BBC has moved into hysterical mode concerning the alleged scale of the cuts to come across Government. Ten O’Clock News come into meltdown with apocalyptic visions of courts closing, meltdown all round. This is the beginning of the next election campaign and the comrades at the Beeb are out to help the Trade Unions by echoing the hyperbole and whipping up hysteria.
Also, I knew the BBC would be unhappy about the fact that some Councils are shutting down the speed-camera network and so it is that it shrills THIS story whilst studiously ignoring THIS story.
Finally, aren’t the people of Pakistan suffering enough without……gasp…Orla Guerin?
Actually Orla Guerin and Pakistan deserve each other.
To be fair, the Telegraph is running this story with the same angle. I’m not sure why though.
The Tele is drifing increasingly leftward these days. Very few adults left in charge of the building – only Heffer and Tebbit remain with any sense.
Heffer isn’t editing. He’s away doing a PhD at Cambridge, I think, and only writes a column.
I know why the BBC is… 😉
Jesus H Christ on a stick but Guerin is starting to look like a haloween monster, she has a face for radio alright, like a bulldog chewing a wasp!
Of course the begging bowl is plainly out now gimme gimme and of course the islamist front charities want their share, there are madrassas to finanance and the jihad training schools dont run themselves do they? The BBC never let a national disaster go to waste do they? Well OK yes they do, the bitter winter of last year that killed millions of livestock in the area of Mongolia was ignored as was the resultant starvation and misery and the South American winter as bitter as anyone can remember passed without the ‘benefit’ of Miss Bulldog chewing on a wasp while sucking a lemon grimacing into the camera BUT hey folks the BBC cannot be expected to cover every disaster can they? I mean its not like they are rich and have unlimited finance is it?
Oooh yes the Pakistan flood is being pimped with a furious abandon by the BBC I am starting to wonder just why, its the main story for days now even though most of Pakistan is unaffected and food production in those areas is doing OK, food is getting through and the waters are subsiding and aid is getting to people from the government.
Aaaah but you see dear friends, the so called epic disaster is looking like just another opportunity for the BBC to use the images for its own grubby ends, the images are simply a way of furthering its agenda and narrative. What other stories are NOT making the headlines eh?
The BBC flogging one story to death while others go ignored? The BBC is expert at using only those stories which it can use to reinforce its own narrative.
There is a word I am searching for here…maybe three in fact…oh yes.. cynical manipulative little shits.. OK four then!
Cass – excellent. Better than the erudite Ms Phillips, you’re our very own Ann Coulter!
Hear ! Hear !
Thanks very muchly Grant.
Many thanks for the kind words 😀
Thanks for the support JohnW, a legend in me own lunchtime I am 😎
A veritable tour de force. Bravo!
You make me blush Davieboy :-[ ta very much.
BBC, is looking after its own.
All happy Maoists together, all except really the BBC, where the show goes on and on.
Want to move to Manchester? Wow, here’s £1,900 a month for two years.
Don’t worry its not the BBCs money, nah its those idiots the taxpayer who are paying………….go on fill yer boots!
To be paid for ….well its not real work is it?
Once you’re in, you have to tow the champagne socialist s***e line but then thats no probs, at then end think of the pension!
In the meantime – the meme is;
AGW, multiculturalism, Equality, AGW, Socialism, AGW, PC bollocks, AGW, Islam in the religion of peace, AGW, Down with Israel, AGW, We luv Fidel, AGW, Tony Bliar was misunderstood but Brown was better, AGW, we luv Chavez, AGW, the CRU is innocent, AGW, Iran is our friend, AGW, climate catastrophe is AGW,unions = good, management=bad, AGW, today is toady, AGW, Karl Marx is God, AGW, catholicism and all Judaism = evil, AGW, Islam will save us etc ad infinitum.
I’m sure there will be many people in Pakistan who will find Orla Guerin’s Jew hatred extremely comforting at time of need.
I’m not particularly woried about Pakistan or the reporting of it, things closer to home caught my eye.
