..in a Surrounding Mass.*
George Alegiah almost beamed as he announced that Israel has agreed to co-operate with the UN in the flotilla inquiry.
People who defend Israel might heave a small sigh of relief at that news. There’s a saying I’ve just invented that goes: ‘sometimes Israel makes things more difficult for its defenders than is necessary.’
I often read Ray Cook’s interesting blog, and he’s glad they’ve decided to go along with it too. But as he points out, not everyone is delighted. Some people understandably feel that “President Obama has now blackmailed the government of Israel into submitting its defense forces to the toxic oversight of the United Nations.” and I have a sneaky feeling that being relieved is quite selfish, and very premature. So I’m curbing my initial reaction, and won’t be beaming till we hear that there’s a reasonable and just outcome.
I don’t imagine the BBC reads reports from people they dismiss as Israel Firsters. They must glean most of their information from Hamas and Hezbollah spokespersons, and various Arab and Islamist politicians, or regurgitate it straight from AP and Reuters. And they employ unhinged people with seriously worrying agendas. H/T Stanley Ukridge on the open thread.
In view of the Lebanese admission that it fired first, and the widely disseminated revelation that The Tree was in Israel after all, even the BBC has had to change course slightly. But will it learn anything from this embarrassing outing of its bias against Israel? No. As Elder points out, Robert Fisk carries on regardless, and no doubt so will the BBC.
It does make you wonder, with all those journalists and reporters on the books, why doesn’t the BBC bother to do some original reporting? They like embedding their reporters. I agree. I’m all for embedding* the lot of them.
But Sky News have finally pointed out the LARGE Lebanese media presence of the cutting down of a tree. It was obvious they were going to kick something off and they know that the western liberal media would blame the ‘Jews’ and they’d be seen as the victim. By the time the REAL story came out the media would have moved on and no one cared.
It would have just been another ‘evil Joows’ story for the BBC.
The excrement at the BBC news department are a joke and a national embarassment, if they spent less time shagging their boyfriends in public toilets and more on their job they might get the facts right.
For the Beeboids, “shagging” everything is being “on the job”.
So in the middle of the disater in Pakistan what does the Taliban do to show their ‘humanity’? Yep detonate a bomb, well I’m sure Lyse Dushbag will find an excuse for this.
Surely the Taliban are suffering from this devastating flood as well? :'(
I think the BBC usually describe this sort of thing as “audacious” ?
This the UNs reward to Israel of joining in the flotilla inquiry.
Good. The UN was losing more credibilty by Israels rejection of it than was Israel, arguably, especially as the real truth behind these events are on the blogosphere now within hours.
Equally I would expect a less than islamic- friendly outcome for this inquiry, and all in the glare of UN “unimpeachable righteousness” 🙂 Israel has shovelfuls of evidence about the whole creepy stinking little conspiracy, and those who associated itself with it. IHH is screwed, and so are the peace activivsts I would predict.
Also the Hirari asassination report is expected at any moment, and hizbollocks will be found it have been in it up to their islamonazi ear holes.
I think its a profoundly wise move by Israel, which will pay massive devidends. The wheels are coming off of islamonazi propaganda, and the UN is the best media vehicle to get the real truth out.
I look forward with deep pleasure to watching the beeboid machine spin and squirm.
As with the expected finger pointed at Hizb re Hariri, the BBC will report it and it’ll “disappear” to one of the attic rooms at Chateau BBC Website as will any vindication of Israel re the flotilla. The BBC doesn’t do “squirming”, it just fails to report – or just plain lies.
I very much hope you’re right.
It amazes me how easily people ignore evidence that contradicts their personal beliefs.
I’ve just read an article by the Telegraph’s man in Jerusalem, Adam Bloomfield. He thinks the recent skirmish was a fight over some trees. I know he probably didn’t write the headline: “Five dead in border battle over trees”, but the article itself isn’t much better. Why do they bother to send someone to Jerusalem if all they do is merely regurgitate info from Reuters?
The Telegraph also has an editorial called “Israel co-operates at last” patting Israel on the head for doing the right thing over the flotilla inquiry.
It’s tone is vaguely sympathetic to Israel’s difficulties, but someone needs to recognise the failings of the UN and bring them out into the open. What will happen if they do what Goldstone did?
Just as interesting. Will Turkey cooperate with the inquiry? How deep were the Turkish Government involved with IHH and planning an act that could easily have led to war between the two best militaries in the area?
Of course the UN could take lessons from the BBC.
UN investigator: Was Turkey involved?
Turkish rep: No! On my mother’s beard, I swear it. No!
