A B-BBC reader observes..,
“For the mostinsidious kind of BBC brainwashing-stroke-propaganda, you should take a closelook at a few episodes of Horrible Histories on CBBC. This ‘humorous’programme, aimed, naturally, at children, is rife with politically correctreinterpretations of history.
Two days ago we were treated to a sequence demonstrating medicine in the MiddleAges. The black Arabian doctor invariably dispensed natural, workable herbalremedies, along with profound wisdom, while the white European doctor waspresented as a complete barbarian, hacking off limbs for no apparent reason. Incase we missed the message, we were then literally told, as fact, that Europeanmedicine was backward compared to the enlightened Arabian version.
Earlier today, we had a presentation about the British Empire . Need I even gointo detail? The sequence ended with Queen Victoria singing a song about’British Things’, only to be corrected by a courtier who informed her thateverything she assumed was British – such as tea, and cotton (?), etc – was infact stolen (their word!) from poor downtrodden overseas countries.
This series is shown daily, I believe, and repeated endlessly. The drip, drip,drip of daily, anti-British propaganda is shameful and sickening.”
Yes, interesting you should mention that series. I happened to see it on Tuesday, bizarly it was on screen at the gym, they have random stuff on screens but with only subtitles, no sound. But even just having subtitles it struck me to be as much propoganda as history, and it was insultingly anti-british in sentiment.
The BBC have been pushing this crap on kids for years, remember the CBBC shit about 9/11?
I wonder how long it will be before the bBC start teaching that those Muslims doctors who crashed a burning car into Glasgow airport did so because they heard that Scotland is a cold country and that they felt they needed to help the poor Scottish people and in gratitude the Scottish government released a poor innocent man who was on his death bed, but thanks to Islamic medicine he made a fast and complete recovery.
And on “Climate change” too, the odious BBCs attempted Manipulation of kids, sticks deep in the craw.
To destroy a sovereign nation from within you have to cut the people off from their national heritage, a proud and patriotic and confident population will never accept foreign domination BUT a cowed frightened and ignorant population ashamed of their ancestors historical achievements is very easy to destroy and assimilate.
There has been a concerted and utterly determined effort to cut the British people off from their history and to teach the coming generations to be ashamed of their past. This deconstruction of our history is a very specific purpose and aim, the UK is a natural fortress which stands in the way, has always stood in the way of a united Europe and as histroy has shown time after time, the believers in a united Europe must destroy us in these islands or their dark dreams come to nought. We cannot be destroyed by open warfare so we are being destroyed from within using tactics that are as old as city walls!
Our children are being taught to despise their nation and the supposed crimes our ancestors committed, they are being taught to be ashamed of Great Britain with the aim of distancing the young from the old and the present generation from previous generations, divide and rule.
The mechanics and tactics are simple and effective and now whole generations of children are either ignorant or ashamed of the history of these Islands, these new generations will find the reality of being taken over by foreign rulers acceptable and that is the entire aim.
The history of Great Britain is being rewritten in oder to destroy Great Britain, traitors from within are opperating like traitors have been doing since the dawn of time.
The book ‘Persian fire’ reveals the age old tactics of destroying sovereign nations without using armed force with Cyrus and Darius using tactics that were old when they used them thousands of years ago.
History has shown that our own fortress walls cannot be broken by seige, so ‘Persian gold’ combined with the poisonous whispers of traitors will open the gates where seige engines have failed!
The eurotrash NWO knows full well that they have to destroy us in these islands or lose their dream of a common purpose dictatorship built on the supremacy of the political elite, a post democratic nightmare.
Just an added thought.
The would be rulers of the new world order are enacting a sophisticated version of the Khmer Rouge/Pol Pot ‘year zero’ policy.
It is a tactic to destroy the shared history of a people and create on the rubble a new political order, this new order will be hell on earth for those at the bottom.
The leftists have near complete control in the corridors of power now, their agents like the reptile Barroso and the traitor Ashton and the ugly little Van Rumpoy and many more anti democratic Marxist agents are determined to see their vision of a new EUSSR created with stooges like Cameron and Clegg and Huhne all playing their part and hoping for rich rewards for betraying their own countrymen.
Sorry but just one more thought 😉 .
The aim is to sow doubt and division and despair and fear and hatred and distrust from within to create shame instead of pride and weakness instead of strength and they are doing their work well.
Can’t argue with any of that, Cassandra.
Nothing to add to that !
Does anyone know how other European nations teach children about their colonial history ?
Well said. Very sadly this is true.
As an antidote, I suggest going out and buying “The Dangerous Book of Heroes”.
BBC doesn’t mention a specific feature of the nature of the British children in the photo in this euphemistic article
Well it doesn’t really have to and, instead, basks in silent multi-culti glory. The feature is pretty obvious although I imagine white children are fairly thin on the ground in the boroughs referred to. Also, pretty obvious, is that those selected for this fun day out are those with the worst attendance records. In other words, crap behaviour is rewarded and those (and the parents of those) who want to learn and attend normal school assiduously as a consequence are punished.
It’s not just CBBC.
