Anyone noticed the ‘Mohammed Quotient’ [number of accused called Mohammed divided by the total number of accused] of the gangs involved in the fake crash scam?
Is suspect the MC will be very high in tonght’s investigation into forced incest among certain communities in the North West.
Alaskans fear for their way of life because nasty Big Oil is coming to drill under their children’s beds? Where’s The Obamessiah, BBC? I thought you told me He was banning all this and had promised to bring us to the Promised Land of Green Energy?
The stupid Beeboid doesn’t understand the most basic of market principles, either. When told that, after the oil spill reduced fish stocks, prices went up all over the country. Ignorant BBC correspondent asks if prices went up “even for fish that weren’t affected by the spill?” Yes, BBC, when supply doesn’t meet demand, prices go up even on the product being sold to meet that demand.
Still, not a single word about the President? Ah, I see why:
Wait: this is about drilling on land? Then why is the BBC trying to get us worked up over the perils of off-shore drilling and spills in the ocean? It’s just another manufactured story.
This thing is still going on. Scaremongering plain and simple. Oooh, it gets really cold up there, how with the hydraulics cope with it? Yes, that’s right: oil companies have never dealt with extreme temperatures, nobody’s ever come up with technology to work in cold climates.
And of course the only voices for the opposing view are an Evil Big Oil mouthpiece (can’t trust him), the most vulgar angle (“those stupid tree-huggers”), and somebody saying, “the oil has to come from somewhere”. I didn’t see anyone actually eating babies, but maybe that part got edited out for time considerations.
Aha, at the end, the Beeboid says, “President Obama says He wants to end the country’s addiction to oil”. Really, BBC? Is that why he opened up all that land for drilling you lying sacks of suet?
It’s very amusing to see the HuffPosters crying about the scales falling from their eyes and how they’ve lost faith in Him. They’ve given up because they think the President has moved too far to the Right! These over-emotional babies are so spoiled that they’ve forgotten their triumphalism over ObamaCare.
It’s like the Hebrews in the desert grumbling and turning away from God. What has He done for us lately? Oh, ye of little faith. If all those who worked so hard to raise money, corrupt the news media, and stir up enthusiasm to get Him elected have lost faith so soon, what hope is there?
Well, they are dissidents arent they? They arent part of the peace process, and aren’t part of Sinn Fein, so it seems the description is fiarly accurate. Anyone can tell that the Real IRA of today is not the same body/people of the IRA of pre 98.
James no one seems keen on looking at who exactly they are. I’m guessing they fear finding out as it may burst a few bubbles.
I find it interesting that the “I can’t believe its not the” IRA haven’t tried turned on the Provo IRA with an outbreak of killing each other yet as that is the Republican way.
That’s an interesting point. Surely it’s newsworthy, and the BBC should be sending somebody to look into who these “dissidents” are who want so badly to disrupt the “peace process”.
The BBC is now giving promotional space to the defense fund for the disgruntled soldier who, with the help of the hackers and WikiLeaks, stole government documents so they could be published online. Of course, unlike when they reported on the CRU emails, the BBC refuses to use the terms “hacked” or “stolen”. Instead, they say he’s suspected of “giving” the documents to the hackers at WikiLeaks.
The point of this news brief is to announce that the “documentary” filmmaker Michael Moore has given money to the defense fund, thus giving publicity to the cause. The BBC announces the dollar amount (a bit inappropriate, but it will encourage others to give generously, right, BBC?), and helpfully spells out the full name of the fund organization. At least they didn’t link directly to it. Yet.
Moore doesn’t make “documentaries”, BBC, he makes propaganda films in the manner of Leni Riefenstahl, and you know it. But because the BBC has full respect for the “fake but accurate” crowd, it’s cool, and Moore is a hero and now and example to us all.
Never, as those were hacked and stolen by nefarious criminal climate denying scum, who clearly had a political agenda and outside support. Crucifixion’s too good for ’em.
If the beeboids EVER get around to reporting this story, you can bet Pakistani will be replaced with ‘Asian’ again
My family is not unique. In the UK more than 50 per cent of British Pakistanis marry their cousins – in Bradford that figure is 75 per cent – and across the country the practice is on the rise and also common among East African, Middle-Eastern and Bangladeshi communities.
Remember how the BBC played up the birth defects in Fallujah? Not a single mention of this lovely traditional Islamic custom that would probably explain the vast majority of defects.
Cold statistics like these are a major one-in-the-eye for the deluded cretins who argue that, given time, these communities will integrate with the mainstream. The divergence is actually increasing.
These things are called facts, so you won’t find them on the BBC.
And even more bad news for BBC Comrades to stomach, is that their beloved Party is Almost Bankrupt
I can feel a “New labour in need” night of programming in the pipeline, where we’ll all be “entertained” by BBC luvvies, and encouraged to dig deep into our already fleeced pockets to “Save New Labour”..
And why no mention on the BBC of the Muslim response to the Hurricane Katrina? There was an awful lot of 9/11-style dancing in streets and cries of ‘It’s the will of Allah!’
Try Googling ‘will of allah katrina’ and you’ll see what I mean.
Mind you, it seems that the lack of response to the Pakistan floods by Muslom nations means that there’s a certain amount of consistency going on!
“And throughout the day tomorrow we’ll be live in Pakistan for a day of coverage about the floods which are devastating the country. That’s throughout the day here on BBC News Channel.”
I wonder how many fat beeboids they’ve sent out to Pakistan, no doubt holed up in a 5 star hotel somewhere and certainly not having to take a dump in the local river.
Next query (I’ve been away from this site for ages, so I’m keen to catch up!)
Every couple of hours, on BBC Parliament, they’re repeating the Radio5 ‘Labour Leadership Candidate’ debate, hosted by VD. A room full of Dave Spart-types and wimmin, earnestly addressing the ‘problem’ of the non-Labour government, with VD nodding in furious agreement. I can’t remember anything equivalent when the Conservatives had the same process.
Mind you, we then sat and watched District 9 – not as good as some of the pundits made out, but those Milliband brothers are indistinguishable from the aliens in it!
THIS is what people would be willing to pay towards – not all the trashy reality programming, the biased news the crap comedy, and the bloated 25,000 staff count.
(I am off to Nepal in March, the travel big bites. into the Annapurna range again. This hugely varied and absorbing film was a tonic.)
sorry for the typo, getting old. But yes, I love travel, usually backpack style for economy. The BBC could do far more on REAL travel – not “holiday” programmes, but cultural/geographic descriptions of places. There is a huge world out there, lots of interest. China, for example – has the BBC done anything much about affordable travel in China ? Or Japan ? Or Nepal ?
Trouble is, when the BBC looks at overseas it is so often by some presenter with an agenda. I’d rather have travelogues that are more truthful – like “Morocco has some very interesting sights, but don’t be blinded to the squalor and ignorance, the pitfalls”. NOT “Islamic civilisation is better than ours”
I get more travel info from a low-budget Sunday programme on LBC each week than from the entire BBC output.