UN investigator: Nothing to investigate then. Let’s move on to our real job of smearing Israel.
Hold on, the United Nations that brough us a ‘Human Rights Committee” composed of the worst human rights abusers on the planet and the Goldstone Report and Israel has decided to let the UN have a finger in the pie over the floatkiller convoy? Not a wise move in my book. I think it’ll be yet another occasion when Israel has desperately sought approval by being open to people who patently bear it ill-will and get yet another kick in the groin for it.
There was a great phrase an Israeli leader used to describe a UN Resolution passed against Israel prior to Gulf War I – “an unprecedented coalition of international hypocrisy”. I think the Israeli’s would be far better off forming international brigades to help to defend to give gentiles an opportunity to restore the honour to their nations that their leaders’ descent into anti-Semitism to placate Islamonazis has robbed it off. 6-12 months training and active service then back home ready for call up when the moment comes. I’m sure Martin would be more than happy to put his military skills to good use this way. I’d be great at holding a General’s attache case for him! 😛
The weight of evidence will reach such a critical mass I suspect, that the bbc will, squirmy spinny, have to report it. Its from the devine and fragrant UN remember.
The beeboids will be trapped in the “obama paradox”
Thats always the most amusing condition to watch the beeboid in.
This episode highlights the BBC perfectly, their corporate aims and political narrative.
The BBC has lost interest in a story that they would have flogged to death for weeks IF the IDF had been to blame BUT the IDF were blameless and innocent so the BBC loses interest and moves on to other news.
Its easy to imagine the BBC rage and indignation with the top story being the Israeli agression,the Arab league in emergency meeting and condemnations from the UN and western politicians wagging their moral finger at Israel. Demands for inquiries and compensation for the Lebanese dead. This would have filled the BBC schedule for weeks and weeks with pictures of rent a rabble rage mobs burning flags and being generally rage filled inteviews with a beared and very very angry Mustafah Leek and asking him how furious he is etc etc etc ad nauseum!
But because the lebanese are soley to blame then the BBC just dont want to know anymore, funny that eh?You could almost see the beeboids wetting their collective knickers at the prospect of a juicy Jew bashing festival of condemnation and then suddenly the story is no more, the story becomes a non story that never happened. The Lebanese trigger happy dickheads stupidly trying to provoke the IDF. Unwise move there Mustafah very unwise 😉 the IDF have a very long memory and they are going to have a payback day and IDF payback is a real bitchola.
This was a set-up for a publicity stunt to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Hezbollah’s amazing victory over Israel. Anything else is beside the point.
Hizbollah victory? I dont recall the IDF turning tail with its tail between its legs? Israel didn’t acheive the end it set out to and should never have embarked upon such an incursion if it wasn’t willing to see it through. It’s done a lot of damage to its warrior reputation that way. But defeat? The term doesn’t quite fit in my book. The missiles were stopped, but I think Hizbollah were willing to accept this because they were enboldened by how they stopped Israel acheiving its objectives of running them out of town. I think now they’re preparing for the day when Muslim armies march on Jerusalem from all points of the compass, and with a sense they’ll get the victory that has so embarrassingly eluded them thrice before.
Cassandra/David, exactly, and the thing is the Lebanese/Hezbollah knew the wet liberal western media would fall for it. All they wanted was the news cycle for 24 hours and thy got it. They played the BBC like a cheap banjo.
Now the BBC can’t wait to kill the story, as you guy’s pointed out if tihs story had been as THEY thought it was then they’d have kept up the bullshit for days or weeks. Now the beeboids have been found out to be liars’ they can’t wait to kill it.
At least Sky News had the decency to point out the truth.
The BBC news strapline states that “Israel was opperating on its side of the fence when FIGHTING BROKE OUT”…huuuh?
No you f*cking beeboid mongs! Fighting just didnt mysteriously or accidentally break out for no reason, the trigger happy Lebanese troops murdered an IDF soldier in cold blood and nearly murdered another for NO reason other than a photo op.
But thats the BBC for you aint it? Weasel words from a weasel media outlet.
The BBC, lagging way behind Sky, is grudgingly getting aboard the reality of the story. Very grudgingly, if Jon Leyne is anything to go by (and he is):
It seems clear that the Lebanese forces opened fire first, so Israel can say it was acting in self-defence.
However, Israel might be criticised by some observers for the vigour of its response, which quickly escalated to the shelling of Lebanese positions, and the deaths of two Lebanese soldiers and of a civilian”.
This story really must be investigated by the right wing press. Sky at least kept their cool, but the BBC as usual couldn’t help themselves.
