It’s Friday, these Open Threads get overwhelmed with great comments after a few days, so time for a new one to see us through until Monday! The floor is yours….so, what is the BBC saying that annoys you?
Listening to that utter Knob Nikki Cambell this morning and he mentioned the Asian elderly man that was ‘happy slapped by some black teenagers. The mere fact that he mentioned the teenagers were black, guarentees that the victim was not white. Had the poor victim been white, the teenagers would have had no colour. This is bloody typical of the way the BBC manipulates its output. It doesn’t help with ‘community cohesion’, in fact it has the opposite effect as it creates frustration and resentment. Most of us can see whats going on with our own eyes but we never hear the truth, just the usual multicultural spin.
Thanks this solves a little mystery I was going to ask about. The other night this story was on the Radio 4 PM show but other than saying the poor chap who was killed in front of his grandchild had just come out of a Mosque when he was attacked there was nothing else about his religion or ethnicity. I found it ve odd that nothing more was made of this given the BBC’s usual efforts in this direction with no mention of Islamophobia or anything like that. In fact the whole tone of the item was almost playing down the horrific crime and the suffering of the victim. I thought at the time that the only reason for this was that the attackers (who were barely mentioned and not named) couldn’t have been white.
So now we know in the Beebs “Top Trumps” game of victimhood a black yoof mugger wins over a decent working Muslim.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) in outright political action working for Islam:
It is well known that there is politcal-interlocking of ‘domestic’, ‘World Service’ and ‘Arabic TV Service’ of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
‘The Sun’ has, re-INBBC propaganda to appease Islamic jihad:
“Taxpayers £200k for BBC show”
“It was given the money by the Foreign Office and used it for the World Service to make a ‘woman’s hour’ radio programme for Afghanistan. But MPs and taxpayers’ groups voiced outrage at the grant and questioned why it had ever been paid.
“The Foreign Office and other government departments ALREADY stump up £270MILLLION to pay for the the World Service – on top of the £3BILLION the Beeb gets from licence payers. ”
The BBC has yet to cover this case. Perhaps because it occurred in Australia, a country of limited BBC interest.\ Burqa trial man Anwar Sayed ‘brutally stabbed’
Australian law frequently refers back to British precedent but the opposite is less true.
The issue of giving testimony before a jury while the face is totally obscured is totally relevant for the UK.
A judge yesterday reserved her decision over whether a witness in the fraud trial could testify wearing the niqab, which covers her entire face except for a small slit for her eyes.
Mr Sayed’s lawyers have argued her face should be uncovered so the jury can accurately assess her testimony. The woman, Tasneem – whose surname has been suppressed for legal reasons – was a tutor at the college at the time of the alleged fraud.
However, prosecutors in the case claim the stress imposed on the devout Muslim woman by forcing her to remove her veil would compromise her testimony.
What has so far annoyed me today about the BBC (only listened to about 5′) is James Naughtie. He personifies the gross egotism of the BBC (though demi-God and Fat Slob John Simpson takes the, er, biscuit).
Why do they allow Naughtie to eat up great lengths of time in asking simple questions? Yes we know Naughtie is soooo clever, but surely even in Beebland brevity is seen as an essential part of the craft? And I can’t stand the way he ends items with “There we go”. His bias is also the most evident imho.
Still, he’s prefereable to the sugary Eddie “I really do care” Maier.
The bBC commemorates the dropping of the bomb on Japan as only a leftwing bunch of idiots can I quote:
“Some Japanese have called on the US to apologise for the atomic bombings, but the BBC’s Roland Buerk, in Hiroshima, says this is unlikely to happen.”
Shame the bBC which always ensures it gives the otherside of the story when it comes to explaining and defending , terrorists…sorry militants, Radical Islam or even arty people up for kiddy rape kind of leaves out just why Japan was nuked in the first place. As for that apology, like Irvine did with Dresden the bBC leaves out certain facts such as how Japan has never apologised for Nanking (They have not only erased it from Japanese history they tried to say it never happened) which not only saw twice as many people killed as Hiroshima but added with the rest of Japans death toll during WW2 there was a bloody good reason why the bomb was which to teach the murderous scum a f-ing lesson and put them in their place.
Funny enough the bBC didn’t mention another anniversary when passed the other day, on the 2nd it was 20 years since Iraq invaded Kuwait setting in motion a chain of events which has seen more people killed than in both a-bomb attacks. You can bet your bottom dinar that they will remember the invasion by the Yanks.
I am writing this comment because the Atomic bomb existed. My father was in a Jap POW camp in Borneo. The japs had orders to murder all POWs in Sept 45 before they departed. The upside of the A bomb is never told.
More people died in the bombing of Tokyo (100k+) that at either nuked sites. Thousands died taking the islands off the Japan mainland (like Iwo Jima) why should the Americans have not thought thousands more might die if they had needed to invade Japan itself?
Even after the first nuke the Japs didn’t want to surrender, they were nutters just like the Muslim is today. Nuking them was what they deserved, the Japs of that era were barbaric scum, people need to read what this vermin did to POW’s civilians and anyone they didn’t like.
The Americans didn’t even bother trying to take prisoners, they just exterminated them when they found them (shame we can’t do the same to the BBC)
Yes, considering how much the BBC made of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, if they were even half serious about their duty to provide a modicum of balance rather than their dumbfvck slanted agenda, they should learn a little history by reading eg Darkness Before The Dawn, the 1941-1945 diary of British prisoner of war Jack Farrow in the Japanese POW camp in Changi, SIngapore. To provide a bit of context about the atrocities and intransigence of our enemy at the time – uncannily similar to the modern-day Taliban in some aspects
Some Beeboid in Japan was walking around a public park with a Hiroshima survivor. We were meant to understand the full horror of the bomb. As if I had no idea. Purely emotional and one-sided. Yes, of course I have sympathy for the loss and disfigurement and pain this woman has suffered for decades. But it’s not my fault, and I don’t feel guilty about it, which was the intent of the segment.
As with the article Pounce linked to, Frei’s segment provided zero contextual information about the circumstances of the War at that point in time. And of course none of the astute BBC international correspondents assigned to the region would have any idea about the quiet public dialogue that has gone about how Japan is now actually better off for having been defeated. Nah, that would mean at least tacit approval of the bomb, which is against BBC editorial policy.
They just now ran it again on the News Channel. Still not feeling guilty about it.
I presume the BBC showed plenty of balancing Chinese and Korean voices also, pointing out the context of Nanking, the vast numbers of Chinese and Koreans killed by the Japanese, the concept of comfort women, the gory details of Japan’s atrocities ? No ?
Well just imagine if America had a Unit 731, if it had the BBC would never let it lie and would be brought up all the time when wanting to bash America. But the BBC chooses to treat all other ‘ethnics’ with kid gloves whilst it engages in daily west bashing. it’s what they do.
The Beeboids’ hate of the British and Americans is so great they even sympathise with the Japs in WW2.
Maybe I should send them my copy of the book by Jack Edwards , who was a POW of the Japs on the Burma railway. It is aptly titled “Banzai, you Bastards ” !
On second thoughts, it would be a waste of time. The Beeboid mind is so closed, so poisoned , nothing will change it .
Martin I’ve been keeping an eye on this story. The council have been really remiss in explaining the reason why they put up so many cameras. Car recognition cameras i should ass and not the average street cams. Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you;
Muslims constitute the largest group when it comes to car insurance scams, be it having no insurance, claiming on insurance or even buying the wrong insurance. Then there’s the growing problem of dog fighting carried out by the dog hating peace loving members of the religion of peace. Why even the bBC reports it as the largest growth in dog fighting in hundreds of years in the UK, then there’s the jihadist idiots who just happen to come from …Sparkhill.
The bBC instead of reporting these facts instead centres on broken community relations leaving out idiots such as the leader of Birmingham mosque who has no problem handing out DVDs to this flock which blames 7/7 as a government plot. finally there’s the race riots (but the bbC never called it that) which transpired between the blacks and Muslims.
In a nutshell Birmingham Muslims aren’t the innocents they are made out to be. But yet still the bBC tries.
I made some muslims into victims at Montreal airport, a big story in Canada, but a very small mention on the BBC website even though I filmed a security breach on a Heathrow bound flight!
The left wing Canadian media are taking their turn in attacking me now LOL.
Thanks Grant.
I used to post here as mick in the uk, or mickfly, but moved to Canada to work for a while,and hopefully will go back there in January,if I’m still allowed in LOL.
Thanks George, they also had some very frank interviews with sensible muslim commentators, one of whom was on another programme slagging off the burka, and being attacked by a non muslim lefty, who was defending it. The defender would have slotted into the BBC easily.
bBC Parliament channel, giving a lot of exposure to the Labour leader contest. None should be shown, more unpaid publicity for Labour given, free by the bBC.
The BBC coverage of the Blackberry ban is interesting. Why would the Muslims be SO keen to block the BB instant Messaging service? Well not mentioned in the beeboid report (of course) is that fact that it’s popular with teenagers and that boys and girls often use it over SMS to talk to each other.
Shock horror we can’t have boys and girls talking to each other can we BBC?
BBC:R4:Toady 06 Aug – listened disinterestly to the articles. IMO the issues that exercised the presenters most (in terms of number of mentions) were:
1) Pakistan disaster – with the obligatory mention of Cameron’s ‘gaffe’.
2) Childrens’ database to be closed
3) Hiroshima anniversary – and the US Ambassador’s presence at a memorial. Plus a heart-rending story by a Japanese survivor. (Odd how the BBC never broadcast interviews of BRITISH survivors of Hiroshima – POWs doing forced labour were nuked and about half a dozen survived, at least into the ’90s)
4) Dementia & lifestyle.
5) Plus about 5 minutes on interviewing a young athlete who presumably will be competing in the 2012 Stratford Olympics – continuing the Nu Lab ‘bread and circuses’ theme…
In the beeboid story about Halal meat in school it fails to mention exactly HOW the animal is killed. For those that don’t know the animal has its throat slit and left to bleed to death without being stunned first.
Sounds very much like how westerners are also disposed of by Muslims to me, no wonder the BBC didn’t want to mention it. Oh and note the BBC report doesn’t give us a rent a quote from the usual animal groups activists. I wonder why?
The rules about ritual slaughter are basically the same. The only real difference is whether or not the butcher prays to Allah and faces Mecca while doing it. There are minor technical details for “glatt” kosher meat with which the Mohammedans aren’t concerned. But the killing part is equally “cruel” no matter what kind of bearded butcher is doing it.
True, Grant. But usually when these animal rights activists complain, it’s about both halal and kosher. Curiously, the BBC did report this stuff once upon a time.
But now they’re too far gone into Mohammedan appeasement to do it, I think. It’s always fun to see which PC meme trumps which. For example, in their current report on this deal with schools serving only halal meat, there isn’t a single mention of those concerns, nor do any of the linked items have anything to do with animal rights. As I say, curious.
The halal issue is an interesting one in the way it seperates the real animal rights types from the PC animal rights types. For the PC types animal rights was just another way for them to “fight the system” and the latest cause to hold demos about. Now the Muslims are their latest PC cause and the animals have been forgotten about. Indeed just as the Muslims will be when their next cause appears on the horizon. With them gone there really don’t seem to be that many real animal rights types about.
