The DT reports that the Australian Labour Party leadership usurper is unexpectedly trailing in the polls, meaning she could be the shortest serving Australian P.M. ever.
It does not take much imagination to envisage the opprobrium awaiting the Australian population in BBC reports should they make the “mistake” of removing the beloved Labour Party from power!
The BBC simply cannot accept the truth, they simply cannot allow the viewer to see and hear the truth.
It started so well for the BBC, the ALP was sure to win, a sure thing because as the BBC keeps telling us all, the Liberal leader is about as unpopular as a pom at an Aussie rules footy match, we know this because the BBC keeps telling us this.
The BBC report is little short of a character assassination of Tony(the mad monk)Abbot he is a joke we are told and nobody can imagine him as PM we are told. Abbot is merely gaining ground because of Gillards ALP rubbish campaign, the BBC cannot admit that Liberal right wing politics are popular and his stance on the global warming fraud means he is BBC public enemy No1. Also not mentioned by the BBC is the Aussie electorates real fear that a coalition with the ugly ecofascist greens(watermellons)would bring a veritable economic disaster upon Australia, the Aussies are not about to commit national suicide.
When Rudd was elected I foresaw him lasting three years before the Aussie electorate gave him and his party the bums rush and I may well be right.
Well we will soon know and the BBC will soon forget all about Australia just like they forget Australia exists on their weather forecasts when cold fronts move in.
Yes, Cassie, but it is not only Australia. There are vast areas of the globe which the BBC hardly ever report from. If you relied purely on the BBC for world news , you wouldn’t have a clue what was going on.
If it’s not Africa or “Asia”, it is a lower – or sometimes non-existent – priority for the Beeboids. I find it strange that an organisation that likes the EU so much and categorises us as Europeans when it suits, does relatively little reporting or programmes about Europe. (I mean Europe in general and European countries, not the EU.)
Last night BBC4 “Treasures of the Anglo Saxons” . Is there some competition by directors and cameramen for the most bizarre shots? There seemed to be an obsession with Miss Ramirez’ legs and very high heels. Not once but many times from a very low camera angle. Interesting to say the least.
On a more serious note I noticed the disconnection by the presenter and the script between the Anglo Saxons and the present day English.
No conception that we are still very largely the same people. The Anglo Saxons were treated as if they were a long vanished curiosity from the past. Once again the agenda is there. To drive all feeling for our ancestors and our culture out of our lives.
For the BBC mindset it is always year 1 of the glorious revolution.
I thought they were hefty. The boots were winklepickin’tastic. Great for dominatrixing, not so great for speaking about the Anglo Saxons. Couldn’t concentrate somehow.
Everyone of a certain age has Ozzified vowels. ‘Neighbours’ has a lot to answer for.
dave s: On a more serious note I noticed the disconnection by the presenter and the script between the Anglo Saxons and the present day English.
I think the BBC has abolished the English people. “English” is a banned word there nowadays. It;s not quite as bad with the Scots and Welsh but getting there. I don’t think the Northern Irish exist either.
Crossing Continents, the 5th August edition, started well, charting in a straightforward fashion the persecution faced by Muslim converts to Christianity in North Africa (Egypt, etc):
However, as the programme went on, some worrying but predictable trends appeared, with the presenter at one point appearing to blame one parent for his daughter’s difficulties because he introduced her to Christianity. Then he implied that Christians are offered money to convert, which may happen in some places but I doubt can be generalised. Later though, we went into full Beeboid mode with the presenter eventually seeming to blame the demise of converts in Muslim countries on, yes you guessed it, US televangelists like Joyce Meyer, and the US Bible belt, who have the audacity to fund the spread of the Christian gospel in North African countries. Do the BBC really think that this is a significant factor, and one on which the whole programme should pivot, when the barbarity of the treatment of converts is by far the most significant factor? Or do the BBC think we should just leave them all to thrive under Sharia law? What about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to worship without the threat of death? Shockingly bad stuff from the BBC.
Christianity has a presence in Africa only because of US evangelism? Is history just a malleable plaything for the BBC, to be twisted and altered to suit whatever the emotion of the day is?
In the first programme they covered those in the West who sympathised a little too much with Stalin and his barbarous regime. It was interesting.
In the second programme, yet to be broadcast, they are to assess more modern “Useful Idiots”, not sure who but Galloway, Benn, Pilger, Chomsky and the whole staff of the Guardian and BBC come to mind. Worth listening to I imagine, mainly to see that the BBC will probably not regard modern “Useful idiots” in quite the same way as in the first programme.
Stephen Nolan a man so fat he makes Prescott look like a fashion model is on top form this morning, Nolan doesn’t even hide his anti Tory bias.
In fact Radio 5 have been in full anti Tory voice, with some pointless article about Speed Cameras being turned off and how this had lead to an increase in speeding, who provides this evidence, well a couple of anti car groups of course and all based on ONE DAYS evidence, who does the BBC get to comment on this? why BRAKE of course another anti car group.
Nolan in tears because Nottinghamshire CC is looking at up to 35% cuts “if Labour had won the election (they didn’t by the way BBC) these cuts wouldn’t be happening” states fat boy to Grayling.
What was Grayling’s response ? He should have ripped into Nolan. Or did he just meekly accept it like most Tories ?
I think most of them are masochists who love nothing more than getting a good kicking from a Beeboid.
Talksport doing a phone on about the shit hole that is Peterborough with it’s immigrant dump holes everywhere, the BBC? A story on swapping boys and girls (very useful) and fatty Nolan bleating on about evil Tory cuts.
I think most people are concerned about THEIR city or town becoming the next Peterborough BBC mongs.
I hope we wiill all take time out to enjoy the unrestrained and glowing obituary to Jimmy Reid on the BBC website – rather more enthusiastic than that given last year to the “controversial” union leader Eric Hammond.
Good to know we’re thinking on the same lines, I must say I hadn’t realised what a great man he was. Indeed, not only did he lead a “successful work-in” which “thwarterd the Tory government’s attempts to close the yards” in a campaign which “attracted widespread public support” (even attracting those unlikely, naturally right-wing followers John Lennon and Billy Connolly) he was (and now we’re really on home turf) a “respected journalist and broadcaster” who hosted the Reid Report current affairs programme for (who else?) BBC Scotland. There is a passing reference to his being a “one-time Communist Party member” who “later moderated his views”. He certainly pushed all the right buttons with the BBC.
R4 midday news today.
A eulogy to trade union leader Jimmy Reid, who has died.
He was active against the “Heath Government” ( Boo ! Hiss ! Nasty Tories ) and became a ” National Hero “.
So there you have it, Nelson, Wellington, Churchill and Jimmy Reid, except the Beeboids probably don’t think the first three are “National Heroes “.
The website describes him as a “one-time” member of the CP without saying when. He then went on to become a “respected”,
( I.E. left-wing ) , journalist.
The BBC. Pass the sick bag !
Yes – I’ve been listening to BBC:R4 today and every bl**dy hour there’s a hagiography of Jimmy Reid. And how he saved the Glasgae shipyards. And omitting that he actually died yesterday!
The BBC is really more like the North Korean state broadcaster every day!
Jimmy Reid was a decent enough bloke to meet personally. I once asked him why people on the Left can’t write and he just grinned and said it was a difficult problem.
I see the BBC is running the story about how WE must not offend foreigners who come here for the Olympics. Forgive me but shouldn’t THEY be the ones to avoid offending US, it’s our Country. If I go to a foreign Country I’m expected to be sensitive to local customs, so how come the BBC doesn’t think the same should apply here?
Oh and Radio 5 are NOT HAPPY that lots of people are refusing to give aid to Pakistan because it’s a piss ant Country that does nothing but breed terrorists and disease.
I’m still waiting for BBC footage of the Muslim charities leading the way in organizing aid in Pakistan. Neither Guerin nor Maqbool have found one yet.
Hah! Right on cue, there’s Maqbool on the News Channel right now, showing a close-up shot of a glass charity donation box with a nice red crescent on it. So the Muslims are there doing their bit after all, putting up coin boxes not quite the size of the ones they have at museum entrances and everything. Complaint answered.
Pull back to reveal Maqbool saying something or other about how more aid is needed. But, oops: cut to an actual charity organizer demanding more money from everyone – he’s white. Then it’s back to the studio for a plea from…er…a white member of the UK Government.
But now the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time is being challenged by a gargantuan new clock being built in Mecca, by which the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims could soon be setting their watches.
Due to start ticking on Thursday as the faithful begin fasting during the month of Ramadan, the timepiece sits atop the Royal Mecca Clock Tower which dominates Islam’s holiest city.
Mohammedans around the world will be instructed to synchronize with this clock. Thus, the BBC will have to reset its official timekeeping, because not to do so would be disrespectful. After all, the one in Greenwich is only a white, Western, secular thing, not worthy of the same respect.
Hey, this latest BBC article about the head of the IDF, plus an internal inquiry, defending the use of deadly force agains the armed “activists” on that one boat headed to Gaza, isn’t so bad.
The BBC admits that the Israeli soldiers were met with violent resistance, and does not give more time to anti-Israel types claiming that Israel fired first on unarmed innocents, killing people in cold blood (as Diane Abbot said on air, allowed by the BBC), etc.
My only real complaint is with the very last line:
The restrictions have been widely described as a collective punishment of the population of Gaza.
Kind of like any military action against Nazi Germany or any Nazi-occupied country, or Tojo’s Japan or any place occupied by them was a collective punishment of the civilian population. This is a completely bullshit concept, and must be stopped. The only logical conclusion can be that no military action is acceptable at all.