Now, the video report itself may be lovely. It’s not loading for me at all, so I have no knowledge of the actual content. Either way, it’s beside the point. Surely the Beeboids are aware that this could be construed as an insensitive play on Jewish stereotypes in headlines. They just don’t care, whereas they bend over backwards to be sensitive to Mohammedans.
I’ll leave it to others to tear apart this latest BBC News Online article about the upcoming doomed talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
All I’m going to do here is point out the ridiculous, sloppy, deliberate attempt to demonize Israel in the inset “Israel and the Palestinians”. Check out the link titles.
(First, I must give full credit to the BBC for the Q&A bit, though, because right from the start they say that the Israeli soldiers were attacked, and not the other way round.)
The third link reads “Israel set to deport migrants”. “Migrants?” you may very well be asking yourself. “That sounds like the report about nasty old Israel wanting to break up families of illegals, in which they pretended that parents who deliberately place their children in legal peril, and who don’t speak Hebrew, somehow don’t teach their own native language to their children. It was the one where the BBC tried to ridicule Israel for desperately trying to get rid of a mere 400 families in order to maintain its Nazi-like racial purity.” And you would be correct.
This is about deporting people from Africa and other places, nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians. But since it’s something about Israel that the Beeboids don’t like, they included it anyway, just to help create the impression that Israel is horrible and cruel.
David P,
a quick skim of the article you linked to rings a number of bias alarm bells. For example under the heading “Obstacles to Peace” they list: Jerusalem, Water, Refugees, Borders and Settlements, which link to articles by Martin Asser.
‘Jerusalem’, seems to rely on the word of Karen Armstrong, notorious for her dislike of Israel. This 2005 article about her by Hugh Fitzgerald begins:
”Karen Armstrong, long famous for her description of Muhammad as the consummate “peacemaker” who “brought together the warring tribes of Arabia,” has assumed the mantle, yet again, not of the Prophet, but of the Prophet’s defender.”
Implementing the moral equivalence manoeuvre, Martin Asser says:
“They(Palestinians) now find themselves experiencing the same sense of deprivation and longing for Jerusalem, and determination to make it theirs again, that the Diaspora Jews once did.”
‘Refugees’ contains subtly emotive language which distinctly identifies with the Palestinians and distances the reader from the Israeli perspective. ‘Water’ begins: ‘the I/P dispute is a conflict about land’.
You can see where this is going. Martin Asser has also shown distaste for Israel in previous BBC reports, so this whole BBC Middle East section cries out for a thorough deconstruction. I’m wracking my brains to think of the best person to undertake that task. It calls for someone with a sound historical knowledge who could take it apart bit by bit.
Making Jerusalem “theirs again”? East Jerusalem was in Jordan until 1967. The poor, oppressed Palestinians weren’t in control of it then, either. But history is not a strong suit for BBC employees, even though there seem to be a few who studied it at university. They’re now more interested in re-writing it to suit their emotional needs.
Here’s a horror story that the infirm or easily excited should be protected from.
It’s to do with BBC Radio 7, so look away now !
Sunday the 22nd of August 2010 will live in the annuls of BBC treachery.
Contrary to listeners expectations, not one, but three programmes were aired that contained no left-wing bias.
Worse, they were extremely enjoyable.
So, as the drugged up puffs at the BBC read this site, I am sure they wont let this sort of thing ever happen again !
Wow, Ed Balls on Radio 5 being interviewed by the ugly Shelagh Fogarty about immigration. Now when a Tory gets interviewed about immigration, the BBC get all wound up and the ‘racist’ hints are made.
Yet Balls is given a complete free run to spout utter crap about how wonderful immigration is.
Balls going on about the evil Tories selling off the Post Office, Balls allowed to slag off the plan yet Fogarty doesn’t pick Balls up on Labour’s plan to do exactly the same.
Yay, just seen a bit of News 24 with the ugly talentless Emily Maitlis, Latest BBC line is that the lack of aid to Pakistan is all the fault of Cameron for saying Pakistan looked both ways on terrorism.
Well it effing well does Maitlis you talentless bimbo, they hate our guts and I’d never give them a sodding penny.
Why can’t you beeboid mongs ask why MUSLIM Countries are not giving anything?
So I think we all know what this means? Newsnight will send out the call to all doped up beeboids that it’s all Cameron’s fault, so expect a full on assault in the standard BBC model tomorrow
My local Morrisons put buckets on each till for the flood appeal.
After two days, they quietly withdrew them owing to the embarrassment their emptiness comveyed.
Do you give to people that are trying to blow
you up, never ask, always demand, and who are probably the most corrupt/dishonest nation on the planet, who hate your guts?
Manfred my local Morrisons had the same buckets on Saturday morning and I didn’t see a penny in any of the ones I looked at. A few weeks ago the local air cadets were collecting for Help for Heroes in there and seemed to be doing OK so I reckon the customers are discerning as to who gets their money.
It’s beyond me why the beeb are trying to geldofise the whole Pakistan flood thing. The Asian Development bank have just lent $2 billion dollars to Pakistan for flood aid.
Unfortunately I can feel a telethon coming on with lots of hilarious sketches from the droids at a cost of £10 million (and to raise £5 million.)
I look forward to a six-hour telethon featuring the world’s best Islamic comedians. Not sure what they’ll fill the remaining 5 hours fifty-nine minutes with. Emily Maitlis and Jane Hill mud-wrestling, perhaps?
“It’s a joke, one of those mass Internet mailings that gets a laugh and captures the spirit of the moment. It goes like this:
‘I just applied for a building permit for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 tur rets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 old cars and I was going to paint it snot green with . . . pink trim. The City Council told me to f— off. So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a mosque. Work starts on Monday.’
“Jokes aside, the conviction that government no longer works for the majority of Americans is spreading like wildfire. That nearly all of President Obama’s major policies have gone against public will is fueling voter anger across the nation.
“The Ground Zero mosque fits the pattern, with opponents in New York and elsewhere tarred as bigots for the simple — and fundamentally American — act of disagreeing with their leaders. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even urged they be investigated.
“Yet something profound and welcome is happening.”
Readers with a sweet tooth had better start stockpiling candy — first Choc Finger started hoarding all the world’s chocolate, and now it seems the U.S. sugar supply may be in jeopardy. Farmers cannot plant new genetically modified sugar beets until the U.S. Department of Agriculture finishes a study about their environmental impact, a federal judge said Friday. That could take a couple years, which means sugar beet farmers and sugar processors might have trouble meeting demand after this year’s harvest.
Genetically modified sugar beets make up about 95 percent of the American sugar beet crop, according to Monsanto, which manufactures the seeds to resist their proprietary weed-killer, Roundup.
