Some say Cameron’s infatuation with Turkey is pure political expediency. Others say ‘I told you so’.
Some say his comment about The Real Islam shows naivety, and others think that these remarks are also part of a convoluted political expediency, some kind of strategical move in a long term end game which is in the national interest. Or in other words, he doesn’t really mean it.
But why did he have to make those remarks about Gaza? They have unleashed yet more virulently antisemitic comments from those who were only waiting for the go-ahead. So the gloves are off.
People who support Israel are horrified.
What is the BBC’s role in this? The BBC news webpage is dumbed down to such a degree that it’s difficult to tell. These days they talk to us as though we are a primary school class. Remedial.
The BBC has played its part through years of selective and biased reporting, and now we’re beginning to reap what they have sewn. Harvest time.
Sue writes:
“The BBC has played its part through years of selective and biased reporting, and now we’re beginning to reap what they have sewn. Harvest time.”
Funny you should write that sue, because remember this story the bBC had no problem shouting out for all and sundry.
Muslim woman wearing veil ‘refused bus ride’ in London
You know the story of two innocent Islamic girls refused for wearing the veil and a story in which the bBC goes to great lengths to explain the pious nature of these peace loving people, along with character statements from the MCB/MPACUK etc..
Well here is the full story which something tells me the bBC will not be sharing with the rest of us:
A bus driver accused by two students of banning them because of their Islamic dress has been cleared after CCTV showed he had actually barred them for their abusive behaviour.
An investigation by Metroline – which operates the No7 bus – found the driver, who could have faced the sack over the allegation, was justified in not allowing the women on his vehicle.
The 22-year-olds, Yasmin and Atoofa, from Slough, told the BBC that they had been refused access to the bus at Russell Square because of their dress. Yasmin was wearing a hijab and her face was uncovered while Atoofa was wearing a niqab, which covers the face.
But the Standard has learned that the students, who asked for their full names not to be revealed, were denied entry “due to abusive behaviour towards bus driver and other passengers”. On-board CCTV of the incident, on Monday last week, showed the women banging on the front doors and attempting to board the bus when it had come to the end of its run. They then get on through the rear doors and begin arguing with the driver. They get off and wait for the bus to start its journey back to Paddington – but another exchange follows, and the driver refuses to set off unless they disembark.
The BBC isn’t alone unfortunately. It’s typical that the P.C. brigade have rallied round to condemn the driver, and ignore the CCTV evidence, and call the driver’s supporters ‘mouth-breathers’.
Since it’s supposed to be impartial, the BBC should have reported the whole story.
Excellent spot, I have just covered this and hat-tipped you.
what on earth is cameron doing. Because he certainly isn’t representing my beliefs and wishes. Israel is our ally and should be supported full stop. muslims in general are not our allies and some of them; pakistan in particular; are our enemies. Turkey into the EU would be the Trojan horse for the complete takeover by islam of Europe. I think he and the conservatives need to clarify on whose side they stand. For us, the indigenous peoples of this country, and its allies, or for foreigners, many of whom wish us harm.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is antipathetic towards UK Independence Party, so here is Nigel Farage on Cameron and Turkey:
“Cameron ‘insincere’ over Turkey”
I have never been a supporter of Cameron from when he ‘won’ the party leadership on the basis of one speech BUT even I stand completely aghast at what he is doing in front of the world, is he insane/hypnotised by the FO Jew baiters/stupid?
I simply cannot believe the foolish man would help islamist terrorists and try to sabotage a free democracy trting to protect its own people from scum who freely admit wanting to kill every Jew they can.
The sight of him bending his knee on our behalf(not mine chum)and crawling like some kind of wretched creep to islamists who despise everything hos own nation stands for makes me want to weep. Brave Israel fighting for its life and Cameron spits in their face and acts the lapdog to the islamist cause?
Traitor or fool.
Or both!
“Traitor or fool.” He is a fool. Today he has mentioned Pakistani support for terrorists, while in India. It is what the Indians wanted to hear. Wait untill he goes to Isreal or Pakistan and he will say the exact opposite of what he has said in Turkey or India.
I cannot stand PR weasels – he just has not got a single conviction in his head.
You are so right . I don’t think Cameron understands the world outside London and his very narrow “intellectual” base. The Turks, Indians and Pakistanis will make mincemeat of him.
