An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has calved from one of the main Greenland glaciers. As What’s Up With That? quickly pointed out last night, it’s entirely normal for this to happen; a far bigger iceberg similarly calved from the same glacier in 1962, well before even the most ardent warmists claim that CO2 was fomenting our doom. WUWT also warned that the media would be swift to blame AGW, even though the press release from the university that noticed that calving was careful not to do so. True to form, first off the block in warmist zeal is the BBC. The web story doesn’t actually say that AGW is to blame, but the prominence given to the story, together with the immediate juxtaposition of the bald statement (hotly disputed in sceptic circles) that the first six months of 2010 have been “the hottest on record” make it plain that as far as the BBC is concerned, this is global warming writ large. The only thing missing from their alarmism is the Richard Black by-line.
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First 6 months hottest on record “scientists have said”. Which scientists ? Have any disputed it ? Typical BBC .
I notice the Beeb has been mentioning the record breaking hot summer in Russia but oddly isn’t saying a lot about Argentina’s record breaking cold winter.
Odd that isn’t it !
“Southern Cone frozen: 100 dead and thousands of cattle lost”
Do you think that the leninists who work at BBC will actually be happy when their communist utopia is realised? Will they still be in exstasy when they’re getting sent to Stalin-style labour camps?
They will be happy, they will be running the camps !
Beat me to it! Imagine the mind-warp ‘re-education programmes’ they’d run.
The scrapping of a compulsory retirement age is the first step on a slippery slope towards those labour-camps.
The BBC (like the government) have long term “agendas” that wind-up doing very few people any good – and GW is no exception. In the long term it will simply make rich richer and… well you get the idea. Greed.
“He said it was not clear if the event was due to global warming.”
Or:- “It is quite clear to us that this is a direct consequence of global warming.”
Towards the end of the Today programme there was an item on the Australian election. Scorn being directed at the Liberal (=Tory) party leader who had declared that climate warming is “crap”. How very dare he ?
The good news – he looks like he could win, the tide has been turning.
The BBC would obviously hate that – he will take no crap from the Warmists, plus he has very firm views on immigration control.
(Just a few minutes later, Saturday Live’s first interview was about how to get different communities to work together. The usual BBC preachiness about diversity. Hilariously – the host suggested that maybe climate warming will force us all to work together ! Warmism gets everywhere at the BBC, just like sand on the beach)
Ironically, the reason large sheets of ice like this break away is due to the complete opposite of warming. Massive buildup of ice causes fracturing due to stress on the unsupported mass of the ice sheet over the water, but then this is the BBC we are talking about, so why spoil a good story with the facts
One should remember that in the deep Arctic and especially Antarctic temperatures are so far below freezing that any likely warming, even of the most dramatic predictions, is not going to cause melting (remember that the HIGHEST ever recorded temperature at the South Pole, for example was -14C). On the contrary, higher, but still well sub-freezing temperatures are likely to lead to more snowfall as very cold places tend also to be very dry and the colder they are the drier they tend to be. It may
It is only in the more marginal zones, such as on the edge of the Arctic, around the snow-line of mountains etc that warming is likely to cause melting.
The calved ice island will not be going very far at all, just ahead of the calved ice is the Nares strait sea ice and its about fives time the mass of the island at least and at this time of year the blocking sea ice is finsihed with its melt more or less. The coming freeze will place the mass of ice at the mouth of the Petermann glacier forming a giant plug the water behind will freeze and it will freeze deep and hard and with a plug at the end of the glacier there will be no more calving untill the Nares strait sea ice melts which looks unlikely any time soon.
So a non story for the BBC while ignoring far more interesting stories?
This was on their front page. the bombing in NI was lost on a minor page. The BBC are just pathetic.
Sky News‘s take on this story rightly concentrates on reporting the facts without gratuitously floating the idea of global warming as the cause.
Hello this is my first contribution to this site, although I have been a keen reader for over a year. Along with WUWT, Bishop Hill, Chris Booker & James Delingpole these sites reassure me that all is not lost ! Ever since I first heard Al Gore on global warming, and subsequent unquestioning of AGW by the BBC (for reasons we now know …) Sadly with the likes of Huhne the government has also plummeted in my estimation. As for the BBC Saturday morning ‘entertainment’ I cannot agree more with contributors here. How are Fi Glover’s ‘guests’ selected? When not just depressing the programme is simply awful. Anyone would think we were already a muslim-loving, prisoner-hugging. IRA-loving society… In fact this week it could well have been the Pakistani Broadcasting Corporation.. they kept the England cricket victory at the other end of the news…I half expected them to apologise!
Welcome Nick. You are not alone in your oppostion to everything AGW in fact you are in the majority. Its just the guilt ridden liberal left who are the majority in broadcasting (and the print media) who subscribe to the total destruction of this country through any means possible.
Thank you JHT and others… I will aim to contribute more in future…. Nick