Fearmongering by the environmentals has brought us to this point. There could very easily be a serious shortage crisis here, all because of emotions and fear, and hatred of scientific progress which takes us further away from some fantasy world.
The BBC is part of this problem, because they are leaders in stoking that fear.
Cutting edge interview with Steve Emerson on the Mosque.
If President Obama is going to give a free hand to America’s enemies at time of war to begin construction of a Triumphal Mosque on 9/11 2011 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their attack on the Twin Towers, surely a free America has to start looking at his impeachment?
As Steve Emerson says ‘Why aren’t the Democrats calling Congressional hearings to investigate the funding of this Mosque and the back ground of Imam Rauf?’.
America and the Free World cannot afford to have a Commander-in-Chief who collaborates with its nation’s enemies at time of war.
The latest Islamic jihad massacre there: INBBC unable to fathom it.
Here’s why, from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Once again it was Islamic jihadists, misunderstanding their peaceful religion. One wonders how many thousands of such stories are going to come across the transom before the learned analysts and the mainstream media begin to question their assumptions. And the answer is: no number of such stories will be sufficient, because their dogmas (Islam is a Religion of Peace that has been Hijacked by a Tiny Minority of Extremists, ‘Islamophobia’ is a twin ‘extremism’ paralleling ‘Islamic extremism,’ etc.) aren’t based on evidence in the first place.”
BBCNewsnightWhat role – if any – has climate change played in the Pakistan flood disaster? Our Science editor Susan Watts investigates, 2230 on BBC Two.
That ‘if any’, plus Ms. Watts at least having a science degree (albeit with a p*ss poor record applying basic principles one presumes she must have been taught) means that, for now, breath is being held.
We’ll see.
But the minute I get a whiff of poor saps being housed on flood plains and getting washed away as my fault for not camping in the UK, I’m popping down the local Morrisons, tipping all the money from all the buckets into my hand and buying a pack of air-flown Chliean blueberries.
At last I’ve seen something about a Muslim charity group collecting funds for the flood victims. Well, maybe it’s not technically one, but the News Channel is talking right now to some representative of the Pakistani Student Alliance about their efforts.
The rep says they’ve raised £50,000 so far, and have people collecting money at various tube stations. Well done, then.
If there were other Muslim charity groups raising serious money, where are the BBC segments on them? If they’re talking to this guy collecting peanuts (I’m calling it that based on the BBC’s own metrics for an approved amount of money donated to the cause), where are the interviews with the big boys?
Is it just me or has there been a great disparity between the amount of Australians the BBC has had in the studio to talk about the Australian election outcome, and the amount of United Statesians they had in back when the US was having the most important election in human history? Back then, it was nearly all Brits. Why does the BBC think it’s appropriate for one country to have proper representation but not the other?
At last, the BBC is talking to someone from Islamic Relief. So there are Muslim charities involved after all. Are they leading the charge? They’re supposed to care about Muslim lives, so I would expect to see them at the forefront of all this. Funny how it took the BBC two weeks to start featuring them prominently.
I was too hasty in my comment above. It turns out that the Islamic Relief guy isn’t there to talk about how Muslim charities are working overtime to help their co-religionists. He’s there to criticize the international community, whose response has been “woefully inadequate”. Not only that, but he also criticized the international media, saying they were ignoring the crisis, and only the UK media (he didn’t single out the BBC, but that was the main point of his appearance) has been brilliant in their coverage of the flood.
This is part of the Beeboids self-congratulatory parade. They’ve been patting themselves on the back all day long because they’re convinced that the BBC has been leading the charge in raising awareness and money. This full day of coverage is about the egos of Beeboids, and not so much about the victims of the disaster.
Lovely: “Woefully inadequate.” In what parallel universe does anybody have the right to demand charity of other people ?
Pakistan should still have most of the tents we donated last time they had a disaster (not that long ago), so let’s add that to the ledger and perhaps upgrade “woefully inadequate” to “not worth a bucket of warm spit” shall we ?
Rat face just stated that Muzzie bints that wear the burkha have been attacked by feminists…… really, can anyone remember a single fat old dyke coming out against the burkha?
Newsnight preaching Warmism again. Is the flooding in Pakistan due to “Climate Change” (the artist formerly known as Man-Made Global Warming)?
BBC Welsh weatherman: No, it’s La Niña is making the monsoon worse than normal.
Scientist: No, this is all “well within” what we can expect from natural weather systems.
Other scientists paraphrased by BBC reporter: No.
BBC conclusion: Probably, and we must find out if “vulnerable communities” are in more danger and if this is “what we can expect from a warmer world”.”
Also, in case anyone doubts any scientist saying we can’t tell if it’s man-made or not, ClimateGate is making them reluctant to blame anything on “Climate Change”. So if any scientist says this isn’t caused by “Climate Change”, you know they’re lying out of fear of what the deniers will do to them.
The reason David as we all know here is that the science of climate change is mostly a load of bollocks. The BBC try the CO2 is evil, fill two plastic bottles one with 100% CO2 and one with normal ‘air’ and even Top Gear man can see that climate change is real.
Well if the study of the climate were that simple (two Tesco pop bottles) why do these mongs need super computers?
Even though the message from the scientists (and Welsh weatherman) was unanimously that the rains and flooding were all part of natural, if uncommon, weather activity, that wasn’t good enough for the BBC. So they decided to put in a disclaimer in case any viewers got the wrong idea.
It’s the perfect excuse: if any scientist says it’s not true, they’re lying because of pressure from deniers.
Newsnight on Moozlim (that’s how Wark pronounces it) women wearing the niqab:
For: 3 fully-covered women claiming that it’s a personal point, nothing to do with radical Islam, a display of personal identity, worship, and not an attempt to separate themselves. They’re fully British, consider themselves British.
Against: 1 woman who wears the hijab and no longer wears the niqab because she was afraid of racism, and says that everyone hates Moozlims right now so it’s best not to wear the veil.
I know David it really was a load of bollocks, how many times do we hear that the veil/burkha is NOT a requirement of the Koran?
But we do know that the veil/burkha is a statement of radical Islam by Muslim women.
Perhaps every time a Muzzie bint comes into a shop or building with he face covered, we should all do the same, a white sheet with a couple of holes for eyes would look good, or an old Tesco carrier bag perhaps?
As I pointed out above why didn’t Rat face get one of these ‘feminist’s’ who oppose the veil/burkha on? Probably because there are no feminist opponents or if there are they stay quiet, just like they stayed quiet over the woman who had her face mutilated in Afghanistan the other week, like the feminists stay quiet when Afghan girls have acid thrown in their faces just for going to school, just like Muslim girls in Bradford get sent off to Pakistan at the age of 14 to be raped and married to a thick Goat herder and like they remain silent when a woman in Iran is sentenced to be stoned to death.
But these fat hairy dykes can speak up when a Tory politician thinks that single women shouldn’t get free money for breeding like cheap slags. Then the papers are full of the old hags spouting their crap.
