Richard Black’s relentless search to attribute every event in the universe to climate change continues unabated. Today, he’s reported the lunatic findings by the British Dragonfly Society (no less) that the rather charming and beautiful dainty damselfly – a relative of the dragonfly – has returned, after an absence of almost 60 years, to a habitat in England, in Kent. The reason, Mr Black predictably reports, is global warming; Britain is getting alarmingly warmer, and the creatures have therefore been able to hop across the English channel. He adds that other cousins of the damselfly – also encouraged by “climate change” – are ready to join the Sangatte-style insect throng.
Even by his own standards of ecofreakery and flawed science, though, this story is full of holes. First, because he tells us that this same dainty damselfly used to be found in Essex, but its habitat was washed away in 1952 in the disastrous east-coast floods. Prior to that, it presumably existed in the UK for centuries. But,er, Richard, it was a lot, lot colder in the past (according to you and your warmist fanatic chums who worship the hockey stick) and our insect friend was already here, so why is its return the result of warming? Second, I thought one of Richard’s main concerns (a topic he returns to time and time again) was the worship word “biodiversity”. Surely, Mr Black (on your own logic), if warming is triggering the return of more species to Britain that’s a good thing?
Personally, I’d put the whole thing down to the ebb and flow of nature. But then, I’m not a BBC environment correspondent with a major political agenda.
Damsel and Dragonflies are quite common in the UK midlands, especially Warwickshire and Worcestershire. In Summer any rural stream or river has a population. You only have to look. I remember them from childhood. They never went away.
Maybe that’s the problem with the urbanite warmistas, they have their blinkers on and will not look at what they don’t want to see.
Celebrating diversity is a tricky business. Best to do it only when the BBC tells you its OK. Sometimes only strict conformity is required. We don’t need much diversity when it comes to opinions about Israel, the USA, the Tories or eco-hysteria.
How does Black not know they’ve simply come through the Channel Tunnel?
The man is just a fat BBC mong boy.
Do Mr. Black and his colleagues enjoy the prospect of gaining large portions of egg on their smug faces, and relish the thought of acute embarrassment when the inevitable cooling arrives? Do they care? Are they really interested? I suspect neither. Off they’ll trot into the obscurity they deserve, with fat pensions (paid for by us) which they don’t deserve.
Do they have no concept of life without the requisite shroud of global warming wrapping all their nefarious dealings, and their every waking moments?
Can they not appreciate how daft they appear, and how the wising-up British public are laughing at them?
God save us from these utter dimwits, and also the likes of Huhne, whose delusions will cost us all dearly.
Richard Black, or Joe Bastardi – I know who makes more sense to me.
It amazes me that these people dont seem to realise that something that hasn’t happened for a long time must be a rather rare event – and the fact that it also happened a long time ago definitively shows that it cannot be specifically caused by global warming. Logic never was one of the warmists’ prime attributes!
At least I have yet to see the worded ‘unprecedented’ deployed, again.
It used to mean ‘never before’.
Now it seems to mean, in some reporting and official quarters (often the same thing), ‘a timeframe that we’ve selected to serve the narrative’. Hence failing to allow for snow that various overpaid officials and reporters said couldn’t return again was not their failure. it was ‘unprecedented’.
But as many here have already pointed out, starting with the thread author, pointing to the last time things have happened can rather raise the inconvenient point that it happened before. And when.
Nice post Robin. The tactic of blaming events on “Global Warming” but not explaining that the same events have happed before is being noticed in other places as well.
“One familiar technique they use is to attribute to global warming almost any unusual weather event anywhere in the world. Last week, for instance, it was reported that Russia has recently been experiencing its hottest temperatures and longest drought for 130 years. The head of the Russian branch of WWF, the environmental pressure group, was inevitably quick to cite this as evidence of climate change, claiming that in future “such climate abnormalities will only become more frequent”. He didn’t explain what might have caused the similar hot weather 130 years ago. ”
“It will without doubt have come to your Lordship’s knowledge that a considerable change of climate, inexplicable at present to us, must have taken place in the Circumpolar Regions, by which the severity of the cold that has for centuries past enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes in an impenetrable barrier of ice has been during the last two years, greatly abated.
(This) affords ample proof that new sources of warmth have been opened and give us leave to hope that the Arctic Seas may at this time be more accessible than they have been for centuries past, and that discoveries may now be made in them not only interesting to the advancement of science but also to the future intercourse of mankind and the commerce of distant nations.”
President of the Royal Society, London, to the Admiralty, 20th November, 1817
hattip: suffolkboy
How much does Black earn to simply copy and paste from fanatical agitators like greenpeace and the WWF?
Sitting at a keyboard and taking orders by text and email? A stupid unqualified stooge reporting trash and not understanding the world he is reporting.
How many scare stories has this one individual managed to spread, hundreds of stories and all of them false and all rpoven utterly wrong and yet still he reports witout being brought to book.
I have another theory for all this – it’s to be found in that magic word “bio-diversity”. I reckon the dragonflies are hitching a ride on all those refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants happily biding their time in the Sangatte holding camp. So, it’s nothing to do with AGW – it’s just another byproduct of having our noses rubbed ever more in the “benefits” of third world diversity.
This is absolute cobblers. We have had damsel flies in our garden every summer since we moved into the house 11 years ago.
Do Damselflies live in Peru?
Peru declares emergency over cold weather
This week Peru’s capital, Lima, recorded its lowest temperatures in 46 years at 8C, and the emergency measures apply to several of its outlying districts.
In Peru’s hot and humid Amazon region, temperatures dropped as low as 9C. The jungle region has recorded five cold spells this year.
It comes under the BBC trope. If it’s cold it’s weather. If it’s hot it’s climate.
I think that the BBC have previously linked eathquakes & volcanic activity to MMCC so I’ll shoehorn this item onto this thread.
On Saturday night that gurning earnest geologist Dr Iain Stewart was telling the history of earthquakes. He recounted how plate tectonics had been discovered as a result of a mass of seismic measuring stations set up to detect Soviet nuclear tests.
And why did the Americans do that? Because they were in the grip of “paranoia” over the Soviet activity. Obviously to the Beeboiid we had nothing to fear from those cuddly commies