Anyone catch Mark Mardell’s take on Obama’s latest u-turn on the building of a Mosque at Ground Zero? Note how Mardell lashes “the right” whilst claiming that Obama is “middle of the road”. Also, for good measure, Mardell conjures up images of Islamphobia to make us feel sorry for America’s beseiged Muslims. Is Marky getting a little upset that “The One” is looking more and more like a one term President? Surely not?
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Interesting that Mardell referred to people who don’t agree with Obama as his “enemies” rather than his opponents. Odd that. I thought Obama was going to bring everyone together – but instead his administration seems set on demonizing opponents, and Fatboy Mardell is only too happy to help by calling them enemies.
Obama got a Nobel peace prize IN ADVANCE because people were so sure he would spread peace’N’harmony wherever he roamed, in reality he is simpky another chisseling Chicago politician on the make and as the Texans would say he is all hat and no oil.
As usual with the leftists, what is advertised is never what you get and what a turkey Obama turned out to be FFS even his own party are waking up to the poison chalice filled with the cult kool aid.
Yes we cant and no we can…er..or something like that eh? Nobel prize? more like a knobend prize.
What an utter joke the peace prize was, you know I’d forgotten all about that. I can’t stop laughing.
The way that advance-Nobel prize was reported in the Obamedia was the nearest thing to a political wet dream you will ever see.
Indeed, as lardy Mardell himself gushes:
“…I am in danger of being captured by Washington cynicism and the narrative of the president’s enemies, who see any sign of what Americans call “reaching out” as weakness and failure.
I expect a day of sneering reaction from the conservative media here. But in much of the rest of the world, Obama really is seen as a beacon of hope for a better future, a symbol of a more grown-up America…”
Pass the sick bag. But that quote from lardy is such blatant bias, there is no way the BBC can defend it.
But I agree with him. Obama is a beacon of hope for all enemies of democracy, freedom, rule of law, civilisation and decency. That is one reason why I hate him so much.
What Lardy Mardy and his fellow leftist retards can’t or won’t get is that it’s the Islamofascist enemy that sees Obama’s “reaching out” as a sign of weakness and failure. Obama’s naivety in failing to understand how militant Islam will perceive this “outreach” policy is just plain dangerous.
I had forgotten as well. It is utterly surreal. The world has gone mad !
Excellent spot, RR.
INBBC-Mardell, like ‘New York Times’:-
“‘NY Times’ Scrubs Imam Rauf’s Controversial Islamic Supremacist Ground Zero Mosque Remark, ‘New York is the capital of the world, and this location close to 9/11 is iconic'”
PAMELA GELLER (who runs this excellent ‘Atlas Shrugs’ site) for President!:
CNN on Ground Zero Mosque: It’s All Geller’s Fault!
Appropriately, Pamela Geller calls CNN, ‘Crescent News’.
This was utterly breathtaking. The casual way the bias was taen for granted genuinely indicates that these stinking privileged, greedy, grasping Beeboids simply do not get it, and never will.
But even this pales into insignificance when compared with the Stephen Fry programme that followed Today. Ostensibly about language, it was actually a hilarious half-hour rant about Gender Politics. I honestly thought I’d stumbled upon satire when I turned it on. But no, this was po-faced humourless, idiotic lefty feminism, you know, the infantile, reductivist nonsense that has “men being powerful and greedy” and women being weak, submissive and innocent. And the BBC trying to sanitise this by having that big, shallow bore Stephen Fry presenting (especially amusing was his rather desperate attempts to be acceptable by the scowling professor of Gender Studies cos he is “a gay man”.
Try and catch it – it provides yet another example of how utterly detached the stinking, stealing BBC is from the audience that funds it. And how intellectually corrupt and redundant.
The humourlessness of the Professor of Gender Studies (which, like the BBC, we pay for) is an absolute treat. Amost worth a post on its own.
Yes I caught that report. Mardell kept referring to opponents of the super-mosque almost scathingly as ‘ the right’ … I would have thought that should have been ‘normal, responsible American citizens’. The BBC really does wind me up these days – I’m becoming a regular contributor to this site as a result!
Welcome and to the BBC ‘right’ is a convenient shorthand for ‘wrong’.
Yes as many Democrats are not keen on the Mosque being built there either.
Keep on posting, the more the merrier !
CNN poll has only 29% in favour of the mosque, almost the same number as believe Obama may not have been born in the US. Since the latter belief is held only by knuckle-dragging stump-toothed mountain men who shag their sisters, what does that say about the mosquers? Are they equally unrepresentative of responsible American opinion and, more to the point, will the BBC treat them with the same contempt?
A short asnswer – yes.
Just listened to it, and even accounting for the usual bias and bilge this was absolutely outrageous. I’ve posted elsewhere on B-BBC that I’ve been watching US TV for the last week and Mardell’s item is not at all representative of the US view across the networks.
And for the record: CNN is a paragon of professional, objective and responsible journalism when compared the the BBC.
2:04 “On the right it’s an unspoken assumption that American means conservative, white and Christian.”
What utter rubbish. I can’t believe I’m forced to pay for this loony lefty to spew his commie bilge all over the airwaves.
Paul, surely you mean “hideously white”, don’t you?
I’m not even going to bother watching this. Everyone here has confirmed that Mardell spouted exactly what I’ve been complaining about for ages. I’m glad people are learning not to trust him, or any of the BBC on US issues.