So are pot plants really worth a 10 minute slot on Newsnight? Can’t the BBC find any stories more worthy?
Oh hang on it was yet another chance to slag off the new Government, whilst giving mong boy Stephen Pound a chance ot big up the good of plants, Funny that the BBC didn’t make it clear that hundreds of thousands of pounds were pissed away by the likes of Ed Balls when he was in power.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Newsnight’: DHIMMITUDE personified.
I was reminded of the sharp contrast in treatment which INBBC affords to, on the one hand:
1.) any Moozlem, who is treated in an appeasing fashion, with no questioning of the violent ideology of Islam towards non-believers, nor of the lazy, uncriticised use of the Islam-invented epithet ‘Islamoph..’
-on the other hand:
2.) someone like Geert Wilders, is continually interrupted and criticised on INBBC for opposing the continuing Islamisation of Europe, including Britain.
INBBC-NUJ performers are Islamising propagandists; they does not criticise the core values of Islam; INBBC delegates to only Muslims, and their fellow-travellers, discussions of Islam. Non-Muslims are excluded from the debate by INBBC.
INBBC leave it to Muslims to tell us non-Muslims what to believe about Islam. INBBC delegates to Muslims to dictate how they will behave in Britain.INBBC allow niqab-clad Muslims to aggressively criticise non-Muslims without question or counter-criticism from non-Muslims, while INBBC does not allow non-Muslim British people to criticise the Islamic supremacist ideology.
The INBBC staff delegate study of Islam to its Muslim staff only.
How many of the non-Muslim INBBC -NUJ journalists have made a detailed critical study of Islam, not delegated or filtered by Muslims?
Newsnight is getting more and more bizarre. A reality free zone. Four Moslem women discuss the veil. They all tell us how proud they are to be British.The veil has never ever been anything to do with the British way of life.It belongs in the deserts of Arabia. This is just unreal. Nobody there to point out this lack of reality. Previous generations would have been incredulous. We are expected to take it seriously.
Oh and the Wark seemed desperate to blame the Pakistan floods on man made global warming. No evidence. No real hard scientific facts. Just belief.
The four Moslem women believe that they must cover themselves completely (well one used to but had stopped). Wark believes in global warming caused by evil Westerners (mostly English ones I expect )
The world is going insane.
Yes, the Moozlim (as Wark calls them) women all seemed to think that “British” means wearing jeans and going shopping. Because they do that, they feel “British”. This was never questioned, of course, because that’s the BBC Narrative about them.
I remember Gordon Brown talking about “British values” and all that, and the BBC backing him up on it. Perhaps that’s what he meant? But then again, they always refer to every asylum tourist as a “Briton” when they get arrested, so maybe the BBC style guide defines being British simply as a function of temporal location. Which makes the BNP just as British as these women, but I don’t expect the BBC to ever really pursue this angle.
There was a snotty, sneering, superior piece about elected sheriffs on Radio 4’s PM programme this evening. Inevitably, it included an interview with Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. Sheriff Joe admires the Republicans, thinks there is too much illegal immigration, is beastly to scoundrels and enjoys vast support. This, in Beebworld, makes him a one-man argument against democratic policing. Indeed, until now, BBC audiences might have been forgiven for believing that Mr Arpaio was the only sheriff in the United States.
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
It’s heading towards an Open Thread every couple of days now. The site is going from strength to strength it seems.
Agreed, if you turn your back for a day or two it’s very hard to keep up with so many excellent posts. Good work all.
I’m actually surprised the BBC haven’t done another ‘special’ telling us we have the Muslims to thank for defeating Hitler.
Even the BBC might have some trouble explaining this away. Accordingly, the BBC ignores it.
Anyone noticed the ‘Mohammed Quotient’ [number of accused called Mohammed divided by the total number of accused] of the gangs involved in the fake crash scam?
Is suspect the MC will be very high in tonght’s investigation into forced incest among certain communities in the North West.
Alaskans fear for their way of life because nasty Big Oil is coming to drill under their children’s beds? Where’s The Obamessiah, BBC? I thought you told me He was banning all this and had promised to bring us to the Promised Land of Green Energy?
The stupid Beeboid doesn’t understand the most basic of market principles, either. When told that, after the oil spill reduced fish stocks, prices went up all over the country. Ignorant BBC correspondent asks if prices went up “even for fish that weren’t affected by the spill?” Yes, BBC, when supply doesn’t meet demand, prices go up even on the product being sold to meet that demand.
Still, not a single word about the President? Ah, I see why:
Obama To Open Up 1.8 Million Alaskan Acres to Oil Drilling
Wait: this is about drilling on land? Then why is the BBC trying to get us worked up over the perils of off-shore drilling and spills in the ocean? It’s just another manufactured story.
This thing is still going on. Scaremongering plain and simple. Oooh, it gets really cold up there, how with the hydraulics cope with it? Yes, that’s right: oil companies have never dealt with extreme temperatures, nobody’s ever come up with technology to work in cold climates.
And of course the only voices for the opposing view are an Evil Big Oil mouthpiece (can’t trust him), the most vulgar angle (“those stupid tree-huggers”), and somebody saying, “the oil has to come from somewhere”. I didn’t see anyone actually eating babies, but maybe that part got edited out for time considerations.
Aha, at the end, the Beeboid says, “President Obama says He wants to end the country’s addiction to oil”. Really, BBC? Is that why he opened up all that land for drilling you lying sacks of suet?
Now we’re onto divorce and suicides. Click.
Oh dear, the good folk who comment at the Huff Post aren’t happy with Obama about this, are they? 😀
Rajesh Mirchandani is capable of criticising Obama. He’s only done it once, as far as I can see. Can you guess the issue? Click on the link to find out!!
It’s very amusing to see the HuffPosters crying about the scales falling from their eyes and how they’ve lost faith in Him. They’ve given up because they think the President has moved too far to the Right! These over-emotional babies are so spoiled that they’ve forgotten their triumphalism over ObamaCare.
It’s like the Hebrews in the desert grumbling and turning away from God. What has He done for us lately? Oh, ye of little faith. If all those who worked so hard to raise money, corrupt the news media, and stir up enthusiasm to get Him elected have lost faith so soon, what hope is there?
No wonder Mardell felt the need to rebuke us.
The phrases ‘stupid beeboid’ and ‘ignorant BBC correspondent’ are both tautological.
The Left’s shared political bias and ignorance: the case of GZM & Feisal Rauf.
The political examples of NYT’s Anne Barnard and identikit Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s Laura Kuennsberg:
“The Journalism That Failed—Anne Barnard’s New York Times Agitprop on Imam Feisal Rauf”
Thanks for this link. Wow.
This week’s Radio Times, p.52 on the subject of the Simpsons. Previewer says:
“Odd how black characters always have life-like pigmentation: if the Simpsons are yellow, can’t they be blue?”