As far as I know the law here required the stunning of animals. Was the law changed specifically for Muslims? I don’t know what the position has been ref kosher and the law. For instance, ritually killed meat could have been imported rather than killed here, to comply with the law or there could have been an exemption written into the law. Could find out via Google, I suppose.
Apparently the method used by Jews and Mohameddans for ritual slaughter is legal in the UK (which is why the BBC once-upon-a-time reported that animal rights activists wanted it banned, even doing a Have Your Say for it). It’s legal only in proper slaughterhouses; private individuals must still stun the animals first. Until last year, when the EU decided to override the sovereignty of certain countries, it was illegal in Scandinavia and the Baltics.
But I think I’ve discovered why there have been no animal rights activists on the BBC to complain. The BBC’s favorite advocacy groups, Compassion in World Farming, believes that 90% of halal animals are stunned before slaughter.
So no problem. This producer of “organic halal” meat says that all their meat is stunned before slaughter, yet still halal. says that stunning the animals first is no problem. I have no idea how much halal meat in the UK is actually produced this way or not, and I suspect it’s very difficult to find out for real.
In any case, there seems to be some general agreement that Muslims are now stunning the animals first, so there’s no more outcry about it from animal rights activists. Good thing Jews aren’t trying to get kosher food into the schools, I guess.
In any case, if there’s any more public outcry about non-Muslim children being forced to eat only halal food in schools, we’ll probably be learning from the BBC that halal meat is actually better for you, and there should be a law that children must eat only halal meat for health reasons.
KFC and Subway have info on their websites detailing all the stores where halal meat is used, (all the ones in my home city) and also mentions the stunning before slaughter method.
What a great way to keep your brothers in work,and control the meat industry. Eat halal, it must be killed by a muslim, so it’s likely that the whole chain of supply is muslim owned and staffed.
Call for a public boycot of KFC and Subway, and they would soon back track.
Amazing, no, the seamless swing in the BBC coverage of the BP oil spill.
Last week it was the greatest disaster in the history of the universe ever, and by the way here’s some 24/7 rolling film of oil spewing out into the sea, tar-drenched wading birds, a Greenpeace ‘activist’ opening her veins, and Tony Hayward with a car tyre round his neck, Africa-style.
This week it has seamlessly (and shamelessly) morphed into ‘three-quarters of the oil has gone, cleaned, dispersed, natural forces, no problem etc etc.
Seamlessly (and shamelessly) morphed in exactly the same way as One-Term Barry’s ‘narrative’ has moved on the story.
I suppose The Messiah writing the BBC’s news bulletins for it makes a change from Mortgage Mandelson writing its bulletins.
An oil-filled mangrove swamp has nothing on BBC when it comes to ‘putrid’.
Notice the hurried change to standby stories when the cooked up Jew baiting festival of a story fell flat, killed in a New York minute because the Jews were proven innocent.
The unprovoked murder of a Jew isnt news, the border clash isnt news if the Jews cannot be blamed, so no story there and quick as lightning the BBC moves on.
Funny enough hours after I mentioned the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse mentioned the anniversary of the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait which set in motion a very long chain of events. The bBC reports on this Guardian story about the remaking of Saddam into a hero.
Which is the official American Armed forces book on the Iraq war but as seen from the iraqi side. Using documents and interviews captured in 2003 the book tells a darker and more disturbing story than what is widely known. Funny enough last night i was reading about how Aziz was sent around the world in which to try and substantiate the reason why Iraq invaded Kuwait. That his mission was to get France on Iraqs side and thus have China follow. Another snippet was after the invasion Iraq set up 2 dozen torture cambers in Kuwait city alone. (How many people knew that) That Saddam blamed the US in 1988 for all his ills and my current chapter on how one of the things that Saddam mentions in his transcripts is the moving of his WMD from their warehouse in case it got bombed, it took 120 truck loads.
And not a conflicting side of the argument at all from the bBC.
The bBC adds: “For 30 years Saddam built Iraq and now it is destroyed. There are more sick than before, more hungry. The people don’t have services. People are being killed every day in the tens, if not hundreds.
Yes the man who gassed the kurds by their thousands, launched an 8 year war against Iran (aprrox 1 million dead) 2 years later invaded Kuwait, and in order to look magnanimous took over 800 western people hostage and using them as human shields made each and every country visit in which to play out for the peaceniks in the west to jump to his cause (His actual words from the above book) is promoted as a person to be admired. Remind me again how many palaces Saddam built while Iraq suffered.
Another problem for the Beeboids. Saddam was, in reality, an atheist, Aziz a Christian. How can Beeboids reconcile this in their tiny minds. The real world just does not conform to their narrow, pre-progammed view.
Queen Nikki Campbell on the phone in this morning had some muzzie on who said he got very upset being stopped and searched every day after 7/7, just because he was an ‘Asian’.
Of course what Qujeen Nik didn’t point out was that just two weeks later another group of ‘Asians’ tried to blow up MORE trains.
Did this guy expect the Police to be stopping grey haired old white women getting on trains?
Of course Dame Nikki Queen of breakfast radio didn’t dare ask this obvious question.
No Grant – the greatest threat to our civilisation are people like Nikki Cambell. Anyone of his age who call themselves “Nikki” really does show how simple minded these people are.
The current bBC England news headline is the story of how disgraced footballer and woman beater is out to clear his name. Marlon King vows to overturn sex attack conviction I wonder if the reason the bBC is running with this story is because King converted to Islam inside jail and now goes by the name of his hero…. Abu Hamza
What is it with the bBC and defending the indefensable.
and it just gets worse here Abu Hamza (Aka Marlon King) is allowed to play….I am a victim card. What next from the bBC getting Peter Sutcliffe on line in which to claim he isn’t a bad man.
Disgraceful, Abu is not only a sex pest he is a woman batterer
Just watched a load of bollocks from camp male beeboid from Hiroshima. “This is a warning that the devastation that happened here should never happen in the world again” spout beeboid (or something similar)
Really? What about the devastation the Japs delivered across the Pacific? What about the cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor? The massacre of Chinese, the butchering of civilians, the torture and murder of tens of thousands of PoW’s?
Martin this stuff fits so well with their constant deriding of British achievements during ww2/ww1! everything they put on about our armed forces is about military disasters! nothing about the battles we won or how well our troops fought 🙁 .
Al murrys Programe was about the best attempt at a truthful programe on ww2 and bet you can tell which lot didn’t make it ? 😉
Yes, they had that on BBC World Propaganda America last night. I was with family at the time, most of whom were not paying attention, so they had no idea why I was making rude gestures with my fingers at the screen.
I wonder if the BBC would ever dare address the fact that there is a quiet understanding among many Japanese that their society is better off for having lost the war. Which could only have happened via the bomb.
There was some guy from a Muslim News organization in the BBC studio a little while ago saying that all Muslims were still upset with Cameron. He said that Cameron did not acknowledge the suffering of ordinary Pakistanis and the military who are fighting against terrorism and have to bear the brunt of it. He also said that before 9/11 Pakistan had no problems, and it’s only because of what the evil US and UK are doing in Afghanistan that Pakistan is not an oasis of peace. As if there never would have been militant Islamists trying to take over the country anyway.
The BBC were banging on about Cameron on BBC 1 lunchtime TV news . I switched off and went back to R4 Test Match Special. Pakistan not doing too well in the cricket !
In Scotland you have to be a closet cricket fan. It is a vice which has no name. The brainless “macho” Scots, think cricket is “poofy”. My answer to them is “well stand and face a fast bowler and tell me the story “.
Anyway, good luck England and stuff it to the Aussies in the Ashes !
“..images of bearded halfwits burning the effigy of Cameron. ” What does it take for the BBC to wake up to the fact that effergy burning is a mediaeval practice. It is done by illiterate people who are whipped up to a frenzy by hatred. It is not ciivilised and should be condemed wherever it happens. Pretty soon this type of barbarism will be an every day occurence in this country. Instead of reporting it as a sign of protest it should be called what it is. Heathen and barbaric.
“Crossing Continents” on R4 was about the suffering of Moslems in Egypt who convert to the Coptic Church. The first part of the programme was heart-rending. By the end of the programme, however, the emphasis had changed to those bad Americans financing Egyptian evangelists to interfere in another country’s religion.
I heard a bit of this. Constitutionally Egypt supposedly has freedom of religion but apparently, in practice it is not the case. According to the programme, converts can’t get identity papers, so can’t exist officially and can’t go to school, for example. Have to live in hiding, keeping indoors most of the time and walking only in the shadows and the side streets so as not to be seen by anyone. It’s a dire state of affairs.
I was intervied on another Canadian radio station today regarding the veiled travellers video I made and posted on youtube.
It is really pissing me off that teh BEEB or UK Gov’t is not interested in the risk posed to a Heathrow bound flight by muslims passing the boarding gate unchecked.
Anger and investigations in Canada, silence in the BBC!
Don’t know if anyone else caught Conserviate MP Robert Halfon in the Spectator calling for “Democracy” at the BBC. He actually acknowledges the BBC’s “innate left-wing bias”, but wants to keep it that way as he feels it will keep Conservative politicians on their toes. As if that’s not bad enough, he also – just like all the rest of his fellow Tories – seems to be in thrall to the grand old idea of the BBC, wouldn’t dream of shutting it down, because he’s unable to separate the biased news division from the stuff he grew up trusting and loving.
Of course he wants to keep the license fee, but thinks he has some cunning plan to justify it. Halfon’s idea to have the public vote on progamming could not be more juvenile, in my opinion. It’s really silly to think that having the public vote on whether or not to allow Nick Griffin to appear on Question Time would have eliminated the controversy. That would work about as well as PR would in keeping the BNP out of office, I’d imagine.
I’ve tried to make sense of his muddled thinking about just how his plan for allowing public voting to direct BBC management and programming would work, but it just reads like something written by a misguided, over-eager student.
If this is the best kind of “reform” for the BBC the Tories can come up with, there is no hope. As I keep saying, sadly.
Is it my imagination, or has Ray Snoddy just now glibly skimmed over viewer complaints that the BBC has engaged in a bit of maudlin wallowing with their coverage of the flooding in Pakistan, and the “blood diamond” trial appearance of a supermodel, only to spend the remaining couple of minutes openly mocking viewers who complained about various Beeboids dressing too casually on air? It’s one thing for Newswatch to explain why a viewer complaint may be without merit, but Snoddy was clearly mocking them. There is a difference, and it was obvious.
Just caught a segment with a female Beeboid giving a Pakistani politician a hard time for being critical of Pres. Zardari for visiting the UK during the flood crisis. She even challenged his criticisms by asking if Zardari wasn’t really “raising support for the people of Pakistan” with his visit. That has to be the weakest defense yet, but why is the BBC bothering to defend him at all? That’s not the BBC’s purpose.
Not suprisingly, immediately following this was the same Orla Guerin report about how this is the worst disaster ever. Back to the studio and the charity appeal phone number is read out, with guidance for viewers to go to a website to donate money.
I guess it’s bad form to even look at Pakistan the wrong way these days, due to the disasterous flooding. We’ll just pretend it’s all cool until the waters recede and people start returning to their homes, yeah? As usual, the BBC lets emotions dictate editorial policy, rather than letting the news speak for itself.
