’s a fun little piece about the Dainty Damselfly which has reappeared in this country after 60-odd years, and shown the very good sense to come to us here in Kent (which means it’ll be a bloody Concrete Damselfly pretty soon).
Now is it just my imagination, or are there a few inconsistencies in the does the esteemed Mr Black’ article?
“They have become more common [in France or Belgium] probably dueto climate change.”
“The spread northwards across the continent seems to be associated with climate change.”
Ah, mais bien sur !
So does this mean that temperatures are now back to pre-1952/3 levels, when our little flying pals were happy in East Anglia then ? I thought that we were just now undergoing some sort of unprecedented warming event.
Or did the damselflies maybe have little overcoats and tiny scarves to cope with the cold back then, which have now been thrown off enabling our tiny pals to flit about without the gliding angle of a breeze block at last ?
There’s a similar piece of unsubstantiated climate change rubbish about another damselfly further on, this one small and red-eyed (the ‘Bercow Damselfly’ you might think, but alas not.)
Despite my scepticism I must say I find this northwards spread of exotic sun-loving fauna very exciting, and am eagerly waiting for news of Saltwater Crocodiles in the Thames, orang-utans in the Chilterns and Tasmanian Devils disrupting the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.
Immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser has followed the Somali refugees who moved to Garden City, Kansas, after the Tyson plant in Emporia closed down. The latest installment in his immigration propaganda series shows a veritable tableau of hard-working immigrants from many cultures, a picture-perfect dream of the American Melting Pot. He also found that Tyson is now importing Burmese workers as well. The more the merrier, of course.
Of course, Strasser doesn’t mention – again – that Tyson Foods has a history of being indicted and sued for using illegal aliens to keep wages down (even their own legal workers sued them over it), never mind how they treat their employees when nobody’s looking. I’m not even going into all the accusations about animal cruelty and other problems. But you can bet the BBC wants you to know that they offer all kinds of superficial “community outreach” support, with translators and handlers assigned to point the immigrants in the direction of public services paid for by the taxpayers and not by Tyson. Funny that Strasser doesn’t point that bit out, and makes it seem like Tyson gives them everything they need.
Not only that, but does Strasser’s closing line sound familiar to anyone?
What do you think about refugees doing jobs other people don’t want to do?
It should. It’s only the exact same message the BBC tells you whenever somebody complains about illegal or just unchecked immigration in the UK. This is why the BBC sent Strasser to the US (or hired him, as he claims to be a “recent immigrant”) to do this series: to reinforce that Narrative, and sweep the “illegal” part under the rug entirely.
One last thing. Notice just how much Strasser’s report parallels this article from the Wichita Eagle. They even managed to find the same Burmese guy who cut his hand and lost his job. I guess Strasser and his producer just drove into town, bought the local paper, and called their media colleagues to find the same people to talk to. So that’s three or four Beeboids (there’s a Beeboid filiming Strasser filming the people he’s interviewing, plus a producer and maybe a sound guy) traipsing around the country, spewing Gaia knows how much evil greenhouse gas all the while, just to give you this Potemkin village story. All to drive home a message about how great immigration can be if everyone only gave it a chance, and all at your expense.
I am running again because Congress has failed to take leader- ship on the issues of illegal immigration, taxation, English as our official language, our economy, healthcare reform, abortion, and the War on Terror, and I hope you share my belief that it is time for new leadership.
Nope, not pleased at all. Heh. Can’t wait to see the BBC’s coverage of the upcoming mid-term elections.
Jared Bernstein, chief economist for Vice President Joseph Biden, served in 2008 as an economic adviser to the Obama campaign. At the same time, he was a member of JournoList, the controversial progressive email list.
Bernstein’s bio at Politico, which appears not to have been updated since 2008, states: “He is an economic adviser to the Obama campaign.”
I checked just now, and it still says that. And Bernstein freely admits it today, seemingly unaware of the meaning of his words.
Reached today at the Office of the Vice President, Bernstein revealed that his position with the Obama campaign was as something called a “surrogate.” “I was not paid by the campaign,” he explained. “They would call me from time to time to represent their positions, that side of the debate.”
And he just happened to be conspiring with a bunch of journalists and bloggers and columnists about how best to represent those positions. Most of the people revealed on the JournoList so far work for the publications from which the BBC takes its lead on how to report US issues, which explains a lot.
There’s an article on the main page of the BBC website: Mortality gap ‘wider than 1930’s’: The health inequality gap in Britain is greater than it was during the post-World War I slump and the Great Depression, a study suggests.
Being the BBC, this study just had to be by a left-wing think tank or a left-wing academic and, sure enough, the lead researcher turns out to be a BBC favourite, Professor Danny Dorling, the Marxist ‘human geographer’ from Sheffield Uni.
The BBC can’t get enough of him. He’s even been commissioned by the BBC to study how “communities have changed in the last 40 years”.
So it’s not surprising to read that “From that period onwards (the 1930s) health inequalities started narrowing until the 1970s, the analysis showed.” Ah, so the 1980s were when it all started to go wrong! Wonders never cease.
Here’s a flavour of what Prof. Dorling believes from his university’s website: Injustice: Why social inequality persists by Daniel Dorling.
Few would dispute that we live in an unequal and unjust world, but what causes this inequality to persist? As the five social evils identified by Beveridge are gradually being eradicated, this book claims they are being replaced by five new tenets of injustice, viz: elitism is efficient; exclusion is necessary; prejudice is natural; greed is good; and despair is inevitable.
Indeed Craig there is nothing like starting your “research” with a completely open mind is there 🙂
Something that always annoys me with the Beebs stories on new academic papers (which for some reason are only ones that agree with their mindset) is that the Beebs website page on the story never links to the actual paper. Most academics make their papers available on the personal section of their University website and a link from the story to the paper wouldn’t cost anything so why isn’t it there ? Such a link would allow the interested reader to learn more and hopefully to examine the academics primary sources.
If they insisted on a link to the paper the Beeb would also prevent certain academics engaging in research via public relations.
Now, Craig, you know that there is no such thing as a “left-wing” think tank or academic. They are all “respected”. The remaining ones are, of course, “right-wing ” .
Some years ago I represented a Chinese student in the UK whose Uni. was accusing him of plagiarism. I explained that, in the Chinese system it is actually encouraged and it is difficult for Chinese to adapt to our culture.
The British academic interviewing him was using a computer programme “Turnitin”. You can key in passages from a students work and it highlights the source it has been lifted from. And , lo and behold, some of his work had been copied.
When I asked the academic what would happen if I put some of her research papers into Turnitin ? She went white as a sheet !
Grant I sometimes read academic papers in journals relating to the field I work in. I would say 90% of them are totally worthless bringing nothing new or original to field. Many of the authors seem totally unaware that the real world is using methods far in advance of what they have been “researching”. Increasingly I see papers that appear to be plagiarised copies of trade magazine articles.
PS to that. The “Peer Review” system is a joke. If a research paper is put to anyone working in the same field , they should be able to tell who the anonymous author is . They should know who is researching the topic, the writing style and references should confirm this.
The “Peer Reviewer” then either gives a thumbs up if he lokes the author and agrees with what he is saying , or the thumbs down.
Academic jealousy and sychophancy is rife. Incestuous preferment is normal.
On top of that, many papers are not even written by the named author who probably hasn’t even read what is going out under his name.
I was reading a science paper a few weeks ago which had 10 “authors”. Almost as many as a BBC programme.
As I say, the “Peer Review ” system is a joke.
The PhD. system also contributes to multiple authors. I remember when The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1983 Barbara McClintock came to visit. The head of school who introduced her had pages of citations as the author of papers, largely because whenever one of the student candidates in his lab wrote a paper, his was the first name. McClintock had written five papers in her entire career.
Here’s an intriguing transatlantic story that seems to be shaping up well thanks to BBC ‘we can’t be wrong, we’re the BBC’ mindsets, in that area where they are already noted for real strength: science ‘reporting’:
Actually a minor (though still professionally serious) story that seems to have gained traction by the ‘when in hole, bring in a JCB’ attitude that we pay to fund.
But I am seeing it all over the blog/twittosphere, perhaps a wee bit inspired by the ‘real’ journalists vs. dirty bloggers meme sniffy MSM employees like to try and claim.
‘MacShane, in fact, used to work for the BBC, but was sacked by them for gross dishonesty. He called in to a radio show, posing as an ordinary member of the public, and expressed anti-Conservative views. When he was found out, the BBC were going to let him off with a warning until a Conservative minister he had attacked made an issue of it. ‘
Any links to confirm from the mighty BBBC archives? (All I can find is this: ) If true, it does explain, if not excuse, so much.
