well done David. A welcome video blog. I certainly appreciate the efforts you are making to expose and highlight the shocking bias of the BBC, something I have been moaning about to friends for many years. I often find it frustrating when so many otherwise educated, conservative leaning people, either choose not to see the bias, or don’t care about it. The BBC is a cancer on our society, I truly believe that. It perpetuates a narrow, liberal agenda relentlessly and as a result, it has seeped into mainstream thought. This is why we all tiptoe around taking about issues such as racism or immigration in the pub, for fear of being callled racist. This is why most people simply assume global warming is man made and don’t even countenance the reality. I could go on. As much as we all know the BBC is a corrupt, lefty sham, Auntie continues to drive the political agenda in the UK. I once worked with the former Director of Communiations for the BBC. A lovely guy, but one who was quite unable to understand why I got so exercised by the obscene bias of his former employer. Another former colleague who joined the BBC in the business dept, then joined Left Foot Forward on their facebook page. They are all lefties and have this extraordinary, illusory view of the UK. This is why the BBC simply must be scrapped. The ONLY argument some people can coem up with is that it makes good programmes (what, like the ridiculous new Dr Who, overflowing with a liberal agenda. Or Robin Hood, so painfully right-on as to make it utterly unwatchable) and that there are no ads. Well I can live with ads if it means I can CHOOSE to pay for the service.
Keep up the hard work David. I will support you all the way.
I more or less agree with you but I have to disagree with your opinion when it comes to the ads. Sky is virtually unwatchable at times due to the frequency of inane ads and ITV is doing its best to catch them up. Watching a serious drama or documentary that is constantly interrupted by ads is utterly frustrating and it is a shame as sometimes the commercial channels have some good programs that are ruined in this way. By all means have a pay as you watch TV company but don’t spoil it with ads during a program.
I for one thank you Mr vance for everything you and your team do.
For years i believed that i was alone in thinking the things i did about the BBC and for 13 yrs we have seen them in their true colours,but these past months take them to a new high…Mr Hunt if you listen to anyone read this websites blog and act fast as soon it will be too late.
This country needs a good national broadcaster the beeb isn’t that any more,but the tories still think they are(pickles and gove not included)and thats the rub…WOULD THE TORIES HAVE Won if the beeb was behind them..I KNOW SO…Just look at all those who undermined the tories at every turn and you will a link to the BEEB.
Once again DV and gang keep up the good work,I will do my bit and send emails to Mr Hunt ever day,every week,every month until he does something….I’ve just seen some flying pigs…….
DaveJ, like you and Only Winding below, I only found this site a couple of years ago after a couple of decades (at least) of thinking ‘Why is no one else bothered about this?’ (Then again I only got a computer a couple of years ago!).
It was such a relief to find B-BBC.
It took me about nine months of just reading it daily (as B-BBC is very addictive!) before I took the plunge and commented. I suspect we have many more regular, silent readers.
So thanks to David V, and to all other contributors.
You didn’t see a previous one which, if memory serves me , had tropical fish in the background, not Tallfish !
But, yes , well said David. The increasing success of this website is measured by my difficulty in keeping up and that I spend more time on here than with the crappy BBC.
There are some really excellent contributors here who put in far more time and effort than me. I won’t name names, they know who they are, but special thanks to them.
En masse, the British people need to stop paying the licence fee. I’ve always thought that if enough people do it, and it becomes a sort of tea party movement, we can force the BBC to first off cut it’s price (or services) and eventually scrap it entirely.
Hi DV, I wouldn’t say a “nasty surprise”, had a bit of a disorienting ‘Big Brother’ feel when I unexpectedly came across it just now, but a very good message when I settled into the novelty! (Hey! I’m a dyed in the wool Tory, change comes hard to me! 🙂 ).
Not only are you a first class communicator with the written word but with the spoken word as well. A good product will always find some form of niche, but if it isn’t presented well it will always fall a long way short of its potential. Your leadership both in terms of style and content has helped B-BBC fulfill its potential and has created room for it to possibly fill a lot more besides. A good reason for this is you have your head well above the parapet which gives this campaign forum a lot of credibility.
Obviously as I’ve lived in Spain for the last 8 years I can’t follow the BBC’s subversive machinations like I used to, but I know when I left Blighty it was truly horrendous. One difference I have noticed between than and now is I think it is unprecedented how open the print press is now about exposing BBC bias. It’s taken as a given. The reason I have devoted so much of my time combatting BBC bias is it is truly a huge threat to British democracy. The BBC has a tremendous amount of propaganda power to fall into the wrong hands, and fall into the wrong hands it has done. It’s so much in the grip of those ill-intentioned hands its been a one party media for a one party state in waiting for quite some while now.