Incredibly a BBC TV report yesterday stated that Benazir Bhutto was “murdered by the Taliban”. So far as I am aware, nobody has been identified as the killer/s. At least 2 of my Pakistani friends in the UK are convinced it was organised by her husband, the current President. One for the BBC to investigate ?
The BBC refused to inform you about Michell Obama’s Marie Antoinette-like excursion with 40 of her friends to the elite shops of Spain, but they waste no time in rushing to inform you that the President and the First Lady have become honorary chairs of some theater organization in Washington, DC.
Your license fee hard at work, funding a PR wing for the leader of a foreign country.
David, have you noticed the continuing epidemic of articles on the BBC website about immigration and the U.S. (on top of Mardell’s latest piece from Arizona)?:
(The second one is by Katie Connolly! Following the lead of the Huff Post and the left-wing American blogs – and using someone from the left-wing Center for American Progress as her main commentator – this is also an attack piece on the Republicans).
When the BBC aren’t publishing fluff about American politics they’re publishing propaganda.
It’s all part of the BBC agenda. Matt Frei stated quite openly that they were going to step up their coverage of the US, with the specific intent of creating a “rapport” between you and my country. They have specific stories they want to tell, and that agenda is being followed by the entire cadre of Beeboids in the US.
Notice how both Mardell’s and Strasser’s series began with a pre-determined story, and they stuck to it every inch of the way. If something contradicted the Narrative, it was either hidden (like Strasser censored information about the first to cities he visited being law-breaking Sanctuary Cities, and the way he pretended that students spending a couple of years going to school abroad is the same thing as immigration), or let through but ignored entirely (like Mardell both censored the information about 18 other states having similar laws, and not letting the fact that the law enforcement officers all told him that they always checked out all foreigners and were busting illegals of all ethnic backgrounds get in the way of his story that it was only Mexicans being affected and so the law is racist).
In any case, I’m amused to see the BBC work hard to dismiss the anti-Mexican slurs hurled by their African-American attackers as being merely an expression of their frustration at having to compete for jobs in Mexican restaurants, and don’t call it a hate crime. Funny the locals actually think it’s a hate crime. But of course, BBC editorial policy is that only white people can be racist.
Good grief, I just checked out the “PRI’s The World” website, to see why the BBC is using them as a trusted source for US news (the story about Staten Island). It’s not a pretty site. Remove all breakable objects from the room before viewing.
Aside from the BBC reports from Pakistan and about the oil spill non-disaster, there’s Anti-Israel stuff right on the front page. It seems to be some joint venture between the BBC and WGBH in Boston, a PBS outlet with which they’ve had a very long association. That’s probably BBC Worldwide, so not funded by the license fee. But your taxes do contribute to it because this stuff is also funded by the Foreign Office, and Worldwide does make money from licensing and syndication and DVD sales of stuff produced by the Mother Ship (and the license fee).
I must defend the BBC, as I always do. If Barbara Bush had had a similar shopping trip with 40 friends, the BBC would not have reported it. Er, wait a minute, I think I got my script muddled….
Whilst reporting on crossdressing homosexuals in Iceland (no doubt now a popular destination for male beeboids) the BBC middle east news page can’t seem to find a single mention of the Iranian woman who was due to be stoned to death, now she’s to get a lighter sentence, she’s going to be hung instead. Oh the beauty of Islam.
Oh and the BBC haven’t updated the Israel/Lebanon story since the 3rd of August.
I thought your motives were perfectly clear: somebody was allowed on the plane without having to be identified, and this is a potential security problem. The only reason a Muslim was “singled out” is because only a Muslim walked onto a plane without being required to go through standard security procedures. Or did I miss something?
I see the Israeli/Lebanese bunfight has disappeared off their ME webpage. I wonder if it has something to do with the following news; Lebanese commander ordered sniper attack Senior Lebanese army commanders planned and authorised the cross-border shooting on Tuesday that killed an Israel Defence Forces colonel who was supervising the removal of a tree within Israeli territory, the Lebanese press has reported.The acknowledgement came at a United Nations-brokered meeting between Major-General Abdul Rahman Chehaitly of the Lebanese army and a senior Israeli officer on Wednesday.
The Lebanese newspaper As-Safir reported that General Chehaitly told the meeting the shooting was the result of a command decision and could be repeated.A senior diplomatic source, who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity, said preliminary investigations by UN personnel monitoring the border also indicated the Lebanese army planned the attack. The source said the UN Interim Force in Lebanon advised Lebanese army commanders early on Tuesday morning that the Israelis would be removing a tree on their side of the border early in the afternoon. Several hours before the Israelis moved in to begin that work, a senior Lebanese army unit arrived at the Lebanese village of al-Adeisa, which overlooks the site where the tree was to be removed, and took control of the area.They were accompanied by several journalists linked to media outlets controlled by the radical Shiite movement Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon, the source said. Shortly after 12.15pm, when the Israelis moved a crane close to the border fence to begin removing the tree, a Lebanese army sniper took aim at the commanders who were supervising the operation from a hill on the Israeli side of the border.“The sniper was aiming for the most senior IDF officers present, not the person operating the crane where the alleged border infringement took place,” the source told the Herald.“These were not warning shots fired towards the area of the crane. Someone took careful aim at the Israeli commanders who were standing several hundred metres away.”one shot hit Colonel Dov Harari in the head, killing him instantly. Another shot caused shrapnel wounds to the chest of a captain, who is in hospital in a serious condition.The source said questions were being asked about why a senior Lebanese army unit had arrived in the area in the hours before the attack, and why they were accompanied by journalists close to Hezbollah.
It would be utterly outrageous if the BBC does not report this. The Lebanese are actually boasting that this could “be repeated”. How would the BBC report it if it does happen again ?
Even Wikipedia is better at reporting current affairs than the BBC!!:
2010 Israel–Lebanon border clash
“UNIFIL confirmed the Israeli claim that the soldiers were inside Israeli territory when the clashes erupted. Major-General Abdul Rahman Chehaitly of the Lebanese army confirmed that the the cross-border shooting was planned and authorized by senior Lebanese army commanders.”
While the BBC feels that it’s important to report that there have been anti-Mexican attacks by black people on Staten Island which is supposed to be anti-immigration and not a mere turf war between ethnic gangs, they do not think you need to know about this:
On New Year’s Day 2008, two Texas teenagers Amina and Sarah Said were shot dead, their bloodied bodies left in a taxi cab. The alleged shooter: their father Yaser Said.
In fact, Sarah appears to identify her Dad as the murderer in a 9-11 call – her dying words.
This made the news at the time, but the BBC was rather silent, as they usually are about honor killings. Certainly the BBC producers didn’t discern any pattern worth following up for a special feature on an important developing story. In any case, something else has come up regarding this case which made the news again, except on the BBC.
We also obtained never-before-broadcast video of the girls that was secretly shot by their father. In light of what happened to Amina and Sarah, it’s extremely disturbing footage.
If Yaser Said killed his daughters, what was his motive? His American wife Tissy claims he did so because their girls were dating boys that weren’t Muslim.
While friends and family call the murders honor killings, it’s a label the FBI and local police have been hesitant to use.
In fact, 8 months after the deaths of Amina and Sarah the FBI added the words “honor killing” to their wanted poster but days later, removed them.
This kind of dhimmitude (a word I almost never use) is spreading. The BBC is complicit.
[Extract from ‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Daily Telegraph’ report]:
“Once again, when we or any non-Muslims say something like this, we’re racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and so forth. The Quilliam Foundation is not without its issues (especially with regard to its co-director Ed Husain), but it will be interesting to see what response this report generates without the usual charges of Islamophobia to be issued as a red herring. Still, a robust and meaningful response is all too likely wishful thinking until proven otherwise.
“‘Mainstream Islamic organisations ‘share al-Qaeda ideology’, by Duncan Gardham for the Telegraph, ”
INBBC (typically via Mr Casciani) instead PROPAGANDISES this:
“Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs ‘anti-terrorism’ camp”
The Minhaj ul-Quran story is even on the home page of BBC News – as if it’s that big a story!
In contrast, a major-general in the Lebanese army’s admission that they ordered Wednesday’s shooting of Israeli soldiers is a big story, and that’s nowhere to be seen!
There is a glimmer of hope in that she was one of the reporters on Channel 4’s Undercover Mosque editions of Dispatches (a valuable piece of investigative reporting that would never have been made by the cowardly propagandists at the BBC).
Last night’s Newsnight attacked Cameron again over his comments on Pakistan. We need to suck up to the ISI apparently.
Frank Gardner’s report also explicitly linked the criticism of Zardari for leaving Pakistan during the floods to criticism of Cameron for leaving Britain during our floods. (Will Paulo be sending in a complaint to the BBC?)
Gardner’s report featured an attack on Zardari by his niece. It also featured an attack on Cameron by Labour’s Shahid Malik.
Zardari, however, got his right to reply in an interview with Gavin Esler.
Just checked BBC website. The Aziz/Saddam story is still there, but nothing about the Labanese admission that they planned the murder of the IDF officer.
The BBC is silent because the death of one Israeli Lt. Col. is equal to the death of two Lebanese soldiers and a Lebanese journalist. So the Body Count balances out. That’s their metrics, not mine. Only the “proportionality” matters in these cases. Why else do you think the BBC magically mentions that two of the Lebanese dead were military, instead of the way they usually do it: “three Lebanese died, while one Israeli soldier was killed”? They do it differently here because the body count balances out.
Nothing else is important, as Israel can’t be blamed for instigating it, even though that was the BBC’s first instinct.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has inaccurate, inadequate headline to latest Islamic jihad mass murder:
“Foreign medical workers among 10 killed in Afghanistan”
-Should be AMENDed to:
‘Christian medical workers among 10 killed by Islamic jihadists in Afghanistan.’
The word ‘foreign’ is misleading in INBBC headline: ‘foreign’ to whom? -One of the people whom the Islamic jihadists murdered was A British woman.
This was a specifically anti-Christian jihad massacre, as indicated by the following:
“Gen Kemtuz said a third Afghan man who was travelling with the group had survived.
“‘He told me he was shouting, reciting the holy Koran and saying: ‘I am a Muslim. Don’t kill me’,’ he added.”
Supplementary: on Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Today’ , in whiich the Islamic jihad murderers are termed ‘insurgents’ by Mr. Sommerville, INBBC uncritically takes the word of local Muslim police that the motive for the jihadists’ massacre was: ‘robbery’.
ISLAMIC JIHAD as the obvious motive is censored out by INBBC. There is no reference to the 13 centuries old practiced of Islamic jihadists in taking the possessions of their slaughtered enemies as ‘booty’.
So, in one minute flat on ‘Today’, INBBC dismisses this jihad massacre as motived by ‘robbery’. What dhimmi simpletons at INBBC!
On Wednesday Newsnight‘s Liz MacKean presented a report about ‘the growing crisis in foster care’. Liz’s concerned voice and the use of sad music gave it the feel of a charity appeal on behalf of the Fostering Network. (A worthy cause, no doubt).
One key point she wanted to get across was a political one – that, as Emily Maitlis’s introduction put it, “many believe that forthcoming cuts will jeopardize the care given to some of our country’s most vulnerable children.” Liz MacKean made that point again and again throughout her report and ended with pretty much the same words.