The fat vile Peter Allen is NOT a happy bunny on Radio 5. Seems lots of people don’t want to give aid to Pakistan. “What about the children” bleats fat boy.
Would this be the same Country that kills girls for no reason, allows them to be married and raped at 14 and brainwashed into being suicide bombers?
The BBC really haven’t got a clue as to just how pissed off people are with Muslims and Pakistan in particular.
Martin , I think I watched that news article. However wasn’t he moaning about people in Pakistan not giving money, hence the ref to that collection box behind him. Which got me thinking, if their own won’t help them why should the rest of the world.
No he was moaning about people not wanting to give money because they see Pakistan as a rat hole for terrorism and they are forever preaching hated towards us. Allen couldn’t understand that, I notice that the BBC sort of gave up reading out emails and texts as the vast majority were anti Pakistan (shock horror)
Poor old Radio 5, all day they’ve been trying to talk the economy down (funny that only just a few months ago they were bigging UP the economy, what could have happened in that short time for the BBC to change their mind?) but all the experts keep saying a double dip recession is unlikely, clearly the poor old BBC will simply have to resort to the usual Liebour party stooges to get the Narrative they want.
Oh and the BBC have been bleating on about Nottingham CC and their 25% job cuts. What crap, it’s easy for staff to do a deal to keep job cuts to a minimum (just as the private sector has done) for example staff could take a pay cut, take voluntary redundancy, take unpaid leave, work part time and so on.
Come on BBC mongs, that what the private sector did, why are you not asking those questions to the public sector?
Interesting article in the Guardian today: “George Galloway, who has declined an invitation to appear on the BBC World Service this evening because he claims he would be “genuinely afraid” to be in the presence of its presenter, John Sweeney. The former MP claims Sweeney, who once famously lost his temper on film after being harassed by the Church of Scientology, is “now officially, probably unbalanced”. Obviously it could not possibly have anything to do with Sweeney wanting to interview Galloway about his work for Press TV, the Iranian state-sponsored channel that broadcast confessions by the regime’s opponents extracted under torture. Galloway says he has been a trenchant critic of Iran, just like he was of Saddam Hussein.”
Yes, there was one time I saw Galloway being challenged on the BBC. On election night when he was first elected as an MP, Jeremy Paxman started off in attack mode by asking Galloway if he was was proud that he had “got rid of one of the very few black women in Parliament”.
It all depends on which special cause trumps which.
Galloway woiuld find an excuse to dodge Neill the way he has Sweeney. Sweeney has done some righteous pieces for the BBC. His Panorama expose inside Mugabe’s Zimbabwe was truly heroic.
Typical BBC, doing the Liebour mongs job of bigging up the cancellation of the playground. So why didn’t Liebour build them when they HAD the money? Why wait until the last year or so when there was no money left?
Oh, that’s right. Can’t put out anything negative at all. Good lap dogs that you are.
Defenders of the indefensible can laugh all you want over at Hillhunt’s blog. You have no defense for this. The BBC is biased, plain and simple, and none of you have a right to think that you’ve proved otherwise. From now on, any one of you who dares to show your face here will be met with derision unless you address this issue. Until then, you’ve got nothing.
Yes, thank you for highlighting this powder-puff trash piece, which has been sitting on the BBC website’s home page for about 24 hours already if not longer. I can’t recall Matt Frei and his associates walking into any of the previous president’s favourite restaurants with rose-coloured spectacles on and writing affectionate reviews.
Florida’s attorney general and a group of state lawmakers moved Wednesday to push the Sunshine State into the forefront of the national illegal immigration debate with a bill modeled after Arizona’s controversial law — only, they claim, with a better shot of withstanding a court challenge.
State Attorney General Bill McCollum, following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor, also issued an opinion saying state law enforcement already have the right to ask about immigration status in the course of their duties.
Hey, what’s that bit about “following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor?” Oh, that’s right: in all their coverage of the illegal immigration noise in the US, the BBC still hasn’t told you about this:
A county in Virginia has passed one of the most aggressive measures targeting illegal immigrants. The Board of Supervisors in Prince William County, outside Washington, D.C., says police will be able to ask about immigration status and county officials will be able to deny services to undocumented persons, ranging from non-emergency medical care to public parks, to libraries. They say they feel compelled to do something in the wake of Congress’s failure to overhaul immigration law. Opponents call the measure racist.
Oops, that’s from 2007! We’re supposed to think this all started recently in Arizona, according to Mark Mardell’s most recent installment. I meant something more contemporary:
In a legal opinion issued Monday, Cuccinelli said Virginia law enforcement officers are authorized to ask about the immigration status of any one in the state who is stopped for another reason – provided it does not significantly add to the overall time of the stop.
The opinion differs from parts of the Arizona law now stalled in courts in that it does not require officers to check on immigration status, only authorizes officers to do so. Cuccinelli issued the opinion in response to a request from a Virginia state delegate, according to the Washington Post.
So even the Obamessiah-supporting MSNBC and Washington Post have mentioned it. Come on, BBC. Stop being dishonest already.
David you don’t really expect the BBC mongs to report things that are inconvenient do you? Why isn’t the BBC hammering Barry over Gitmo? I noted on Fox last night they reckon it will be open in another year as well, so why isn’t Barry getting hammered by the BBC over that? The BBC hammered Bush daily over Gitmo.
As you might have guessed there’s nothing about “following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor” in the BBC’s interpretation, or mention of any of the other states – except, of course, Arizona.
They make very clear that Bill McCollum ia “a Republican running for governor”.
So that’s Arizona, a Republican official in Florida and…the rest is silence!
The EDL is semi-BNP at best. An excellent reason for being semi-hostile to it at least.
The BBC of course, is not hostile to the BNP and its cadres for democratic reasons, but because they’re a rival set of hoods looking to destroy democracy as well.
The EDL is simply what you get when the mainstream views of the English public are ignored. We’re sick to the back teeth with giving ground to Muslims. The BBC twats might like to hide this fact but you only have to look at how the people here are reacting to the Pakistan floods (compared to how we reacted to Haiti) to see we’re sick of the sight of Muslims.
It’s a funny thing reading that article in the link and the kind of language used. I find myself weirdly at sea with all these M words and having to stop and think about who non-Muslims are. Ah, I see…I think you mean us…but that’s not how we think of ourselves:
“It’s a funny thing in Western countries: when non-Muslims are (falsely) suspected of plotting to harm Muslims, non-Muslim authorities work to reassure the Muslim community. When Muslims kill non-Muslims, non-Muslim authorities work to reassure the Muslim community.”
Oh and there’s the dreaded c word, in the dreaded phrase, “the M….. c……..” . I hate that as well.
<!– No EWA –> 11 August 2010Last updated at 01:31
Climate change ‘will increase heart deaths’
<!– $render(“page-bookmark-links”,”page-bookmark-links-head”,{ position:”top”, site:’News’, headline:’BBC News – Climate change \’will increase heart deaths\”, storyId:’10917611′, sectionId:’99108′, url:’′, edition:’Domestic’ }); –> By Michelle RobertsHealth reporter, BBC News
Many more people will die of heart problems as global warming continues, experts are warning.
Climate extremes of hot and cold will become more common and this will puts strain on people’s hearts, doctors say.
Except it’s not what the report says, the report says 200 additional deaths are attributable only to 1C drops in temperature. It specifically says increases have no observable effect.
Yet more bollocks from the BBC, if winters are warmer then fewer people should die from hypothermia and if it got hotter then we would need to modify our houses to be cooler in the summer and keep out of the heat.
Despite claiming that winters are getting warmer, the BBC would still go batshit-crazy if the eeeeeevil Tories abolished the Winter Fuel Allowance. They can’t have it both ways.
It struck me, although it wasn’t mentioned that as the scheme was introduced about two years ago when it was pretty much clear that Labour was about to loose the next election and only getting into effect now that it was probably part of the scorched earth policy that Labour followed to leave the country in a bad a shape as possible for the Tories. Furthermore because it is such an emotive story (cue pictures of sad parents and children standing in mud) it strikes me that Labour knew that this policy would be scrapped and introduced it solely to make the Tories look bad when the inevitable happened. I wonder how many more timebombs like this are out there waiting to hit.
Same script as the schools building scheme. Substitute “playground” for “school” as needed. Then turn in your Big Society Bingo card for a prize of an increased license fee.
The BBC really are twats. Newsnight doing a piece with rat face about the EU fining us for not flying their shit flag. “We take EU money” says the ugly rat faced jock. It isn’t EU money you beeboid mong it’s OUR money just like the TV tax you twats get is also OUR money not YOUR money.
So who does the BBC get to ‘represent us’ the people of England (who are the ones who hate the EU of course), why Billy Bragg good old rent a mong of course.
We are not Europeans, the French, Germans etc are Europeans, we are English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh.
The EU is a festering log laid by Ted Heath and sniffed by every grubby politicians since.
We can’t even get the English flag flown never mind that piss ant rag that is laughingly called the EU flag.
Well said, Martin.
I don’t feel at all European. We have little in common with mainland Europe, spent most of our time either fighting them or fighting to save them.
Surely, it is natural to feel closest to the english speaking countries, including Commonwealth countries ? I can’t understand any Brits who say they are not. I think they are lying.
The EU is a totalitarian disaster, but I fear the UK will never have the guts to get out.
By the way, like your new logo !!!