How about: no. Shades of Baa Baa Green Sheep there.
For BBC -NUJ branch: Obamamessiah , and anti-BP sections:-
“Toxic row for Obama after Bhopal email is leaked”
Read more:,news-comment,news-politics,bp-and-bhopal-make-a-toxic-row-for-obama-after-indian-email-is-leaked#ixzz0xLT71S4o
Don’t worry. If the BBC does ever feel the need to report on this, it won’t be His fault. Blame will lie elsewhere.
Just like to say – This is a damm good web-site!
Thanks to everyone who trudges through the BBCs bile day-in-day-out to bring thought provoking ideas about how these people operate.
Sorry I don’t contribute much myself but I really can’t stomach reading/listening/watching anything the BBC outputs.
Keep up the great work!
Seconded. I’m retired now and could contribute more but I just cannot stomach listening, watching or reading the BBC’s putrid output.
IRA threatens murder at Tory Party conference again, but for BBC -NUJ branch, the would-be murderers are only ‘dissidents’.
“Dissident republicans ‘targeting Tory Party conference'”
They’re only dissidents because they aren’t involved in the long game.
It’s the “I can’t believe it’s not the IRA”
It’s like the BBC calls striking workers militants and also Muslim terrorist scum who attack a school are called exactly the same.
Well, they are dissidents arent they? They arent part of the peace process, and aren’t part of Sinn Fein, so it seems the description is fiarly accurate. Anyone can tell that the Real IRA of today is not the same body/people of the IRA of pre 98.
James no one seems keen on looking at who exactly they are. I’m guessing they fear finding out as it may burst a few bubbles.
I find it interesting that the “I can’t believe its not the” IRA haven’t tried turned on the Provo IRA with an outbreak of killing each other yet as that is the Republican way.
That’s an interesting point. Surely it’s newsworthy, and the BBC should be sending somebody to look into who these “dissidents” are who want so badly to disrupt the “peace process”.
How do you know ?
They’re dissident terrorists then
The BBC is now giving promotional space to the defense fund for the disgruntled soldier who, with the help of the hackers and WikiLeaks, stole government documents so they could be published online. Of course, unlike when they reported on the CRU emails, the BBC refuses to use the terms “hacked” or “stolen”. Instead, they say he’s suspected of “giving” the documents to the hackers at WikiLeaks.
The point of this news brief is to announce that the “documentary” filmmaker Michael Moore has given money to the defense fund, thus giving publicity to the cause. The BBC announces the dollar amount (a bit inappropriate, but it will encourage others to give generously, right, BBC?), and helpfully spells out the full name of the fund organization. At least they didn’t link directly to it. Yet.
Moore doesn’t make “documentaries”, BBC, he makes propaganda films in the manner of Leni Riefenstahl, and you know it. But because the BBC has full respect for the “fake but accurate” crowd, it’s cool, and Moore is a hero and now and example to us all.
More on Moore: scroll on below:
I wonder if the BBC would do the same to whoever leaked the emails from Anglia Poly about the climate change scam?
Never, as those were hacked and stolen by nefarious criminal climate denying scum, who clearly had a political agenda and outside support. Crucifixion’s too good for ’em.
Moore is a vile, twisted creature, a perfect hero for the BBC.
If the beeboids EVER get around to reporting this story, you can bet Pakistani will be replaced with ‘Asian’ again
My family is not unique. In the UK more than 50 per cent of British Pakistanis marry their cousins – in Bradford that figure is 75 per cent – and across the country the practice is on the rise and also common among East African, Middle-Eastern and Bangladeshi communities.
Want to bet that most are Muslims?
Remember how the BBC played up the birth defects in Fallujah? Not a single mention of this lovely traditional Islamic custom that would probably explain the vast majority of defects.
The programme about that just had to be on Channel 4 rather than the BBC.
Cold statistics like these are a major one-in-the-eye for the deluded cretins who argue that, given time, these communities will integrate with the mainstream. The divergence is actually increasing.
These things are called facts, so you won’t find them on the BBC.
The BBC have found it neccesary to Defend themselves because Islamists and “Trots” kicked up a stink, after self righteously deciding that in This Panorama Programme the BBC were clearly biased TOWARD Israel.
Lordy, Lordy, Lordy…..
And even more bad news for BBC Comrades to stomach, is that their beloved Party is Almost Bankrupt
I can feel a “New labour in need” night of programming in the pipeline, where we’ll all be “entertained” by BBC luvvies, and encouraged to dig deep into our already fleeced pockets to “Save New Labour”..
Ho Hum….
And why no mention on the BBC of the Muslim response to the Hurricane Katrina? There was an awful lot of 9/11-style dancing in streets and cries of ‘It’s the will of Allah!’
Try Googling ‘will of allah katrina’ and you’ll see what I mean.
Mind you, it seems that the lack of response to the Pakistan floods by Muslom nations means that there’s a certain amount of consistency going on!
458,000 results for that search!!
I recognise that name! Long time no see, Chuffer.
and the BBC wonder why the west doesn’t give a toss about Pakistan.
Beeboid on the News Channel just announced:
“And throughout the day tomorrow we’ll be live in Pakistan for a day of coverage about the floods which are devastating the country. That’s throughout the day here on BBC News Channel.”
I wonder how many fat beeboids they’ve sent out to Pakistan, no doubt holed up in a 5 star hotel somewhere and certainly not having to take a dump in the local river.
What, they haven’t already been covering this around the clock?
Next query (I’ve been away from this site for ages, so I’m keen to catch up!)
Every couple of hours, on BBC Parliament, they’re repeating the Radio5 ‘Labour Leadership Candidate’ debate, hosted by VD. A room full of Dave Spart-types and wimmin, earnestly addressing the ‘problem’ of the non-Labour government, with VD nodding in furious agreement. I can’t remember anything equivalent when the Conservatives had the same process.
Mind you, we then sat and watched District 9 – not as good as some of the pundits made out, but those Milliband brothers are indistinguishable from the aliens in it!
Excellent interview on Russia Today with Piers Corbyn talking about the fraudsters at Anglia Poly.
Here he is from a previous interview on the Russian weather
Isn’t it interesting how the left in America are suddenly in favour of religious freedoms and go on about defending the constitution.
They don’t seem to bother when the ACLU is banning all signs of Christianity from public places, or gun ownership.
Why isn’t the BBC complaining that all their luvvie mates don’t seem to be organising any ‘save the terrorist lovers in Pakistan’ concerts?
Where is Billy Bragg? Normally that left wing wanker is all over the BBC asking for cash for something. Knob Gandalf? Bozo? Where is the left?
Islam, the religion that keeps on giving, bet the BBC don’t report this.
The “old” BBC one yearns for produced this sort of wildlife programme – David Attenborough’s recent look at the Himalayas :
THIS is what people would be willing to pay towards – not all the trashy reality programming, the biased news the crap comedy, and the bloated 25,000 staff count.