For instance, if you view any episode of “Who do you think you are?” any mention of the Empire is sure to be accompanied by photos of poor children in the slums of London, Glasgow or wherever. Last night I viewed (online) the episode concerning Rupert Everett and v. interesting it was too. His grandfather was a distinguished servant of the Empire, serving for 20+ years in Nigeria in a senior role in charge of Customs & Excise. The clear implication was that Nigeria’s major export – palm oil – was effectively confiscated by those horrible white criminals from the UK. The imperial role in imposing uncorrupt administration and improved communications made trading a commercial proposition which certainly benefited the indigenous population . Again, the imposition of an export tax on palm oil in 1916 (in which Grandad Everett must have had a major role) was interpreted as another method of victimising the colonials: no mention, of course, that the Empire was fighting a war (almost) to the death against Germany and that any means of raising taxes to fight that war was probably necessary and, certainly, understandable.
And again, the reason that Everett’s father (and grandmother) did not join his grandfather in Nigeria was interpreted as a way of preserving the “white exclusivity” of the imperial elite there which the presence of children could endanger. There was no mention that Nigeria was a notorious “hardship” post under the Empire and this was reflected in the relatively “short” careers of colonial administrators. 1 year’s service in Nigeria was for pensionable purposes equivalent to 2 years service – or more – in safer climes: that Grandad Everett spent so long there is a tribute to his commitment to his job and, not least, his rugged health. Sending children and family members out there was dangerous for their health.
On a personal note concerning hardship posts: members my family serving in the Indian Civil Service before WW1 had the whole family out there. Yes, the children were sent home for education but the wives certainly stayed with hubby. India was not, I think, as dangerous to health as West Africa but the graves of colonial administrators in India tell a tragic story (but not one you’ll hear/see unnuanced on the BBC).
Oh that useless pile of lurvie Rupert Everett !! his Byron documentery was amazing! as in he didn’t get nicked for sexual assault on the Italian historian . >:o
As Mrs U observed “Rupert doesn’t seem very happy with himself, does he?” He just goes on and on about being gay – or “a poof”, as he said at the beginning of Who do you think you are?. It’s about time he got over it since, frankly, no-one cares any more about both gayness in general or Rupert’s gayness in particular. Mind you, a whole theme of BBC narrative would collapse if Stonewall et al stopped trying to press on the non-existent nerve of “homophobia” in the British population at large.
Dare I ask, who is Rupert Everett ?
Umbongo, excellent post, especially about Nigeria. I have never been there, but I imagine the risk of malaria, among other illnesses would be high ay a time when there was no cure. To send children there would be highly irresponsible.
Come to think of it, Nigeria is a very big country. Why not re-locate the BBC there instead of Salford ?
It is not all despair.
I wrote an article a couple of years ago about the BBC Bitesize revision site on Christianity and Islam.
Needless to say, Christianity was racist, sexist, colonialist and murderous. Islam of course was rather splendid, particularly with regard to women!
Two weeks after the article was posted the entire site section was taken down and subsequently re-written.
It is not 100% unbiased even now, but a small victory in a larger war nonetheless.
“The drip, drip, drip of daily, anti-British propaganda is shameful and sickening.” you forgot “and deliberate”.
Well spotted.
This has long been the seedbed for appalling tripe put out by a grooming ragbag of civil partners and people on a mission to destru the nations future from within.”Tomorrow belongs to them” …or so they hope and think!
From Teletubbies through to the hideous Tracy Beaker the song remains the same…PranK Patrol or Horrible Henry…as the title song goes ” kids rule”…yet it is gay metrosexualists in the media who send this sewage free to air with us bankrolling their seedy fantasies-and our children get the backwash!
Time now to reveal the hierarchy and structures of the CBBC lavender mob who presume to speak to/for “the kids”…that it is a Beeb backwater makes it all the more sinister…wonder how many people at CBBC actually HAVE children for a start…and whether or not they go comprehensive if they do?…let`s see a Prank Patrol on that one then,my linen-suited chums!
Excellent blogs from Cassie too!
Didn’t some female Beeboid quit CBeebies or something a couple years back and complain that most of the people in charge were either gay or just didn’t have much time for children?
Never mind. It was apparently a joke from her stand-up act.
BBC children’s TV hosts ‘are either gay or childless…and they don’t like kids,’ claims children’s presenter
Still, there’s probably more than a kernel of truth there, considering how many times they lied to or stole money from children by doing fake phone-in competitions.
What someone at the BBC is gay? NEVER!
Children seem to be treated as if they are the property of the State and subject to all its most outlandish current preoccupations. I hate the way the arms of the State, (the education system and the BBC) pour all this propaganda into their ears when they are really too young to be being bothered with the peculiar obsessions of adults and pressure groups, such as racism. sexuality, nonsense about homosexuality and all the rest of it.
That linked feature above looked more monoculti more than multiculti. I thought the BBC deplored monoculti. Oh, dear, I must have been wrong. =-O
If you are so disgusted with the BBC, stop fueling their lefty orgy! Get rid of the telly then no need for a tv license. There is plenty of bias on BBC radio to keep us all amused and no radio license is required.
You only get a job on the hateful CBBC if you are gay or black.
…and socialist.
Quote: You only get a job on the hateful CBBC if you are gay or black.
I wonder why they are not sued for discrimination.
I was wondering when this Horrible Histories trash was going to get mentioned. The ‘Born to rule over you’ ditty they keep singing gets my back up. Not really ‘insidious’ – about as subliminal as a flying mallet.