Ignoring the Tea Party didn’t work. Now Senate Democrats, facing an uphill re-election battles, are trying to use the grassroots conservative movement to portray Republican candidates as too extreme and radical.
Democratic leaders didn’t waste any time this week pouncing on Republican voters choosing Tea Party-backed Ken Buck in Colorado to face Sen. Michael Bennet in November’s general election. Buck, a county prosecutor who talks about eliminating the Education Department, joins Sharron Angle in Nevada and Rand Paul in Kentucky on a list of prominent Tea Party favorites whose rough edges, blunt talk and occasional gaffes have given Democrats hope for fending off a Republican takeover in November.
Episode 2 of “The Normans” BB2 last night. Mostly harmless. I do not know if the presenter writes it or if it is written by a BBC Committee of the Elect but if he writes it it has to be approved by them no doubt.
The agenda by the end was clear. The Normans ,and therefore the English nation later on, more or less invented imperialism ,the raping of weaker nations and the denigration of other cultures.
Drivel of course. There have been many imperial powers. They all behave the same way. Turkish empire, Arabian empire, Roman empire, and so on and so on. it is the way of the world. The reality if you like.
But the Elect can never see it. it is the British,and more specifically the English, who are history’s bad guys.
The cumalative effect is intentional. To trash us and our history.
When the pendulum swings these idiots are going to have a real shock
Orla Guerin reported from Pakistan on Wednesday’s 10 pm News. The message seemed to be the West is hopeless as the people there are left without food and fresh water ….. but the amazing Taliban and their supporters seems to be able to get in as much food, water and medical aid as the people there require without any explanation of how that is achieved (maybe it is huge amounts of money from Iran? But even that doesn’t explain how they can overcome the problems on the ground). And if the Taliban can feed all the people why not let them and it could use up all their money leaving them without the cash for arms.
Radio 4’s Feedback is ostensibly a forum for complaints but actually a spot that allows BBC producers, editors etc to tell us how right they are and how wrong we listeners aka their salary payers are.
The rape of a white girl by Asian muslim men and the BBC’s censoring the words ‘Asian’ and ‘Muslim’ in their bulletins came up.
We invited a representative of BBC news to come on the programme but no-one was available.
They did however give us a written statement: – ‘ limited space… ten minute programme…salient points… child abuse is child abuse irrespective of ethnicity… blah blah blah blah’
Very hard of course in a ten minute bulletin to fit in the extremely long words, ‘Asian’ and ‘Muslim’.
The BBC missed the point (or hid it) that these crime WAS done in the name of Islam, Muslim men look down on non Muslim women, which is hard as they treat their own women like shit to start with, but the BBC just don’t want to get it.
If there was a white group of child abusers that exclusively targetted Asian Muslim children, I’m sure the BBC would somehow find time to work that into the story.
A warm and friendly signing off by Peter Cockroft, weatherman on London BB1 Regional News at 10:30 last night: Peter ended his forecast as usual with the times of sunrise and sunset on the following day. However, unprecedently, he added – against a photo of Regent’s Park Mosque – the words “for those of you observing Ramadan here are [the times of sunset/sunrise tomorrow]”.
When were Moslems incapable of understanding these times without them being drawn to their particular attention – or rather our particular attention? On Yom Kippur will Jews be informed, specifically as Jews, of such times (against a background of one of the larger London synagogues). I don’t think so. To the BBC, Moslems are very very special. Accordingly, they are indulged to a ridiculous degree: reported crimes by Moslems are generally committed by people of no appearance; Moslems – although almost all Asian – are deemed not to be capable of racist-aggravated crime although crimes against Moslems are always considered – or implied as – racist-aggravated. Any act of a Moslem which would be viewed with horror if committed by a non-Moslem (or, worse, a Christian) is, if reported, inevitably followed by a BBC interview with some rent-a-gob from a self-elected representative of the Moslem community unloading all the blame on – effectively – white non-Moslems or British foreign policy or Israel (as a proxy for the real culprits – the Jews).
Another item in the London News last night – part of the “help help it’s the Tory cuts” theme – featured the startling levels of TB in London, particularly in Brent and Newham. Clips were shown of a white derelict and a West Indian tramp apparently suffering from the disease. No mention – not one – that these are areas of substantial Moslem (as well as sub-Saharan) settlement or of the New Scientist (crap I know but broken clocks and all that) paper which revealed this. No mention either – ever – of the high rate of congenital disability (causing enormous expense to the NHS ie the – generally – white non-Moslem taxpayer) due to the custom of marriage to first cousins among Asian Moslems.
And so it continues. Changes of government make no difference. The BBC has its agenda and that’s it. Whether or not the BBC’s DG gets £250,000 pa more or less is a matter of supreme indifference to most people out here. It’s just part of the absurd over-payment of all of those whose salaries are paid by the taxpayer. The important matter is the BBC’s overweening influence on politics and opinion. Concentrating on BBC pay is an excellent deflection ploy (bought into by all the political parties) since a focus on the real scandal of the BBC is thereby avoided.
A couple od weeks ago the BBC was running one of its frequent “HIV isn’t just in the homosexual community” memes. I was told that there was a vast percentage increase in 40 something heterosexuals presenting with HIV. There was NO MENTION of the vast increase in the number of Africans arriving in London. The implication of the story was clearly that HIV was spreading through the population at large and not that the increase could be accounted for by people from sub-saharan africa arriving with the illness and presenting at Newham NHS
There was that Conservative MP who tried to get something done about bringing democracy to the BBC. His idea for consulting the public about programmes was not a workable way to run a broadcasting organisation but he was trying to address a genuine and urgent need: to change how the BBC does work.
The funny thing is that , in muslim countries, most people rely on the Imam to tell them of the start of Ramadan. I have seen two Imams from nearby villages having an argument about when to start the fast. The villagers split down village lines, each supporting their own Imam, with the each village headman having his say.
It was really a political point and power struggle. For me , very funny to witness !
It would be nice if the all-knowing BBC did a report on the political aspects of Ramadan.
This story got a lot of coverage on Sky News on Tuesday but I don’t recall seeing a mention on BBC… seemed like a good idea to me – “The Pakistan Taliban has apparently urged the government to reject international aid for victims of the catastrophic flooding. If foreign help is banned, the Taliban itself would provide the cash needed to deal with the worst floods in the country’s history, according to spokesman..” The BBC would not want to distract us from giving to one of its favourite countries. However, even without any extra personal donations from here I’m sure the coalition will keep chucking money at such things with their ‘ring-fenced’ foreign aid while letting our own country continue its decline.
In order to put the frighteners on the – for once – sceptical public, Orla (shown on BBC1 News at Ten last night in her oh so sensitively draped headscarf – wouldn’t want to cause any offence would we) showed pictures of what she claimed were militants handing out food in Pakistan. She warned us that if we (ie you and me) don’t cough up sharpish the shortage of food will translate into more supporters for terrorism. As if the millions we’ve poured into the cesspit of Pakistan has made the slightest bit of difference either to the conditions of the people of Pakistan or Pakistan’s faltering fight against terrorism. Strangely, the BBC is remarkably reticent about exactly how much Moslem charities in the UK have actually given in emergency relief.
What gets me is how the Taliban can distribute this food aid? The BBC mongs keep pleading that Pakistan needs more UN help (like helicopters) yet a few bushy bearded mong boys are saving millions (according to the very very very ugly Orla Guerin) so why do they need helicopters? unless of course the BBC is talking bollocks as usual.
Oh and classic from the other ugly mong Lyse Dushbag, she was standing under an umbrella wearing a cheap lastic coat and stated “I’m well protected against the rain”
Yes Lyse Douchbag a brolly and a cheap mac are really useful in 10 foot of water, you dozy effing hag.
Have you noticed how Lice Douchebag and oral bulldog chewing a wasp while sucking an unripe lemon soaked in domestos have taken over the not so subtle begging for infidel money job from that islamist slime ball Aleem Macbool who looks as trustworthy as a Bradford market trader!
It looks like the British people just aint sending the folding are they? The only thing I am sending is wishes that it rains harder and washes the whole godforsaken cesspit into the ocean.
Cassandra, viz your closing words .. That’s an utterly disgusting comment I personally would like to dissasociate myself from. I can see how you dont let your pro-Zionism get in the way of voting BNP.
Interesting that this ties in so neatly with Orla Guerin suddenly reporting that only the Taliban are getting much-needed aid relief in to the poor old Pakistani victims (as mentioned by Deborah above).
I see the bBC has gone stupid over the news that 4 coppers are getting charged for assaulting barbar ahmend. 11 o/clock bBC News 24 and already they have spent around 6 minutes on that one story and its breaking news. Meanwhile in East London a mother and daughter found stabbed to death this morning and the same bBC news 24 doesn’t even mention it.
Something tells me the bBC will ensure that the Barbar the terrorist story will soon take second place after Pakistan.
I see the BBC are STILL ignoring this woman in Iran, whilst the rent boy molesting twats whine on about some rag head twat in Gitmo they igonre thereal truth about how Islam treats women.
If even the Telegraph is noticing that The Obamessiah has no clothes, things must be getting pretty bad. None of what Nile Gardiner says will be news to anyone here, but it will come as a shock to those who get their news on the US from the BBC.
Well, it’s not stunning to any of us. All very predictable, really. But I’m glad it’s being noticed at last in the UK press. This part near the top stands out especially:
While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party.