God knows what will happen if he goes to China !
I can post on this until I am blue in the face.
Cameron just doesn’t have a clue. He is insulting our Israeli and Jewish friends and also our Turkish secular friends.
He is totally out of his depth.
Cameron, this is not a marketing or PR job, it is the real world.
Mind you, the previous government was just as bad. I despair .
I agree with all the posts above.
There are some other questions not raised.
Foe example, This was not an off-the-cuff response to an unexpected question or a private remark made public. It was a prepared speech made publicly.
Can we assume Cabinet has discussed and approved it?
Who was the initiator: Cameron, Hague, FCO, the Americans, who?
Hi everyone! This is my first post here and I’m going to be off-topic, so I apologize.
First of all – I despise the BBC. Absolutely zero freedom of speech. If “freedom of speech” were a rotting apple and you rammed it in their face while their arms were in a stock, they still wouldn’t get it.
Over the past two years I’ve had FIVE accounts with these “government propaganda merchants”. My last one was “disabled” today for posting pro-Israeli comments and links. Well, when I say “disabled” they don’t tell you that is the case. Oh nooo! You simply get the “we can’t tell you we’ve disabled your account because it’s against the law as you are a license-fee payer” message. Or, in real terms, “There is a problem, please reload the page”!
In a nut-shell: BBC = Sinister.
Anyhow back on topic, I’m not surprised by Cameron’s statement. I think we all (well those with independent thought!) knew he would distance himself from his manifesto stance on Europe. Didn’t last long. Ah well, here we go again yet another anti-Israeli/pro-Islamic government!
Great to have you here !
Please keep on posting. This is a superb website in the tradition of free speech.
By the way, I agree with everything you say in your post above.
Hi Grant,
Thanks for the welcome! I’ll do my best to put the “Biased BBC” down, although it shouldn’t be to hard!
Cheers, Jerry !
Good post, the BBC used to download stuff onto your PC to ban you. For example I remember getting banned from the 5 live messageboards for psoting something about the BBC’s obsession with men’s bottoms.
I then created a new account using a public wifi hotspot (I cleaned out all my cookies) and was able to post but as soon as I posted the post got banned. Even installing a new web browser didn’t make any difference. I know other people who also said the BBC were downloading spyware onto computers. The only way I got around it was to wipe the hard drive and re-install Windows.
It didn’t matter even if I used software to hide my IP address etc until I wiped the hard drive the BBC knew it was my computer. The only way they could do that was with spyware as the cache, cookies, temp folders etc were all cleaned out.
I got blocked from all BBC sites for about three days during the last week of the general election. Only BBC sites. That was very disconcerting at the time. I hadn’t been commenting on any BBC blogs, though I was blogging myself and sending in complaint after complaint, so I’m not sure how I got blocked – except perhaps through my e-mail?
If you used to psot to the BBC messageboards they did download crap onto your PC, which how they know, I don’t know if they put stull into the Windows registry but it was more than Cookies,
That would explain how I got blocked a while back. I’ve since put in a new system, so maybe I should try again. Probably no point, though.
I think they’ve stopped it now David, I’m not even moderated when I comment now (which isn’t often)
I am still banging away at Michael Prick’s blog, not under the name of Grant. It is great sport. The Beeboids haven’t blocked me yet.
But, no doubt that time will come, when the BBC fascists can’t take any more !
The comments Crick gets are so funny. I see he’s shaken off his old laziness when it comes to blogging 😉 and that you and Guest Who are keeping up the good work. I’ve added a few comments of my own now. I wonder how many the moderators will reject.
My moniker is a little more obvious Grant. My BBC password would make Martin blush (and it’s Crick related!!)
I have seen some of your posts now. There are very few comments on Prick’s blog but the funny thing is that most of them are hostile !
There is someone “Stevie” who is very good , but moderators’ No. 1 enemy.
Of course, Prick has more time now in the “long summer break”. Wish I did !
Welcome to the resistance!
Thanks for all your sub-comments guys (if that’s term!). Don’t know about spy-ware from the BBC but I wouldn’t put it past them. Try to get a comment (free-thought) past Mr Nasty Nick Reynolds on the tech-blogs! WOW! Now there’s a tough cookie!