Well, your efforts mean that there’s more chance now that something can be done about it. The light that B-BBC sheds is more than just a candle in the darkness.
Well said ! Believe me the BBC has gone downhill in the last 8 years, although that would seem impossible.
I realise you are a Brit living in Spain, but apart from the excellent David Preiser, I don’t know of any foreign nationals posting here which is a shame. It would be interesting to know what foreigners think of the World service and BBC bias. I certainly know that some of my friends in W. Africa have twigged it .
My Spanish stepmum used to say that the Spanish really admired how we British conducted debate with everyone having their fair say. That was in her day. On Spanish morning current affairs shows I’ve heard at least two parodies of overbearing BBC interviews with constant interruptions.
When I was first in Spain during the run up to the Iraq War, I remember channel hopping and coming across a guy speaking in favour of the war. He was on the verge of making a killer point, and I was waiting for the presenter to come in and head him off, and he didn’t. Instead, the guy made his killer point, and several more, till his allotted time was up. The presenter then passed onto someone on the other side to have their time saying what they had to say without interruption and so on and so on with 3 people either side. I was literally watching with my jaw wide open. You just dont get this open, honest debate on today’s ‘mission to explain’, ‘agenda setting’ anti-democracy BBC.
I don’t know much about Spain apart from looking down at that beautiful country from 32000 feet as I fly to Gambia. But, I do know that political debate in the countries I am familiar with, Turkey, Malaysia, Gambia is much freer, open and honest than anything on the BBC.
One of by best Gambian friends, Musa, listens to BBC World service on his small radio, battery powered and batteries are very expensive for them there. He is highly intelligent but with little formal education. Last time I saw him, in March, he said, with great sadness ” I tink dese BBC men are big liars , big disappointment to me”.
But, at least he doesn’t have to pay the licence fee !
David, your comments on how the Beeboid will increasingly present the Blair/Brown years as some sort of Golden Age (though for the life of me I can’t think of a single successful policy of theirs, even in their own terms) put me in mind of a bit of WH Auden:
For when in a carol under the apple-trees
The reborn featly dance,
There will also, Fortunatus,
Be those who refused their chance,
Now pottering shades, querulous beside the salt-pits,
And mawkish in their wits,
To whom these dull dog-days
Between event seemed crowned with olive
And golden with self-praise.
David, what a pleasant surprise and a decent gesture this is. I found this blog several months ago after pulling my hair out in isolation at the evil that is the BBC.
This site is a must read on a daily basis and it is blessed with having some thought-provoking and interesting writers and contributors.
In my own political circle I have raised awareness of the blog and its debates. Its increased popularity comes as little surprise to me.
I want to thank you and your fellow contributors for creating and maintaining this vitally important website as I am sure that you sacrifice an awful lot of free time in keeping the issue of BBC bias alive.
Well said, David V. Thank you for your work and energy in managing this blog. It’s important.
Also, my thanks to the other main posters and commenters. There’s a wide variety of perspectives on offer here, and people with many different interests and areas of knowledge, and I’ve learned a great deal from people here.
Regardless of the number of readers, the important thing is to get the information out there to counter the biased reporting of the BBC, even via word of mouth. I’m a firm believer in the “ripples in the pond” effect.
Just wondering…
There are basically two types of falsehood, suppressio veri and suggestio falsi (no translation needed). Might it be an idea to analyse each BBC lie by putting it into the relevant category, and then again analyse which type of lie for any given subject? I’m pretty sure Obama stories would score highly in the suppressio veri category, whereas the “Coalition cuts” might score quite well in the suggestion falsi stakes.
Thanks everyone for a great blog I read usually daily.
Search Biased BBC
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Good piece to camera, David – a glittering future clearly awaits you as an anchor on Newsnight (hang on, that can’t be right, surely?)