Come on you BBC arseholes come explain yourselves. Tossers!!!
So its going to be the “dispropotionate” response again is it?
“It seems clear that the Lebanese forces opened fire first, so Israel can say it was acting in self-defence. “
Now that is a loaded sentance. – Isreal does not have to “say” it was acting in self defence – they were acting in self-defence.
It implies that Israel can use the fact that the Lebanese started it as an “excuse” for the shelling. Beeboids really are vermin.
That’s the BBC turning ‘bad news’ into ‘good news’ from its anti-Semitic perspective.
LOL the squirming hath begun!
it least the beeboids are beginning to vaguely grasp that hizbollocks land is going to blow in the next few weeks, and a civil war is in prospect.
Just saw the BBC version of a retraction report and its a gem >:o
The report was just an earlier rehash pointing the finger at the IDF showing a picture of the cherry picker and then the beeboid scumbag finished with “the evidence SEEMS to support the Israeli NARRATIVE”(weasel words form a weasel media outlet)and then bang the beeboid was cut mid sentence without even the usual ‘this is comrade beeboid for BBC news etc’, as soon as the beeboid uttered the awful dreaded words(weasel though they were) the BBC editors had heard enough and terminated the transmission instantly.
So even though the beeboid strained himself through gritted teeth nearly gagging when he uttered the weasel words even that incredibly grudging admission was too much much for BBC narrative control, these beeboids sure are spiteful suckers aint they?
Cassandra, the BBC have been caught out spinning a blatent lie and now they’ve laid the stinking log for Hezbollah they want to leave the scene of the crime.
And the BBC is supposed to be the finest news broadcaster in the world? What a joke.
Martin – they are the finest broadcaster in the world – if you actually like anti-west propaganda They put the Soviet Pravda to shame.
Funny to hear a Beeboid use the words “Israeli Narrative ” with no sense of irony !
Whilst the BBC try to cover up their lies and distortions (before heading off for a night of ‘boy fun’ on Hampstead Heath no doubt followed by a few lines of coke in an Islington wine bar) at least Tim Marshall at Sky is still covering the REAL story.
Any Beeboid producing a report like that would be sacked immediately.
Re the Sky piece, also notice the large numbers of positive pro Israel anti hizboolocks comments, apart from the odd hapless islamotroll.
This is strong evidence that if the ME would be presented in an honest, unbiased way, and people could see just how dishonest and vicious the islamonazis in fact were, any sympathy for them would disappear faster than a gram of coke up a beeboids nostril. (Copyright martin, 2010.)
..or a finger of Vaseline up a beeboids rent boy’s bottom (also Copyright of me) 🙂
And if people did not listen to the BBC propaganda the islamo-facists would be straved of their vital publicity. The BBCs constant portrayal of terrorists as victims gives them the will to carry out further atrocities.
Puuurfick 😀
Criticized for the vigor of its response, huh? These people have no idea how restrained the Israelis always are. I figure that it is all going to end badly anyway, so the hell with it, in for a penny, in for a pound. I would have obliterated the closest three villages, rick, tree and cot.
The world won’t be fair to Israel anyway, so it is about time to live down to their expectations. Of course, the Israelis are smarter than I am, and it is not my decision. But oh, I wish they would unleash themselves sometimes.
If you are in open ground and people start shooting at you – surely the proportionate response is to kill everyone in sight who has a weapon ?
It is ridiculous to suggest that the response should be “hey, two of us have been hit, we must make sure to hit only two on their side”
Why weren’t 20 killed on the Lebanese side ?
The same applies to rocket attacks. If Hamas attacks with rockets – the proper response is to take out EVERYONE who is near a rocket launcher. Or to go into Gaza and root out EVERY piece of rocket equipment – if this leads to fighting, shoot everyone who appears to be fighting because they have escalated it.
“I have to say that whilst at the briefing yesterday I was struck by the fact that a significant number of the members of the mainstream media seemed to be more busy chatting among themselves or talking on their mobile phones than listening to the officers. Now I have a better understanding of why we get such vacuous reports from the MSM so often.”
That’s a comment from Israelinurse who contributes to CiFWatch and other pro Israel websites. Yesterday, at the site of the recent deadly cross-border skirmish, she attended a briefing from the IDF spokesperson and the officers who were at the scene at the time. They set out the background that the BBC isn’t very interested in.
The beeboids had their story written and approved BEFORE a shot was fired of that I am sure.
The Israel Government Press Office has often complained that they prepare material on everything and the foreign press corps simply refuse to pick it up let alone read it.
Video for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Palestinian Corruption and Humanitarian Aid”