If this is what joining a “resistance” feels like then I’m all for it! I can already feel my stomach ulcers and blood pressure being cured 😉
Actually, Jerry, I find this website increases my blood pressure as many of the hawk-eyed posters here point out things I have missed. So beware !
‘The BBC news webpage is dumbed down to such a degree that it’s difficult to tell. These days they talk to us as though we are a primary school class. Remedial.’
Ya think?
BBCLauraK We ve just landed in Delhi – Cameron came off the plane looking very friendly with Vince Cable as they came down the steps together
One’s licence tax at work, by one of the higher paid market rate talents.
The simple truth is we have some 6 million (and growing) Muslims in this Country who are potentially a very violent dangerous group (as we’ve already seen here and the French and Dutch have on a daily basis) and the politicians are frightened.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Cameron’s first security briefing said “PM if we upset this lot they could riot en mass and we can’t watch 6 million Muslims at once” so the Tories are doing what Liebour did, suck up to them to keep the peace.
It’s a mistake if that is what they are doing, Europe is in danger of being over run by Muslims and turning the west into a place where we go back to taking a dump in a hole in the ground, women walk around like large black Daleks and we all end up praying to another false god.
We live in dangerous times.
“taking a dump in a hole in the ground” Now there’s a phrase I’d like to see on a BBC blog!
If I had a big hole in the ground the two members of the BBC staff I would most like to see in it would be a certain Mr Peston and a Mr Robinson.
The only question that would remain is: Do I take a dump before they’re in the hole or after?
I really dislike the BBC. This is not doing my blood-pressure any good.
Jerry, high blood pressure is an occupational hazard for the BBC bias watcher!
Also welcome to Martin, a B-BBC stalwart ! He has a surreal turn of phrase and really hates we Jocks !
I only hate Socialist jocks!
Cheers, Martin !
“I really dislike the BBC.” “I only hate Socialist jocks!” Come on chaps its getting to sound like the “Life of Brian”. “I hate the Romans already” 🙂
Remember though, The English and the Scots were rivals but together we dominated much of the world, we take the piss out of each other but when we stop fighting and insulting each other and turn to face the enemy we are unbeatable.
In the years to come with the results of the political treachery we will need to stand together or fall alone.
Well said ! I am drinking a glass of Irn Bru in your honour !
The thing is, if the majority of Mohammedans imported into the UK were like the ones who run the bodega down the block from me, there wouldn’t be such a danger. Unfortunately, you’ve got a majority of caveman and not members of modern civilization. You can take the man out of the cave, but the cave hasn’t been taken out of the man.
That’s the problem, and it’s intimately tied to their religion now. Sad, and the intellectual failure in the BBC and at apparently all levels of government means that the problem will only get worse.
As we’ve said before Islam is not a religion it’s a way of life, a bit like Bushido in Japan, it’s how the Japanese managed to get millions of nutters to commit mass murder and blow themselves up along with others (sound familiar) in WW2.
This is what white liberal politicians don’t get, the average Christian ‘might’ go to church if they remember a few times a year and perhaps send out some Xmas cards, that’s about it.
What they don’t do is go around making threats, making demands and trying to over run the Country.
Muslims do and they are the ONLY religious group that can’t seem to get along with each other, think about it, in this Country we have Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews, atheists, Mormons, Pagans and god knows (no pun) what else.
Yet only ONE group causes trouble, why? how can all those other groups rub along for the most part yet Muslims can’t?
Very interesting Bushido analogy. Some of that was imaginary history put into cultural behavior as well. Consdering the fact that the first atom bomb didn’t break the minsdset, you have a valid point.
What is it about the mindset of Muslims that sets them apart from every other group? The answer has to be in the brainwashing of people who follow Islam.
Isn’t it interesting that the Russian Communists couldn’t brainwash their soldiers in the same way? They had to have party officers shooting soldiers who refused to fight to the death or tried to run away. So Islam is even more danerous than Communism to the free world.
Well, even the British Army used to shoot at sunrise those who balked at going over the top. But the Russians still have to beat the crap out of each other to maintain some semblence of a unified force.
Islam, like all religions, preaches that there is something greater than oneself. Unfortunately, it also teaches at the same time that everyone else is worth a lot less. This obviously causes those tricky little clashes with civilization we don’t like, but the BBC pretends is something else entirely.
