Here we go, it is Friday and I’m hoping that this will last until Monday without getting too big! The floor is yours – you see, hear and and read the bias, share it with us.

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10 Responses to OPEN THREAD…

  1. Guest Who says:

    I am sure the BBC has covered this, somewhere, given the enthusiasm for featuring various campaigners whose views this might not support..

    Or, possibly, it’s too ‘contra-narrrative’?


  2. Guest Who says:

    Confessing insufficient financial experience to comment on legal/ethical issues, I merely trust that what I have co-funded, and am a stakeholder in, is being used appropriately:

    FTmedianews   BBC seeks to head off pensions clash: The broadcaster is trying to prevent a brutal confrontation over pensions wi…


  3. Guest Who says:

    And the down side?

    mediaguardian   Edinburgh TV Fest: Mark Thompson: ‘Once gone, it will be gone for ever’

    I refer of course the possibility of ‘losing’ rampant agenda and social engineering under the guise of public service broadcasting.
    He’s like that Philippines copper, holding ‘Blue Planet’ hostage in the bus as he demands that John Prescott gets his own talk show. 


  4. Craig says:

    Someone wrote on it “Can’t you just close this darn site and admit that a 5 Live moderated ‘phone-in’ has defeated free speech and diverse viewpoints!”

    He’s clearly got the BBC’s number!


  5. Guest Who says:

    Monkey is able to reassure them that the BBC director general and his director of vision, Jana Bennett, were strictly economy class on their flight to Edinburgh. That the plane they were travelling on did not actually offer a business class option should not detract from the merits of this latest austerity drive.

    Trains, presumably, no longer being the BBC’s darlings whilst slamming short hauls?

    Sadly, no comments enabled.


  6. Guest Who says:

    mediaguardian   Edinburgh TV Fest: Edinburgh wasn’t about TV, it was all about Murdoch

    And that, dear BBC, and groupies, is a BIG problem.

    You are NOT there to ‘balance’ privately funded entities, any more than you are tasked to be the de facto opposition to idealogical entities your comfy little reality-isolated glee club doesn’t fancy.


  7. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The imam actually has spoken out against terrorism, even to the point of saying suicide bombing is against Islam.  But he always qualifies that by saying that he understands why people do it, and it’s the US’s fault that it happens.


  8. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Another useful Jew.