The Cameron regime is sounding daily more like the opportunistic propaganda machine of the Blair years. Today, our leader’s uncompromising, right-on message is that Islam is the religion of peace (you poor, deluded fools), and that the Jew-baiting Turks should be welcomed into the EU as quickly as possible. Those who oppose such zeal, says the great leader, are xenophobic bigots. For once, of course, the BBC – that ardent, dutiful supporter of all things to do with ever-closer union – is admiringly uncritical of the Cleggerons. Its fawning description of Mr Cameron’s pro-Turkey homily conveniently omits that the Turks are hell-bent on their anti-Israel mission.
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On Breakfast this morning the beeboid (Laura something) started off her report on DC’s visit to Turkey with a sneering “if there was a competition for racking up the airmiles David Cameron would be well in”. I didn’t get the exact words used but it was definitely along those lines.
Funny, but I don’t recall them using the same tone when both Labour PMs were swanning around the world every day. Then they were all for bigging up their travels as statesmanlike.
Maybe Cameron’s going for the BBC’s airmiles record. He’s got his work cut out.
David Cameron must have caught something from Obama. Open fist of friendship disease.
Next he’ll reveal that his name is really David Hussein Brokeback O’Cameron, and Sam will be caught on cam in a fetching burqa.
So he’s “angry”. That’s something we hear all too much of these days. He does look flushed in that picture, and he looks none too pleased in this one.
And he will tell the Turks to “remain a friend to Israel” and I suppose if they don’t do as they’re told, he’ll be very very angry.
We’ll soon be begging for another labour government.
Problem is that Labour support Turkey’s membership too. One good sign is that opinion polls in Turkey in recent months have been moving against the EU.
However, the obvious solution for the problem is for the UK to leave.
A Tukish friend once told me they have an expression, “When Turkey becomes a member of the European Union”. Roughly it is the equivalent of “When Hell freezes over”.
Quite right. Your Turkish friend sees the reality.
Marketeers for Turkey:- Cameron, Clegg and Hague, like Blair, Brown and D.Miliband, like Islam Not BBC (INBBC), are all political propagandists for the rapid increase in the Islamisation of the EU (and Britain), through the admission of 80 million Turks into the EU.
Opposition to Turkey’s entry, which is strong outside the political elites in the E.U., in now vritually censored out as ‘politically incorrect’.
“Fitzgerald: Misreading Turkey and its misrule”
“The large-scale presence of Muslims in the countries of Western Europe has created a situation, both for the indigenous non-Muslims and for other, non-Muslim immigrants, that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than would be the case without that large-scale Muslim presence. No one can deny the truth of that assertion.”
“..both for the indigenous non-Muslims” Since when has the British been de-facto “non-Muslim”? I do not describe myself as “non-muslim” and by doing so pre-supposes that “muslim” is the norm. They are mainly “non-western peoples who persue a mediaeval idiology”.
The Cameron regime has become very scary indeed, their true colours are starting to shine through and that colour is anything but blue!
The regime has become so distant from the concerns and values of ordinary people that it has become a ruling class dictatorship and with the last election being the very last free election then we are stuck with this ruling class dictatorship untill we revolt and destroy them via revolution. No wonder then that the coalition are setting up their political police in the form of a FBI style ‘crime fighting’ body, one thing is for sure real crime will be the last thing on the minds of the new stasi state police.
Ever seen ‘V’? A state sponsored explosion of approved street thugs roaming the streets inspecting the peasants ausweiss/blaushein passes with the well used and loved by dictatorships phrase ‘where are your papers?’
Remind me again just how many quango gravytrains have been terminated? The yuman rites and (in)equality industries are still rolling on. The EU federal state grows in power and influence extending now to foreign policy run by a traitor/Marxist and welcomed by Cameron, our embassies now being taken over by EU state overseers. The CAP and the CFP still costing us billions and leaving our heartlands like deserts. More money than ever before is being paid to the eurotrash overseers while the peasants cough up or else. The odious ‘mcb’ preening and crowing that the UK is now the most islamist friendly region in the EU, thanks Dave thats just what the native British people want, an islamist friendly sharia friendly and women subjugating UK.
So what has changed so far? Meet the new boss same as the old.
Yes; this will, deservedly, give a boost to UKIP support.
Wish I had a fiver for every time I say “spot on ” to your posts !
Worryingly I think you may well be right and that scares me, even though I predicted it some years ago.
Well said Cassandra, I could not agree more. Turkey was, by it’s Constitution, a secular society for good reason, but the currrent regime is very pro Islam. For that reason alone Cameron is wrong in what he advocates. But then, he is wrong on everything he has said since stealing the leadership and thus ruining what was the “conservative party”.
Quite agree.