From the BBC to Labour via gross dishonesty, but only after a major stand taken. Plus a nice line in rigging ‘public views’ to suit.
I do know some BBC ‘reporters’ are very sensitive about any extra-curricular scrutiny.
It is hard to credit that our so-called objective national broadcaster’s employees are above any shenanigans through being ‘paid’ ‘only’ by ‘us’, when clearly there are many other influences at play that shape what they ‘report’ upon, when, with what slant, and why.
The “Today” programme being childishly desperate in their wish to marginalise the BNP over Garden Gate. They go to the trouble of obtaining the recollections of another invitee, the mayor of Windsor, who tells us that he observed Brons (the BNP MEP who did attend) for about half an hour & nobody spoke to the pariah.
As almost all wouldn’t know Brons from Adam, that is hardly news. The mayor would have been better to testify that Bron was approached by many people who then beat a swift retreat when they found out who he was.
Two Muslim women have claimed they were refused a bus ride because one had her face covered by a veil. The 22-year-old students, of Slough, Berkshire, were in London and boarded a Metroline bus from Russell Square to Paddington on Tuesday.
I expect the bBC will will airing this story every chance it gets in which to publicize how Muslims can only be victims.
Quote from BBC article: Yasmin was wearing a hijab and Atoofa was dressed in a niqab – which covers the face.
Am I supposed to know what those terms mean? They might as well write pijab rijab hehab for they mean just as much or as little to me. Why doesn’t the BBC write in English, so that we know whether it is referring to a head or face or body covering?
(They did go on to say that one of them covers the face but they could have called it a face veil or covering in the first place. And we still don’t know what the other term means, so no point in using it. Well, not if your aim is clear communication.)
Well said . The BBC are experts in all things Islamic. But they don’t query why different muslim women choose to wear different versions of “muslim ” garb. If the BBC went down that route , it would open a whole can of worms.
Meanwhile, is the rumour true that to get a job with the BBC you have to be able to recite the Koran by heart backwards ,
in Arabic ?
If anyone wants to see a real vomit inducing piece of BBC produced cultural propaganda then watch the trailer for a forthcoming film called “Made in Dagenham” on Youtube.
The UK Film Council also made sure lots of public money went into this feminist farrago.
BBC bigging up the OTHER useless failed jock twat (god there are so many of them) Alistair Darling. Radio 5 crowing over GDP figures,nothing to do with Nu Liebour of course as most other nations were out of recession a long time ago and Nu Liebour were the ones who wrecked the economy in the first place.
Funny that the BBC didn’t point out that a large proportion of growth in the second quarter was construction, catching up on missed productivity in the first quarter as a result of the bad winter weather due to Global Warming… er…
The main subject this morning on ‘Wake Up To Money’ at 5.30am was the stress testing of European banks.
The witty message from a listener ‘it is not the banks that should be stress tested but capitalism itself’ was read out not once, but twice! It was the only listener’s message in 30 minutes.
If the BBC had any Capitalist sympathisers at all surely they should be parked in ‘Wake Up To Money’. Clearly they don’t have any!
The BBC’s staggeringly incompetent coverage of finance and economics sets real lows even among non-finance specialist news services. They are just clueless
This dovetails nicely with Robert Peston’s blog post the other day, where he hints that the stress test wasn’t conclusive (translation: it didn’t damn them all enough for him to crow about it), combined with this BBC Business article attempting to explain what it’s all about. Note the highlighted quote from Peston:
“Some will argue that the tests simply weren’t demanding enough.”
And then magically this is followed up this morning on another programme, which takes it to another level. Agenda? What agenda?
Posters here have been pointing out how Beeboids refer to David Cameron with much less deference than they showed to Gordon the Moron.
On Wednesdays Daily Politics, Andrew Neil referred to ” our Prime Minister “.
I shall offer a bottle of 20-year old Single Malt Irn Bru to the first B-BBC poster to spot any other Beeboid using that phrase !
“The Daily Politics” just now was interrupted 5 minutes from the end as my mobile hit the TV screen.
In the absence of Andrew Neil , lovely , pouting Jo Coburn was free to indulge in 25 minutes of pure left-wingery.
1.1 % growth in the quarter to the end of June “much better than expected”, cut to Alistair Darling ” vindicates Labour’s policy”.
Next, straight into coalition-bashing mode. DP managed to find an obscure Tory, Paul Goodman, of “Conservative Home”, who , usefully, pointed out all the problems with the coalition.
Then, up to sunny Edinburgh ( and is is a lovely sunny day here ). How is the coalition doing in Scotland . Badly, of course. One funny moment was when someone said that the public sector in Scotland is a “large part of the economy “. Yes, that is the problem.
This was the most biased DP I have seen yet. Totally unrelenting.
Andrew, if you are reading this, please don’t fly off to your weekend in France until after the friday “show” !
‘…cut to Alistair Darling ” vindicates Labour’s policy”.
Well, they can’t be accused of inconsistency.
In the top of the hour news slot at the top of the hour of the Vine show, I must say i found it odd that the Chancellor of the current Government got a brief namecheck on this fiscal story, followed by a full interview… make that unchallenged multi-minute burble, by some bloke at the heart of a discredited previous, voted-out-off-office outfit who dug this hole we’re in.
I actually saw part of one episode of this – the one with the Muslim group using the church. Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this scenario, as it’s not uncommon for different faiths to rent facilities to or from one another. I grew up in an area without a synagogue large enough to hold all the people who would show up once a year for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) services, so the congregation rented out a big local church. Nobody cared. It wasn’t looked at as some sort of invasion or anything by the Christians, and only a few of us Jews objected to doing prayers in front of the gigantic cross hanging from the ceiling.
However, this was not the attitude portrayed in the tv show. First of all, the comic relief of the homeless Baldrick equivalent was used to show how conservative and proper the Muslims were, and it was done with total respect for them. This is fine, except for the fact that the same kind of people who produce and write this stuff are the first ones to laugh at the paleolithic prudishness of conservative white Christians who would react the same way to a porn mag sitting on a pew. The same Beeboids who used to loathe Mary Whitehouse seem to be very understanding when Mohammedans display the same attitudes. “See, these writers and Beeboids seem to be saying to us, “they’re great and it’s so special how their religion is part of the culture,” Obviously this is a foreign (no pun intended) concept to them, and they’re the first ones to scoff at anyone who thinks that Britian is somehow a Christian country, or that the religious heritage should be considered even remotely important. The double standard was there for as long as I was watching the episode.
I don’t care if they want to respect Mohammedans, but the way they always do it on the BBC is very, very hypocritical.
Having said that, from what I could tell, I’d rather have the dopey Rev in this show run my local parish than the Vicar of Dibley. At least this guy seems to care about more than just himself, and isn’t trying to subvert the morals of his parishoners. At least, not in what I saw of it.
I saw the first two episodes of this and refused to watch any more. I should say I am an atheist myself but object to seeing one group singled out for abuse.
In the first episode he is shown as a drunk who openly drinks from a beer bottle in the churchyard. In the second he becomes something of a sex maniac quite apart from meeting the fundamentalist Christian mentioned in the article above. That fundamentalist is depicted as a hypocrite and bigot and I am willing to wager that the Mohammedans were not.
The BBC’s love of Islam is a mystery to me. Beeboids support drinking alcohol, taking drugs and homosexuality among other things all of which muslims have very strict views about , not to mention their treatment of women.
Is it because Beeboids hate British tradition and christianity so much that they will support any group who threatens to destroy that even if it is against some of the Beeboids beliefs ?
Either way the mind of a Beeboid is utterly perverse.
It’s not love in the sense that they really think the culture of beheading and oppressing women is so great. It’s just an intellectual failure to confront the reality. The Beeboids honestly don’t know how to handle it because to admit it would conflict with how they view themselves. So they ignore it, try to hide it, and sometimes just lie about it.
As yet more evidence for the BBC’s symbiotic relationship with The Guardian, take a look at their media correspondent Torin Douglas’s blog, mediabrief
Each post begins “I’m the BBC’s media correspondent and this is my brief selection of what’s going on.” That ‘brief selection’ often consists mostly of stories drawn from the BBC itself and its inky soulmate The Guardian.
Here’s a tally of all the media sources Torin Douglas has quoted from/linked to on his blog since June 1st:
BBC – 73 times Guardian – 53 times Telegraph – 22 times Mail – 13 times Times – 6 times Independent – 5 times Mirror – 5 times FT – 4 times Sun – 3 times
Others – 1 time each
The BBC has been linked to in 30/31 of Torin Douglas’s posts – and so has The Guardian.
Newswatch always good value.. if you like your laughs early and without irony.
