Did you catch sneering Humphyrs interview with David Cameron here? Notice how former BBC idol, Saint Vince, is now restored to heroic status by Humphrys because of his musings on the need for “liberal” laws on immigration. Cameron was constantly bated by Humphyrs on this, just as he was constantly derided on the “Senior/Junior Partner” lines. Shortly afterwards there was a fawning interview with Jack Straw in which he was allowed to get away with the wild claim that Labour has not gerrymandered the English constituencies for petty Party advantage without so much as a whimper of comeback from the Today poodles. More and more Today has morphed into the last bastion of the Labour Party. At our expense, of course.
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It is quite beyond me why any Conservative politician, let alone the PM, is prepared to go on the Today program.
I have argued for years that the Tories should boycott the BBC totally.
A risky strategy, perhaps, but it would make a point to the public and Tories would still appear on commercial channels.
This morning reached new levels of distorted presentation. However, where I disagree with you Grant, is should the bbc be confronted with this , or boycotted ?
For years the Tories have soldiered on, fairly cheerfully hoping that the bbc will abide by their charter and be impartial. This has clearly not worked and, now that there are noises off about cost cutting, the bbc really are in attack mode.
I think the tories need to demand to go on every programme and state out right , the bbc are running a pro-labour agenda. The media will all pick up on it and will relish it. It will be like people admitting brown was damaged goods, once one person came out and said it, everyone else fell over themselves addmitting they felt the same way.
Well I don’t disagree with you, but the Tories don’t seem to have the stomach for the fight, either in terms of the TV licence fee or confronting the Beeboids in interviews. Michael Gove and Eric Pickles are the only ones who confront the Beeboids. The rest of the Tories just seem to accept the rubbish that the BBC throw at them. I call it cowardice and stupidity.
If the Beeboids are confronted, they will back down like all cowards and bullies.
Great post!
I look forward to the day of retribution.
The BBC has been captured by its left wing employees.
I will not pay for any more of this c**p,
I will not listen to any more of this c**p,
I have switched the BBC OFF.
Will they notice?
I spend more time on this website than the BBC, except for Test Match Special, that is !
When one door closes on us.another one opens.
Surprised and impressed that the Beeb dare still do a programme about Muslim collaboration with Hitlers germany in WW2. Obviously not ALL Muslims…but the anti-Semitic commonality is a given.
Worth a lesten before the complaince unit or Bunglawallah get to hear of it. O`Halloran is an old school type who presuambly got under the BBC wire! Who still cares what Toady say these days?…and if Cameron hopes sucking up to Turkey will help him,he deserves a gumming from senile John!
After Cameron’s “prison camp” remarks, he deserves everything he gets. I have no sympathy for him, especially since he won’t do anything about the BBC’s leftist bias.
I agree, but I thought it remarkable that cameron’s comments on Gaza did not warrant a single reference in Today’s Humphrys interview. If he had said something contrary to the BBC agenda they would have flogged it to death for dayson end.
Spot on Roland!
In my book Cameron fully deserves everything the sneering beeboids can throw at him and I for one will applaud a BBC smear and attack agenda.
BTW Dave got cut off early and I got the feeling that Humphrys and Davies were quite unsurprised by the termination and quite pleased about it, no hestitation or ‘we will try to get him back’ just a smirking “oh dear never mind”
Come on BBC cut the fool off at the knees and I for one will be happy 😀
Cameron touched so many Beeboid bases in Turkey.
*Pro EU
*Pro Turkey’s entrance to EU
*Pro ‘real’ Islam
*Anti Israel
*Anti France/Germany
If he had only been able to slip in MMGW somewhere it would have been a full set. Why won’the BBC give him some slack?
Agree with all the posts above.
I wanted to give Cameron the benefit of the doubt when he became PM. Now, I just think he is pathetic.
You could see through him from the start – the tories voted for him to be leader because he was well liked by the BBC and the other left wing media. He still gets a hard time on the BBC because he is a “tory” (well in their eyes), yet he is desperate to ingraciate himself with them. Just imagine if Davis or Dr Fox had won.
I agree that the wimp should get a hard time from the media, but regardless of what we think about him, the BBC should be even handed, which they are not.
“David Davis criticises BBC bias”
“Conservative Party leadership contender David Davis accused the BBC of backing his rival David Cameron. Campaign boss Derek Conway said the BBC wanted Mr Cameron to win.
Mr Conway said on GMTV in October 2005: “The BBC have decided who they want to be Tory leader. Maybe it makes it more exciting for them.”
“I’m probably the most pro-BBC Conservative leader there’s ever been!” he told the Radio Times in its new issue published today.
“I worked at ITV for seven years [as director of corporate affairs at Carlton] and you learn to respect the incredibly important role the BBC plays,” he said.
“Competitors like the BBC because you’re competing up here on quality rather than down here on price. I would never do anything to put the BBC at risk. Conservatives should be as proud of establishing the BBC as Labour are of establishing the NHS.”
“David Cameron, leader of the Conservative party, has signalled it is time to end the excesses at the BBC.
Writing in The Sun, Cameron says he is a fan of the BBC. But he says the BBC does have an “innate liberal bias”, principally because it does not have to behave like a commercial organisation and make its money from scratch every year.
