Hey, who would have guessed it but Mona Siddique, Professor of Islamic Studies and Director for the Study of Islam, was back on Thought for the Day this morning! You will recall I mentioned the frequency of her appearances but last week and now she is back on again talking about the Religion of Peace. It’s almost as if the person who controls religious output on the BBC has a pro-Muslim tendency….
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At least she spoke out against honour killings and forced marriages. I wish more Muslims would do so.
It’s time ALL sky-pilot nonsense was removed from the Beeb.
Why should we have to pay to allow them to broadcast propaganda for their CHOSEN religion?
Away with such superstitious rubbish.
Here it comes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) and its RAMADAN propaganda:
“A month without food for Ramadan in Bradford”
“Dozy bint of the week”
Funny how all of a sudden ‘Asians’ in Bradford all become MUSLIMS, shame the BBC can’t point that out when the very same morons are sending their 14 year old daughters off to Pakistan to be raped and married to a mong with no teeth and a beard
Indeed – they suddenly become “British” and with no mention of the Religion of Peace anywhere.
Islam Not BBC (IN BBC), sympathetically reports the Taliban e.g. Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ Doucet.
The Taliban has now decreed that no infidel aid should be allowed to Pakistan.
Shock decision against Council worker sacked for mentioning GodThere is widespread shock following the news that Duke Amachree has lost his case, having been sacked for mentioning God in the workplace. An employment tribunal has ruled that it was reasonable for Wandsworth Council to dismiss Duke, after he was sacked for gross misconduct for suggesting to a client with an incurable illness not to give up hope and to try putting her faith in God. The tribunal also found that the Council had not discriminated against Mr Amachree on the basis of his religion. In addition, the tribunal took the view that Duke had breached confidentiality by publicising his case. The decision has come as a huge surprise to Duke and to his legal team.
Well he should have converted ot Islam then there would be no problem.
or as it is Wandsworth – Rastafarian would have been OK ?
And Wandsworth is Tory controlled, used to be a flagship of trying to run local government properly.
Yes, I am sure if he went around muttering “In the name of Allah”, or “Peace be upon him”, there would have been no investigation, no dismissal and no tribunal.
I wouldn’t like some council worker telling me to put my faith in God or Richard Dawkins but for heaven’s sake (oops! I mentioned heaven), what happened to a sense of proportion?
On the facts as reported there, no way in the world is that gross misconduct. Unless there is a lot we don’t know, it’s a correctable minor inadvertent error requiring no more than a word in the ear from the manager and an assurance from the employee that there will be no more telling people to put their faith in God or any kind of proselytising.
Mona Siddique chose to talk about clan murders – sorry, “honour killings”.
She could have uttered a really fierce and rational condemnation, but slid off into mealy-mouthed soft words at the end, Islam as the Religion of Justice etc.
Later on I caught one episode of Book of the Week – the vapid “I am a Muslim, Please”. Another apologist for this angry ideology – remembering the book burnings in Bradford, with locals saying “We are not British, we are Islamic”. That was 20 or so years ago, that is when the real warning flags went up – and still we did not close the gates to the influx of intolerant and ill-educated ( or often NIL educated) peasants.
Yes, that’s true. We should have closed the doors then but it got much worse during the Labour government misrule of 13 years.
To begin with, Pakistani immigrant men used to be clean shaven with short hair and dressed in western suits. And the women didn’t wear those black shrouds but long silky draped robes or tunic-and-pyjamas type outfits. It was Sikhs who were controversial, kicking up about turbans and the like. Then we had the Rushdie book and the Muslims kicking up a fuss and now we see them wearing all sorts of weird garb, hair growth and walking shrouds. Where happened to the suits, the clean shavers and pyjamas? I suppose there might be some correlation with the Ayatollah carry-on that started up in Iran in about 1979, if I remember correctly.
The timing of her appearance to speak on this very topic shows that this was an editorial decision to reflect current events. Interesting use of a religious slot. I wonder why they chose Siddique again so soon, though? Either she’s on speed dial and is the most convenient, always available, or the Muslim head of BBC religious broadcasting simply couldn’t find another Mohammedan to speak out on air against honor killings and violently enforced arranged marriages.
Either way, this is yet another example of the BBC attempting to manipulate public opinion about Islam. A nasty bit of business in the news perpetrated by Mohammedans again? No worries: get Siddique in the studio to show the bigoted masses that it’s against Islam, honestly, must be something else causing this. Social Cohesion target met. Thought for the Day is a topical news item, when it suits the BBC’s needs. Isn’t that nice?
And dear dave wants us to take Turkey into the EU?….is he totally nuts?…..FFS!!!!!!
Time for the men in white coats.
Oh no, I forgot, of course all those nice Muslims will help us solve the problem of Iran having a nuke. Of course you know it makes sense.
Apart from the murderous family practices, the brutal governments and all the rest of it, when I look at the earthquakes and floods that seem to hit Muslim countries particularly hard (they have earthquakes in Italy, but somehow they’re not so hugely catastrphic) I sometimes wonder whether Allah, if he exists, is actually all that keen on Mohammedans.