(The report’s statistics were drawn from the Fostering Network and the Labour-leaning think-tank Demos).
Like quite a few of Liz MacKean’s reports, it had the whiff of propaganda.
Yes, it’s true she has a soft doleful, concerned voice. I heard a snippet of that, enough to gather that the angle was about cuts and the need for more money. You could almost hear violins.
Another fine example of the open door immigration fiasco that has allowed us to be infected by scum like this. How the hell can people like this get in our country. It is a bloody disgrace and the two parties that want to address the issue are mocked, sidelined and in the case of the BNP, deliberately bankrupted. If there was any kind of justice in this world, the politicians responsible for the state of Britain today would have to answer for their treachery.
Some camp fat male on BBC News 24 doing a piece on Sierra Leona. Camp male shows double standards of BBC. On the one hand he despises the western attemps to ‘civilise’ Africa (big sneer) but then the same BBC complain when homosexuals are stoned to death in African Countries and women are treated like dirt.
So the drugged up BBC report that 10 ‘Aid’ workers were ‘killed’, or ‘robbed’. That’s the headline, even though robbers don’t normally execute their victims.
Even the BBC in their report have to admit that in fact they were MURDERED by the Taliban in the traditional Muslim cowardly way.
So BBC drug taking twats why isn’t the HEADLINE that innocent civilians were MURDERED/EXECUTED by Muslim scum?
They’re still doing it now on the News Channel. The word “ambush” didn’t pass the Beeboid’s lips once. The aid workers were obviously on patrol in a dangerous area, and forced themselves into the Taliban thugs’ personal space.
Kirsty Wark (aka Rat Face, Kirsty Squawk and Slursty Wark) is another Beeboid who just can’t stop ad-libbing left-wing comments.
She rounded off a discussion on Pay TV on Tuesday night’s Newsnight by chipping in a parting comment after a guest thought aloud about ITV’s difficulties in balancing being a broadcaster and being a programme producer. For no obvious reason – except left-wing stupidity – she said “And keep the shareholders happy” and then moved on.
What does the BBC website consider the third most important news story of the moment to be – after the Taliban’s murder of aid workers (including a British doctor) and Pakistan’s flooding?
Castro is their hero for standing up to US tyranny for decades, and outlasting several Republicans who stood against him. They truly respect him for it.
Why hasn’t the BBC reported on the latest suffering in Gaza? Half a million people are currently without power during a major heatwave because the power source has been cruelly cut off. This is proof that the poor Gazans live in a giant, open prison, no? Where is the BBC report about this:
Engineers shut down Gaza City’s sole power plant on Saturday because of a lack of fuel, switching off electricity to some half a million people in the midst of a heat wave.
The fuel for the plant is supplied by the rival Palestinian government in the West Bank, which says it has reduced shipments because the Gaza’s Hamas government is behind on payments.
“The electricity was cut in Gaza City because of there wasn’t enough fuel for the station,” said power station official Suheil Skeik.
The plant serves Gaza City and its surroundings, while the remaining million people in the rest of the tiny coastal territory rely on neighboring Egypt and Israel for their power needs.
During the first 100 Days of The Obamessianic Age, the BBC kept a running “diary” of enthusiastic entries from a variety of Beeboids. It was nearly all sycophantic, celebratory, and extremely unnecessary for the official national broadcaster of a country that is not the US. Kim Ghattas was an especially notorious diarist for her gushing entries about Michelle Obama’s dresses and personal appearances.
At the time, I called it a Cult of Personality, and my opinion hasn’t changed at all since then. As everyone here knows – but people who rely on the BBC for their information do not – Michelle Obama has just been on a hugely elaborate personal vacation to Spain, in which she booked 60 rooms for 40 friends. Apparently they even had a beach closed down for their private entertainment, and are enjoying the high life with celebrities and royalty. While most of the US is suffering in what would be called a Depression if a Republican was in charge, with unemployment over 20% in some areas, banks failing, etc., the First Lady spends $375,000 of taxpayer money on a vacation befitting a Queen.
Even the New York Times, while valiantly working for her royal highness’s defense, graps the concept that this is seriously uncool.
Except on the BBC, it does. They wouldn’t dare. The BBC still hasn’t said a single word about it. If this was Cindy McCain, or if it had happened while Bush was in charge, well, you all know how the BBC would have handled it.
It has also been a nbig story in the Los Angeles Times.
Maybe the BBC feels it should wait until the criticism of Michelle Obama – tying in more generally with other White House extravagence stories – is splashed across the Washington Post and Daily Kos ?
YEs and of course Barry plays MORE golf that GWB ever did. but this BBC article somehow manages to report this but then spend MOST of the article slagging Bush off!!!
My neighbour, in her 50’s and living alone, takes her mobile phone and places next to her bed and tries to go to sleep.
Her mother has been gravely ill in the BNHS hospital 8 miles away.
Imagine her consternation when it goes off at 07.14 am.
Awoken she is met with the most harrowing news possible :
“You are now £2.30 in arrears.”.
“The volume of the Gulf of Mexico is 2,424,000 cubic kilometers, or 6.43 * 1017 US gallons. The volume of oil spilt is estimated at 20m gallons to 50m US gallons; let’s take the max, 5 * 107 gallons. That’s one part of oil to 1.29 * 1010 parts of water.”
“The volume of the Thames at mid tide between Teddington and Gravesend is about 2.4 * 107 cubic metres (633 * 107 US gallons, or 127 times the total volume of the BP oil leaked). To replicate the ‘environmental disaster’ the Septics are claiming, I’ll therefore have to empty 1.87 litres of engine oil into the river.”
As my colleagues Campbell Robertson, Justin Gillis and I reported on reaction, scientific and otherwise, to a government report on the fate of the oil in the gulf, it emerged that the Obama administration faced something of a credibility gap in conveying its findings to some gulf residents, environmental groups and even scientists.
There were plenty of varied opinions out there, of course. But what came through loud and clear in the interviews I conducted was how leery many were of pronouncements by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the government agency charged with monitoring the health of the waters and the climate.
Yet, here’s the BBC’s Richard Black happily using the NOAA’s figures as Gospel.
The BBC can’t report on this now, because it would call into question their decision to censor all news that the Obamessiah Administration and BP colluded to block media access to the spill and clean-up effort. All those aerial shots of boats and whatnot around the spill area were for display purposes only.
It would also make their beloved Obamessiah look bad, so you can forget about ever hearing it from the BBC. The thing is, this is all going to be referred to later as one of His greatest triumphs. He swept back the oil, saved us all from the worst natural disaster in US history. The BBC pumped up the news (sorry for the pun) to epic disaster levels, censored the news that the President putzed around for over a week before even thinking about going down there, censored the news that the Administration was bungling the clean-up effort, hyped up His angry speechifying about keeping his “boot on the neck” of BP until they plugged the leak (as if they would simply let the oil flow unchecked forever if He hadn’t made them do it), censored the news that He was the top recipient of BP campaign cash, and basically made this into a story which contains more myth than truth.
The end result is that the BBC’s audience has been seriously misinformed, had much key information withheld from them, and are not going to be told about anything that would take away from the Narrative that The Obamessiah solved the worst natural disaster in US history, full stop.
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Listening to that utter Knob Nikki Cambell this morning and he mentioned the Asian elderly man that was ‘happy slapped by some black teenagers. The mere fact that he mentioned the teenagers were black, guarentees that the victim was not white. Had the poor victim been white, the teenagers would have had no colour. This is bloody typical of the way the BBC manipulates its output. It doesn’t help with ‘community cohesion’, in fact it has the opposite effect as it creates frustration and resentment. Most of us can see whats going on with our own eyes but we never hear the truth, just the usual multicultural spin.
How do the BBC decide which side to take between black non-muslims and “Asian ” muslims ? Tricky one for the twisted little Beeboid mind.
You are so right.
Thanks this solves a little mystery I was going to ask about. The other night this story was on the Radio 4 PM show but other than saying the poor chap who was killed in front of his grandchild had just come out of a Mosque when he was attacked there was nothing else about his religion or ethnicity. I found it ve odd that nothing more was made of this given the BBC’s usual efforts in this direction with no mention of Islamophobia or anything like that. In fact the whole tone of the item was almost playing down the horrific crime and the suffering of the victim. I thought at the time that the only reason for this was that the attackers (who were barely mentioned and not named) couldn’t have been white.
So now we know in the Beebs “Top Trumps” game of victimhood a black yoof mugger wins over a decent working Muslim.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) in outright political action working for Islam:
It is well known that there is politcal-interlocking of ‘domestic’, ‘World Service’ and ‘Arabic TV Service’ of Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
‘The Sun’ has, re-INBBC propaganda to appease Islamic jihad:
“Taxpayers £200k for BBC show”
“It was given the money by the Foreign Office and used it for the World Service to make a ‘woman’s hour’ radio programme for Afghanistan. But MPs and taxpayers’ groups voiced outrage at the grant and questioned why it had ever been paid.
“The Foreign Office and other government departments ALREADY stump up £270MILLLION to pay for the the World Service – on top of the £3BILLION the Beeb gets from licence payers. ”
Read more:
The BBC has yet to cover this case. Perhaps because it occurred in Australia, a country of limited BBC interest.\
Burqa trial man Anwar Sayed ‘brutally stabbed’
Australian law frequently refers back to British precedent but the opposite is less true.
The issue of giving testimony before a jury while the face is totally obscured is totally relevant for the UK.
A judge yesterday reserved her decision over whether a witness in the fraud trial could testify wearing the niqab, which covers her entire face except for a small slit for her eyes.
Mr Sayed’s lawyers have argued her face should be uncovered so the jury can accurately assess her testimony. The woman, Tasneem – whose surname has been suppressed for legal reasons – was a tutor at the college at the time of the alleged fraud.
However, prosecutors in the case claim the stress imposed on the devout Muslim woman by forcing her to remove her veil would compromise her testimony.
What has so far annoyed me today about the BBC (only listened to about 5′) is James Naughtie. He personifies the gross egotism of the BBC (though demi-God and Fat Slob John Simpson takes the, er, biscuit).
Why do they allow Naughtie to eat up great lengths of time in asking simple questions? Yes we know Naughtie is soooo clever, but surely even in Beebland brevity is seen as an essential part of the craft? And I can’t stand the way he ends items with “There we go”. His bias is also the most evident imho.
Still, he’s prefereable to the sugary Eddie “I really do care” Maier.
The bBC, the 65th anniversary of the dropping of the A-Bomb and half the story.
The bBC commemorates the dropping of the bomb on Japan as only a leftwing bunch of idiots can I quote:
“Some Japanese have called on the US to apologise for the atomic bombings, but the BBC’s Roland Buerk, in Hiroshima, says this is unlikely to happen.”
Shame the bBC which always ensures it gives the otherside of the story when it comes to explaining and defending , terrorists…sorry militants, Radical Islam or even arty people up for kiddy rape kind of leaves out just why Japan was nuked in the first place. As for that apology, like Irvine did with Dresden the bBC leaves out certain facts such as how Japan has never apologised for Nanking (They have not only erased it from Japanese history they tried to say it never happened) which not only saw twice as many people killed as Hiroshima but added with the rest of Japans death toll during WW2 there was a bloody good reason why the bomb was which to teach the murderous scum a f-ing lesson and put them in their place.