The BBC hasn’t told you about any kind of friction between the White House and the Leftoid activist Democrats, i.e. all the Lefoitd bloggers who pledged allegiance to Him, raised money, promoted Him incessantly, helped with voter fraud…er…registering a record number of Democrat voters to elect Him, all that stuff. These people are convinced that they are the ones who got Him elected, and are unhappy that He hasn’t been Left enough. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs has been busted twice in the last week for scolding them.
This happened in public, at a White House daily press briefing, so at least one BBC employee witnessed it personally. It’s been mentioned in the HuffingtonPost and other sources of BBC opinion and news on US issues, so they all know about it.
Katie Connolly and her twitter buddies have their work cut out for them.
None of it is His fault, anyway. Everything can be blamed on something else: He inherited the economy from Bush, any new economic problems are the fault of Bernanke or someone else, corrupt black Democrats in Congress are the ones who might really hurt the Party, and too many United Statesians are still racist and have an irrational fear of the government helping them in tough times, and are so f#$%ing stupid that they worship Sarah Palin and will follow her to hell.
There, that should do it for the next week of BBC reports.
It’s going to be interesting though seeing how they resolve the conflict between their urge to protect the Obama cause and their sympathy for his even-more-left-wing critics.
Though her ‘live event’ coverage quotes a
smattering of conservatives, it’s very heavilly stacked with liberals and environmentalists – some supportive of Obama, some criticising him from the Left.
(Her tweets show that she knows that the JournOList crowd are getting impatient with Obama.)
So far the urge to protect clearly has the upper hand though.
The BBC can’t report this because then they’d have to mention that little party she had in Spain last weekend. Which they hid from you, while still finding the time to mention that she was made honorary chair of some arts charity.
Perfectly simple for the hive-mind of the Beeboid Borg Collective: Laura Bush is caucasian, MichO is black. It’s the latent racism bubbling to the surface again, which also explains BazO’s lousy ratings, the rise of the Tea Party, all those nasty states trying to exercise some control over illegal immigrants etc etc.
(Personally I think MichO is a wookie, and as we all know they can tear your arm off when upset. Go on Mark Mardell, mention these approval ratings to her !)
I see the BBC reported on Babar Shitbag tonight, interesting that they put his crappy story above another soldier dying of his injuries and they FINALLY reported on the woman in Iran ‘confessing’ to assisting in murder.
Of course the BBC were less interested in telling us much about why he was RE-ARRESTED a year later and is waiting extradition to the USA on terrorism charges, but luckily BBC we have the internet so we can easily find out what this shitbag has been up to.
Funny that the BBC seemed not to be interested in questioning the world of the Iranian Government, they of course are honest Muslims unlike those evil ‘Joows’ who are always lying and can’t be trusted.
The website article on Babar Ahmed avoids mentioning any of the terrorism allegations against him until the penultimate paragraph (25/26) – and it’s a long article!
Instead we get comments from Ahmed himself (pro-Ahmed!), his solicitor Fiona Murphy (pro-Ahmed!), Sadiq Khan MP (pro-Ahmed!) and a spokesman for the Free Babar Ahmad campaign (pro-Ahmed!).
The whole article could pretty much have been written by the Free Babar Ahmad campaign.
As usual, the BBC mentions that the former President of Colombia had US backing in his fight against FARC (inset “analysis” section), but the BBC does not mention whobacksFARC.
See how the BBC (and, admittedly, all the mainstream media who copy and past from biased wire services) spell this suspected killer’s name who was just arrested trying to get on a plane to Israel?
Oh, wait. The BBC doesn’t mention his name at all, unlike everyone else. The BBC does, however, make sure to point that his attacks are probably racially motivated, and especially that he’s an Israeli citizen.
As spelled in most mainstream reports copied from biased wire services, the killer’s name is Elias Abuelazam. If you think that doesn’t sound very Jewish, you’re right.
It’s Elias (a not uncommon name for Christian Arabs) Abu Elazam.
In other words, the BBC is so concerned about hiding his ethnicity from you that they even censored his name when it’s spelled less obivously, and made sure to leave open the suspicion that he’s a Jew.
UPDATE: The BBC has added the name of the captured killer, but takes the spelling from the biased wire service (AP, which has form taking sides against Israel). No mention of any possible alternate spelling or further information as to his ethnic origin. All you know is that he’s a racist Israeli serial killer.
UPDATE 2: Apparently the serial stabber legally changed the spelling of his name in 1995, making it all one word, so the AP and BBC are technically accurate after all. However, I was right that he’s not Jewish, and the BBC should have designated him “Arab-Israeli” the entire time, especially because racism is a key part of the story.
This is from Katie Connolly’s JournoList colleague, Ben Smith.
Last summer, Democrats argued that the tea party movement was the AstroTurf creation of corporate groups. Now that the grass-roots conservative resurgence has emerged as a clear force on the right, the left is making a different case: that tea parties are simply the enemy.
To that end, the Agenda Project, a new, progressive group with roots in New York’s fundraising scene and a goal of strengthening the progressive movement, has launched the “F*ck Tea” project, which is aimed, the group’s founder Erica Payne wrote in an e-mail this morning, “to dismiss the tea party and promote the progressive cause.”
Curiously, the angle of this BBC report about the Canadian military preparing to intercept and board a refugee ship is drastically different from the BBC’s coverage of when Israel did something similar.
Even though both stories concern a government who claims that there is a potential threat to their national security on the boat, only one of them takes the relevant government’s word for it, and does not hide the origins or the boat or what kind of potentially dangerous passengers are one board. It’s all spelled out. I guess it depends on which side one is on.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas
Up2snuffFeb 24, 21:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – remember my earlier post about Katya Adler? It gets worse, this BBC overmanning lark. Apparently, there…
wwfcFeb 24, 21:43 Start the Week 24th February 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she gets better
Lefty WrightFeb 24, 21:39 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Flotsam John Prescott had an egg thrown in his face while walking in the street so I think his retaliation…
By hook or by crook i’ll be first in the book
Dash it, you just beat me to it !
Apologies if covered recently.
Anticipated bias warning.
The DT reports that the Australian Labour Party leadership usurper is unexpectedly trailing in the polls, meaning she could be the shortest serving Australian P.M. ever.
It does not take much imagination to envisage the opprobrium awaiting the Australian population in BBC reports should they make the “mistake” of removing the beloved Labour Party from power!
The BBC simply cannot accept the truth, they simply cannot allow the viewer to see and hear the truth.
It started so well for the BBC, the ALP was sure to win, a sure thing because as the BBC keeps telling us all, the Liberal leader is about as unpopular as a pom at an Aussie rules footy match, we know this because the BBC keeps telling us this.
The BBC report is little short of a character assassination of Tony(the mad monk)Abbot he is a joke we are told and nobody can imagine him as PM we are told. Abbot is merely gaining ground because of Gillards ALP rubbish campaign, the BBC cannot admit that Liberal right wing politics are popular and his stance on the global warming fraud means he is BBC public enemy No1. Also not mentioned by the BBC is the Aussie electorates real fear that a coalition with the ugly ecofascist greens(watermellons)would bring a veritable economic disaster upon Australia, the Aussies are not about to commit national suicide.
When Rudd was elected I foresaw him lasting three years before the Aussie electorate gave him and his party the bums rush and I may well be right.
Well we will soon know and the BBC will soon forget all about Australia just like they forget Australia exists on their weather forecasts when cold fronts move in.
Yes, Cassie, but it is not only Australia. There are vast areas of the globe which the BBC hardly ever report from. If you relied purely on the BBC for world news , you wouldn’t have a clue what was going on.
If it’s not Africa or “Asia”, it is a lower – or sometimes non-existent – priority for the Beeboids. I find it strange that an organisation that likes the EU so much and categorises us as Europeans when it suits, does relatively little reporting or programmes about Europe. (I mean Europe in general and European countries, not the EU.)
Not to mention S. America, apart from Cuba and Venezuela, that is .
Last night BBC4 “Treasures of the Anglo Saxons” . Is there some competition by directors and cameramen for the most bizarre shots? There seemed to be an obsession with Miss Ramirez’ legs and very high heels. Not once but many times from a very low camera angle. Interesting to say the least.
On a more serious note I noticed the disconnection by the presenter and the script between the Anglo Saxons and the present day English.
No conception that we are still very largely the same people. The Anglo Saxons were treated as if they were a long vanished curiosity from the past. Once again the agenda is there. To drive all feeling for our ancestors and our culture out of our lives.
For the BBC mindset it is always year 1 of the glorious revolution.
Did she have decent legs?
Did Anglo-Saxons wear high heels ?
I thought they were hefty. The boots were winklepickin’tastic. Great for dominatrixing, not so great for speaking about the Anglo Saxons. Couldn’t concentrate somehow.
Everyone of a certain age has Ozzified vowels. ‘Neighbours’ has a lot to answer for.
dave s: On a more serious note I noticed the disconnection by the presenter and the script between the Anglo Saxons and the present day English.
I think the BBC has abolished the English people. “English” is a banned word there nowadays. It;s not quite as bad with the Scots and Welsh but getting there. I don’t think the Northern Irish exist either.
We all share the same crime of being “hideously white”.