After a near universal panning, and many points made as much about how they choose to spin their ‘news’ as how the new website further serves to make it look, Beeboid Steve Hermann is on to opine they ‘have it about right’.
Better yet, the lone critic selected undergoes a miraculous conversion at the end, much like the climate sceptic group ‘totally convinced’ by Newsnight Ethical Man’s science demo in his kitchen.
Thing is, should Aunty (and those who force us to fund her) not be the least bit concerned that despite the subject matter, so many are less than impressed more with the agenda at play?
Why can’t the BBC find someone to talk about how the government (and, by extension, the BBC) should have been busting their asses the entire time to make sure local Muslims understood that this was not a war against Islam, and that any imam sermonizing to the contrary was guilty of inciting violence? Unless the Beeboids agree with them….
I see the bBC is whitewashing the facts about how BP may not to be at fault over the DeepWater Horizon incident. Deepwater Horizon safety alarm ‘shut off” before fire Alarms aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that could have alerted workers to fire and explosive gas had been silenced before the 20 April explosion, a senior rig technician has said.Mike Williams told a hearing that the alarms had been muted months before the blast because managers did not want workers disturbed by false alarms.Rig owner Transocean said the alarms conformed to maritime rules.
And here is how the Guardian reports on that story:
Deepwater Horizon alarms were switched off ‘to help workers sleep’ The evidence of deliberate dilution of the rig’s safety mechanisms is likely to have wide ramifications for BP and Transocean, the world’s largest offshore drilling company. It switches the spotlight of blame away from BP and towards the subcontractor which took the decisions. Of the 126 crew on board the rig on 20 April, seven worked for BP and 79 for Transocean.
The fact that Transocean actually operated the rig itself was brought up a long time ago, and pretty much dismissed by the reasoning that BP hired them to do it and was ultimately responsible. I think legally they are anyway, although I’m not sure how much I agree with how it works.
I couldn’t face “Any Questions” today , but heard a trailer and was impressed that it was from Lochinver ( which Dimblebore junior managed to mispronounce ), a small fishing village in the NW Highlands which I know well from my younger days.
But I had to laugh that one of the guests was the universal and very lovely Diane Abbott. The thought of a townie like her having to trek all the way to a remote village is very funny. But not as funny as the thought that she would probably be the only “black” for 100 miles. Anyway, I guess it would give her a chance to accuse the locals of racism.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
This “JournoList” thing in the US is really big. Andrew Breitbart and the Daily Caller heavily involved.
“According to records obtained by The Daily Caller, at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.
In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
Michael Tomasky, a writer for the Guardian, also tried to rally his fellow members of Journolist: “Listen folks–in my opinion, we all have to do what we can to kill ABC and this idiocy in whatever venues we have. This isn’t about defending Obama. This is about how the [mainstream media] kills any chance of discourse that actually serves the people.”
“Richard Kim got this right above: ‘a horrible glimpse of general election press strategy.’ He’s dead on,” Tomasky continued. “We need to throw chairs now, try as hard as we can to get the call next time. Otherwise the questions in October will be exactly like this. This is just a disease.”
(In an interview Monday, Tomasky defended his position, calling the ABC debate an example of shoddy journalism.)
Thomas Schaller, a columnist for the Baltimore Sun as well as a political science professor, upped the ante from there. In a post with the subject header, “why don’t we use the power of this list to do something about the debate?” Schaller proposed coordinating a “smart statement expressing disgust” at the questions Gibson and Stephanopoulos had posed to Obama.
“It would create quite a stir, I bet, and be a warning against future behavior of the sort,” Schaller wrote.
Tomasky approved. “YES. A thousand times yes,” he exclaimed.”
There we have a Guardian journalist involved.
I’m just waiting to see if a BBC member emerges. (Make of that what you will Martin!)
Actually I don’t think anyone will have been that stupid.
Now I’m not very good at web searching but is this the way to search the BBC site?
“JournoList” for the past week – 0 results.
Google Journolist and for the last week there are 664,000 results.
So why haven’t the BBC reported this?
Here’s the reaction of the JournoList the day Sarah Palin was nominated to run for VP:
When McCain picked Palin, liberal journalists coordinated the best line of attack
Notice how much most of these comments match the BBC’s coverage, and wonder if a Beeboid was on this list. Also note that Suzanne Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, was part of this. Her presence alone makes this more than just about colleagues talking shop and sharing ideas.
Even though this one seems like not all of them agreed on what to do, it’s obvious that this was a discussion involving many people in the media and other organizations about how to cover a specific issue. No matter what, this is way beyond friends and colleagues talking shop.
Hmmmm, yes… why would a balanced, even-handed organisation like the BBC not want to report this I wonder
Caught a bit of 5 Live stupidity (not like it’s hard not to these days). Some dopey cow was stating that cremations are bad for the environment and contribute to climate change, not to mention all the Mercury in our teeth.
Only the BBC could turn this crap into a climate change lie.
Well Ramadan is just around the corner and in order to help promote this most holy of holy festivals for around 3% of the British population the bBC plugs a new line of Halal makeup. Not only content with a video and a written plug the bBC even link in to the line of Kaffir free products website.
Allah akba.
Was also on Radio 5 this morning. A load of crap just basically veggie products, so what?
Ramadan? Didn’t we just have one of those recently? Maybe watching the BBC it just feels like there are four a year…
It must be like London Fashion Week, then:no sooner do you think that it’s over for another year, than along comes another one. I’ve never actually worked out how many they have in a year.
All seeing eye,
I feel the same way about the Oscars !
Is it illegal to eat a sandwich during daylight hours in Bradford yet?
Oh god they still plugging this old one it was done last year as well and im pretty sure the year before !
The bBC the shooting dead of a man in the west bank and half the story.
Palestinian shot dead in West Bank by Israeli soldiers
A Palestinian man has been shot dead by Israeli troops after entering a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.The man was killed on Thursday morning in Barkan, west of the city of Nablus.
And here is tiny snippet left out of that bBC report which I have taken from the Fatah news agency website;
A Palestinian man was killed and a second injured by Israeli gunfire in the occupied West Bank on Thursday morning, Palestinian security officials said. They told Ma’an that an Israeli force opened fire on the two at 4:30 a.m. at the entrance of the illegal Barqan settlement in the Salfit district, killing one man while the second was injured…
I don’t know what to make of this, exactly, except to laugh at the unsurprising ineptness. It seems that Mark Mardell has been using Twitter since Sept. 2009, when the BBC ordered all its reporters to maintain a presence on Facebook and Twitter. Mardell apparently has trouble using it and has misspelled the President’s name a number of times.
I was rather surprised to find multiple spelling errors and typos in Mardell’s tweets. A tweet from Sept. 2 asks “Bipartisanship laive and well : ? Consaervative’s against Obama’s war. have your say”. On Sept. 6, he writes “should i speak ameican ?”. More startling are his multiple misspellings of Obama’s name. A tweet from Sept. 14 uses “Omama;” one from Feb. 16 has “Obbama.”
These are clearly typos. But Mardell is the BBC’s North America editor. He’s based in Washington DC and primarily covers American government and politics. Why is he misspelling the U.S. president’s name in his public writing anywhere?
None of these errors can be found in the blog posts that the tweets reference. Mardell takes care in his blog writing – why not in his tweets? (Assuming that an assistant isn’t tweeting for him, which I don’t think is the case.)
Alternatively, he could just be a lazy, incompetent Beeboid. Is this the best the BBC can do to keep you informed about the US? Another success story for the BBC’s Twitter training course, all at your expense.
I’d say Mardell’s a lazy, incompetent Beeboid. Sadly, just one of many.
In parallel to the BBC’s persistent bias and lack of objectivity, an open thread devoted to the BBC’s habitual spelling mistakes and errors of grammar and punctuation would never be short of material.
A day rarely passes without the BBC World news captions, its website items or newscasters showing pig ignorance or illiteracy undeserving of the designation British Broadcasting Corporation. The current organisation is so removed from Lord Reith’s tenets, it is sadly unworthy of the name.
People in private-sector professions who made such frequent errors so central to their core competencies would be fired. THE BBC, AN ORGANISATION DESPERATELY SEEKING A REALITY CHECK
He makes quite a few mistakes in his blog as well, though maybe not as many as the illiterate Webb monster.
Good job it wasn’t Sarah Palin doing the tweeting or the BBC would be all over her.
The bBC , legalizing Irish terrorists and WTF.
Former paramilitary admits 1992 Derby soldier murder
A former Irish republican paramilitary has admitted murdering a British Army recruitment officer in Derby 18 years ago.Sgt Michael Newman, 33, was shot in the head in April 1992, as he walked to his car from the careers office.