Funny enough the bBC didn’t mention another anniversary when passed the other day, on the 2nd it was 20 years since Iraq invaded Kuwait setting in motion a chain of events which has seen more people killed than in both a-bomb attacks. You can bet your bottom dinar that they will remember the invasion by the Yanks.
I am writing this comment because the Atomic bomb existed. My father was in a Jap POW camp in Borneo. The japs had orders to murder all POWs in Sept 45 before they departed. The upside of the A bomb is never told.
More people died in the bombing of Tokyo (100k+) that at either nuked sites. Thousands died taking the islands off the Japan mainland (like Iwo Jima) why should the Americans have not thought thousands more might die if they had needed to invade Japan itself?
Even after the first nuke the Japs didn’t want to surrender, they were nutters just like the Muslim is today. Nuking them was what they deserved, the Japs of that era were barbaric scum, people need to read what this vermin did to POW’s civilians and anyone they didn’t like.
The Americans didn’t even bother trying to take prisoners, they just exterminated them when they found them (shame we can’t do the same to the BBC)
Yes, considering how much the BBC made of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, if they were even half serious about their duty to provide a modicum of balance rather than their dumbfvck slanted agenda, they should learn a little history by reading eg Darkness Before The Dawn, the 1941-1945 diary of British prisoner of war Jack Farrow in the Japanese POW camp in Changi, SIngapore. To provide a bit of context about the atrocities and intransigence of our enemy at the time – uncannily similar to the modern-day Taliban in some aspects
Has the President closed down Guantanamo yet? I forget. He did promise to, and Matt Frei assured me that it was a done deal.
No, but they did have the obligatory quote from an ex Sadam minister, currently banged up, saying that the US & Britain had let Iraq down !
Some Beeboid in Japan was walking around a public park with a Hiroshima survivor. We were meant to understand the full horror of the bomb. As if I had no idea. Purely emotional and one-sided. Yes, of course I have sympathy for the loss and disfigurement and pain this woman has suffered for decades. But it’s not my fault, and I don’t feel guilty about it, which was the intent of the segment.
As with the article Pounce linked to, Frei’s segment provided zero contextual information about the circumstances of the War at that point in time. And of course none of the astute BBC international correspondents assigned to the region would have any idea about the quiet public dialogue that has gone about how Japan is now actually better off for having been defeated. Nah, that would mean at least tacit approval of the bomb, which is against BBC editorial policy.
They just now ran it again on the News Channel. Still not feeling guilty about it.
I presume the BBC showed plenty of balancing Chinese and Korean voices also, pointing out the context of Nanking, the vast numbers of Chinese and Koreans killed by the Japanese, the concept of comfort women, the gory details of Japan’s atrocities ? No ?
Now, don’t forget Mexico. You are supposed to feel guilty about that too, especially if you are from Arizona. 😉
I am sure there are lots more causes of guilt that the Beeb can heap upon you, stubborn resister though you be.
Well just imagine if America had a Unit 731, if it had the BBC would never let it lie and would be brought up all the time when wanting to bash America. But the BBC chooses to treat all other ‘ethnics’ with kid gloves whilst it engages in daily west bashing. it’s what they do.
The Beeboids’ hate of the British and Americans is so great they even sympathise with the Japs in WW2.
Maybe I should send them my copy of the book by Jack Edwards , who was a POW of the Japs on the Burma railway. It is aptly titled “Banzai, you Bastards ” !
On second thoughts, it would be a waste of time. The Beeboid mind is so closed, so poisoned , nothing will change it .
If I ever write my memoirs, I think I shall have the title ” BBC, you Bastards ” !
Well said Pounce – To think millions died so that the BBC could spout their rubbish. How sad.
So when Muslimns are seen as ‘victims’ the BBC happily uses the word Muslim, what happened to Asian all of a sudden?
(CCTV camera story)
Martin I’ve been keeping an eye on this story. The council have been really remiss in explaining the reason why they put up so many cameras. Car recognition cameras i should ass and not the average street cams. Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you;
Muslims constitute the largest group when it comes to car insurance scams, be it having no insurance, claiming on insurance or even buying the wrong insurance. Then there’s the growing problem of dog fighting carried out by the dog hating peace loving members of the religion of peace. Why even the bBC reports it as the largest growth in dog fighting in hundreds of years in the UK, then there’s the jihadist idiots who just happen to come from …Sparkhill.
The bBC instead of reporting these facts instead centres on broken community relations leaving out idiots such as the leader of Birmingham mosque who has no problem handing out DVDs to this flock which blames 7/7 as a government plot. finally there’s the race riots (but the bbC never called it that) which transpired between the blacks and Muslims.
In a nutshell Birmingham Muslims aren’t the innocents they are made out to be. But yet still the bBC tries.
Don’t forget the 17,000 plus uninsured cars in ONE Bradford postcode. Stick soem cameras there!
The Islamic-Pakistan -Pres Zadari roadshow (inc. Hizb ut-Tahrir) goes to Birmingham next.
No doubt, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) will give full report to its Islamic audience in UK, and via BBC Arabic and Urdu services, to Islamic world.
I made some muslims into victims at Montreal airport, a big story in Canada, but a very small mention on the BBC website even though I filmed a security breach on a Heathrow bound flight!
The left wing Canadian media are taking their turn in attacking me now LOL.
Well done for that ! Don’t know if you have posted here before, but stick around, please.
Thanks Grant.
I used to post here as mick in the uk, or mickfly, but moved to Canada to work for a while,and hopefully will go back there in January,if I’m still allowed in LOL.
“Niqab Security Outrages at Canadian Airports”
Thanks George, they also had some very frank interviews with sensible muslim commentators, one of whom was on another programme slagging off the burka, and being attacked by a non muslim lefty, who was defending it. The defender would have slotted into the BBC easily.
bBC Parliament channel, giving a lot of exposure to the Labour leader contest. None should be shown, more unpaid publicity for Labour given, free by the bBC.
Not free. Paid for by you and me.
The BBC coverage of the Blackberry ban is interesting. Why would the Muslims be SO keen to block the BB instant Messaging service? Well not mentioned in the beeboid report (of course) is that fact that it’s popular with teenagers and that boys and girls often use it over SMS to talk to each other.
Shock horror we can’t have boys and girls talking to each other can we BBC?
No, for the BBC , only boys and boys should talk to each other.
BBC:R4:Toady 06 Aug – listened disinterestly to the articles. IMO the issues that exercised the presenters most (in terms of number of mentions) were:
1) Pakistan disaster – with the obligatory mention of Cameron’s ‘gaffe’.
2) Childrens’ database to be closed
3) Hiroshima anniversary – and the US Ambassador’s presence at a memorial. Plus a heart-rending story by a Japanese survivor. (Odd how the BBC never broadcast interviews of BRITISH survivors of Hiroshima – POWs doing forced labour were nuked and about half a dozen survived, at least into the ’90s)
4) Dementia & lifestyle.
5) Plus about 5 minutes on interviewing a young athlete who presumably will be competing in the 2012 Stratford Olympics – continuing the Nu Lab ‘bread and circuses’ theme…
In the beeboid story about Halal meat in school it fails to mention exactly HOW the animal is killed. For those that don’t know the animal has its throat slit and left to bleed to death without being stunned first.
Sounds very much like how westerners are also disposed of by Muslims to me, no wonder the BBC didn’t want to mention it. Oh and note the BBC report doesn’t give us a rent a quote from the usual animal groups activists. I wonder why?
Where is the BBC interview with an animal rights acitvist this time? Usuall they’re on speed dial.
Do the Beeboids compare muslim and Jewish methods of killing ? Animals I mean, not people. Or, maybe people also !
The rules about ritual slaughter are basically the same. The only real difference is whether or not the butcher prays to Allah and faces Mecca while doing it. There are minor technical details for “glatt” kosher meat with which the Mohammedans aren’t concerned. But the killing part is equally “cruel” no matter what kind of bearded butcher is doing it.
David P,
Mind you, some of the stories I have heard about non-halal / kosher slaughterhouses are pretty gruesome.
Even within Islam there is disagreement about whether the animal can be stunned before its throat is slit !
True, Grant. But usually when these animal rights activists complain, it’s about both halal and kosher. Curiously, the BBC did report this stuff once upon a time.
But now they’re too far gone into Mohammedan appeasement to do it, I think. It’s always fun to see which PC meme trumps which. For example, in their current report on this deal with schools serving only halal meat, there isn’t a single mention of those concerns, nor do any of the linked items have anything to do with animal rights. As I say, curious.
The halal issue is an interesting one in the way it seperates the real animal rights types from the PC animal rights types. For the PC types animal rights was just another way for them to “fight the system” and the latest cause to hold demos about. Now the Muslims are their latest PC cause and the animals have been forgotten about. Indeed just as the Muslims will be when their next cause appears on the horizon. With them gone there really don’t seem to be that many real animal rights types about.
Spot on !
David P,
Yes. How the Beeboids manage to hold so many conflicting ideas in what passes for their brains is a complete mystery to me.
Maybe, the solution is for everyone, apart from muslims and Beeboids, to be vegetarian !
As far as I know the law here required the stunning of animals. Was the law changed specifically for Muslims? I don’t know what the position has been ref kosher and the law. For instance, ritually killed meat could have been imported rather than killed here, to comply with the law or there could have been an exemption written into the law. Could find out via Google, I suppose.
Apparently the method used by Jews and Mohameddans for ritual slaughter is legal in the UK (which is why the BBC once-upon-a-time reported that animal rights activists wanted it banned, even doing a Have Your Say for it). It’s legal only in proper slaughterhouses; private individuals must still stun the animals first. Until last year, when the EU decided to override the sovereignty of certain countries, it was illegal in Scandinavia and the Baltics.
But I think I’ve discovered why there have been no animal rights activists on the BBC to complain. The BBC’s favorite advocacy groups, Compassion in World Farming, believes that 90% of halal animals are stunned before slaughter.
So no problem. This producer of “organic halal” meat says that all their meat is stunned before slaughter, yet still halal. says that stunning the animals first is no problem. I have no idea how much halal meat in the UK is actually produced this way or not, and I suspect it’s very difficult to find out for real.
In any case, there seems to be some general agreement that Muslims are now stunning the animals first, so there’s no more outcry about it from animal rights activists. Good thing Jews aren’t trying to get kosher food into the schools, I guess.
In any case, if there’s any more public outcry about non-Muslim children being forced to eat only halal food in schools, we’ll probably be learning from the BBC that halal meat is actually better for you, and there should be a law that children must eat only halal meat for health reasons.
KFC and Subway have info on their websites detailing all the stores where halal meat is used, (all the ones in my home city) and also mentions the stunning before slaughter method.
What a great way to keep your brothers in work,and control the meat industry. Eat halal, it must be killed by a muslim, so it’s likely that the whole chain of supply is muslim owned and staffed.
Call for a public boycot of KFC and Subway, and they would soon back track.
Amazing, no, the seamless swing in the BBC coverage of the BP oil spill.