Crossing Continents, the 5th August edition, started well, charting in a straightforward fashion the persecution faced by Muslim converts to Christianity in North Africa (Egypt, etc):
However, as the programme went on, some worrying but predictable trends appeared, with the presenter at one point appearing to blame one parent for his daughter’s difficulties because he introduced her to Christianity. Then he implied that Christians are offered money to convert, which may happen in some places but I doubt can be generalised. Later though, we went into full Beeboid mode with the presenter eventually seeming to blame the demise of converts in Muslim countries on, yes you guessed it, US televangelists like Joyce Meyer, and the US Bible belt, who have the audacity to fund the spread of the Christian gospel in North African countries. Do the BBC really think that this is a significant factor, and one on which the whole programme should pivot, when the barbarity of the treatment of converts is by far the most significant factor? Or do the BBC think we should just leave them all to thrive under Sharia law? What about freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to worship without the threat of death? Shockingly bad stuff from the BBC.
Christianity has a presence in Africa only because of US evangelism? Is history just a malleable plaything for the BBC, to be twisted and altered to suit whatever the emotion of the day is?
But to be fair to the BBC, they have produced this recently:
4th August edition, called “Useful Idiots”
In the first programme they covered those in the West who sympathised a little too much with Stalin and his barbarous regime. It was interesting.
In the second programme, yet to be broadcast, they are to assess more modern “Useful Idiots”, not sure who but Galloway, Benn, Pilger, Chomsky and the whole staff of the Guardian and BBC come to mind. Worth listening to I imagine, mainly to see that the BBC will probably not regard modern “Useful idiots” in quite the same way as in the first programme.
Stephen Nolan a man so fat he makes Prescott look like a fashion model is on top form this morning, Nolan doesn’t even hide his anti Tory bias.
In fact Radio 5 have been in full anti Tory voice, with some pointless article about Speed Cameras being turned off and how this had lead to an increase in speeding, who provides this evidence, well a couple of anti car groups of course and all based on ONE DAYS evidence, who does the BBC get to comment on this? why BRAKE of course another anti car group.
Nolan in tears because Nottinghamshire CC is looking at up to 35% cuts “if Labour had won the election (they didn’t by the way BBC) these cuts wouldn’t be happening” states fat boy to Grayling.
Just who got us into this mess?
What was Grayling’s response ? He should have ripped into Nolan. Or did he just meekly accept it like most Tories ?
I think most of them are masochists who love nothing more than getting a good kicking from a Beeboid.
He just took it.
Surprise, surprise, bunch of wimpos !
Just clicked on BBC website to see what’s on TV today. Up came the message “Sorry, we have no programme information for that date ” !
Ah. If only…
Too much to hope for !
Talksport doing a phone on about the shit hole that is Peterborough with it’s immigrant dump holes everywhere, the BBC? A story on swapping boys and girls (very useful) and fatty Nolan bleating on about evil Tory cuts.
I think most people are concerned about THEIR city or town becoming the next Peterborough BBC mongs.
I hope we wiill all take time out to enjoy the unrestrained and glowing obituary to Jimmy Reid on the BBC website – rather more enthusiastic than that given last year to the “controversial” union leader Eric Hammond.
I did my post before I read yours !
Good to know we’re thinking on the same lines, I must say I hadn’t realised what a great man he was. Indeed, not only did he lead a “successful work-in” which “thwarterd the Tory government’s attempts to close the yards” in a campaign which “attracted widespread public support” (even attracting those unlikely, naturally right-wing followers John Lennon and Billy Connolly) he was (and now we’re really on home turf) a “respected journalist and broadcaster” who hosted the Reid Report current affairs programme for (who else?) BBC Scotland. There is a passing reference to his being a “one-time Communist Party member” who “later moderated his views”. He certainly pushed all the right buttons with the BBC.
Pushed all the left buttons, surely !
I see that shit hole Pakistan is also responsible for new killer bugs in hospitals, if their suicide bombers don’t get us the bugs will.
Ah the joys of multiculturalism!
R4 midday news today.
A eulogy to trade union leader Jimmy Reid, who has died.
He was active against the “Heath Government” ( Boo ! Hiss ! Nasty Tories ) and became a ” National Hero “.
So there you have it, Nelson, Wellington, Churchill and Jimmy Reid, except the Beeboids probably don’t think the first three are “National Heroes “.
The BBC forgot to mention that , at the time of Reid’s confrontation with the Heath Government, he was a member of the Communist Party.
The website describes him as a “one-time” member of the CP without saying when. He then went on to become a “respected”,
( I.E. left-wing ) , journalist.
The BBC. Pass the sick bag !
Yes – I’ve been listening to BBC:R4 today and every bl**dy hour there’s a hagiography of Jimmy Reid. And how he saved the Glasgae shipyards. And omitting that he actually died yesterday!
The BBC is really more like the North Korean state broadcaster every day!
Jimmy Reid was a decent enough bloke to meet personally. I once asked him why people on the Left can’t write and he just grinned and said it was a difficult problem.
Perhaps he should have tried using a big crayon like the one eyed mong does.
At least Jimmy was a bit more articulate than Prescott.
Who isn’t!
I see the BBC is running the story about how WE must not offend foreigners who come here for the Olympics. Forgive me but shouldn’t THEY be the ones to avoid offending US, it’s our Country. If I go to a foreign Country I’m expected to be sensitive to local customs, so how come the BBC doesn’t think the same should apply here?
Oh and Radio 5 are NOT HAPPY that lots of people are refusing to give aid to Pakistan because it’s a piss ant Country that does nothing but breed terrorists and disease.
I’m still waiting for BBC footage of the Muslim charities leading the way in organizing aid in Pakistan. Neither Guerin nor Maqbool have found one yet.
David, the BBC won’t mention it because as usual the big rich Muslim Countries do jack shit.
Hah! Right on cue, there’s Maqbool on the News Channel right now, showing a close-up shot of a glass charity donation box with a nice red crescent on it. So the Muslims are there doing their bit after all, putting up coin boxes not quite the size of the ones they have at museum entrances and everything. Complaint answered.
Pull back to reveal Maqbool saying something or other about how more aid is needed. But, oops: cut to an actual charity organizer demanding more money from everyone – he’s white. Then it’s back to the studio for a plea from…er…a white member of the UK Government.
Better luck next time, BBC.
Beeboids will be resetting their watches soon. Will they tell you to as well?
Giant Mecca clock seeks to call time on Greenwich
But now the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time is being challenged by a gargantuan new clock being built in Mecca, by which the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims could soon be setting their watches.
Due to start ticking on Thursday as the faithful begin fasting during the month of Ramadan, the timepiece sits atop the Royal Mecca Clock Tower which dominates Islam’s holiest city.
Mohammedans around the world will be instructed to synchronize with this clock. Thus, the BBC will have to reset its official timekeeping, because not to do so would be disrespectful. After all, the one in Greenwich is only a white, Western, secular thing, not worthy of the same respect.
They will be setting their bombs to the the Muslim clock, how nice.
Hey, this latest BBC article about the head of the IDF, plus an internal inquiry, defending the use of deadly force agains the armed “activists” on that one boat headed to Gaza, isn’t so bad.
The BBC admits that the Israeli soldiers were met with violent resistance, and does not give more time to anti-Israel types claiming that Israel fired first on unarmed innocents, killing people in cold blood (as Diane Abbot said on air, allowed by the BBC), etc.
My only real complaint is with the very last line:
The restrictions have been widely described as a collective punishment of the population of Gaza.
Kind of like any military action against Nazi Germany or any Nazi-occupied country, or Tojo’s Japan or any place occupied by them was a collective punishment of the civilian population. This is a completely bullshit concept, and must be stopped. The only logical conclusion can be that no military action is acceptable at all.
Well, I guess the author and his editor had to have some escape clause to defend the article to their Nazi Left colleagues.
The fat vile Peter Allen is NOT a happy bunny on Radio 5. Seems lots of people don’t want to give aid to Pakistan. “What about the children” bleats fat boy.
Would this be the same Country that kills girls for no reason, allows them to be married and raped at 14 and brainwashed into being suicide bombers?
The BBC really haven’t got a clue as to just how pissed off people are with Muslims and Pakistan in particular.
Martin , I think I watched that news article. However wasn’t he moaning about people in Pakistan not giving money, hence the ref to that collection box behind him. Which got me thinking, if their own won’t help them why should the rest of the world.
No he was moaning about people not wanting to give money because they see Pakistan as a rat hole for terrorism and they are forever preaching hated towards us. Allen couldn’t understand that, I notice that the BBC sort of gave up reading out emails and texts as the vast majority were anti Pakistan (shock horror)
Poor old Radio 5, all day they’ve been trying to talk the economy down (funny that only just a few months ago they were bigging UP the economy, what could have happened in that short time for the BBC to change their mind?) but all the experts keep saying a double dip recession is unlikely, clearly the poor old BBC will simply have to resort to the usual Liebour party stooges to get the Narrative they want.
Oh and the BBC have been bleating on about Nottingham CC and their 25% job cuts. What crap, it’s easy for staff to do a deal to keep job cuts to a minimum (just as the private sector has done) for example staff could take a pay cut, take voluntary redundancy, take unpaid leave, work part time and so on.
Come on BBC mongs, that what the private sector did, why are you not asking those questions to the public sector?
Because Beeboids are too thick to think of things like that.
Interesting article in the Guardian today:
“George Galloway, who has declined an invitation to appear on the BBC World Service this evening because he claims he would be “genuinely afraid” to be in the presence of its presenter, John Sweeney. The former MP claims Sweeney, who once famously lost his temper on film after being harassed by the Church of Scientology, is “now officially, probably unbalanced”. Obviously it could not possibly have anything to do with Sweeney wanting to interview Galloway about his work for Press TV, the Iranian state-sponsored channel that broadcast confessions by the regime’s opponents extracted under torture. Galloway says he has been a trenchant critic of Iran, just like he was of Saddam Hussein.”
