The powerful Jewish lobby hasn’t been controlling the media very well recently. A legal amnesty on criminal activities appears to have crept in, unnoticed by the MSM. Not all criminal activities qualify, before you go out a-lootin’ and a-pillagin’. Only ones that are for the noble cause of delegitimising Israel. Specially if his honour the judge happens to have strong feelings, as was the case with His Honour George Bathurst-Norman; and now another judge has jumped on the bandwagon and acquitted another bunch of rowdies. Their antics have been disrupting trade in Covent Garden’s Ahava store and surrounding shops because Ahava is Israeli owned, and some of its products are from the West Bank.
“The activists insisted that they were legally justified in their actions as they claim the shop’s activities are illegal because the products on sale in the shop originate from Mitzpe Shalem, an Israeli settlement on the West Bank and are deliberately mislabeled as “made in Israel”.
Wham Bam Acquitted!
The BBC doesn’t report this case, but as they reported the outcome of the Brighton factory trial without mentioning the judge’s emotional instructions to the jury, but showed instead a video of the vandals’ joy at their acquittal, it was clear that they didn’t think upholding the law was necessary. With the proviso that it’s all for a good cause, of course.
Another political judgement from the UKs’ useless “judges”.
“George Bathurst-Norman” sounds like a character from “Private Eye”.
Anyway, he should get up to date and change his name from “Bathurst” to “Banjul”. What a prat !
The BBC supports the cause, so their reporting is tainted. This is the same BBC which pretended it was something else when those “activists” climbed over a fence and put up a Palestinian flag over the building of an Israeli company during that celebrated protest against the third runway at Heathrow.
I presume the Israelis live in hope that things here will improve. They won’t and it would be sensible to recognise this , They should withdraw their ambassador and expel the BBC. That would at least show recognition of the reality of the situation. It would enrage the liberal elite but they are terminally enraged anyway so the effect would be negligible. In the end it will come to this . We are dealing with the irrational here.
The law which used to protect us has been perverted and now the law stands against the law abiding British people, thugs can act like Nazi brown shirts and smash up things they hate AND the law protects them. Green shirts vandalise and walk free and brown shirt Jew baiters are now free to smash up Jewish shops.
The law that used to be our ultimate protector is now our enemy, judges and police now act on behalf of a minority who rule like commissars.
Sooner or later the law abiding majority will have to realise the truth and realise that only we ourselves can defeat this tyranny of the minority. Now the hate filled brown shirts can range free and vent their Jew hatred with impunity, the rise in attacks on jews and Jewsish owned businesses will increase and pretty soon we will descend into the nightmare of the 30s Germany. A green light to attack Jews has just been given.
And so, a gang of anti-Semites vandalise a firm supplying the IDF. A patently anti-Semitic judge is brought out of retirement as a one off to hear the case. Under his wantonly biased directions, the vandals are acquited. Did these vandals know something we didn’t about who would hear their case?
Does this mean I can now go and trash the premises of
anything or anyone supplying Turkey? Cos of their war crimes and use of illegal weapons?
Isn’t Harrods owned by the Qataris? Time to tie ourselves to a cement barrel to protest profits from this shop going to support Qatari exploitation of foreign labour.
With apologies to Hughes Mearns
Yesterday, upon the stair
I met an islamic warcrime that wasnt there
It wasnt there again today,
Oh how I wish that islamic warcrime would be properly investigated by a truly impartial international commitee.
What is the recourse for these travesties? Are there no rights of appeal in the UK? If these results are to stand, what happens the next time someone wants to attack Jewish-owned properties?
Does this mean that if a Jewish person is attacked in the UK that all the criminal has to claim is that he was acting against Israeli interests?
I will surely not set foot in the UK nor will I allow anyone of my family to do so until I am sure that we would be safe there.
I am afraid this is an open invitation for all Jew baiters/anti semites/racists/islamists to crawl out from under their stones and go on a state sponsored rampage. I say state sponsored because giving legal protection to the hate rabble is just that. Political gangs of rent a rabble bullies opperating the brownshirts smashing up things and allowed free reign to vent their hatred.
What about the police? Yeah what about the police! Now reduced to state thugs protecting their masters interests while stamping on the ordinary British people, the political classes with two levels of state protection, first is the law and then comes the street thugs to do the dirty work the state cannot be seen to be indulging in.
You thought the day would never come? You thought that the WWs meant we could never be reduced to this? Welcome to the new world order.
I have no confidence in the British police or judicial system whatsoever. They have been totally politicised by the previous rotten government and actively work against the interests of the decent, law-abiding majority. They are a disgrace to this country.