Paramilitary bBC? You can call the TA Paramilitaries, you can call the National Guard Paramilitaries. Why you could even call the Army Cadets Paramilitaries. But the IRA/INLA are terrorists pure and simple. which is how the leftwing guardian headlines this story.
Irish republican terrorist jailed for life for murder of soldier in Derby
An Irish republican terrorist was jailed for life today after he admitted murdering a British soldier outside an army recruitment office 18 years ago. Sergeant Michael Newman, 34, was gunned down by the Irish National Liberation Army, an IRA splinter group, in Derby on 14 April 1992.
They always called loyalist terrorists paramilitaries, so I suppose that might have something to do with it – maybe they got complaints of bias! However, I suspect that it is more because if they called the Irish republicans terrorists (which they always used to do with no qualms) they would have to call certain other sorts of terrorists, terrorists and that would never do in Beeboidland.
I see the Buggery Broadcasting Corporation is really laying into Cameron about his 1940 slip. Shame the BBC never highlighted Barry’s ‘mis-speaks’, or the mong for that matter.
They really are splitting hairs on this just to try to rubbish Cameron, of course the BBC NEVER get their facts wrong do they?
Yes it is being pushed for all its worth by the BBC, but it does show what an idiot Cameron really is.
I agree with Richard North on this:
“Now, it may look to be a small point – but it isn’t. We have a man masquerading as a British prime minister who doesn’t know any history. More to the point, anyone who could come out with that sort of crap has no feel for history. Different people use slightly different words. Some would say he isn’t “centred”, others say “rooted” and others use the word “bottomed”, meaning “founded”. But they all mean the same thing. Anglo Saxons would use four letters.”
It just proves to me that when he said his idol was a thick school bully in Grange Hill – he was sincere.
BBC News Channel making a meal out of Cameron’s slip of the tongue about “1940”, when everyone knows he meant to say “1940s”. That doesn’t stop the BBC from making a big deal out of it, bringing in a historian to discuss it, and repeating it over and over. Beeboid newsreader even asked the historian if Cameron said it out of ignorance. Weak. Still, it’s nice to see the BBC so concerend about veterans’ feelings for a change.
Did they make such a big deal about any of Gordon Brown’s slips? I forget. Obama beach, anyone?
This is how the BBC works, it makes the story a top story on its whole network (Radio 4, Radio 5, News 24, Newsnight & the web) so it get picked up by other networks and then the BBC state “this has offended some groups” when of course no one has been offended until the BBC ring around and find someone for a suitable sound bite.
Remember how the BBC came to the defence of the one eyed mong after his ‘bigot’ comment?
How often did Prescott mangle the English language?
But they will still claim there’s no editorial agenda going across the spectrum.
Hey, fellas, chill.
‘CAMERON GAFFE !!!!!!!!’ sure makes a change from ‘COALITION SPLIT’.
They’re so thick these ‘journalists’ that they don’t realise what they’re doing is so transparent.
Boy am I looking forward to next year’s review of the license fee. How about for starters, Dave, asking the BBC to look at the impact of the 40% cut other branches of the public sector are having to look at.
Might lead at the very least to some of the dross at the top of the BBC, when they’ve gone somewhere for one of their meetings leaving the taxi ‘on the meter’ outside
a) because they can
b) to show everyone just how important they are and
c) because it saves such important people as they the hassle of having to stand on a pavement, stick their hand up in the air, and shout ‘taxi’. I mean that’s for the little people, right?
Obama beach! That’ 😀 s a good one.
And Brown has a degree in history ! It was an appalling gaffe by Gordon the Moron, but I don’t remember it reported at all on the BBC.
Oh, yes, the history degree. A bit of a Freudian slip, Grant. Obama on the brain.
The BBC is not being even handed on this – that is true. But it does not distract from the point that all our so called leaders these days are so keyed up for a few sounbites that they have forgotton how to think.
How about Obama’s miscount of the number of US States? I don’t remember the BBC reporting that one at all.
Today programme – either yesterday or today (I am suffering from endoftermitis) reported David Cameron was goin to…….; not The Prime Minister, David Cameron……
Now I know that for both the great TB and GB their name was never mentioned without the position they held because each time I heard it I felt like throwing something at the radio as I didn’t need reminding about either of the disasters that held that great state.
Another Guardianista on the JournoList. Here’s part of a Daniel Davies rant against Fox News.
That’s two British bloggers within the Guardian fold on a listserv dedicated to reporting on US issues. Strange. Although, I think Davies is there more because he’s part of the Leftoid, Tea Party-hating, Crooked Timber blog (one of his co-bloggers there is also on the JournoList), and not for his Guardian connection.
Speed dial malfunction on R5’s “wake up to money” (Thurs 05:30) with eager beaver “business” correspondents Jeremy & Sally.
The BBC usually have the knack of finding UK academics who propagate the Labour line, but they appear to have got the wrong US academic to talk about the US Economic situation. The chap had the temerity to criticise the economic consequences of the thrust of Obama’s policy priorities.
He was addressing the inadequate demand for home based production in the US economy & mentioned that the healthcare changes did not help the problem. “Business” specialist Sally was thus forced to start talking over him to educate him & the audience about the wonderfulness of Obama & the benefits to the poor folk. He tried to say that he was talking economics not politics or social policy but Sally was having none of it & she continued talking until her point was made at full length.
It changed the tenor of the interview, he suffered constant interruptions thereafter.
In an interview earlier in the programme Sally, with support from Jez, sought to fix in the audience’s mind the fact that any problem with inflation in the UK economy is down to those evil Tories increasing VAT. The fact that inflation is already well over target & that the VAT increase doesn’t come in until next January is by the by.
I shouldn’t worry. The BBC won’t ask him back.
And , of course, Labour raising VAT from 15% to back to 17.5% didn’t affect inflation.
I was listening to Radio 5 this morning and Phil Williams was talking to some Liebour twat about the old working mens club that Bliar used and we were informed that it’s closing.
Williams (another leftie mong) ‘informed us’ that this place MUST be saved as it’s of I quote ‘historic value’! I kid you not. Historic why? because some lying leftie twat called Bliar a man who brought suicide bombers to the streets of London and allowed a retarded fat one eyed creep to destroy our economy used it?
Williams referred to Bliar as ‘Tony’ throughout the piece, it really was arse licking and creeping from the BBC at its best.
Could you imagine anyone at the BBC being SO respectful for Mrs T?
Blair used it on the odd occasions he needed to get the vote from the people he hated. Closing down the place that stood for everything Labour hated is a more fitting tribute to the smarmy anti-British champagne socialist.
Blair used it on the odd occasions he needed to get the vote from the people he hated. Closing down the place that stood for everything Labour detested is a more fitting tribute to the smarmy anti-British champagne socialist
A few months ago I made a FOI request about the legal advice given when the BBC interviewed members of India’s Maoist rebels. The answer refused to detail the advice given or even whether it was requested according to the guidelines but fobbed me off with a everything was done according to the rules answer.
One bit of info did sneak through. If the terrorrist/criminal organization is not proscribed by the Terrorism Act the BBC don’t feel they have any responsibilities to report to the authorities, local or British as the guidelines specify.
Now check this out:
Seeking out the PKK gunmen in Iraq’s remote mountains
In Iraq’s northern mountains, Kurdish rebels the PKK plan and launch their attacks on Turkey. The BBC’s Gabriel Gatehouse sought them out.
After a number of abortive approaches, we finally made contact with the PKK.
The PKK is a proscribed terrorist organization under the Act! The PKK didn’t approach the BBC but the other way around.
Any bets the BBC didn’t report to the Turkish, Iraqi or British Army authorities?
I heard the report and it was sick-making. Gatehouse deferred to the PKK scum as if they were royalty. At one stage he said ” it is hard to believe that they are carrying out terrorist attacks in
Turkey “.
Well at least he used the T word. But he swallowed the PKK lie that they don’t target civilians without questioning it. Now he must know that they target civilians so why not dispute it ? We all know how fearless BBC journalists are.
The BBC pushes the Andalusia myth for all that it’s worth.
‘Moorish revival’ in Southern Spain
No thanks, I don’t want any Moor!
I live in Spain, and last weekend attended a wedding in Andalusia – it’s the first I’ve heard of such a “revival”.
My wife and I were seated at a table along with cousins of the groom. I was encouraged by the fact that one of our table companions was a member of the national police who had just completed a course on “Islamic terrorism”. He was under no illusions as to the truth about Islam and was very understanding, and supportive of Israel and her right to self-defence.
Listened to bBC’s ‘the world tonight’ with Ritula shah a few evenings ago and heard a report on Afghanistan. Ritula speaks with a very clear English accent, so clear in fact that every time she spoke the word ‘Afghanistan’, her accent distinctly changed.