Thing is I can’t see Galloway ever getting a hard time off a beeboid, I really can’t.
Yes, there was one time I saw Galloway being challenged on the BBC. On election night when he was first elected as an MP, Jeremy Paxman started off in attack mode by asking Galloway if he was was proud that he had “got rid of one of the very few black women in Parliament”.
It all depends on which special cause trumps which.
Well he would off John Sweeney and Andrew Neill. I think we should be talking up the pockets of integrity at the BBC, not talking them down.
True Andrew Neil would give Galloway a kicking.
Galloway is such a fragile sensitive flower, we should cherish him.
Galloway woiuld find an excuse to dodge Neill the way he has Sweeney. Sweeney has done some righteous pieces for the BBC. His Panorama expose inside Mugabe’s Zimbabwe was truly heroic.
So Galloway does not consider himself “unbalanced”.
Typical BBC, doing the Liebour mongs job of bigging up the cancellation of the playground. So why didn’t Liebour build them when they HAD the money? Why wait until the last year or so when there was no money left?
Not that the BBC ever points this out.
Just like the schools building scheme. About which the BBC helpfully reminded us.
And how about all the playing fields which were flogged off under Labour ?
Who says the BBC is dumbing down? Just look at this quality bit of beeboid reporting.
“Inside obama’s favourite burger joint”
You know I think my £145 a year is worth it for that report alone (not)
If the BBC have time to report this sort of shit, they are clealry able ot make big cuts.
Unbelievable. Hey you propaganda artists at the BBC: How about going to the fancy hotel and restaurants and the public beach that was closed down in Spain where Michelle Obama spent the President’s birthday at taxpayers’ expense – without Him?
Oh, that’s right. Can’t put out anything negative at all. Good lap dogs that you are.
Defenders of the indefensible can laugh all you want over at Hillhunt’s blog. You have no defense for this. The BBC is biased, plain and simple, and none of you have a right to think that you’ve proved otherwise. From now on, any one of you who dares to show your face here will be met with derision unless you address this issue. Until then, you’ve got nothing.
When I saw it was one of your posts , I naturally misread “burger” at first glance 😉
Yes, thank you for highlighting this powder-puff trash piece, which has been sitting on the BBC website’s home page for about 24 hours already if not longer. I can’t recall Matt Frei and his associates walking into any of the previous president’s favourite restaurants with rose-coloured spectacles on and writing affectionate reviews.
I see it’s being reported that the new ship planned to break the Gaza blockade is to be called the “Audacity of Hope”, The BBC will love that.
I await Mark Mardell or any of the newly recruited Obamessiah campaign workers to do a report about this:
Florida AG McCollum, Lawmakers, Unveil Immigration Bill Modeled After Arizona’s
Florida’s attorney general and a group of state lawmakers moved Wednesday to push the Sunshine State into the forefront of the national illegal immigration debate with a bill modeled after Arizona’s controversial law — only, they claim, with a better shot of withstanding a court challenge.
State Attorney General Bill McCollum, following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor, also issued an opinion saying state law enforcement already have the right to ask about immigration status in the course of their duties.
Hey, what’s that bit about “following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor?” Oh, that’s right: in all their coverage of the illegal immigration noise in the US, the BBC still hasn’t told you about this:
Va. County Passes Law Targeting Illegal Immigrants
A county in Virginia has passed one of the most aggressive measures targeting illegal immigrants. The Board of Supervisors in Prince William County, outside Washington, D.C., says police will be able to ask about immigration status and county officials will be able to deny services to undocumented persons, ranging from non-emergency medical care to public parks, to libraries. They say they feel compelled to do something in the wake of Congress’s failure to overhaul immigration law. Opponents call the measure racist.
Oops, that’s from 2007! We’re supposed to think this all started recently in Arizona, according to Mark Mardell’s most recent installment. I meant something more contemporary:
Virginia wades into illegal immigraiton battle
In a legal opinion issued Monday, Cuccinelli said Virginia law enforcement officers are authorized to ask about the immigration status of any one in the state who is stopped for another reason – provided it does not significantly add to the overall time of the stop.
The opinion differs from parts of the Arizona law now stalled in courts in that it does not require officers to check on immigration status, only authorizes officers to do so. Cuccinelli issued the opinion in response to a request from a Virginia state delegate, according to the Washington Post.
So even the Obamessiah-supporting MSNBC and Washington Post have mentioned it. Come on, BBC. Stop being dishonest already.
David you don’t really expect the BBC mongs to report things that are inconvenient do you? Why isn’t the BBC hammering Barry over Gitmo? I noted on Fox last night they reckon it will be open in another year as well, so why isn’t Barry getting hammered by the BBC over that? The BBC hammered Bush daily over Gitmo.
Well David, they’ve just reported the Florida story:
Florida attorney general seeks tougher immigration law
As you might have guessed there’s nothing about “following the lead of Virginia’s top prosecutor” in the BBC’s interpretation, or mention of any of the other states – except, of course, Arizona.
They make very clear that Bill McCollum ia “a Republican running for governor”.
So that’s Arizona, a Republican official in Florida and…the rest is silence!
The spin machine is almost as fast as I am. LOL.
Correction. They were four minutes faster than I was. And forgot to mention Virginia and Rhode Island.
Can you imagine a sympathetic BBC story with the headline:
‘England aims to raise patriotic youth’?
BBC report:
“Georgia aims to raise patriotic youth”
As we know, the BBC is hostile to the patriotic English Defence League.
The EDL is semi-BNP at best. An excellent reason for being semi-hostile to it at least.
The BBC of course, is not hostile to the BNP and its cadres for democratic reasons, but because they’re a rival set of hoods looking to destroy democracy as well.
The BBC is in favour of all patriotism providing it is not British or American.
The BBC isn’t hostile to fanatics like the MCB and dozens of other such pressure groups and loony outfits masquerading as respectable. Why isn’t it?
The EDL is simply what you get when the mainstream views of the English public are ignored. We’re sick to the back teeth with giving ground to Muslims. The BBC twats might like to hide this fact but you only have to look at how the people here are reacting to the Pakistan floods (compared to how we reacted to Haiti) to see we’re sick of the sight of Muslims.
‘Jihadwatch’ on English Defence League:
It’s a funny thing reading that article in the link and the kind of language used. I find myself weirdly at sea with all these M words and having to stop and think about who non-Muslims are. Ah, I see…I think you mean us…but that’s not how we think of ourselves:
“It’s a funny thing in Western countries: when non-Muslims are (falsely) suspected of plotting to harm Muslims, non-Muslim authorities work to reassure the Muslim community. When Muslims kill non-Muslims, non-Muslim authorities work to reassure the Muslim community.”
Oh and there’s the dreaded c word, in the dreaded phrase, “the M….. c……..” . I hate that as well.
From BBC Health section:
<!– No EWA –> 11 August 2010 Last updated at 01:31
Climate change ‘will increase heart deaths’
<!– $render(“page-bookmark-links”,”page-bookmark-links-head”,{ position:”top”, site:’News’, headline:’BBC News – Climate change \’will increase heart deaths\”, storyId:’10917611′, sectionId:’99108′, url:’′, edition:’Domestic’ }); –>
By Michelle Roberts Health reporter, BBC News
Many more people will die of heart problems as global warming continues, experts are warning.
Climate extremes of hot and cold will become more common and this will puts strain on people’s hearts, doctors say.
Except it’s not what the report says, the report says 200 additional deaths are attributable only to 1C drops in temperature. It specifically says increases have no observable effect.
Cut and paste didn’t look anything like that, sorry all. Here’s my take:
Yet more bollocks from the BBC, if winters are warmer then fewer people should die from hypothermia and if it got hotter then we would need to modify our houses to be cooler in the summer and keep out of the heat.
It’s a typical piece of crap reporting
Despite claiming that winters are getting warmer, the BBC would still go batshit-crazy if the eeeeeevil Tories abolished the Winter Fuel Allowance. They can’t have it both ways.
I would have thought that , statistically, this would be impossible to measure ?
I’m betting the BBC won’t be reporting this story.
Scientists are still unclear as to the cause of ‘blocking events’ although there have been some research that linked them to low solar activity.
I was listening to radio 2 today, Jeremy Vine I think discussing the cancellation of the unfunded playground building scheme.
It struck me, although it wasn’t mentioned that as the scheme was introduced about two years ago when it was pretty much clear that Labour was about to loose the next election and only getting into effect now that it was probably part of the scorched earth policy that Labour followed to leave the country in a bad a shape as possible for the Tories. Furthermore because it is such an emotive story (cue pictures of sad parents and children standing in mud) it strikes me that Labour knew that this policy would be scrapped and introduced it solely to make the Tories look bad when the inevitable happened. I wonder how many more timebombs like this are out there waiting to hit.
Same script as the schools building scheme. Substitute “playground” for “school” as needed. Then turn in your Big Society Bingo card for a prize of an increased license fee.
Of course the BBC will always remind us about all the playing fields flogged off by Labour.
The BBC really are twats. Newsnight doing a piece with rat face about the EU fining us for not flying their shit flag. “We take EU money” says the ugly rat faced jock. It isn’t EU money you beeboid mong it’s OUR money just like the TV tax you twats get is also OUR money not YOUR money.
So who does the BBC get to ‘represent us’ the people of England (who are the ones who hate the EU of course), why Billy Bragg good old rent a mong of course.