Has anyone who’s had their computer interfered with by the BBC tried querying this practice under the FOI act?
You could always send the request by post, you know, with a stamp, like in the olden days.
It would be interesting to see if they admit doing it, and if so how they justify it.
Several websites are tackling our PM’s ill-advised outburst. I’ve seen some comments from people saying they wrote to Conservative HQ or their MP following call-me-dave and William Hague’s earlier flotilla remarks; the replies ignored their point altogether and showed abysmal ignorance.
It’s important that the BBC stops preventing the other side of the story getting through, because if the general public knew what it is entitled to know, our political masters wouldn’t be able to get away with such betrayal so easily.
I think I commented some time ago that Cameron is doing in reality what Brecht suggested (humorously) to the East German government ie get yourself a new electorate, the present one doesn’t like you. So Cameron is in the process of dumping the Conservative tribal vote (basically white – but with a sprinkling of Asian entrepreneurial and small business families, savers, law-abiding, in private sector work). I suspect that this year’s GE is the last time Cameron will be able to depend on the “tribal” vote. He is now going headlong for both the centre-left (ie the current LibDems + greens) together with the burgeoning Muslim fifth column vote.
Personally I think he’s a bit premature since the fifth column vote is securely Labour and disaffected LibDems would tend to go Green or Labour (or just not vote). Anyway, building that sort of electoral coalition implies an ant-Israeli, anti-Jew, pro-EU, pro-immigation, warmist set of policies (and, for good measure, leaving the BBC alone). Well we’re getting the policies alright but will Dave get his votes next time round? My opinion FWIW is that, whether he does or not and whatever happens in the Middle East, the lights will start to go out in 5-7 year’s time. Then, I think, we’ll get the mayhem which will upset all Dave’s (and Nick’s and whoever is leading Labour’s) plans.
If Cameron pisses off the right of his party he will simply drive more voters into the arms of UKIP.
If the Liebour party carries on as it is, it will drive more of its voters into the arms of the BNP.
I’m not sure about that, Martin. I think the tribal vote for Labour is MUCH stronger than the tribal vote for the Tories. How often do you hear someone say “My father voted Labour all his life and I’ve voted Labour all my life”? I’ve never heard that said by a Tory voter.
I think the Tory vote will desert in larger numbers than Labour’s and they’ll be back in power sooner rather than later. And the scary thing is I’m past caring because my worst fears about Cameron are looking more likely by the day.
This article demolishes Cameron on Turkey :
Just the sort of article the BBC will NOT read or refer to.
Thanks for that link. Brilliant article by Jerry Rubin, who actually understands Turkey and the Middle East, totally deconstructing Cameron’s reckless and stupid speech in Ankara.
Cameron probably couldn’t find Turkey on the map.
I am still getting emails from Turkish secular friends asking why has Cameron “betrayed us “.
I haven’t read the whole speech , but assume that there isn’t one criticism of the current evil regime, thereby giving them the green light to continue towards the Islamo-fascist dictatorship which is their objective.
Hey Sue, Hey David & the chaps
This, I think, is the one time I want BBC to be thick as chuff. I’ve been hanging around the blogs and stuff today and it sends lefties away chuntering with a bullshit topic to navel gaze on. Nah, sometimes the Beeb really are daft.
I hope you lot have a lovely summer and (good grief, is Rayworth doing all clean up jobs now blakely and etc have fucked off?) eat more fruit. WTF was that advice today from NICE? “Yeah, brilliant buddy, just shit every expectant mother that they’re fat slags!!!” – Tosser – never kissed a bird that’s for fucking sure. AAAAaaarrrggghhh!!
No, serioulsy, i’ve had proper fun hanging about here and hope you have a lovely summer whilst the BBC make up stories.
Cheers peeps
For some reason I like your style DtP.
I really need more medication….
Have a nice summer yourself, Dick, and go easy on the Irn Bru !
Cameron’s Despicable Toadying to Turkey
Maybe Cameron (and the BBC) should be shown this:
The BBC will ignore it and Cameron will probably forget he has seen it.
Quote: The BBC news webpage is dumbed down to such a degree that it’s difficult to tell. These days they talk to us as though we are a primary school class. Remedial.
They talk and broadcast ‘dumb’ because they are dumb and badly educated, and not for any other reason.