Just heard the graveyard bit at the end of the pointless “Today ” prog(8.40-terminus at 9.00!)
Old Humph was grilling three MP rookies in his study…one of each party natch. His first question for the seminar was “and what difference have you made these last few weeks?”…and it turned out that they had not done THAT much,unlike the great John Humphrys himself who did…well, we need not deign to answer this…all so obvious innit?
Clearly Humph is grooming the new intake of time servers and lickspittles for their soundbite/maverick quotient for the speed dial when the Coalition goes belly up amidst all the gossip amongst the “game-changers and key players “as paraded on Today for our inspection.
In all three MPs cases-Humpys producers will have given them a beta minus…for I don`t recall a word that they said…unlike toothless paper tiger John who mumbled great things and truly made all the difference for our mundane lives this day.
Rickshaw for Sir John please!
I think you should check your facts before concluding that Turkey is a ‘jew-baiting’ country ‘hell-bent on an anti-Israeli mission’. Turkey and Israel have had a military and economic alliance for years – indeed, Israel supplies the Turkish army with weaponry (I read somewhere Israel is supplying Turkey with US$183m in drones this summer!) It’s also attempting to act as an intermediary between Israel and Syria.
The relationship is certainly at a difficult point just now, but your description is wildly inaccurate. Consequently so too is your characterisation of the implications of Mr Cameron’s pro-Turkish stance.
“So the Prime Minister of Turkey calls Israel “a festering boil in the Middle East that spreads hate and enmity,”
Not very friendly though, eh?
Check what they do, rather that what they say. For example, let’s not forget that the UK coalition’s LibDem’s ‘Baroness’ Jenny Tonge has a track record of statements about suicide bombers and alleged Israeli organ harvesting (ie, the blood libel redux) which would lead one to assume that the UK govt too is similarly ‘jew-baiting’.
Which all things considered, it ain’t. And all things considered, neither is the Turkish govt.
If B-BBC is to fulfil its crucial role as holding the State Broadcaster to account for the poisonous bias in its news reporting and commentary (including relevant comedy output), it needs to resist the temptation to swing off on ill-informed and contentious tirades such as this, which have, after all, absolutely nothing to do with the BBC’s output.
Focus and discipline please.
I quite agree that B-BBC should watch what we swing off on, but you can hardly equate Jenny Tonge’s infamous remarks with the Turkish PM’s outright condemnation of Israel, or assume they’re equally unrepresentative of their government’s policies.
I realise the Turkish reaction to the flotilla might be temporary, but in conjunction with Turkey’s recent swing away from secularism to Islam, the rift between Turkey and Israel certainly looks much more fundamental.
Jenny Tonge is not the Prime Minsiter or in any real position of power. Her vile views are therefore ignorable, those of the UK Prime Minister are not.
It was not so long ago that the Israeli Air Force used to train in Konya-Karaman. No more !
What Cameron and the EU should be worried about is that the Islamic government of Turkey is using the EU as a reason to bring in a new Constitution which is mainly directed at the judiciary and military. There will be a referendum later this year.
Erdogan claims it is necessary for entry to the EU, whereas the real reason is to consolidate AK power. The erosion of secular Turkey continues.
Erdogan also claims that the 1982 Constitution is a “military” Constitution, forgetting to point out that it was passed in a referendum.
Cameron and many EU “leaders” are being led a merry dance by the Turkish government.
I assumed Cameron’s name was from the Scottish clan. I now wonder if it comes from the muslim name “Kameran”.
David Cameron, you are being duped !!!
Did David Kameran meet any Turkish secularists, academics, intellectuals or military ? They are in fear of their lives.
Ataturk would turn in his grave !
Cameron bashed Israel over the flotilla raid before the facts of the violence from the “activists” were known and he doesn’t know what his own country did in World War II.
Wonder how he manages to eat with that foot always in his mouth.
Well said. Cameron is a babe in the woods .
I don’t think Cameron has the slightest idea about anything he says. He is another soundbite man. He will come out with statements that he thinks the people around him want to hear. He said that Norman “Gripper” Stebson was his idol.
“The PM said he had been a fan of the show, adding: “Indeed Gripper Stebson was one of my role models in life.”
“Stebson turned to hardcore racism and picked fights with black and Asian pupils. In particular he’d delight in making life a misery for Randir Singh and made whites “swear allegiance to the British People”.”
Now I don’t believe Cameron used “Gripper” as a role model but said it to be “right on” with the people around him – he had probably forgotten who “Gripper” was.
All this shows how shallow and unthinking Cameron really is and this makes him a dangerous idiot.
Did Kameran question Erdogan about his persecution of academics and military officers ?
I must stop posting for a while, not good for my blood pressure !