Why does she feel the need to pronounce ‘Afghanistan’ differently to any other word?
Beeboids do this all the time, to show how down with the ethnic’s they are.
The old bag they fired (Moira Stuart) used to pronounce Mumbai in an Indian accent for some reason.
That other dozy cow Michelle Hussain also likes to pronounce several Muslim cities or nations in an ethnic accent.
Richard Littlejohn did a good piece on this years ago asking if in the future the dopey newsreaders would start saying ‘Newcastle’ with a Gazza accent.
They all do Fenland – I have spotted this a few times (especially the women beeboids). Listen for the word “Islam” – it will never be pronounced “Iz-lem” always “Iss-laam”
I’ve heard a few ‘MOhammad’s” as well where they seem to emphasise the o in the name.
There’s an English female newsreader on BBC1 – I forget her name. She wears glasses – who pronounces Afghanistan in a Pakistani accent. It’s really glaring. She’s not Pakistani, for crying out loud! Why would she even think of doing that?
I think that’s Michelle Hussain.
I think she is Kate Somebody. Thornton? Some name like that. Can’t quite recall exactly.
Ritula does the same thing with the word ‘Taleban’. Very odd.
Yes in the same connection, as I recall that prat Michael Buerk started the trend of BBC newsreaders emphasising the `h’ in the middle of Tehran.
But I notice they don’t adopt the `correct’ local pronunciation for European countries – they don’t pronounce Paris as the French do, or refer to eg Munich as Munchen.
Could one of our Beeboid friends explain the inconsistency ?
Well I was just about to make that point when I read your post.
Maybe the BBC should publish their policy on this on pronunciation. It does seem highly selective and we all know in which direction and why.
Beeboids really are pathetic.
Sorry, ” prpw “
Have you seen the suspiciously gushing preview of tonight’s “Undercover Boss” in the Radio Times, where chief executive of Tower Hamlets council goes “back to the floor”. OK, it is a Channel 4 programme but the previewer describes it as “brilliantly topical” and “disconcertingly positive”.
It finishes “By the time Collins visits the market trading officers and finds they’ve used their spare time to dream up a modernisation scheme, you’re no longer surprised. It’s one of those rare reality shows where everyone comes out smelling of roses and it leaves you feeling good about the vital work councils do – much of it, no doubt, for the chop.”
Sounds like a bit of a propaganda set up to me.
BBC1 6pm news had a lengthy “news item” straight from the PR department at CERN about how our big particle collider, while now nearly as good as the one operated by the damn Yankees, will soon be betterer.
I suppose as it’s a fellow part of the big happy tax spending empire it is OK to carry uncritical reports.
Hopefully someone is compiling a list of names of the Journolist 400 and will publish it in due course. Every leftoid who could be on the list should be questioned if they were part of this evil cabal. If they admit it, they should be questioned about their perceptions of any “possible” political bias and if they think any “journolistic standards” may perhaps have been violated.
Until the full list is published, all journalists, newsreaders, political bloggers, and columnists are suspect, as far as I’m concerned. Anyone who doesn’t like it can tell Ezra Klein to publish the names so we know who’s who.
Andrew Breitbart made some headlines by offering $100,000 for the Journolist archives. Well, he just sent out this cryptic tweet:
“Whereby I formally rescind my $100k Journolist reward …….”
Does that mean he has the list?
Or Tucker Carlson has it.
Turned on Radio 5 at 6:30 to hear the BBC going on and on about this poxy working mens club. The beeboids seemed aghast that it could be closing down when it heralded “Tony Blair in his pomp” I think was the beeboid quote (said with great pride)
Like so many other WMC and pubs this one has been forced out of business due to a fall off in trade since the smoking ban introduced by labour. I bet they don’t mention that bit in their reports.
The main education story on the BBC’s website is another attack on the Tory ‘free schools’ policy:
Free schools ‘could widen social divide’
The article by Hannah Richardson is almost entirely given over to the criticisms of the “leading academic” Dr Susanne Wiborg of the Institute of Education. Described as “an expert in comparative education”, she is quoted at great length. (20 paragraphs are given over to her attack, with just 4 paragraphs putting the government’s side.)
What Hannah Richardson neglects to point out is that left-wing Dr Wiborg is a outright advocate of comprehensive education:
Toby Young in the Telegraph has a different take on the same story:
This same reporter’s previous article College cuts ‘to hit class sizes’ follows a similar pattern, being based on criticism of government policy by a teaching union (the UCU), whose leader Sally Hunt’s views are quoted at much greater length that the government’s.
Before that there was University ‘denied to thousands’, where Hannah Richardson again based an article on criticisms by Sally Hunt of the UCU.
Then there’s this tear-jerker about devastated children, a councillor close to sobbing, bemused teachers (etc), let down by Michael Gove: Pupils ‘devastated’ by school rebuild let down
Before that there was Nobel winners’ protest halts science funding change, which turns out to be just another story based on a campaign by Sally Hunt and the UCU.
Then there was Schools buildings scheme scrapped, where Michael Gove is given plenty of space, but is followed by an endless stream of critics, including a ‘selection of your comments’ – ALL critical.
All these stories come from this month alone.
This explains the video report I saw earlier today about how refurbishing some school has led to better student behavior. Having things looking all new and clean made them feel more positive, etc. Can’t remember where it was. But I do remember that the Beeboid on camera forgot to mention that new schools started under Gove’s scheme might also be new and clean and lead to better student behavior. All I could tell from this report was that schools are falling apart and the nasty Tories cancelled the plans to fix them (funding? who cares?) and there is no such thing as a plan to build new schools.
In short, a party political piece designed to support one side of an issue: the Labour side.
So the BBC immediately gave prominent coverage to the Government’s apology to the USDA woman who was fired for appearing to admit to racial discriminating against a white farmer. I note that when it was a story about a USDA official admitting to racially discriminating against a white farmer with the NAACP audience nodding their heads, the BBC was silent.
Now that it turns out the right-wingers were wrong, the BBC reports it. They would have kept shtum if this didn’t work out the way it has.
There’s more clear editorial bias in the article itself. Notice that the BBC is shy about naming the “conservative website” where this all started. No linky on the sidebar, either, unlike nearly every other report on the BBC website. Pretty pathetic censorship, BBC. For those interested in getting past the BBC wall of silence, it’s only the fastest growing non-Leftoid website in the country: Breitbart’s “Big Government”.
In the “analysis” inset, Kevin Connolly scolds the Government (not the President, of course. Never, ever blame Him for anything.) for not checking Shirley Sherrod’s side of the story first. He then states:
If they had, they would have found in Shirley Sherrod a woman who had risen above personal tragedy to work for black and white farmers alike.
Connolly has no idea if this is true or not. He simply made up a life story for her to fit his world view. He also – surprise! – blames the evils of the 24-hour news cycle and not knee-jerk incompetence in an Adminstration that has been running scared for months now. Perhaps the NAACP’s slander of people like me has everyone very nervous about racism? Connolly isn’t interested. Must shift blame away from Him. Must shift blame away from Him.
Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know: Sherrod says that the Deputy Assistant to the President forced her to resign. Can’t shift blame, BBC.
The most important thing the BBC left out of this report is the context: this would never have happened if the NAACP hadn’t recently condemned the Tea Party movement for being racist. The BBC happily reported that, but now suddenly forgets about it? More likely, they don’t want you to make that association, so they censor it from this report. Without the proper context, this just looks like a right-winger attempt to smear an heroic civil rights organization.
Note to BBC: The NAACP isn’t merely “seen as Democratic-leaning”. Not only did their last chairman say that the Republican Party would happily put a swastika on the American Flag, but has long been known for its dedication to the Democratic Party. BBC once again twisting reality to suit the Narrative.
Even Sherrod herself now realizes that the NAACP’s foolish attack on the Tea Party people created the environment which led to her problem. Breitbart wouldn’t have even made a story about her speech if they hadn’t issued that condemnation. But the BBC doesn’t want you to know about that. I have no idea if Michelle Obama’s meeting with them the night before has any relevance, but it does suggest that the President knew all about it at the time. Great post-racial leadership.
In any case, the BBC is completely misrepresenting the story. They’ve been reporting two connected incidents – the NAACP condemnation of the Tea Party movement (which was a dishonest report on its own), and this story about Sherrod being fired over a misunderstood speech – without providing any context to tell you that the two are connected. All you know is that the Tea Party is full of racist right-wingers who hate black people, hate the President because He’s black, and their fellow evil conservatives manufacture smears on innocent black people. No context, and very little honest reporting at all.