David P,
I don’t don’t think most people on this site need to learn not to trust the BBC full stop !
Okay, I lied. I couldn’t resist listening. I had a good long laugh at him talking about how Obamessiah supporters are upset with the President’s backpedalling. Mardell is really angry that his beloved Obamessiah isn’t sticking it to His “enemies”. The anger in his voice is palpable. Really, really funny.
What a piece of garbage. The report or Mardell: you decide.
Of course, as always, there’s something Mardell and the BBC don’t want you to know about this:
N.Y. Governor to Meet With Ground Zero Mosque Developers, but No Plans to Relocate
New York Gov. David Paterson has renewed efforts to broker a deal over a proposed Islamic cultural center that would include a mosque near Manhattan’s Ground Zero, but a key voice in the discussion denied to Fox News any plans to relocate.
Paterson last week offered his help and the possibility that state land could be used for an alternative site for the project.
Hmm. A black Democrat Governor of a state that elected Hillary Clinton as Senator twice. Is this one of the “enemies” Mardell is talking about? Doesn’t fit the Narrative, so the BBC hides this from you.
Still, Mardell’s outburst reminds me of this:
Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings; yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord. 12But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts they too will perish.
They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness. But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—a beast without speech—who spoke with a man’s voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.
(2 Peter 2:10 – 16)
Mardell, obviously, is the donkey rebuking us.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) and Mardell will not put the arguments of the following excellent detailed critique of the building, global Islamic finance and political purpose of Ground Zero Mosque, (inc 17 min video clip: link at end of article):
“How to Stop the Ground Zero Mega Mosque”
Oh, dear. Here’s another prominent Democrat Mark Mardell will have to rebuke:
Dean Comes Out Against Proposed Mosque Near Ground Zero
Notice how even the nasty, right wing Fox News accurately qualifies it as “near” GZ, and not the more inflammatory “Ground Zero Mosque”. Evil Uncle Rupert’s orders not received, I guess.
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, in a surprise move Wednesday, became the second high profile Democrat to come out against the building of a cultural center and mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero.
“This is something that we ought to be able to work out with people of good faith,” Dean said in an interview with WABC radio.
“We have to understand that it is a real affront to people who’ve lost their lives, including Muslims.
“That site doesn’t belong to any particular religion … So I think a good reasonable compromise could be worked out without violating the principle that people ought to be able to worship as they see fit.”
Maybe Dean’s full of it, and is just creating a smoke screen so they can create the appearance of compromise and respecting the wishes of the bereaved families while still going straight ahead with the project. I don’t know. But this sounds reasonable to me. Will the BBC portray him as caving in to the foaming-at-the-mouth brigade? Blame it on pandering during an election cycle? Will Mark Mardell get even angrier?
Mardell toes the political line of Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on defending Obama’s support for Ground Zero Mosque.
Littlejohn doesn’t:
“If a mosque opens at Ground Zero on 9/11 next year, Obama can kiss the White House goodbye”
Read more:
At an Iftar dinner in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed that he supports the building of the Ground Zero mosque as part of his “unshakable commitment to religious freedom”. Which of course sounds very noble and good, until you ask a single question, Where is the religious freedom in the Muslim world?
Obama has made the case for Islam in America, on the grounds that America’s religious diversity promotes the religious freedom of all. Islam no less than any other belief system. Yet if introducing Islam into America promotes religious freedom, then why is there no religious freedom in the Muslim world? Why are churches firebombed in Malaysia because Christians presumed to use the word Allah? Why are non-Muslims forbidden to enter the city of Mecca, from which Jews and Christians were ethnically cleansed by Mohammed? Why are Coptic Christians being oppressed and humiliated by the Egyptian government? Why are Muslims murdering Buddhist teachers in Thailand? There are a thousand examples, all of which add up to a single conclusion– Muslims demand religious freedom, yet are not willing to give it to others.
This has ominous implications for the prospects of religious freedom in America. Nor is this a theoretical issue. Jews are fleeing European cities in record numbers because of Muslim persecution. The recent case of Malmo, highlights the fact that Islam actually threatens religious diversity. Simply to protect themselves, Malmo’s 650 Jews were forced to spend half a million Kronor a year. The situation is much the same across Europe, as Jewish institutions are forced to become fortresses. What the Nazis did not succeed in accomplishing in Europe, the rise of Islam seems to be doing.
Nor are Christians safe, they are simply in the majority for now. But Christians and other religions were once in the majority in the Middle East. Until they were massacred and repressed by the tidal wave of Islam. Today the religions that were once a majority, whether it is Jews in Israel, Christians in Byzantium or Zoroastrians in Persia, have become oppressed minorities. Some may take comfort in the notion that “It can’t happen here.” But the fate of Europe’s Jews, shows that it can happen here. And that it is happening here.
Zoroastrians in Persia, or Christians in Byzantium, for all practical purposes, has been wiped out in their original native lands. Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh are in a similar phase.
John Wesley, ” Such was, and is to this day, the rage, the fury, the revenge, of these destroyers of human kind”.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) claims that Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim.
INBBC ‘report’:
“Growing number in America believe Obama a Muslim – poll”
(I wonder why growing number of Americans believe this?)
A short video clip from Robert Spencer of ‘JIHADWATCH’ on whether Obama is a Muslim:
“Spencer interview: Is Obama a Muslim?”