(I am off to Nepal in March, the travel big bites. into the Annapurna range again. This hugely varied and absorbing film was a tonic.)
John Anderson,
Wodely respected? travel big? Are these typos that I see before me, or are you just Officer Crabtree from Allo Allo? 😉
sorry for the typo, getting old. But yes, I love travel, usually backpack style for economy. The BBC could do far more on REAL travel – not “holiday” programmes, but cultural/geographic descriptions of places. There is a huge world out there, lots of interest. China, for example – has the BBC done anything much about affordable travel in China ? Or Japan ? Or Nepal ?
Trouble is, when the BBC looks at overseas it is so often by some presenter with an agenda. I’d rather have travelogues that are more truthful – like “Morocco has some very interesting sights, but don’t be blinded to the squalor and ignorance, the pitfalls”. NOT “Islamic civilisation is better than ours”
I get more travel info from a low-budget Sunday programme on LBC each week than from the entire BBC output.
Quite agree, John, the BBC’s travel programmes are crap and the countries visited boringly predictable.
Here’s a classic example of the BBC’s sensitivity failure when it comes to the Jews:
Israelis cash in on Kosher wine trade
Now, the video report itself may be lovely. It’s not loading for me at all, so I have no knowledge of the actual content. Either way, it’s beside the point. Surely the Beeboids are aware that this could be construed as an insensitive play on Jewish stereotypes in headlines. They just don’t care, whereas they bend over backwards to be sensitive to Mohammedans.
I’ll leave it to others to tear apart this latest BBC News Online article about the upcoming doomed talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
All I’m going to do here is point out the ridiculous, sloppy, deliberate attempt to demonize Israel in the inset “Israel and the Palestinians”. Check out the link titles.
(First, I must give full credit to the BBC for the Q&A bit, though, because right from the start they say that the Israeli soldiers were attacked, and not the other way round.)
The third link reads “Israel set to deport migrants”. “Migrants?” you may very well be asking yourself. “That sounds like the report about nasty old Israel wanting to break up families of illegals, in which they pretended that parents who deliberately place their children in legal peril, and who don’t speak Hebrew, somehow don’t teach their own native language to their children. It was the one where the BBC tried to ridicule Israel for desperately trying to get rid of a mere 400 families in order to maintain its Nazi-like racial purity.” And you would be correct.
This is about deporting people from Africa and other places, nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians. But since it’s something about Israel that the Beeboids don’t like, they included it anyway, just to help create the impression that Israel is horrible and cruel.
David P,
a quick skim of the article you linked to rings a number of bias alarm bells. For example under the heading “Obstacles to Peace” they list: Jerusalem, Water, Refugees, Borders and Settlements, which link to articles by Martin Asser.
‘Jerusalem’, seems to rely on the word of Karen Armstrong, notorious for her dislike of Israel. This 2005 article about her by Hugh Fitzgerald begins:
”Karen Armstrong, long famous for her description of Muhammad as the consummate “peacemaker” who “brought together the warring tribes of Arabia,” has assumed the mantle, yet again, not of the Prophet, but of the Prophet’s defender.”
Implementing the moral equivalence manoeuvre, Martin Asser says:
“They(Palestinians) now find themselves experiencing the same sense of deprivation and longing for Jerusalem, and determination to make it theirs again, that the Diaspora Jews once did.”
‘Refugees’ contains subtly emotive language which distinctly identifies with the Palestinians and distances the reader from the Israeli perspective.
‘Water’ begins: ‘the I/P dispute is a conflict about land’.
You can see where this is going. Martin Asser has also shown distaste for Israel in previous BBC reports, so this whole BBC Middle East section cries out for a thorough deconstruction. I’m wracking my brains to think of the best person to undertake that task. It calls for someone with a sound historical knowledge who could take it apart bit by bit.
Making Jerusalem “theirs again”? East Jerusalem was in Jordan until 1967. The poor, oppressed Palestinians weren’t in control of it then, either. But history is not a strong suit for BBC employees, even though there seem to be a few who studied it at university. They’re now more interested in re-writing it to suit their emotional needs.
Here’s a horror story that the infirm or easily excited should be protected from.
It’s to do with BBC Radio 7, so look away now !
Sunday the 22nd of August 2010 will live in the annuls of BBC treachery.
Contrary to listeners expectations, not one, but three programmes were aired that contained no left-wing bias.
Worse, they were extremely enjoyable.
So, as the drugged up puffs at the BBC read this site, I am sure they wont let this sort of thing ever happen again !
Links, please?
David, I’m sorry, your quite right.
They are / were:
It’s the state of shock that I’m in, not the single malt.
Radio 7 is mostly old stuff, BI (Before Islam)
Your right John, however Legacy (and it’s good) is a new production.
Wow, Ed Balls on Radio 5 being interviewed by the ugly Shelagh Fogarty about immigration. Now when a Tory gets interviewed about immigration, the BBC get all wound up and the ‘racist’ hints are made.
Yet Balls is given a complete free run to spout utter crap about how wonderful immigration is.
Balls going on about the evil Tories selling off the Post Office, Balls allowed to slag off the plan yet Fogarty doesn’t pick Balls up on Labour’s plan to do exactly the same.
Fogarty’s interview with Balls is vomit inducing, lots of little giggles and such a soft interview.
British Muslims, Father and Son
Steve Evans charts Moazzam Begg’s story through his and his father’s words.
Coming today
BBC Radio 4 at 11:00 am
BBC iPlayer soon after
No Thanks !
Pass the sick Begg !
Meh, just thought I’d offer it…
Yay, just seen a bit of News 24 with the ugly talentless Emily Maitlis, Latest BBC line is that the lack of aid to Pakistan is all the fault of Cameron for saying Pakistan looked both ways on terrorism.
Well it effing well does Maitlis you talentless bimbo, they hate our guts and I’d never give them a sodding penny.
Why can’t you beeboid mongs ask why MUSLIM Countries are not giving anything?
So I think we all know what this means? Newsnight will send out the call to all doped up beeboids that it’s all Cameron’s fault, so expect a full on assault in the standard BBC model tomorrow
My local Morrisons put buckets on each till for the flood appeal.
After two days, they quietly withdrew them owing to the embarrassment their emptiness comveyed.
Do you give to people that are trying to blow
you up, never ask, always demand, and who are probably the most corrupt/dishonest nation on the planet, who hate your guts?
I bloody won’t
Manfred my local Morrisons had the same buckets on Saturday morning and I didn’t see a penny in any of the ones I looked at. A few weeks ago the local air cadets were collecting for Help for Heroes in there and seemed to be doing OK so I reckon the customers are discerning as to who gets their money.
It’s beyond me why the beeb are trying to geldofise the whole Pakistan flood thing. The Asian Development bank have just lent $2 billion dollars to Pakistan for flood aid.