Totally spot on David, the BBC have been caught out once again. Barry’s sticky little fingers are all over tihs mess, the FULL video was in the hands of the NAACP so theycannot try to divert the blame onto Fox News and others for that mess.
This story which even the gutless US press pack have had to cover shows up the lies and distortions of the BBC.
According to the bBC any country which was ruled by Great Britain(Ireland/India/Palestine/Egypt etc..) was a victim of a racist imperial power which oppressed the local people for Queen and country.
So why am I not surprised at how the bBC rewrites history about how when Islam ruled Spain everybody lived in peace.
‘Moorish revival’ in southern Spain
For hundreds of years, North African Muslims ruled southern Spain. Now some of their descendants are contributing to a “Moorish revival” that is regenerating parts of Andalucia, says the BBC’s Sylvia Smith….
Abdul Hedi Benattia, who is a Tunisian historian as well as owning a restaurant and tea shop, claims that Islam as practised in Granada is very close to the original tolerant religion that spread across North Africa and through most of the Iberian peninsula from the 7th Century until the 14th Century……We didn’t set out specifically to recreate peaceful co-existence, but at times you can’t help but reflect that this is exactly what has happened”
Yes bBC so peaceful that the nasty Spanish people just decided to grab a few weapons and kick out their peaceful overlords.
Funny how the bBC never bothers informing the TV licence fe paying British public about the 48 Christian Martyrs of Córdoba who all lost their heads for disrespecting Islam.
As the kurgan said “There can be only one”
Any country which was ruled by Great Britain was a victim……except Israel. The only country which one is allowed to condemn for killing British soldiers while attempting to throw off the yoke of Imperial rule.
That isa great point and one that I had not thought of before, I shall try and use that in conversations with BBC supporters of the #proudofthebbc ilk.
Moorish imperialism just wasn’t the same thing as British imperialism. It was “good ” imperialism and the natives should have been more grateful instead of spending centuries rebelling. Just another BBC libby attempt at re writing history. They really are morons.
Next they will be telling us Istanbul was always a Turkish city and Byzantium never really existed. As for the name Constantinople that was made up by the evil Crusaders to justify their crusades. The sad thing is if you told the average beeboid this he or she would probably believe you.
Funny how it is only the British Empire which was bad. Not a word about the French, Dutch, Belgian, German etc. Empires.
And very little about the most benign Empire of all, the Soviet Empire.
Why does the “British” BC hate the British so much ?
dave s,
Your “average beeboid” hasn’t a clue what you are talking about !
Yes, Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) has massive political censorship about ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM.
“Islamic Imperialism” – an interview with author, Efraim Karsh, of book with that title
interesting that the proposed mosque at ground zero is to be named the Cordoba mosque, is it not? and the BBC helping to rewrite Islamic imperialist history as usual
Not to mention the Massacres of 1366.
Y A W N ! Newnight banging on about Tory cuts making us less safe yet again. I’ve lost count of just how many stories the BBC have run about Tory cuts.
Did I miss something, didn’t Liebour also plan huge cuts?
Here’s a fun little piece about the Dainty Damselfly which has reappeared in this country after 60-odd years, and shown the very good sense to come to us here in Kent (which means it’ll be a bloody Concrete Damselfly pretty soon).
Now is it just my imagination, or are there a few inconsistencies in the does the esteemed Mr Black’ article?
“They have become more common [in France or Belgium] probably due to climate change.”
“The spread northwards across the continent seems to be associated with climate change.”
Ah, mais bien sur !
So does this mean that temperatures are now back to pre-1952/3 levels, when our little flying pals were happy in East Anglia then ? I thought that we were just now undergoing some sort of unprecedented warming event.
Or did the damselflies maybe have little overcoats and tiny scarves to cope with the cold back then, which have now been thrown off enabling our tiny pals to flit about without the gliding angle of a breeze block at last ?
There’s a similar piece of unsubstantiated climate change rubbish about another damselfly further on, this one small and red-eyed (the ‘Bercow Damselfly’ you might think, but alas not.)
Despite my scepticism I must say I find this northwards spread of exotic sun-loving fauna very exciting, and am eagerly waiting for news of Saltwater Crocodiles in the Thames, orang-utans in the Chilterns and Tasmanian Devils disrupting the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.
Buggy ,
Great post ! The “Bercow damselfly” is one species which I hope IS
Immigrant Beeboid Franz Strasser has followed the Somali refugees who moved to Garden City, Kansas, after the Tyson plant in Emporia closed down. The latest installment in his immigration propaganda series shows a veritable tableau of hard-working immigrants from many cultures, a picture-perfect dream of the American Melting Pot. He also found that Tyson is now importing Burmese workers as well. The more the merrier, of course.
Of course, Strasser doesn’t mention – again – that Tyson Foods has a history of being indicted and sued for using illegal aliens to keep wages down (even their own legal workers sued them over it), never mind how they treat their employees when nobody’s looking. I’m not even going into all the accusations about animal cruelty and other problems. But you can bet the BBC wants you to know that they offer all kinds of superficial “community outreach” support, with translators and handlers assigned to point the immigrants in the direction of public services paid for by the taxpayers and not by Tyson. Funny that Strasser doesn’t point that bit out, and makes it seem like Tyson gives them everything they need.
Not only that, but does Strasser’s closing line sound familiar to anyone?
What do you think about refugees doing jobs other people don’t want to do?
It should. It’s only the exact same message the BBC tells you whenever somebody complains about illegal or just unchecked immigration in the UK. This is why the BBC sent Strasser to the US (or hired him, as he claims to be a “recent immigrant”) to do this series: to reinforce that Narrative, and sweep the “illegal” part under the rug entirely.
One last thing. Notice just how much Strasser’s report parallels this article from the Wichita Eagle. They even managed to find the same Burmese guy who cut his hand and lost his job. I guess Strasser and his producer just drove into town, bought the local paper, and called their media colleagues to find the same people to talk to. So that’s three or four Beeboids (there’s a Beeboid filiming Strasser filming the people he’s interviewing, plus a producer and maybe a sound guy) traipsing around the country, spewing Gaia knows how much evil greenhouse gas all the while, just to give you this Potemkin village story. All to drive home a message about how great immigration can be if everyone only gave it a chance, and all at your expense.
Here’s another racist redneck Republican candidate for Congress. Beeboids will not be pleased at all.
Vijay Kumar for Congress 2010
I am running again because Congress has failed to take leader- ship on the issues of illegal immigration, taxation, English as our official language, our economy, healthcare reform, abortion, and the War on Terror, and I hope you share my belief that it is time for new leadership.
Nope, not pleased at all. Heh. Can’t wait to see the BBC’s coverage of the upcoming mid-term elections.
Okay, now the BBC needs to take not of the JournoList story. An Obamessiah campaign adviser was involved in it during the election.
Jared Bernstein, chief economist for Vice President Joseph Biden, served in 2008 as an economic adviser to the Obama campaign. At the same time, he was a member of JournoList, the controversial progressive email list.
Bernstein’s bio at Politico, which appears not to have been updated since 2008, states: “He is an economic adviser to the Obama campaign.”
I checked just now, and it still says that. And Bernstein freely admits it today, seemingly unaware of the meaning of his words.
Reached today at the Office of the Vice President, Bernstein revealed that his position with the Obama campaign was as something called a “surrogate.” “I was not paid by the campaign,” he explained. “They would call me from time to time to represent their positions, that side of the debate.”
And he just happened to be conspiring with a bunch of journalists and bloggers and columnists about how best to represent those positions. Most of the people revealed on the JournoList so far work for the publications from which the BBC takes its lead on how to report US issues, which explains a lot.
There’s an article on the main page of the BBC website: Mortality gap ‘wider than 1930’s’: The health inequality gap in Britain is greater than it was during the post-World War I slump and the Great Depression, a study suggests.
Being the BBC, this study just had to be by a left-wing think tank or a left-wing academic and, sure enough, the lead researcher turns out to be a BBC favourite, Professor Danny Dorling, the Marxist ‘human geographer’ from Sheffield Uni.
The BBC can’t get enough of him. He’s even been commissioned by the BBC to study how “communities have changed in the last 40 years”.
So it’s not surprising to read that “From that period onwards (the 1930s) health inequalities started narrowing until the 1970s, the analysis showed.” Ah, so the 1980s were when it all started to go wrong! Wonders never cease.
Here’s a flavour of what Prof. Dorling believes from his university’s website:
Injustice: Why social inequality persists by Daniel Dorling.
Few would dispute that we live in an unequal and unjust world, but what causes this inequality to persist? As the five social evils identified by Beveridge are gradually being eradicated, this book claims they are being replaced by five new tenets of injustice, viz: elitism is efficient; exclusion is necessary; prejudice is natural; greed is good; and despair is inevitable.