He says that tends to make the BBC instinctively pro-Big State, distinctly iffy about the free market and sometimes dismissive of a conservative viewpoint.”
Cameron and the LibDems should get on well as they both have the habit of saying whatever they think the listener wants to hear.
Sorry but the Tories don’t seem to mind or care that the BBC attacks them, in fact they seem to enjoy it. When you’re got a prat like Hunt (nearly got that wrong again) going on about computer taxes for the BBC and no real attempt to provide proper oversight on political bias the Tories get what they deserve.
That’s why the BBC don’t even seem to think they need to hide it now.
Reminds me of the late racing driver James ” Hunt the Shunt ” !
I seem to remember he ended up breeding budgies !
This Hunt – I thought he was quite good.
That’s the one , John. Not quite convinced by his acting ability, though !
Oops …sorry to give the Beeb too much credit-as I listen to the programme “Hitlers Muslim Legions” it seems that the Waffen SS wer only being “multicultural and inclusive”-“flexible” in their dogma-by incorporating the Muslims in Yugoslavia. Being a little unfair here-but it shows that even this Muslim/Nazi nexus is …er more “nuanced” in Beebland.
And there`s more-following the gushing snowjob given to St Oliver Stone on the Today programme…(“tell us Olly…why is Chavez so great then”)last week-wonder if his scurrilous anti-Semitic views on the Holocaust as given to the Times will be mentioned…and should we not be getting him sent to Austria for Holocaust denial? Just a question-one that Humph will not be asking of anyone in the near future!
And the proof that Cameron is conservative is? He has given us a green socialist as energy secretary, God help us, who is going to deprive the poorer section of society of their right to life. Higher prices and rationing of energy, great socialist policies, hit the poor whilst enriching the rich.
The programme ended with a discussion about the Coalition between Humphrys, left-of-centre journalist Julia Langdon and left-of-centre journalist Martin Kettle – one a free-lancer who writes mostly for the Guardian, the other the associate editor of the Guardian.
Neither seemed particularly critical of the Coalition (despite all John Humphrys’s promptings), especially Julia Langdon. If even she’s saying nice things about the LibCons, will Polly Toynbee be far behind?
Julia Langdon said that the Coalition’s “honeymoon is probably drawing to a close”. The Today website drops the “probably” and turns it into the headline “Coalition’s ‘honeymoon drawing to a close’.
That was absolutely hilarious. Humphrys and the Today producers deserve every bit of scorn heaped upon them for bringing up Cameron’s “1940” verbal typo. He knew the whole time yet made a dishonest play for purely partisan purposes.
It’s also hilarious to hear anyone at the BBC suddenly all worried about “talking Britain down”, which is what they basically have done for years. More partisan point-scoring, and disingenuous from start to finish.
But what exactly is the deal with Call Me Dave talking about immigration while on a trip to India? Is he suggesting that people go to India instead, and/or that Indians in the UK should go back home for jobs? Maybe it’s a bit of both. Of course Humphrys isn’t interested in that at all, as there are no partisan points to be scored with that one.
Full marks, though, for Cameron calling out the student visa scammers. Humphrys couldn’t wait to move on from that.
The TODAY programme has been a blatant adjunct of the Labour Party since Blair became leader.
I guess the Tories think it’s beneath their dignity to complain, I wonder if they’ll ever appreciate how stupid and undignified they look taking such blatant bias – honourable exceptions like Michael Gove excluded of course.
But Cameron is the heir to Blair – the BBC were kind to him once. Maybe Cameron will go further down the Blair route and strut around the “world stage” undermining British sovereignty while leaving the left wing “Liberals” to run the country.
He has after all had a good start. He has anounced how, even though we fought alone, we were the junior partner during 1940. He has gone to India like Uriah Heep all very ‘umble. He has taken on the mantra of Lauren Booth. His other great ideas include the “Big Society” which will amount to the “community” instead of government telling you how to live your life.
This is what he means when he says he wants to introduce “local democracy”
A “Neighbourhood army” of 5,000 full-time, professional community organisers who will be trained with the skills they need to identify local community leaders, bring communities together, help people start their own neighbourhood groups, and give communities the help they need to take control and tackle their problems. This plan is directly based on the successful community organising movement established by Saul Alinsky in the United States and has successfully trained generations of community organisers, including President Obama.”
Oh, and this is Saul Alinsky, another Cameron idol.
I just cannot understand why the BBC is not fawning over him, He has reinvented the conservatives, they are now more left wing than Blair.
Actually when you read the description of the “Big Society” doesn’t it sound familiar – “Common Purpose”
The BBC pushed Cameron in his time because he’s their best hope of destroying conservatism.
just watched newsnight tonight and as usual it was tory/limp dums bashing about making each mp’s area equal.labour allowed to speak and when mr hughes was talking both the bbc bod and liebore were talking over him.so no change there then…….the tories had their chance with bercow blew it,the bbc blew it,bbc bias blew that too….they deserve the kicking they are getting…pity….
I would think one reason that Cameron in particular does not complain about BBC bias is that he thinks we have a good mix, with a variety of political stances and biases in our media, some left, right, centrist, etc, so it all balances out and fair enough that some are lefty labourite.
You don’t have to tell me that the publicly funded national broadcaster itself should be balanced. I’m just saying that maybe Cameron views the media in the round.
Or maybe he doesn’t give it a thought at all !