Unfortunately I can feel a telethon coming on with lots of hilarious sketches from the droids at a cost of £10 million (and to raise £5 million.)
Thing is none of the usual suspects have been seen at all, they smell a rotting corpse of a cause as well.
I look forward to a six-hour telethon featuring the world’s best Islamic comedians. Not sure what they’ll fill the remaining 5 hours fifty-nine minutes with. Emily Maitlis and Jane Hill mud-wrestling, perhaps?
What about Orla Geurin and Kirsty Wark mud wrestling?
Oh God, I’ve just thrown up, sorry!
I’d pay to see that. Ooops! Already have! Come on girls, get to it….
‘FOX NEWS’ on Ground Zero Mosque.
“It’s a joke, one of those mass Internet mailings that gets a laugh and captures the spirit of the moment. It goes like this:
‘I just applied for a building permit for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 tur rets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have parking for 200 old cars and I was going to paint it snot green with . . . pink trim. The City Council told me to f— off. So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a mosque. Work starts on Monday.’
“Jokes aside, the conviction that government no longer works for the majority of Americans is spreading like wildfire. That nearly all of President Obama’s major policies have gone against public will is fueling voter anger across the nation.
“The Ground Zero mosque fits the pattern, with opponents in New York and elsewhere tarred as bigots for the simple — and fundamentally American — act of disagreeing with their leaders. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even urged they be investigated.
“Yet something profound and welcome is happening.”
I guess the BBC is going to maintain silence about this potential disaster being caused by the Environtmentals.
Judge Bans Future Plantings of Genetically Modified Sugar Beets, Throwing Nation’s Sugar Supply into Doubt
Readers with a sweet tooth had better start stockpiling candy — first Choc Finger started hoarding all the world’s chocolate, and now it seems the U.S. sugar supply may be in jeopardy. Farmers cannot plant new genetically modified sugar beets until the U.S. Department of Agriculture finishes a study about their environmental impact, a federal judge said Friday. That could take a couple years, which means sugar beet farmers and sugar processors might have trouble meeting demand after this year’s harvest.
Genetically modified sugar beets make up about 95 percent of the American sugar beet crop, according to Monsanto, which manufactures the seeds to resist their proprietary weed-killer, Roundup.
Fearmongering by the environmentals has brought us to this point. There could very easily be a serious shortage crisis here, all because of emotions and fear, and hatred of scientific progress which takes us further away from some fantasy world.
The BBC is part of this problem, because they are leaders in stoking that fear.
Cutting edge interview with Steve Emerson on the Mosque.
If President Obama is going to give a free hand to America’s enemies at time of war to begin construction of a Triumphal Mosque on 9/11 2011 to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their attack on the Twin Towers, surely a free America has to start looking at his impeachment?
As Steve Emerson says ‘Why aren’t the Democrats calling Congressional hearings to investigate the funding of this Mosque and the back ground of Imam Rauf?’.
America and the Free World cannot afford to have a Commander-in-Chief who collaborates with its nation’s enemies at time of war.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), and its beloved Pakistan.
The latest Islamic jihad massacre there: INBBC unable to fathom it.
Here’s why, from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Once again it was Islamic jihadists, misunderstanding their peaceful religion. One wonders how many thousands of such stories are going to come across the transom before the learned analysts and the mainstream media begin to question their assumptions. And the answer is: no number of such stories will be sufficient, because their dogmas (Islam is a Religion of Peace that has been Hijacked by a Tiny Minority of Extremists, ‘Islamophobia’ is a twin ‘extremism’ paralleling ‘Islamic extremism,’ etc.) aren’t based on evidence in the first place.”
Islamophobes murder 15 inside Pakistan mosque — no, wait…
INBBC anonymous, impersonal headline:
“Deadly blast at Pakistan mosque”
BBCNewsnight What role – if any – has climate change played in the Pakistan flood disaster? Our Science editor Susan Watts investigates, 2230 on BBC Two.
That ‘if any’, plus Ms. Watts at least having a science degree (albeit with a p*ss poor record applying basic principles one presumes she must have been taught) means that, for now, breath is being held.
We’ll see.
But the minute I get a whiff of poor saps being housed on flood plains and getting washed away as my fault for not camping in the UK, I’m popping down the local Morrisons, tipping all the money from all the buckets into my hand and buying a pack of air-flown Chliean blueberries.
Ways to go, but it seems that the BBC has perhaps grasped that punting out one view exclusively rather undercuts its credibility.
Even if some, who used to enjoy such benign indulgence, and a bit miffed not to get ‘the call’ they used to be on speed dial for, are less happy:
I may be wrong, but his comment and the responses suggest that he may have stuck his foot in his mouth… and then shot it.
BBC-NUJ branch, and its political campaigning for its Labour candidate in AUSTRALIA.
BBC-NUJ branch STILL only prepared to use pictures of its Labour Gillard preference; Abbott remains politically censored :
At last I’ve seen something about a Muslim charity group collecting funds for the flood victims. Well, maybe it’s not technically one, but the News Channel is talking right now to some representative of the Pakistani Student Alliance about their efforts.
The rep says they’ve raised £50,000 so far, and have people collecting money at various tube stations. Well done, then.
If there were other Muslim charity groups raising serious money, where are the BBC segments on them? If they’re talking to this guy collecting peanuts (I’m calling it that based on the BBC’s own metrics for an approved amount of money donated to the cause), where are the interviews with the big boys?
Is it just me or has there been a great disparity between the amount of Australians the BBC has had in the studio to talk about the Australian election outcome, and the amount of United Statesians they had in back when the US was having the most important election in human history? Back then, it was nearly all Brits. Why does the BBC think it’s appropriate for one country to have proper representation but not the other?
Yes, where’s Simon Schama? I bet he’d have something to say about Tony Abbott, & I bet the BBC would enjoy hearing it!
Don’t forget ‘When Cousins marry’ is on C4 right now
At last, the BBC is talking to someone from Islamic Relief. So there are Muslim charities involved after all. Are they leading the charge? They’re supposed to care about Muslim lives, so I would expect to see them at the forefront of all this. Funny how it took the BBC two weeks to start featuring them prominently.
I was too hasty in my comment above. It turns out that the Islamic Relief guy isn’t there to talk about how Muslim charities are working overtime to help their co-religionists. He’s there to criticize the international community, whose response has been “woefully inadequate”. Not only that, but he also criticized the international media, saying they were ignoring the crisis, and only the UK media (he didn’t single out the BBC, but that was the main point of his appearance) has been brilliant in their coverage of the flood.
This is part of the Beeboids self-congratulatory parade. They’ve been patting themselves on the back all day long because they’re convinced that the BBC has been leading the charge in raising awareness and money. This full day of coverage is about the egos of Beeboids, and not so much about the victims of the disaster.
Good little dhimmi. Here BBC, catch the bone, catch! There, there. Good dhimmi.
