This week’s Any Questions and its loony appendage Any Answers.
For once the panel consisted of two estimable non-leftists, Douglas Murray and Baroness Ruth Deech, but their rational approach was counteracted by Quilliam founder Maajid whassisname and Alex von-something-to-do-with-Jeremy Paxman. Her PC fanaticism was more than enough to outweigh the others, with plenty left over for a rainy day.
The questions raised concerned Tony Blair’s ‘generosity’, the NY mosque, Lockerbie and Pakistan. The Islam theme interwove the programme, continuing throughout A.A.
Most of the callers thought Douglas Murray and Ruth Deech represented evil personified, but towards the end a courageous caller tentatively put forward the suggestion that the Islam theme permeated the BBC itself! Oohh Nooo!
In an ironically humourous twist of fate obviously engineered by the Jewish Lobby, the trail immediately following the programme was for the upcoming propaganda fest: “British Muslims, Father and Son.”
Laugh? I nearly split my sides.
Taken from the last link:
“Steve Evans tells an extraordinary story of a father and son and their very different experiences of being a British Muslim. From the generations of Begg family military history, to Moazzam almost joining the British army,”
What is it with people claiming to have almost joined the forces? Did Mr Begg attend Basic training and fail or did he simply fill in the old army averts you used to find in the Victor.
What a pathetic statement , I once had an argument with some bloke who once he found out he was losing changed it to “Your pension, will be more than I earn” And I replied well whose bloody fault is that not bloody mine?
Same with Mr Bloody Innocent. Anybody knows where he hangs out as I’ve a good mind to ensure he has a good reason to claim that he is a bloody victim.
Ermm, BBC studios?
Almost joined the army could mean anything. Maybe he walked past the recruitment office one day, but instead of going in went to get a kebab.
When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut (actually, I always will). Does that mean I was nearly an astronaut? And is that basically as good as sitting in a capsule on top of several tonnes of high explosives 360 feet in the air and then being shot into space to piss out my bones and be bombarded with cosmic radiation? I guess if I was a Muslim and had done something criminal, it would be for the BBC.
The axis attack line is clear now, its coming from the BBC as always is the case.
The leftists are pimping the mosque row as an invention by none other than Sarah Palin, the mosque is in fact merely a cultural centre!
The BBCs line via BBC dateline London is that who can object to a cultural centre that just happens to have a small prayer room somewhere in it?
Aaaaah I see whats happening here I think, the BBC in association with its partners in the leftist journolist lobby are attempting to reframe the narrative. The BBC is often the showcase for these reframing attempts, we saw it with the climategate email scandal with a BBC silent as the grave churning out false excuses and then when the lobby had its co ordinated line ready then out they came and pimped their raddled and ugly wares like a $5 crack whore(appologies to crack whores everwhere).
Laugh? I nearly had a car crash on a roundabout!
To all the punk fans out there – raise a glass to Johnny Rotten’s slapdown of BBC-style kneejerk attitudes on the Middle East :
Thanks for that link John, and good on you Johnny Rotten. I saw the Sex Pistols live in ’76 or whenever and I always knew J. Lydon was a lot smarter than he let on. So I will certainly raise a glass to his brave sneer towards the indignant Left …but then again any excuse! Go Johnny, go go go….
Quite an entertaining programme. Host has a good sense of humour – sharp.
Pity that Douglas Murray and the baroness didn’t know about the dubious associations of the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque.
Eddie Mair was brilliant. He sat through 50 minutes of high-fallutin’ ill-informed hot air, the most rabid of evilly ignorant Anti Scottish discrimination and finished with a wonderful set-up and slam-dunk on Baroness Deech.
The last question was “W’d the mimmbis of the punnil engba embaqqe on a university course today, knowing they could be twintee fooive thousand pounds in debt boi the endiveet?”
(Think Birmingham when you read it.)
Ruth Deech was last to be invited to comment…
Mair: (Cooly), “Ruth Deech, I’ll give you £25,000 if you can summarise your views on this subject in about 30-odd seconds”.
Baroness Deech: Waffle .. “It tooke mey nyne tryes to get up to Oxford – including Caymbridge, but it was worth it … waffle… It’s all about intelligence and intelligibility“.. {unspoken message I am conseederably reechaah and more in-teeliginte than yaoh} .. waffle. Stop. .
Mair: (oh-so-silkily) “I’m afraid you went slightly over – so the money isn’t yours..”
That is the BBC Any Questions put-down of the decade for my money!
Great to hear a run of decent commentators like Delingpole, Murray etc.
Eddie Mair considerably better than Dimbleby Minor, so am grateful for small mercies.
1. When a Baroness Deetch can waffle herself out of £25,000 becuase she cannot help but listen to herself for minutes then we clearly have overpaid her…who the hell is she anyway,if not a Quango Queen?
2. Funny how sensible some of the phone-in listeners can be-the ones where we were to told to “read these holy books” before commenting on faith was great-pity poor Eddie did not grasp its importance and simplicity…but I did.
3. The man who said that the BBC are Islam infatuated in all regards was on the button-yet poor Eddie again could not grasp its significance…still at least he did not cut him off as Jonathan would have done,so thanks for that at least.
4. For every couple of good speakers like these ,we always get the producers chums from GuardianLand to spout the Beebs required lines on tap…still they are ludicrous if unaware of their fallacies over the Ground Zero “debates” that mean nothing to us here. If Obama is that craven in his own land then the Beeb are doomed are they not?
4. John Lydon is an honest and honourable man who strikes no poses anymore, but speaks truthfully…God bless him!
No doubt the compliance officers will be back with Dimbleby soon-so enjoy the relative free thought we arew getting this summer…let a thousand flowers bloom eh Beeboids?