This morning’s Today prog was truly execrable – the Justin’n’Evan Show in full cry. At least we were spared Lefty Naughtie, I suppose.
well done David. A welcome video blog. I certainly appreciate the efforts you are making to expose and highlight the shocking bias of the BBC, something I have been moaning about to friends for many years. I often find it frustrating when so many otherwise educated, conservative leaning people, either choose not to see the bias, or don’t care about it. The BBC is a cancer on our society, I truly believe that. It perpetuates a narrow, liberal agenda relentlessly and as a result, it has seeped into mainstream thought. This is why we all tiptoe around taking about issues such as racism or immigration in the pub, for fear of being callled racist. This is why most people simply assume global warming is man made and don’t even countenance the reality. I could go on. As much as we all know the BBC is a corrupt, lefty sham, Auntie continues to drive the political agenda in the UK. I once worked with the former Director of Communiations for the BBC. A lovely guy, but one who was quite unable to understand why I got so exercised by the obscene bias of his former employer. Another former colleague who joined the BBC in the business dept, then joined Left Foot Forward on their facebook page. They are all lefties and have this extraordinary, illusory view of the UK. This is why the BBC simply must be scrapped. The ONLY argument some people can coem up with is that it makes good programmes (what, like the ridiculous new Dr Who, overflowing with a liberal agenda. Or Robin Hood, so painfully right-on as to make it utterly unwatchable) and that there are no ads. Well I can live with ads if it means I can CHOOSE to pay for the service.
Keep up the hard work David. I will support you all the way.
Great post, but I dont want to see ‘Auntie’ put in a home, I want to see her rescued from her degenerate nephews who are holding her hostage.
I think assisted suicide is the answer.
I more or less agree with you but I have to disagree with your opinion when it comes to the ads. Sky is virtually unwatchable at times due to the frequency of inane ads and ITV is doing its best to catch them up. Watching a serious drama or documentary that is constantly interrupted by ads is utterly frustrating and it is a shame as sometimes the commercial channels have some good programs that are ruined in this way. By all means have a pay as you watch TV company but don’t spoil it with ads during a program.
Nice one. Good to shake things up. It would appear Auntie is getting a little more brazen.
I for one thank you Mr vance for everything you and your team do.
For years i believed that i was alone in thinking the things i did about the BBC and for 13 yrs we have seen them in their true colours,but these past months take them to a new high…Mr Hunt if you listen to anyone read this websites blog and act fast as soon it will be too late.
This country needs a good national broadcaster the beeb isn’t that any more,but the tories still think they are(pickles and gove not included)and thats the rub…WOULD THE TORIES HAVE Won if the beeb was behind them..I KNOW SO…Just look at all those who undermined the tories at every turn and you will a link to the BEEB.
Once again DV and gang keep up the good work,I will do my bit and send emails to Mr Hunt ever day,every week,every month until he does something….I’ve just seen some flying pigs…….
DaveJ, like you and Only Winding below, I only found this site a couple of years ago after a couple of decades (at least) of thinking ‘Why is no one else bothered about this?’ (Then again I only got a computer a couple of years ago!).
It was such a relief to find B-BBC.
It took me about nine months of just reading it daily (as B-BBC is very addictive!) before I took the plunge and commented. I suspect we have many more regular, silent readers.
So thanks to David V, and to all other contributors.
I agree DV – you and your associates are doing a stirling job.
For people to really make a difference – cancel your TV licence direct debit.
Don’t talk about it – act upon it.
Plenty of resources on the internet to see how easy it is.
i.e. http://www.tvlicensing.biz/
Keep up the great work….just one criticism…those curtains……
You didn’t see a previous one which, if memory serves me , had tropical fish in the background, not Tallfish !
But, yes , well said David. The increasing success of this website is measured by my difficulty in keeping up and that I spend more time on here than with the crappy BBC.
There are some really excellent contributors here who put in far more time and effort than me. I won’t name names, they know who they are, but special thanks to them.
Very good David and well done, but yes, those curtains like the BBC :
Let’s concentrate on it being curtains for BBC bias shall we?
Now THAT’s the sort of video I think most of us would dearly like to see on Newswatch – can it be arranged, do you think?
Fantastic stuff.
En masse, the British people need to stop paying the licence fee. I’ve always thought that if enough people do it, and it becomes a sort of tea party movement, we can force the BBC to first off cut it’s price (or services) and eventually scrap it entirely.
Hi DV, I wouldn’t say a “nasty surprise”, had a bit of a disorienting ‘Big Brother’ feel when I unexpectedly came across it just now, but a very good message when I settled into the novelty! (Hey! I’m a dyed in the wool Tory, change comes hard to me! 🙂 ).
Not only are you a first class communicator with the written word but with the spoken word as well. A good product will always find some form of niche, but if it isn’t presented well it will always fall a long way short of its potential. Your leadership both in terms of style and content has helped B-BBC fulfill its potential and has created room for it to possibly fill a lot more besides. A good reason for this is you have your head well above the parapet which gives this campaign forum a lot of credibility.