Indeed Craig there is nothing like starting your “research” with a completely open mind is there 🙂
Something that always annoys me with the Beebs stories on new academic papers (which for some reason are only ones that agree with their mindset) is that the Beebs website page on the story never links to the actual paper. Most academics make their papers available on the personal section of their University website and a link from the story to the paper wouldn’t cost anything so why isn’t it there ? Such a link would allow the interested reader to learn more and hopefully to examine the academics primary sources.
If they insisted on a link to the paper the Beeb would also prevent certain academics engaging in research via public relations.
Now, Craig, you know that there is no such thing as a “left-wing” think tank or academic. They are all “respected”. The remaining ones are, of course, “right-wing ” .
Some years ago I represented a Chinese student in the UK whose Uni. was accusing him of plagiarism. I explained that, in the Chinese system it is actually encouraged and it is difficult for Chinese to adapt to our culture.
The British academic interviewing him was using a computer programme “Turnitin”. You can key in passages from a students work and it highlights the source it has been lifted from. And , lo and behold, some of his work had been copied.
When I asked the academic what would happen if I put some of her research papers into Turnitin ? She went white as a sheet !
That last para. should read as one sentence !
Grant I sometimes read academic papers in journals relating to the field I work in. I would say 90% of them are totally worthless bringing nothing new or original to field. Many of the authors seem totally unaware that the real world is using methods far in advance of what they have been “researching”. Increasingly I see papers that appear to be plagiarised copies of trade magazine articles.
Yes, I have exactly the same experience, having worked inside and outside the world of “academia”.
PS to that. The “Peer Review” system is a joke. If a research paper is put to anyone working in the same field , they should be able to tell who the anonymous author is . They should know who is researching the topic, the writing style and references should confirm this.
The “Peer Reviewer” then either gives a thumbs up if he lokes the author and agrees with what he is saying , or the thumbs down.
Academic jealousy and sychophancy is rife. Incestuous preferment is normal.
On top of that, many papers are not even written by the named author who probably hasn’t even read what is going out under his name.
I was reading a science paper a few weeks ago which had 10 “authors”. Almost as many as a BBC programme.
As I say, the “Peer Review ” system is a joke.
“likes the author” oops !
The PhD. system also contributes to multiple authors. I remember when The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1983 Barbara McClintock came to visit. The head of school who introduced her had pages of citations as the author of papers, largely because whenever one of the student candidates in his lab wrote a paper, his was the first name. McClintock had written five papers in her entire career.
Here’s an intriguing transatlantic story that seems to be shaping up well thanks to BBC ‘we can’t be wrong, we’re the BBC’ mindsets, in that area where they are already noted for real strength: science ‘reporting’:
Actually a minor (though still professionally serious) story that seems to have gained traction by the ‘when in hole, bring in a JCB’ attitude that we pay to fund.
But I am seeing it all over the blog/twittosphere, perhaps a wee bit inspired by the ‘real’ journalists vs. dirty bloggers meme sniffy MSM employees like to try and claim.
A claim from a commenter has caught my eye in this thread:
‘MacShane, in fact, used to work for the BBC, but was sacked by them for gross dishonesty. He called in to a radio show, posing as an ordinary member of the public, and expressed anti-Conservative views. When he was found out, the BBC were going to let him off with a warning until a Conservative minister he had attacked made an issue of it. ‘
Any links to confirm from the mighty BBBC archives? (All I can find is this: ) If true, it does explain, if not excuse, so much.
From the BBC to Labour via gross dishonesty, but only after a major stand taken. Plus a nice line in rigging ‘public views’ to suit.
And the usual left-wing tactic of linking the BNP with UKIP and Griffin with Farage. Every dirty trick in the book.
Dunno why, but this put me in mind of Al Capone for some reason…
I do know some BBC ‘reporters’ are very sensitive about any extra-curricular scrutiny.
It is hard to credit that our so-called objective national broadcaster’s employees are above any shenanigans through being ‘paid’ ‘only’ by ‘us’, when clearly there are many other influences at play that shape what they ‘report’ upon, when, with what slant, and why.
The “Today” programme being childishly desperate in their wish to marginalise the BNP over Garden Gate. They go to the trouble of obtaining the recollections of another invitee, the mayor of Windsor, who tells us that he observed Brons (the BNP MEP who did attend) for about half an hour & nobody spoke to the pariah.
As almost all wouldn’t know Brons from Adam, that is hardly news. The mayor would have been better to testify that Bron was approached by many people who then beat a swift retreat when they found out who he was.
Will BBC ban anti-Christian jokes of its ‘comedians’, or doesn’t it want those people to be unemployed?
“Eamonn Holmes gets the BBC jokes eating away at him banned”
I see the bBC is headlining with this evil racist hate crime…
Muslim woman wearing veil ‘refused bus ride’ in London
Two Muslim women have claimed they were refused a bus ride because one had her face covered by a veil. The 22-year-old students, of Slough, Berkshire, were in London and boarded a Metroline bus from Russell Square to Paddington on Tuesday.
I expect the bBC will will airing this story every chance it gets in which to publicize how Muslims can only be victims.
“Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board”
Read more:
– Censored by Islam Not British Briadcasting Corporation (INBBC).
“Muslim drivers barring guide dogs from vehicles”
Quote from BBC article: Yasmin was wearing a hijab and Atoofa was dressed in a niqab – which covers the face.
Am I supposed to know what those terms mean? They might as well write pijab rijab hehab for they mean just as much or as little to me. Why doesn’t the BBC write in English, so that we know whether it is referring to a head or face or body covering?
(They did go on to say that one of them covers the face but they could have called it a face veil or covering in the first place. And we still don’t know what the other term means, so no point in using it. Well, not if your aim is clear communication.)
Well said . The BBC are experts in all things Islamic. But they don’t query why different muslim women choose to wear different versions of “muslim ” garb. If the BBC went down that route , it would open a whole can of worms.
Meanwhile, is the rumour true that to get a job with the BBC you have to be able to recite the Koran by heart backwards ,
in Arabic ?
PS the word choose should have been in inverted commas, “choose”.
If anyone wants to see a real vomit inducing piece of BBC produced cultural propaganda then watch the trailer for a forthcoming film called “Made in Dagenham” on Youtube.
The UK Film Council also made sure lots of public money went into this feminist farrago.
Isn’t this just the Rag Trade Revisited?
For the record I’m in favour of equal pay for equal work and union action to get it.
BBC bigging up the OTHER useless failed jock twat (god there are so many of them) Alistair Darling. Radio 5 crowing over GDP figures,nothing to do with Nu Liebour of course as most other nations were out of recession a long time ago and Nu Liebour were the ones who wrecked the economy in the first place.
Funny that the BBC didn’t point out that a large proportion of growth in the second quarter was construction, catching up on missed productivity in the first quarter as a result of the bad winter weather due to Global Warming… er…
The main subject this morning on ‘Wake Up To Money’ at 5.30am was the stress testing of European banks.
The witty message from a listener ‘it is not the banks that should be stress tested but capitalism itself’ was read out not once, but twice! It was the only listener’s message in 30 minutes.
If the BBC had any Capitalist sympathisers at all surely they should be parked in ‘Wake Up To Money’. Clearly they don’t have any!
Capitalists are up and working at that time. Only lazy lefties have the leisure to phone in.
The BBC’s staggeringly incompetent coverage of finance and economics sets real lows even among non-finance specialist news services. They are just clueless
You are right. They are clueless. The one exception is Paul Lewis on R4 “Moneybox” who is excellent.
This dovetails nicely with Robert Peston’s blog post the other day, where he hints that the stress test wasn’t conclusive (translation: it didn’t damn them all enough for him to crow about it), combined with this BBC Business article attempting to explain what it’s all about. Note the highlighted quote from Peston:
“Some will argue that the tests simply weren’t demanding enough.”
And then magically this is followed up this morning on another programme, which takes it to another level. Agenda? What agenda?
Posters here have been pointing out how Beeboids refer to David Cameron with much less deference than they showed to Gordon the Moron.
On Wednesdays Daily Politics, Andrew Neil referred to ” our Prime Minister “.
I shall offer a bottle of 20-year old Single Malt Irn Bru to the first B-BBC poster to spot any other Beeboid using that phrase !
“The Daily Politics” just now was interrupted 5 minutes from the end as my mobile hit the TV screen.
In the absence of Andrew Neil , lovely , pouting Jo Coburn was free to indulge in 25 minutes of pure left-wingery.
1.1 % growth in the quarter to the end of June “much better than expected”, cut to Alistair Darling ” vindicates Labour’s policy”.