Last week it was the greatest disaster in the history of the universe ever, and by the way here’s some 24/7 rolling film of oil spewing out into the sea, tar-drenched wading birds, a Greenpeace ‘activist’ opening her veins, and Tony Hayward with a car tyre round his neck, Africa-style.
This week it has seamlessly (and shamelessly) morphed into ‘three-quarters of the oil has gone, cleaned, dispersed, natural forces, no problem etc etc.
Seamlessly (and shamelessly) morphed in exactly the same way as One-Term Barry’s ‘narrative’ has moved on the story.
I suppose The Messiah writing the BBC’s news bulletins for it makes a change from Mortgage Mandelson writing its bulletins.
An oil-filled mangrove swamp has nothing on BBC when it comes to ‘putrid’.
“one term Barry” love it!
Notice the hurried change to standby stories when the cooked up Jew baiting festival of a story fell flat, killed in a New York minute because the Jews were proven innocent.
The unprovoked murder of a Jew isnt news, the border clash isnt news if the Jews cannot be blamed, so no story there and quick as lightning the BBC moves on.
…and PS, Barry, because I know you read this site, can BP shareholders have the $20 billion back that you stole from them.
As Zaphod Beeblebrox said, “Theft is property”. Good luck getting anything back from Mr. “I want to spread that wealth around”.
Not in my name! Not in my name!
Funny enough hours after I mentioned the bBC hasn’t bothered its arse mentioned the anniversary of the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait which set in motion a very long chain of events. The bBC reports on this Guardian story about the remaking of Saddam into a hero.
Tariq Aziz says West misjudged Saddam Hussein
The thing is my current bedtime reading is;
The Mother of All Battles: Saddam Hussein’s Strategic Plan for the Persian Gulf War
Which is the official American Armed forces book on the Iraq war but as seen from the iraqi side. Using documents and interviews captured in 2003 the book tells a darker and more disturbing story than what is widely known. Funny enough last night i was reading about how Aziz was sent around the world in which to try and substantiate the reason why Iraq invaded Kuwait. That his mission was to get France on Iraqs side and thus have China follow. Another snippet was after the invasion Iraq set up 2 dozen torture cambers in Kuwait city alone. (How many people knew that) That Saddam blamed the US in 1988 for all his ills and my current chapter on how one of the things that Saddam mentions in his transcripts is the moving of his WMD from their warehouse in case it got bombed, it took 120 truck loads.
And not a conflicting side of the argument at all from the bBC.
The bBC adds:
“For 30 years Saddam built Iraq and now it is destroyed. There are more sick than before, more hungry. The people don’t have services. People are being killed every day in the tens, if not hundreds.
Yes the man who gassed the kurds by their thousands, launched an 8 year war against Iran (aprrox 1 million dead) 2 years later invaded Kuwait, and in order to look magnanimous took over 800 western people hostage and using them as human shields made each and every country visit in which to play out for the peaceniks in the west to jump to his cause (His actual words from the above book) is promoted as a person to be admired. Remind me again how many palaces Saddam built while Iraq suffered.
Another problem for the Beeboids. Saddam was, in reality, an atheist, Aziz a Christian. How can Beeboids reconcile this in their tiny minds. The real world just does not conform to their narrow, pre-progammed view.
Queen Nikki Campbell on the phone in this morning had some muzzie on who said he got very upset being stopped and searched every day after 7/7, just because he was an ‘Asian’.
Of course what Qujeen Nik didn’t point out was that just two weeks later another group of ‘Asians’ tried to blow up MORE trains.
Did this guy expect the Police to be stopping grey haired old white women getting on trains?
Of course Dame Nikki Queen of breakfast radio didn’t dare ask this obvious question.
The greatest threat to civilisation is grey-haired old white women.
No Grant – the greatest threat to our civilisation are people like Nikki Cambell. Anyone of his age who call themselves “Nikki” really does show how simple minded these people are.
Whether it is with an “i” or a “”y”, it should be “Nicholas” or ” Nick”
Look, it’s not Nikki. That’s a Biased BBC (wilful) misspelling. It’s Nicky.
However it is spelt – it is pronounced the same Milly.
The current bBC England news headline is the story of how disgraced footballer and woman beater is out to clear his name.
Marlon King vows to overturn sex attack conviction
I wonder if the reason the bBC is running with this story is because King converted to Islam inside jail and now goes by the name of his hero…. Abu Hamza
What is it with the bBC and defending the indefensable.
and it just gets worse here Abu Hamza (Aka Marlon King) is allowed to play….I am a victim card. What next from the bBC getting Peter Sutcliffe on line in which to claim he isn’t a bad man.
Disgraceful, Abu is not only a sex pest he is a woman batterer
Wow a Muslim is a woman beater, why am I not shocked 🙂
This is a classic!!!
I guess the BBC need the money to take more Muslim terrorists on days out
“BBC Woman’s Hour given terrorism grant”
George R,
How dare the BBC defame me !
Just watched a load of bollocks from camp male beeboid from Hiroshima. “This is a warning that the devastation that happened here should never happen in the world again” spout beeboid (or something similar)
Really? What about the devastation the Japs delivered across the Pacific? What about the cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor? The massacre of Chinese, the butchering of civilians, the torture and murder of tens of thousands of PoW’s?
The BBC are scum.
Martin this stuff fits so well with their constant deriding of British achievements during ww2/ww1! everything they put on about our armed forces is about military disasters! nothing about the battles we won or how well our troops fought 🙁 .
Al murrys Programe was about the best attempt at a truthful programe on ww2 and bet you can tell which lot didn’t make it ? 😉
Yes, they had that on BBC World Propaganda America last night. I was with family at the time, most of whom were not paying attention, so they had no idea why I was making rude gestures with my fingers at the screen.
I wonder if the BBC would ever dare address the fact that there is a quiet understanding among many Japanese that their society is better off for having lost the war. Which could only have happened via the bomb.
The war in the Pacific is the forgotten war, the Japs were pure animals, clearly that doesn’t fit with the Beeboid ideal.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Newsnight’ on Oldham schoolchildren:
– its lies, its anti-white propaganda, its campaign for Islamisation.
1.) In this INBBC written report, there is no reference to there being a single MUSLIM in Oldham;
2.) For INBBC here, an ‘Asian’ girl is allowed to call ‘whites’ racist, but whites are not allowed to call Muslims racist.
3.) And when did Islam become a ‘race’? When INBBC’s mentors at Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) said so?
4.) INBBC makes no connection between ‘multiculturalism’ seen in Oldham to INBBC’s continuing campaign for more mass immigration into Britain.
Camp male beeboid just gives us the “Cameron upset the Muslims” crap on News 24 along with images of bearded halfwits burning the effigy of Cameron.
I’ve lost count of how many times the BBC have run that clip now.
Of course, not that INBBC likes to say so, but the Islamic jihad threat is even in south India:
There was some guy from a Muslim News organization in the BBC studio a little while ago saying that all Muslims were still upset with Cameron. He said that Cameron did not acknowledge the suffering of ordinary Pakistanis and the military who are fighting against terrorism and have to bear the brunt of it. He also said that before 9/11 Pakistan had no problems, and it’s only because of what the evil US and UK are doing in Afghanistan that Pakistan is not an oasis of peace. As if there never would have been militant Islamists trying to take over the country anyway.
Yes I saw that twat as well, biggest load of crap ever.
The BBC were banging on about Cameron on BBC 1 lunchtime TV news . I switched off and went back to R4 Test Match Special. Pakistan not doing too well in the cricket !
Never thought of you as a Cricket fan 🙂
In Scotland you have to be a closet cricket fan. It is a vice which has no name. The brainless “macho” Scots, think cricket is “poofy”. My answer to them is “well stand and face a fast bowler and tell me the story “.
Anyway, good luck England and stuff it to the Aussies in the Ashes !
Phew! I thought when I read ‘cloest’ it was going to be something else 🙂
You are thinking of another vice which dare not speak it’s name. I plead not guilty 😀
“..images of bearded halfwits burning the effigy of Cameron. ” What does it take for the BBC to wake up to the fact that effergy burning is a mediaeval practice. It is done by illiterate people who are whipped up to a frenzy by hatred. It is not ciivilised and should be condemed wherever it happens. Pretty soon this type of barbarism will be an every day occurence in this country. Instead of reporting it as a sign of protest it should be called what it is. Heathen and barbaric.
“Crossing Continents” on R4 was about the suffering of Moslems in Egypt who convert to the Coptic Church. The first part of the programme was heart-rending. By the end of the programme, however, the emphasis had changed to those bad Americans financing Egyptian evangelists to interfere in another country’s religion.
I should have added: well worth listening to.
I heard a bit of this. Constitutionally Egypt supposedly has freedom of religion but apparently, in practice it is not the case. According to the programme, converts can’t get identity papers, so can’t exist officially and can’t go to school, for example. Have to live in hiding, keeping indoors most of the time and walking only in the shadows and the side streets so as not to be seen by anyone. It’s a dire state of affairs.
I was intervied on another Canadian radio station today regarding the veiled travellers video I made and posted on youtube.
It is really pissing me off that teh BEEB or UK Gov’t is not interested in the risk posed to a Heathrow bound flight by muslims passing the boarding gate unchecked.
Anger and investigations in Canada, silence in the BBC!
Don’t know if anyone else caught Conserviate MP Robert Halfon in the Spectator calling for “Democracy” at the BBC. He actually acknowledges the BBC’s “innate left-wing bias”, but wants to keep it that way as he feels it will keep Conservative politicians on their toes. As if that’s not bad enough, he also – just like all the rest of his fellow Tories – seems to be in thrall to the grand old idea of the BBC, wouldn’t dream of shutting it down, because he’s unable to separate the biased news division from the stuff he grew up trusting and loving.
Of course he wants to keep the license fee, but thinks he has some cunning plan to justify it. Halfon’s idea to have the public vote on progamming could not be more juvenile, in my opinion. It’s really silly to think that having the public vote on whether or not to allow Nick Griffin to appear on Question Time would have eliminated the controversy. That would work about as well as PR would in keeping the BNP out of office, I’d imagine.
I’ve tried to make sense of his muddled thinking about just how his plan for allowing public voting to direct BBC management and programming would work, but it just reads like something written by a misguided, over-eager student.
If this is the best kind of “reform” for the BBC the Tories can come up with, there is no hope. As I keep saying, sadly.
Stupid and gutless !
Is it my imagination, or has Ray Snoddy just now glibly skimmed over viewer complaints that the BBC has engaged in a bit of maudlin wallowing with their coverage of the flooding in Pakistan, and the “blood diamond” trial appearance of a supermodel, only to spend the remaining couple of minutes openly mocking viewers who complained about various Beeboids dressing too casually on air? It’s one thing for Newswatch to explain why a viewer complaint may be without merit, but Snoddy was clearly mocking them. There is a difference, and it was obvious.
Just caught a segment with a female Beeboid giving a Pakistani politician a hard time for being critical of Pres. Zardari for visiting the UK during the flood crisis. She even challenged his criticisms by asking if Zardari wasn’t really “raising support for the people of Pakistan” with his visit. That has to be the weakest defense yet, but why is the BBC bothering to defend him at all? That’s not the BBC’s purpose.
