A Biased BBC reader writes…
Newsnight (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00tkx6p/Newsnight_23_08_2010/13 minutes in) had a go at explaining how the niqab is an empowering choicemade by Muslim women without pressure from husbands or brothers or indeedclerics. (Yes, seriously)
I watched it and then by coincidence was clearing out old newspaper clippingswhen I found one from the Sunday Times in 2006 about the teacher, Aishah Azmi,who wanted to wear the veil in class. She at first insisted it was her choiceto wear it but later admitted that it was as a result of a fatwa from YusufSacha, a Muslim cleric in West Yorkshire.
Newsnight only revealed the first name of one of the interviewees asRamaisa(spelling?) and that she was a professional. Looking at the clippingAzmi looked the spit of ‘Ramaisa’…..even though wearing the niqab she hasdistinctive eyes….her accent is also very, very similar to that on a youtubeclip.
Her photo is available on the internet.
I wonder if I’m right….I’d lay money I am and that the BBC has used anIslamic campaigner and changed her name to present the image they want to.
Note also that these women started to wear the veil 8 years ago….2002…justafter 2001, just as the 2 brothers at ‘Forest Gate’ started becoming moreIslamic due to the influence of 9/11 as Bin Laden intended….a battlecry…..as Lawrence of Arabia recognised: ‘Such people demanded a war-cry andbanner from outside to combine them, and a stranger to lead them, one whosesupremacy should be based on an idea: illogical, undeniable, discriminant:which instinct might accept and reason find no rational basis to reject orapprove. This was the binding assumption of the Arab movement; it was thiswhich gave it an effective, if imbecile unanimity.’
“Muslim teacher AISHAH AZMI gets exposed by News Presenter” (Peter Sissons)
Azmi: “Do I have to answer all the questions?”
Sissons: “It’s not compulsory.”
No wonder he was “retired” from the BBC. How often do you get a BBC interviewer who manages to demonstrate so well how these “grievances” are simply publicity stunts to stir up resentment?
It is to be hoped that all media, especially the BBC, might apply a few basic standards of journalistic riqour before giving such activists airspace.
This however was well worth the coverage, as i suspect it did not quite go as evidently planned. I am sure her people gave the BBC’s people a good telling off on the ‘answering questions’ issue. Not what you expect from Aunty at all.
For a bit of fun on the ‘it’s still me with or without the veil’ I am minded of the end scene from ‘Singing in the Rain’ where the ‘star’ is shown to be voiced by a backstage talent.
I wonder if the BBC ever dared to criticise Yusuf Sacha for his non politically correct behaviour and showing the BBC up to be naive imbeciles.
Yup. Wouldn’t surprise me at all. It is a paradox that Beeboids and Leftists generally support Islam so vigorously, as so many of the values of Mohammedans are seemingly antithetical to their own (on issues such as gay, minority and women’s rights, capital punishment, democracy, freedom of speech etc). The only reason I can see for this most unlikely alliance is that they are united by a shared hatred of the ‘other’; ie, the white christian imperialist hegemony.
The interesting thing about the nigab debate been promulgated by the bBC is that while it is more than happy to question the right of the west to ban the wearing of such attire from public buildings (Hang on did I say west I should have said France as it is the only country in the West to have done so. The rest just talk about it) They kind of leave out how in the last few weeks it has been Islamic countries which are enforcing such clothing bans, this week alone Kosovo and Bangladesh have banned the niqab from public buildings (Well the Bangladesh ban isn’t a ban as such) Syria did so the other week and Turkey well its struggling to do so.
However the reason I used the adjective ‘interesting’ is because the bBC has an article on how the Muslim brotherhood (MB) has moved west since it has been banned in most Islamic countries. (Strange how the bBC never mentioned how the Syrians wiped out the town of Hama in 1982 killing around 20,000 people due to the presence of the MB). Islamic countries which have lived with radical Islam have restricted these religious bigots to strut their stuff. Get that in a Islamic country Muslims clamp down on radical Muslims when they get up to no good. Yet on relocating to the west these very same Muslims are not only allowed to return to their old ways of stirring the shite, for some reason they are offered human rights which the likes of the bBC deem as above everybody else. Think I’m kidding have a look at how the bBC has had no problem defending any Islamic political agitator or even failed Afghan warrior as victims.
Yet the bBC which tries to emulate the HSBC ads (where they take into account local tastes, preferences, and customs) in its dealing with foreign countries , falls at the first hurdle by reporting on Islamic political agitators and terrorists not from the perspective of a neutral stance (As it should) but rather from a Lilly white politically correct one. Which is why terrorists are renamed as militants, white people can only be evil, and Islam can only be a victim when the victim fights back.
If Islamic countries can see the political connotations by allowing religious activists to continue to chip away at the laws of the land , why can’t the bBC?
Instead, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) joins its chums like Pelosi in acting to ban and censor critics of Islam, on e.g. Ground Zero Mosque:
Spencer: Pelosi Calls for Crackdown on Dissent
Does the BBC think that Female Genital Mutilation empowers women aswell?
Saw Kirsty Wark etal cringe and fawn at the altar(not the word eh?) of “let`s not grill the Muslim”…but see it as a fashion or lifestyle choice-like marrying your cousin presumably,genetic mutilation and the like.
The same women from their Edinburgh townhouses who can quote Morrissette verbatim or sing along to Annie Lennox go all coy in the face(not the phrase is it?) of the Burka or niquab…in fact the niquab will be seen as a compromise solution before too long if the Beeb has its way…9/11 was a comprehensive victory for Islam and we all live with the fallout due to our craven media and its political puppetmasters and litter liners.