The BBC, the Labour party, the unions and the print media seem to all be reading from the same page. Fueled by selective leaks by civil servants, they are building a narrative designed to bring down Clegg, and therefore bring down Cameron.
The problem is, that with even Sky news following the line, the BBC has ceased to be the clear special case. The Telegraph seems desperate to kill this government, the BBC seems more interested in the Labour leadership election than the Government, and all it’s leading government stories seem to be leaked, the red tops are doing what red tops do, and even radio stations like LBC and Talk are largely hostile. Everyone is predicting doom and gloom.
Not one organisation is reporting the fact that there are going to be NO CUTS over the term of this parliament – spending will rise 14% by 2015 across the state as a whole.
I’m starting to wonder whether this government can survive – I’m not sure the Liberals are strong enough to last till Christmas. I think another election might be coming next year, then we know exactly what the media will do.
The BBC are now working to create the conditions for an early general election. With a new Labour leader to get behind the BBC will push him as the saviour from ‘Tory Cuts’.
So it looks like no cuts and the deficit ballooning and big fat government getting bigger and fatter, green taxes on the way for the mainstay of the economy, small businesses are in the firing line and you have to wonder if the intention really is to break the UK by smashing the wealth creating sector.
The UK jumped out of the socialist frying pan and into the social democrat fire with gay abandon, nothing thought the ever hopeful electorate could be worse than that one eyed bloke wassisname, You know that wierd kook kept lying all the time, cant remember the geezers name, anyhoo meanwhile back at the euroranch of broken promises it looks like direct taxes are going to be stolen from us by the eurotrash, thanks Dave mate just what we all need right now!
There will not be cuts, this is the Cleggoron party we are talking about. But there will be a huge increase in the cost of living with the 14% VAT increase plus the new “green Taxes?” on business. Who the hell does Camerloon think are going to pay most. If he had half a brain cell it should be obvious that the poor are to be hit again, so exit Brown, enter Brown Mk2. But then he has always followed the socialist agenda, little rich kids tend to do that.
Thanks Derek, The name of the raging loon Was Brown! Funny how quickly that name slipped form the memory hole.
Before and during Labour’s recession the BBC were always warning against “talking down the economy” Now they don’t seem to mind and really want the economy to collapse. They’ve peddled nothing but doom and gloom since May 6th.
What we need now is some fearless edgy investigative journalism from the BBC. You know – the Pilger kind, that in the past has tended to focus on some evil capitalist or other. Always bravely confronting injustice – ever eager to face up to the despots of the right and bring justice to the world.
Well, we need those fearless reporters now more than ever. We need them to tell us why the much-needed cuts are being directed only at front line services to inconvenience the tax paying public as mucgh as possible. There must be a story there surely? We also need the new Pilgers to tell us why the gold plated pensions and the Quangos are all to be left left standing while schools and hospitals are closed.
Waiting with bated breath….Panorama, where are you?
…….Wednesday morning, another helping of the same, from the ‘comrades’ at beeboid control !
According to the local news, BBC Oxford are getting all excited because they’ve been given figures (from an anti-speeding group) which show that speeding is up a whopping 88% since the speed cameras were turned off 11 days ago.
The fact that the figures aren’t really meaningful doesn’t bother the BBC, they only had to wait 11 days before they could lay into a coalition policy to discredit it.
If only they had been this keen in quickly finding flaws over past Labour plans the moment they were hatched.
how many accidents stats would be a better measure on speed cameras ,lets have the figures from the drive as fast as you can speed group..
Waiting with bated breath….Panorama, where are you?
They’re doing the Turkish flotilla next week. I can’t wait.
The BBC reported yesterday that speeding in Oxfordshire had increased by 90%, according to evidence from two remaining functional speed cameras.
Two points stand out:
1. The BBC’s report was based on the data collected during not much more than 1 week at two locations, and extrapolated this to cover the entirety of the county. From my experience of driving in the county over the past few days, almost everyone is sticking to the limits set.
2. Does it matter? Surely it would be much more significant if there had been a 90% increase in accident rates (which there has not). It’s a non-report.