Not suprisingly, immediately following this was the same Orla Guerin report about how this is the worst disaster ever. Back to the studio and the charity appeal phone number is read out, with guidance for viewers to go to a website to donate money.
I guess it’s bad form to even look at Pakistan the wrong way these days, due to the disasterous flooding. We’ll just pretend it’s all cool until the waters recede and people start returning to their homes, yeah? As usual, the BBC lets emotions dictate editorial policy, rather than letting the news speak for itself.
Incredibly a BBC TV report yesterday stated that Benazir Bhutto was “murdered by the Taliban”. So far as I am aware, nobody has been identified as the killer/s. At least 2 of my Pakistani friends in the UK are convinced it was organised by her husband, the current President. One for the BBC to investigate ?
The BBC refused to inform you about Michell Obama’s Marie Antoinette-like excursion with 40 of her friends to the elite shops of Spain, but they waste no time in rushing to inform you that the President and the First Lady have become honorary chairs of some theater organization in Washington, DC.
Your license fee hard at work, funding a PR wing for the leader of a foreign country.
David, have you noticed the continuing epidemic of articles on the BBC website about immigration and the U.S. (on top of Mardell’s latest piece from Arizona)?:
‘Hate crimes’ plague Staten Island
Row over US-born immigrant children heats up
(The second one is by Katie Connolly! Following the lead of the Huff Post and the left-wing American blogs – and using someone from the left-wing Center for American Progress as her main commentator – this is also an attack piece on the Republicans).
When the BBC aren’t publishing fluff about American politics they’re publishing propaganda.
It’s all part of the BBC agenda. Matt Frei stated quite openly that they were going to step up their coverage of the US, with the specific intent of creating a “rapport” between you and my country. They have specific stories they want to tell, and that agenda is being followed by the entire cadre of Beeboids in the US.
Notice how both Mardell’s and Strasser’s series began with a pre-determined story, and they stuck to it every inch of the way. If something contradicted the Narrative, it was either hidden (like Strasser censored information about the first to cities he visited being law-breaking Sanctuary Cities, and the way he pretended that students spending a couple of years going to school abroad is the same thing as immigration), or let through but ignored entirely (like Mardell both censored the information about 18 other states having similar laws, and not letting the fact that the law enforcement officers all told him that they always checked out all foreigners and were busting illegals of all ethnic backgrounds get in the way of his story that it was only Mexicans being affected and so the law is racist).
In any case, I’m amused to see the BBC work hard to dismiss the anti-Mexican slurs hurled by their African-American attackers as being merely an expression of their frustration at having to compete for jobs in Mexican restaurants, and don’t call it a hate crime. Funny the locals actually think it’s a hate crime. But of course, BBC editorial policy is that only white people can be racist.
Good grief, I just checked out the “PRI’s The World” website, to see why the BBC is using them as a trusted source for US news (the story about Staten Island). It’s not a pretty site. Remove all breakable objects from the room before viewing.
Aside from the BBC reports from Pakistan and about the oil spill non-disaster, there’s Anti-Israel stuff right on the front page. It seems to be some joint venture between the BBC and WGBH in Boston, a PBS outlet with which they’ve had a very long association. That’s probably BBC Worldwide, so not funded by the license fee. But your taxes do contribute to it because this stuff is also funded by the Foreign Office, and Worldwide does make money from licensing and syndication and DVD sales of stuff produced by the Mother Ship (and the license fee).
More beeboid crap
That cartoon beggars belief.
David P,
I must defend the BBC, as I always do. If Barbara Bush had had a similar shopping trip with 40 friends, the BBC would not have reported it. Er, wait a minute, I think I got my script muddled….
The BBC can never be bothered to report on homosexuals being executed in Iran but they find the time to report this crap.
Whilst reporting on crossdressing homosexuals in Iceland (no doubt now a popular destination for male beeboids) the BBC middle east news page can’t seem to find a single mention of the Iranian woman who was due to be stoned to death, now she’s to get a lighter sentence, she’s going to be hung instead. Oh the beauty of Islam.
Oh and the BBC haven’t updated the Israel/Lebanon story since the 3rd of August.
What a surprising response to my security breach video!
Is she available for BBC work?
I thought your motives were perfectly clear: somebody was allowed on the plane without having to be identified, and this is a potential security problem. The only reason a Muslim was “singled out” is because only a Muslim walked onto a plane without being required to go through standard security procedures. Or did I miss something?
No, you didn’t miss anything, of course.
I realise that I’m preaching to the choir here, but I just wish the Beeb would run it even if it’s just to trash me, or the video.
What a nasty piece of work ! I mean the woman in the clip, not you 😀
I thought she had a very false smile…or am I just biased?
I see the Israeli/Lebanese bunfight has disappeared off their ME webpage. I wonder if it has something to do with the following news;
Lebanese commander ordered sniper attack
Senior Lebanese army commanders planned and authorised the cross-border shooting on Tuesday that killed an Israel Defence Forces colonel who was supervising the removal of a tree within Israeli territory, the Lebanese press has reported. The acknowledgement came at a United Nations-brokered meeting between Major-General Abdul Rahman Chehaitly of the Lebanese army and a senior Israeli officer on Wednesday.
The Lebanese newspaper As-Safir reported that General Chehaitly told the meeting the shooting was the result of a command decision and could be repeated. A senior diplomatic source, who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity, said preliminary investigations by UN personnel monitoring the border also indicated the Lebanese army planned the attack.
The source said the UN Interim Force in Lebanon advised Lebanese army commanders early on Tuesday morning that the Israelis would be removing a tree on their side of the border early in the afternoon. Several hours before the Israelis moved in to begin that work, a senior Lebanese army unit arrived at the Lebanese village of al-Adeisa, which overlooks the site where the tree was to be removed, and took control of the area. They were accompanied by several journalists linked to media outlets controlled by the radical Shiite movement Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon, the source said.
Shortly after 12.15pm, when the Israelis moved a crane close to the border fence to begin removing the tree, a Lebanese army sniper took aim at the commanders who were supervising the operation from a hill on the Israeli side of the border. “The sniper was aiming for the most senior IDF officers present, not the person operating the crane where the alleged border infringement took place,” the source told the Herald. “These were not warning shots fired towards the area of the crane. Someone took careful aim at the Israeli commanders who were standing several hundred metres away.” one shot hit Colonel Dov Harari in the head, killing him instantly. Another shot caused shrapnel wounds to the chest of a captain, who is in hospital in a serious condition. The source said questions were being asked about why a senior Lebanese army unit had arrived in the area in the hours before the attack, and why they were accompanied by journalists close to Hezbollah.
It would be utterly outrageous if the BBC does not report this. The Lebanese are actually boasting that this could “be repeated”. How would the BBC report it if it does happen again ?
The BBC just won’t report it.
Even Wikipedia is better at reporting current affairs than the BBC!!:
2010 Israel–Lebanon border clash
“UNIFIL confirmed the Israeli claim that the soldiers were inside Israeli territory when the clashes erupted. Major-General Abdul Rahman Chehaitly of the Lebanese army confirmed that the the cross-border shooting was planned and authorized by senior Lebanese army commanders.”
While the BBC feels that it’s important to report that there have been anti-Mexican attacks by black people on Staten Island which is supposed to be anti-immigration and not a mere turf war between ethnic gangs, they do not think you need to know about this:
“Honor Killing” Dad Secretly Taped Girls
On New Year’s Day 2008, two Texas teenagers Amina and Sarah Said were shot dead, their bloodied bodies left in a taxi cab. The alleged shooter: their father Yaser Said.
In fact, Sarah appears to identify her Dad as the murderer in a 9-11 call – her dying words.
This made the news at the time, but the BBC was rather silent, as they usually are about honor killings. Certainly the BBC producers didn’t discern any pattern worth following up for a special feature on an important developing story. In any case, something else has come up regarding this case which made the news again, except on the BBC.
We also obtained never-before-broadcast video of the girls that was secretly shot by their father. In light of what happened to Amina and Sarah, it’s extremely disturbing footage.
If Yaser Said killed his daughters, what was his motive? His American wife Tissy claims he did so because their girls were dating boys that weren’t Muslim.
While friends and family call the murders honor killings, it’s a label the FBI and local police have been hesitant to use.
In fact, 8 months after the deaths of Amina and Sarah the FBI added the words “honor killing” to their wanted poster but days later, removed them.
This kind of dhimmitude (a word I almost never use) is spreading. The BBC is complicit.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) CENSORS this online:
U.K.: Report states that ideology of “non-violent Islamists” differs from that of violent jihadists “only on tactics”
[Extract from ‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Daily Telegraph’ report]:
“Once again, when we or any non-Muslims say something like this, we’re racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, and so forth. The Quilliam Foundation is not without its issues (especially with regard to its co-director Ed Husain), but it will be interesting to see what response this report generates without the usual charges of Islamophobia to be issued as a red herring. Still, a robust and meaningful response is all too likely wishful thinking until proven otherwise.
“‘Mainstream Islamic organisations ‘share al-Qaeda ideology’, by Duncan Gardham for the Telegraph, ”
INBBC (typically via Mr Casciani) instead PROPAGANDISES this:
“Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs ‘anti-terrorism’ camp”
The Minhaj ul-Quran story is even on the home page of BBC News – as if it’s that big a story!
In contrast, a major-general in the Lebanese army’s admission that they ordered Wednesday’s shooting of Israeli soldiers is a big story, and that’s nowhere to be seen!
Hi Craig. Excellent spot I am sure but do you have source for the Lebanese Major General’s comments?
Hello NotaSheep,
It’s in a few Australian papers, such as the Sydney Morning Herald and Canberra Times, but a Turkish website has it too:
It was originally reported in one of Lebanon’s best-selling Arabic-language papers, As-Safir.
Thanks, good to see you back and as investigative as previously…
Book of the Week on Radio 4 (starting Monday) is We are a Muslim, Please by Zaiba Malik.
No thankyou.
Yes, typical pro-Islam propaganda from Islam Not BBC (INBBC), which unsurprisingly extends to this about Muslim author:
” She writes for newspapers including the Guardian, and was recently named as one of the twenty most influential black and Asian women in the UK.”
There is a glimmer of hope in that she was one of the reporters on Channel 4’s Undercover Mosque editions of Dispatches (a valuable piece of investigative reporting that would never have been made by the cowardly propagandists at the BBC).
Still, I’m sticking with my ‘No thankyou’!
The BBC actually attacked Charles Moore on Newsnight over that, didn’t they?
“How your millions are being squandered to bribe reluctant BBC staff to move up north”
Read more:
I see Gary Younge was on Saturday Live this morning, spouting his views unchallenged !
Last night’s Newsnight attacked Cameron again over his comments on Pakistan. We need to suck up to the ISI apparently.
Frank Gardner’s report also explicitly linked the criticism of Zardari for leaving Pakistan during the floods to criticism of Cameron for leaving Britain during our floods. (Will Paulo be sending in a complaint to the BBC?)
Gardner’s report featured an attack on Zardari by his niece. It also featured an attack on Cameron by Labour’s Shahid Malik.
Zardari, however, got his right to reply in an interview with Gavin Esler.
No-one, however, was on to defend Cameron, so the criticisms aimed at him in Gardner’s report, including Malik’s accusations, went unanswered.