We are not Europeans, the French, Germans etc are Europeans, we are English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh.
The EU is a festering log laid by Ted Heath and sniffed by every grubby politicians since.
We can’t even get the English flag flown never mind that piss ant rag that is laughingly called the EU flag.
Now Martin, you know redistributing wealth knows no boundaries at the BBC. Property is theft, theft is property.
Well said, Martin.
I don’t feel at all European. We have little in common with mainland Europe, spent most of our time either fighting them or fighting to save them.
Surely, it is natural to feel closest to the english speaking countries, including Commonwealth countries ? I can’t understand any Brits who say they are not. I think they are lying.
The EU is a totalitarian disaster, but I fear the UK will never have the guts to get out.
By the way, like your new logo !!!
We should be burning the EU flag not flying it.
We will be soon Grant, when the consequences start to arrive at the doors of ordianry people then trouble there will be in spades!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) would like this flag up on Broadcasting House, as well:
“EU tax and the ultimate surrender of Britain’s sovereignty”
Read more:
Nice of newsnight to focus more on why Brits are reluctant to fly the EU flag and less on the fine itself.
Oh my Gordon Bennett.
Here is a whole hour of Richard Black.
What a total, vacuous prat.
His ignorance shines through.
Attention BBC News Online staff in the US: You have your marching orders.
83 Days to decide: Democrats Seek to Paint Tea Party-Backed Candidates as Radical
Ignoring the Tea Party didn’t work. Now Senate Democrats, facing an uphill re-election battles, are trying to use the grassroots conservative movement to portray Republican candidates as too extreme and radical.
Democratic leaders didn’t waste any time this week pouncing on Republican voters choosing Tea Party-backed Ken Buck in Colorado to face Sen. Michael Bennet in November’s general election. Buck, a county prosecutor who talks about eliminating the Education Department, joins Sharron Angle in Nevada and Rand Paul in Kentucky on a list of prominent Tea Party favorites whose rough edges, blunt talk and occasional gaffes have given Democrats hope for fending off a Republican takeover in November.
Redundant BBC, and its retread non-stories:
Mark Mardell = Mark Easton = repeat non-story:
“The authenticity of the special relationship”
Episode 2 of “The Normans” BB2 last night. Mostly harmless. I do not know if the presenter writes it or if it is written by a BBC Committee of the Elect but if he writes it it has to be approved by them no doubt.
The agenda by the end was clear. The Normans ,and therefore the English nation later on, more or less invented imperialism ,the raping of weaker nations and the denigration of other cultures.
Drivel of course. There have been many imperial powers. They all behave the same way. Turkish empire, Arabian empire, Roman empire, and so on and so on. it is the way of the world. The reality if you like.
But the Elect can never see it. it is the British,and more specifically the English, who are history’s bad guys.
The cumalative effect is intentional. To trash us and our history.
When the pendulum swings these idiots are going to have a real shock
Orla Guerin reported from Pakistan on Wednesday’s 10 pm News. The message seemed to be the West is hopeless as the people there are left without food and fresh water ….. but the amazing Taliban and their supporters seems to be able to get in as much food, water and medical aid as the people there require without any explanation of how that is achieved (maybe it is huge amounts of money from Iran? But even that doesn’t explain how they can overcome the problems on the ground). And if the Taliban can feed all the people why not let them and it could use up all their money leaving them without the cash for arms.
Oh, so the BBC found the Muslim charity leading the effort at last, eh?
Radio 4’s Feedback is ostensibly a forum for complaints but actually a spot that allows BBC producers, editors etc to tell us how right they are and how wrong we listeners aka their salary payers are.
The rape of a white girl by Asian muslim men and the BBC’s censoring the words ‘Asian’ and ‘Muslim’ in their bulletins came up.
We invited a representative of BBC news to come on the programme but no-one was available.
They did however give us a written statement: – ‘ limited space… ten minute programme…salient points… child abuse is child abuse irrespective of ethnicity… blah blah blah blah’
Very hard of course in a ten minute bulletin to fit in the extremely long words, ‘Asian’ and ‘Muslim’.
The BBC missed the point (or hid it) that these crime WAS done in the name of Islam, Muslim men look down on non Muslim women, which is hard as they treat their own women like shit to start with, but the BBC just don’t want to get it.
If there was a white group of child abusers that exclusively targetted Asian Muslim children, I’m sure the BBC would somehow find time to work that into the story.
A warm and friendly signing off by Peter Cockroft, weatherman on London BB1 Regional News at 10:30 last night: Peter ended his forecast as usual with the times of sunrise and sunset on the following day. However, unprecedently, he added – against a photo of Regent’s Park Mosque – the words “for those of you observing Ramadan here are [the times of sunset/sunrise tomorrow]”.
When were Moslems incapable of understanding these times without them being drawn to their particular attention – or rather our particular attention? On Yom Kippur will Jews be informed, specifically as Jews, of such times (against a background of one of the larger London synagogues). I don’t think so. To the BBC, Moslems are very very special. Accordingly, they are indulged to a ridiculous degree: reported crimes by Moslems are generally committed by people of no appearance; Moslems – although almost all Asian – are deemed not to be capable of racist-aggravated crime although crimes against Moslems are always considered – or implied as – racist-aggravated. Any act of a Moslem which would be viewed with horror if committed by a non-Moslem (or, worse, a Christian) is, if reported, inevitably followed by a BBC interview with some rent-a-gob from a self-elected representative of the Moslem community unloading all the blame on – effectively – white non-Moslems or British foreign policy or Israel (as a proxy for the real culprits – the Jews).
Another item in the London News last night – part of the “help help it’s the Tory cuts” theme – featured the startling levels of TB in London, particularly in Brent and Newham. Clips were shown of a white derelict and a West Indian tramp apparently suffering from the disease. No mention – not one – that these are areas of substantial Moslem (as well as sub-Saharan) settlement or of the New Scientist (crap I know but broken clocks and all that) paper which revealed this. No mention either – ever – of the high rate of congenital disability (causing enormous expense to the NHS ie the – generally – white non-Moslem taxpayer) due to the custom of marriage to first cousins among Asian Moslems.
And so it continues. Changes of government make no difference. The BBC has its agenda and that’s it. Whether or not the BBC’s DG gets £250,000 pa more or less is a matter of supreme indifference to most people out here. It’s just part of the absurd over-payment of all of those whose salaries are paid by the taxpayer. The important matter is the BBC’s overweening influence on politics and opinion. Concentrating on BBC pay is an excellent deflection ploy (bought into by all the political parties) since a focus on the real scandal of the BBC is thereby avoided.
Starting next week the BBC will be reminding everyone to set their watches to that new clock in Mecca.
A couple od weeks ago the BBC was running one of its frequent “HIV isn’t just in the homosexual community” memes. I was told that there was a vast percentage increase in 40 something heterosexuals presenting with HIV. There was NO MENTION of the vast increase in the number of Africans arriving in London. The implication of the story was clearly that HIV was spreading through the population at large and not that the increase could be accounted for by people from sub-saharan africa arriving with the illness and presenting at Newham NHS
There was that Conservative MP who tried to get something done about bringing democracy to the BBC. His idea for consulting the public about programmes was not a workable way to run a broadcasting organisation but he was trying to address a genuine and urgent need: to change how the BBC does work.
The funny thing is that , in muslim countries, most people rely on the Imam to tell them of the start of Ramadan. I have seen two Imams from nearby villages having an argument about when to start the fast. The villagers split down village lines, each supporting their own Imam, with the each village headman having his say.
It was really a political point and power struggle. For me , very funny to witness !
It would be nice if the all-knowing BBC did a report on the political aspects of Ramadan.
Is it actually that difficult to identify sunrise and sunset ?
Here’s my “Handy Tip Of The Day For Our Bestest Muzzie Chums”:
“Put your food outside. When you can’t find it without a torch, then you’re A-OK to tuck in.”
“Supplementary Handy Tip”:
“Buy A Torch.”
This story got a lot of coverage on Sky News on Tuesday but I don’t recall seeing a mention on BBC… seemed like a good idea to me – “The Pakistan Taliban has apparently urged the government to reject international aid for victims of the catastrophic flooding. If foreign help is banned, the Taliban itself would provide the cash needed to deal with the worst floods in the country’s history, according to spokesman..” The BBC would not want to distract us from giving to one of its favourite countries. However, even without any extra personal donations from here I’m sure the coalition will keep chucking money at such things with their ‘ring-fenced’ foreign aid while letting our own country continue its decline.
In order to put the frighteners on the – for once – sceptical public, Orla (shown on BBC1 News at Ten last night in her oh so sensitively draped headscarf – wouldn’t want to cause any offence would we) showed pictures of what she claimed were militants handing out food in Pakistan. She warned us that if we (ie you and me) don’t cough up sharpish the shortage of food will translate into more supporters for terrorism. As if the millions we’ve poured into the cesspit of Pakistan has made the slightest bit of difference either to the conditions of the people of Pakistan or Pakistan’s faltering fight against terrorism. Strangely, the BBC is remarkably reticent about exactly how much Moslem charities in the UK have actually given in emergency relief.
What gets me is how the Taliban can distribute this food aid? The BBC mongs keep pleading that Pakistan needs more UN help (like helicopters) yet a few bushy bearded mong boys are saving millions (according to the very very very ugly Orla Guerin) so why do they need helicopters? unless of course the BBC is talking bollocks as usual.