Islamic Relief
Lovely: “Woefully inadequate.” In what parallel universe does anybody have the right to demand charity of other people ?
Pakistan should still have most of the tents we donated last time they had a disaster (not that long ago), so let’s add that to the ledger and perhaps upgrade “woefully inadequate” to “not worth a bucket of warm spit” shall we ?
Rat face on Newsinght trying to make excuses for climate change scientists (or witch doctors as I think of them)
No Rat face they are keeping quiet as they’ve been found out as being a bunch of liars.
Rat face just stated that Muzzie bints that wear the burkha have been attacked by feminists…… really, can anyone remember a single fat old dyke coming out against the burkha?
Newsnight preaching Warmism again. Is the flooding in Pakistan due to “Climate Change” (the artist formerly known as Man-Made Global Warming)?
BBC Welsh weatherman: No, it’s La Niña is making the monsoon worse than normal.
Scientist: No, this is all “well within” what we can expect from natural weather systems.
Other scientists paraphrased by BBC reporter: No.
BBC conclusion: Probably, and we must find out if “vulnerable communities” are in more danger and if this is “what we can expect from a warmer world”.”
Also, in case anyone doubts any scientist saying we can’t tell if it’s man-made or not, ClimateGate is making them reluctant to blame anything on “Climate Change”. So if any scientist says this isn’t caused by “Climate Change”, you know they’re lying out of fear of what the deniers will do to them.
The reason David as we all know here is that the science of climate change is mostly a load of bollocks. The BBC try the CO2 is evil, fill two plastic bottles one with 100% CO2 and one with normal ‘air’ and even Top Gear man can see that climate change is real.
Well if the study of the climate were that simple (two Tesco pop bottles) why do these mongs need super computers?
Even though the message from the scientists (and Welsh weatherman) was unanimously that the rains and flooding were all part of natural, if uncommon, weather activity, that wasn’t good enough for the BBC. So they decided to put in a disclaimer in case any viewers got the wrong idea.
It’s the perfect excuse: if any scientist says it’s not true, they’re lying because of pressure from deniers.
Newsnight on Moozlim (that’s how Wark pronounces it) women wearing the niqab:
For: 3 fully-covered women claiming that it’s a personal point, nothing to do with radical Islam, a display of personal identity, worship, and not an attempt to separate themselves. They’re fully British, consider themselves British.
Against: 1 woman who wears the hijab and no longer wears the niqab because she was afraid of racism, and says that everyone hates Moozlims right now so it’s best not to wear the veil.
Balanced or what?
I know David it really was a load of bollocks, how many times do we hear that the veil/burkha is NOT a requirement of the Koran?
But we do know that the veil/burkha is a statement of radical Islam by Muslim women.
Perhaps every time a Muzzie bint comes into a shop or building with he face covered, we should all do the same, a white sheet with a couple of holes for eyes would look good, or an old Tesco carrier bag perhaps?
As I pointed out above why didn’t Rat face get one of these ‘feminist’s’ who oppose the veil/burkha on? Probably because there are no feminist opponents or if there are they stay quiet, just like they stayed quiet over the woman who had her face mutilated in Afghanistan the other week, like the feminists stay quiet when Afghan girls have acid thrown in their faces just for going to school, just like Muslim girls in Bradford get sent off to Pakistan at the age of 14 to be raped and married to a thick Goat herder and like they remain silent when a woman in Iran is sentenced to be stoned to death.
But these fat hairy dykes can speak up when a Tory politician thinks that single women shouldn’t get free money for breeding like cheap slags. Then the papers are full of the old hags spouting their crap.
So are pot plants really worth a 10 minute slot on Newsnight? Can’t the BBC find any stories more worthy?
Oh hang on it was yet another chance to slag off the new Government, whilst giving mong boy Stephen Pound a chance ot big up the good of plants, Funny that the BBC didn’t make it clear that hundreds of thousands of pounds were pissed away by the likes of Ed Balls when he was in power.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘Newsnight’: DHIMMITUDE personified.
I was reminded of the sharp contrast in treatment which INBBC affords to, on the one hand:
1.) any Moozlem, who is treated in an appeasing fashion, with no questioning of the violent ideology of Islam towards non-believers, nor of the lazy, uncriticised use of the Islam-invented epithet ‘Islamoph..’
-on the other hand:
2.) someone like Geert Wilders, is continually interrupted and criticised on INBBC for opposing the continuing Islamisation of Europe, including Britain.
INBBC-NUJ performers are Islamising propagandists; they does not criticise the core values of Islam; INBBC delegates to only Muslims, and their fellow-travellers, discussions of Islam. Non-Muslims are excluded from the debate by INBBC.
INBBC leave it to Muslims to tell us non-Muslims what to believe about Islam. INBBC delegates to Muslims to dictate how they will behave in Britain.INBBC allow niqab-clad Muslims to aggressively criticise non-Muslims without question or counter-criticism from non-Muslims, while INBBC does not allow non-Muslim British people to criticise the Islamic supremacist ideology.
The INBBC staff delegate study of Islam to its Muslim staff only.
How many of the non-Muslim INBBC -NUJ journalists have made a detailed critical study of Islam, not delegated or filtered by Muslims?
Newsnight is getting more and more bizarre. A reality free zone. Four Moslem women discuss the veil. They all tell us how proud they are to be British.The veil has never ever been anything to do with the British way of life.It belongs in the deserts of Arabia. This is just unreal. Nobody there to point out this lack of reality. Previous generations would have been incredulous. We are expected to take it seriously.
Oh and the Wark seemed desperate to blame the Pakistan floods on man made global warming. No evidence. No real hard scientific facts. Just belief.
The four Moslem women believe that they must cover themselves completely (well one used to but had stopped). Wark believes in global warming caused by evil Westerners (mostly English ones I expect )
The world is going insane.
Yes, the Moozlim (as Wark calls them) women all seemed to think that “British” means wearing jeans and going shopping. Because they do that, they feel “British”. This was never questioned, of course, because that’s the BBC Narrative about them.
I remember Gordon Brown talking about “British values” and all that, and the BBC backing him up on it. Perhaps that’s what he meant? But then again, they always refer to every asylum tourist as a “Briton” when they get arrested, so maybe the BBC style guide defines being British simply as a function of temporal location. Which makes the BNP just as British as these women, but I don’t expect the BBC to ever really pursue this angle.
Nice piece about the beeboids from Dan the man.
There was a snotty, sneering, superior piece about elected sheriffs on Radio 4’s PM programme this evening. Inevitably, it included an interview with Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. Sheriff Joe admires the Republicans, thinks there is too much illegal immigration, is beastly to scoundrels and enjoys vast support. This, in Beebworld, makes him a one-man argument against democratic policing. Indeed, until now, BBC audiences might have been forgiven for believing that Mr Arpaio was the only sheriff in the United States.