Talk is extremely cheap. Cameron can say what he likes but France – for one – is solidly against Turkey’s entry into Europe. Accordingly, Cameron (very cleverly) plays up to the Turks (“I’d love you in but it’s those damned French, Poles, Czechs . . . .”) and to the Moslem fifth column in the UK knowing – for almost certain – that Turkey will never be allowed to accede. Mind you, he’s still a complete piece of excrement for talking in favour of Turkey’s entry – and no mention of a referendum for us to approve entry. [Yes Yes I know a referendum isn’t necessary but it would be a costless gesture on Dave’s part to offer it. But there again there’d always be the danger that one day an offer of a referendum would actually have to be taken up: can’t have that can we?]
Well said. Thank God for Sarkozy !
But with an Islam dominated France on the cards in 10-20 years, what then?
You may be right. The only hope for Europe is the French and , maybe , the Dutch. The rest are just a bunch of stupid dhimmis.
As part of the Wikileaks ‘principled leaking’ vs. ‘we don’t touch anything obtained by dodgy means’ rampant double standards fallout, just heard a pretty good deconstruction of what war crimes and proportionality mean to UK pols and media when they are by some folk… and not if fogs of war can get bent to bash others to suit.
Oddly this was not via the national broadcaster, who seem to have suddenly found a warm spot for Mr. Angry. One presumes because his ‘anger’ is ‘righteous’ and well directed. At least, to suit the narrative.
Must say that, in terms of deeds on top of words, our beloved latest PM is shaping up well as a true plonquer.
I have just been chatting on the internet with a Turkish friend of mine in istanbul.
She is very angry and upset . ” What is Cameron playing at ? Does he not understand what is happening in my country ? The government are ripping it apart and Cameron is supporting them. I thought he is meant to be a Conservative ”
I made a rather weak joke ” But , Ebru, Erdogan is also a conservative, so he and Cameron have a lot in common “.
Her reply ” Grant, that is not funny “.
The best hope for Turkey is a military coup, but I fear it may be too late now.
Erdogan could not help be aware of the danger of a military coup if he pushed his Musllim agenda too fast. He’s played a very effective stealthy game defanging the secular very pro-Israel military while slowly dropping the facade on what he’s really about. If Erdogan can be shown to be a true threat to the continuance of Turkish democracy I think they’d be a case for a coup, like in Algeria. Even if a majority vote for a party, if that party is going to nullify democracy democrats have he right to defend democracy. If the majority really want dictatorship, tough on them if it turns out one they dont want temporarily in place to restore democracy, as happened in Algeria. The Islamist reaction to the coup was so barbaric that they didn’t return to vote for them when elections were reintroduced.
The majority of the uneducated Turks can barely read and write and get by with a maximum of 1000 words. They are also, understandably, easily bribed by politicians. “Vote for me and I shall give you electricity etc. and my people will help you to vote for me ” etc.
But, I agree, Erdogan is playing the same long game he has has played throughout his wretched life.
At the end of the day, it is not about intellectual arguments. Three times the Turkish military have saved Turkey and restored it to “democracy”. The question is, will they do it again ? And they have to be quick.
“The majority of the uneducated Turks can barely read and write and get by with a maximum of 1000 words.”
That’s twice as many words than in an Eastenders script.
Ha ! Ha ! If you think Eastenders is bad , you should watch some of the Turkish soap operas !
A must read on Turkey, the IHH, Israel, Gaza, Hamas…
Ankara’s Proxy
Excellent article.
Cameron is crazy to think that our interests are aligned with the corrupt Turkish government which clearly favours Hamas. And crazy to think that Turkey now has any chance of EU membership.
Next step – kick Turkey out of NATO ?
Thanks for that link. Excellent article.
The western “powers” have to be very careful. Nutters like Erdogan are resurrecting the concept of “Turan” , often , mistakenly taken to mean “Turkic” people, but the idea came originally from the Persians. So the Turks and Persians ally themselves against the inferior Arabs.Hence Turkey’s increasing alliance with Iran today.
Anyway, I am sure that David Cameron , with his immense knowledge of these matters and experience of life and the world , will have worked out what is happening.
In the UK, Conservatives, Liberals, Labour and BBC concur in their enthusiasm to Islamise the EU by supporting the entry of 80 million Muslim Turks; at the same time, they all demonise Israel which is in the frontline against the jihadists of Hamas and Hezbollah, which aim to destroy Israel.
An alternative at ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“British PM Cameron digs himself in deeper, calls Gaza a ‘prison camp'”
Cameron’s stupidity knows no bounds. He is no better than Blair. Idiots.
In this day and age it is very simple use the same language as the fanatics. It does not require any courage. The argument that Cameron is only being diplomatic can not be used in his defence, he simply could have not mentioned Gaza. But his words sum up the man – he is a wimp in the same mold as Blair.