Obviously as I’ve lived in Spain for the last 8 years I can’t follow the BBC’s subversive machinations like I used to, but I know when I left Blighty it was truly horrendous. One difference I have noticed between than and now is I think it is unprecedented how open the print press is now about exposing BBC bias. It’s taken as a given. The reason I have devoted so much of my time combatting BBC bias is it is truly a huge threat to British democracy. The BBC has a tremendous amount of propaganda power to fall into the wrong hands, and fall into the wrong hands it has done. It’s so much in the grip of those ill-intentioned hands its been a one party media for a one party state in waiting for quite some while now.
Well, your efforts mean that there’s more chance now that something can be done about it. The light that B-BBC sheds is more than just a candle in the darkness.
God bless,
Well said ! Believe me the BBC has gone downhill in the last 8 years, although that would seem impossible.
I realise you are a Brit living in Spain, but apart from the excellent David Preiser, I don’t know of any foreign nationals posting here which is a shame. It would be interesting to know what foreigners think of the World service and BBC bias. I certainly know that some of my friends in W. Africa have twigged it .
My Spanish stepmum used to say that the Spanish really admired how we British conducted debate with everyone having their fair say. That was in her day. On Spanish morning current affairs shows I’ve heard at least two parodies of overbearing BBC interviews with constant interruptions.
When I was first in Spain during the run up to the Iraq War, I remember channel hopping and coming across a guy speaking in favour of the war. He was on the verge of making a killer point, and I was waiting for the presenter to come in and head him off, and he didn’t. Instead, the guy made his killer point, and several more, till his allotted time was up. The presenter then passed onto someone on the other side to have their time saying what they had to say without interruption and so on and so on with 3 people either side. I was literally watching with my jaw wide open. You just dont get this open, honest debate on today’s ‘mission to explain’, ‘agenda setting’ anti-democracy BBC.
Spot on !
I don’t know much about Spain apart from looking down at that beautiful country from 32000 feet as I fly to Gambia. But, I do know that political debate in the countries I am familiar with, Turkey, Malaysia, Gambia is much freer, open and honest than anything on the BBC.
Hi Grant, I am an expat Brit and I can assure you that BBC World truly sucks the proverbial wean
One of by best Gambian friends, Musa, listens to BBC World service on his small radio, battery powered and batteries are very expensive for them there. He is highly intelligent but with little formal education. Last time I saw him, in March, he said, with great sadness ” I tink dese BBC men are big liars , big disappointment to me”.
But, at least he doesn’t have to pay the licence fee !
David, your comments on how the Beeboid will increasingly present the Blair/Brown years as some sort of Golden Age (though for the life of me I can’t think of a single successful policy of theirs, even in their own terms) put me in mind of a bit of WH Auden:
For when in a carol under the apple-trees
The reborn featly dance,
There will also, Fortunatus,
Be those who refused their chance,
Now pottering shades, querulous beside the salt-pits,
And mawkish in their wits,
To whom these dull dog-days
Between event seemed crowned with olive
And golden with self-praise.
This is such a cultured website !
David, what a pleasant surprise and a decent gesture this is. I found this blog several months ago after pulling my hair out in isolation at the evil that is the BBC.
This site is a must read on a daily basis and it is blessed with having some thought-provoking and interesting writers and contributors.
In my own political circle I have raised awareness of the blog and its debates. Its increased popularity comes as little surprise to me.
I want to thank you and your fellow contributors for creating and maintaining this vitally important website as I am sure that you sacrifice an awful lot of free time in keeping the issue of BBC bias alive.
It is sincerely appreciated.
Very well done Mr.Vance, long may you keep up the good work.
Well said, David V. Thank you for your work and energy in managing this blog. It’s important.
Also, my thanks to the other main posters and commenters. There’s a wide variety of perspectives on offer here, and people with many different interests and areas of knowledge, and I’ve learned a great deal from people here.
Regardless of the number of readers, the important thing is to get the information out there to counter the biased reporting of the BBC, even via word of mouth. I’m a firm believer in the “ripples in the pond” effect.
Just wondering…
There are basically two types of falsehood, suppressio veri and suggestio falsi (no translation needed). Might it be an idea to analyse each BBC lie by putting it into the relevant category, and then again analyse which type of lie for any given subject? I’m pretty sure Obama stories would score highly in the suppressio veri category, whereas the “Coalition cuts” might score quite well in the suggestion falsi stakes.
As I said, just wondering….
Blimey David I thought it was Kirsty Wark at first 🙂
Thanks everyone for a great blog I read usually daily.