Next, straight into coalition-bashing mode. DP managed to find an obscure Tory, Paul Goodman, of “Conservative Home”, who , usefully, pointed out all the problems with the coalition.
Then, up to sunny Edinburgh ( and is is a lovely sunny day here ). How is the coalition doing in Scotland . Badly, of course. One funny moment was when someone said that the public sector in Scotland is a “large part of the economy “. Yes, that is the problem.
This was the most biased DP I have seen yet. Totally unrelenting.
Andrew, if you are reading this, please don’t fly off to your weekend in France until after the friday “show” !
‘…cut to Alistair Darling ” vindicates Labour’s policy”.
Well, they can’t be accused of inconsistency.
In the top of the hour news slot at the top of the hour of the Vine show, I must say i found it odd that the Chancellor of the current Government got a brief namecheck on this fiscal story, followed by a full interview… make that unchallenged multi-minute burble, by some bloke at the heart of a discredited previous, voted-out-off-office outfit who dug this hole we’re in.
I think ‘public value test’ may have a special new place in the BBC dictionary, along with its understanding of ‘trust’.
Now, who is to test “public values” ?
“Video: New BBC comedy stereotypes Christians”
-Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) continues its propaganda
I actually saw part of one episode of this – the one with the Muslim group using the church. Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this scenario, as it’s not uncommon for different faiths to rent facilities to or from one another. I grew up in an area without a synagogue large enough to hold all the people who would show up once a year for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) services, so the congregation rented out a big local church. Nobody cared. It wasn’t looked at as some sort of invasion or anything by the Christians, and only a few of us Jews objected to doing prayers in front of the gigantic cross hanging from the ceiling.
However, this was not the attitude portrayed in the tv show. First of all, the comic relief of the homeless Baldrick equivalent was used to show how conservative and proper the Muslims were, and it was done with total respect for them. This is fine, except for the fact that the same kind of people who produce and write this stuff are the first ones to laugh at the paleolithic prudishness of conservative white Christians who would react the same way to a porn mag sitting on a pew. The same Beeboids who used to loathe Mary Whitehouse seem to be very understanding when Mohammedans display the same attitudes. “See, these writers and Beeboids seem to be saying to us, “they’re great and it’s so special how their religion is part of the culture,” Obviously this is a foreign (no pun intended) concept to them, and they’re the first ones to scoff at anyone who thinks that Britian is somehow a Christian country, or that the religious heritage should be considered even remotely important. The double standard was there for as long as I was watching the episode.
I don’t care if they want to respect Mohammedans, but the way they always do it on the BBC is very, very hypocritical.
Having said that, from what I could tell, I’d rather have the dopey Rev in this show run my local parish than the Vicar of Dibley. At least this guy seems to care about more than just himself, and isn’t trying to subvert the morals of his parishoners. At least, not in what I saw of it.
I saw the first two episodes of this and refused to watch any more. I should say I am an atheist myself but object to seeing one group singled out for abuse.
In the first episode he is shown as a drunk who openly drinks from a beer bottle in the churchyard. In the second he becomes something of a sex maniac quite apart from meeting the fundamentalist Christian mentioned in the article above. That fundamentalist is depicted as a hypocrite and bigot and I am willing to wager that the Mohammedans were not.
You’re 100% correct about the Mohammedans, of course.
The BBC’s love of Islam is a mystery to me. Beeboids support drinking alcohol, taking drugs and homosexuality among other things all of which muslims have very strict views about , not to mention their treatment of women.
Is it because Beeboids hate British tradition and christianity so much that they will support any group who threatens to destroy that even if it is against some of the Beeboids beliefs ?
Either way the mind of a Beeboid is utterly perverse.
It’s not love in the sense that they really think the culture of beheading and oppressing women is so great. It’s just an intellectual failure to confront the reality. The Beeboids honestly don’t know how to handle it because to admit it would conflict with how they view themselves. So they ignore it, try to hide it, and sometimes just lie about it.
The BBC sees Islam as an ally in totalitarian evil.
As yet more evidence for the BBC’s symbiotic relationship with The Guardian, take a look at their media correspondent Torin Douglas’s blog, mediabrief
Each post begins “I’m the BBC’s media correspondent and this is my brief selection of what’s going on.” That ‘brief selection’ often consists mostly of stories drawn from the BBC itself and its inky soulmate The Guardian.
Here’s a tally of all the media sources Torin Douglas has quoted from/linked to on his blog since June 1st:
BBC – 73 times
Guardian – 53 times
Telegraph – 22 times
Mail – 13 times
Times – 6 times
Independent – 5 times
Mirror – 5 times
FT – 4 times
Sun – 3 times
Others – 1 time each
The BBC has been linked to in 30/31 of Torin Douglas’s posts – and so has The Guardian.
Nice post well done.
Ah, facts. Not a BBC strong point, along with balance.
So, charitably, proof positive that BBC ‘reporting’ is on ‘What’s going on… that we like and/or approve of‘
Next up, navel gazing with Aunty.
Come on, Craig, get back to your blog, you know you miss it !!!!!
Stupid wording?
India’s puppets fight back against a bleak future
How disappointed I was to find it was the puppeteers.
Newswatch always good value.. if you like your laughs early and without irony.
After a near universal panning, and many points made as much about how they choose to spin their ‘news’ as how the new website further serves to make it look, Beeboid Steve Hermann is on to opine they ‘have it about right’.
Better yet, the lone critic selected undergoes a miraculous conversion at the end, much like the climate sceptic group ‘totally convinced’ by Newsnight Ethical Man’s science demo in his kitchen.
Aunty washes whiter. Honest.
Here’s a somewhat more rigourous internal challenge to Uncle Ray:
But whichever one you choose, they do rather like to tuck these discussions away, don’t they?
I like the new website design because it looks more like the Fox News layout. 🙂
David, you’re going to make any passing beeboid’s head explode!
Investigative journalism, and a story worth telling, if perhaps with less of an eye to ratings and broad brush stroke outrage.’s-panorama-can-vets-be-trusted/
Thing is, should Aunty (and those who force us to fund her) not be the least bit concerned that despite the subject matter, so many are less than impressed more with the agenda at play?
Iran, and stoning of woman to death.
Islam Not British Broadscasting Corporation (INBBC) omits the words:
‘ISLAM’ and ‘SHARIA LAW’ which are central to understanding the inhumanity of the case.
“Rallies for Iranian woman sentenced to death”
A key question not asked by Islam Not British Broadcasting Corporation (INBBC) on ‘Today’:
Does Islam inspire jihad violence against non-Muslims?
Instead INBBC suggests, of course, in its propaganda (50% provided by Muslim), that non-Muslims cause jihad violence against non-Muslims!
Why can’t the BBC find someone to talk about how the government (and, by extension, the BBC) should have been busting their asses the entire time to make sure local Muslims understood that this was not a war against Islam, and that any imam sermonizing to the contrary was guilty of inciting violence? Unless the Beeboids agree with them….
I see the bBC is whitewashing the facts about how BP may not to be at fault over the DeepWater Horizon incident.
Deepwater Horizon safety alarm ‘shut off” before fire
Alarms aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that could have alerted workers to fire and explosive gas had been silenced before the 20 April explosion, a senior rig technician has said.Mike Williams told a hearing that the alarms had been muted months before the blast because managers did not want workers disturbed by false alarms.Rig owner Transocean said the alarms conformed to maritime rules.
And here is how the Guardian reports on that story:
Deepwater Horizon alarms were switched off ‘to help workers sleep’
The evidence of deliberate dilution of the rig’s safety mechanisms is likely to have wide ramifications for BP and Transocean, the world’s largest offshore drilling company. It switches the spotlight of blame away from BP and towards the subcontractor which took the decisions. Of the 126 crew on board the rig on 20 April, seven worked for BP and 79 for Transocean.
The fact that Transocean actually operated the rig itself was brought up a long time ago, and pretty much dismissed by the reasoning that BP hired them to do it and was ultimately responsible. I think legally they are anyway, although I’m not sure how much I agree with how it works.
I couldn’t face “Any Questions” today , but heard a trailer and was impressed that it was from Lochinver ( which Dimblebore junior managed to mispronounce ), a small fishing village in the NW Highlands which I know well from my younger days.
But I had to laugh that one of the guests was the universal and very lovely Diane Abbott. The thought of a townie like her having to trek all the way to a remote village is very funny. But not as funny as the thought that she would probably be the only “black” for 100 miles. Anyway, I guess it would give her a chance to accuse the locals of racism.
I can’t believe I have just deleted my post above the one above ! I meant to press reply to add a PS.
Has anyone else ever done that or am I the only stupid one here ?