We are seeing another British PM who does not give 2 figs for his country or democracy I expect a lot of people who voted conservative are begining to regret their choice (I was not one of them)
Well said John !
Maybe we are now seeing the real Cameron agenda. A few populist measures- getting rid of speed cameras, start your own schools if you dare, the “big Society” all designed to act as safety valves lest the hoi polloi really start to think.
His Turkish drivel reveals the man. No wonder that epitome of shallowness that is the BBC loves it.
An uncritical belief in the EU otherwise why push for Turkish admittance? No lukewarm politician would do so.
Europe ends at the Greek frontier. It always has( at least since 1453) and always will. This simple reality is quite beyond the Camerons of this world.
It will be the personable Camerons who finally usher in the police state and the dictatorship of the caring elite.
He and his like will regret it but regretfully conclude that the common man just cannot be trusted with freedom
No wonder the BBC really really love him
Cameron has betrayed all the Turkish secularists who look to Europe and N. America to save them from the monstrous Turkish government. Cameron is totally out of his depth in the bear pit of Turkey and the Middle East.
This government shows every sign of being just as useless as the last. These are little children in a man’s world. God help us.
If there is one thing that will guarantee the opposition of France and Germany to any idea, is that Britain supports it.
France is at this moment going through its annual CarBQ festivals, and Germany is getting worried about the Turkish RoP. I dont think they relish the idea of more peaceful members of the RoP.
DP 111 or anyone else here.
I don’t really know much about Europe, but can anyone tell me if the French , Germans and other European nations have the same post-colonial guilt as some British ? Or is it a British disease.
And on mass immigration into Britain from EU and non-EU zones, Cameron, like Libs, Labour (and BBC), in reality supports more mass immigration, as in the case of Turkey.
“Coalition at war on immigration: Cable leads revolt against Tory election pledge on strict limit”
Read more:
UK population growth is the highest in Europe. You would think the BBC would be against immigration as it increases our “carbon footprint”.
To be honest, I get the feeling that this is a belated, seriously half-assed attempt to get Turkey back on side before it’s too late. There’s a very real fear among Western governments that Turkey is strong and sophisticated enough to easily dominate the Middle East/Muslim World, if it chose to abandon the West and do so. Personally, I don’t think that’s such an ureasonable fear, if one looks at what a bunch of crap artists run the Mohammedan lands, and what an absolute mess they all are, just waiting for the strong horse to show up once again.
Turkey’s complicity in the “peace flotilla” was them upping the ante. Call Me Dave got the message, but obviously has no idea how to respond. Turkey isn’t bluffing, but that doesn’t mean they have the cards they think they have. Too bad nobody in charge in the West gets it.
In the interests of trying to drag this comment into the realm of BBC bias, let me just say that if the BBC’s world-renowned international News division was as great as they claim it is, we’d have heard this analysis ages ago, as it’s only blindingly obvious. But since the BBC is as full of Arabists (and Israel-haters still dining on the misguided Schadenfreude over the flotilla disaster) as the old Foreign Office, they don’t see it any more clearly than Cameron does.
David P,
Quite agree.
Turkey has the second highest economic growth after China of major economies (depending on how you measure it ). High population growth, a young population , plenty of land space, self-sufficient in food and with an awesome military.
The Turks are not to be trifled with.
PS Turkey’s population probably about 80 million.
Interesting article in today’s Telegraph by Daniel Hannan. Rightly pointing out that the EU never had any intention to admit Turkey, just using the prospect to get concessions over Cyprus etc. They should have said right at the start Turkey would not join , but negotiate to try and keep Turkey “onside”. Spot on.
What a cock-up !
A non-BBC critique of Cameron on Turkey and Israel by Melanie Phillips at ‘Spectator’ blog:
“Weep for Britain: 1940 this is not”
Also at ‘Spectator’ blog, Rod Liddle has:
“Does the Prime Minister understand the ‘Real Islam’?”
This announcement by Cameron left me in no doubt as to his Euro and Islam friendly credentials. It just makes you want to bang your head on a wall. It appears that there is no credible opposition to the stance that the three main parties take on these issues. We are truly F**ked!!
Prosperity – for some – in Gaza :
Why isn’t the BBC reporting it ?
And why does it NEVER report the evil preaching in the Arab world ?
If the BBC tried reporting the truth (fat chance under Jeremy Bowen) – it would be harder for the Foreign Office to brief Cameron and Hague to be so anti-Israel
‘Jihadwatch’, not BBC on Cameron:
“The Commercial Traveller David Cameron, His Cringe, His Whinge, His View Of The World” (by Hugh Fitzgerald)