Another story the BBC was always going to spin. There were half a million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases last yea with more and more younger people getting infected. Up pops the BBC report on this in the prime post 8am news slot and the angle is clear, we need MORE sex education and the budget for sex education must NOT be cut. Agenda clear. I don’t suppose anyone at the BBC pondered why it is that the increase in STD’s has directly parallelled the increase in sex education in our class-rooms and the establishment of an “anything goes” society. Liberals have got their free love but it’s paid for in diseased teenagers but you will never hear that view on the State Broadcaster/
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Most Beeboids are safe from STDs of course, unless repetitive strain injury to the right wrist is included.
I don’t recall ever seeing on a British news program a guest discussing how more sex education might actually be making this issue worse. Same problem with the teenage pregnancy problem – the expert they wheel out always wants to talk about better education, and there is lip service (at best) paid to the idea that actually abstitence might work. Ok, it’s not a perfect solution, but you would think it may be worth a mention.
Guess what part of that HPA report the BBC forgot to tell you:
In men, over half of new STI diagnoses were in those aged under 25. They accounted for 41% (4,683 out of 11,541) of male gonorrhoea diagnoses, 47% (22,972 out of 49,105) of male genital warts, and 69% (58,170 out of 84,863) of male chlamydia diagnoses. High rates of STI diagnoses have also been found among men who have sex with men.
The peak age for an STI in women is between 19 and 20 years and in men, between 20 and 23 years. And of all the 15-24 year olds diagnosed with an STI last year around one in ten of these will become re-infected within a year.
Dr Gwenda Hughes, head of the HPA’s STI section said:
“These latest figures show that poor sexual health is a serious problem among the UK’s young adults and men who have sex with men.”
But as you said, David, they were always going to spin this. Perhaps Evan Davis will have Iain Dale in the studio again for a bit of a giggle about how the straights don’t understand, like they did about David Laws?