Just checked BBC website. The Aziz/Saddam story is still there, but nothing about the Labanese admission that they planned the murder of the IDF officer.
The BBC is silent because the death of one Israeli Lt. Col. is equal to the death of two Lebanese soldiers and a Lebanese journalist. So the Body Count balances out. That’s their metrics, not mine. Only the “proportionality” matters in these cases. Why else do you think the BBC magically mentions that two of the Lebanese dead were military, instead of the way they usually do it: “three Lebanese died, while one Israeli soldier was killed”? They do it differently here because the body count balances out.
Nothing else is important, as Israel can’t be blamed for instigating it, even though that was the BBC’s first instinct.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has inaccurate, inadequate headline to latest Islamic jihad mass murder:
“Foreign medical workers among 10 killed in Afghanistan”
-Should be AMENDed to:
‘Christian medical workers among 10 killed by Islamic jihadists in Afghanistan.’
The word ‘foreign’ is misleading in INBBC headline: ‘foreign’ to whom? -One of the people whom the Islamic jihadists murdered was A British woman.
This was a specifically anti-Christian jihad massacre, as indicated by the following:
“Gen Kemtuz said a third Afghan man who was travelling with the group had survived.
“‘He told me he was shouting, reciting the holy Koran and saying: ‘I am a Muslim. Don’t kill me’,’ he added.”
Supplementary: on Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Today’ , in whiich the Islamic jihad murderers are termed ‘insurgents’ by Mr. Sommerville, INBBC uncritically takes the word of local Muslim police that the motive for the jihadists’ massacre was: ‘robbery’.
ISLAMIC JIHAD as the obvious motive is censored out by INBBC. There is no reference to the 13 centuries old practiced of Islamic jihadists in taking the possessions of their slaughtered enemies as ‘booty’.
So, in one minute flat on ‘Today’, INBBC dismisses this jihad massacre as motived by ‘robbery’. What dhimmi simpletons at INBBC!
Update: slight improvement in tone here by INBBC (12:57 local time); but basics of Islamic jihad nature of massacre still missing.
On Wednesday Newsnight‘s Liz MacKean presented a report about ‘the growing crisis in foster care’. Liz’s concerned voice and the use of sad music gave it the feel of a charity appeal on behalf of the Fostering Network. (A worthy cause, no doubt).
One key point she wanted to get across was a political one – that, as Emily Maitlis’s introduction put it, “many believe that forthcoming cuts will jeopardize the care given to some of our country’s most vulnerable children.” Liz MacKean made that point again and again throughout her report and ended with pretty much the same words.
(The report’s statistics were drawn from the Fostering Network and the Labour-leaning think-tank Demos).
Like quite a few of Liz MacKean’s reports, it had the whiff of propaganda.
The entire BBC is full of propaganda.
Yes, it’s true she has a soft doleful, concerned voice. I heard a snippet of that, enough to gather that the angle was about cuts and the need for more money. You could almost hear violins.
Another fine example of the open door immigration fiasco that has allowed us to be infected by scum like this. How the hell can people like this get in our country. It is a bloody disgrace and the two parties that want to address the issue are mocked, sidelined and in the case of the BNP, deliberately bankrupted. If there was any kind of justice in this world, the politicians responsible for the state of Britain today would have to answer for their treachery.
Some camp fat male on BBC News 24 doing a piece on Sierra Leona. Camp male shows double standards of BBC. On the one hand he despises the western attemps to ‘civilise’ Africa (big sneer) but then the same BBC complain when homosexuals are stoned to death in African Countries and women are treated like dirt.
So the drugged up BBC report that 10 ‘Aid’ workers were ‘killed’, or ‘robbed’. That’s the headline, even though robbers don’t normally execute their victims.
Even the BBC in their report have to admit that in fact they were MURDERED by the Taliban in the traditional Muslim cowardly way.
So BBC drug taking twats why isn’t the HEADLINE that innocent civilians were MURDERED/EXECUTED by Muslim scum?
They’re still doing it now on the News Channel. The word “ambush” didn’t pass the Beeboid’s lips once. The aid workers were obviously on patrol in a dangerous area, and forced themselves into the Taliban thugs’ personal space.
Kirsty Wark (aka Rat Face, Kirsty Squawk and Slursty Wark) is another Beeboid who just can’t stop ad-libbing left-wing comments.
She rounded off a discussion on Pay TV on Tuesday night’s Newsnight by chipping in a parting comment after a guest thought aloud about ITV’s difficulties in balancing being a broadcaster and being a programme producer. For no obvious reason – except left-wing stupidity – she said “And keep the shareholders happy” and then moved on.
Slursty, shut up!!
What does the BBC website consider the third most important news story of the moment to be – after the Taliban’s murder of aid workers (including a British doctor) and Pakistan’s flooding?
Fidel Castro delivers rare speech
They quote the Cuban culture minister and use his words as a sub-headline…
‘Making us happy’
…which probably describes how many beeboids are feeling about their hero’s return.
Beeboid Michael Voss adds his analysis and is on first-name terms with the ex-dictator.
What is it with the BBC and Castro?
Castro is their hero for standing up to US tyranny for decades, and outlasting several Republicans who stood against him. They truly respect him for it.
Have the BBC reported on the Muzzie woman ‘getting off lightly’ in Iran yet?
Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch where the two blokes in the prison argue about who is getting off lightly in the way they are being tortured.
After all hanging a woman is FAR BETTER than stoning is it not? The lucky lucky bastard!
At least it gets you out in the open air.
Why hasn’t the BBC reported on the latest suffering in Gaza? Half a million people are currently without power during a major heatwave because the power source has been cruelly cut off. This is proof that the poor Gazans live in a giant, open prison, no? Where is the BBC report about this:
Gaza power plant shuts down during heat wave as Palestinian infighting prevents fuel shipments
Engineers shut down Gaza City’s sole power plant on Saturday because of a lack of fuel, switching off electricity to some half a million people in the midst of a heat wave.
The fuel for the plant is supplied by the rival Palestinian government in the West Bank, which says it has reduced shipments because the Gaza’s Hamas government is behind on payments.
“The electricity was cut in Gaza City because of there wasn’t enough fuel for the station,” said power station official Suheil Skeik.
The plant serves Gaza City and its surroundings, while the remaining million people in the rest of the tiny coastal territory rely on neighboring Egypt and Israel for their power needs.
Ah. Never mind.
During the first 100 Days of The Obamessianic Age, the BBC kept a running “diary” of enthusiastic entries from a variety of Beeboids. It was nearly all sycophantic, celebratory, and extremely unnecessary for the official national broadcaster of a country that is not the US. Kim Ghattas was an especially notorious diarist for her gushing entries about Michelle Obama’s dresses and personal appearances.
At the time, I called it a Cult of Personality, and my opinion hasn’t changed at all since then. As everyone here knows – but people who rely on the BBC for their information do not – Michelle Obama has just been on a hugely elaborate personal vacation to Spain, in which she booked 60 rooms for 40 friends. Apparently they even had a beach closed down for their private entertainment, and are enjoying the high life with celebrities and royalty. While most of the US is suffering in what would be called a Depression if a Republican was in charge, with unemployment over 20% in some areas, banks failing, etc., the First Lady spends $375,000 of taxpayer money on a vacation befitting a Queen.
Even the New York Times, while valiantly working for her royal highness’s defense, graps the concept that this is seriously uncool.
First Lady’s Trip Doesn’t Escape Criticism
Except on the BBC, it does. They wouldn’t dare. The BBC still hasn’t said a single word about it. If this was Cindy McCain, or if it had happened while Bush was in charge, well, you all know how the BBC would have handled it.
Well, they will know about the criticism because the Huff Post are ‘reporting’ on it:)
(There’s a fine poll on that article which you might be tempted to take part in!)
It has also been a nbig story in the Los Angeles Times.
Maybe the BBC feels it should wait until the criticism of Michelle Obama – tying in more generally with other White House extravagence stories – is splashed across the Washington Post and Daily Kos ?
YEs and of course Barry plays MORE golf that GWB ever did. but this BBC article somehow manages to report this but then spend MOST of the article slagging Bush off!!!
I wonder what the original version was like – before all the factual errors were corrected. It’s bad enough as it is now.
Here’s a good one.
My neighbour, in her 50’s and living alone, takes her mobile phone and places next to her bed and tries to go to sleep.
Her mother has been gravely ill in the BNHS hospital 8 miles away.
Imagine her consternation when it goes off at 07.14 am.
Awoken she is met with the most harrowing news possible :
“You are now £2.30 in arrears.”.
Can we make this up ?
No, we can’t !
But I wish we could !
Example of how devious Islam Not BBC (INBBC) operates:
re- New York City Ground Zero mosque controversy;
-INBBC’s pro-Islam propaganda:
Why mainstream media reporters are beneath contempt: Exhibit A, the BBC’s Kiera Feldman
I think this is worthy of a main post.
Came across this via EU Referendum
“The volume of the Gulf of Mexico is 2,424,000 cubic kilometers, or 6.43 * 1017 US gallons. The volume of oil spilt is estimated at 20m gallons to 50m US gallons; let’s take the max, 5 * 107 gallons. That’s one part of oil to 1.29 * 1010 parts of water.”
“The volume of the Thames at mid tide between Teddington and Gravesend is about 2.4 * 107 cubic metres (633 * 107 US gallons, or 127 times the total volume of the BP oil leaked). To replicate the ‘environmental disaster’ the Septics are claiming, I’ll therefore have to empty 1.87 litres of engine oil into the river.”
It seems that others are now questioning the Obamessiah Administration’s “facts” about the oil spill.
In Commnts on Oil’s Fate, an Air of Mistrust
As my colleagues Campbell Robertson, Justin Gillis and I reported on reaction, scientific and otherwise, to a government report on the fate of the oil in the gulf, it emerged that the Obama administration faced something of a credibility gap in conveying its findings to some gulf residents, environmental groups and even scientists.
There were plenty of varied opinions out there, of course. But what came through loud and clear in the interviews I conducted was how leery many were of pronouncements by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the government agency charged with monitoring the health of the waters and the climate.
Yet, here’s the BBC’s Richard Black happily using the NOAA’s figures as Gospel.
The BBC can’t report on this now, because it would call into question their decision to censor all news that the Obamessiah Administration and BP colluded to block media access to the spill and clean-up effort. All those aerial shots of boats and whatnot around the spill area were for display purposes only.
It would also make their beloved Obamessiah look bad, so you can forget about ever hearing it from the BBC. The thing is, this is all going to be referred to later as one of His greatest triumphs. He swept back the oil, saved us all from the worst natural disaster in US history. The BBC pumped up the news (sorry for the pun) to epic disaster levels, censored the news that the President putzed around for over a week before even thinking about going down there, censored the news that the Administration was bungling the clean-up effort, hyped up His angry speechifying about keeping his “boot on the neck” of BP until they plugged the leak (as if they would simply let the oil flow unchecked forever if He hadn’t made them do it), censored the news that He was the top recipient of BP campaign cash, and basically made this into a story which contains more myth than truth.
The end result is that the BBC’s audience has been seriously misinformed, had much key information withheld from them, and are not going to be told about anything that would take away from the Narrative that The Obamessiah solved the worst natural disaster in US history, full stop.