Oh and classic from the other ugly mong Lyse Dushbag, she was standing under an umbrella wearing a cheap lastic coat and stated “I’m well protected against the rain”
Yes Lyse Douchbag a brolly and a cheap mac are really useful in 10 foot of water, you dozy effing hag.
Have you noticed how Lice Douchebag and oral bulldog chewing a wasp while sucking an unripe lemon soaked in domestos have taken over the not so subtle begging for infidel money job from that islamist slime ball Aleem Macbool who looks as trustworthy as a Bradford market trader!
It looks like the British people just aint sending the folding are they? The only thing I am sending is wishes that it rains harder and washes the whole godforsaken cesspit into the ocean.
Cassandra, viz your closing words .. That’s an utterly disgusting comment I personally would like to dissasociate myself from. I can see how you dont let your pro-Zionism get in the way of voting BNP.
Umbongo, As DP indicated earlier, where do you think the Taliban are getting the money from?
Interesting that this ties in so neatly with Orla Guerin suddenly reporting that only the Taliban are getting much-needed aid relief in to the poor old Pakistani victims (as mentioned by Deborah above).
I see the bBC has gone stupid over the news that 4 coppers are getting charged for assaulting barbar ahmend. 11 o/clock bBC News 24 and already they have spent around 6 minutes on that one story and its breaking news. Meanwhile in East London a mother and daughter found stabbed to death this morning and the same bBC news 24 doesn’t even mention it.
Something tells me the bBC will ensure that the Barbar the terrorist story will soon take second place after Pakistan.
Expect the full force of the BBC output to big up this story, BBC Radio 5, News 24, Newsnight and the Toady show.
Well, as of 8 o’clock it is the second story on the BBC website!
I see the BBC are STILL ignoring this woman in Iran, whilst the rent boy molesting twats whine on about some rag head twat in Gitmo they igonre thereal truth about how Islam treats women.
Improving? In pictures: In the eyes of Saudi women The BBC shilling for the Saudis.
It was ‘Allah’s will’ when the Tsunami ‘cleansed the sin’ of other non Islamin countries according to certain Pakistani Imans.
Will the BBC be seeking him out again for a quote on the floods?
If even the Telegraph is noticing that The Obamessiah has no clothes, things must be getting pretty bad. None of what Nile Gardiner says will be news to anyone here, but it will come as a shock to those who get their news on the US from the BBC.
The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 10 reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown
Well, it’s not stunning to any of us. All very predictable, really. But I’m glad it’s being noticed at last in the UK press. This part near the top stands out especially:
While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party.
The BBC hasn’t told you about any kind of friction between the White House and the Leftoid activist Democrats, i.e. all the Lefoitd bloggers who pledged allegiance to Him, raised money, promoted Him incessantly, helped with voter fraud…er…registering a record number of Democrat voters to elect Him, all that stuff. These people are convinced that they are the ones who got Him elected, and are unhappy that He hasn’t been Left enough. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs has been busted twice in the last week for scolding them.
This happened in public, at a White House daily press briefing, so at least one BBC employee witnessed it personally. It’s been mentioned in the HuffingtonPost and other sources of BBC opinion and news on US issues, so they all know about it.
Katie Connolly and her twitter buddies have their work cut out for them.
To the BBC, all those 10 reasons for Obama’s fall are not serious. And even if they were serious, they still think the sun shines out of his ass.
None of it is His fault, anyway. Everything can be blamed on something else: He inherited the economy from Bush, any new economic problems are the fault of Bernanke or someone else, corrupt black Democrats in Congress are the ones who might really hurt the Party, and too many United Statesians are still racist and have an irrational fear of the government helping them in tough times, and are so f#$%ing stupid that they worship Sarah Palin and will follow her to hell.
There, that should do it for the next week of BBC reports.
It’s going to be interesting though seeing how they resolve the conflict between their urge to protect the Obama cause and their sympathy for his even-more-left-wing critics.
Something of that dilemma is already present in Katie Connolly’s two (JournOLister-packed) website pieces on Obama’s Oil Spill Address, one a ‘live event coverage’:
Though her ‘live event’ coverage quotes a
smattering of conservatives, it’s very heavilly stacked with liberals and environmentalists – some supportive of Obama, some criticising him from the Left.
(Her tweets show that she knows that the JournOList crowd are getting impatient with Obama.)
So far the urge to protect clearly has the upper hand though.
And will they dare break this news to Kim Ghattas?:
Michelle Obama popularity falls
A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows that Mrs Obama is less popular than Laura Bush. (Cue exploding beeboid heads!)
The BBC can’t report this because then they’d have to mention that little party she had in Spain last weekend. Which they hid from you, while still finding the time to mention that she was made honorary chair of some arts charity.
Perfectly simple for the hive-mind of the Beeboid Borg Collective: Laura Bush is caucasian, MichO is black. It’s the latent racism bubbling to the surface again, which also explains BazO’s lousy ratings, the rise of the Tea Party, all those nasty states trying to exercise some control over illegal immigrants etc etc.
(Personally I think MichO is a wookie, and as we all know they can tear your arm off when upset. Go on Mark Mardell, mention these approval ratings to her !)
I see the BBC reported on Babar Shitbag tonight, interesting that they put his crappy story above another soldier dying of his injuries and they FINALLY reported on the woman in Iran ‘confessing’ to assisting in murder.
Of course the BBC were less interested in telling us much about why he was RE-ARRESTED a year later and is waiting extradition to the USA on terrorism charges, but luckily BBC we have the internet so we can easily find out what this shitbag has been up to.
Funny that the BBC seemed not to be interested in questioning the world of the Iranian Government, they of course are honest Muslims unlike those evil ‘Joows’ who are always lying and can’t be trusted.
Exactly. Why is the US seeking extradition ? What are the grounds for the extradition application ?
I need not ask why the BBC fails to tell us these salient facts.
The website article on Babar Ahmed avoids mentioning any of the terrorism allegations against him until the penultimate paragraph (25/26) – and it’s a long article!
Instead we get comments from Ahmed himself (pro-Ahmed!), his solicitor Fiona Murphy (pro-Ahmed!), Sadiq Khan MP (pro-Ahmed!) and a spokesman for the Free Babar Ahmad campaign (pro-Ahmed!).
The whole article could pretty much have been written by the Free Babar Ahmad campaign.
It probably was !
As usual, the BBC mentions that the former President of Colombia had US backing in his fight against FARC (inset “analysis” section), but the BBC does not mention who backs FARC.
See how the BBC (and, admittedly, all the mainstream media who copy and past from biased wire services) spell this suspected killer’s name who was just arrested trying to get on a plane to Israel?
Oh, wait. The BBC doesn’t mention his name at all, unlike everyone else. The BBC does, however, make sure to point that his attacks are probably racially motivated, and especially that he’s an Israeli citizen.
As spelled in most mainstream reports copied from biased wire services, the killer’s name is Elias Abuelazam. If you think that doesn’t sound very Jewish, you’re right.
It’s Elias (a not uncommon name for Christian Arabs) Abu Elazam.
In other words, the BBC is so concerned about hiding his ethnicity from you that they even censored his name when it’s spelled less obivously, and made sure to leave open the suspicion that he’s a Jew.
I wonder what reason the BBC will give for not mentioning his name, when it is being so widely reported elsewhere? It seems so extraordinary.
Here’s another detail I bet they’ll neglect to add when/if they update the story:
Abu Elazam, who spoke a Palestinian dialect, was waiting to board a plane for Israel at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport when he was arrested (The Detroit News)–had-to-do-something-to-somebody-#ixzz0wQHhLWRV
UPDATE: The BBC has added the name of the captured killer, but takes the spelling from the biased wire service (AP, which has form taking sides against Israel). No mention of any possible alternate spelling or further information as to his ethnic origin. All you know is that he’s a racist Israeli serial killer.
UPDATE 2: Apparently the serial stabber legally changed the spelling of his name in 1995, making it all one word, so the AP and BBC are technically accurate after all. However, I was right that he’s not Jewish, and the BBC should have designated him “Arab-Israeli” the entire time, especially because racism is a key part of the story.
On sale soon in the canteen of the BBC studios in Washington, DC, and probably in the BBC Worldwide offices in NYC:
Dem group launches ‘F*ck Tea’ campaign
This is from Katie Connolly’s JournoList colleague, Ben Smith.
Last summer, Democrats argued that the tea party movement was the AstroTurf creation of corporate groups. Now that the grass-roots conservative resurgence has emerged as a clear force on the right, the left is making a different case: that tea parties are simply the enemy.
To that end, the Agenda Project, a new, progressive group with roots in New York’s fundraising scene and a goal of strengthening the progressive movement, has launched the “F*ck Tea” project, which is aimed, the group’s founder Erica Payne wrote in an e-mail this morning, “to dismiss the tea party and promote the progressive cause.”
Can you imagine beeboid coverage on this, right this second, if it was Israel?
Will the assorted “piss activists” IHH supporters and D. Cameroon (thanks Sue) AND the turkish delightful bbc be addressing this I wonder?
Curiously, the angle of this BBC report about the Canadian military preparing to intercept and board a refugee ship is drastically different from the BBC’s coverage of when Israel did something similar.
Even though both stories concern a government who claims that there is a potential threat to their national security on the boat, only one of them takes the relevant government’s word for it, and does not hide the origins or the boat or what kind of potentially dangerous passengers are one board. It’s all spelled out. I guess it depends on which side one is on.
Good comparison David!